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Code to replicate prediction models supplementing NEWS2 with blood parameters to predict 14-day ICU/death among COVID patients

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Evaluation and Improvement of the National Early Warning Score (NEWS2) for COVID-19: a multi-hospital study

Ewan Carr*, Rebecca Bendayan*, Daniel Bean, Matthew Stammers, Wenjuan Wang, Huayu Zhang, Thomas Searle, Zeljko Kraljevic, Anthony Shek, Hang T T Phan, Walter Muruet, Anthony J Shinton, Ting Shi, Xin Zhang, Andrew Pickles, Daniel Stahl, Rosita Zakeri, Kevin O'Gallagher, Amos Folarin, Lukasz Roguski, Florina Borca, James Batchelor, Xiaodong Wu, Jiaxing Sun, Ashwin Pinto, Bruce Guthrie, Cormac Breen, Abdel Douiri, Honghan Wu, Vasa Curcin, James T Teo#, Ajay Shah#, Richard Dobson# > *#Joint authors

doi: 2020.04.24.20078006


  • This repository provides pre-trained models to validate models in the medRxiv pre-print.
  • Please get in touch if you would like to collaborate on this replication (clinical contact:; technical:
  • If you use code/trained models from this repository, please cite the pre-print as a condition of use.

How to use this repository

The file will fit a series of models using pre-trained models. Specifically, it:

  1. Imports a CSV file containing the required features and outcome.
  2. For each feature set, it loads a pre-trained model (see [here][training/trained_models]) and tests this on the new data.

Some notes:

  • The code does not perform any training or cross-validation, with the exception of KNN imputation, see below.
  • Some code for data cleaning is provided (cleaning.R) but this is quite specific to the structure of the source data. It should demonstrate how we prepared the training and validation datasets, but will likely require modification before running on replication samples.


  • All models are written in Python using scikit-learn. A minimal set of packages is required (pandas, numpy, scikit-learn; see requirements.txt).

  • The recommended way to use this repo is in a virtual environment. If you’re using conda, you can use:

    conda env create -f conda.yml
  • If you're using Singularity, you can use:

    singularity build python.simg singularity.def

See conda.yml and singularity.def in the software folder.

Simulated data

We have provided some simulated data for testing purposes (simulated.csv). This is randomly generated data based on the means/SD of the training sample. For example, you can fit all models to the simulated dataset:

git clone
conda env create -f software/conda.yml
conda activate news2

Required measures

  • The script requires a dataset (validation.csv) containing the measures in the table below.
  • Not all columns are required for replication.
    • At a minimum, you need: y, age, news2, crp_sqrt, neutrophils, estimatedgfr, and albumin.
    • This would allow validation of the supplemented NEWS2 score model from the paper (i.e. Models 1 and 5 from Table 3, p. 19).
Column Measure Transformation
Outcome y Binary 14-day ICU/death outcome None
Demographics age Age at admission in years None
male Sex (0 = Female; 1 = Male) None
Blood parameters crp_sqrt C-reative protein (CRP; mg/L) np.sqrt
creatinine Creatinine (µmol/L) None
albumin Albumin (g/L) None
estimatedgfr Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (mL/min) None
alt ALT None
troponint Troponin T (ng/L) None
ferritin Ferritin (ug/L) None
lymphocytes_log10 Lymphocyte count (x 109) np.log10
neutrophils Neutrophil count (x 109) None
plt Platelet count (x 109) None
nlr_log10 Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio np.log10
lymph_crp_log Lymphocyte-to-CRP ratio np.log
hb Haemoglobin (g/L) None
Physiological parameters news2 NEWS2 total score None
temp Temperature (°C) None
oxsat Oxygen saturation (%) None
resp Respiratory rate (breaths per minute) None
hr Heart rate (beats/min) None
sbp Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) None
dbp Diastolic blood pressure None
gcs_score Glasgow Coma Scale total score None

Cohort selection

The study cohort was defined as:

  • All adult inpatients testing positive for SARS-Cov2 by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR);
  • all patients included in the study had symptoms consistent with COVID-19 disease (e.g. cough, fever, dyspnoea, myalgia, delirium).
  • We excluded subjects who were seen in the emergency department but not admitted.


  • The training sample included patients testing positive for SARS-Cov2 between 1st and 30th March 2020. The external validation sample included patients testing positive on/after 31st March 2020.
  • Where possible, these timeframes should be used in replications.

Timing of training and validation sample


The primary outcome (y) was patient status at 14 days after symptom onset, or admission to hospital where symptom onset was missing, categorised as:

  1. Hospital admission but no transfer to ICU or death (WHO-COVID-19 Outcome Scale 3-5; y = 0)
  2. Transfer to ICU or death (WHO-COVID-19 Outcome Scales 6-8; y = 1)

If date of symptom onset is unavailable it may be necessary to impute or use date of hospital admission. Most endpoints happen at 10-14 days, so you may have to work out how to define this.

Feature sets

Please refer to the above table for details of the required measures. The aim of this analysis is to assess the improvement in predictive performance achieved by supplementing NEWS2 with a small number of blood/physiological parameters. The base model includes:

age, news2, crp, neutrophils, estimatedgfr, albumin

A secondary model, if data are available, additionally includes:

oxsat, troponint, lymphocytes_log10

The provided script ( includes several other feature sets which can be estimated subject to data availability.

All features must be measured at or shortly after hospital admission (within 24 hours).

Missing data

  • During training, missing feature information was imputed using KNN imputation (sklearn.impute.KNNImputer).
  • For the purposes of temporal external validation, as presented in the paper, we used fitted imputation model to impute in the validation dataset.
  • However, this repository does not provide the pre-trained KNN model, since the fitted object contains data that cannot be shared publicly.
  • Therefore, will train the KNN imputation on the provided validation dataset (see here).

Descriptive statistics, by outcome

The below table can be used to compare/comment on differences between training and replication samples.

N All patients No ICU/death
Age 452 67.00 [28.00] 64.87 [30.00] 70.92 [27.00]
Sex (male) N (%) 452 248 (54.9%) 157 (53.6%) 91 (57.2%)
Ethnicity - BAME N (%) 285 120 (42.1%) 73 (41.0%) 47 (43.9%)
Comorbidities N N (%)
Hypertension 452 243 (53.8%) 147 (50.2%) 96 (60.4%)
Diabetes mellitus 452 154 (34.1%) 93 (31.7%) 61 (38.4%)
Heart Failure 452 57 (12.6%) 32 (10.9%) 25 (15.7%)
Ischaemic Heart Diseases 452 85 (18.8%) 55 (18.8%) 30 (18.9%)
COPD 452 48 (10.6%) 27 (9.2%) 21 (13.2%)
Asthma 452 65 (14.4%) 44 (15.0%) 21 (13.2%)
Chronic Kidney Disease 452 84 (18.6%) 46 (15.7%) 38 (23.9%)
Blood biomarkers N Mean [IQR]
Albumin 322 37.11 [7.00] 38.05 [7.00] 35.48 [7.00]
Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) 184 54.83 [33.00] 60.34 [30.50] 46.45 [34.00]
C-reactive protein (CRP) 419 93.55 [106.70] 72.99 [84.90] 130.41 [135.62]
Creatinine 420 121.67 [49.00] 105.86 [40.50] 150.42 [72.00]
Estimated GFR 334 63.75 [40.00] 68.01 [36.00] 56.05 [44.50]
Ferritin 122 1356.01 [1165.25] 1272.35 [1149.75] 1442.45 [902.50]
Haemoglobin 419 125.05 [30.00] 125.52 [30.00] 124.21 [28.75]
Lymphocyte count 419 1.45 [0.67] 1.10 [0.69] 2.09 [0.67]
Neutrophil count 418 5.72 [3.53] 5.06 [3.01] 6.91 [5.31]
Neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio 418 6.80 [5.01] 5.81 [4.22] 8.58 [6.26]
Lymphocyte/CRP ratio 416 0.07 [0.04] 0.08 [0.05] 0.05 [0.02]
Platelet count 421 226.68 [103.00] 228.34 [102.50] 223.69 [104.25]
Troponin T 141 33.92 [29.00] 30.40 [26.00] 37.92 [38.50]
Physiological parameters N Mean [IQR]
NEWS2 Total Score 401 2.51 [3.00] 2.10 [3.00] 3.40 [4.00]
Heart rate 405 85.35 [20.00] 84.49 [19.00] 87.15 [23.50]
Oxygen saturation 404 96.22 [3.00] 96.54 [2.00] 95.56 [3.00]
Respiration rate 405 19.84 [2.00] 19.42 [2.00] 20.72 [3.00]
GCS score 172 14.12 [1.00] 14.20 [1.00] 13.95 [1.00]
Systolic blood pressure 405 127.39 [29.00] 127.09 [26.50] 128.00 [32.00]
Diastolic blood pressure 405 72.69 [18.00] 73.20 [18.00] 71.63 [19.00]
Temperature 405 37.12 [0.90] 37.12 [0.90] 37.11 [1.00]


Code to replicate prediction models supplementing NEWS2 with blood parameters to predict 14-day ICU/death among COVID patients






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  • Python 58.9%
  • R 41.1%