Exemplo n.º 1
	def login(self):
		Metoda loguje uzytkownika do sieci gadu-gadu. Parametry podawane sa w konstruktorze.
		limit = 7 #tyle pobierze nowych serwerow zanim zaprzestanie prob
		times = 0 #ile razy juz pobieral nowy serwer
		with self.__lock:
			while not self.__connected:
				server, port = HTTPServices.get_server(self.__uin)
					self.__connection = Connection(server, port)
					self.__connected = True
				except GGServerNotOperating:
					times += 1
					if times >= limit:
						self.on_server_not_operating(self, EventArgs({}))
					#else niech pobierze inny serwer i probuje dalej :-)
			header = GGHeader()
			if header.type != GGIncomingPackets.GGWelcome:
				raise GGUnexceptedPacket((header.type, header.length))
			in_packet = GGWelcome()
			in_packet.read(self.__connection, header.length)
			seed = in_packet.seed
			out_packet = GGLogin(self.__uin, self.__password, self.__status, seed, self.__description, self.__local_ip, \
									self.__local_port, self.__external_ip, self.__external_port, self.__image_size)
			if header.type == GGIncomingPackets.GGLoginOK:
				self.__logged = True
				in_packet = GGLoginOK()
				in_packet.read(self.__connection, header.length)
				self.on_login_ok(self, EventArgs({}))
				self.__events_thread.start() #uruchamiamy watek listenera
				time.sleep(0.5) #TODO: potrzebne to?
				#self.change_status(self.__status, self.__description) #ustawienie statusu przy pakiecie GGLogin cos nie dziala :/
			elif header.type == GGIncomingPackets.GGLoginFailed:
				self.on_login_failed(self, EventArgs({}))
			elif header.type == GGIncomingPackets.GGNeedEMail:
				self.on_need_email(self, EventArgs({}))
			elif header.type == GGIncomingPackets.GGDisconnecting:
				self.on_disconnecting(self, EventArgs({}))
				raise GGUnexceptedPacket((header.type, header.length))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def run(self):
        global TIMEOUT

        logging.info("[i] Starting wachtowers...")
        if self._initConnections() == -1:
            return -1

        time_counter = 0
        connections = [self._watchtower_line, self._command_line]
        sockets = [c.GetSocket() for c in connections]
        while time_counter < TIMEOUT:
            time_counter += 1
            rr, rw, err = select.select(sockets, [], [], 1.0)
            if len(rr) == 0 and len(rw) == 0 and len(err) == 0:

            for sock in rr:
                logging.debug(f"[ ] Incomming connection. {sock}")
                (new_sock, address) = sock.accept()
                new_conn = Connection(address, "", new_sock)
                _ = CommunicationHandler(new_conn)

        logging.info(f"[i] End the watch.")
        return 0
Exemplo n.º 3
class GGSession(EventsList):	
	Glowna klasa do obslugi protokolu gg. Jest to pojedyncza sesja obslugujaca protokol.
	Pola publiczne:
		* contacts_list - zawiera liste kontaktow zalogowanego uzytkownika.
	Aby utworzyc obiekt tej klasy nalezy przekazac do konstruktora nastepujace parametry:
		* uin - numer gadu-gadu, dla ktorego bedzie tworzona sesja
		* password - haslo dla numeru gadu-gadu uin
		* initial_status - poczatkowy status dostepnosci (wartosc domyslna - GGStatuses.Avail)
		* initial_description - poczatkowy opis (wartosc domyslna - '')
		* contacts_list - lista kontaktow (wartosc domyslna - None)
	Przyklad uzycia:
	 1. GGSession(1111111, 'kaczka', , 'moj nowy opis', );
	 Tworzy nowy obiekt sesji dla uzytkownika o numerze 1111111 z haslem kaczka i z poczatkowym statusem 'moj nowy opis'
	def __init__(self, uin, password, initial_status = GGStatuses.Avail, initial_description = '', contacts_list = ContactsList()):
		assert type(uin) == types.IntType
		assert type(password) == types.StringType
		assert initial_status in GGStatuses
		assert type(initial_description) == types.StringType and len(initial_description) <= 70
		assert type(contacts_list) == ContactsList or contacts_list == None		
		EventsList.__init__(self, ['on_login_ok', 'on_login_failed', 'on_need_email', 'on_msg_recv', \
				'on_unknown_packet', 'on_send_msg_ack', 'on_notify_reply', 'on_pubdir_recv', 'on_userlist_reply', \
				'on_status_changed', 'on_disconnecting', 'on_server_not_operating'])
		self.__uin = uin
		self.__password = password
		self.__status = initial_status
		self.__description = initial_description
		self.__contacts_list = contacts_list
		self.__importing = False # informuje, czy aktualnie importujemy liste kontaktow z serwera Gadu-Gadu
		self.__contact_buffer = "" # bufor na importowane z serwera kontakty
		self.__local_ip = "" 
		self.__local_port = 1550
		self.__external_ip = ""
		self.__external_port = 0
		self.__image_size = 255
		self.__connected = False # czy jestesmy polaczeni z serwerem
		self.__logged = False # czy uzytkownik jest zalogowany do serwera
		self.__connection = None
		self.__pinger = Timer(120.0, self.__ping) # co 2 minuty pingujemy serwer
		self.__events_thread = threading.Thread(target = self.__events_loop)
		self.__lock = threading.RLock() #blokada dla watku
	def __get_contacts_list(self):
		return self.__contacts_list
	def __set_contacts_list(self, contacts_list):
		assert type(contacts_list) == ContactsList
		self.__contacts_list = contacts_list

	def __events_loop(self):
		Metoda powoduje uruchomienie listenera
		while self.__logged:
			header = GGHeader()
			except: #paskudnie, ale coz... ;) Na koniec sesji to jest potrzebne
			if header.type == GGIncomingPackets.GGRecvMsg:
				in_packet = GGRecvMsg()
				with self.__lock:
					in_packet.read(self.__connection, header.length)
				self.on_msg_recv(self, EventArgs({\
					"sender" : in_packet.sender,\
					"seq" : in_packet.seq,\
					"time" : in_packet.time,\
					"msg_class" : in_packet.msg_class,\
					"message" : in_packet.message}))

			elif header.type == GGIncomingPackets.GGSendMsgAck:
				in_packet = GGSendMsgAck()
				with self.__lock:
					in_packet.read(self.__connection, header.length)
				self.on_send_msg_ack(self, EventArgs({\
					"status" : in_packet.status,\
					"recipient" : in_packet.recipient,\
					"seq" : in_packet.seq}))

			elif header.type == GGIncomingPackets.GGNotifyReplyOld:
				in_packet = GGNotifyReplyOld(self.__contacts_list)
				with self.__lock:
					in_packet.read(self.__connection, header.length)
				self.__contacts_list = in_packet.contacts
				self.on_notify_reply(self, EventArgs({"contacts_list" : self.__contacts_list}))

			elif header.type == GGIncomingPackets.GGNotifyReply60 or header.type == GGIncomingPackets.GGNotifyReply77:
				in_packet = GGNotifyReply(self.__contacts_list, header.type)
				with self.__lock:
					in_packet.read(self.__connection, header.length)
				self.__contacts_list = in_packet.contacts
				self.on_notify_reply(self, EventArgs({"contacts_list" : self.__contacts_list}))

			elif header.type == GGIncomingPackets.GGPubDir50Reply:
				in_packet = GGPubDir50Reply()
				with self.__lock:
					in_packet.read(self.__connection, header.length)
				self.on_pubdir_recv(self, EventArgs({\
					"req_type" : in_packet.reqtype,\
					"seq" : in_packet.seq,\
					"reply" : in_packet.reply}))

			elif header.type == GGIncomingPackets.GGDisconnecting:
				in_packet = GGDisconnecting()
				with self.__lock:
					in_packet.read(self.__connection, header.length)
				self.on_disconnecting(self, EventArgs({}))

			elif header.type == GGIncomingPackets.GGUserListReply:
				in_packet = GGUserListReply()
				with self.__lock:
					in_packet.read(self.__connection, header.length)
				if in_packet.reqtype == GGUserListReplyTypes.GetMoreReply:
					self.__contact_buffer += in_packet.request
				if in_packet.reqtype == GGUserListReplyTypes.GetReply:
					self.__importing = False # zaimportowano cala liste
					self.__contact_buffer += in_packet.request #... bo lista moze przyjsc w kilku pakietach
					self.__contact_buffer = "" # oprozniamy bufor
					self.on_userlist_reply(self, EventArgs({"contacts_list" : self.__contacts_list}))
					self.on_userlist_reply(self, EventArgs({"reqtype":in_packet.reqtype, "request":in_packet.request}))

			elif header.type == GGIncomingPackets.GGStatus:
				in_packet = GGStatus()
				with self.__lock:
					in_packet.read(self.__connection, header.length)
				uin = in_packet.uin
				self.__contacts_list[uin].status = in_packet.status
				self.__contacts_list[uin].description = in_packet.description
				self.__contacts_list[uin].return_time = in_packet.return_time
				self.on_status_changed(self, EventArgs({"contact" : self.__contacts_list[uin]}))

			elif header.type == GGIncomingPackets.GGStatus60:
				in_packet = GGStatus60()
				with self.__lock:
					in_packet.read(self.__connection, header.length)
				uin = in_packet.uin
				if self.__contacts_list[uin] == None:
				self.__contacts_list[uin].status = in_packet.status
				self.__contacts_list[uin].description = in_packet.description
				self.__contacts_list[uin].return_time = in_packet.return_time
				self.__contacts_list[uin].ip = in_packet.ip
				self.__contacts_list[uin].port = in_packet.port
				self.__contacts_list[uin].version = in_packet.version
				self.__contacts_list[uin].image_size = in_packet.image_size
				self.on_status_changed(self, EventArgs({"contact" : self.__contacts_list[uin]}))

				with self.__lock:
					self.__connection.read(header.length) #odbieramy smieci.. ;)
				self.on_unknown_packet(self, EventArgs({"type" : header.type, "length" : header.length}))

	def __ping(self):
		Metoda wysyla pakiet GGPing do serwera
		if not self.__logged:
			raise GGNotLogged
		with self.__lock:
			out_packet = GGPing()
			print '[PING]'
			self.__pinger = Timer(120.0, self.__ping) # co 2 minuty pingujemy serwer

	def login(self):
		Metoda loguje uzytkownika do sieci gadu-gadu. Parametry podawane sa w konstruktorze.
		limit = 7 #tyle pobierze nowych serwerow zanim zaprzestanie prob
		times = 0 #ile razy juz pobieral nowy serwer
		with self.__lock:
			while not self.__connected:
				server, port = HTTPServices.get_server(self.__uin)
					self.__connection = Connection(server, port)
					self.__connected = True
				except GGServerNotOperating:
					times += 1
					if times >= limit:
						self.on_server_not_operating(self, EventArgs({}))
					#else niech pobierze inny serwer i probuje dalej :-)
			header = GGHeader()
			if header.type != GGIncomingPackets.GGWelcome:
				raise GGUnexceptedPacket((header.type, header.length))
			in_packet = GGWelcome()
			in_packet.read(self.__connection, header.length)
			seed = in_packet.seed
			out_packet = GGLogin(self.__uin, self.__password, self.__status, seed, self.__description, self.__local_ip, \
									self.__local_port, self.__external_ip, self.__external_port, self.__image_size)
			if header.type == GGIncomingPackets.GGLoginOK:
				self.__logged = True
				in_packet = GGLoginOK()
				in_packet.read(self.__connection, header.length)
				self.on_login_ok(self, EventArgs({}))
				self.__events_thread.start() #uruchamiamy watek listenera
				time.sleep(0.5) #TODO: potrzebne to?
				#self.change_status(self.__status, self.__description) #ustawienie statusu przy pakiecie GGLogin cos nie dziala :/
			elif header.type == GGIncomingPackets.GGLoginFailed:
				self.on_login_failed(self, EventArgs({}))
			elif header.type == GGIncomingPackets.GGNeedEMail:
				self.on_need_email(self, EventArgs({}))
			elif header.type == GGIncomingPackets.GGDisconnecting:
				self.on_disconnecting(self, EventArgs({}))
				raise GGUnexceptedPacket((header.type, header.length))

	def logout(self, description = ''):
		Metoda wylogowuje uzytkownika z sieci gadu-gadu. Ustawiany jest opis zawarty w parametrze description.
		Domyslnie opis pusty.
		assert type(description) == types.StringType and len(description) <= 70
		if not self.__logged:
			raise GGNotLogged
		self.change_status(description == '' and GGStatuses.NotAvail or GGStatuses.NotAvailDescr, description)
		#with self.__lock:
		self.__logged = False # przed join(), zeby zakonczyc watek
		self.__connected = False
	def change_status(self, status, description = ""):
		Metoda powoduje zmiane statusu i opisu. Jako parametry przyjmuje nowy status i nowy opis (domyslnie - opis pusty).
		assert type(status) == types.IntType and status in GGStatuses
		assert type(description) == types.StringType and len(description) <= 70
		if not self.__logged:
			raise GGNotLogged
		with self.__lock:
			out_packet  = GGNewStatus(status, description)
			self.__status = status
			self.__description = description
	def change_description(self, description):
		Metoda powoduje zmiane opisu. Jako parametr przyjmuje nowy opis.
		assert type(description) == types.StringType and len(description) <= 70
		if self.__status != GGStatuses.AvailDescr and self.__status != GGStatuses.BusyDescr and self.__status != GGStatuses.InvisibleDescr:
			raise GGException("Can't change description - current status has'n description") 
		if not self.__logged:
			raise GGNotLogged
		self.change_status(self.__status, description)

	def send_msg(self, rcpt, msg, seq = 0, msg_class = GGMsgTypes.Msg, richtext = False):
		Metoda sluzy do wysylania wiadomosci w siecie gadu-gadu. Parametry:
		 * rcpt - numer gadu-gadu odbiorcy wiadomosci
		 * msg - wiadomosc do dostarczenia
		 * seq - numer sekwencyjny wiadomosci, sluzy do potwierdzen dostarczenia wiadomosci. Domyslnie wartosc 0
		 * msg_class - klasa wiadomosci (typ GGMsgTypes). Domyslnie wiadomosc pojawia sie w nowym oknie
		 * richtext - okresla czy wiadomosc bedzie interpretowana jako zwykly tekst czy jako tekst formatowany.
		   Domyslnie nieformatowany
		assert type(rcpt) == types.IntType
		assert type(msg) == types.StringType and ((not richtext and len(msg) < 2000) or (richtext))  #TODO: w dalszych iteracjach: obsluga richtextmsg
		assert type(seq) == types.IntType
		assert msg_class in GGMsgTypes
		if not self.__logged:
			raise GGNotLogged
		if richtext:
			message = Helpers.pygglib_rtf_to_gg_rtf(msg)
			message = msg
		with self.__lock:
			out_packet = GGSendMsg(rcpt, message, seq, msg_class)
	def pubdir_request(self, request, reqtype = GGPubDirTypes.Search):
		Metoda obslugujaca katalog publiczny. Wysyla zapytanie do serwera. Parametry:
		 * request - zapytanie dla serwera
		 * reqtype - typ zapytania
		assert type(request) == types.StringType or type(request) == types.DictType
		assert reqtype in GGPubDirTypes
		if not self.__logged:
			raise GGNotLogged
		with self.__lock:
			out_packet = GGPubDir50Request(request, reqtype)
	def export_contacts_list(self, filename = None):
		Eksportuje liste kontaktow do serwera lub do pliku, w przypadku podania nazwy jako parametr filename
		while self.__importing == True:
		if self.__contacts_list != None:
			if filename == None:
				if not self.__logged:
					raise GGNotLogged
				sub_lists = Helpers.split_list(self.__contacts_list.export_request_string(), 2038)
				with self.__lock:
					out_packet = GGUserListRequest(GGUserListTypes.Put, sub_lists[0])
					if len(sub_lists) > 1:
						for l in sub_lists[1:len(sub_lists)]:
							out_packet = GGUserListRequest(GGUserListTypes.PutMore, l)
				assert type(filename) == types.StringType
				request = self.__contacts_list.export_request_string()
				file = open(filename, "w")
	def delete_contacts_from_server(self):
		Usuwa liste kontaktow z serwera Gadu-Gadu
		if not self.__logged:
			raise GGNotLogged
		with self.__lock:
			out_packet = GGUserListRequest(GGUserListTypes.Put, "")
	def import_contacts_list(self, filename = None):
		Wysyla zadanie importu listy z serwera lub pliku, gdy podamy jego nazwe w parametrze filename.
		Zaimportowana lista zapisywana jest w self.__contacts_list
		if filename == None:
			if not self.__logged:
				raise GGNotLogged
			with self.__lock:
				out_packet = GGUserListRequest(GGUserListTypes.Get, "")
				self.__importing = True
			assert type(filename) == types.StringType
			file = open(filename, "r")
			request = file.read()
	def add_contact(self, contact, user_type = 0x3, notify = True):
		Dodajemy kontakt 'contact' do listy kontaktow. Jesli jestesmy polaczeni z serwerem i notify == True to dodatkowo
		powiadamiamy o tym fakcie serwer. Od tego momentu serwer bedzie nas informowal o statusie tego kontaktu.
		assert type(contact) == Contact
		if self.__logged and notify:
			with self.__lock:
				out_packet = GGAddNotify(contact.uin, user_type)

	def remove_contact(self, uin, notify = True):
		Usuwamy z listy kontaktow kontakt o numerze 'uin'. Jesli jestesmy polaczeni z serwerem i notify == True to dodatkowo
		powiadamiamy o tym fakcie serwer. Od tego momentu serwer nie bedzie nas juz informowal o statusie tego kontaktu.
		if self.__logged and notify:
			with self.__lock:
				out_packet = GGRemoveNotify(uin)
	def change_user_type(self, uin, user_type):
		Zmieniamy typ uzytkownika. user_type jest mapa wartosci z GGUserTypes.
		Np. zeby zablokowac uzytkownka piszemy:
			change_user_type(12454354, GGUserTypes.Blocked)
		if not self.__logged:
			raise GGNotLogged

		with self.__lock:
			out_packet = GGRemoveNotify(uin, user_type)

	def __send_contacts_list(self):
		Wysyla do serwera nasza liste kontaktow w celu otrzymania statusow.
		Powinno byc uzyte zaraz po zalogowaniu sie do serwera.
		UWAGA: To nie jest eksport listy kontaktow do serwera!
		assert self.__contacts_list  == None or type(self.__contacts_list) == ContactsList
		if not self.__logged:
			raise GGNotLogged
		if self.__contacts_list == None or len(self.__contacts_list) == 0:
			with self.__lock:
				out_packet = GGListEmpty()
		uin_type_list = [] # [(uin, type), (uin, type), ...]
		for contact in self.__contacts_list.data: #TODO: brrrrrrr, nie .data!!!!
			uin_type_list.append((contact.uin, contact.user_type))
		sub_lists = Helpers.split_list(uin_type_list, 400)
		with self.__lock:
			for l in sub_lists[:-1]: #zostawiamy ostatnia podliste
				out_packet = GGNotifyFirst(l)
			# zostala juz ostatnia lista do wyslania
			out_packet = GGNotifyLast(sub_lists[-1])
	def __make_contacts_list(self, request):
		contacts = request.split("\n")
		if self.__contacts_list == None:
			self.__contacts_list = ContactsList()
		for contact in contacts:
			#TODO: needs to be fixed: groups
			if contact != '' and contact != "\n" and contact != "GG70ExportString,;\r":
				newcontact = Contact({'request_string':contact})
	def __get_logged(self):
		return self.__logged
	# Properties
	contacts_list = property(__get_contacts_list, __set_contacts_list)
	logged = property(__get_logged)
Exemplo n.º 4
import sys
if os.sys.platform == 'win32':
    sys.path.append(".\\..")  # - dla windowsa
    sys.path.append("../")  # - dla linuksa
from OutgoingPackets import *
from HeaderPacket import GGHeader
from IncomingPackets import *
from Networking import Connection

# 11327271, haslo eto2007

if __name__ == "__main__":
    conn = Connection("", 8074)
    header = GGHeader()
    if header.type != GGIncomingPackets.GGWelcome:
        raise "Unexpected packet got!"
    in_packet = GGWelcome()
    in_packet.read(conn, header.length)
    seed = in_packet.seed
    # ... i mamy juz seeda

    # Logowanie sie
    out_packet = GGLogin(11327271, "eto2007", 0x0004, seed, "opis :)")
    print "Got Packet:\n \ttype: %d\n\tlength: %d" % (header.type,
Exemplo n.º 5
import sys
if os.sys.platform == 'win32':
	sys.path.append(".\\..") # - dla windowsa
	sys.path.append("../") # - dla linuksa
from OutgoingPackets import *
from HeaderPacket import GGHeader
from IncomingPackets import *
from Networking import Connection

# 11327271, haslo eto2007 

if __name__ == "__main__":
	conn = Connection("", 8074)
	header = GGHeader()
	if header.type != GGIncomingPackets.GGWelcome:
		raise "Unexpected packet got!"
	in_packet = GGWelcome()
	in_packet.read(conn, header.length)
	seed = in_packet.seed
	# ... i mamy juz seeda
	# Logowanie sie
	out_packet = GGLogin(11327271, "eto2007", 0x0004, seed, "opis :)")
	print "Got Packet:\n \ttype: %d\n\tlength: %d" % (header.type, header.length)
	if header.type == GGIncomingPackets.GGLoginOK: