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Repository files navigation


The Problem

Write a crawler that visits the web site and save into a .csv file the name of the product, the page title and the page url for each product page[1] found; this file must not contain duplicate entries.

It is allowed to use any framework or library wanted. The source code should be published and there should be a README file that explains how to install and run the program.

[1] A product page is the one that contains information (name, price, availability, description, etc) of one product only. The home page, search results or category are not considered product pages.

This is a product page:

But this is not a product page:


First of all, make sure you have Python 2.7.6+ and PIP installed onto your box.

The code was tested under that specific Python version and may not be compatible with older versions nor the 3.x.

After you have cloned this repository, cd into it and then perform the following commands:

$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.pip

Solution One

Based on a simple URL discovery algorithm, this solution actually navigates through all internal links on the website, performing an additional data extraction task whenever a product page is found.

The program keeps track of urls to be visited into a queue; also, the urls already visited are stored in a set, so each url is only visited one time.

As the program may encounter lots of urls to be visited until it finds all the product pages, the work is done by green (fake) threads - Greenlet, managed by the Gevent library. So, the program uses a lightweight concurrency model.

The job is performed by the following steps:

  1. take an url from the queue
  2. make a request to this url
  3. mark it as visited
  4. check whether the response is ok to be parsed
  5. if the url corresponds to a product page, then extract data from it and save the data in the csv file
  6. extract more urls from the current page and add them to the queue

This is repeated continuously until the queue is empty.

How to run this solution

$ ./ 

The output csv file will be saved as data/solution_one.csv, and the logs can be found at logs/solution_one.log.

How to test this solution

There are a couple of tests implemented for functions can_visit_link and discover_links. To execute the tests, simply run this command:

$ ./ -v

The -v is optional.

The output should be something like this:

$ ./ -v

test_should_check_the_black_list (__main__.TestCanVisitLink) ... ok
test_should_not_allow_external_links (__main__.TestCanVisitLink) ... ok
test_should_not_allow_the_same_url_twice (__main__.TestCanVisitLink) ... ok
test_should_respect_the_robots_txt_rules (__main__.TestCanVisitLink) ... ok
test_should_add_allowed_urls_to_queue_and_discovered (__main__.TestDiscoverLinks) ... ok
test_should_ignore_links_starting_with_hashtag (__main__.TestDiscoverLinks) ... ok
test_should_ignore_links_without_href (__main__.TestDiscoverLinks) ... ok
test_should_treat_relative_links_properly (__main__.TestDiscoverLinks) ... ok

Ran 8 tests in 0.007s


Solution Two

This is a quite simple solution, based on sitemaps.

The web site to be crawled has sitemaps for all products. There were some broken links when crawler ran for the first time, though.

The program runs sequentially, which leads to a very poor performance. On the other hand, this means that we play nicely with the website, as we only make one request at a time.

The logic then is pretty straightforward:

  1. open the output filename
  2. get the root sitemap
  3. get the product sitemaps from the root sitemap
  4. access each product url and take the required data from it, saving the data on the output file

How to run this solution

$ ./ 

The output csv file will be saved as data/solution_two.csv, and the logs can be found at logs/solution_two.log.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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