Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, topLeft, bottomLeft, bottomRight, topRight):
     """ Constructor
     Sets the logging level and the topLeft, bottomLeft, bottomRight, topRight
     fields of this class
     Keyword Arguments:
     topLeft     -- topLeft coordinate of the Stage(the absolute topLeft)
     bottomLeft  -- bottomLeft coordinate of the Stage(the absolute bottomLeft)
     bottomRight -- bottomRight coordinate of the Stage(the absolute bottomRight)
     topRight    -- topRight coordinate of the Stage(the absolute topRight)
     Quadrilateral.__init__(self, topLeft, bottomLeft, bottomRight, topRight)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __str__(self):
        """ Human readable representation
        str -- all the information regarding the Calibrator

        return 'Calibrator: {0}'.format(Quadrilateral.__str__(self))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, aux, points):
        ''' Constructor
        Sets the logging level, and the aux and points fields
        This method also computes all QR properties namely:
        height, width, rotation, and the corrected 
        topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomRight coordinates
        Keyword arguments:
        aux    -- aux_id used to get calibration data refer:DB Schema
        points -- a tuple of 4 Geometry.Point objects representing the co-ordinates for the QR code
        self.aux = aux
        # The raw QR points
        self.points = points
        v23 = points[2] - points[1]
        v21 = points[0] - points[1]
        self.width = v23.distance()
        self.height = v21.distance()
        rotation = math.degrees(math.atan2(*reversed(v23 / self.width)))

        # bound rotation to 0 to 360
        if rotation < 0 or rotation > 360:
            rotation -= math.floor(rotation / 360.0) * 360

        self.rotation = rotation

        # This is not technically the corners, but instead
        # adjusted for the alignment point (which is offset
        # from the other points)
        #!! this will change if you change the QR code (at least it just did)
        Quadrilateral.__init__(self, points[1], (points[0] - v21 / 7.4), points[3], (points[2] - v23 / 7.0))    
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __str__(self):
        """ Human readable representation
        str -- all the information regarding the QR code

        return 'QR: aux:{0}, points:{1}, width:{2}, height:{3}, rotation:{4}, {5}'.format(self.aux, 