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This repository contains the ROS package and the V-REP files required to run the submission of Pra Vale team to function in the ROSI challenge.

The description of the competition, as well as the official V-REP files, can be found in the following repository:

Description of repository:

This repository consists in the same structure as an ROS package. The folders are organized as follows:

  • config - Contains file with simulation parameters

  • launch - Contains files with the ROS' .launch type

  • msg - Contains files with the ROS' launch type required to communicate with the simulation

  • resources - Contains the competition's rules and banner

  • script - Team's codes in python made to processing the data from simulation and robot's control

  • src - Contains the C++ code to data processing of Velodyne

  • urdf - Contains the ROSI robot URDF model

  • vrep_content - Contains the V-REP files required to simulation


The codes were programming in the Ubuntu 18.2 SO, with the ROS Melodic and VREP 3.6.2 (rev.0). In case your system already have installed ROS, VREP and the competition base code, you can skip the installation to step 5

1. ROS Melodic Installation

The detailed explanation on how to install ROS Melodic can be found in the follow link:

If you want only copy and paste the required commands, without knowing the details, follow the steps below:

sudo sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -sc) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list'
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver 'hkp://' --recv-key C1CF6E31E6BADE8868B172B4F42ED6FBAB17C654
sudo apt update
sudo apt install ros-melodic-desktop-full
sudo rosdep init
rosdep update
echo "source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
sudo apt install python-rosinstall python-rosinstall-generator python-wstool build-essential

2. Setting Catkin Workspace

In the same way as the first item, the detailed explanation on how to configure the workspace can be found in the follow link:

If you want only copy and paste the required commands, follow the steps below:

sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-catkin python-catkin-tools
cd ~
mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws/
source devel/setup.bash
catkin init

3. Installing V-REP

3.1 Download V-REP PRO EDU V3.6.2 rev0 from the Coppelia Robotics website:

3.2 Unzip it (preferentially) to your home folder and rename the folder as vrep.

3.3 Add V-REP folder location to your .bashrc, an alias to run it, and source the .bashrc again:

echo "export VREP_ROOT='<path_to_your_vrep_folder>'" >> $HOME/.bashrc
echo "alias vrep=$VREP_ROOT/" >> ~/.bashrc
source $HOME/.bashrc

3.4 Test the V-REP functionality by running directly on your terminal the following command:


4. Installing competition base code

The detailed explanation about how to install the ROSI challenge base code is in the following link:

In case you only want the terminal commands, they are listed below:

echo "export ROS_CATKIN_WS='<path_to_your_catkin_ws_folder>'" >> $HOME/.bashrc
echo "source $ROS_CATKIN_WS/devel/setup.bash" >> $HOME/.bashrc
source $HOME/.bashrc
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/
git clone rosi_defy
cd $ROS_CATKIN_WS/src/
git clone --recursive vrep_ros_interface
git clone
sudo apt install python-catkin-tools xsltproc ros-$ROS_DISTRO-brics-actuator ros-$ROS_DISTRO-tf2-sensor-msgs ros-$ROS_DISTRO-joy ros-$ROS_DISTRO-joint-state-publisher
catkin clean
catkin build
source $HOME/.bashrc
echo -e "rosi_defy/ManipulatorJoints\nrosi_defy/RosiMovement\nrosi_defy/RosiMovementArray\nrosi_defy/HokuyoReading" >> $ROS_CATKIN_WS/src/vrep_ros_interface/meta/messages.txt

4.1 Set base code dependencies:

Add "rosi_defy" to 'catkin_ws/src/vrep_ros_interface/package.xml'

Add rosi_defy package dependence on the catkin_ws/src/vrep_ros_interface/CMakeLists.txt:

  ... (many many other packages)

compile ros packpages

cd ~/catkin_ws
catkin build

copy the vrep-ros Interface

cp $ROS_CATKIN_WS/devel/lib/ $VREP_ROOT
cp $ROS_CATKIN_WS/devel/lib/ $VREP_ROOT

5. Checking Pra Vale code's dependencies

Before cloning the team's repository from git, it is necessary to check if some dependencies are updated in your system.

The following commands install or update the OpenCV libraries in your computer to enable python and C++ files

if your pip is configurated to python 3.6, use pip2

pip install opencv-python
pip install opencv-contrib-python
sudo apt-get install libopencv-dev

The following command install the keyboard library necessary in the arm_joy and arm_joint scripts

sudo pip install keyboard

Tthe last dependence

sudo pip install scipy

6. Cloning Pra Vale submission

To access the Pra Vale's git repository, run the following commands in your terminal

git clone pra_vale

When the repository is cloned, it is necessary to do the following changes.

Add the pra_vale package in the PKG_DEPS of the CMakeLists.txt, with the following commands

cd $ROS_CATKIN_WS/src/vrep_ros_interface

Open the CMakeLists.txt file with a text editor (gedit can be used) and add pra_vale in a new line inside the parentesis of the PKG_DEPS

After that, open the package.xml file with a text editor and, just like it seems in the file, add the following line


After that, run the following commands

catkin clean
catkin build

With that, the repository setting is completed.

7. Running the program

To run the program, it is necessary to do as listed below:

Open a terminal window and execute the roscore:


Add a new window in the terminal and open the vrep in the challenge scenario:

vrep $ROS_CATKIN_WS/src/pra_vale/vrep_content/challenge_scenario.ttt

Add one more window and run the following command:

roslaunch pra_vale rosi.launch

In the VREP, start the simulation and it is done.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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Contributors 4
