Exemplo n.º 1
class TestX86EndToEnd(unittest.TestCase):
    encoder = X86Encoder()

    def one_iteration(self, i):
        instr = generate_random_instruction(lambda x: x in multi_operand_mnems)
        print "Iteration", i, instr, "%r" % instr,
        enc = self.encoder.EncodeInstruction(instr)
        self.assertIsNotNone(enc, "[I] %s: Couldn't encode!" % instr)
        for x in enc:
            print hex(x),
        print ""
        decoder = X86Decoder(StreamObj(enc))
        i2container = decoder.Decode(0)
        i2 = i2container.instr
        if i2 == None:
            print "[I]", instr
            print "[I] Bytes:", map(lambda x: hex(x), enc)
            print "Couldn't decode!"
        if instr != i2:
            print "[I] %s (%r)" % (instr, instr)
            print "[I] Bytes:", map(lambda x: hex(x), enc)
            print "[!] %s (%r): decoded instruction did not match!" % (i2, i2)
            print "[!] instr.prefixes", instr.prefixes
            print "[!] i2.prefixes", i2.prefixes
            self.assertEqual(instr, i2)

    def test_Randomly(self):
        for i in xrange(num_iterations):
Exemplo n.º 2
class TestX86EncoderRandomly(unittest.TestCase):
	enc = X86Encoder()

	def one_iteration(self,i):
		instr = generate_random_instruction()
		print i,instr
		bytes = self.enc.EncodeInstruction(instr)
		self.assertIsNotNone(bytes,"%s: couldn't encode!" % instr)

	def test_Randomly(self):
		for i in xrange(num_iterations):
Exemplo n.º 3
class TestX86EncoderRandomly(VerboseTestCase):
    enc = X86Encoder()

    def one_iteration(self, i):
        instr = generate_random_instruction()
        print i, instr
        bytes = self.enc.EncodeInstruction(instr)
        self.assertIsNotNone(bytes, "%s: couldn't encode!" % instr)
        if self.verbose and bytes is not None:
            print "%s: encoder test passed!" % instr

    def test_Randomly(self):
        for i in xrange(num_iterations):
Exemplo n.º 4
import sys
from Pandemic.X86.X86Parser import parser
from Pandemic.X86.X86Encoder import X86Encoder

if (len(sys.argv) == 1 or len(sys.argv) > 3):
    print "Usage: %s \"instruction to encode\" [optional address]" % sys.argv[0]

res = parser.parse(sys.argv[1])
addr = 0 if len(sys.argv) == 2 else int(sys.argv[2])
bytes = X86Encoder().EncodeInstruction(res, addr)
print res, "(%r) encoded as [" % res,
for b in bytes:
    print "%#02lx" % b,
print "]"
Exemplo n.º 5
class TestX86Encoder(unittest.TestCase):
    enc = X86Encoder()

    def do_test(self, instr, bytes):
        encbytes = self.enc.EncodeInstruction(instr)
        error = "%s(%r): expected %s, got %s" % (instr, instr, bytes, encbytes)
        self.assertEqual(bytes, encbytes, error)

    # Simple end-to-end test, no special features used
    def test00_Simple(self):
        self.do_test(Instruction([], Nop), [0x90])

    # Native16/SizePrefix encoding method
    def test01_SizePrefix(self):
        self.do_test(Instruction([], Pushaw), [0x66, 0x60])
        self.do_test(Instruction([], Pushad), [0x60])

    # Exact operand
    def test02_Exact(self):
        self.do_test(Instruction([], In, Gb(Al), Gw(Dx)), [0xEC])

    # ModRMGroup encoding method and RegOrMem_Register
    def test03_ModRMGroup_RegOrMem_Register(self):
        self.do_test(Instruction([], Inc, Gb(Al)), [0xFE, 0xC0])

    # GPart operand
    def test04_GPart(self):
        self.do_test(Instruction([], Xor, Gb(Bl), Gb(Al)), [0x30, 0xC3])

    # RegOrMem_Mem32 operand
    def test05_RegOrMem_Mem32(self):
            Instruction([], Xor, Mem32(DS, Mb, Eax, None, 0, 0), Gb(Al)),
            [0x30, 0x00])

    # RegOrMem_Mem16 operand
    def test06_RegOrMem_Mem16(self):
        self.do_test(Instruction([], Xor, Mem16(DS, Mb, Bx, Si, 0), Gb(Al)),
                     [0x67, 0x30, 0x00])

    # Immediate_Ib operand
    def test07_Immediate_Ib(self):
        self.do_test(Instruction([], Int, Ib(2)), [0xCD, 0x02])

    # Immediate_Iw operand
    def test08_Immediate_Iw(self):
        self.do_test(Instruction([], Ret, Iw(4)), [0xC2, 0x04, 0x00])

    # SizePrefix operand
    def test09_SizePrefix(self):
        self.do_test(Instruction([], Xor, Gw(Bx), Gw(Ax)), [0x66, 0x31, 0xC3])

    # AddrPrefix operand
    def test10_AddrPrefix(self):
        self.do_test(Instruction([], Stosb, Mem16(ES, Mb, Di, None, None)),
                     [0x67, 0xAA])
        self.do_test(Instruction([], Stosb, Mem32(ES, Mb, Edi, None, 0, None)),

    # ExactSeg operand
    def test11_ExactSeg(self):
        self.do_test(Instruction([], Lodsb, Mem16(DS, Mb, Si, None, None)),
                     [0x67, 0xAC])
        self.do_test(Instruction([], Lodsb, Mem32(DS, Mb, Esi, None, 0, None)),
        self.do_test(Instruction([], Lodsb, Mem32(FS, Mb, Esi, None, 0, None)),
                     [0x64, 0xAC])

    # SizePrefix and Immediate_Id operand
    def test12_SizePrefix_Immediate_Id(self):
        self.do_test(Instruction([], Push, Id(0x12345678)),
                     [0x68, 0x78, 0x56, 0x34, 0x12])

    # AddrPrefix and Immediate_FarTarget operand
    def test13_AddrPrefix_Immediate_FarTarget(self):
        self.do_test(Instruction([], CallF, AP16(0x1234, 0)),
                     [0x67, 0x9A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x34, 0x12])
        self.do_test(Instruction([], CallF, AP32(0x1234, 0)),
                     [0x9A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x34, 0x12])

    # AddrPrefix and Immediate_MemExpr operand
    def test14_AddrPrefix_Immediate_MemExpr(self):
            Instruction([], Mov, Gb(Al), Mem16(DS, Mb, None, None, 0x1234)),
            [0x67, 0xA0, 0x34, 0x12])
            Instruction([], Mov, Gb(Al),
                        Mem32(DS, Mb, None, None, 0, 0x12345678)),
            [0xA0, 0x78, 0x56, 0x34, 0x12])
Exemplo n.º 6
def EncodeInstruction(insn):
    return X86Encoder().EncodeInstruction(insn)