Exemplo n.º 1
 def make_indices(self):
     arshape = self.dims[0] / 2 + 1, self.dims[1]
     nv = (arshape[0] - 1) * 2
     nh = arshape[0]
     print("NV,NH", nv, nh)
     self.ftimshape = (nv, nh)
     self.ftimlen = nv * nh
     n1 = (self.dims[0] / 2 + 1) * self.dims[1]
     xv = numpy.arange(0, self.dims[0] / 2 + 1, 1, dtype=numpy.float32)
     # dimensions?
     cth = numpy.cos(self.theta)  # 1D
     sth = numpy.sin(self.theta)  # 1D
     ia = numpy.round(numpy.outer(cth, xv)).astype(numpy.int).ravel()
     ja = numpy.round(numpy.outer(sth, xv)).astype(numpy.int).ravel()
     on = numpy.ones(ja.shape, numpy.float32)
     jm = numpy.where(ja < 0, -on, on)
     numpy.multiply(ia, jm, ia)  #  if j<0: i=-i
     numpy.multiply(ja, jm, ja)  #  if j<0: j=-j
     #  if j<0: f=f.conj()
     ia = numpy.where(ia < 0, nv + ia, ia)
     inds = (ia * nh + ja).ravel()
     self.conjer = jm
     self.inds = inds
     nim = numpy.zeros((nv * nh), numpy.float32)
     wons = numpy.ones((len(inds)), dtype=numpy.float32)
     # This is now more dense - bincount?
     cImageD11.put_incr(nim, inds, wons)
     nim = nim.astype(numpy.int)
     self.nim_div = nim + (nim == 0)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_put(self):
     data = np.zeros(10, np.float32)
     ind = np.arange(10).astype(np.intp)
     vals = np.ones(10, np.float32)
     cImageD11.put_incr(data, ind, vals)
     assert (data == vals).all()
     cImageD11.put_incr(data, ind, vals)
     assert (data == 2 * vals).all()
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_as_flat(self):
     data = np.zeros((10, 10), np.float32)
     ind = np.ones(10, np.intp) * 50
     vals = np.ones(10, np.float32)
     cImageD11.put_incr(np.ravel(data), ind, vals)
     assert (np.ravel(data)[50] == 10)
     assert (np.ravel(data)[49] == 0)
     assert (np.ravel(data)[51] == 0)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def test_put_twice(self):
     data = np.zeros(10, np.float32)
     ind = np.ones(10, np.intp)
     vals = np.ones(10, np.float32)
     cImageD11.put_incr(data, ind, vals)
     assert (data == np.array([0, 10] + [0] * 8, np.float)).all()
     cImageD11.put_incr(data, ind, vals)
     assert (data == np.array([0, 20] + [0] * 8, np.float)).all()
Exemplo n.º 5
    def gv_to_grid_new(self, gv):
        Put gvectors into our grid
        gv - ImageD11.indexing gvectors
        # Compute hkl indices in the fft unit cell
        logging.info("Gridding data")
        self.gv = gv
        hrkrlr = self.cell_size * gv
        hkl = np.round(hrkrlr).astype(int)
        # Filter to have the peaks in asym unit
        # ... do we need to do this? What about wrapping?
        hmx = hkl.max(axis=1) < (self.npx / 2. - 2.)
        hmn = hkl.min(axis=1) > (2. - self.npx / 2.)
        my_g = np.compress(hmx & hmn, gv, axis=0)
        # Compute hkl indices in the fft unit cell using filtered peaks
        hrkrlr = self.cell_size * my_g
        # Integer part of hkl (eg 1.0 from 1.9)
        hkl = np.floor(hrkrlr).astype(int)
        # Fractional part of indices ( eg 0.9 from 1.9)
        remain = hrkrlr - hkl
        grid = self.grid
        start = time.time()
        # Loop over corners with respect to floor corner
        ng = grid.shape[0] * grid.shape[1] * grid.shape[2]
        flatgrid = grid.reshape(ng)
        for cor in [
            (0, 0, 0),  #1
            (1, 0, 0),  #2
            (0, 1, 0),  #3
            (0, 0, 1),  #4
            (1, 1, 0),  #5
            (1, 0, 1),  #6
            (0, 1, 1),  #7
            (1, 1, 1)
        ]:  #8
            # The corner
            thkl = hkl + cor
            fac = 1 - abs(remain - cor)
            vol = abs(fac[:, 0] * fac[:, 1] * fac[:, 2]).astype(np.float32)
            thkl = np.where(thkl < 0, self.npx + thkl, thkl)
            ind = thkl[:,0]*grid.shape[1]*grid.shape[2] + \
                  thkl[:,1]*grid.shape[1] + \

            cImageD11.put_incr(flatgrid, ind.astype(np.intp), vol)
        logging.info("Grid filling loop takes " + str(time.time() - start) +
                     " /s")
Exemplo n.º 6
    def moments(self, spline=None):
        titles = "1 I fI sI".split()  # for now
        npx = cImageD11.s2D_1
        I = cImageD11.s2D_I
        sI = cImageD11.s2D_sI
        fI = cImageD11.s2D_fI
        # results
        c = {
            '1': np.zeros(self.ncomp, 'f'),
            'I': np.zeros(self.ncomp, 'f'),
            'sI': np.zeros(self.ncomp, 'f'),
            'fI': np.zeros(self.ncomp, 'f'),
            'oI': np.zeros(self.ncomp, 'f'),

        for i, f in enumerate(self.frames):
            m = sparseframe.sparse_moments(f, 'intensity', 'localmax')
            #                   data  , ind, vals : data[ind] += vals
            inds = self.labels[self.cpks[i]:self.cpks[i + 1]]
            cImageD11.put_incr(c['1'], inds, m[:, npx])
            cImageD11.put_incr(c['I'], inds, m[:, I])
            cImageD11.put_incr(c['sI'], inds, m[:, sI])
            cImageD11.put_incr(c['fI'], inds, m[:, fI])
            cImageD11.put_incr(c['oI'], inds, m[:, I] * self.omega[i])
        s_raw = c['sI'] / c['I']
        f_raw = c['fI'] / c['I']
        omega = c['oI'] / c['I']
        if spline is not None:
            sc, fc = spatial_correct(s_raw, f_raw, spline)
            sc, fc = s_raw, f_raw
        results = {
            'sc': sc,
            'fc': fc,
            'omega': omega,
            'Number_of_pixels': c['1'],
            'avg_intensity': c['I'] / c['1'],
            's_raw': s_raw,
            'f_raw': f_raw,
            'sum_intensity': c['I'],
        return results
Exemplo n.º 7
 def process_sinogram(self, sinogram, do_interpolation=False):
     sinogram is from the data
         dimensions [npixels, nangles]
         do_interp - tries to fill in some of the missing data in
         fourier space
     returns the radon transform
     assert sinogram.shape == self.dims
     ar = numpy.fft.rfft(sinogram, axis=0)
     faprojr = (ar.T.real.astype(numpy.float32)).ravel()
     faprojc = (ar.T.imag.astype(numpy.float32)).ravel()
     numpy.multiply(faprojc, self.conjer, faprojc)
     fimr = numpy.zeros(self.ftimlen, numpy.float32)
     fimc = numpy.zeros(self.ftimlen, numpy.float32)
     cImageD11.put_incr(fimr, self.inds, faprojr)
     cImageD11.put_incr(fimc, self.inds, faprojc)
     fim = fimr + fimc * 1j
     fim = numpy.divide(fimr + fimc * 1j, self.nim_div)
     fim.shape = self.ftimshape
     return fim
Exemplo n.º 8
    def add_image(self, om, data):
        RSV = bounds of reciprocal space vol
        NR = dims of RSV
        k = scattering vector for image at om == 0
        data = 2D image (dims == k.dims)
        SIG = signal
        MON = monitor
        dat = numpy.ravel(data).astype(numpy.float32)
        assert len(dat) == len(self.k[0]), "dimensioning issue"

        # hkl = ubi.( gtok. k )
        gvm = transform.compute_g_from_k(
            # this transform module sucks
            om * float(self.pars.get('omegasign')),
        tmat = numpy.dot(self.uspace, gvm)
        hkls = numpy.dot(tmat, self.k)

        # Find a way to test if we are doing the transform OK

        # Bounds checks
        #        for i in range(3):
        #            assert hkls[i].min() > self.bounds[i][0], \
        #                "%d %s %s"%(i, str(hkls[i].min()),str( self.bounds[i][0]))
        #            assert hkls[i].max() < self.bounds[i][1], \
        #                "%d %s %s"%(i, str(hkls[i].max()),str( self.bounds[i][1]))

        NR = self.rsv.NR
        # hkls[0] is the slowest index. integer steps of NR[1]*NR[2]
        ind = numpy.floor(hkls[0] + 0.5 - self.bounds[0][0]).astype(numpy.intp)
        numpy.multiply(ind, NR[1] * NR[2], ind)
        assert ind.dtype == numpy.intp
        # hkls[1] is faster. Steps by NR[2] only
            ind, NR[2] *
            numpy.floor(hkls[1] + 0.5 - self.bounds[1][0]).astype(numpy.int32),
            numpy.floor(hkls[2] + 0.5 - self.bounds[2][0]).astype(numpy.int32),
        if self.maxpix is not None:
            msk = numpy.where(dat > self.maxpix, 0, 1).astype(numpy.uint8)
            msk = None

        if self.mask is not None:
            # This excludes saturated pixels
            if msk is None:
                msk = self.mask
                numpy.multiply(msk, numpy.ravel(self.mask), msk)

        # cases:
        #    maxpix only     == msk
        #    mask only       == msk
        #    maxpix and mask == msk
        #    neither

        if msk is not None:
            numpy.multiply(dat, msk, dat)
            cImageD11.put_incr(self.rsv.SIG, ind, dat)
            cImageD11.put_incr(self.rsv.MON, ind, self.lorfac * msk)
            cImageD11.put_incr(self.rsv.SIG, ind, dat)
            cImageD11.put_incr(self.rsv.MON, ind, self.lorfac)
Exemplo n.º 9
def update_wtd(recon, proj, angle, msk, dbg=True):
    recon is the current reconstruction
    proj is a projection at angle (degrees)

    the middle pixel of proj matches the middle pixel of recon
    TODO: angle + offset as more general geometric term
    assert len(recon.shape) == 2
    assert len(proj.shape) == 1
    rads = angle * np.pi / 180.0
    cth = np.cos(rads).astype(np.float32)
    sth = np.sin(rads).astype(np.float32)
    # For each pixel in recon, compute the array index in proj
    nx = recon.shape[0]
    ny = recon.shape[1]
    x, y = np.mgrid[-nx / 2:nx / 2, -ny / 2:ny / 2]
    # pos is a 2D array of positions in reconstruction
    pos = np.zeros(x.shape, np.float32).ravel()
    np.add(x.ravel() * cth, y.ravel() * sth, pos)
    # Lower & upper pixel:
    idx_lo = np.floor(pos).astype(np.int)
    idx_hi = idx_lo + 1
    # idx will go from -xxx to xxx
    mn = idx_lo.min()
    mx = idx_hi.max() + 1
    # Weights:
    wt_lo = np.subtract(idx_hi, pos, np.zeros(pos.shape, np.float32))
    wt_hi = np.subtract(pos, idx_lo, np.zeros(pos.shape, np.float32))
    wt_lo = np.where(msk.ravel(), wt_lo, 0)
    wt_hi = np.where(msk.ravel(), wt_hi, 0)
    wtc = wt_lo + wt_hi
    calc_proj = np.zeros((mx - mn), np.float32)
    r = recon.ravel()
    np.subtract(idx_lo, mn, idx_lo)  # Move these to offsets in calc_proj
    np.subtract(idx_hi, mn, idx_hi)
    cImageD11.put_incr(calc_proj, idx_lo, r * wt_lo)
    cImageD11.put_incr(calc_proj, idx_hi, r * wt_hi)
    error = np.zeros(calc_proj.shape, np.float32)
    start = (len(calc_proj) - len(proj)) / 2
    error[start:start + len(proj)] = proj
    error = error - calc_proj
    npcalc_proj = np.zeros((mx - mn), np.float32)
    cImageD11.put_incr(npcalc_proj, idx_hi, wt_hi)
    cImageD11.put_incr(npcalc_proj, idx_lo, wt_lo)
    npcalc_proj = np.where(npcalc_proj > 0, npcalc_proj, 1)
    # update =  np.zeros( r.shape, np.float32)
    update = wt_hi * np.take(error / npcalc_proj, idx_hi)
    update += wt_lo * np.take(error / npcalc_proj, idx_lo)

    # Now make calc_proj align with the supplied proj.
    # Convention will be to make the central pixel of our image
    # match the central pixel of proj. Logically this is the central
    # pixel of calc_proj too...
    # Now take this error off of recon according to the weights

    #tot    =  np.zeros( (mx-mn), np.float32 )
    #cImageD11.put_incr( tot, idx_hi, wt_hi)
    #cImageD11.put_incr( tot, idx_lo, wt_lo)


    # update = update
    update.shape = recon.shape
    print(update.sum(), error.sum(), end=' ')
    if dbg:
        pl.imshow(np.reshape(update, recon.shape))
        # pl.show()
    return update
Exemplo n.º 10
def main():
    A CLI user interface
    import sys, time, os, logging
    start = time.time()

    root = logging.getLogger('')

        from optparse import OptionParser
        parser = OptionParser()
        parser = get_options(parser)
        options, args = parser.parse_args()
    except SystemExit:
        print("\nProblem with your options:")

    if options.mask is not None:
        fit2dmask = (1 - openimage(options.mask).data).ravel()
        fit2dmask = 1.0

    first_image = True

    imagefiles = ImageD11_file_series.get_series_from_options(options, args)

    tthvals = numpy.load(options.lookup + "_tth.npy")

        for fim in imagefiles:
            dataim = fim.data
            if first_image:  # allocate volume, compute k etc

                first_image = False

                dxim = openimage(options.lookup + "_dx.edf").data
                dyim = openimage(options.lookup + "_dy.edf").data

                outsum = numpy.ravel(numpy.zeros(dataim.shape, numpy.float32))
                outnp = numpy.ravel(numpy.zeros(dataim.shape, numpy.float32))

                e = edfimage()

                # C code from rsv_mapper (not intended to be obfuscated)
                o = blobcorrector.perfect()
                idealx, idealy = o.make_pixel_lut(dataim.shape)

                destx, desty = idealx + dxim, idealy + dyim

                assert destx.min() >= 0
                assert destx.max() < dataim.shape[1]
                assert desty.min() >= 0
                assert desty.max() < dataim.shape[1]

                imageshape = dataim.shape

                indices = numpy.ravel(destx).astype(numpy.intp)
                numpy.multiply(indices, dataim.shape[1], indices)
                          numpy.ravel(desty).astype(numpy.intp), indices)

                assert indices.min() >= 0
                assert indices.max() < dataim.shape[0] * dataim.shape[1]
                on = numpy.ones(len(outnp), numpy.float32)
                if fit2dmask is not None:
                    on = on * fit2dmask

                # Number of pixels and mask are constant
                cImageD11.put_incr(outnp, indices, on)

                mask = outnp < 0.1
                scalar = (1.0 - mask) / (outnp + mask)

                flatshape = outsum.shape


                arsorted = mask.copy()
                outmask = mask.copy()
                outmask = outmask * 1e6
                outmask.shape = imageshape
                arsorted.shape = imageshape
                minds = numpy.array([l.searchsorted(0.5) for l in arsorted])

            # ENDIF firstimage

            start = time.time()

            numpy.multiply(outsum, 0, outsum)
            outsum.shape = flatshape

            dm = (dataim.ravel() * fit2dmask).astype(numpy.float32)

            cImageD11.put_incr(outsum, indices, dm)

            # outsum = outsum.reshape( dataim.shape )
            # outnp = outnp.reshape( dataim.shape ).astype(numpy.int32)
            # Normalise
            numpy.multiply(outsum, scalar, outsum)
            print(dataim.max(), dataim.min(), end=' ')
            print(scalar.max(), scalar.min(), outsum.min(), outsum.max())

            outsum.shape = imageshape
            # saving edf
            e.data = outsum
            e.write("r_" + fim.filename, force_type=numpy.float32)

            print(time.time() - start)
