Exemplo n.º 1
    def load(self, filename):
        """Loads the network description from a graph file.
        Note this is done automatically if a filename is given to
        the Internet constructor.

           filename:    The file to load from


        Example usage:

        >>> inet = ank.internet.Internet()
        >>> inet.load("simple")
        >>> sorted(inet.network.graph.nodes())
        [RouterB.AS1, RouterA.AS1, RouterD.AS2, RouterC.AS1, RouterA.AS2, RouterA.AS3, RouterB.AS2, RouterC.AS2]

        >>> inet = ank.internet.Internet()
        >>> inet.load("singleas")
        >>> sorted(inet.network.graph.nodes())
        [1a.AS1, 1b.AS1, 1d.AS1, 1c.AS1]

        >>> inet = ank.internet.Internet()
        >>> inet.load("multias")
        >>> sorted(inet.network.graph.nodes())
        [1b.AS1, 1a.AS1, 2d.AS2, 1c.AS1, 2a.AS2, 3a.AS3, 2b.AS2, 2c.AS2]

        ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1]
        if ext == "":
            # TODO: use try/except block here
            self.network.graph = ank.load_example(filename)

        # TODO: allow url to be entered, eg from zoo, if so then download the file and proceed on as normal

        elif ext == ".gml":
            # GML file from Topology Zoo
            ank.load_zoo(self.network, filename)
        elif ext == ".graphml":
            self.network.graph = ank.load_graphml(filename)
        elif ext == ".pickle":
            ank.load_pickle(self.network, filename)
        elif ext == ".yaml":
            # Legacy ANK file format
            LOG.warn("AutoNetkit no longer supports YAML file format, please use GraphML")
            LOG.warn("AutoNetkit does not support file format %s" % ext)

        # TODO: check that loaded network has at least one node, if not throw exception