Exemplo n.º 1
def start_munge(args):
    """Start munge service on all nodes.

        args (Namespace): Commandline arguments

    sudo = "sudo" if args.sudo else ""
    all_nodes = NodeSet("{},{}".format(str(args.control), str(args.nodes)))
    # exclude the control node
    nodes = NodeSet(str(args.nodes))

    # copy key to all nodes FROM slurmctl node;
    # change the protections/ownership on the munge dir on all nodes
    cmd_list = [
        "{0} chmod -R 777 /etc/munge; {0} chown {1}. /etc/munge".format(
            sudo, args.user)
    if execute_cluster_cmds(all_nodes, cmd_list) > 0:
        return 1

    # Check if file exists on slurm control node
    # change the protections/ownership on the munge key before copying
    cmd_list = [
        "set -Eeu", "rc=0", "if [ ! -f /etc/munge/munge.key ]",
        "then {} create-munge-key".format(sudo), "fi",
        "{} chmod 777 /etc/munge/munge.key".format(sudo),
        "{} chown {}. /etc/munge/munge.key".format(sudo, args.user)

    if execute_cluster_cmds(args.control, ["; ".join(cmd_list)]) > 0:
        return 1
    # remove any existing key from other nodes
    cmd_list = [
        "{} rm -f /etc/munge/munge.key".format(sudo),
        "scp -p {}:/etc/munge/munge.key /etc/munge/munge.key".format(
    if execute_cluster_cmds(nodes, ["; ".join(cmd_list)]) > 0:
        return 1
    # set the protection back to defaults
    cmd_list = [
        "{} chmod 400 /etc/munge/munge.key".format(sudo),
        "{} chown munge. /etc/munge/munge.key".format(sudo),
        "{} chmod 700 /etc/munge".format(sudo),
        "{} chown munge. /etc/munge".format(sudo)
    if execute_cluster_cmds(all_nodes, ["; ".join(cmd_list)]) > 0:
        return 1

    # Start Munge service on all nodes
    all_nodes = NodeSet("{},{}".format(str(args.control), str(args.nodes)))
    return execute_cluster_cmds(all_nodes, MUNGE_STARTUP, args.sudo)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def testBadTopologies(self):
        """test detecting invalid topologies"""
        g = TopologyGraph()
        admin = NodeSet('admin')
        # Add the same nodeset twice
        ns0 = NodeSet('nodes[0-9]')
        ns1 = NodeSet('nodes[10-19]')
        ns2 = NodeSet('nodes[20-29]')

        g.add_route(admin, ns0)
        g.add_route(ns0, ns1)
        g.add_route(ns0, ns2)

        # add a superset of a known destination as source
        ns2_sup = NodeSet('somenode[0-10]')
        self.assertRaises(TopologyError, g.add_route, ns2_sup, NodeSet('foo1'))

        # Add a known dst nodeset as a src nodeset
        ns3 = NodeSet('nodes[30-39]')
        g.add_route(ns1, ns3)

        # Add a subset of a known src nodeset as src
        ns0_sub = NodeSet(','.join(ns0[:3:]))
        ns4 = NodeSet('nodes[40-49]')
        g.add_route(ns0_sub, ns4)

        # Add a subset of a known dst nodeset as src
        ns1_sub = NodeSet(','.join(ns1[:3:]))
        self.assertRaises(TopologyError, g.add_route, ns4, ns1_sub)
        # Add a subset of a known src nodeset as dst
        self.assertRaises(TopologyError, g.add_route, ns4, ns0_sub)
        # Add a subset of a known dst nodeset as dst
        self.assertRaises(TopologyError, g.add_route, ns4, ns1_sub)
        # src <- subset of -> dst
        ns5 = NodeSet('nodes[50-59]')
        ns5_sub = NodeSet(','.join(ns5[:3:]))
        self.assertRaises(TopologyError, g.add_route, ns5, ns5_sub)
        self.assertRaises(TopologyError, g.add_route, ns5_sub, ns5)

        self.assertEqual(g.dest(ns0), (ns1 | ns2))
        self.assertEqual(g.dest(ns1), ns3)
        self.assertEqual(g.dest(ns2), None)
        self.assertEqual(g.dest(ns3), None)
        self.assertEqual(g.dest(ns4), None)
        self.assertEqual(g.dest(ns5), None)
        self.assertEqual(g.dest(ns0_sub), (ns1 | ns2 | ns4))

        g = TopologyGraph()
        root = NodeSet('root')
        ns01 = NodeSet('nodes[0-1]')
        ns23 = NodeSet('nodes[2-3]')
        ns45 = NodeSet('nodes[4-5]')
        ns67 = NodeSet('nodes[6-7]')
        ns89 = NodeSet('nodes[8-9]')

        g.add_route(root, ns01)
        g.add_route(root, ns23 | ns45)
        self.assertRaises(TopologyError, g.add_route, ns23, ns23)
        self.assertRaises(TopologyError, g.add_route, ns45, root)
        g.add_route(ns23, ns67)
        g.add_route(ns67, ns89)
        self.assertRaises(TopologyError, g.add_route, ns89, ns67)
        self.assertRaises(TopologyError, g.add_route, ns89, ns89)
        self.assertRaises(TopologyError, g.add_route, ns89, ns23)

        ns_all = NodeSet('root,nodes[0-9]')
        for nodegroup in g.to_tree('root'):
        self.assertEqual(len(ns_all), 0)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def testBadTopologies(self):
        """test detecting invalid topologies"""
        g = TopologyGraph()
        admin = NodeSet('admin')
        # Add the same nodeset twice
        ns0 = NodeSet('nodes[0-9]')
        ns1 = NodeSet('nodes[10-19]')
        ns2 = NodeSet('nodes[20-29]')

        g.add_route(admin, ns0)
        g.add_route(ns0, ns1)
        g.add_route(ns0, ns2)

        # add a superset of a known destination as source
        ns2_sup = NodeSet('somenode[0-10]')
        self.assertRaises(TopologyError, g.add_route, ns2_sup, NodeSet('foo1'))

        # Add a known dst nodeset as a src nodeset
        ns3 = NodeSet('nodes[30-39]')
        g.add_route(ns1, ns3)

        # Add a subset of a known src nodeset as src
        ns0_sub = NodeSet(','.join(ns0[:3:]))
        ns4 = NodeSet('nodes[40-49]')
        g.add_route(ns0_sub, ns4)

        # Add a subset of a known dst nodeset as src
        ns1_sub = NodeSet(','.join(ns1[:3:]))
        self.assertRaises(TopologyError, g.add_route, ns4, ns1_sub)
        # Add a subset of a known src nodeset as dst
        self.assertRaises(TopologyError, g.add_route, ns4, ns0_sub)
        # Add a subset of a known dst nodeset as dst
        self.assertRaises(TopologyError, g.add_route, ns4, ns1_sub)
        # src <- subset of -> dst
        ns5 = NodeSet('nodes[50-59]')
        ns5_sub = NodeSet(','.join(ns5[:3:]))
        self.assertRaises(TopologyError, g.add_route, ns5, ns5_sub)
        self.assertRaises(TopologyError, g.add_route, ns5_sub, ns5)

        self.assertEqual(g.dest(ns0), (ns1 | ns2))
        self.assertEqual(g.dest(ns1), ns3)
        self.assertEqual(g.dest(ns2), None)
        self.assertEqual(g.dest(ns3), None)
        self.assertEqual(g.dest(ns4), None)
        self.assertEqual(g.dest(ns5), None)
        self.assertEqual(g.dest(ns0_sub), (ns1 | ns2 | ns4))

        g = TopologyGraph()
        root = NodeSet('root')
        ns01 = NodeSet('nodes[0-1]')
        ns23 = NodeSet('nodes[2-3]')
        ns45 = NodeSet('nodes[4-5]')
        ns67 = NodeSet('nodes[6-7]')
        ns89 = NodeSet('nodes[8-9]')

        g.add_route(root, ns01)
        g.add_route(root, ns23 | ns45)
        self.assertRaises(TopologyError, g.add_route, ns23, ns23)
        self.assertRaises(TopologyError, g.add_route, ns45, root)
        g.add_route(ns23, ns67)
        g.add_route(ns67, ns89)
        self.assertRaises(TopologyError, g.add_route, ns89, ns67)
        self.assertRaises(TopologyError, g.add_route, ns89, ns89)
        self.assertRaises(TopologyError, g.add_route, ns89, ns23)

        ns_all = NodeSet('root,nodes[0-9]')
        for nodegroup in g.to_tree('root'):
        self.assertEqual(len(ns_all), 0)
Exemplo n.º 4
class TopologyNodeGroup(object):
    """Base element for in-memory representation of the propagation tree.
    Contains a nodeset, with parent-children relationships with other
    def __init__(self, nodeset=None):
        """initialize a new TopologyNodeGroup instance."""
        # Base nodeset
        self.nodeset = nodeset
        # Parent TopologyNodeGroup (TNG) instance
        self.parent = None
        # List of children TNG instances
        self._children = []
        self._children_len = 0
        # provided for convenience
        self._children_ns = None

    def printable_subtree(self, prefix=''):
        """recursive method that returns a printable version the subtree from
        the current node with a nice presentation
        res = ''
        # For now, it is ok to use a recursive method here as we consider that
        # tree depth is relatively small.
        if self.parent is None:
            # root
            res = '%s\n' % str(self.nodeset)
        elif self.parent.parent is None:
            # first level
            if not self._is_last():
                res = '|- %s\n' % str(self.nodeset)
                res = '`- %s\n' % str(self.nodeset)
            # deepest levels...
            if not self.parent._is_last():
                prefix += '|  '
                # fix last line
                prefix += '   '
            if not self._is_last():
                res = '%s|- %s\n' % (prefix, str(self.nodeset))
                res = '%s`- %s\n' % (prefix, str(self.nodeset))
        # perform recursive calls to print out every node
        for child in self._children:
            res += child.printable_subtree(prefix)
        return res

    def add_child(self, child):
        """add a child to the children list and define the current instance as
        its parent
        assert isinstance(child, TopologyNodeGroup)

        if child in self._children:
        child.parent = self
        if self._children_ns is None:
            self._children_ns = NodeSet()

    def clear_child(self, child, strict=False):
        """remove a child"""
            if len(self._children_ns) == 0:
                self._children_ns = None
        except ValueError:
            if strict:

    def clear_children(self):
        """delete all children"""
        self._children = []
        self._children_ns = None

    def children(self):
        """get the children list"""
        return self._children

    def children_ns(self):
        """return the children as a nodeset"""
        return self._children_ns

    def children_len(self):
        """returns the number of children as the sum of the size of the
        children's nodeset
        if self._children_ns is None:
            return 0
            return len(self._children_ns)

    def _is_last(self):
        """used to display the subtree: we won't prefix the line the same way if
        the current instance is the last child of the children list of its
        return self.parent._children[-1::][0] == self

    def __str__(self):
        """printable representation of the nodegroup"""
        return '<TopologyNodeGroup (%s)>' % str(self.nodeset)
Exemplo n.º 5
class BaseEntity(object):
    This class is abstract and shall not be instanciated.
    A BaseEntity object basically represents a node of graph with reference
    on parents and children.

        'NAME':    'name',
        'FANOUT':  'fanout',
        'TIMEOUT': 'timeout',
        'TARGET':  'target',
        'DESC':    'desc',

    def __init__(self, name, target=None, delay=0):
        # Entity name
        self.name = name

        # Each entity has a status which it state
        self.status = NO_STATUS

        # Description of an entity
        self.desc = None

        # Maximum window for parallelism. A None fanout means
        # that the task will be limited by the default value of
        # ClusterShell 64
        self.fanout = -1

        # Nodes on which the entity is launched
        self._target = None
        self.target = target
        self._target_backup = self.target

        # Special mode which change entity behaviour
        # 'delegate' means manage targets but run localy.
        self.mode = None

        # Maximum error authorized for the entity.
        self.errors = 0

        # Error threshold before reaching the warning status
        # (should be <= self.errors)
        self.warnings = 0

        # Max time allowed to compute an entity, -1 means no timeout
        self.timeout = -1

        # Delay to wait before launching an action
        self.delay = delay

        self.maxretry = 0

        # Parent of the current object. Must be a subclass of BaseEntity
        self.parent = None

        # Parents dependencies (e.g A->B so B is the parent of A)
        self.parents = {}

        # Children dependencies (e.g A<-B) so A is a child of B)
        self.children = {}

        self.simulate = False

        # Agorithm's direction used
        # False : go in parent's direction
        # True : go in children direction
        self._algo_reversed = False

        # Tag the entity. By this way we know if the entity have to be
        # call by her dependencies
        self._tagged = False

        # Variables
        self.variables = {}

    def add_var(self, varname, value):
        '''Add a new variable within the entity context'''
        if varname not in self.variables:
            self.variables[varname] = value
            raise VariableAlreadyExistError

    def remove_var(self, varname):
        '''Remove an existing var from the entity'''
        if varname in self.variables:
            del self.variables[varname]

    def update_target(self, nodeset, mode=None):
        '''Update the attribute target of an entity'''
        assert nodeset is not None
        if not mode:
            self.target = NodeSet(nodeset)
        elif mode is 'DIF' and self.target:
        elif mode is 'INT' and self.target:

    def _get_target(self):
        '''Return self._target'''
        return self._target

    def _set_target(self, value):
        '''Assign nodeset to _target'''
        self._target = None
        if value is not None:
            self._target = NodeSet(self._resolve(value))

    target = property(fset=_set_target, fget=_get_target)

    def reset(self):
        '''Reset values of attributes in order to perform multiple exec.'''
        self._tagged = False
        self.target = self._target_backup
        self.status = NO_STATUS
        self.algo_reversed = False

    def search(self, name, reverse=False):
        Search an entity through the overall graph. This recursive algorithm
        stops as soon as the node searched is reached.
        target = None
        deps = self.parents
        if reverse:
            deps = self.children
        if name in deps:
            return deps[name].target
            for dep in deps.values():
                target = dep.target.search(name, reverse)
                if target:
                    return target
        return target

    def add_dep(self, target, sgth=REQUIRE, parent=True):
        Add a dependency in both direction. This method allow the user to
        specify the dependency type. It is also possible to specify that
        the target is the parent or the child of the current entity.
        assert target, "target must not be None"
        if sgth in (CHECK, REQUIRE, REQUIRE_WEAK):
            if parent:
                if target.name in self.parents:
                    raise DependencyAlreadyReferenced()
                    # This dependency is considered as a parent
                    self.parents[target.name] = Dependency(target, sgth, False)
                    target.children[self.name] = Dependency(self, sgth, False)
                if target.name in self.children:
                    raise DependencyAlreadyReferenced()
                    # This dependency is considered as a child
                    self.children[target.name] = Dependency(target, sgth, False)
                    target.parents[self.name] = Dependency(self, sgth, False)
            raise IllegalDependencyTypeError()

    def remove_dep(self, dep_name, parent=True):
        Remove a dependency on both side, in the current object and in the
        target object concerned by the dependency.
        assert dep_name, "Dependency specified must not be None"
        if parent and dep_name in self.parents:
            dep = self.parents[dep_name]
            del self.parents[dep_name]
            del dep.target.children[self.name]
        elif dep_name in self.children:
            dep = self.children[dep_name]
            del self.children[dep_name]
            del dep.target.parents[self.name]

    def clear_parent_deps(self):
        '''Remove all parent dependencies of an entity'''
        for dpname in self.parents.keys():

    def clear_child_deps(self):
        '''Remove all child dependencies of an entity'''
        for dpname in self.children.keys():
            self.remove_dep(dep_name=dpname, parent=False)

    def has_child_dep(self, dep_name=None):
        Determine whether the current object has a child dependency called
        return dep_name in self.children

    def has_parent_dep(self, dep_name=None):
        Determine whether the current object has a parent dependency called
        return dep_name in self.parents

    def clear_deps(self):
        '''Clear parent/child dependencies.'''

    def deps(self):
        Return parent dependency list.

        Return children deps as parent if algo is reversed.
        if self._algo_reversed:
            return self.children
            return self.parents

    def is_ready(self):
        Determine if the current services has to wait before to
        start due to unterminated dependencies.
        for dep in self.deps().values():
            if dep.target.status in (NO_STATUS, WAITING_STATUS):
                return False
        return True 

    def search_deps(self, symbols=None):
        Look for parent/child dependencies matching to the symbols. The
        search direction depends on the direction specified for the entiy.
        # No selection criteria, return everything
        if not symbols:
            return self.deps().values()

        # Else, only keep matching deps
            dep_list = self.deps().values()
            return [dep for dep in dep_list if dep.target.status in symbols]

    def graph_info(self):
        """ Return a tuple to manage dependencies output """
        return (self.fullname(), None)

    def graph(self, excluded=None):
        """ Generate a graph of dependencies"""
        grph = ""
        # If the entity has a no dependency we just return the entity fullname
        if not self.deps().values():
            grph += '"%s";\n' % self.fullname()
            for dep in self.deps().values():
                if not dep.target.excluded(excluded):
                    if not dep.target.simulate:
                        grph += dep.graph(self)
                        grph += '"%s";\n' % self.fullname()
        return grph

    def excluded(self, excluded=None):
        """Is the entity ecluded recusively"""
        if not excluded:
            return False
        if not self.deps().values():
            return self.fullname() in excluded

        # FIXME: Better loop detection
        if self.search(self.name):
            return True

        for dep in self.deps().values():
            if dep.target.excluded(excluded):
                return True

        return self.fullname() in excluded

    def eval_deps_status(self):
        Evaluate the result of the dependencies in order to check to establish
        a status.
        if len(self.deps()):
            order = lambda dep: DEP_ORDER[dep.status()]
            sorted_deps = sorted(self.deps().values(), key=order)
            return sorted_deps[-1].status()
            return MISSING

    def set_algo_reversed(self, flag):
        '''Assign the right values for the property algo_reversed'''
        self._algo_reversed = flag

    algo_reversed = property(fset=set_algo_reversed)

    def longname(self):
        '''Return entity fullname and descrition if available '''
        label = self.fullname()
        if self.desc:
            label += " - %s" % self.desc
        return label

    def fullname(self):
        '''Return the fullname of the current entity'''
        names = []
        if self.parent:
        return '.'.join(names)

    def _lookup_variable(self, varname):
        Return the value of the specified variable name.

        If is not found in current object, it searches recursively in the
        parent object.
        If it cannot solve the variable name, it raises UndefinedVariableError.
        from MilkCheck.ServiceManager import service_manager_self

        if varname in self.variables:
            return self.variables[varname]
        elif varname.upper() in self.LOCAL_VARIABLES:
            value = self.LOCAL_VARIABLES[varname.upper()]
            return self.resolve_property(value)
        elif self.parent:
            return self.parent._lookup_variable(varname)
        elif varname in service_manager_self().variables:
            return service_manager_self().variables[varname]
            raise UndefinedVariableError(varname)

    def _substitute(self, template):
        """Substitute %xxx patterns from the provided template."""
        delimiter = '%'
        pattern = r"""
            (?P<escaped>%(delim)s) | # Escape sequence of two delimiters
            (?P<named>%(id)s)      | # delimiter and a Python identifier
            {(?P<braced>%(id)s)}   | # delimiter and a braced identifier
            \((?P<parenth>.+?)\)   | # delimiter and parenthesis
            (?P<invalid>)            # Other ill-formed delimiter exprs
          )""" % {
                'delim' : delimiter,
                'id' : r'[_a-z][_a-z0-9]*',
        pattern = re.compile(pattern, re.IGNORECASE | re.VERBOSE)

        # Command substitution
        def _cmd_repl(raw):
            '''Replace a command execution pattern by its result.'''
            logger = logging.getLogger('milkcheck')
            cmd = Popen(raw, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True)
            stdout = cmd.communicate()[0]
            logger.debug("External command exited with %d: '%s'" %
                         (cmd.returncode, stdout))
            if cmd.returncode >= 126:
                raise InvalidVariableError(raw)
            return stdout.rstrip('\n')

        def _invalid(mobj, template):
            '''Helper to raise a detail error message'''
            i = mobj.start('invalid')
            lines = template[:i].splitlines(True)
            # With the current regexp, it is impossible that lines is empty.
            assert lines, "invalid pattern as the begining of template"
            colno = i - len(''.join(lines[:-1]))
            lineno = len(lines)
            raise ValueError('Invalid placeholder in string: line %d, col %d' %
                             (lineno, colno))

        def _convert(mobj):
            """Helper function for .sub()"""
            # Check the mobjst commobjn path first.
            named = mobj.group('named') or mobj.group('braced')
            if named is not None:
                val = str(self._lookup_variable(named))
                return self._resolve(val)
            if mobj.group('escaped') is not None:
                return delimiter
            if mobj.group('parenth') is not None:
                val = self._resolve(mobj.group('parenth'))
                return _cmd_repl(val)
            if mobj.group('invalid') is not None:
                _invalid(mobj, template)
            raise ValueError('Unrecognized named group in pattern', pattern)
        return pattern.sub(_convert, template)

    def _resolve(self, value):
        This method takes a string containing symbols. Those strings may
        look like to : 
            + %(nodeset -f epsilon[5-8] -x epsilon7)
            + %CMD echo %(nodeset -f epsilon[5-8])
            + ps -e | grep myprogram
        After computation this method return a string with all the symbols
        The '%' character could be inserted using '%%'.
        # For compat: if provided value is not a str, we should not convert
        # it to a str if nothing matches.
        if type(value) is not str:
            return value

        # Replace all %xxx patterns
        origvalue = value
        value = self._substitute(value)

        # Debugging
        if origvalue != value:
            logger = logging.getLogger('milkcheck')
            logger.info("Variable content '%s' replaced by '%s'",
                        origvalue, value)

        return value

    def resolve_property(self, prop):
        Resolve the variables contained within the property. It proceeds by
        looking for the values required to replace the symbols. This method
        returns None whether the property does not exist.
        pvalue = None
        if hasattr(self, prop):
            pvalue = self._resolve(getattr(self, prop))
        return pvalue

    def inherits_from(self, entity):
        '''Inheritance of properties between entities'''

        # Beware to check the default value of all of theses properties.
        # Some of theses have a two possible 'false' value (None or '').
        # * The init value should always be None
        # * '' is set by the user
        if self.fanout <= -1 and entity.fanout:
            self.fanout = entity.fanout
        self.errors = self.errors or entity.errors
        self.warnings = self.warnings or entity.warnings
        if self.timeout is not None and self.timeout <= -1 and \
            entity.timeout >= 0:
            self.timeout = entity.timeout
        if self.target is None:
            self.target = entity.target
        self.mode = self.mode or entity.mode
        if self.desc is None:
            self.desc = entity.desc
        self.delay = self.delay or entity.delay
        self.maxretry = self.maxretry or entity.maxretry

    def fromdict(self, entdict):
        """Populate entity attributes from dict."""

        for item, prop in entdict.items():
            if item == 'target':
                self.target = prop
                self._target_backup = prop
            elif item == 'mode':
                self.mode = prop
            elif item == 'fanout':
                self.fanout = prop
            elif item == 'timeout':
                self.timeout = prop
            elif item == 'delay':
                self.delay = prop
            elif item == 'retry':
                self.maxretry = prop
            elif item == 'errors':
                self.errors = prop
            elif item == 'warnings':
                self.warnings = prop
            elif item == 'desc':
                self.desc = prop
            elif item == 'variables':
                for varname, value in prop.items():
                    self.add_var(varname, value)
Exemplo n.º 6
def ttyloop(task, nodeset, timeout, display, remote):
    """Manage the interactive prompt to run command"""
    readline_avail = False
    interactive = task.default("USER_interactive")
    if interactive:
            import readline
            readline_avail = True
        except ImportError:
        display.vprint(VERB_STD, \
            "Enter 'quit' to leave this interactive mode")

    rc = 0
    ns = NodeSet(nodeset)
    ns_info = True
    cmd = ""
    while task.default("USER_running") or \
            (interactive and cmd.lower() != 'quit'):
            # Set SIGUSR1 handler if needed
            if task.default("USER_handle_SIGUSR1"):
                signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, signal_handler)

            if task.default("USER_interactive") and \
                    not task.default("USER_running"):
                if ns_info:
                    display.vprint(VERB_QUIET, \
                                   "Working with nodes: %s" % ns)
                    ns_info = False
                prompt = "clush> "
                prompt = ""
                cmd = raw_input(prompt)
                assert cmd is not None, "Result of raw_input() is None!"
                signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, signal.SIG_IGN)
        except EOFError:
        except UpdatePromptException:
            if task.default("USER_interactive"):
        except KeyboardInterrupt as kbe:
            # Caught SIGINT here (main thread) but the signal will also reach
            # subprocesses (that will most likely kill them)
            if display.gather:
                # Suspend task, so we can safely access its data from here

                # If USER_running is not set, the task had time to finish,
                # that could mean all subprocesses have been killed and all
                # handlers have been processed.
                if not task.default("USER_running"):
                    # let's clush_excepthook handle the rest
                    raise kbe

                # If USER_running is set, the task didn't have time to finish
                # its work, so we must print something for the user...
                print_warn = False

                # Display command output, but cannot order buffers by rc
                nodesetify = lambda v: (v[0], NodeSet._fromlist1(v[1]))
                for buf, nodeset in sorted(map(nodesetify,
                    if not print_warn:
                        print_warn = True
                        display.vprint_err(VERB_STD, \
                            "Warning: Caught keyboard interrupt!")
                    display.print_gather(nodeset, buf)

                # Return code handling
                verbexit = VERB_QUIET
                if display.maxrc:
                    verbexit = VERB_STD
                ns_ok = NodeSet()
                for rc, nodelist in task.iter_retcodes():
                    if rc != 0:
                        # Display return code if not ok ( != 0)
                        nsdisp = ns = NodeSet._fromlist1(nodelist)
                        if display.verbosity >= VERB_QUIET and len(ns) > 1:
                            nsdisp = "%s (%d)" % (ns, len(ns))
                        msgrc = "clush: %s: exited with exit code %d" % (
                            nsdisp, rc)
                        display.vprint_err(verbexit, msgrc)

                # Add uncompleted nodeset to exception object
                kbe.uncompleted_nodes = ns - ns_ok

                # Display nodes that didn't answer within command timeout delay
                if task.num_timeout() > 0:
                    display.vprint_err(verbexit, \
                        "clush: %s: command timeout" % \
            raise kbe

        if task.default("USER_running"):
            ns_reg, ns_unreg = NodeSet(), NodeSet()
            for client in task._engine.clients():
                if client.registered:
            if ns_unreg:
                pending = "\nclush: pending(%d): %s" % (len(ns_unreg),
                pending = ""
                               "clush: interrupt (^C to abort task)")
            gws = list(task.gateways)
            if not gws:
                    VERB_QUIET, "clush: in progress(%d): %s%s" %
                    (len(ns_reg), ns_reg, pending))
                    VERB_QUIET, "clush: in progress(%d): %s%s\n"
                    "clush: [tree] open gateways(%d): %s" %
                    (len(ns_reg), ns_reg, pending, len(gws),
            for gw, (chan, metaworkers) in task.gateways.items():
                act_targets = NodeSet.fromlist(mw.gwtargets[gw]
                                               for mw in metaworkers)
                if act_targets:
                        VERB_QUIET, "clush: [tree] in progress(%d) on %s: %s" %
                        (len(act_targets), gw, act_targets))
            cmdl = cmd.lower()
                ns_info = True
                if cmdl.startswith('+'):
                elif cmdl.startswith('-'):
                elif cmdl.startswith('@'):
                    ns = NodeSet(cmdl[1:])
                elif cmdl == '=':
                    display.gather = not display.gather
                    if display.gather:
                        display.vprint(VERB_STD, \
                            "Switching to gathered output format")
                        display.vprint(VERB_STD, \
                            "Switching to standard output format")
                    task.set_default("stdout_msgtree", \
                                     display.gather or display.line_mode)
                    ns_info = False
                elif not cmdl.startswith('?'):  # if ?, just print ns_info
                    ns_info = False
            except NodeSetParseError:
                display.vprint_err(VERB_QUIET, \
                    "clush: nodeset parse error (ignoring)")

            if ns_info:

            if cmdl.startswith('!') and len(cmd.strip()) > 0:
                run_command(task, cmd[1:], None, timeout, display, remote)
            elif cmdl != "quit":
                if not cmd:
                if readline_avail:
                run_command(task, cmd, ns, timeout, display, remote)
    return rc
Exemplo n.º 7
def ttyloop(task, nodeset, timeout, display, remote):
    """Manage the interactive prompt to run command"""
    readline_avail = False
    interactive = task.default("USER_interactive")
    if interactive:
            import readline
            readline_avail = True
        except ImportError:
        display.vprint(VERB_STD, \
            "Enter 'quit' to leave this interactive mode")

    rc = 0
    ns = NodeSet(nodeset)
    ns_info = True
    cmd = ""
    while task.default("USER_running") or \
            (interactive and cmd.lower() != 'quit'):
            # Set SIGUSR1 handler if needed
            if task.default("USER_handle_SIGUSR1"):
                signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, signal_handler)

            if task.default("USER_interactive") and \
                    not task.default("USER_running"):
                if ns_info:
                    display.vprint(VERB_QUIET, \
                                   "Working with nodes: %s" % ns)
                    ns_info = False
                prompt = "clush> "
                prompt = ""
                cmd = raw_input(prompt)
                assert cmd is not None, "Result of raw_input() is None!"
                signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, signal.SIG_IGN)
        except EOFError:
        except UpdatePromptException:
            if task.default("USER_interactive"):
        except KeyboardInterrupt as kbe:
            # Caught SIGINT here (main thread) but the signal will also reach
            # subprocesses (that will most likely kill them)
            if display.gather:
                # Suspend task, so we can safely access its data from here

                # If USER_running is not set, the task had time to finish,
                # that could mean all subprocesses have been killed and all
                # handlers have been processed.
                if not task.default("USER_running"):
                    # let's clush_excepthook handle the rest
                    raise kbe

                # If USER_running is set, the task didn't have time to finish
                # its work, so we must print something for the user...
                print_warn = False

                # Display command output, but cannot order buffers by rc
                nodesetify = lambda v: (v[0], NodeSet._fromlist1(v[1]))
                for buf, nodeset in sorted(map(nodesetify, task.iter_buffers()),
                    if not print_warn:
                        print_warn = True
                        display.vprint_err(VERB_STD, \
                            "Warning: Caught keyboard interrupt!")
                    display.print_gather(nodeset, buf)

                # Return code handling
                verbexit = VERB_QUIET
                if display.maxrc:
                    verbexit = VERB_STD
                ns_ok = NodeSet()
                for rc, nodelist in task.iter_retcodes():
                    if rc != 0:
                        # Display return code if not ok ( != 0)
                        nsdisp = ns = NodeSet._fromlist1(nodelist)
                        if display.verbosity >= VERB_QUIET and len(ns) > 1:
                            nsdisp = "%s (%d)" % (ns, len(ns))
                        msgrc = "clush: %s: exited with exit code %d" % (nsdisp,
                        display.vprint_err(verbexit, msgrc)

                # Add uncompleted nodeset to exception object
                kbe.uncompleted_nodes = ns - ns_ok

                # Display nodes that didn't answer within command timeout delay
                if task.num_timeout() > 0:
                    display.vprint_err(verbexit, \
                        "clush: %s: command timeout" % \
            raise kbe

        if task.default("USER_running"):
            ns_reg, ns_unreg = NodeSet(), NodeSet()
            for client in task._engine.clients():
                if client.registered:
            if ns_unreg:
                pending = "\nclush: pending(%d): %s" % (len(ns_unreg), ns_unreg)
                pending = ""
                               "clush: interrupt (^C to abort task)")
            gws = list(task.gateways)
            if not gws:
                                   "clush: in progress(%d): %s%s"
                                   % (len(ns_reg), ns_reg, pending))
                                   "clush: in progress(%d): %s%s\n"
                                   "clush: [tree] open gateways(%d): %s"
                                   % (len(ns_reg), ns_reg, pending,
                                      len(gws), NodeSet._fromlist1(gws)))
            for gw, (chan, metaworkers) in task.gateways.items():
                act_targets = NodeSet.fromlist(mw.gwtargets[gw]
                                               for mw in metaworkers)
                if act_targets:
                                       "clush: [tree] in progress(%d) on %s: %s"
                                       % (len(act_targets), gw, act_targets))
            cmdl = cmd.lower()
                ns_info = True
                if cmdl.startswith('+'):
                elif cmdl.startswith('-'):
                elif cmdl.startswith('@'):
                    ns = NodeSet(cmdl[1:])
                elif cmdl == '=':
                    display.gather = not display.gather
                    if display.gather:
                        display.vprint(VERB_STD, \
                            "Switching to gathered output format")
                        display.vprint(VERB_STD, \
                            "Switching to standard output format")
                    task.set_default("stdout_msgtree", \
                                     display.gather or display.line_mode)
                    ns_info = False
                elif not cmdl.startswith('?'): # if ?, just print ns_info
                    ns_info = False
            except NodeSetParseError:
                display.vprint_err(VERB_QUIET, \
                    "clush: nodeset parse error (ignoring)")

            if ns_info:

            if cmdl.startswith('!') and len(cmd.strip()) > 0:
                run_command(task, cmd[1:], None, timeout, display, remote)
            elif cmdl != "quit":
                if not cmd:
                if readline_avail:
                run_command(task, cmd, ns, timeout, display, remote)
    return rc
Exemplo n.º 8
class TopologyNodeGroup(object):
    """Base element for in-memory representation of the propagation tree.
    Contains a nodeset, with parent-children relationships with other
    def __init__(self, nodeset=None):
        """initialize a new TopologyNodeGroup instance."""
        # Base nodeset
        self.nodeset = nodeset
        # Parent TopologyNodeGroup (TNG) instance
        self.parent = None
        # List of children TNG instances
        self._children = []
        self._children_len = 0
        # provided for convenience
        self._children_ns = None

    def printable_subtree(self, prefix=''):
        """recursive method that returns a printable version the subtree from
        the current node with a nice presentation
        res = ''
        # For now, it is ok to use a recursive method here as we consider that
        # tree depth is relatively small.
        if self.parent is None:
            # root
            res = '%s\n' % str(self.nodeset)
        elif self.parent.parent is None:
            # first level
            if not self._is_last():
                res = '|- %s\n' % str(self.nodeset)
                res = '`- %s\n' % str(self.nodeset)
            # deepest levels...
            if not self.parent._is_last():
                prefix += '|  '
                # fix last line
                prefix += '   '
            if not self._is_last():
                res = '%s|- %s\n' % (prefix, str(self.nodeset))
                res = '%s`- %s\n' % (prefix, str(self.nodeset))
        # perform recursive calls to print out every node
        for child in self._children:
            res += child.printable_subtree(prefix)
        return res

    def add_child(self, child):
        """add a child to the children list and define the current instance as
        its parent
        assert isinstance(child, TopologyNodeGroup)

        if child in self._children:
        child.parent = self
        if self._children_ns is None:
            self._children_ns = NodeSet()

    def clear_child(self, child, strict=False):
        """remove a child"""
            if len(self._children_ns) == 0:
                self._children_ns = None
        except ValueError:
            if strict:

    def clear_children(self):
        """delete all children"""
        self._children = []
        self._children_ns = None

    def children(self):
        """get the children list"""
        return self._children

    def children_ns(self):
        """return the children as a nodeset"""
        return self._children_ns

    def children_len(self):
        """returns the number of children as the sum of the size of the
        children's nodeset
        if self._children_ns is None:
            return 0
            return len(self._children_ns)

    def _is_last(self):
        """used to display the subtree: we won't prefix the line the same way if
        the current instance is the last child of the children list of its
        return self.parent._children[-1::][0] == self

    def __str__(self):
        """printable representation of the nodegroup"""
        return '<TopologyNodeGroup (%s)>' % str(self.nodeset)