Exemplo n.º 1
    def fig_save(self, **kwargs):
        import datetime
        from PIL import Image, PngImagePlugin
        metadata = {
            "Creator": "Lia Hankla",
            "Description": "Simulation: " + self.config + "_" + self.specs,
            "Creation Time": datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()
        if "fig_type" not in kwargs:
            fig_type = "scratch/"
            fig_type = kwargs["fig_type"]
        if "fig_name" not in kwargs:
            tit = plt.gca().get_title()
            tit = tit.replace(' ', '-')
            fig_name = tit + ".png"
            fig_name = kwargs["fig_name"]
        fig_dir = self.fig_save_fp + fig_type + "/"

        if not os.path.exists(fig_dir):
        fig_name = fig_dir + fig_name
            plt.savefig(fig_name, bbox_inches='tight')
            # insert metadata after the fact
            img = Image.open(fig_name)
            meta = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo()
            for k, v in metadata.items():
                meta.add_text(k, v)
            img.save(fig_name, "png", pnginfo=meta)
            print("Could not save figure " + fig_name)
            print("saving figure " + fig_name)
Exemplo n.º 2
def to_raster(tmpfn, now):
    """ Convert the raw data into a RASTER Image
    5 inch rain per hour is ~ 125 mm/hr, so over 5min that is 10 mm
    Index 255 is missing
    0 is zero
    1 is 0.1 mm
    254 is 25.4 mm
    data = np.loadtxt(tmpfn, skiprows=10)
    # mm/hr to mm/5min
    imgdata = data * 10.0 / 12.0
    imgdata = np.where(imgdata < 0, 255, imgdata)
    png = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(imgdata))
    meta = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo()
    meta.add_text("title", now.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M"), 0)
    png.save("%s.png" % (tmpfn, ), pnginfo=meta)
    del png
    # Make worldfile
    with open("%s.wld" % (tmpfn, ), "w") as fh:
Exemplo n.º 3
	def to_png(self):
		if self.leftoffset != None:
			from PIL import PngImagePlugin
			import zlib
			def _crc32(data, seed=0):
				return zlib.crc32(data, seed) & 0xffffffff
			with io.BytesIO() as png:
				pnginfo = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo()
				# There is a bug in PngImagePlugin, it can't just write arbitrary chunk names, just particular ones in a couple lists.
				# https://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/stable/_modules/PIL/PngImagePlugin.html#PngInfo
				# Look near 'info = im.encoderinfo.get("pnginfo")'
				# So add a 'valid' chunk name. 'iTXt' is nice because it can be added multiple times. Then replace its name in the output.
				grab_data = struct.pack('>ii', self.leftoffset, self.topoffset)
				pnginfo.add(b'iTXt', grab_data)
				# TODO: Support 'alPh'?
				self.save(png, format='PNG', pnginfo=pnginfo)
				png_bytes = png.getvalue()
				png_bytes = png_bytes.replace(
					b'iTXt' + grab_data + struct.pack('>I', _crc32(grab_data, _crc32(b'iTXt'))),
					b'grAb' + grab_data + struct.pack('>I', _crc32(grab_data, _crc32(b'grAb'))), 1)
				return png_bytes
			with io.BytesIO() as png:
				self.save(png, format='PNG')
				png_bytes = png.getvalue()
				return png_bytes
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _raw_canvas(self):
        # Create the sprite canvas
        width, height = self.sprite.canvas_size
        canvas = PILImage.new('RGBA', (width, height), (0, 0, 0, 0))

        # Paste the images inside the canvas
        for image in self.sprite.images:
                (round_up(image.x + (image.padding[3] + image.margin[3]) *
                 round_up(image.y + (image.padding[0] + image.margin[0]) *

        meta = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo()
        meta.add_text('Software', 'glue-%s' % __version__)
        meta.add_text('Comment', self.sprite.hash)

        # Customize how the png is going to be saved
        kwargs = dict(optimize=False, pnginfo=meta)

        if self.sprite.config['png8']:
            # Get the alpha band
            alpha = canvas.split()[-1]
            canvas = canvas.convert('RGB').convert('P',

            # Set all pixel values below 128 to 255, and the rest to 0
            mask = PILImage.eval(alpha, lambda a: 255 if a <= 128 else 0)

            # Paste the color of index 255 and use alpha as a mask
            canvas.paste(255, mask)
            kwargs.update({'transparency': 255})
        return canvas, kwargs
Exemplo n.º 5
 def screenshot(self, e=None):
     ts = time.strftime("%Y %b %d %H-%M-%S", time.gmtime())
     i = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo()
     i.add_text("pos", " ".join([str(round(x, 3)) for x in self.pos]))
     i.add_text("dir", " ".join([str(round(x, 3)) for x in self.vv]))
     self.cframe.save(PATH + "Screenshots/Screenshot " + ts + ".png",
Exemplo n.º 6
def createimagethumb(fpath, el):
    md5 = eencode(fpath)
    infile = os.path.basename(fpath)
    uuri = "file://" + urllib.parse.quote(
        fpath, safe='/', encoding=None, errors=None)
    fmtime = int(os.path.getmtime(fpath))
        img = el.picture_to_img(fpath)
        if img.mode == "P":
            img = img.convert("RGBA")

            bimg = ImageOps.expand(img, border=1, fill=BORDER_COLOR)
            bimg = img

            meta = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo()

            meta.add_text("Thumb URI", uuri, 0)
            meta.add_text("Thumb MTime", str(int(fmtime)), 0)
            meta.add_text("Software", "PYTHON::PIL", 0)

            bimg.save(XDG_CACHE_LARGE + md5 + ".png", "PNG", pnginfo=meta)

            return md5

            return "Null"

        return "Null"
Exemplo n.º 7
    def _pngmeta(self):
        """Return GeoImage.tags as a PNG metadata object.

        Inspired by:
        public domain, Nick Galbreath

        reserved = ('interlace', 'gamma', 'dpi', 'transparency', 'aspect')

            tags = self.tags
        except AttributeError:
            tags = {}

        # Undocumented class
        from PIL import PngImagePlugin
        meta = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo()

        # Copy from tags to new dict
        for k__, v__ in tags.items():
            if k__ not in reserved:
                meta.add_text(k__, v__, 0)

        return meta
Exemplo n.º 8
    def get_freedesktop_pnginfo(filename, image=None, thumb_info=None):
        """Gets png metadata for the thumbnail.

        :param filename: image filename
        :type filename: string
        :returns: png info
        :rtype: PngImagePlugin.PngInfo
        full_info = THUMB_INFO.copy()
        if thumb_info:
        file_stat = os.stat(filename)
        info = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo()
        info.add_text('Thumb::URI', get_uri(filename))
        info.add_text('Thumb::MTime', str(get_mtime(filename, file_stat)))
        info.add_text('Thumb::Size', str(get_filesize(filename, file_stat)))
        if 'software' in full_info:
            info.add_text('Thumb::Software', full_info['software'])
        if 'height' in full_info:
            info.add_text('Thumb::Image::Height', str(full_info['height']))
        elif image:
            info.add_text('Thumb::Image::Height', str(image.size[1]))
        if 'width' in full_info:
            info.add_text('Thumb::Image::Width', str(full_info['width']))
        elif image:
            info.add_text('Thumb::Image::Width', str(image.size[0]))
        return info
Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_dos_total_memory(self):
        im = Image.new('L', (1, 1))
        compressed_data = zlib.compress(b'a'*1024*1023)

        info = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo()

        for x in range(64):
            info.add_text('t%s' % x, compressed_data, zip=True)
            info.add_itxt('i%s' % x, compressed_data, zip=True)

        b = BytesIO()
        im.save(b, 'PNG', pnginfo=info)

            im2 = Image.open(b)
        except ValueError as msg:
            self.assertIn("Too much memory", msg)

        total_len = 0
        for txt in im2.text.values():
            total_len += len(txt)
        self.assertLess(total_len, 64*1024*1024,
                        "Total text chunks greater than 64M")
Exemplo n.º 10
def append_myself(params):
    """ Append some tags to PNG image """
    title = 'PyArtForms ' + params['name']
    p1 = copy.deepcopy(params)
    del p1['im']
    del p1['call']
    sp = str(p1)
    x = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo()
    today = dt.today()
    sdt = dt.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
    y = today.year
    x.add_text(key='Title', value=title, zip=False)
               value='generated in PyArtForms @' + sdt + '\r\n' + sp,
               value='Jakub Noniewicz aka MoNsTeR/GDC',
               value='(c)' + str(y) +
               ' Jakub Noniewicz | noniewicz.com | noniewicz.art.pl',
        'PyArtForms concept by: Jakub Noniewicz | noniewicz.com | noniewicz.art.pl',
    x.add_text(key='Software', value='PyArtForms', zip=False)
    return x
Exemplo n.º 11
    def set_png_metadata(self, png_filename, metadata):
		Takes a PNG filename and overwrites the fields specified in metadata with
		the values given, adding any new fields.
        im = Image.open(png_filename)

        # This hack works-around PIL's broken png metadata support. Disovered here:
        # http://blog.client9.com/2007/08/python-pil-and-png-metadata-take-2.html
        meta = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo()

        # These meta-data entries are added (eroneously) by PIL, ignore them
        reserved = ('interlace', 'gamma', 'dpi', 'transparency', 'aspect')

        # Add in the new metadata
        img_metadata = im.info.copy()

        # Add to the PNG
        for k, v in img_metadata.iteritems():
            if k not in reserved:
                meta.add_text(k, v)

        # Write it out
        im.save(png_filename, pnginfo=meta)
Exemplo n.º 12
def save_image_to_png(j, img, cm, target_dir):
    pitch = get_y_angle(cm.pose)
    roll = get_x_angle(cm.pose)
    meta = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo()
    meta.add_text("pitch", str(pitch))
    meta.add_text("roll", str(roll))
    img.save(target_dir + "/" + str(j) + ".png", pnginfo=meta)
Exemplo n.º 13
def add_meta(fid, METADATA):
    # fid is string with path
    # METADATA is a dictionary with format field : value
    import os

    fid = os.path.realpath(fid)
    ext = fid.split('.')[-1]

    if ext == "png":
        """ PIL viene en el paquete Pillow """
        from PIL import Image
        from PIL import PngImagePlugin
        im = Image.open(fid)
        meta = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo()

        for x in METADATA:
            meta.add_text(x, METADATA[x])
        im.save(fid, "png", pnginfo=meta)

    elif ext == "svg":
        with open(fid, 'a') as im:
            im.write("\n<!-- \n")
            for x in METADATA:
                im.write(x + ' : ' + METADATA[x] + '\n')
        print("Extension not recognized!")
Exemplo n.º 14
def savefig_png(self, fn, *args, **kwargs):
    # This is a hack to deal with filenames without extensions. Not sure why
    # this is necessary.
    fn = os.path.splitext(fn)[0] + ".png"

    # We'll start by saving the figure because the metadata is going to be
    # inserted after the fact.
    ret = mpl_savefig(self, fn, *args, **kwargs)

    # If PIL isn't installed, we'll just call the standard savefig.
    if Image is None:
        logging.warn("PIL must be installed to add metadata to PNG files.")
        return ret

    # Get the git commit information.
    git_info = get_git_info()
    if git_info is None:
        return ret

    # Inject the git info into the figure as metadata.
    img = Image.open(fn)
    meta = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo()
    for k, v in git_info.items():
        meta.add_text(k, v)
    img.save(fn, "png", pnginfo=meta)

    return ret
Exemplo n.º 15
def add_image_metadata(f, metadata=None):
    # I don't know of a way using matplotlib, but you can add metadata to png's with PIL:
    im = Image.open(f)
    meta = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo()

    for key, value in metadata.items():
        meta.add_text(key, value)
    im.save(f, "png", pnginfo=meta)
Exemplo n.º 16
    def test_nonunicode_text(self):
        # Check so that non-Unicode text is saved as a tEXt rather than iTXt

        im = Image.new("RGB", (32, 32))
        info = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo()
        info.add_text("Text", "Ascii")
        im = roundtrip(im, pnginfo=info)
        self.assertIsInstance(im.info["Text"], str)
Exemplo n.º 17
def polish(filename, w, h, hash="", viewhash=""):
    print("  Polishing...")

    img = Image.open(filename)
    img = img.convert("RGBA")

    pixdata = img.load()

    # Read top left pixel color - not robust to zoomed in images
    # tlc = pixdata[0,0]

    # init clipping bounds
    x1 = img.size[0]
    x2 = 0
    y1 = img.size[1]
    y2 = 0

    # Set background to white and transparent
    for y in xrange(img.size[1]):
        solidx = 0
        solidy = 0
        for x in xrange(img.size[0]):
            if pixdata[x, y] == bkc:
                pixdata[x, y] = (255, 255, 255, 0)
                if solidx == 0 and x < x1:
                    x1 = x
                if solidy == 0 and y < y1:
                    y1 = y
                solidx = x
                solidy = y
        if solidx > x2:
            x2 = solidx
        if solidy > y2:
            y2 = solidy

    x2 += 2
    y2 += 2

    # downsample (half the res)
    img = img.resize((w, h), Image.ANTIALIAS)

    # crop
    if (x1 < x2 and y1 < y2):
        img = img.crop((x1/2,y1/2,x2/2,y2/2))

    # add hash to meta data
    meta = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo()

    # copy metadata into new object
    #for k,v in im.info.iteritems():
    #    if k in reserved: continue
    meta.add_text("csghash", hash, 0)
    meta.add_text("viewhash", viewhash, 0)

    # Save it
    img.save(filename, "PNG", pnginfo=meta)
Exemplo n.º 18
def save_png(img, newname, headers):
    # print(type(headers))
    # print("\n\n- HEADERS -")
    # print(type(headers))
    # for keys, values in headers.items():
    #     print(str(keys))
    #     print(str(values) + "\n")
    # print("- END HEADERS -\n\n")

        binning = int(headers['Binning'])
        binning += 1
    except Exception as e:
        print("Binning Type Error ->" + str(e))
        binning = " ??? "

    newname_png = newname + ".png"
    img_png = img

    print("Opening filename")
        print("Tricat of save_png")
        imgarray = numpy.asarray(img_png, dtype=numpy.int32)

        info = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo()
        day_hour = get_date_hour_image_for_headers(str(headers['Start Time']))

            info.add_text('Binning: ', str(binning) + "x" + str(binning))
            info.add_text('CCD SET TEMP: ', str(headers['Set Temperature']) + u"\u00b0C")
            info.add_text('CCD Temperature: ', str(headers['Temperature']) + u"\u00b0C")
            info.add_text('CCD Type: ', str(headers['Imager ID']))
            info.add_text('Exposure: ', str(headers['Exposure']) + "0 ms")
            info.add_text('Filter Label: ', str(headers['Filter Label']))
            info.add_text('Filter Position: ', str(headers['Filter Position']))
            info.add_text('Filter Wavelength: ', str(headers['Filter Wavelength']))
            info.add_text('Filter Wheel Temperature: ', "25" + u"\u00b0C")
            info.add_text('Image Type: ', 'PNG')
            info.add_text('Latitude: ', str(headers['Latitude']) + u"\u00b0")
            info.add_text('Longitude: ', str(headers['Longitude']) + u"\u00b0")
            info.add_text('Moon Elevation: ', str(headers['Moon Elevation']) + u"\u00b0")
            info.add_text('Moon Phase: ', str(headers['Moon Phase']) + " %")
            info.add_text('Shutter CCD: ', str(headers['Open or close shutter']))
            info.add_text('Shutter Lenz: ', str(headers['Open or close shutter']))
            info.add_text('Site ID: ', str(headers['Observatory']))
            info.add_text('Start Time: ', str(day_hour) + " UTC")
            info.add_text('Sun Elevation:', str(headers['Sun Elevation']) + u"\u00b0")
            info.add_text('Version: ', str(software_version))
        except Exception as e:
            print("info.add_text: " + e)

        image = Image.fromarray(imgarray)
        image.save(newname_png, "PNG", pnginfo=info)
        # set_headers_png(newname_png)

    except Exception as e:
        print("Exception save_png -> {}".format(e))
Exemplo n.º 19
def write_metadata_pil(file, metadata):
    """Enrich the file metadata with `metadata` dict thanks to PIL."""
    from PIL import Image, PngImagePlugin
    im = Image.open(file)
    meta = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo()
    for k, v in metadata.items():
        meta.add_text(k, v, 0)
    im.save(file, "PNG", pnginfo=meta)
    return True
    def bake_obi_image(self, request=None):
        """Bake the OBI JSON badge award assertion into a copy of the original
        badge's image, if one exists."""

        if request:
            base_url = request.build_absolute_uri('/')
            base_url = 'http://%s' % (Site.objects.get_current().domain, )

        if self.badge.image:
            # Make a duplicate of the badge image
            img_copy_fh = StringIO(self.badge.image.file.read())
            # Make a copy of the default badge image
            img_copy_fh = StringIO(open(DEFAULT_BADGE_IMAGE, 'rb').read())

            # Try processing the image copy, bail if the image is bad.
            img = Image.open(img_copy_fh)
        except IOError:
            return False

        # Here's where the baking gets done. JSON representation of the OBI
        # assertion gets written into the "openbadges" metadata field
        # see: http://blog.client9.com/2007/08/python-pil-and-png-metadata-take-2.html
        # see: https://github.com/mozilla/openbadges/blob/development/lib/baker.js
        # see: https://github.com/mozilla/openbadges/blob/development/controllers/baker.js
            from PIL import PngImagePlugin
        except ImportError:
            import PngImagePlugin
        meta = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo()

        # TODO: Will need this, if we stop doing hosted assertions
        # assertion = self.as_obi_assertion(request)
        # meta.add_text('openbadges', json.dumps(assertion))
        hosted_assertion_url = '%s%s' % (base_url,
                                             args=(self.badge.slug, self.id)))
        meta.add_text('openbadges', hosted_assertion_url)

        # And, finally save out the baked image.
        new_img = StringIO()
        img.save(new_img, "PNG", pnginfo=meta)
        img_data = new_img.getvalue()
        name_before = self.image.name
        self.image.save('', ContentFile(img_data), False)
        if (self.image.storage.exists(name_before)):

        # Update the image field with the new image name
        # NOTE: Can't do a full save(), because this gets called in save()

        return True
Exemplo n.º 21
    def write_meta(self, title, description):
        title, description = map(SanitationUtils.coerce_ascii,
                                 (title, description))
        # print "title, description: ", title, ', ', description
        if self.is_png:
            # print "image is PNG"
                new = Image.open(os.path.join(self.dir, self.fname))
            except Exception as exc:
                raise Exception('unable to open image: ' + str(exc))
            meta = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo()
            meta.add_text("title", title)
            meta.add_text("description", description)
                new.save(os.path.join(self.dir, self.fname), pnginfo=meta)
            except Exception as exc:
                raise Exception('unable to write image: ' + str(exc))

        elif self.is_jpg:
            # print "image is JPG"
            fullname = os.path.join(self.dir, self.fname)
                img = Image.open(fullname)
            except IOError:
                raise Exception("file not found: " + fullname)

            # write exif
            exif_dict = dict()
            if 'exif' in img.info:
                exif_dict = piexif.load(img.info["exif"])

            if '0th' not in exif_dict:
                exif_dict['0th'] = {}
            exif_dict['0th'][piexif.ImageIFD.DocumentName] = title
            exif_dict['0th'][piexif.ImageIFD.ImageDescription] = description

            exif_bytes = piexif.dump(exif_dict)
            img.save(fullname, "jpeg", exif=exif_bytes)

            # write IPTC

            # for index, value in (
            #     ('Exif.Image.DocumentName', title),
            #     ('Exif.Image.ImageDescription', description),
            #     ('Iptc.Application2.Headline', title),
            #     ('Iptc.Application2.Caption', description),
            # ):
            #     # print " -> imgmeta[%s] : %s" % (index, value)
            #     if index[:4] == 'Iptc' :
            #         # print " --> setting IPTC key", index, "to", value
            #         imgmeta[index] = [value]
            #     if index[:4] == 'Exif' :
            #         # print " --> setting EXIF key", index, "to", value
            #         imgmeta[index] = value
            # imgmeta.write()
            raise Exception("not an image file: ", self.ext)
Exemplo n.º 22
 def __O0000OOOO000OOOOO(O00OOOO0OO0OO00O0):
     OO00000OO0OOO0O0O = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(
         O00OOOO0OO0OO00O0, 'Select Image to Save', 'deepnude.png',
         'PNG Image (*.png)')
     metadata = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo()
     metadata.add_text('crusr', getpreferences('email'))
         (OO00000OO0OOO0O0O[0]), 'PNG', pnginfo=metadata)
Exemplo n.º 23
def convertRGBToPNG8(tile: Image, tilePath:str):

    info = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo()
    info.add_text("generated_by", "generatePyramid")

    tile = tile.convert('P', palette=Image.ADAPTIVE, colors=256)
    tmp_path = tilePath + '_bak.png' #tmp file on the same filesystem
    tile.save(tmp_path, quality=95, pnginfo=info)
    #now do an atomic move, which should work as we are on the same file system
Exemplo n.º 24
    def write_metadata(self, file, metadata):
        from PIL import Image, PngImagePlugin

        # FIXME: Detect and handle other file types (currently, the only user
        # is the thumbnails plugin, which generates PNG images).
        im = Image.open(file)
        meta = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo()
        for k, v in metadata.items():
            meta.add_text(k, v, 0)
        im.save(file, "PNG", pnginfo=meta)
Exemplo n.º 25
 def write_image(self, im, fout):
     """ Write the image `im` to the path or file object `fout`.
     # PNG info mojo from: http://blog.modp.com/2007/08/python-pil-and-png-metadata-take-2.html
     from PIL import PngImagePlugin
     aptst = AptusState(self)
     info = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo()
     info.add_text("Software", "Aptus %s" % __version__)
     info.add_text("Aptus State", aptst.write_string())
     info.add_text("Aptus Stats", json.dumps(self.stats))
     im.save(fout, 'PNG', pnginfo=info)
Exemplo n.º 26
    def test_roundtrip_text(self):
        # Check text roundtripping

        with Image.open(TEST_PNG_FILE) as im:
            info = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo()
            info.add_text("TXT", "VALUE")
            info.add_text("ZIP", "VALUE", zip=True)

            im = roundtrip(im, pnginfo=info)
        assert im.info == {"TXT": "VALUE", "ZIP": "VALUE"}
        assert im.text == {"TXT": "VALUE", "ZIP": "VALUE"}
Exemplo n.º 27
    def test_roundtrip_text(self):
        # Check text roundtripping

        im = Image.open(TEST_PNG_FILE)

        info = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo()
        info.add_text("TXT", "VALUE")
        info.add_text("ZIP", "VALUE", zip=True)

        im = roundtrip(im, pnginfo=info)
        self.assertEqual(im.info, {"TXT": "VALUE", "ZIP": "VALUE"})
        self.assertEqual(im.text, {"TXT": "VALUE", "ZIP": "VALUE"})
Exemplo n.º 28
 def save_png(self, filename):
     """Save the ImageFile with metadata in a png file."""
     pngname = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.png'
     meta = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo()
     info = self.metadata.export_all()
     info = [(i.split('=')[0], "=".join(i.split('=')[1:])) for i in info]
     for k, v in info:
         meta.add_text(k, v)
     s = (self.image - self.image.min()) * 256 / (self.image.max() -
     im = Image.fromarray(s.astype('uint8'), mode='L')
     im.save(pngname, pnginfo=meta)
Exemplo n.º 29
def test_roundtrip_text():
    # Check text roundtripping

    im = Image.open(file)

    info = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo()
    info.add_text("TXT", "VALUE")
    info.add_text("ZIP", "VALUE", 1)

    im = roundtrip(im, pnginfo=info)
    assert_equal(im.info, {'TXT': 'VALUE', 'ZIP': 'VALUE'})
    assert_equal(im.text, {'TXT': 'VALUE', 'ZIP': 'VALUE'})
Exemplo n.º 30
def save_png_with_metadata(fig, filename, fig_kwds, kwds):
    """ Save a matplotlib figure to a png with metadata
    from PIL import Image, PngImagePlugin
    fig.savefig(filename, **fig_kwds)

    im = Image.open(filename)
    meta = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo()

    for key in kwds:
        meta.add_text(str(key), str(kwds[key]))

    im.save(filename, "png", pnginfo=meta)