Exemplo n.º 1
def what_is_face(face):
    ''' Returns all class names for which this class can be downcasted
    if not face.ShapeType() == TopAbs_FACE:
        print('%s is not a TopAbs_FACE. Conversion impossible')
        return None
    hs = BRep_Tool_Surface(face)
    obj = hs.GetObject()
    result = []
    for elem in classes:
        if (elem.startswith('Geom') and not 'swig' in elem):
    # Run the test for each class
    for geom_class in geom_classes:
        if obj.IsKind(geom_class) and not geom_class in result:
    return result
Exemplo n.º 2
class Face(TopoDS_Face, BaseObject):
    """high level surface API
    object is a Face if part of a Solid
    otherwise the same methods do apply, apart from the topology obviously
    def __init__(self, face):
        assert isinstance(face, TopoDS_Face), 'need a TopoDS_Face, got a %s' % face.__class__
        assert not face.IsNull()
        super(Face, self).__init__()
        BaseObject.__init__(self, 'face')
        # we need to copy the base shape using the following three
        # lines
        assert self.IsNull()
        assert not self.IsNull()

        # cooperative classes
        self.DiffGeom = DiffGeomSurface(self)

        # STATE; whether cooperative classes are yet initialized
        self._curvature_initiated = False
        self._geometry_lookup_init = False

        # properties
        self._h_srf = None
        self._srf = None
        self._adaptor = None
        self._adaptor_handle = None
        self._classify_uv = None  # cache the u,v classifier, no need to rebuild for every sample
        self._topo = None

        # aliasing of useful methods
        def is_u_periodic(self):
            return self.adaptor.IsUPeriodic()

        def is_v_periodic(self):
            return self.adaptor.IsVPeriodic()

        def is_u_closed(self):
            return self.adaptor.IsUClosed()

        def is_v_closed(self):
            return self.adaptor.IsVClosed()

        def is_u_rational(self):
            return self.adaptor.IsURational()

        def is_v_rational(self):
            return self.adaptor.IsVRational()

        def u_degree(self):
            return self.adaptor.UDegree()

        def v_degree(self):
            return self.adaptor.VDegree()

        def u_continuity(self):
            return self.adaptor.UContinuity()

        def v_continuity(self):
            return self.adaptor.VContinuity()

    def domain(self):
        '''the u,v domain of the curve
        :return: UMin, UMax, VMin, VMax
        return breptools_UVBounds(self)

    def mid_point(self):
        :return: the parameter at the mid point of the face,
        and its corresponding gp_Pnt
        u_min, u_max, v_min, v_max = self.domain()
        u_mid = (u_min + u_max) / 2.
        v_mid = (v_min + v_max) / 2.
        return ((u_mid, v_mid), self.adaptor.Value(u_mid, v_mid))

    def topo(self):
        if self._topo is not None:
            return self._topo
            self._topo = Topo(self)
            return self._topo

    def surface(self):
        if self._srf is None or self.is_dirty:
            self._h_srf = BRep_Tool_Surface(self)
            self._srf = self._h_srf.GetObject()
        return self._srf

    def surface_handle(self):
        if self._h_srf is None or self.is_dirty:
            self.surface  # force building handle 
        return self._h_srf

    def adaptor(self):
        if self._adaptor is not None and not self.is_dirty:
            self._adaptor = BRepAdaptor_Surface(self)
            self._adaptor_handle = BRepAdaptor_HSurface()
        return self._adaptor

    def adaptor_handle(self):
        if self._adaptor_handle is not None and not self.is_dirty:
        return self._adaptor_handle

    def is_closed(self):
        sa = ShapeAnalysis_Surface(self.surface_handle)
        # sa.GetBoxUF()
        return sa.IsUClosed(), sa.IsVClosed()

    def is_planar(self, tol=TOLERANCE):
        '''checks if the surface is planar within a tolerance
        :return: bool, gp_Pln
        is_planar_surface = GeomLib_IsPlanarSurface(self.surface_handle, tol)
        return is_planar_surface.IsPlanar()

    def is_trimmed(self):
        :return: True if the Wire delimiting the Face lies on the bounds
        of the surface
        if this is not the case, the wire represents a contour that delimits
        the face [ think cookie cutter ]
        and implies that the surface is trimmed
        _round = lambda x: round(x, 3)
        a = map(_round, breptools_UVBounds(self))
        b = map(_round, self.adaptor.Surface().Surface().GetObject().Bounds())
        if a != b:
            print('a,b', a, b)
            return True
        return False

    def on_trimmed(self, u, v):
        '''tests whether the surface at the u,v parameter has been trimmed
        if self._classify_uv is None:
            self._classify_uv = BRepTopAdaptor_FClass2d(self, 1e-9)
        uv = gp_Pnt2d(u, v)
        if self._classify_uv.Perform(uv) == TopAbs_IN:
            return True
            return False

    def parameter_to_point(self, u, v):
        '''returns the coordinate at u,v
        return self.surface.Value(u, v)

    def point_to_parameter(self, pt):
        returns the uv value of a point on a surface
        @param pt:
        sas = ShapeAnalysis_Surface(self.surface_handle)
        uv = sas.ValueOfUV(pt, self.tolerance)
        return uv.Coord()

    def continuity_edge_face(self, edge, face):
        compute the continuity between two faces at :edge:

        :param edge: an Edge or TopoDS_Edge from :face:
        :param face: a Face or TopoDS_Face
        :return: bool, GeomAbs_Shape if it has continuity, otherwise
         False, None
        bt = BRep_Tool()
        if bt.HasContinuity(edge, self, face):
            continuity = bt.Continuity(edge, self, face)
            return True, continuity
            return False, None

#    Surface.project
#    project curve, point on face

    def project_vertex(self, pnt, tol=TOLERANCE):
        '''projects self with a point, curve, edge, face, solid
        method wraps dealing with the various topologies

        if other is a point:
            returns uv, point

        if isinstance(pnt, TopoDS_Vertex):
            pnt = BRep_Tool.Pnt(pnt)

        proj = GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnSurf(pnt, self.surface_handle, tol)
        uv = proj.LowerDistanceParameters()
        proj_pnt = proj.NearestPoint()

        return uv, proj_pnt

    def project_curve(self, other):
        # this way Geom_Circle and alike are valid too
        if (isinstance(other, TopoDS_Edge) or
            isinstance(other, Geom_Curve) or
           issubclass(other, Geom_Curve)):
                # convert edge to curve
                first, last = topexp.FirstVertex(other), topexp.LastVertex(other)
                lbound, ubound = BRep_Tool().Parameter(first, other), BRep_Tool().Parameter(last, other)
                other = BRep_Tool.Curve(other, lbound, ubound).GetObject()
                return geomprojlib.Project(other, self.surface_handle)

    def project_edge(self, edg):
        if hasattr(edg, 'adaptor'):
            return self.project_curve(self, self.adaptor)
        return self.project_curve(self, to_adaptor_3d(edg))

    def iso_curve(self, u_or_v, param):
        get the iso curve from a u,v + parameter
        :param u_or_v:
        :param param:
        uv = 0 if u_or_v == 'u' else 1
        iso = Adaptor3d_IsoCurve(self.adaptor_handle.GetHandle(), uv, param)
        return iso

    def edges(self):
        return [Edge(i) for i in WireExplorer(next(self.topo.wires())).ordered_edges()]

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.name

    def __str__(self):
        return self.__repr__()