Exemplo n.º 1
    def Print(self, ImDesc, corner, file=None):
        Prepare human readable contents
        Returns string with description of model

        * self     = object with Model to display
        * ImDesc   = Image Descriptor with Beam, etc.
        * corner   = bottom left corner in selected region of image (0-rel)
        # Start output string
        id = ImDesc.Dict
        modelInfo = ""

        # Collect info
        type = self.type
        parms = self.parms
        eparms = self.eparms

        # Gaussian
        if type == GaussMod:
            # Get celestial position
            xpix = corner[0] + self.DeltaX
            ypix = corner[1] + self.DeltaY
            pos=SkyGeom.PWorldPos (xpix, ypix, id["crval"][0], id["crval"][1], \
                                   id["crpix"][0], id["crpix"][1], \
                                   id["cdelt"][0], id["cdelt"][1], id["crota"][1], \
                                   id["ctype"][0][4:8], 0.0, 0.0)
            rast = ImageDesc.PRA2HMS(pos[1])
            decst = ImageDesc.PDec2DMS(pos[2])
            # Position errors
            era = self.eDeltaX * abs(id["cdelt"][0]) * 3600.0
            edec = self.eDeltaY * abs(id["cdelt"][1]) * 3600.0
            modelInfo += "RA  " + rast + " (%8.3g asec),  pixel %8.3f (%8.3g)\n" % (
                era, xpix, self.eDeltaX)
            modelInfo += "Dec  " + decst + " (%8.3g asec),  pixel %8.3f (%8.3g)\n" % (
                edec, ypix, self.eDeltaY)

            modelInfo += "Peak Flux density %8.3g (%8.3g) %s\n" % (
                self.Peak, self.ePeak, id["bunit"])
            # Ratio of Gaussian beams if beam in ImDesc
            if (id["beamMaj"] > 0.0) and (id["beamMin"] > 0.0):
                ratio = (parms[0] * abs(id["cdelt"][0])*parms[1] * abs(id["cdelt"][1])) / \
                modelInfo += "Integrated Flux density %8.3g (%8.3g) %s\n" % \
                             (self.Peak*ratio, self.ePeak*ratio, "Jy")

            modelInfo += "Fitted Major axis %8.3f (%8.3g) asec, %8.3f (%8.3g) pixels\n" % \
                         (parms[0]*abs(id["cdelt"][0])*3600.0, eparms[0]*abs(id["cdelt"][0])*3600.0, \
                          parms[0], eparms[1])
            modelInfo += "Fitted Minor axis %8.3f (%8.3g) asec, %8.3f (%8.3g) pixels\n" % \
                         (parms[1]*abs(id["cdelt"][1])*3600.0, eparms[1]*abs(id["cdelt"][1])*3600.0, \
                          parms[1], eparms[1])
            modelInfo += "Fitted Position angle %8.5g (%8.3g) deg\n" % \
                         (parms[2]*57.296, eparms[2]*57.296)
            if (id["beamMaj"] > 0.0) and (id["beamMin"] > 0.0):
                # Deconvolve
                deconMod = self.DeconGau(ImDesc)
                if PIsA(deconMod) and deconMod.type > 0:
                    modelInfo += "\nDeconvolved model\n"
                    dparms = deconMod.parms
                    deparms = deconMod.eparms
                    modelInfo += "Deconvolved Major axis %8.3g (%8.3g) asec, %8.3f (%8.3g) pixels\n" % \
                                 (dparms[0]*abs(id["cdelt"][0])*3600.0, deparms[0]*abs(id["cdelt"][0])*3600.0, \
                                  dparms[0], deparms[1])
                    modelInfo += "Deconvolved Minor axis %8.3g (%8.3g) asec, %8.3f (%8.3g) pixels\n" % \
                                 (dparms[1]*abs(id["cdelt"][1])*3600.0, deparms[1]*abs(id["cdelt"][1])*3600.0, \
                                  dparms[1], deparms[1])
                    modelInfo += "Deconvolved Position angle %8.5g (%8.3g) deg\n" % \
                                 (dparms[2]*57.296, deparms[2]*57.296)

                    modelInfo += "\nDeconvolution failed\n"
                    # end deconvolved
        # end Gaussian
        # done
        return modelInfo
Exemplo n.º 2
def SelectCC(im, inCC, outCC, radius, peelPos, err):
    Select/copy CCs more than radius from  peelPos
    This generates a CC table which can be subtracted from the uv data
    and remove all sources but the peel source area.
    * im     = Python Image with CC Tables
    * inCC   = input CC version
    * outCC  = output CC version
    * radius = radius (deg) of zone of exclusion
    * peelPos= [RA, Dec] in deg.
    * err    = Python Obit Error/message stack
    # Checks
    if not Image.PIsA(im):
        raise TypeError, "im MUST be a Python Obit Image"
    if not OErr.OErrIsA(err):
        raise TypeError, "err MUST be an OErr"
    # Geometry
    xref = im.Desc.Dict['crval'][0]
    yref = im.Desc.Dict['crval'][1]
    xrefpix = im.Desc.Dict['crpix'][0]
    yrefpix = im.Desc.Dict['crpix'][1]
    xinc = abs(im.Desc.Dict['cdelt'][0])
    yinc = im.Desc.Dict['cdelt'][1]
    rot = im.Desc.Dict['crota'][1]
    imtype = im.Desc.Dict['ctype'][0][4:]
    # Input CC
    inTab = im.NewTable(Table.READONLY, "AIPS CC", inCC, err)
    if err.isErr:
        OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error finding input CC Table")
    # Output CC
    nrow = inTab.Desc.Dict['nrow']
    noParms = inTab.Desc.List.Dict['NO_PARMS'][2][0]
    outTab = im.NewTable(Table.WRITEONLY, "AIPS CC", outCC, err, \
                             noParms = noParms)
    if err.isErr:
        OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error creating output CC Table")
    # Open
    inTab.Open(Table.READONLY, err)
    outTab.Open(Table.WRITEONLY, err)
    if err.isErr:
        OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error opening CC Tables")
    orow = 1
    count = 0
    sumf = 0.0
    OErr.PLog(err, OErr.Info, "Excluding:")
    for irow in range(1, nrow + 1):
        row = inTab.ReadRow(irow, err)
        # Want this one?
        dx = row['DELTAX'][0]
        dy = row['DELTAY'][0]
        [ierr, xpos, ypos] = SkyGeom.PWorldPosLM(dx, dy, xref, yref, xinc,
                                                 yinc, rot, imtype)
        # Small angle approximation
        dra = (xpos - peelPos[0]) * cos(radians(xpos))
        delta = ((dra)**2 + (ypos - peelPos[1])**2)**0.5
        if delta > radius:
            outTab.WriteRow(orow, row, err)
            orow += 1
            #print irow,xpos,ypos
            count += 1
            sumf += row['FLUX'][0]
            ras = ImageDesc.PRA2HMS(xpos)
            decs = ImageDesc.PDec2DMS(ypos)
            OErr.PLog(err, OErr.Info,
                      "%6d %s %s flux= %f" % (irow, ras, decs, row['FLUX'][0]))
    # End loop
    OErr.PLog(err, OErr.Info, "Drop %6d CCs, sum flux= %f" % (count, sumf))
    if err.isErr:
        OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error copying CC Table")
Exemplo n.º 3
def PVLScale(inImage, inVL, outVL, scale, err, exclude=None):
    Scale the flux density values in a VL table
    Copies beam parameters and indexes when done.
    * inImage   = Input image with VL tables
    * inVL      = Input Obit VL Table
    * outVL     = Output Obit VL Table, new data appended to end of old
    * scale     = scale factor for flux densities
    * err       = Python Obit Error/message stack
    * exclude   = list of tuples with (ra, deg, size) all in deg
                  describing regions not to rescale
    # Checks
    if not Table.PIsA(inVL):
        print("Actually ", inVL.__class__)
        raise TypeError("inVL MUST be a Python Obit Table")
    if not Table.PIsA(outVL):
        print("Actually ", outVL.__class__)
        raise TypeError("VLTable MUST be a Python Obit Table")
    fblank = Obit.FArrayGetBlank()  # Blanked value
    inVL.Open(Table.READONLY, err)
    outVL.Open(Table.READWRITE, err)
    if err.isErr:
        OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error Opening tables")
    # Copy beam info
    outVL.keys["BeamMajor"] = inVL.keys["BeamMajor"]
    outVL.keys["BeamMinor"] = inVL.keys["BeamMinor"]
    outVL.keys["BeamPA"] = inVL.keys["BeamPA"]
    #print "debug",outVL.keys
    nrow = inVL.Desc.Dict['nrow']
    orow = -1
    for irow in range(1, nrow + 1):
        row = inVL.ReadRow(irow, err)
        if err.isErr:
        doScale = True  # Need to scale?
        if exclude:
            for pos in exclude:
                (dra, ddec) = SkyGeom.PShiftXY(row["RA(2000)"][0],
                                               row["DEC(2000)"][0], 0.0,
                                               pos[0], pos[1])
                if (abs(dra) <= pos[2]) and (abs(ddec) <= pos[2]):
                    doScale = False
                    print("exclude", irow, ImageDesc.PRA2HMS(row["RA(2000)"][0]), ImageDesc.PDec2DMS(row["DEC(2000)"][0]), \
                        row["PEAK INT"][0])
        if doScale:
            row["PEAK INT"][0] *= scale
            row["I RMS"][0] *= scale
            row["RES RMS"][0] *= scale
            row["RES PEAK"][0] *= scale
            row["RES FLUX"][0] *= scale
            # Have poln data?
            if (row["Q CENTER"][0] != fblank) and (row["U CENTER"][0] !=
                row["Q CENTER"][0] *= scale
                row["U CENTER"][0] *= scale
                row["P Flux"][0] *= scale
                row["POL RMS"][0] *= scale
        # write
        outVL.WriteRow(orow, row, err)
        if err.isErr:

    # History
    inHistory = History.History("history", inImage.List, err)
    inHistory.Open(History.READWRITE, err)
    inHistory.TimeStamp("Start PVLScale", err)
    inHistory.WriteRec(-1, "PVLScale / scale = " + str(scale), err)
    if exclude:
        i = 0
        for pos in exclude:
            i += 1
            hi = "PVLScale exclude[%d] = (%9.5f,%9.5f,%8.6f) \ no Scale" % (
                i, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2])
            inHistory.WriteRec(-1, hi, err)

    # Index
    print("Index output")
    PVLIndex(outVL, err)