def path():
    # first initializes the Image tools class
    test_image = ImageTools(TEST_IMAGE_DIR, False)
    # finally, calls the path property
    test_path = test_image.path()
    return test_path
def binary():
    # first initializes the Image tools class
    test_image = ImageTools(TEST_IMAGE_DIR, False)
    # finally, calls the binary property
    test_bin = test_image._binary
    return test_bin
def name():
    # first initializes the Imagetools class
    test_image = ImageTools(TEST_IMAGE_DIR, False)
    # finally, calls the name property
    test_name = test_image._name
    return test_name
def size():
    # first initializes the Image tools class
    test_image = ImageTools(TEST_IMAGE_DIR, False)
    # finally, calls the size property
    test_size = test_image.size
    return test_size
def ext():
    # first initializes the Imagetools class
    test_image = ImageTools(TEST_IMAGE_DIR, False)
    # finally, calls the format property
    test_format = test_image._format
    return test_format
def height():
    # first initializes the Imagetools class
    test_image = ImageTools(TEST_IMAGE_DIR, False)
    # finally, calls the height property
    test_height = test_image._height
    return test_height
def file_exts():
    # Skips initialization as image is not needed and calls the available_exts property
    extensions = ImageTools.available_ext()
    return extensions
def test_rep():
    test = ImageTools('C:\\Users\\ghub4\\Python-Image-and-Video-tools\\docs\\test_utils\\test_image\\testbird.jfif', False)
    assert rep() == repr(test)
def rep():
    # first initializes the Imagetools class
    test_image = ImageTools(TEST_IMAGE_DIR, False)
    # finally, calls the __repr__ dunder function
    return repr(test_image)