Exemplo n.º 1
    def _getFuncCalcEngine(self, x, **kwargs):
        if hasattr(x, 'xf'):
            #return x.xf[self]
            if x.probType == 'MOP':
                s = 'evaluation of MOP result on arguments is unimplemented yet, use r.solutions'
                raise FuncDesignerException(s)
            return self._getFuncCalcEngine(x.xf, **kwargs)  # essential for SP
        r = x.get(self, None)
        if r is not None:
            if isinstance(r, Stochastic):
                r = yield_stochastic(r, x, self)
            return r
        r = x.get(self.name, None)
        if r is not None:
            return r
        Tmp = getattr(x, '_dictOfStochVars', {})
        r = Tmp.get(self, None)
        if r is not None:
            r = yield_stochastic(r, x, self)
            return r

        # check for fixed oovars
        dictOfFixedFuncs = getattr(x, 'dictOfFixedFuncs', {})
        r = dictOfFixedFuncs.get(self, None)
        if r is not None:
            return r

        s = '''for oovar %s the point involved doesn't contain 
        neither name nor the oovar instance. 
        Maybe you try to get function value or derivative 
        in a point where value for an oovar is missing
        or run optimization problem 
        without setting initial value for this variable in start point
        ''' % self.name
        raise FuncDesignerException(s)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __ge__(self, other):
     if self.dtype != object and (not isinstance(other, ooarray)
                                  or other.dtype != object):
         return self.view(ndarray) >= (other.view(ndarray) if isinstance(
             other, ooarray) else other)
     if isinstance(
         (ndarray, list, tuple)) and self.size > 1 and len(other) > 1:
         return ooarray([self[i] >= other[i] for i in range(self.size)])
     if isscalar(other) or (isinstance(other, (ndarray, list, tuple))
                            and len(other) == 1):
         return ooarray([elem >= other for elem in self])
     if isinstance(other, oofun):
         if 'size' in other.__dict__ and not isinstance(other.size, oofun):
             if other.size == self.size:
                 return ooarray(
                     [elem[i] >= other[i] for i in range(self.size)])
             elif self.size == 1:
                 return ooarray(
                     [self[0] >= other[i] for i in range(other.size)])
                     'bug or yet unimplemented case in FD kernel')
             # !!! assunimg other.size = 1
             return ooarray([elem >= other for elem in self])
     raise FuncDesignerException('unimplemented yet')
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        #if self.dtype != object: return self.view(ndarray)

        # TODO: give different names for each element while assigning name to ooarray
        expected_kwargs = self.expected_kwargs
        #if not set(kwargs.keys()).issubset(expected_kwargs):
        #raise FuncDesignerException('Unexpected kwargs: should be in '+str(expected_kwargs)+' got: '+str(kwargs.keys()))

        for elem in expected_kwargs:
            if elem in kwargs:
                setattr(self, elem, kwargs[elem])

        if len(args) > 1:
            raise FuncDesignerException(
                'No more than single argument is expected')

        if len(args) == 0:
            if len(kwargs) == 0:
                raise FuncDesignerException(
                    'You should provide at least one argument')
            #return self

        if len(args) != 0 and isinstance(args[0], str):
            self.name = args[0]
            for i, elem in enumerate(self.view(ndarray)):
                if isinstance(elem, oofun):
                    elem(self.name + '_' + str(i))
            args = args[1:]
            if len(args) == 0:
                return self
        #tmp = asarray([asscalar(asarray(self[i](*args, **kwargs))) if isinstance(self[i], oofun) else self[i] for i in range(self.size)])

        if self.size == 1 and type(self.item()) == oofun:
            return self.item()(*args, **kwargs)

        # TODO: get rid of self in args[0]
        if self._is_array_of_oovars and isinstance(
                args[0], dict) and self in args[0] and len(args) == 1 and len(
                    kwargs) == 0:
            return args[0][self]

        Tmp = [
            self[i](*args, **kwargs) if isinstance(self[i], oofun) else self[i]
            for i in range(self.size)
        tmp = asanyarray(Tmp)
        if np.any([isinstance(elem, multiarray) for elem in Tmp]):
            tmp = tmp.T.view(multiarray)
        if tmp.ndim == 2 or tmp.dtype != object:
            return tmp
            #tmp = tmp.flatten()
            return ooarray(tmp)
Exemplo n.º 4
def d2(arg, v, **kw):  #, *args, **kw):
    N = len(v)
    timestep = v[1] - v[0]
    if not all(abs(v[1:] - v[:-1] - timestep) < 1e-10):
        raise FuncDesignerException('unimplemented for non-uniform step yet')
    stencil = kw.get('stencil', 1)
    if stencil not in (1, ):
        raise FuncDesignerException('for d2 only stencil = 1 is implemented')
    if stencil == 1:
        r1 = arg[0] - 2 * arg[1] + arg[2]
        r2 = arg[0:N - 2] - 2 * arg[1:N - 1] + arg[2:N]
        r3 = arg[N - 1] - 2 * arg[N - 2] + arg[N - 3]
        return hstack((r1, r2, r3)) / timestep**2
Exemplo n.º 5
def oovars(*args, **kw):
    if isPyPy:
        raise FuncDesignerException('''
        for PyPy using oovars() is impossible yet. 
        You could use oovar(size=n), also 
        you can create list or tuple of oovars in a cycle, e.g.
        a = [oovar('a'+str(i)) for i in range(100)]
        but you should ensure you haven't operations like k*a or a+val in your code, 
        it may work in completely different way (e.g. k*a will produce Python list of k a instances)
    lb = kw.pop('lb', None)
    ub = kw.pop('ub', None)

    if len(args) == 1:
        if type(args[0]) in (int, int16, int32, int64):
            r = ooarray([oovar(**kw) for i in range(args[0])])
        elif type(args[0]) in [list, tuple]:
            r = ooarray(
                [oovar(name=args[0][i], **kw) for i in range(len(args[0]))])
        elif type(args[0]) == str:
            r = ooarray([oovar(name=s, **kw) for s in args[0].split()])
            raise FuncDesignerException(
                'incorrect args number for oovars constructor')
        r = ooarray([oovar(name=args[i], **kw) for i in range(len(args))])

    if lb is not None:
        if np.isscalar(lb) or (isinstance(lb, np.ndarray) and lb.size == 1):
            for v in r.view(np.ndarray):
                v.lb = lb
            assert type(lb) in (list, tuple, ndarray)
            for i, v in enumerate(r):
                v.lb = lb[i]

    if ub is not None:
        if np.isscalar(ub) or (isinstance(ub, np.ndarray) and ub.size == 1):
            for v in r.view(np.ndarray):
                v.ub = ub
            assert type(ub) in (list, tuple, ndarray)
            for i, v in enumerate(r):
                v.ub = ub[i]

    r._is_array_of_oovars = True

    return r
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __call__(self, point):
        if not isinstance(point, dict):
            raise FuncDesignerException('argument should be Python dictionary')
        if not isinstance(point, ooPoint):
            point = ooPoint(point)
        r = ooSystemState([(elem, simplify(elem(point)))
                           for elem in self.items])

        # handling constraints
        #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TODO: perform attached constraints lookup only once if ooSystem wasn't modified by += or &= etc

        cons = self._getAllConstraints()

        activeConstraints = []
        allAreFinite = all(
            [all(isfinite(asarray(elem(point)))) for elem in self.items])

        for c in cons:
            val = c.oofun(point)
            if c(point) is False or any(isnan(atleast_1d(val))):
                #_activeConstraints.append([c, val, max((val-c.ub, c.lb-val)), c.tol])

        r.isFeasible = True if len(
            activeConstraints) == 0 and allAreFinite else False
        #r._activeConstraints = activeConstraints
        r.activeConstraints = activeConstraints
        return r
Exemplo n.º 7
def OR(*args):
    Args = args[0] if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0],
                                                    (ndarray, list, tuple,
                                                     set)) else args
    assert not isinstance(args[0], ndarray), 'unimplemented yet'
    Args2 = []
    for arg in Args:
        if not isinstance(arg, OOFun):
            if arg is True:
                return True
            elif arg is False:
            raise FuncDesignerException('''
            FuncDesigner logical OR currently is implemented 
            for oofun instances or list/tuple/set on them only''')

    if len(Args2) == 0:
        return False
    elif len(Args2) == 1:
        return Args2[0]

    r = ~AND([~elem for elem in Args2])
    #r.fun = np.logical_or
    r.oofun = r
    return r
Exemplo n.º 8
 def decodeArgs(self, *args, **kwargs):
     hasStartPoint = False
     for arg in args:
         if isinstance(arg, str):
             self.matrixSLEsolver = arg
         elif isinstance(arg, dict):
             startPoint = args[0]
             hasStartPoint = True
             raise FuncDesignerException('incorrect arg type, should be string (solver name) or dict (start point)')
     if 'startPoint' in kwargs:
         startPoint = kwargs['startPoint']
         hasStartPoint = True
     if not hasStartPoint:  
         if hasattr(self, 'startPoint'): return # established from __init__
         involvedOOVars = set()
         for Elem in self.equations:
             elem = Elem.oofun if Elem.isConstraint else Elem
             if elem.is_oovar:
         startPoint = {}
         for oov in involvedOOVars:
             if isscalar(oov.size):
                 startPoint[oov] = zeros(oov.size)
                 startPoint[oov] = 0
     self.startPoint = startPoint
Exemplo n.º 9
 def __add__(self, other):
     if isinstance(other, list):
         other = ooarray(other)
     if isinstance(other, ndarray) and other.size == 1:
         other = other.item()
     if isscalar(other) or (isinstance(other, ndarray)
                            and other.size in (1, self.size)):
         #            if isinstance(other, ndarray) and other.size != self.size:
         #                assert other.size == 1 or self.size == 1,  \
         #                'ooarrays must be of same size or one of them has be of length 1'
         #                N = PythonMax(self.size, other.size)
         #                r = ooarray([self[i]+other[i] for i in range(N)])
         #            else:
         r = ooarray(self.view(ndarray) + other)
     elif isinstance(other, oofun):
         if self.dtype != object:
             r = self.view(ndarray) + other
             s = atleast_1d(self)
             r = ooarray([s[i] + other for i in range(self.size)])
     elif isinstance(other, ndarray):
         if self.dtype != object:
             r = self.view(ndarray) + other.view(ndarray)
         elif self.size == 1:
             r = other + asscalar(self)
             # TODO: mb return mere ooarray(self.view(ndarray) + other) or ooarray(self.view(ndarray) + other.view(ndarray))?
             r = ooarray([self[i] + other[i] for i in range(self.size)])
         raise FuncDesignerException('unimplemented yet')
     if isinstance(r, ndarray) and r.size == 1 and r.dtype in (
             object, oofun, float, np.float64):  # not sf.Point,todo: rework
         r = asscalar(r)
     return r
Exemplo n.º 10
def distrib_err_fcn(*args, **kw):
    from FDmisc import FuncDesignerException
    raise FuncDesignerException('''
            direct operations (like +, -, *, /, ** etc) on stochastic distributions are forbidden,
            you should declare FuncDesigner variables, define function(s) on them 
            and then get new distribution via evaluating the obtained oofun(s) on a data point
Exemplo n.º 11
 def __add__(self, other):
     if isinstance(other, list):
         other = ooarray(other)
     if isscalar(other) or (isinstance(other, ndarray)
                            and other.size in (1, self.size)):
         r = ooarray(self.view(ndarray) + other)
     elif isinstance(other, oofun):
         if self.dtype != object:
             r = self.view(ndarray) + other
             s = atleast_1d(self)
             r = ooarray([s[i] + other for i in range(self.size)])
     elif isinstance(other, ndarray):
         if self.dtype != object:
             r = self.view(ndarray) + other.view(ndarray)
         elif self.size == 1:
             r = other + asscalar(self)
             # TODO: mb return mere ooarray(self.view(ndarray) + other) or ooarray(self.view(ndarray) + other.view(ndarray))?
             r = ooarray([self[i] + other[i] for i in range(self.size)])
         raise FuncDesignerException('unimplemented yet')
     if isinstance(r, ndarray) and r.size == 1:
         r = asscalar(r)
     return r
Exemplo n.º 12
 def sp_err(self, *args,  **kw): 
     raise FuncDesignerException('''
     to use FuncDesigner stochastic programming 
     you should have FuncDesigner with its stochastic module installed
     (this addon is commercial, free for research/educational small-scale problems only).
     Visit http://openopt.org/StochasticProgramming for more details.
Exemplo n.º 13
def AND(*args):
    from BooleanOOFun import BooleanOOFun
    Args = args[0] if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0],
                                                    (ndarray, tuple, list,
                                                     set)) else args
    assert not isinstance(args[0], ndarray), 'unimplemented yet'
    Args2 = []
    for arg in Args:
        if not isinstance(arg, OOFun):
            if arg is False:
                return False
            elif arg is True:
            raise FuncDesignerException(
                'FuncDesigner logical AND currently is implemented for oofun instances only'
    if len(Args2) == 0:
        return True
    elif len(Args2) == 1:
        return Args2[0]

    f = logical_and if len(Args2) == 2 else alt_AND_engine
    r = BooleanOOFun(f, Args2, vectorized=True)
    r.nlh = lambda *arguments: nlh_and(Args2, r._getDep(), *arguments)
    r.oofun = r
    return r
Exemplo n.º 14
def nlh_and(_input, dep, Lx, Ux, p, dataType):
    nlh_0 = array(0.0)
    R = {}
    DefiniteRange = True

    elems_nlh = [(elem.nlh(Lx, Ux, p, dataType) if isinstance(elem, OOFun) \
                  else (0, {}, None) if elem is True
                  else (inf, {}, None) if elem is False
                  else raise_except()) for elem in _input]

    for T0, res, DefiniteRange2 in elems_nlh:
        DefiniteRange = logical_and(DefiniteRange, DefiniteRange2)

    for T0, res, DefiniteRange2 in elems_nlh:
        if T0 is None or T0 is True: continue
        if T0 is False or all(T0 == inf):
            return inf, {}, DefiniteRange
        if all(isnan(T0)):
            raise FuncDesignerException(
                'unimplemented for non-oofun or fixed oofun input yet')

        if type(T0) == ndarray:
            if nlh_0.shape == T0.shape:
                nlh_0 += T0
            elif nlh_0.size == T0.size:
                nlh_0 += T0.reshape(nlh_0.shape)
                nlh_0 = nlh_0 + T0
            nlh_0 += T0

        # debug

#    if not any(isfinite(nlh_0)):
#        return inf, {}, DefiniteRange
#    for T0, res, DefiniteRange2 in elems_nlh:
#debug end

        T_0_vect = T0.reshape(-1, 1) if type(T0) == ndarray else T0

        for v, val in res.items():
            r = R.get(v, None)
            if r is None:
                R[v] = val - T_0_vect
                r += (val if r.shape == val.shape else val.reshape(
                    r.shape)) - T_0_vect

    nlh_0_shape = nlh_0.shape
    nlh_0 = nlh_0.reshape(-1, 1)
    for v, val in R.items():
        # TODO: check it
        #assert all(isfinite(val))
        tmp = val + nlh_0
        tmp[isnan(tmp)] = inf  # when val = -inf summation with nlh_0 == inf
        R[v] = tmp

    return nlh_0.reshape(nlh_0_shape), R, DefiniteRange
Exemplo n.º 15
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     BaseFDConstraint.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
     self.lb, self.ub = -inf, inf
     for key, val in kwargs.items():
         if key in ['lb', 'ub', 'tol']:
             setattr(self, key, asfarray(val))
             raise FuncDesignerException('Unexpected key in FuncDesigner constraint constructor kwargs')
Exemplo n.º 16
 def __init__(self, oofun_Involved, *args, **kwargs):
     BooleanOOFun.__init__(self, oofun_Involved._getFuncCalcEngine, (oofun_Involved.input if not oofun_Involved.is_oovar else oofun_Involved), *args, **kwargs)
     #oofun.__init__(self, lambda x: oofun_Involved(x), input = oofun_Involved)
     if len(args) != 0:
         raise FuncDesignerException('No args are allowed for FuncDesigner constraint constructor, only some kwargs')
     # TODO: replace self.oofun by self.engine
     self.oofun = oofun_Involved
Exemplo n.º 17
 def vect_func(x):
     p2[integration_var] = x
     tmp = func(p2)
     if np.isscalar(tmp): return tmp
     elif tmp.size == 1: return np.asscalar(tmp)
             'incorrect data type, probably bug in uncDesigner kernel')
Exemplo n.º 18
 def __init__(self, name=None, *args, **kwargs):
     if len(args) > 0:
         raise FuncDesignerException(
             'incorrect args number for oovar constructor')
     if name is None:
         self.name = 'unnamed_' + str(oovar._unnamedVarNumber)
         oovar._unnamedVarNumber += 1
         kwargs['name'] = name
     oofun.__init__(self, f_none, *args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 19
 def _getFuncCalcEngine(self, x, **kwargs):
     #print x
     if hasattr(x, 'xf'):
         #return x.xf[self]
         if x.probType == 'MOP':
             s = 'evaluation of MOP result on arguments is unimplemented yet, use r.solutions'
             raise FuncDesignerException(s)
         return self._getFuncCalcEngine(x.xf, **kwargs)  # essential for SP
     r = x.get(self, None)
     if r is not None:
         if isinstance(r, Stochastic):
             sz = getattr(x, 'maxDistributionSize', 0)
             if sz == 0:
                 s = '''
                 if one of function arguments is stochastic distribution 
                 without resolving into quantified value 
                 (e.g. uniform(-10,10) instead of uniform(-10,10, 100), 100 is number of point to emulate)
                 then you should evaluate the function 
                 onto oopoint with assigned parameter maxDistributionSize'''
                 raise FuncDesignerException(s)
             if not r.quantified:
                 r = r._yield_quantified(sz)
             r = r.copy()
             r.stochDep = {self: 1}
             r.maxDistributionSize = sz
             if r.size > sz:
             tmp = getattr(x, '_p', None)
             if tmp is not None:
                 r._p = tmp
         return r
     r = x.get(self.name, None)
     if r is not None:
         return r
         s = '''for oovar %s the point involved doesn't contain 
         neither name nor the oovar instance. 
         Maybe you try to get function value or derivative 
         in a point where value for an oovar is missing
         or run optimization problem 
         without setting initial value for this variable in start point
         ''' % self.name
         raise FuncDesignerException(s)
Exemplo n.º 20
 def __init__(self, equations, time, startPoint=None):  #, **kw):
     self.equations = equations
     self.startPoint = startPoint
     self.time = time
     s = 'for DAE time must be dict of len 1 or array, '
     if type(time) == dict:
         if len(time) != 1:
             raise FuncDesignerException(s + 'got dict of len ' +
         self.timeInterval = asarray(next(iter(time.values())))
         self.N = self.timeInterval.size
         if type(time) not in (list, tuple, ndarray):
             raise FuncDesignerException(s + 'got type %s insead ' +
         self.N = len(time)
         self.timeInterval = time
     if self.N < 2:
         raise FuncDesignerException('lenght of time must be at least 2')
Exemplo n.º 21
    def plot(self, v, grid='on'):
            from pylab import plot, grid as Grid, show, legend
        except ImportError:
            raise FuncDesignerException(
                'to plot DAE results you should have matplotlib installed')

        f, = plot(self.timeInterval, self.r(v))
        legend([f], [v.name])
Exemplo n.º 22
def scipy_InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(*args, **kwargs):
    if not scipyInstalled:
        raise FuncDesignerException(
            'to use scipy_InterpolatedUnivariateSpline you should have scipy installed, see scipy.org'
    assert len(args) > 1
    assert not isinstance(args[0], oofun) and not isinstance(args[1], oofun), \
    'init scipy splines from oovar/oofun content is not implemented yet'
    S = interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(*args, **kwargs)

    return SplineGenerator(S, *args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 23
def mul_aux_d(x, y):
    Xsize, Ysize = Len(x), Len(y)
    if Xsize == 1:
        return Copy(y)
    elif Ysize == 1:
        return Diag(None, scalarMultiplier=y, size=Xsize)
    elif Xsize == Ysize:
        return Diag(y)
        raise FuncDesignerException(
            'for oofun multiplication a*b should be size(a)=size(b) or size(a)=1 or size(b)=1'
Exemplo n.º 24
def d(arg, v, **kw):  #, *args, **kw):
    N = len(v)
    #    if len(args) == 1:
    #        derivativeSide = args[0]
    #        assert derivativeSide in ('left', 'right', 'both')
    #    else:
    #        derivativeSide = 'both'
    stencil = kw.get('stencil', 3)
    if stencil not in (2, 3):
        raise FuncDesignerException(
            'for d1 only stencil = 2 and 3 are implemented')

    timestep = v[1] - v[0]
    if not all(abs(v[1:] - v[:-1] - timestep) < 1e-10):
        raise FuncDesignerException('unimplemented for non-uniform step yet')
    if stencil == 2:
        r1 = -3 * arg[0] + 4 * arg[1] - arg[2]
        r2 = (arg[2:N] - arg[0:N - 2]) / 2.0
        r3 = 3 * arg[N - 1] - 4 * arg[N - 2] + arg[N - 3]
        return hstack((r1, r2, r3)) / timestep
    elif stencil == 3:
        r1 = -22 * arg[0] + 36 * arg[1] - 18 * arg[2] + 4 * arg[3]
        r2 = -22 * arg[1] + 36 * arg[2] - 18 * arg[3] + 4 * arg[
            4]  # TODO: mb rework it?
        r3 = arg[0:N - 4] - 8 * arg[1:N - 3] + 8 * arg[3:N - 1] - arg[4:N]
        r4 = 22 * arg[N - 5] - 36 * arg[N - 4] + 18 * arg[N - 3] - 4 * arg[
            N - 2]  # TODO: mb rework it?
        r5 = 22 * arg[N - 4] - 36 * arg[N - 3] + 18 * arg[N - 2] - 4 * arg[N -
        return hstack((r1, r2, r3, r4, r5)) / (12 * timestep)

#    if derivativeSide == 'both':
#        r =  hstack((r1, r2, r3))
#    elif derivativeSide == 'left':
#        r =  hstack((r1, r2))
#    else: # derivativeSide == 'right'
#        r =  hstack((r2, r3))
    return r
Exemplo n.º 25
    def __init__(self, equations, *args, **kwargsForOpenOptSLEconstructor):
        if len(args) > 0:  FuncDesignerException('incorrect sle definition, too many args are obtained')
        if type(equations) not in [list, tuple, set]:
            raise FuncDesignerException('argument of sle constructor should be Python tuple or list of equations or oofuns')
        self.equations = equations

            from openopt import SLE
            s = "Currently to solve SLEs via FuncDesigner you should have OpenOpt installed; maybe in future the dependence will be ceased"
            raise FuncDesignerException(s)
        self.decodeArgs(*args, **kwargsForOpenOptSLEconstructor)
        if 'iprint' not in kwargsForOpenOptSLEconstructor.keys():
            kwargsForOpenOptSLEconstructor['iprint'] = -1
        self.p = SLE(self.equations, self.startPoint, **kwargsForOpenOptSLEconstructor)
        self.A, self.b = self.p.C, self.p.d
        self.n = self.p.C.shape[0]
        self.decode = lambda x: self.p._vector2point(x)
Exemplo n.º 26
 def __call__(self, *args,  **kwargs):
     expected_kwargs = self.expected_kwargs
     if not set(kwargs.keys()).issubset(expected_kwargs):
         raise FuncDesignerException('Unexpected kwargs: should be in '+str(expected_kwargs)+' got: '+str(kwargs.keys()))
     for elem in expected_kwargs:
         if elem in kwargs:
             setattr(self, elem, kwargs[elem])
     if len(args) > 1: raise FuncDesignerException('No more than single argument is expected')
     if len(args) == 0:
        if len(kwargs) == 0: raise FuncDesignerException('You should provide at least one argument')
        return self
     if isinstance(args[0], str):
         self.name = args[0]
         return self
     elif hasattr(args[0], 'xf'):
         return self(args[0].xf)
     return self._getFuncCalcEngine(*args,  **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 27
 def solve(self, *args): # mb for future implementation - add  **kwargsForOpenOptSLEconstructor here as well
     if len(args) > 2:
         raise FuncDesignerException('incorrect number of args, should be at most 2 (startPoint and/or solver name, order: any)')
     r = self.p.solve(matrixSLEsolver=self.matrixSLEsolver)
     if r.istop >= 0:
         return r
         R = {}
         for key, value in self.p.x0.items(): 
             R[key] = value * nan
         r.xf = R
         r.ff = inf
     return r
Exemplo n.º 28
 def __iadd__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     assert len(kwargs) == 0, 'not implemented yet'
     self._changed = True
     if type(args[0]) in [list, tuple, set]:
         assert len(args) == 1
         Args = args[0]
         Args = args
     for elem in Args:
         if not isinstance(elem, oofun):
             raise FuncDesignerException(
                 'ooSystem operation += expects only oofuns')
     return self
Exemplo n.º 29
def XOR(*args):
    from BooleanOOFun import BooleanOOFun
    Args = args[0] if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0],
                                                    (ndarray, tuple, list,
                                                     set)) else args
    assert not isinstance(args[0], ndarray), 'unimplemented yet'
    for arg in Args:
        if not isinstance(arg, OOFun):
            raise FuncDesignerException(
                'FuncDesigner logical XOR currently is implemented for oofun instances only'
    #f = lambda *args: logical_xor(hstack([asarray(elem).reshape(-1, 1) for elem in args]))
    r = BooleanOOFun(f_xor, Args, vectorized=True)
    r.nlh = lambda *arguments: nlh_xor(Args, r._getDep(), *arguments)
    r.oofun = r  # is it required?
    return r
Exemplo n.º 30
    def __call__(self, INP):
        us = self._un_sp
        if not isinstance(INP, oofun):
            raise FuncDesignerException(
                'for scipy_InterpolatedUnivariateSpline input should be oovar/oofun,other cases not implemented yet'

        def d(x):
            X = np.asanyarray(x)
            r = Diag(us.__call__(X, 1).view(X.__class__))
            return r

        def f(x):
            x = np.asanyarray(x)
            tmp = us.__call__(x.flatten() if x.ndim > 1 else x)
            return tmp if x.ndim <= 1 else tmp.reshape(x.shape)

        r = oofun(f, INP, d=d, isCostly=True, vectorized=True)

        r.engine_monotonity = self.engine_monotonity
        r.engine_convexity = self.engine_convexity

        if self.criticalPoints is not False:
            r._interval_ = lambda *args, **kw: spline_interval_analysis_engine(
                r, *args, **kw)
            r._nonmonotone_x = self._nonmonotone_x
            r._nonmonotone_y = self._nonmonotone_y
            r.criticalPoints = False

        def Plot():
                'Warning! Plotting spline is recommended from FD spline generator, not initialized spline'

        def Residual():
                'Warning! Getting spline residual is recommended from FD spline generator, not initialized spline'
            return self.residual()

        r.plot, r.residual = Plot, Residual
        return r