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I had bought this Odroid-Weatherboard by a german distributor. The compact dimensions allows three sensors on one Board to attach all to a raspberry pi. The quick2wire-libraries i used, makes it possible to build code for weather-apps in python. During the python code works in the background, the pi can make collected weatherdata public over a web-server for an example. But first they have to be stored on local memory. For later outputting data and visualisation on a browser, i have to create some php-scripts.
(14 05 2015)
The programming of these sensors on the weatherboard are complete. The next thing what i will do is to create a graphical interface for websites in php, a table output and some search routines. to be continued...
(10 06 2015)
Added a python-script called lcdprint. You can send a message to a twi-interfaced YuroBot display 4x20. open a ssh-shell and type:

lcdprint linenumber(0-3) "Hello Message".

Use this python-file to display data from sensor devices, that are connected on the same i2c bus, where the LCD-Display is.
(19 11 2016)
The sht31 humidity sensor script from Sensirion runs without checking the crc bytes(byte3 and byte6 are the checksum bytes).
Since i start datalogging the sensor have not fail and works fine.
LM75 is a sensor, that measure temperature and drive an open collector outlet. Also you can configurate a hysteresis value and a
maximum temperature value. The outlet is high, when current temperature is over its maximum and low, when the current
temperature is under the hysteresis value. It acts like a thermostate for heating.