Exemplo n.º 1
def process(filename):
    print("Processing " + filename)
    sequence_record_list = []

    # print(os.getcwd())
    for record in SeqIO.parse(filename, "fasta"):
    print("Sequences Extracted!")

    sequence_record = ''.join(str(e) for e in sequence_record_list)
    atree = ATree()
    print(str(len(sequence_record)) + "-->" + str(atree))

    for subsequence_chunks in break_sequence(sequence_record, 8):

    atree.dump_to_file(filename + "_TREE")

    print("Ensuring correct File System Navigation: " + os.getcwd())

    atree.pickle_into_file("GenomeDataset/Processing/" +
                           os.path.basename(filename) + "_pTREE")

        "rsync", "-az", "GenomeDataset/Processing/",
        "[email protected]:~/Documents/master-GSAFv2/gsaf-2.0/GenomeDataset/Processing/"

    return len(sequence_record)
def process(filename):
    print("Processing " + filename)
    sequence_record_list = []

    # print(os.getcwd())
    for record in SeqIO.parse(filename, "fasta"):
    print("Sequences Extracted!")

    sequence_record = ''.join(str(e) for e in sequence_record_list)
    atree = ATree()
    print(str(len(sequence_record)) + "-->" + str(atree))

    for subsequence_chunks in break_sequence(sequence_record, 8):

    atree.dump_to_file(filename + "_TREE")

    print("Ensuring correct File System Navigation: " + os.getcwd())

    atree.pickle_into_file("GenomeDataset/Processing/" + os.path.basename(filename) + "_pTREE")

    subprocess.call(["rsync", "-az", "GenomeDataset/Processing/",
                     "[email protected]:~/Documents/master-GSAFv2/gsaf-2.0/GenomeDataset/Processing/"])
    return len(sequence_record)
    def __init__(self):
        self.eigen_exists = False
        self.eigen_values = []

        # statistical_inferences attribute used for storing mean, mode, median, min, max, average
        self.statistical_inferences_exist = False
        self.statistical_inferences = {
            "mean": 0,
            "mode": 0,
            'median': 0,
            'min': 0,
            'max': 0,
            'range': 0

        self.has_been_analyzed = False

        self.gmap_exists = False
        self.gmap = np.zeros((340, 340), dtype=np.int)

        self.lookup_table = []

        self.new_tree = ATree()
    def __init__(self):
        self.eigen_exists = False
        self.eigen_values = []

        # statistical_inferences attribute used for storing mean, mode, median, min, max, average
        self.statistical_inferences_exist = False
        self.statistical_inferences = {"mean": 0, "mode": 0, "median": 0, "min": 0, "max": 0, "range": 0}

        self.has_been_analyzed = False

        self.gmap_exists = False
        self.gmap = np.zeros((340, 340), dtype=np.int)

        self.lookup_table = []

        self.new_tree = ATree()
class Chromosome:
    """Chromosome class to handle analysis modules"""

    _pattern_list = [
        "".join(x) for i in range(1, 9) for x in product(*['ACGT'] * i)
    _pattern_list_half = [
        "".join(x) for i in range(1, 5) for x in product(*['ACGT'] * i)

    def __init__(self):
        self.eigen_exists = False
        self.eigen_values = []

        # statistical_inferences attribute used for storing mean, mode, median, min, max, average
        self.statistical_inferences_exist = False
        self.statistical_inferences = {
            "mean": 0,
            "mode": 0,
            'median': 0,
            'min': 0,
            'max': 0,
            'range': 0

        self.has_been_analyzed = False

        self.gmap_exists = False
        self.gmap = np.zeros((340, 340), dtype=np.int)

        self.lookup_table = []

        self.new_tree = ATree()

    def load_chromosome_tree(self, filename):
        with open(filename, 'rb') as in_fh:
            self.new_tree = pickle.load(in_fh)
        print(filename + "Chromosome Tree Loaded!")

    def analyze(self, chromosome_file):
        print("Analyzing " + chromosome_file)
        if not self.has_been_analyzed:
            self.map(chromosome_file) if not self.gmap_exists else print(
                'Chromosome is mapped!')
            self.calculate_eigen_values() if not self.eigen_exists else print(
                'EV(s) exist!')

            # Dump pickled data
            self.store_to_file(chromosome_file + "_pChromosome",

            # Update has_been_analyzed attribute
            self.has_been_analyzed = True

    def map(self, chromosome_file):
        print("Performing Mapping Logic on: " + chromosome_file)
        # Mapping Logic Code
        for pattern in self._pattern_list:
            if len(pattern) > 1:
                if len(pattern) == 2:
                        pattern[:int(len(pattern) /
                                         pattern[int(len(pattern) / 2):]
                                     )] = self.new_tree.count(pattern)
                    # print(pattern[:int(len(pattern) / 2)] + "-->" + pattern[int(len(pattern) / 2):] + ":::" + str(self.gmap[self._pattern_list_half.index(pattern[:int(len(pattern) / 2)])][self._pattern_list_half.index(pattern[int(len(pattern) / 2):])]))
                    if 1 + len(pattern) / 2 <= 4:
                            pattern[:int(len(pattern) /
                                             pattern[int(len(pattern) / 2):]
                                         )] = self.new_tree.count(pattern)
                        # print(pattern[:int(len(pattern) / 2)] + "-->" + pattern[int(len(pattern) / 2):] + ":::" + str(self.gmap[self._pattern_list_half.index(pattern[:int(len(pattern) / 2)])][self._pattern_list_half.index(pattern[int(len(pattern) / 2):])]))
                            pattern[:1 +
                                    int(len(pattern) /
                                            pattern[1 + int(len(pattern) / 2):]
                                        )] = self.new_tree.count(pattern)
                        # print(pattern[:1 + int(len(pattern) / 2)] + "-->" + pattern[1 + int(len(pattern) / 2):] + ":::" + str(self.gmap[self._pattern_list_half.index(pattern[:1 + int(len(pattern) / 2)])][self._pattern_list_half.index(pattern[1 + int(len(pattern) / 2):])]))

        self.gmap_exists = True
        print(str(chromosome_file) + " mapped successfully!")
        # print(self.gmap)

        with open('op', 'w') as outfile:

            # This is to check if the mapping is indeed correct. If correct, both the print statements will print the same numerical value.
            # print(self.gmap[self._pattern_list_half.index('A')][self._pattern_list_half.index('AA')])
            # print(self.gmap[self._pattern_list_half.index('AA')][self._pattern_list_half.index('A')])

    def store_to_file(self, filename, filealso=False):
        with open(filename, 'wb') as picklefile:
            pickle.dump(self, picklefile)
        print("Stored to " + filename + " successfully!")

        if filealso:
            self.gmap.tofile(filename + "MAP_MATRIX_")

    def calculate_eigen_values(self):
        # Eigen Value Calculation and Output Code
        w, v = LA.eig(self.gmap)
        # print(len(w))
        # Populate statistical inferences
        self.statistical_inferences['mean'] = np.mean(self.gmap)
        # self.statistical_inferences['mode'] =
        self.statistical_inferences['median'] = np.median(self.gmap)
        self.statistical_inferences['min'] = np.amin(self.gmap)
        self.statistical_inferences['max'] = np.amax(self.gmap)
        self.statistical_inferences['range'] = np.ptp(self.gmap)
        self.statistical_inferences_exist = True
        # print(self.statistical_inferences)

        # with open("map" + )

        return w
class Chromosome:
    """Chromosome class to handle analysis modules"""

    _pattern_list = ["".join(x) for i in range(1, 9) for x in product(*["ACGT"] * i)]
    _pattern_list_half = ["".join(x) for i in range(1, 5) for x in product(*["ACGT"] * i)]

    def __init__(self):
        self.eigen_exists = False
        self.eigen_values = []

        # statistical_inferences attribute used for storing mean, mode, median, min, max, average
        self.statistical_inferences_exist = False
        self.statistical_inferences = {"mean": 0, "mode": 0, "median": 0, "min": 0, "max": 0, "range": 0}

        self.has_been_analyzed = False

        self.gmap_exists = False
        self.gmap = np.zeros((340, 340), dtype=np.int)

        self.lookup_table = []

        self.new_tree = ATree()

    def load_chromosome_tree(self, filename):
        with open(filename, "rb") as in_fh:
            self.new_tree = pickle.load(in_fh)
        print(filename + "Chromosome Tree Loaded!")

    def analyze(self, chromosome_file):
        print("Analyzing " + chromosome_file)
        if not self.has_been_analyzed:
            self.map(chromosome_file) if not self.gmap_exists else print("Chromosome is mapped!")
            self.calculate_eigen_values() if not self.eigen_exists else print("EV(s) exist!")

            # Dump pickled data
            self.store_to_file(chromosome_file + "_pChromosome", filealso=False)

            # Update has_been_analyzed attribute
            self.has_been_analyzed = True

    def map(self, chromosome_file):
        print("Performing Mapping Logic on: " + chromosome_file)
        # Mapping Logic Code
        for pattern in self._pattern_list:
            if len(pattern) > 1:
                if len(pattern) == 2:
                    self.gmap[self._pattern_list_half.index(pattern[: int(len(pattern) / 2)])][
                        self._pattern_list_half.index(pattern[int(len(pattern) / 2) :])
                    ] = self.new_tree.count(pattern)
                    # print(pattern[:int(len(pattern) / 2)] + "-->" + pattern[int(len(pattern) / 2):] + ":::" + str(self.gmap[self._pattern_list_half.index(pattern[:int(len(pattern) / 2)])][self._pattern_list_half.index(pattern[int(len(pattern) / 2):])]))
                    if 1 + len(pattern) / 2 <= 4:
                        self.gmap[self._pattern_list_half.index(pattern[: int(len(pattern) / 2)])][
                            self._pattern_list_half.index(pattern[int(len(pattern) / 2) :])
                        ] = self.new_tree.count(pattern)
                        # print(pattern[:int(len(pattern) / 2)] + "-->" + pattern[int(len(pattern) / 2):] + ":::" + str(self.gmap[self._pattern_list_half.index(pattern[:int(len(pattern) / 2)])][self._pattern_list_half.index(pattern[int(len(pattern) / 2):])]))
                        self.gmap[self._pattern_list_half.index(pattern[: 1 + int(len(pattern) / 2)])][
                            self._pattern_list_half.index(pattern[1 + int(len(pattern) / 2) :])
                        ] = self.new_tree.count(pattern)
                        # print(pattern[:1 + int(len(pattern) / 2)] + "-->" + pattern[1 + int(len(pattern) / 2):] + ":::" + str(self.gmap[self._pattern_list_half.index(pattern[:1 + int(len(pattern) / 2)])][self._pattern_list_half.index(pattern[1 + int(len(pattern) / 2):])]))

        self.gmap_exists = True
        print(str(chromosome_file) + " mapped successfully!")
        # print(self.gmap)

        with open("op", "w") as outfile:

            # This is to check if the mapping is indeed correct. If correct, both the print statements will print the same numerical value.
            # print(self.gmap[self._pattern_list_half.index('A')][self._pattern_list_half.index('AA')])
            # print(self.gmap[self._pattern_list_half.index('AA')][self._pattern_list_half.index('A')])

    def store_to_file(self, filename, filealso=False):
        with open(filename, "wb") as picklefile:
            pickle.dump(self, picklefile)
        print("Stored to " + filename + " successfully!")

        if filealso:
            self.gmap.tofile(filename + "MAP_MATRIX_")

    def calculate_eigen_values(self):
        # Eigen Value Calculation and Output Code
        w, v = LA.eig(self.gmap)
        # print(len(w))
        # Populate statistical inferences
        self.statistical_inferences["mean"] = np.mean(self.gmap)
        # self.statistical_inferences['mode'] =
        self.statistical_inferences["median"] = np.median(self.gmap)
        self.statistical_inferences["min"] = np.amin(self.gmap)
        self.statistical_inferences["max"] = np.amax(self.gmap)
        self.statistical_inferences["range"] = np.ptp(self.gmap)
        self.statistical_inferences_exist = True
        # print(self.statistical_inferences)

        # with open("map" + )

        return w