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llb3d - LLVM Blitz3d implementation

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    llb3d - llvm-based Blitz3D compiler
    Copyright (C) 2018 Vladimir Lutov <>

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <>.


Language parser implement by PLY.

Copyright notice.

Next sections has copied from Blitz Docpack.


The following keywords are built into Blitz, and may not be used as identifiers (variables, function names, labels, etc.):

    After, And, Before, Case, Const, Data, Default, Delete, Dim, Each, Else,
    ElseIf, End, EndIf, Exit, False, Field, First, Float, For, Forever,
    Function, Global, Gosub, Goto, If, Insert, Int, Last, Local, Mod, New,
    Next, Not, Null, Or, Pi, Read, Repeat, Restore, Return, Sar, Select, Shl,
    Shr, Step, Str, Then, To, True, Type, Until, Wend, While, Xor, Include


You add comments to your programs using the ; character. Everything following the ; until the end of the line will be ignored, this is useful for commenting your code - so you can always look through and follow each line in a logical manner.

  • The following code shows comments in use;
    ; Begin the Redraw Function
    Function Redraw()
    End Function
  • This code also shows a legal use of comments;
    Function Redraw() ; Begin the Redraw Function
    End Function


Identifiers are used for constant names, variable names, array names, function names and custom type names.

Identifiers must start with an alphabetic character, and may be following be any number of alphanumeric characters, or the underscore _ character.

RE: [_a-z]\w+

These are all valid identifiers:

  • Hello
  • Score
  • player1
  • time_to_live
  • t__

Indentifiers are not case sensitive.

For example, Test, TEST and test are all the same identifiers.

However, it is allowed for identifiers to be reused for functions and custom types names.

For example, you can have a variable called test, a function called test and custom type name called test. Blitz will be able to tell which one you are refering to by the context in which it is used.

Basic Data Types

There are 3 basic data types:

  • Integer values are numeric values with no fractional part in them. For example: 5, -10, 0 are integer values. All integer values in your program must be in the range -2147483648 to +2147483647 (int32).

  • Floating point values are numeric values that include a fractional part. For example: .5, -10.1, 0.0 are all floating point values (float32).

  • Strings values are used to contain text. For example: "Hello", "What's up?", "***** GAME OVER *****", "".

Typically, integer values are faster than floating point values, which are themselves faster than strings.


Constants may be of any basic data type. Constants are variables that have fixed values that will not change (ever) during the course of your program. These are useful tools for things like screen resolution variables, etc.

Floating point constants must include a decimal point, for example:

'5' is an integer constant, but '5.0' is a floating point constant.

String constants must be surrounded by quotation marks, for example:

"This is a string constant".

The Const keyword is used to assign an identifier to a constant. For example:

Const width = 640, height = 480

You can then use the more readable width and height throughout your program instead of 640 and 480.

Also, if you ever decide to change the width and height values, you only have to do so at one place in the program.

There are two built-in Integer constants - true and false. true is equal to 1, and false is equal to 0.

There is also a built in floating point constant for Pi.


Variables may be of any basic data type, or a custom type. A variable's type is determined by a special character that follows its identifier.

Variable Types

These special characters are called 'type tags' and are:

% = For integer variables
# = For floating point variables
$ = For string variables
.{typename} For custom type variables

Here are some examples of valid variables:


The type tag only needs to be added the first time you use a variable, after that you can leave the type tag off if you wish.

If you don't supply a type tag the first time a variable is used, the variable defaults to an integer.

It is illegal to use the same variable name with a different type. For example, if you already have an integer variable called name%, it is illegal to also have a string variable called name$

Setting Variables

The = keyword is used to assign a value to a variable. For example: score% = 0 assigns the value 0 to the integer variable score.

Variable Scope

Variables may also be either global, or local. This refers to where in a program a variable may be used.

  • Global variables can be used from anywhere in the program.
  • Local variables can only be used within the function they are created in.

The Global keyword is used to define one or more global variables. For example:

Global Score = 0, Lives = 3, Player_up = 1

... defines 3 global variables.

Similarly, Local is used to define local variables:

Local temp_x = x, temp_y = y

If you use a variable without defining it as either local or global, it defaults to being local.

Expressions and Conversions

The following operators are supported, listed in order of precedence:

  • New, First, Last

    custom type operators (unary)

  • Before, After

    object operators (unary)

  • Int, Float, Str

    type conversion operators (unary)

  • +, -, ~

    arithmetic posate(?), negate, bitwise complement (unary)

  • ^

    arithmetic 'to-the-power-of' (binary)

  • *, /, Mod

    arithmetic multiply, divide, remainder (binary)

  • Shl, Shr, Sar

    bitwise shift operators (binary)

  • +, -

    arithmetic add, subtract (binary)

  • <, >, <=, >=, =, <>

    comparison operators (binary)

  • And, Or, Xor

    bitwise And, Or and Exclusive Or (binary)

  • Not

    logical Not (unary)

Unary operators take one operand, while binary operators take two.

Arithmetic operators produce a result of the same type as the operands. For example, adding two integers produces an integer result.

If the operands of a binary arithmetic or comparison operator are not of the same type, one of the operands is converted using the following rules:

  • If one operand is a custom type object, the other must be an object of the same type, or Null.
  • Else if one operand is a string, the other is converted to a string.
  • Else if one operand is floating point, the other is converted to floating point.
  • Else both operands must be integers.

When floating point values are converted to integer, the value is rounded to the nearest integer. When integers and floating point values are converted to strings, an ascii representation of the value is produced.

When strings are converted to integer or floating point values, the string is assumed to contain an ascii representation of a numeric value and converted accordingly. Conversion stops at the first non-numeric character in the string, or at the end of the string.

The only arithmetic operation allowed on string is +, which simply concatenates the two operands.

Int, Float and Str can be used to convert values. They may be optionally followed by the appropriate type tag - ie: Int%, Str$ and Float#.

Comparison operators always produce an integer result: 1 for true, 0 for false.

If one of the operators is a custom type object, the other must be an object of the same type, or Null, and the only comparisons allowed are = and <>.

Bitwise and logical operators always convert their operands to integers and produce an integer result.

The Not operator returns 0 for a non-zero operand, otherwise 1. When an expression is used to conditionally execute code - for example, in an If statement - the result is converted to an integer value. A non-zero result means true, a zero result means false.

Program Flow

The following constructs are available for controlling program flow.

  • If ... Then

    If {expression} Then {statements1} Else {statements2}

    Evaluates the If expression and, if true, executes the Then statements. If false, the Else statement are executed, the Else part is optional - statements are executed until the end of the line.

    If {expression1} {statements1} Else If {expression2} {statements2} Else If {expression3} {statements3} Else {statements4} EndIf

    This form of the If statement allows for more than one line of statements. The Else If and Else parts are optional. The Else part is executed only if none of the If or Else If expressions were true.

  • While ... Wend

    While {expression} {statements} Wend

    A While loop continues executing until {expression} evaluates to false. {expression} is evaluated at the start of each loop.

  • For ... Next

    For {variable}={initalvalue} To {finalvalue} Step {step} {statements} Next

    A For/Next loop first assigns {initialvalue} to {variable} and then starts looping. The loop continues until {variable} reaches {finalvalue} and then terminates. Each loop, the value {step} is added to {variable}. If a step value is omitted, a default value of 1 is used.

    For {variable}=Each {typename} {statements} Next

    This form of the For/Next loop allows you to iterate over all objects of a custom type.

  • Repeat ... Until/Forever

    Repeat {statements} Until {expression}

    A Repeat loop continues executing until {expression} evaluates to true. {expression} is evaluated at the end of each loop.

    Repeat {statements} Forever

    A Repeat/Forever loop simply executes {statements} until the program ends, or an Exit command is executed.

  • Select ... Case

    Select {expression} Case {expressions1} {statements1} Case {expressions2} {statements2} Default {statements3} End Select

    First the Select expression is evaluated. It is then compared with each of the Case expression lists. If it matches a Case, then the statements in the Case are executed.

    If the Select expression matches none of the Case expressions, the statements in the optional Default section are executed.

Breaking Out Of A Loop

The Exit command may be used to break out of any For...Next, While...Wend, Repeat...Until or Repeat...Forever loop.

Using Includes

Blitz also supports the Include command. Include allows source code from an external file to be compiled as if it were part of the main program. Include must be followed by a quote enclosed filename. For example...

Include ""

Include allows you to break your program up into smaller, more manageable chunks.


A function is defined using the Function keyword:

Function {funcname}{typetag}( {params} )
End Function
  • {funcname} is any valid identifier.
  • {typetag} is the type of value returned by the function. If {typetag} is omitted, the function returns an integer value by default.
  • {params} is a comma separated list of variables which is passed to the function when it is called, each parameter may be given an optional type tag. Parameters are always local.

A function may use the Return statement to return a result. Return may optionally be followed by an expression.

If there is no Return statement, or a Return without any expression is used, the function returns a default value of 0 for numeric functions, an empty string "" for string functions, or a Null object for custom type functions.

Custom Types

TYPE is your best friend. It is used to create a 'collection' of objects that share the same parameters and need to be interated through quickly and easily.

Think about SPACE INVADERS. There are many aliens on the screen at one time. Each of these aliens have a few variables that they all need: x and y coordinates plus a variable to control which graphic to display (legs out or legs in). Now, we could make hundreds of variables like invader1x, invader1y, invader2x, invader2y, etc. to control all the aliens, but that wouldn't make much sense would it? You could use an array to track them; invader(number,x,y,graphic), and the loop through them with a FOR ... NEXT loop but that is a lot of work! The TYPE variable collection was created to handle just this sort of need.

TYPE defines an object collection. Each object in that collection inherits its own copy of the variables defined by the TYPE's FIELD command. Each variable of each object in the collection can be read individually and can be easily iterated through quickly. Use the FIELD command to assign the variables you want between the TYPE and END TYPE commands.

If it helps, think of a TYPE collection as a database. Each object is a record of the database, and every variable is a field of the record. Using commands like BEFORE, AFTER, and FOR ... EACH, you can move change the pointer of the 'database' to point to a different record and retrieve/set the variable 'field' values.

Not a database guru? Need another example? Okay. Let's say you are setting up an auditorium for a speech or event and you are putting up hundreds of chairs for the spectators. The chairs have to be in a certain place on the floor, and some will need to be raised up a bit higher than others (visiting dignitaries, the mayor is coming, etc.). So being the computer genius you are, you start figuring out how you can layout the chairs with the least amount of effort. You realize that the floor is checkered, so its really a huge grid! This will make it easy! You just need to number the floor on a piece of graph paper and put into the grid how high each chair should be, based on where the boss told you the important people are to sit. So, for each chair, you will have a row and column on the graph paper (x and y location) and a level to adjust the chair to (height). Good, we are organized. Now, even though we have it all on paper, we still have to do the work of placing all the chairs. After you are done, let's say your boss walks up to you and says "they aren't centered right .. move'em all over 1 square". Ah crap! You have them all perfect, and even though it is a simple thing to move a chair one square to the right (after all, their order and height won't change) - you still have to move each and every chair! Should would be nice if you could just wave your hand and say "For each chair in the room, add 1 square to its x location" and have it just magically happen. Alas, in the real world, get busy - you've got a lot of chairs to move!

In Blitz, you could have set up a TYPE called CHAIR, set the TYPE's FIELDS as X, Y, and HEIGHT. You would then create as many chairs as you need with the NEW command (each time you call NEW, it makes a new chair, with its OWN X, Y, and HEIGHT variables) and assign them the X, Y, and HEIGHT values you decide upon.

In our example above, when the boss told you to move the chairs over 1 box, you probably groaned inside. That's a lot of work! In Blitz, we could use four lines of code to adjust all our CHAIR objects to the new position (using FOR ... EACH commands).

Defining A Type

Custom types are defined using the Type keyword. For example:

Type MyType
    Field x, y
End Type

Creates a custom type called MyType with 2 fields - x and y.

Fields within a custom type may themselves be of any basic type or custom type. Type tags are used to determine the type of a field. For example:

Type MyType
    Field x, y
    Field description$
    Field delta_x#, delta_y#
End Type

Creating a Type Instance

You can create variables or arrays of custom types using a . type tag followed by the type name. For example:

Global mine.MyType Dim all_mine.MyType( 100 )

Before a custom type variable or array element can be used, it must be initialized using the New operator. For example:

mine.MyType = New MyType

The New operator creates an 'object' of type MyType, and returns a 'pointer' to the new object. The identifier following the New operator must be a valid custom type name.

The fields within a custom type are accessed using the \ character. For example: mine\x = 100, Print mine\x.

Destroying a Type Instance

When you've finished with an object, you should delete it using the Delete command. For example:

Delete mine

This releases the memory used by the object.

Determining Existance

The special keyword Null is used to represent non-existent objects. An object is non-existent if it hasn't been initialized yet using New, or has been released using Delete. For example:

mine.MyType=New MyType

If mine <> Null
     Print "exists!"
     Print "doesn't exist!"

Delete mine

If mine <> Null
     Print "exists!"
     Print "doesn't exist!"

...will print the following:

doesn't exist!

Each custom type has an associated list of objects known as a 'type list'. When an object is created using New, it is automatically added to the type list. When an object is released using Delete, it is removed from the type list. This list is dynamic - once an instance has been deleted, its place in the collection is deleted and all the other objects after it will 'move up' in the collection hiearchy.

Iteration Through Type Lists

The First, Last, After and Before operators allow you to access type lists. The First operator returns the object at the start of the type list. For example:

mine.MyType = First MyType

This sets the mine.MyType variable to the first object of custom type MyType.

Similarly, Last returns the object at the end of the list.

If the type list is empty, First and Last return Null.

You can use After to find the object after an object, and Before to find the object before an object.

For example:

mine.MyType = First MyType ; mine = first object in the type list
mine = After(mine) ; mine = second object
mine = After(mine) ; mine = third object
mine = Before(mine) ; mine = second object
mine = Before(mine) ; mine = first again!

After and Before return Null if there is no such object. For example:

mine.MyType = Last MyType ; mine = last object
mine = After(mine) ; object after last does not exist!

When an object is created using New, it is placed at the end of it's type list by default. However, You can move objects around within the type list using Insert. For example:

mine1.MyType = New MyType
mine2.MyType = New MyType
Insert mine2 Before mine1

This has the effect of placing the mine2 object before the mine1 object in the type list. You can also use After instead of Before with Insert.

Here's an example of moving an object to the start of it's type list:

Insert mine Before First MyType

A special form of For...Next allows you to easily iterate over all object of a custom type. For example:

For mine.MyType = Each MyType

This will cause the variable mine.MyType to loop through all existing objects of cutom type MyType.

Finally, the Delete Each command allows you to delete all objects of a particular type. For example:

Delete Each MyType