Exemplo n.º 1
# Ice version 3.4.1

# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `Exception.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__
import Ice_Identity_ice
import Ice_BuiltinSequences_ice

# Included module Ice
_M_Ice = Ice.openModule('Ice')

# Start of module IceGrid
_M_IceGrid = Ice.openModule('IceGrid')
__name__ = 'IceGrid'

if not _M_IceGrid.__dict__.has_key('ApplicationNotExistException'):
    _M_IceGrid.ApplicationNotExistException = Ice.createTempClass()

    class ApplicationNotExistException(Ice.UserException):
        '''This exception is raised if an application does not exist.'''
        def __init__(self, name=''):
            self.name = name

        def __str__(self):
            return IcePy.stringifyException(self)
# Ice version 3.4.2
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `ObjectFactory.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__

# Start of module Ice
_M_Ice = Ice.openModule("Ice")
__name__ = "Ice"

if not _M_Ice.__dict__.has_key("ObjectFactory"):
    _M_Ice.ObjectFactory = Ice.createTempClass()

    class ObjectFactory(object):
        """A factory for objects. Object factories are used in several
places, for example, when receiving "objects by value" and
when Freeze restores a persistent object. Object factories
must be implemented by the application writer, and registered
with the communicator."""

        def __init__(self):
            if __builtin__.type(self) == _M_Ice.ObjectFactory:
                raise RuntimeError("Ice.ObjectFactory is an abstract class")
Exemplo n.º 3
# Ice version 3.4.2
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `WorldState.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__

# Start of module WorldStateTopic
_M_WorldStateTopic = Ice.openModule('WorldStateTopic')
__name__ = 'WorldStateTopic'

if not _M_WorldStateTopic.__dict__.has_key('Position'):
    _M_WorldStateTopic.Position = Ice.createTempClass()
    class Position(object):
        def __init__(self, x=0.0, y=0.0):
            self.x = x
            self.y = y

        def __hash__(self):
            _h = 0
            _h = 5 * _h + __builtin__.hash(self.x)
            _h = 5 * _h + __builtin__.hash(self.y)
            return _h % 0x7fffffff
Exemplo n.º 4
# Ice version 3.4.2
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `Geocloud.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__

# Start of module geocloud
_M_geocloud = Ice.openModule('geocloud')
__name__ = 'geocloud'

if not _M_geocloud.__dict__.has_key('AlreadyExists'):
    _M_geocloud.AlreadyExists = Ice.createTempClass()
    class AlreadyExists(Ice.UserException):
        def __init__(self, key=''):
            self.key = key

        def __str__(self):
            return IcePy.stringifyException(self)

        __repr__ = __str__

        _ice_name = 'geocloud::AlreadyExists'
Exemplo n.º 5
# Ice version 3.4.1

# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `Plugin.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__
import Ice_LoggerF_ice
import Ice_BuiltinSequences_ice

# Included module Ice
_M_Ice = Ice.openModule('Ice')

# Start of module Ice
__name__ = 'Ice'

if not _M_Ice.__dict__.has_key('Plugin'):
    _M_Ice.Plugin = Ice.createTempClass()
    class Plugin(object):
        '''A communicator plug-in. A plug-in generally adds a feature to a
communicator, such as support for a protocol.

The communicator loads its plug-ins in two stages: the first stage
creates the plug-ins, and the second stage invokes Plugin.initialize on
each one.'''
        def __init__(self):
            if __builtin__.type(self) == _M_Ice.Plugin:
Exemplo n.º 6
# Ice version 3.4.2
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `SRTcontrol.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__

# Start of module SRTControl
_M_SRTControl = Ice.openModule('SRTControl')
__name__ = 'SRTControl'

if not _M_SRTControl.__dict__.has_key('telescope'):
    _M_SRTControl.telescope = Ice.createTempClass()
    class telescope(Ice.Object):
        def __init__(self):
            if __builtin__.type(self) == _M_SRTControl.telescope:
                raise RuntimeError('SRTControl.telescope is an abstract class')

        def ice_ids(self, current=None):
            return ('::Ice::Object', '::SRTControl::telescope')

        def ice_id(self, current=None):
            return '::SRTControl::telescope'
Exemplo n.º 7
# This copy of Ice is licensed to you under the terms described in the
# ICE_LICENSE file included in this distribution.
# **********************************************************************

# Ice version 3.3.1
# Generated from file `Printer.ice'

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__

if not Ice.__dict__.has_key("_struct_marker"):
    Ice._struct_marker = object()

# Start of module Demo
_M_Demo = Ice.openModule('Demo')
__name__ = 'Demo'

if not _M_Demo.__dict__.has_key('Printer'):
    _M_Demo.Printer = Ice.createTempClass()
    class Printer(Ice.Object):
        def __init__(self):
            if __builtin__.type(self) == _M_Demo.Printer:
                raise RuntimeError('Demo.Printer is an abstract class')

        def ice_ids(self, current=None):
            return ('::Demo::Printer', '::Ice::Object')

        def ice_id(self, current=None):
            return '::Demo::Printer'
Exemplo n.º 8
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# vim: set ts=4 sts=4 sw=4 expandtab smartindent:

import numpy
import ImarisLib
import Ice
import sys
import time

#make tType available
_M_Imaris = Ice.openModule('Imaris')
tType = _M_Imaris.tType

imaris_types = {
    'eTypeUInt8': numpy.uint8,
    'eTypeUInt16': numpy.uint16,
    'eTypeFloat': numpy.float32

DEBUG = False

## Helper functions
def Reconnect(newId):
Exemplo n.º 9
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `knltcp.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

from sys import version_info as _version_info_
import Ice, IcePy
import utils_ice
import img_ice

# Included module Utils
_M_Utils = Ice.openModule('Utils')

# Included module IMG
_M_IMG = Ice.openModule('IMG')

# Start of module KTService
_M_KTService = Ice.openModule('KTService')
__name__ = 'KTService'

if '_t_BinaryStream' not in _M_KTService.__dict__:
    _M_KTService._t_BinaryStream = IcePy.defineSequence(
        '::KTService::BinaryStream', (), IcePy._t_byte)

if 'Token' not in _M_KTService.__dict__:
    _M_KTService.Token = Ice.createTempClass()
Exemplo n.º 10
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `DynamicExample.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

from sys import version_info as _version_info_
import Ice, IcePy
import HelperTypes_ice

# Included module HelperTypes
_M_HelperTypes = Ice.openModule('HelperTypes')

# Start of module DynamicExample
_M_DynamicExample = Ice.openModule('DynamicExample')
__name__ = 'DynamicExample'

_M_DynamicExample._t_DynamicInvocations = IcePy.defineValue(
    '::DynamicExample::DynamicInvocations', Ice.Value, -1, (), False, True,
    None, ())

if 'DynamicInvocationsPrx' not in _M_DynamicExample.__dict__:
    _M_DynamicExample.DynamicInvocationsPrx = Ice.createTempClass()

    class DynamicInvocationsPrx(Ice.ObjectPrx):
        def groupByKey(self, seq, context=None):
            return _M_DynamicExample.DynamicInvocations._op_groupByKey.invoke(
Exemplo n.º 11
# Ice version 3.7.2
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `server.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

from sys import version_info as _version_info_
import Ice, IcePy

# Start of module demo
_M_demo = Ice.openModule('demo')
__name__ = 'demo'

_M_demo._t_math = IcePy.defineValue('::demo::math', Ice.Value, -1, (), False,
                                    True, None, ())

if 'mathPrx' not in _M_demo.__dict__:
    _M_demo.mathPrx = Ice.createTempClass()

    class mathPrx(Ice.ObjectPrx):
        def add(self, x, y, context=None):
            return _M_demo.math._op_add.invoke(self, ((x, y), context))

        def addAsync(self, x, y, context=None):
            return _M_demo.math._op_add.invokeAsync(self, ((x, y), context))
Exemplo n.º 12
# Ice version 3.6.1
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `InstrumentationF.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy

# Start of module Ice
_M_Ice = Ice.openModule('Ice')
__name__ = 'Ice'

# Start of module Ice.Instrumentation
_M_Ice.Instrumentation = Ice.openModule('Ice.Instrumentation')
__name__ = 'Ice.Instrumentation'

if 'Observer' not in _M_Ice.Instrumentation.__dict__:
    _M_Ice.Instrumentation._t_Observer = IcePy.declareClass('::Ice::Instrumentation::Observer')

if 'CommunicatorObserver' not in _M_Ice.Instrumentation.__dict__:
    _M_Ice.Instrumentation._t_CommunicatorObserver = IcePy.declareClass('::Ice::Instrumentation::CommunicatorObserver')

# End of module Ice.Instrumentation

__name__ = 'Ice'
Exemplo n.º 13
# Ice version 3.6.3
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `agent.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

from sys import version_info as _version_info_
import Ice, IcePy

# Start of module DataPool
_M_DataPool = Ice.openModule('DataPool')
__name__ = 'DataPool'

if '_t_StringSeq' not in _M_DataPool.__dict__:
    _M_DataPool._t_StringSeq = IcePy.defineSequence('::DataPool::StringSeq',
                                                    (), IcePy._t_string)

if '_t_StringMap' not in _M_DataPool.__dict__:
    _M_DataPool._t_StringMap = IcePy.defineDictionary('::DataPool::StringMap',
                                                      (), IcePy._t_string,

_M_DataPool.rpcPortDataServer = 21000

if 'InitParamManager' not in _M_DataPool.__dict__:
    _M_DataPool.InitParamManager = Ice.createTempClass()
Exemplo n.º 14
# Ice version 3.5.1
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `Net.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy

# Start of module x10
_M_x10 = Ice.openModule('x10')
__name__ = 'x10'

if 'Net' not in _M_x10.__dict__:
    _M_x10.Net = Ice.createTempClass()

    class Net(Ice.Object):
        def __init__(self):
            if Ice.getType(self) == _M_x10.Net:
                raise RuntimeError('x10.Net is an abstract class')

        def ice_ids(self, current=None):
            return ('::Ice::Object', '::x10::Net')

        def ice_id(self, current=None):
            return '::x10::Net'
Exemplo n.º 15
# **********************************************************************

# Ice version 3.4.1

# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `Control.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__

# Start of module ControlTopic
_M_ControlTopic = Ice.openModule("ControlTopic")
__name__ = "ControlTopic"

if not _M_ControlTopic.__dict__.has_key("Control"):
    _M_ControlTopic.Control = Ice.createTempClass()

    class Control(Ice.Object):
        def __init__(self):
            if __builtin__.type(self) == _M_ControlTopic.Control:
                raise RuntimeError("ControlTopic.Control is an abstract class")

        def ice_ids(self, current=None):
            return ("::ControlTopic::Control", "::Ice::Object")

        def ice_id(self, current=None):
            return "::ControlTopic::Control"
Exemplo n.º 16
# Ice version 3.6.4
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `install.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

from sys import version_info as _version_info_
import Ice, IcePy

# Start of module InstallModule
_M_InstallModule = Ice.openModule('InstallModule')
__name__ = 'InstallModule'

if 'InstallInterface' not in _M_InstallModule.__dict__:
    _M_InstallModule.InstallInterface = Ice.createTempClass()

    class InstallInterface(Ice.Object):
        def __init__(self):
            if Ice.getType(self) == _M_InstallModule.InstallInterface:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'InstallModule.InstallInterface is an abstract class')

        def ice_ids(self, current=None):
            return ('::Ice::Object', '::InstallModule::InstallInterface')

        def ice_id(self, current=None):
Exemplo n.º 17
# Ice version 3.4.1

# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `IceStorm.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__
import Ice_SliceChecksumDict_ice

# Included module Ice
_M_Ice = Ice.openModule('Ice')

# Start of module IceStorm
_M_IceStorm = Ice.openModule('IceStorm')
__name__ = 'IceStorm'
_M_IceStorm.__doc__ = '''A messaging service with support for federation. In contrast to
most other messaging or event services, IceStorm supports typed
events, meaning that broadcasting a message over a federation is as
easy as invoking a method on an interface.'''

if not _M_IceStorm.__dict__.has_key('Topic'):
    _M_IceStorm._t_Topic = IcePy.declareClass('::IceStorm::Topic')
    _M_IceStorm._t_TopicPrx = IcePy.declareProxy('::IceStorm::Topic')

if not _M_IceStorm.__dict__.has_key('LinkInfo'):
    _M_IceStorm.LinkInfo = Ice.createTempClass()
Exemplo n.º 18
# This copy of Ice is licensed to you under the terms described in the
# ICE_LICENSE file included in this distribution.
# **********************************************************************

# Ice version 3.3.1
# Generated from file `redirect.ice'

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__

if not Ice.__dict__.has_key("_struct_marker"):
    Ice._struct_marker = object()

# Start of module rd
_M_rd = Ice.openModule('rd')
__name__ = 'rd'

if not _M_rd.__dict__.has_key('_t_HashValueSet'):
    _M_rd._t_HashValueSet = IcePy.defineDictionary('::rd::HashValueSet', (), IcePy._t_string, IcePy._t_string)

if not _M_rd.__dict__.has_key('_t_ReturnValueT'):
    _M_rd._t_ReturnValueT = IcePy.defineDictionary('::rd::ReturnValueT', (), IcePy._t_string, IcePy._t_string)

if not _M_rd.__dict__.has_key('_t_StreamDataT'):
    _M_rd._t_StreamDataT = IcePy.defineSequence('::rd::StreamDataT', (), IcePy._t_byte)

if not _M_rd.__dict__.has_key('_t_StringListT'):
    _M_rd._t_StringListT = IcePy.defineSequence('::rd::StringListT', (), IcePy._t_string)

if not _M_rd.__dict__.has_key('_t_HashValueListT'):
Exemplo n.º 19
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `Registry.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__
import IceGrid_Exception_ice
import IceGrid_Session_ice
import IceGrid_Admin_ice

# Included module Ice
_M_Ice = Ice.openModule("Ice")

# Included module IceGrid
_M_IceGrid = Ice.openModule("IceGrid")

# Included module Glacier2
_M_Glacier2 = Ice.openModule("Glacier2")

# Start of module IceGrid
__name__ = "IceGrid"

if not _M_IceGrid.__dict__.has_key("Registry"):
    _M_IceGrid.Registry = Ice.createTempClass()

    class Registry(Ice.Object):
        """The IceGrid registry allows clients create sessions
Exemplo n.º 20
# Ice version 3.7.1
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `nat.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

from sys import version_info as _version_info_
import Ice, IcePy

# Start of module CONE
_M_CONE = Ice.openModule('CONE')
__name__ = 'CONE'

_M_CONE._t_Peer = IcePy.defineValue('::CONE::Peer', Ice.Value, -1, (), False,
                                    True, None, ())

if 'PeerPrx' not in _M_CONE.__dict__:
    _M_CONE.PeerPrx = Ice.createTempClass()

    class PeerPrx(Ice.ObjectPrx):
        def ping(self, peerID, context=None):
            return _M_CONE.Peer._op_ping.invoke(self, ((peerID, ), context))

        def pingAsync(self, peerID, context=None):
            return _M_CONE.Peer._op_ping.invokeAsync(self,
                                                     ((peerID, ), context))
Exemplo n.º 21
# **********************************************************************

# Ice version 3.4.1

# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `guitar.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__

# Start of module guitarlib
_M_guitarlib = Ice.openModule('guitarlib')
__name__ = 'guitarlib'

if not _M_guitarlib.__dict__.has_key('Widget'):
    _M_guitarlib._t_Widget = IcePy.declareClass('::guitarlib::Widget')
    _M_guitarlib._t_WidgetPrx = IcePy.declareProxy('::guitarlib::Widget')

if not _M_guitarlib.__dict__.has_key('Action'):
    _M_guitarlib.Action = Ice.createTempClass()
    class Action(Ice.Object):
        def __init__(self):
            if __builtin__.type(self) == _M_guitarlib.Action:
                raise RuntimeError('guitarlib.Action is an abstract class')

        def ice_ids(self, current=None):
            return ('::Ice::Object', '::guitarlib::Action')
Exemplo n.º 22
# Ice version 3.7.3
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `types.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

from sys import version_info as _version_info_
import Ice, IcePy

# Start of module Smarthouse
_M_Smarthouse = Ice.openModule('Smarthouse')
__name__ = 'Smarthouse'

if 'State' not in _M_Smarthouse.__dict__:
    _M_Smarthouse.State = Ice.createTempClass()

    class State(Ice.EnumBase):
        def __init__(self, _n, _v):
            Ice.EnumBase.__init__(self, _n, _v)

        def valueOf(self, _n):
            if _n in self._enumerators:
                return self._enumerators[_n]
            return None

        valueOf = classmethod(valueOf)
Exemplo n.º 23
# This copy of Ice is licensed to you under the terms described in the
# ICE_LICENSE file included in this distribution.
# **********************************************************************

# Ice version 3.3.1
# Generated from file `GazeListener.ice'

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__

if not Ice.__dict__.has_key("_struct_marker"):
    Ice._struct_marker = object()
import Common_ice

# Included module echoes
_M_echoes = Ice.openModule('echoes')

# Start of module echoes
__name__ = 'echoes'

if not _M_echoes.__dict__.has_key('GazeListener'):
    _M_echoes.GazeListener = Ice.createTempClass()
    class GazeListener(Ice.Object):
        def __init__(self):
            if __builtin__.type(self) == _M_echoes.GazeListener:
                raise RuntimeError('echoes.GazeListener is an abstract class')

        def ice_ids(self, current=None):
            return ('::Ice::Object', '::echoes::GazeListener')

        def ice_id(self, current=None):
Exemplo n.º 24
# Ice version 3.6.2
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `FinancialNews.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy

# Start of module FinancialNews
_M_FinancialNews = Ice.openModule('FinancialNews')
__name__ = 'FinancialNews'

if 'Currency' not in _M_FinancialNews.__dict__:
    _M_FinancialNews.Currency = Ice.createTempClass()
    class Currency(Ice.EnumBase):

        def __init__(self, _n, _v):
            Ice.EnumBase.__init__(self, _n, _v)

        def valueOf(self, _n):
            if _n in self._enumerators:
                return self._enumerators[_n]
            return None
        valueOf = classmethod(valueOf)
Exemplo n.º 25
# Ice version 3.4.2
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `SSLInfo.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__
import Ice_BuiltinSequences_ice

# Included module Ice
_M_Ice = Ice.openModule('Ice')

# Start of module Glacier2
_M_Glacier2 = Ice.openModule('Glacier2')
__name__ = 'Glacier2'

if not _M_Glacier2.__dict__.has_key('SSLInfo'):
    _M_Glacier2.SSLInfo = Ice.createTempClass()
    class SSLInfo(object):
        '''Information taken from an SSL connection used for permissions
        def __init__(self, remoteHost='', remotePort=0, localHost='', localPort=0, cipher='', certs=None):
            self.remoteHost = remoteHost
            self.remotePort = remotePort
            self.localHost = localHost
            self.localPort = localPort
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `FileServer.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

from sys import version_info as _version_info_
import Ice, IcePy
import IcePatch2.FileInfo_ice

# Included module Ice
_M_Ice = Ice.openModule('Ice')

# Included module IcePatch2
_M_IcePatch2 = Ice.openModule('IcePatch2')

# Start of module IcePatch2
__name__ = 'IcePatch2'
_M_IcePatch2.__doc__ = """
IcePatch can be used to update file hierarchies in a simple and
efficient manner. Checksums ensure file integrity, and data is
compressed before downloading.

if '_t_ByteSeqSeq' not in _M_IcePatch2.__dict__:
    _M_IcePatch2._t_ByteSeqSeq = IcePy.defineSequence(
        '::IcePatch2::ByteSeqSeq', (), _M_Ice._t_ByteSeq)
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `ITypes.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__
import omero_ModelF_ice
import omero_ServicesF_ice
import omero_Collections_ice

# Included module omero
_M_omero = Ice.openModule('omero')

# Included module omero.model
_M_omero.model = Ice.openModule('omero.model')

# Included module Ice
_M_Ice = Ice.openModule('Ice')

# Included module Glacier2
_M_Glacier2 = Ice.openModule('Glacier2')

# Included module omero.sys
_M_omero.sys = Ice.openModule('omero.sys')

# Included module omero.api
_M_omero.api = Ice.openModule('omero.api')
Exemplo n.º 28
# Ice version 3.6.1
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `simple.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy
import base_ice

# Included module Base
_M_Base = Ice.openModule('Base')

# Start of module SimpleService
_M_SimpleService = Ice.openModule('SimpleService')
__name__ = 'SimpleService'

if 'Simple' not in _M_SimpleService.__dict__:
    _M_SimpleService.Simple = Ice.createTempClass()

    class Simple(_M_Base.BaseService):
        def __init__(self):
            if Ice.getType(self) == _M_SimpleService.Simple:
                raise RuntimeError('SimpleService.Simple is an abstract class')

        def ice_ids(self, current=None):
            return ('::Base::BaseService', '::Ice::Object',
   **   Generated by blitz/templates/resouces/combined.vm
   **   Copyright 2007, 2008 Glencoe Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
   **   Use is subject to license terms supplied in LICENSE.txt
import Ice
import IceImport
import omero
from omero.rtypes import rlong
_omero = Ice.openModule("omero")
_omero_model = Ice.openModule("omero.model")
__name__ = "omero.model"
class PixelsOriginalFileMapI(_omero_model.PixelsOriginalFileMap):

      PARENT =  "ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap_parent"
      CHILD =  "ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap_child"
      DETAILS =  "ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap_details"
      def errorIfUnloaded(self):
          if not self._loaded:
              raise _omero.UnloadedEntityException("Object unloaded:"+str(self))

      def throwNullCollectionException(self,propertyName):
          raise _omero.UnloadedEntityException(""+
          "Error updating collection:" + propertyName +"\n"+
          "Collection is currently null. This can be seen\n" +
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `Pressure.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

from sys import version_info as _version_info_
import Ice, IcePy
import omero_model_Units_ice

# Included module omero
_M_omero = Ice.openModule('omero')

# Included module omero.model
_M_omero.model = Ice.openModule('omero.model')

# Included module omero.model.enums
_M_omero.model.enums = Ice.openModule('omero.model.enums')

# Start of module omero
__name__ = 'omero'

# Start of module omero.model
__name__ = 'omero.model'

if 'Pressure' not in _M_omero.model.__dict__:
    _M_omero.model.Pressure = Ice.createTempClass()
Exemplo n.º 31
# This copy of Ice is licensed to you under the terms described in the
# ICE_LICENSE file included in this distribution.
# **********************************************************************

# Ice version 3.3.1
# Generated from file `TouchListener.ice'

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__

if not Ice.__dict__.has_key("_struct_marker"):
    Ice._struct_marker = object()

# Start of module echoes
_M_echoes = Ice.openModule("echoes")
__name__ = "echoes"

if not _M_echoes.__dict__.has_key("TouchListener"):
    _M_echoes.TouchListener = Ice.createTempClass()

    class TouchListener(Ice.Object):
        def __init__(self):
            if __builtin__.type(self) == _M_echoes.TouchListener:
                raise RuntimeError("echoes.TouchListener is an abstract class")

        def ice_ids(self, current=None):
            return ("::Ice::Object", "::echoes::TouchListener")

        def ice_id(self, current=None):
            return "::echoes::TouchListener"
Exemplo n.º 32
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `Session.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy
import Glacier2_Session_ice
import IceGrid_Exception_ice

# Included module Ice
_M_Ice = Ice.openModule('Ice')

# Included module Glacier2
_M_Glacier2 = Ice.openModule('Glacier2')

# Included module IceGrid
_M_IceGrid = Ice.openModule('IceGrid')

# Start of module IceGrid
__name__ = 'IceGrid'

if 'Session' not in _M_IceGrid.__dict__:
    _M_IceGrid.Session = Ice.createTempClass()

    class Session(_M_Glacier2.Session):
        '''A session object is used by IceGrid clients to allocate and
Exemplo n.º 33
# This copy of Ice is licensed to you under the terms described in the
# ICE_LICENSE file included in this distribution.
# **********************************************************************

# Ice version 3.3.1
# Generated from file `ObjectCache.ice'

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__

if not Ice.__dict__.has_key("_struct_marker"):
    Ice._struct_marker = object()
import Util_ice

# Included module MyUtil
_M_MyUtil = Ice.openModule('MyUtil')

# Start of module MyUtil
__name__ = 'MyUtil'

if not _M_MyUtil.__dict__.has_key('_t_ObjectMap'):
    _M_MyUtil._t_ObjectMap = IcePy.defineDictionary('::MyUtil::ObjectMap', (), IcePy._t_long, IcePy._t_Object)

if not _M_MyUtil.__dict__.has_key('ObjectResult'):
    _M_MyUtil.ObjectResult = Ice.createTempClass()
    class ObjectResult(Ice.Object):
        def __init__(self, data=None):
            self.data = data

        def ice_ids(self, current=None):
            return ('::Ice::Object', '::MyUtil::ObjectResult')
# Ice version 3.7.3
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `SmartHome.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

from sys import version_info as _version_info_
import Ice, IcePy

# Start of module SmartHome
_M_SmartHome = Ice.openModule('SmartHome')
__name__ = 'SmartHome'

if 'DeviceException' not in _M_SmartHome.__dict__:
    _M_SmartHome.DeviceException = Ice.createTempClass()

    class DeviceException(Ice.UserException):
        def __init__(self):

        def __str__(self):
            return IcePy.stringifyException(self)

        __repr__ = __str__

        _ice_id = '::SmartHome::DeviceException'
Exemplo n.º 35
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `IceBox.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__
import Ice_BuiltinSequences_ice
import Ice_CommunicatorF_ice
import Ice_PropertiesF_ice
import Ice_SliceChecksumDict_ice

# Included module Ice
_M_Ice = Ice.openModule('Ice')

# Start of module IceBox
_M_IceBox = Ice.openModule('IceBox')
__name__ = 'IceBox'
_M_IceBox.__doc__ = '''IceBox is an application server specifically for Ice
applications. IceBox can easily run and administer Ice services
that are dynamically loaded as a DLL, shared library, or Java

if not _M_IceBox.__dict__.has_key('FailureException'):
    _M_IceBox.FailureException = Ice.createTempClass()
    class FailureException(Ice.LocalException):
        '''This exception is a general failure notification. It is thrown
for errors such as a service encountering an error during
initialization, or the service manager being unable
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `Exporter.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

from sys import version_info as _version_info_
import Ice, IcePy
import omero_ServerErrors_ice
import omero_ServicesF_ice

# Included module Ice
_M_Ice = Ice.openModule('Ice')

# Included module Glacier2
_M_Glacier2 = Ice.openModule('Glacier2')

# Included module omero
_M_omero = Ice.openModule('omero')

# Included module omero.model
_M_omero.model = Ice.openModule('omero.model')

# Included module omero.sys
_M_omero.sys = Ice.openModule('omero.sys')

# Included module omero.api
_M_omero.api = Ice.openModule('omero.api')
Exemplo n.º 37
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `visualization.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

from sys import version_info as _version_info_
import Ice, IcePy
import common_ice
import primitives_ice

# Included module jderobot
_M_jderobot = Ice.openModule('jderobot')

# Start of module jderobot
__name__ = 'jderobot'

if 'Color' not in _M_jderobot.__dict__:
    _M_jderobot.Color = Ice.createTempClass()
    class Color(object):
        def __init__(self, r=0.0, g=0.0, b=0.0):
            self.r = r
            self.g = g
            self.b = b

        def __eq__(self, other):
            if other is None:
                return False
Exemplo n.º 38
# Ice version 3.7.4
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `Comunication.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

from sys import version_info as _version_info_
import Ice, IcePy

# Start of module Comunication
_M_Comunication = Ice.openModule('Comunication')
__name__ = 'Comunication'

_M_Comunication._t_Birateral = IcePy.defineValue('::Comunication::Birateral',
                                                 Ice.Value, -1, (), False,
                                                 True, None, ())

if 'BirateralPrx' not in _M_Comunication.__dict__:
    _M_Comunication.BirateralPrx = Ice.createTempClass()

    class BirateralPrx(Ice.ObjectPrx):
        def comunicationBilateral(self, s, context=None):
            return _M_Comunication.Birateral._op_comunicationBilateral.invoke(
                self, ((s, ), context))

        def comunicationBilateralAsync(self, s, context=None):
Exemplo n.º 39
# This copy of Ice is licensed to you under the terms described in the
# ICE_LICENSE file included in this distribution.
# **********************************************************************

# Ice version 3.3.1
# Generated from file `IMGateForPhone.ice'

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__

if not Ice.__dict__.has_key("_struct_marker"):
    Ice._struct_marker = object()
import TalkCommon_ice

# Included module MyUtil
_M_MyUtil = Ice.openModule('MyUtil')

# Included module com
_M_com = Ice.openModule('com')

# Included module com.xiaonei
_M_com.xiaonei = Ice.openModule('com.xiaonei')

# Included module com.xiaonei.talk
_M_com.xiaonei.talk = Ice.openModule('com.xiaonei.talk')

# Included module com.xiaonei.talk.common
_M_com.xiaonei.talk.common = Ice.openModule('com.xiaonei.talk.common')

# Start of module com
__name__ = 'com'
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `file_backup_logic.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

from sys import version_info as _version_info_
import Ice, IcePy
import utils_ice

# Included module Utils
_M_Utils = Ice.openModule('Utils')

# Start of module FileBackup
_M_FileBackup = Ice.openModule('FileBackup')
__name__ = 'FileBackup'

if 'Logic' not in _M_FileBackup.__dict__:
    _M_FileBackup.Logic = Ice.createTempClass()

    class Logic(Ice.Object):
        def __init__(self):
            if Ice.getType(self) == _M_FileBackup.Logic:
                raise RuntimeError('FileBackup.Logic is an abstract class')

        def ice_ids(self, current=None):
            return ('::FileBackup::Logic', '::Ice::Object')
Exemplo n.º 41
# ICE_LICENSE file included in this distribution.
# **********************************************************************

# Ice version 3.3.1
# Generated from file `ReplicaCluster.ice'

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__

if not Ice.__dict__.has_key("_struct_marker"):
    Ice._struct_marker = object()
import SubjectObserver_ice
import Util_ice

# Included module MyUtil
_M_MyUtil = Ice.openModule('MyUtil')

# Start of module xce
_M_xce = Ice.openModule('xce')
__name__ = 'xce'

# Start of module xce.serverstate
_M_xce.serverstate = Ice.openModule('xce.serverstate')
__name__ = 'xce.serverstate'

if not _M_xce.serverstate.__dict__.has_key('ServerStateInfo'):
    _M_xce.serverstate.ServerStateInfo = Ice.createTempClass()
    class ServerStateInfo(_M_MyUtil.SbjState):
        def __init__(self, servername='', identity='', prx=None, cluster=0, mod=0, status=0, newset=False):
            self.servername = servername
Exemplo n.º 42
# Ice version 3.7.2
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `Printer.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

from sys import version_info as _version_info_
import Ice, IcePy

# Start of module Demo
_M_Demo = Ice.openModule('Demo')
__name__ = 'Demo'

_M_Demo._t_Printer = IcePy.defineValue('::Demo::Printer', Ice.Value, -1, (),
                                       False, True, None, ())

if 'PrinterPrx' not in _M_Demo.__dict__:
    _M_Demo.PrinterPrx = Ice.createTempClass()

    class PrinterPrx(Ice.ObjectPrx):
        def printString(self, s, context=None):
            return _M_Demo.Printer._op_printString.invoke(
                self, ((s, ), context))

        def printStringAsync(self, s, context=None):
            return _M_Demo.Printer._op_printString.invokeAsync(
Exemplo n.º 43
# This copy of Ice is licensed to you under the terms described in the
# ICE_LICENSE file included in this distribution.
# **********************************************************************

# Ice version 3.3.1
# Generated from file `OnlineStatusService.ice'

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__

if not Ice.__dict__.has_key("_struct_marker"):
    Ice._struct_marker = object()

# Start of module xiaonei
_M_xiaonei = Ice.openModule("xiaonei")
__name__ = "xiaonei"

# Start of module xiaonei.talk
_M_xiaonei.talk = Ice.openModule("xiaonei.talk")
__name__ = "xiaonei.talk"

# Start of module xiaonei.talk.service
_M_xiaonei.talk.service = Ice.openModule("xiaonei.talk.service")
__name__ = "xiaonei.talk.service"

if not _M_xiaonei.talk.service.__dict__.has_key("OnlineStatusService"):
    _M_xiaonei.talk.service.OnlineStatusService = Ice.createTempClass()

    class OnlineStatusService(Ice.Object):
        def __init__(self):
Exemplo n.º 44
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `AWG.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

from sys import version_info as _version_info_
import Ice, IcePy
from . import device_repo_ice

# Included module device_repo_ice
_M_device_repo_ice = Ice.openModule('device_repo.device_repo_ice')

# Start of module device_repo_ice
__name__ = 'device_repo.device_repo_ice'

if '_t_RawWaveform' not in _M_device_repo_ice.__dict__:
    _M_device_repo_ice._t_RawWaveform = IcePy.defineSequence(
        '::device_repo_ice::RawWaveform', (), IcePy._t_double)

_M_device_repo_ice._t_AWG = IcePy.defineValue('::device_repo_ice::AWG',
                                              Ice.Value, -1, (), False, True,
                                              None, ())

if 'AWGPrx' not in _M_device_repo_ice.__dict__:
    _M_device_repo_ice.AWGPrx = Ice.createTempClass()
Exemplo n.º 45
# Ice version 3.4.1

# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `Locator.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__
import Ice_Locator_ice

# Included module Ice
_M_Ice = Ice.openModule('Ice')

# Start of module IceGrid
_M_IceGrid = Ice.openModule('IceGrid')
__name__ = 'IceGrid'

if not _M_IceGrid.__dict__.has_key('Registry'):
    _M_IceGrid._t_Registry = IcePy.declareClass('::IceGrid::Registry')
    _M_IceGrid._t_RegistryPrx = IcePy.declareProxy('::IceGrid::Registry')

if not _M_IceGrid.__dict__.has_key('Query'):
    _M_IceGrid._t_Query = IcePy.declareClass('::IceGrid::Query')
    _M_IceGrid._t_QueryPrx = IcePy.declareProxy('::IceGrid::Query')

if not _M_IceGrid.__dict__.has_key('Locator'):
    _M_IceGrid.Locator = Ice.createTempClass()
Exemplo n.º 46
# **********************************************************************
# Copyright (c) 2003-2010 ZeroC, Inc. All rights reserved.
# This copy of Ice is licensed to you under the terms described in the
# ICE_LICENSE file included in this distribution.
# **********************************************************************

# Ice version 3.4.1

# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `RouterF.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__

# Start of module Glacier2
_M_Glacier2 = Ice.openModule('Glacier2')
__name__ = 'Glacier2'

if not _M_Glacier2.__dict__.has_key('Router'):
    _M_Glacier2._t_Router = IcePy.declareClass('::Glacier2::Router')
    _M_Glacier2._t_RouterPrx = IcePy.declareProxy('::Glacier2::Router')

# End of module Glacier2
Exemplo n.º 47
# This copy of Ice is licensed to you under the terms described in the
# ICE_LICENSE file included in this distribution.
# **********************************************************************

# Ice version 3.3.1
# Generated from file `MKS_Server.ice'

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__

if not Ice.__dict__.has_key( '_struct_marker' ):
    Ice._struct_marker = object()

# Start of module MksIce
_M_MksIce = Ice.openModule( 'MksIce' )
__name__ = 'MksIce'

if not _M_MksIce.__dict__.has_key( 'Management' ):
    _M_MksIce.Management = Ice.createTempClass()
    class Management( Ice.Object ):
        def __init__( self ):
            if __builtin__.type( self ) == _M_MksIce.Management:
                raise RuntimeError( 'MksIce.Management is an abstract class' )

        def ice_ids( self, current = None ):
            return ( '::Ice::Object', '::MksIce::Management' )

        def ice_id( self, current = None ):
            return '::MksIce::Management'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

from sys import version_info as _version_info_
import Ice, IcePy
import Ice.CommunicatorF_ice
import Ice.ServantLocatorF_ice
import Ice.Locator_ice
import Ice.FacetMap_ice
import Ice.Endpoint_ice

# Included module Ice
_M_Ice = Ice.openModule('Ice')

# Start of module Ice
__name__ = 'Ice'

if 'ObjectAdapter' not in _M_Ice.__dict__:
    _M_Ice.ObjectAdapter = Ice.createTempClass()

    class ObjectAdapter(object):
        The object adapter provides an up-call interface from the Ice
        run time to the implementation of Ice objects.
        The object adapter is responsible for receiving requests
        from endpoints, and for mapping between servants, identities, and
Exemplo n.º 49
# Ice version 3.4.2
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `fs.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__

# Start of module FS
_M_FS = Ice.openModule('FS')
__name__ = 'FS'

if not _M_FS.__dict__.has_key('Example'):
    _M_FS.Example = Ice.createTempClass()
    class Example(Ice.Object):
        def __init__(self, apilevel=0):
            self.apilevel = apilevel

        def ice_ids(self, current=None):
            return ('::FS::Example', '::Ice::Object')

        def ice_id(self, current=None):
            return '::FS::Example'

        def ice_staticId():
Exemplo n.º 50
# Ice version 3.6.1
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `base.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy
import exceptions_ice

# Included module Base
_M_Base = Ice.openModule('Base')

# Start of module Base
__name__ = 'Base'

if 'TBaseEntity' not in _M_Base.__dict__:
    _M_Base.TBaseEntity = Ice.createTempClass()

    class TBaseEntity(Ice.Object):
        def __init__(self, id=0, isValid=True, updateTime=0, createTime=0):
            self.id = id
            self.isValid = isValid
            self.updateTime = updateTime
            self.createTime = createTime

        def ice_ids(self, current=None):
import platform
import threading
import Queue
import time
import path as pathModule

import omero
import omero.cli
import omero.rtypes

import Ice
import IceGrid
import Glacier2

import omero_FS_ice
monitors = Ice.openModule('omero.grid.monitors')

from omero.clients import ObjectFactory
from omero.util import make_logname, ServerContext, Resources
from omero.util.decorators import remoted, locked, perf
from omero.util.import_candidates import as_dictionary
from omero.util.concurrency import Timer, get_event
from omero.util.temp_files import create_path, remove_path

class MonitorState(object):
    Concurrent state which is tracked by a MonitorClientI

    class Entry(object):
Exemplo n.º 52
   **   Generated by blitz/resources/templates/combined.vm
   **   Copyright 2007, 2008 Glencoe Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
   **   Use is subject to license terms supplied in LICENSE.txt
import Ice
import IceImport
import omero
from omero.rtypes import rlong
from collections import namedtuple
_omero = Ice.openModule("omero")
_omero_model = Ice.openModule("omero.model")
__name__ = "omero.model"

class ProjectI(_omero_model.Project):

    # Property Metadata
    _field_info_data = namedtuple("FieldData", ["wrapper", "nullable"])
    _field_info_type = namedtuple("FieldInfo", [
# This copy of Ice is licensed to you under the terms described in the
# ICE_LICENSE file included in this distribution.
# **********************************************************************

# Ice version 3.4.1

# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `PermissionsVerifierF.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__

# Start of module Glacier2
_M_Glacier2 = Ice.openModule('Glacier2')
__name__ = 'Glacier2'

if not _M_Glacier2.__dict__.has_key('PermissionsVerifier'):
    _M_Glacier2._t_PermissionsVerifier = IcePy.declareClass('::Glacier2::PermissionsVerifier')
    _M_Glacier2._t_PermissionsVerifierPrx = IcePy.declareProxy('::Glacier2::PermissionsVerifier')

if not _M_Glacier2.__dict__.has_key('SSLPermissionsVerifier'):
    _M_Glacier2._t_SSLPermissionsVerifier = IcePy.declareClass('::Glacier2::SSLPermissionsVerifier')
    _M_Glacier2._t_SSLPermissionsVerifierPrx = IcePy.declareProxy('::Glacier2::SSLPermissionsVerifier')

# End of module Glacier2
Exemplo n.º 54
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

from sys import version_info as _version_info_
import Ice, IcePy
import omero_model_IObject_ice
import omero_RTypes_ice
import omero_model_RTypes_ice
import omero_System_ice
import omero_Collections_ice

# Included module omero
_M_omero = Ice.openModule('omero')

# Included module omero.model
_M_omero.model = Ice.openModule('omero.model')

# Included module Ice
_M_Ice = Ice.openModule('Ice')

# Included module omero.sys
_M_omero.sys = Ice.openModule('omero.sys')

# Included module omero.api
_M_omero.api = Ice.openModule('omero.api')

# Start of module omero
__name__ = 'omero'
Exemplo n.º 55
 *   $Id$
 *   Copyright 2008 Glencoe Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
 *   Use is subject to license terms supplied in LICENSE.txt

import sys

import Ice
import omero
from omero.rtypes import *

_omero = Ice.openModule("omero")
_omero_sys = Ice.openModule("omero.sys")
__name__ = "omero.sys"

class ParametersI(omero.sys.Parameters):
    Helper subclass of omero.sys.Parameters for simplifying method
    parameter creation.

    def __init__(self, parammap = None):
        If no argument is provided, creates an instance to prevent later
        NoneType exceptions. To save memory, it is possible to pass None
        as the first argument. 
Exemplo n.º 56
# Ice version 3.6.3
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `sonars.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

from sys import version_info as _version_info_
import Ice, IcePy

# Start of module jderobot
_M_jderobot = Ice.openModule('jderobot')
__name__ = 'jderobot'

if 'Time' not in _M_jderobot.__dict__:
    _M_jderobot.Time = Ice.createTempClass()

    class Time(object):
        def __init__(self, seconds=0, useconds=0):
            self.seconds = seconds
            self.useconds = useconds

        def __hash__(self):
            _h = 0
            _h = 5 * _h + Ice.getHash(self.seconds)
            _h = 5 * _h + Ice.getHash(self.useconds)
            return _h % 0x7fffffff
Exemplo n.º 57
# Ice version 3.5.1
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `MediaFile.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy

# Start of module MediaFile
_M_MediaFile = Ice.openModule('MediaFile')
__name__ = 'MediaFile'

if '_t_ByteString' not in _M_MediaFile.__dict__:
    _M_MediaFile._t_ByteString = IcePy.defineSequence('::MediaFile::ByteString', (), IcePy._t_byte)

if '_t_FFMPEGParamsMap' not in _M_MediaFile.__dict__:
    _M_MediaFile._t_FFMPEGParamsMap = IcePy.defineDictionary('::MediaFile::FFMPEGParamsMap', (), IcePy._t_string, IcePy._t_string)

if 'FileTransfer' not in _M_MediaFile.__dict__:
    _M_MediaFile.FileTransfer = Ice.createTempClass()
    class FileTransfer(Ice.Object):
        def __init__(self):
            if Ice.getType(self) == _M_MediaFile.FileTransfer:
                raise RuntimeError('MediaFile.FileTransfer is an abstract class')
# Generated from file `MetadataStore.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__
import Ice_BuiltinSequences_ice
import omero_ModelF_ice
import omero_ServicesF_ice
import omero_Scripts_ice

# Included module Ice
_M_Ice = Ice.openModule('Ice')

# Included module omero
_M_omero = Ice.openModule('omero')

# Included module omero.model
_M_omero.model = Ice.openModule('omero.model')

# Included module Glacier2
_M_Glacier2 = Ice.openModule('Glacier2')

# Included module omero.sys
_M_omero.sys = Ice.openModule('omero.sys')

# Included module omero.api
_M_omero.api = Ice.openModule('omero.api')
# Generated from file `Reagent.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

import Ice, IcePy, __builtin__
import omero_model_IObject_ice
import omero_RTypes_ice
import omero_System_ice
import omero_Collections_ice

# Included module omero
_M_omero = Ice.openModule('omero')

# Included module omero.model
_M_omero.model = Ice.openModule('omero.model')

# Included module Ice
_M_Ice = Ice.openModule('Ice')

# Included module omero.sys
_M_omero.sys = Ice.openModule('omero.sys')

# Included module omero.api
_M_omero.api = Ice.openModule('omero.api')

# Start of module omero
__name__ = 'omero'
Exemplo n.º 60
# <auto-generated>
# Generated from file `cproxy.ice'
# Warning: do not edit this file.
# </auto-generated>

from sys import version_info as _version_info_
import Ice, IcePy
import utils_ice

# Included module Utils
_M_Utils = Ice.openModule('Utils')

# Start of module CProxy
_M_CProxy = Ice.openModule('CProxy')
__name__ = 'CProxy'

if 'EndPoint' not in _M_CProxy.__dict__:
    _M_CProxy.EndPoint = Ice.createTempClass()

    class EndPoint(object):
        def __init__(self, Index=0, IpAddress='', Port=0):
            self.Index = Index
            self.IpAddress = IpAddress
            self.Port = Port

        def __hash__(self):