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Diary is an online journal where users can pen down their thoughts and feelings.

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Diary is an online journal where users can pen down their thoughts and feelings. You can also use it to track your online reading list by adding links to read later and mark them as read once read for convenience.

The building blocks are:

  • Python 3.5
  • Django 2.1
  • PostgreSQL

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


You need the following to be able to run the project:

  • Python 3 installed
  • Virtualenv
  • Postgres (9.4+)
  • Docker (Optional)

Setting Up for Development

These are instructions for setting up Diary API in development environment.

  • prepare directory for project code and virtualenv:
  $ mkdir -p ~/drfdiary_project
  $ cd ~/drfdiary_project
  • prepare virtual environment (with virtualenv you get pip, we'll use it soon to install requirements):
  $ virtualenv --python=python3 venv-drfdiary
  $ source venv-drfdiary/bin/activate
  • check out project code:
  $ git clone
  • install requirements (Django, ...) into virtualenv:
  $ pip install -r drf-diary/requirements.txt
  • make sure PostgreSQL server is installed and running, create database "drfdiary_dev":
  $ psql --user postgres
  postgres=# create database drfdiary_dev;
  • create database tables:
  $ cd ~/drfdiary_project/drf-diary/drfdiary
  $ ./ makemigrations
  $ ./ migrate
  $ ./manage createsuperuser
  • run development server:
  $ ./ runserver

The site should now be running at http://localhost:8080/.

To log into Django administration site as a super user, visit http://localhost:8080/admin


Once up and running the documentation is available at: http://localhost:8080/docs

The endpoints in summary:

Endpoint Functionality
POST /api/v2/get-token/ Obtain a token
POST /api/v2/accounts/login/ User Login
POST /api/v2/accounts/logout/ User Logout
POST /api/v2/accounts/password/change/ Update user password
POST /api/v2/accounts/password/reset/ Reset user password
POST /api/v2/accounts/password/reset/confirm/ Reset user password
POST /api/v2/accounts/registration/ User sign up
POST /api/v2/accounts/registration/verify-email/ Email verification upon sign up
GET /api/v2/accounts/user/ Fetch a user's details
PUT /api/v2/accounts/user/ Update a user's details
PATCH /api/v2/accounts/user/ Partially update a user's details
GET /api/v2/entries/ Fetch all entries
GET /api/v2/entries// Fetch a single entry
POST /api/v2/entries/ Create an entry
PUT /api/v2/entries// Modify an entry
DELETE /api/v2/entries// Delete an entry
GET /api/v2/categories/ Fetch all categories
GET /api/v2/categories/<categoryId>/ Fetch a single category
POST /api/v2/categories/ Create a category
PUT /api/v2/categories/<categoryId>/ Modify a category
DELETE /api/v2/categories/<categoryId>/ Delete a category
GET /api/v2/categories/<categoryId>/articles/ Fetch all articles in a category
GET /api/v2/categories/<categoryId>/articles/<articleID>/ Fetch a single article
POST /api/v2/categories/ Create an article
PUT /api/v2/categories/<categoryId>/articles/<articleID>/ Modify an article
DELETE /api/v2/categories/<categoryId>/articles/<articleID>/ Delete an article

Database Configuration

Database configuration is stored in drfdiary/settings/ The default database engine is Postgres.

To use SQLite, update drfdiary/settings/ as follows:

      'default': {
          'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
          'NAME': 'drfdiary_dev.db',

Running the tests

To run the tests:

  $ cd ~/drfdiary_project/drf-diary/drfdiary
  $ ./ test --settings=settings.testing

Docker Image

Alternatively, you can create a docker image for development as well. This image will contain an instance of the application running with django's development server using a sqlite database and can be used to quickly setup a development instance.

  • Update the Database settings to use sqlite3:

      DATABASES = {
          'default': {
              'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
              'NAME': 'drfdiary_dev.db',
  • Run the following commands:

      # Build the Docker Image
      $ docker build -t drfdiary_dev .
      # Run it
      $ docker run -dt -p 8000:8000 drfdiary_dev
      # Get the Container ID for the next step
      $ docker ps | grep drfdiary_dev
      # Create a super user
      $ docker exec -it <container_id> python drfdiary/ createsuperuser
      # View the documentation at 

Built With


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Diary is an online journal where users can pen down their thoughts and feelings.







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