Exemplo n.º 1
def test_imap_config_values_should_be_stored():
    am = AccountManager()
    option_spec = get_mailbox_parameter_specs('imap')
    options = {
        'user': '******',
        'password': '',
        'server': 'imap.example.org',
        'port': '',
        'ssl': True,
        'imap': True,
        'idle': True,
        'folders': ['a', 'b'],
    config = RawConfigParser()
    am._set_cfg_options(config, 'account1', options, option_spec)
    expected_config_items = [
        ('user', 'you'),
        ('password', ''),
        ('server', 'imap.example.org'),
        ('port', ''),
        ('ssl', '1'),
        ('imap', '1'),
        ('idle', '1'),
        ('folder', '["a", "b"]'),
    assert set(expected_config_items) == set(config.items('account1'))
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_imap_config_values_should_be_stored():
	am = AccountManager()
	option_spec = get_mailbox_parameter_specs('imap')
	options = {
		'user': '******',
		'password': '',
		'server': 'imap.example.org',
		'port': '',
		'ssl': True,
		'imap': True,
		'idle': True,
		'folders': ['a', 'b'],
	config = RawConfigParser()
	am._set_cfg_options(config, 'account1', options, option_spec)
	expected_config_items = [
		('user', 'you'),
		('password', ''),
		('server', 'imap.example.org'),
		('port', ''),
		('ssl', '1'),
		('imap', '1'),
		('idle', '1'),
		('folder', '["a", "b"]'),
	assert set(expected_config_items) == set(config.items('account1'))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def save_to_cfg(self, cfg):
        # Remove all accounts from cfg
        i = 1
        section_name = "account" + str(i)
        while cfg.has_section(section_name):
            i = i + 1
            section_name = "account" + str(i)

        # Delete secrets of removed accounts from the credential store
        # (it's important to do this before adding accounts,
        # in case multiple accounts with the same credential key exist).
        if self._credentialstore != None:
            for acc in self._removed:
                protocol = 'imap' if acc.imap else 'pop'
                # Note: CredentialStore implementations must check if the key acutally exists!
                self._credentialstore.remove(CREDENTIAL_KEY %
                                             (protocol, acc.user, acc.server))

        del self._removed[:]

        # Add accounts
        i = 1
        for acc in self._accounts:
            if acc.oauth2string != '':
                    "Saving of OAuth2 based accounts is not supported. Account '%s' skipped."
                    % acc.name)

            section_name = "account" + str(i)


            cfg.set(section_name, 'enabled', int(acc.enabled))
            cfg.set(section_name, 'type', acc.mailbox_type)
            cfg.set(section_name, 'name', acc.name)

            config = acc.get_config()
            option_spec = get_mailbox_parameter_specs(acc.mailbox_type)

            # TODO: Setting password to credentials is mailbox specific.
            #       Every backend do not have or need password.
            if self._credentialstore != None:
                protocol = 'imap' if acc.imap else 'pop'
                    CREDENTIAL_KEY % (protocol, acc.user, acc.server),
                config['password'] = ''

            self._set_cfg_options(cfg, section_name, config, option_spec)

            i = i + 1
Exemplo n.º 4
    def save_to_cfg(self, cfg):
        # Remove all accounts from cfg
        i = 1
        section_name = "account" + str(i)
        while cfg.has_section(section_name):
            i = i + 1
            section_name = "account" + str(i)

        # Delete secrets of removed accounts from the secretstore
        # (it's important to do this before adding accounts,
        # in case multiple accounts with the same id exist).
        if self._secretstore != None:
            for acc in self._removed:
                    self._get_account_id(acc.user, acc.server, acc.imap))

        del self._removed[:]

        # Add accounts
        i = 1
        for acc in self._accounts:
            if acc.oauth2string != '':
                    "Saving of OAuth2 based accounts is not supported. Account '%s' skipped."
                    % acc.name)

            section_name = "account" + str(i)


            cfg.set(section_name, 'enabled', int(acc.enabled))
            cfg.set(section_name, 'type', acc.mailbox_type)
            cfg.set(section_name, 'name', acc.name)

            config = acc.get_config()
            option_spec = get_mailbox_parameter_specs(acc.mailbox_type)

            # TODO: Storing a password is mailbox specific.
            #       Not every backend requires a password.
            if self._secretstore != None:
                    self._get_account_id(acc.user, acc.server,
                                         acc.imap), acc.password,
                    f'{PACKAGE_NAME.capitalize()} password for account {acc.user}@{acc.server}'
                config['password'] = ''

            self._set_cfg_options(cfg, section_name, config, option_spec)

            i = i + 1
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_pop3_config_defaults(config):
	am = AccountManager()
	option_spec = get_mailbox_parameter_specs('pop3')
	options = am._get_cfg_options(config, 'account3', option_spec)
	expected_options = {
		'user': '',
		'password': '',
		'server': '',
		'port': '',
		'ssl': True,
		'imap': False,
		'idle': False,
	assert expected_options == options
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_pop3_config_defaults(config):
    am = AccountManager()
    option_spec = get_mailbox_parameter_specs('pop3')
    options = am._get_cfg_options(config, 'account3', option_spec)
    expected_options = {
        'user': '',
        'password': '',
        'server': '',
        'port': '',
        'ssl': True,
        'imap': False,
        'idle': False,
    assert expected_options == options
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_imap_config_options(config):
	am = AccountManager()
	option_spec = get_mailbox_parameter_specs('imap')
	options = am._get_cfg_options(config, 'account1', option_spec)
	expected_options = {
		'user': '******',
		'password': '',
		'server': 'imap.example.org',
		'port': '',
		'ssl': True,
		'imap': True,
		'idle': True,
		'folders': [],
	assert expected_options == options
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_imap_config_options(config):
    am = AccountManager()
    option_spec = get_mailbox_parameter_specs('imap')
    options = am._get_cfg_options(config, 'account1', option_spec)
    expected_options = {
        'user': '******',
        'password': '******',
        'server': 'imap.example.org',
        'port': '',
        'ssl': True,
        'imap': True,
        'idle': True,
        'folders': [],
    assert expected_options == options
Exemplo n.º 9
    def load_from_cfg(self, cfg, enabled_only=False):
        del self._accounts[:]
        del self._removed[:]

        i = 1
        section_name = "account" + str(i)

        while cfg.has_section(section_name):
            enabled = bool(
                int(self._get_account_cfg(cfg, section_name, 'enabled')))

            if (not enabled_only) or (enabled_only and enabled):
                if cfg.has_option(section_name, 'type'):
                    mailbox_type = self._get_account_cfg(
                        cfg, section_name, 'type')
                    imap = (mailbox_type == 'imap')
                    imap = bool(
                        int(self._get_account_cfg(cfg, section_name, 'imap')))
                    mailbox_type = 'imap' if imap else 'pop3'
                name = self._get_account_cfg(cfg, section_name, 'name')

                option_spec = get_mailbox_parameter_specs(mailbox_type)
                options = self._get_cfg_options(cfg, section_name, option_spec)

                # TODO: Getting a password from the secretstore is mailbox specific.
                #       Not every backend requires a password.
                user = options.get('user')
                server = options.get('server')
                # TODO: get rid of the fake server and user names
                if mailbox_type == "gmail_rss":
                    user = name
                    server = "gmail_rss"
                    imap = True
                if self._secretstore != None and user and server:
                    password = self._secretstore.get(
                        self._get_account_id(user, server, imap))
                    if not password: password = ''
                    options['password'] = password

                acc = Account(enabled=enabled,

            i = i + 1
            section_name = "account" + str(i)
Exemplo n.º 10
	def save_to_cfg(self, cfg):		
		# Remove all accounts from cfg
		i = 1
		section_name = "account" + str(i)
		while cfg.has_section(section_name):
			i = i + 1
			section_name = "account" + str(i)
		# Delete secrets of removed accounts from the credential store
		# (it's important to do this before adding accounts, 
		# in case multiple accounts with the same credential key exist).
		if self._credentialstore != None:
			for acc in self._removed:
				protocol = 'imap' if acc.imap else 'pop'
				# Note: CredentialStore implementations must check if the key acutally exists!
				self._credentialstore.remove(CREDENTIAL_KEY % (protocol, acc.user, acc.server))
		del self._removed[:]
		# Add accounts
		i = 1
		for acc in self._accounts:
			if acc.oauth2string != '':
				logging.warning("Saving of OAuth2 based accounts is not supported. Account '%s' skipped." % acc.name)
			section_name = "account" + str(i)
			cfg.set(section_name, 'enabled', int(acc.enabled))
			cfg.set(section_name, 'type', acc.mailbox_type)
			cfg.set(section_name, 'name', acc.name)

			config = acc.get_config()
			option_spec = get_mailbox_parameter_specs(acc.mailbox_type)

			# TODO: Setting password to credentials is mailbox specific.
			#       Every backend do not have or need password.
			if self._credentialstore != None:
				protocol = 'imap' if acc.imap else 'pop'
				self._credentialstore.set(CREDENTIAL_KEY % (protocol, acc.user, acc.server), acc.password)
				config['password'] = ''

			self._set_cfg_options(cfg, section_name, config, option_spec)

			i = i + 1
Exemplo n.º 11
    def load_from_cfg(self, cfg, enabled_only=False):
        del self._accounts[:]
        del self._removed[:]

        i = 1
        section_name = "account" + str(i)

        while cfg.has_section(section_name):
            enabled = bool(
                int(self._get_account_cfg(cfg, section_name, 'enabled')))

            if (not enabled_only) or (enabled_only and enabled):
                if cfg.has_option(section_name, 'type'):
                    mailbox_type = self._get_account_cfg(
                        cfg, section_name, 'type')
                    imap = (mailbox_type == 'imap')
                    imap = bool(
                        int(self._get_account_cfg(cfg, section_name, 'imap')))
                    mailbox_type = 'imap' if imap else 'pop3'
                name = self._get_account_cfg(cfg, section_name, 'name')

                option_spec = get_mailbox_parameter_specs(mailbox_type)
                options = self._get_cfg_options(cfg, section_name, option_spec)

                # TODO: Getting password from credentials is mailbox specific.
                #       Every backend do not have or need password.
                user = options.get('user')
                server = options.get('server')
                if self._credentialstore != None and user and server:
                    protocol = 'imap' if imap else 'pop'
                    password = self._credentialstore.get(
                        CREDENTIAL_KEY % (protocol, user, server))
                    options['password'] = password

                acc = Account(enabled=enabled,

            i = i + 1
            section_name = "account" + str(i)
Exemplo n.º 12
	def load_from_cfg(self, cfg, enabled_only = False):
		del self._accounts[:]
		del self._removed[:]
		i = 1
		section_name = "account" + str(i)
		while cfg.has_section(section_name):
			enabled		= bool(int(	self._get_account_cfg(cfg, section_name, 'enabled')	))
			if (not enabled_only) or (enabled_only and enabled):
				if cfg.has_option(section_name, 'type'):
					mailbox_type = self._get_account_cfg(cfg, section_name, 'type')
					imap = (mailbox_type == 'imap')
					imap = bool(int(self._get_account_cfg(cfg, section_name, 'imap')))
					mailbox_type = 'imap' if imap else 'pop3'
				name = self._get_account_cfg(cfg, section_name, 'name')

				option_spec = get_mailbox_parameter_specs(mailbox_type)
				options = self._get_cfg_options(cfg, section_name, option_spec)

				# TODO: Getting password from credentials is mailbox specific.
				#       Every backend do not have or need password.
				user = options.get('user')
				server = options.get('server')
				if self._credentialstore != None and user and server:
					protocol = 'imap' if imap else 'pop'
					password = self._credentialstore.get(CREDENTIAL_KEY % (protocol, user, server))
					options['password'] = password

				acc = Account(enabled=enabled,

			i = i + 1
			section_name = "account" + str(i)
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_imap_new_folder_option(config):
	am = AccountManager()
	option_spec = get_mailbox_parameter_specs('imap')
	options = am._get_cfg_options(config, 'account6', option_spec)
	assert options['folders'] == ['folderA', 'folderB', 'folderC']
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_imap_new_folder_option(config):
    am = AccountManager()
    option_spec = get_mailbox_parameter_specs('imap')
    options = am._get_cfg_options(config, 'account6', option_spec)
    assert options['folders'] == ['folderA', 'folderB', 'folderC']
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_pop3_backend_parameter_names():
	specs = get_mailbox_parameter_specs('pop3')
	names = [spec.param_name for spec in specs]
	assert set(['user', 'password', 'server', 'port',
				'ssl', 'imap', 'idle']) == set(names)
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_pop3_backend_parameter_names():
    specs = get_mailbox_parameter_specs('pop3')
    names = [spec.param_name for spec in specs]
    assert set(['user', 'password', 'server', 'port', 'ssl', 'imap',
                'idle']) == set(names)