Exemplo n.º 1
'''This code is for secondary loop cycle in AC Mode'''

from Cycle import SecondaryCycleClass

#Instantiate the class
Cycle = SecondaryCycleClass()

# Cycle parameters

Cycle.Verbosity = 0  #the idea here is to have different levels of debug output
Cycle.ImposedVariable = 'Subcooling'  #or this could be 'Charge' for imposed charge
Cycle.DT_sc_target = 7.0
#Cycle.Charge_target = 2.4  #Needed if charge is imposed, not otherwise
Cycle.Ref = 'R410A'
Cycle.SecLoopFluid = 'MEG'
Cycle.MassFrac_SLF = 0.21  #Mass fraction of incompressible SecLoopFluid [i.e MEG-20%]
Cycle.Backend_SLF = 'INCOMP'  #backend of SecLoopFluid
Cycle.IHXType = 'PHE'  # or could be 'Coaxial'
Cycle.Mode = 'AC'

#       Compressor parameters

#A 3 ton cooling capacity compressor map
if Cycle.Ref == 'R410A':
    M = [
Exemplo n.º 2
from Cycle import SecondaryCycleClass

#Instantiate the class
Cycle = SecondaryCycleClass()

#       Cycle parameters
Cycle.Verbosity = 0  #the idea here is to have different levels of debug output
Cycle.ImposedVariable = 'Subcooling'  #or this could be 'Charge' for imposed charge
Cycle.DT_sc_target = 7.0
#Cycle.Charge_target = 2.4  #Needed if charge is imposed, not otherwise
Cycle.Ref = 'R410A'
Cycle.SecLoopFluid = 'EG-20%'
Cycle.IHXType = 'PHE'  # or could be 'Coaxial'
Cycle.Mode = 'AC'

#       Compressor parameters

#A 3 ton cooling capacity compressor map
if Cycle.Ref == 'R410A':
    M = [
        217.3163128, 5.094492028, -0.593170311, 4.38E-02, -2.14E-02, 1.04E-02,
        7.90E-05, -5.73E-05, 1.79E-04, -8.08E-05
    P = [
        -561.3615705, -15.62601841, 46.92506685, -0.217949552, 0.435062616,
Exemplo n.º 3
def SampleSecondaryLoopSystem():
    #################     SECONDARY CYCLE INITIALIZATION    #################

    ## Here we load parameters that are not a function of operating conditions
    ## They are primarily geometric parameters

    Cycle = SecondaryCycleClass()

    #       Cycle parameters
    Cycle.Verbosity = 10  #the idea here is to have different levels of debug output
    Cycle.ImposedVariable = 'Subcooling'
    Cycle.DT_sc_target = 7.0
    Cycle.Charge_target = 2.4
    Cycle.Ref = 'R410A'
    Cycle.SecLoopFluid = 'INCOMP::MEG-20%'
    Cycle.IHXType = 'PHE'  # or could be 'Coaxial'
    Cycle.Mode = 'AC'

    #       Compressor parameters

    #A few 3 ton cooling capacity compressor maps
    if Cycle.Ref == 'R410A':
        M = [
            217.3163128, 5.094492028, -0.593170311, 4.38E-02, -2.14E-02,
            1.04E-02, 7.90E-05, -5.73E-05, 1.79E-04, -8.08E-05
        ]  #compressor map coefficients
        P = [
            -561.3615705, -15.62601841, 46.92506685, -0.217949552, 0.435062616,
            -0.442400826, 2.25E-04, 2.37E-03, -3.32E-03, 2.50E-03

    params = {
        'M': M,
        'P': P,
        'Ref': Cycle.Ref,  #refrigerant
        0.15,  #Fraction of electrical power lost as heat to ambient            #shell heat loss
        1.0,  #Displacement Scale factor                               #up- or downsize compressor (1=original)
        0,  # How verbose should the debugging statements be [0 to 10]
        5.  #Superheat at inlet to compressor [K]                           

    #      Evaporator parameters
    #      -> see GUI for illustration/units
    Cycle.Condenser.Fins.Tubes.NTubes_per_bank = 41  #number of tubes per bank=row
    Cycle.Condenser.Fins.Tubes.Nbank = 1  #number of baks/rows
    Cycle.Condenser.Fins.Tubes.Ncircuits = 5  #number of baks/rows
    Cycle.Condenser.Fins.Tubes.Ltube = 2.286
    Cycle.Condenser.Fins.Tubes.OD = 0.007
    Cycle.Condenser.Fins.Tubes.ID = 0.0063904
    Cycle.Condenser.Fins.Tubes.Pl = 0.0191  #distance between center of tubes in flow direction
    Cycle.Condenser.Fins.Tubes.Pt = 0.0222  #distance between center of tubes orthogonal to flow direction

    Cycle.Condenser.Fins.Fins.FPI = 25  #Number of fins per inch
    Cycle.Condenser.Fins.Fins.Pd = 0.001  #2* amplitude of wavy fin
    Cycle.Condenser.Fins.Fins.xf = 0.001  #1/2 period of fin
    Cycle.Condenser.Fins.Fins.t = 0.00011  #Thickness of fin material
    Cycle.Condenser.Fins.Fins.k_fin = 237  #Thermal conductivity of fin material

    Cycle.Condenser.Fins.Air.Vdot_ha = 1.7934  #rated volumetric flowrate
    Cycle.Condenser.Fins.Air.Tmean = 308.15
    Cycle.Condenser.Fins.Air.Tdb = 308.15  #Dry Bulb Temperature
    Cycle.Condenser.Fins.Air.p = 101325  #Air pressure in Pa
    Cycle.Condenser.Fins.Air.RH = 0.51  #Relative Humidity
    Cycle.Condenser.Fins.Air.RHmean = 0.51
    Cycle.Condenser.Fins.Air.FanPower = 260

    params = {
        'Ref': Cycle.Ref,
        'Verbosity': 0,
        'WavyLouveredFins'  #Choose fin Type: 'WavyLouveredFins' or 'HerringboneFins'or 'PlainFins'

    #           Cooling Coil
    #           -> see Condenser and GUI for explanations
    Cycle.CoolingCoil.Fins.Tubes.NTubes_per_bank = 32
    Cycle.CoolingCoil.Fins.Tubes.Nbank = 4
    Cycle.CoolingCoil.Fins.Tubes.Ncircuits = 4
    Cycle.CoolingCoil.Fins.Tubes.Ltube = 0.452
    Cycle.CoolingCoil.Fins.Tubes.OD = 0.009525
    Cycle.CoolingCoil.Fins.Tubes.ID = 0.0089154
    Cycle.CoolingCoil.Fins.Tubes.Pl = 0.0254
    Cycle.CoolingCoil.Fins.Tubes.Pt = 0.0219964

    Cycle.CoolingCoil.Fins.Fins.FPI = 14.5
    Cycle.CoolingCoil.Fins.Fins.Pd = 0.001
    Cycle.CoolingCoil.Fins.Fins.xf = 0.001
    Cycle.CoolingCoil.Fins.Fins.t = 0.00011
    Cycle.CoolingCoil.Fins.Fins.k_fin = 237

    Cycle.CoolingCoil.Fins.Air.Vdot_ha = 0.5663
    Cycle.CoolingCoil.Fins.Air.Tmean = 299.8
    Cycle.CoolingCoil.Fins.Air.Tdb = 299.8
    Cycle.CoolingCoil.Fins.Air.p = 101325  #Air pressure in Pa
    Cycle.CoolingCoil.Fins.Air.RH = 0.51
    Cycle.CoolingCoil.Fins.Air.RHmean = 0.51
    Cycle.CoolingCoil.Fins.Air.FanPower = 438

    params = {
        'Ref_g': Cycle.SecLoopFluid,
        'pin_g': 200000,  #pin_g in Pa
        'Verbosity': 0,
        'mdot_g': 0.38,
        'WavyLouveredFins'  #Choose fin Type: 'WavyLouveredFins' or 'HerringboneFins'or 'PlainFins'

    params = {
        'ID_i': 0.0278,
        'OD_i': 0.03415,
        'ID_o': 0.045,
        'L': 50,
        'pin_g': 300000,  #pin_g in Pa
        'Ref_r': Cycle.Ref,
        'Ref_g': Cycle.SecLoopFluid,
        'Verbosity': 0

    params = {
        'pin_h': 300000,  #pin_h in Pa
        'Ref_h': Cycle.SecLoopFluid,
        'Ref_c': Cycle.Ref,

        #Geometric parameters
        'Bp': 0.117,
        'Lp': 0.300,  #Center-to-center distance between ports
        'Nplates': 46,
        'PlateAmplitude': 0.001,  #[m]
        'PlateThickness': 0.0003,  #[m]
        'PlateConductivity': 15.0,  #[W/m-K]
        'PlateWavelength': 0.00628,  #[m]
        'InclinationAngle': 3.14159 / 3,  #[rad]
        'Hot',  #Which stream gets the extra channel, 'Hot' or 'Cold'
        'Verbosity': 0,
        'DT_sh': 5

    params = {
        'eta': 0.5,  #Pump+motor efficiency
        'mdot_g': 0.38,  #Flow Rate kg/s
        'pin_g': 300000,  #pin_g in Pa
        'Ref_g': Cycle.SecLoopFluid,
        'Verbosity': 0,

    params = {
        'L': 5,
        'k_tube': 0.19,
        't_insul': 0.02,
        'k_insul': 0.036,
        'T_air': 297,
        'Ref': Cycle.SecLoopFluid,
        'pin': 300000,  #pin in Pa
        'h_air': 0.0000000001,

    Cycle.LineSetSupply.OD = 0.009525
    Cycle.LineSetSupply.ID = 0.007986
    Cycle.LineSetReturn.OD = 0.01905
    Cycle.LineSetReturn.ID = 0.017526

    #Now solve

    print Cycle.OutputList()
Exemplo n.º 4
Created on Mar 23, 2015

@author: AmmarBahman

from Cycle import SecondaryCycleClass 

#Instantiate the class

# Cycle parameters

Cycle.Verbosity = 0 #the idea here is to have different levels of debug output
Cycle.ImposedVariable = 'Subcooling' #or this could be 'Charge' for imposed charge
Cycle.DT_sc_target = 7.0
#Cycle.Charge_target = 2.4  #Needed if charge is imposed, not otherwise
Cycle.SecLoopFluid = 'INCOMP::MEG-20%'                                          #'EG-20%' is updated to 'INCOMP::MEG-20%'
Cycle.IHXType = 'PHE'# or could be 'Coaxial'

#       Compressor parameters

#A 3 ton cooling capacity compressor map