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forked from LI3DS/fdw-li3ds

Foreign Data Wrapper for pointcloud data

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Foreign Data Wrappers for LI³DS


This repo includes Multicorn-based Foreign Data Wrappers for exposing LI³DS data as PostgreSQL tables.


  • python == 2.7
  • numpy
  • multicorn

Install under Ubuntu

Install PostgreSQL 9.5 from PGDG repositories and Python

sudo sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -cs)-pgdg main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list'
sudo apt-get install wget ca-certificates
wget --quiet -O - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install python2.7 python2.7-dev python-setuptools python-pip python-numpy postgresql-9.5 postgresql-server-dev-9.5

Compile and install Multicorn

git clone
cd Multicorn
sudo make install


Clone repository and install with:

sudo pip install .

or install in editable mode (for development):

sudo pip install -e .


Load the pointcloud extension in order to have the pcpatch type available.

create extension if not exists pointcloud;

Custom EchoPulse format

drop extension multicorn cascade;
create extension multicorn;

create server echopulseserver foreign data wrapper multicorn
    options (
        wrapper 'fdwli3ds.EchoPulse'
        , directory 'data/echopulse'

-- create foreign table to retrieve the pointcloud schema dynamically
create foreign table myechopulse_schema (
    schema text
server echopulseserver
    options (
        metadata 'true'

insert into pointcloud_formats(pcid, srid, schema)
select 1, -1, schema from myechopulse_schema;

create foreign table myechopulse (
    points pcpatch(1)
) server echopulseserver
    options (
        patch_size '400'
        , pcid '1' 

select * from myechopulse;

Sbet files

create server sbetserver foreign data wrapper multicorn
    options (
        wrapper 'fdwli3ds.Sbet'

create foreign table mysbet_schema (
    schema text
server sbetserver
 options (
    metadata 'true'

insert into pointcloud_formats (pcid, srid, schema)
select 2, 4326, schema from mysbet_schema;

create foreign table mysbet (
    points pcpatch(2)
) server sbetserver
    options (
        sources 'data/sbet/sbet.bin'
        , patch_size '100'
        , pcid '2'
        , overlap 'true' -- overlaps avoids time gaps between patches 'true' by default

select * from mysbet;

ROS bag files

Create server:

create server rosbagserver foreign data wrapper multicorn
    options (
        wrapper 'fdwli3ds.Rosbag'
        , rosbag 'data/rosbag/session8_section0_1492648601948956966_0.bag'

Create foreign table for the /INS/SbgLogImuData topic:

create foreign table rosbag_imu (
    "status" smallint
    , "temperature" float
    , "timeStamp" integer
    , "accelerometers" float[3]
    , "topic" text
    , "deltaAngle" float[3]
    , "time" bigint
    , "deltaVelocity" float[3]
    , "gyroscopes" float[3]
) server rosbagserver
    options (
        topic '/INS/SbgLogImuData'

select * from rosbag_imu limit 20;

Create foreign table for the /Laser/velodyne_points topic:

create foreign table rosbag_pointcloud2_format (
    schema text
) server rosbagserver
    options (
        topic '/Laser/velodyne_points'
        , metadata 'true'

insert into pointcloud_formats (pcid, srid, schema)
select 3, 4326, schema from rosbag_pointcloud2_format;

create foreign table rosbag_pointcloud2 (
    patch pcpatch(3)
    , ply bytea
    , width int
    , height int
) server rosbagserver
    options (
        topic '/Laser/velodyne_points'
        , pcid '3'
        , patch_count_pointcloud '10000'

select sum(width*height) from rosbag_pointcloud2;
select sum(pc_numpoints(patch)) from rosbag_pointcloud2;
select pc_get(pc_patchmin(patch)), pc_get(pc_patchmax(patch)) from rosbag_pointcloud2 limit 20;
select encode(ply::varchar(700)::bytea, 'escape') from rosbag_pointcloud2 limit 1;

Unit tests

Pytest is required to launch unit tests.

sudo apt-get install python-pytest


pip install -e .[dev]

Launch tests:


Known Issues

SIGSEGV crashes with PostgreSQL 9.6

If the postgresql process crashes with a SIGSEGV error it means that you are hitting the xxHash symbols conflict issue reported in ros/ros_comm#1065. To fix the issue the roslz4 Python package should be built and installed from source.

git clone
cd utilities/roslz4
mkdir build
sudo make install


Create tables automatically for all topics of a rosbag file, using IMPORT SCHEMA.

create server rosbagserver
foreign data wrapper multicorn
    options (
      wrapper 'fdwli3ds.Rosbag'
      , rosbag_path 'data/rosbag/'

create schema rosbag;

import foreign schema "session8_section0_1492648601948956966_0.bag"
from server rosbagserver into rosbag;

insert into pointcloud_formats
select 4 as pcid, 4326 as srid, schema
from rosbag."/Laser/velodyne_points"
limit 1;


Foreign Data Wrapper for pointcloud data






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