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Minecraft Python on the Raspberry Pi Your can clone this version of Minecraft Pi to un on your Desktop

This repository is for using Minecraft to teach and experiment with coding in Python and Networking.

##Screenshots: cd ~/ ;git clone; curl -sL | bash - Select and copy then pase in tty

- Raspberry Pi
- Class 10 mini sd card.
- hdmi cable to hdmi minitor
- Minitor or TV with hdmi 
- Keyboard
- Mouse

Python Scripts Created by: Julian Nathan Evan Grant Kevin Brenden Craig Coleman API Blocks ======================= AIR 0 STONE 1 GRASS 2 DIRT 3 COBBLESTONE 4 WOOD_PLANKS 5 SAPLING 6 BEDROCK 7 WATER_FLOWING 8 WATER 8 WATER_STATIONARY 9 LAVA_FLOWING 10 LAVA 10 LAVA_STATIONARY 11 SAND 12 GRAVEL 13 GOLD_ORE 14 IRON_ORE 15 COAL_ORE 16 WOOD 17 LEAVES 18 GLASS 20 LAPIS_LAZULI_ORE 21 LAPIS_LAZULI_BLOCK 22 SANDSTONE 24 BED 26 COBWEB 30 GRASS_TALL 31 WOOL 35 FLOWER_YELLOW 37 FLOWER_CYAN 38 MUSHROOM_BROWN 39 MUSHROOM_RED 40 GOLD_BLOCK 41 IRON_BLOCK 42 STONE_SLAB_DOUBLE 43 STONE_SLAB 44 BRICK_BLOCK 45 TNT 46 BOOKSHELF 47 MOSS_STONE 48 OBSIDIAN 49 TORCH 50 FIRE 51 STAIRS_WOOD 53 CHEST 54 DIAMOND_ORE 56 DIAMOND_BLOCK 57 CRAFTING_TABLE 58 FARMLAND 60 FURNACE_INACTIVE 61 FURNACE_ACTIVE 62 DOOR_WOOD 64 LADDER 65 STAIRS_COBBLESTONE 67 DOOR_IRON 71 REDSTONE_ORE 73 SNOW 78 ICE 79 SNOW_BLOCK 80 CACTUS 81 CLAY 82 SUGAR_CANE 83 FENCE 85 GLOWSTONE_BLOCK 89 BEDROCK_INVISIBLE 95 STONE_BRICK 98 GLASS_PANE 102 MELON 103 FENCE_GATE 107 GLOWING_OBSIDIAN 246 NETHER_REACTOR_CORE 247 Some of the blocks that appear in the inventory screen aren’t listed but here they are : Non-API Blocks ======================= PAINTING 321 STONE_STAIRS 67 OAK_STAIRS 53 OAK_STAIRS 59 NETHERRACK 87 TRAPDOOR 96 MELON_SEEDS 105 BRICK_STAIRS 108 SANDSTONE_STAIRS 128 STONE_BRICK_STAIRS 109 NETHER_BRICK 112 NETHER_BRICK_STAIRS 114 QUARTZ_BLOCK 155 QUARTZ_STAIRS 156 STONE_CUTTER 245 BONE_MEAL 351 If you have imported the “block” library at the top of your script like this : import mcpi.block as block you can call up the blocks in the “API Block List” using the following syntax : ======================= wool 35,0 WHITE wool 35,1 ORGANE wool 35,2 DARK PINK wool 35,3 LIGHT BLUE wool 35,4 YELLOW wool 35,5 GREEN wool 35,6 LIGHT PINK wool 35,7 DARK GRAY wool 35,8 LIGHT GRAY wool 35,9 TEAL OR DARKER BLUE wool 35,10 VIOLET wool 35,11 DARK BLUE wool 35,12 BROWN wool 35,13 DARK GREEN wool 35,14 RED wool 35,15 BLACK


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