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Development installation

To get a basic development installation running follow the steps below:

$ git clone
$ cd opengever.core
$ ln -s development.cfg buildout.cfg
$ python
$ bin/buildout

External dependencies

opengever.core requires a SQL database to store some configuration. Before you can configure your first client you need to set up the database.

$ brew install mysql
$ mysql -u root
> CREATE DATABASE opengever;
> GRANT ALL ON opengever.* TO opengever@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'opengever';

LDAP credentials

LDAP and AD plugins get configured as usual, using an ldap_plugin.xml file in the profile of the respective policy package - with one exception:

Credentials for the LDAP service (bind DN and bind password) will NEVER be checked in in the ldap_plugin.xml, but instead will be stored machine-wide in a file ~/.opengever/ldap/{hostname}.json where {hostname} refers to the hostname of the LDAP server.

When an OpenGever client then is created using opengever.setup, the credentials are read from that file and configured for the LDAPUserFolder as well as the active LDAP connection.

So, for a local development installation, create the following file:


with these contents:


<bind_dn> and <bind_pw> refer to the username and password for the respective user in our development LDAP tree.

Updating translations

Updating translations can be done with the bin/i18n-build script. It will scan the entire opengever.core package for translation files that need updating, rebuild the respective .pot files and sync the .po files.

Alternatively it's also possible to only update a single subpackage, for example the dossier subpackage:

bin/i18n-build opengever.dossier


Use bin/test to execute all the tests in this package.

Builder API

This project uses the ftw.builder package based on the Builder pattern to create test data. The opengever specific builders are located in opengever.testing

To use the Builder API you need to import the Builder function:

from ftw.builder import Builder
from ftw.builder import create

Then you can use the Builder function in your test cases:

dossier = create(Builder("dossier"))
task = create(Builder("task").within(dossier))
document = create(Builder("document")

Note that when using the OPENGEVER_FUNCTIONAL_TESTING Layer the Builder will automatically do a transaction.commit() when create() is called.

Browser API

The center of the Browser API is the OGBrowser class. It's a simple subclass of plone.testing.z2.Browser and the easiest way to use it is to extend opengever.testing.FunctionalTestCase:

from opengever.testing import FunctionalTestCase

class TestExample(FunctionalTestCase):
    use_browser = True

    def test_first_example(self):
      self.browser # => instance of OGBrowser

Now you can use the self.browser instance:

self.browser.fill({'Title': "My first Dossier",
                   'Description': "This is my first Dossier"})'Save')

Have a look at the opengever.testing.browser module to see the complete API.


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