Exemplo n.º 1
# ________________________________________________________________________ ||
var_mZ1_str = "x.massZ1[0]"
var_mZ2_str = "x.massZ2[0]"
var_m4l_str = "x.mass4l[0]"

low_m4l_str = "x.mass4l[0] > 100 and x.mass4l[0] < 118"
mid_m4l_str = "x.mass4l[0] > 118 and x.mass4l[0] < 130"
high_m4l_str = "x.mass4l[0] > 130 and x.mass4l[0] < 170"

# ________________________________________________________________________ ||
general_plots = [
    Plot("mZ1", [
    ] + mZ1PlotRange,
         LambdaFunc('x: ' + var_mZ1_str),
         selFunc=LambdaFunc('x: ' + sel_str)),
    Plot("mZ2", [
    ] + mZ2PlotRange,
         LambdaFunc('x: ' + var_mZ2_str),
         selFunc=LambdaFunc('x: ' + sel_str)),
    Plot("m4l", [
    ] + h4lPlotRange,
#componentList = allMCSamples + allSignalSamples + [Data_Run2016B,]
#componentList = allMCSamples + [Data_Run2016B,]
#componentList = componentDict.values()
componentList = skimComponentDict.values() + dataComponentDict.values()
for dataset in componentList:
    if dataset.isMC:
        #dataset.lumi = 35.9
        dataset.lumi = 5.93
    for component in dataset.componentList:
        component.maxEvents = nEvents

plots = []
for lepCat in lepCats:
        Plot("nJet40" + lepCat, ["TH1D", "nJet40" + lepCat, "", 10, -0.5, 9.5],
             LambdaFunc('x: x.nJetRA540[0]'),
             selFunc=LambdaFunc('x: x.cat.lepCat == \"%s\"' % lepCat)),
        #Plot("nJet40JECUp"+lepCat,  ["TH1D","nJet40JECUp"+lepCat,"",10,-0.5,9.5],       LambdaFunc('x: x.nJetRA540_jecUp[0]')           ,selFunc=LambdaFunc('x: x.cat.lepCat == \"%s\"'%lepCat)),
        #Plot("nJet40JECDown"+lepCat,  ["TH1D","nJet40JECDown"+lepCat,"",10,-0.5,9.5],       LambdaFunc('x: x.nJetRA540_jecDown[0]')           ,selFunc=LambdaFunc('x: x.cat.lepCat == \"%s\"'%lepCat)),
        Plot("nJet25" + lepCat, ["TH1D", "nJet25" + lepCat, "", 10, -0.5, 9.5],
             LambdaFunc('x: x.nJetRA525[0]'),
             selFunc=LambdaFunc('x: x.cat.lepCat == \"%s\"' % lepCat)),
        Plot("nBJet40" + lepCat,
             ["TH1D", "nBJet40" + lepCat, "", 7, -0.5, 6.5],
             LambdaFunc('x: x.nBJetMediumRA540[0]'),
             selFunc=LambdaFunc('x: x.cat.lepCat == \"%s\"' % lepCat)),
        Plot("nBJet25" + lepCat,
             ["TH1D", "nBJet25" + lepCat, "", 7, -0.5, 6.5],
             LambdaFunc('x: x.nBJetMediumRA525[0]'),
             selFunc=LambdaFunc('x: x.cat.lepCat == \"%s\"' % lepCat)),
        Plot("nLepTight" + lepCat,
Exemplo n.º 3
nCores = 1
outputDir = "./test_plot/"
nEvents = -1
disableProgressBar = False
justEndSequence = False
verbose = True
componentList = allMCSamples
for dataset in componentList:
    if dataset.isMC:
        dataset.lumi = 35.9
    for component in dataset.componentList:
        component.maxEvents = nEvents

plots = [
    Plot("nJet40", ["TH1D", "nJet40", "", 10, -0.5, 9.5],
         LambdaFunc('x: x.nJetSel[0]')),
    Plot("nLepTight", ["TH1D", "nLepTight", "", 10, -0.5, 9.5],
         LambdaFunc('x: x.nLepTight[0]')),
    Plot("nLepLoose", ["TH1D", "nLepLoose", "", 10, -0.5, 9.5],
         LambdaFunc('x: x.nLepLoose[0]')),
    Plot("nLepCleaning", ["TH1D", "nLepCleaning", "", 10, -0.5, 9.5],
         LambdaFunc('x: x.nLepCleaning[0]')),
    Plot("nBJet40", ["TH1D", "nBJet40", "", 7, -0.5, 6.5],
         LambdaFunc('x: x.nBJetMedium40[0]')),
    Plot("htJet", ["TH1D", "htJet", "", 10, 0., 1000.],
         LambdaFunc('x: x.htJet40[0]')),
    Plot("met_pt", ["TH1D", "met_pt", "", 10, 0., 500.],
         LambdaFunc('x: x.met_pt[0]')),
    Plot("met_phi", ["TH1D", "met_phi", "", 5, 0., 5.],
         LambdaFunc('x: x.met_phi[0]')),
    Plot("mht", ["TH1D", "mht", "", 10, 0., 500.],
Exemplo n.º 4
verbose = False
#componentList               = dataComponentDict.values() + componentDict.values()
#componentList               = [c for c in dataComponentDict.values() if "2016H" not in c.name] + componentDict.values()
#componentList              = [c for c in dataComponentDict.values() if "2016H" not in c.name] + [c for c in componentDict.values() if "QCD" not in c.name]
#componentList               = [c for c in skimComponentDict.values() if "2016H" not in c.name and "QCD" not in c.name]
componentList = skimComponentDict.values()
for dataset in componentList:
    if dataset.isMC:
        dataset.lumi = 27.96
    for component in dataset.componentList:
        component.maxEvents = nEvents

plots = []
for lepCat in lepCats:
        Plot("nJet40" + lepCat, ["TH1D", "nJet40" + lepCat, "", 10, -0.5, 9.5],
             LambdaFunc('x: x.nJetRA540[0]')),
        Plot("nJet25" + lepCat, ["TH1D", "nJet25" + lepCat, "", 10, -0.5, 9.5],
             LambdaFunc('x: x.nJetRA525[0]')),
        Plot("nBJet40" + lepCat,
             ["TH1D", "nBJet40" + lepCat, "", 7, -0.5, 6.5],
             LambdaFunc('x: x.nBJetMediumRA540[0]')),
        Plot("nBJet25" + lepCat,
             ["TH1D", "nBJet25" + lepCat, "", 7, -0.5, 6.5],
             LambdaFunc('x: x.nBJetMediumRA525[0]')),
        Plot("htJet" + lepCat, ["TH1D", "htJet" + lepCat, "", 20, 0., 1000.],
             LambdaFunc('x: x.htJet40[0]')),
        Plot("met_pt" + lepCat, ["TH1D", "met_pt" + lepCat, "", 25, 0., 250.],
             LambdaFunc('x: x.met_pt[0]')),
        Plot("met_phi" + lepCat, ["TH1D", "met_phi" + lepCat, "", 10, -5, 5.],
             LambdaFunc('x: x.met_phi[0]')),
        #Plot("mtmin"+lepCat,         ["TH1D","mtmin"+lepCat,"",20,0., 200.],          LambdaFunc('x: x.mtmin')                  ),
sel_mu_str = "abs(x.idL3[0]) == 11 and abs(x.idL4[0]) == 11"

var_mZ1_str = "x.massZ1[0]"
var_mZ2_str = "x.massZ2[0]"
var_m4l_str = "x.mass4l[0]"

low_m4l_str = "x.mass4l[0] > 100 and x.mass4l[0] < 118"
mid_m4l_str = "x.mass4l[0] > 118 and x.mass4l[0] < 130"
high_m4l_str = "x.mass4l[0] > 130 and x.mass4l[0] < 170"

# ________________________________________________________________________ ||
general_4e_plots = [
    Plot("mZ1_4e", [
    ] + mZ1PlotRange_el,
         LambdaFunc('x: ' + var_mZ1_str),
         selFunc=LambdaFunc('x: ' + sel_4e_str)),
    Plot("mZ2_4e", [
    ] + mZ2PlotRange_el,
         LambdaFunc('x: ' + var_mZ2_str),
         selFunc=LambdaFunc('x: ' + sel_4e_str)),
    Plot("m4l_4e", [
    ] + h4lPlotRange_el,
Exemplo n.º 6
#h4lPlotRange = [140,60.,200.]

phpFile                 = "index.php"
out_path                = "DarkPhotonSB/DataMCDistributions/20190130_Run2016_mZd4to60_10percZratio_ahmadTEST/"
lumi                    = 35.9
nCores                  = 5
#outputDir               = "/raid/raid7/lucien/Higgs/HToZdZd/"+out_path
outputDir               = "/raid/raid7/rosedj1/Higgs/HToZdZd/"+out_path
nEvents                 = -1
disableProgressBar      = False
componentList           = bkgSamples + [data2016] 
justEndSequence         = False
region_sel_str_whole = "x: True"

muon_plots = [
        Plot("LeadingLepton_pt", ["TH1D","LeadingLepton_pt","",20,0.,200.], LambdaFunc('x: max([ x.pTL1[0], x.pTL2[0], x.pTL3[0], x.pTL4[0] ])')),
        Plot("Muon1_Pt", ["TH1D","Muon1_pt","",20,0.,200.], LambdaFunc('x: [x.pTL1[0]] if abs(x.idL1[0]) == 13 else []'), isCollection=True),
        Plot("Muon2_Pt", ["TH1D","Muon2_pt","",20,0.,100.], LambdaFunc('x: [x.pTL2[0]] if abs(x.idL2[0]) == 13 else []'), isCollection=True),
        Plot("Muon3_Pt", ["TH1D","Muon3_pt","",20,0.,100.], LambdaFunc('x: [x.pTL3[0]] if abs(x.idL1[0]) == 13 else []'), isCollection=True),
        Plot("Muon4_Pt", ["TH1D","Muon4_pt","",20,0.,50.],  LambdaFunc('x: [x.pTL4[0]] if abs(x.idL1[0]) == 13 else []'), isCollection=True),
        Plot("Muon1_Eta", ["TH1D","Muon1_eta","",20,-3.,3.], LambdaFunc('x: [x.etaL1[0]] if abs(x.idL1[0]) == 13 else []'), isCollection=True),
        Plot("Muon2_Eta", ["TH1D","Muon2_eta","",20,-3.,3.], LambdaFunc('x: [x.etaL2[0]] if abs(x.idL2[0]) == 13 else []'), isCollection=True),
        Plot("Muon3_Eta", ["TH1D","Muon3_eta","",20,-3.,3.], LambdaFunc('x: [x.etaL3[0]] if abs(x.idL1[0]) == 13 else []'), isCollection=True),
        Plot("Muon4_Eta", ["TH1D","Muon4_eta","",20,-3.,3.], LambdaFunc('x: [x.etaL4[0]] if abs(x.idL1[0]) == 13 else []'), isCollection=True),
        Plot("Muon1_Phi", ["TH1D","Muon1_phi","",20,-5.,5.], LambdaFunc('x: [x.phiL1[0]] if abs(x.idL1[0]) == 13 else []'), isCollection=True),
        Plot("Muon2_Phi", ["TH1D","Muon2_phi","",20,-5.,5.], LambdaFunc('x: [x.phiL2[0]] if abs(x.idL2[0]) == 13 else []'), isCollection=True),
        Plot("Muon3_Phi", ["TH1D","Muon3_phi","",20,-5.,5.], LambdaFunc('x: [x.phiL3[0]] if abs(x.idL1[0]) == 13 else []'), isCollection=True),
        Plot("Muon4_Phi", ["TH1D","Muon4_phi","",20,-5.,5.], LambdaFunc('x: [x.phiL4[0]] if abs(x.idL1[0]) == 13 else []'), isCollection=True),
Exemplo n.º 7
User = os.environ["USER"]
#out_path                = "Preselection/DataMCDistributions/2019-03-31_Run2017_test/"
out_path = "Preselection/DataMCDistributions/2019-05-27_Run2017_test/"
lumi = 41.298
nCores = 5
outputDir = system.getStoragePath() + "/" + User + "/LJMet/B2G/" + out_path
nEvents = -1
disableProgressBar = False
componentList = bkgSamples + dataSamples
justEndSequence = False

plots = [
        ["TH1D", "Njets", "jet multiplicity", 10, 0, 10],
        LambdaFunc('x: x.NJets_JetSubCalc[0]'),
        ["TH1D", "AK8Njets", "AK8 jet multiplicity", 10, 0, 10],
        LambdaFunc('x: x.NJetsAK8_JetSubCalc[0]'),
        ["TH1D", "Nbjets", "b tag multiplicity", 10, 0, 10],
        LambdaFunc('x: x.NJetsCSV_JetSubCalc[0]'),
        ["TH1D", "NbjetsWithSF", "b tag multiplicity", 10, 0, 10],
deltaRPlotRange2 = [40, 0., 4.]
deltaRPlotRange = [40, 0., 4.]
general_plots = []
for eachCR in ["3p1f", "2p2f"]:
    if eachCR == "3p1f":
        region_sel_str = "x.nZXCRFailedLeptons[0] == 1"
        region_sel_str_whole = "x: x.nZXCRFailedLeptons[0] == 1"
        region_sel_str = "x.nZXCRFailedLeptons[0] == 2"
        region_sel_str_whole = "x: x.nZXCRFailedLeptons[0] == 2"

        Plot("Z1_mass_" + eachCR, [
            "Z1_mass_" + eachCR,
        ] + mZ1PlotRange,
             LambdaFunc('x: x.massZ1[0]'),
        Plot("Z2_mass_vs_DeltaR34_" + eachCR, [
            "Z2_mass_vs_DeltaR34_" + eachCR,
        ] + mZ2PlotRange + deltaRPlotRange2,
             LambdaFunc('x: [x.massZ2[0],x.deltaRL34]'),
        Plot("Z2_mass_" + eachCR, [
            "Z2_mass_" + eachCR,
Exemplo n.º 9
mllggPlotRange = [50, 0., 200.]
elPtPlotRange = [20, 0., 200.]
muPtPlotRange = [20, 0., 200.]
phoPtPlotRange = [20, 0., 200.]
elEtaPlotRange = [20, -3., 3.]
muEtaPlotRange = [20, -3., 3.]
phoEtaPlotRange = [20, -3., 3.]

# ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ||
general_plots = [
        ] + mllggPlotRange,
            'x: (x.Zcand.lep1P4+x.Zcand.lep2P4+x.selPhotons[0].p4()+x.selPhotons[1].p4()).M()'

# ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ||
lepton_plots = [
    #Plot("mll",["TH1D","mll","",]+mllPlotRange, LambdaFunc('x: (x.selElectrons[0].p4()+x.selElectrons[1].p4()).M()'),),
Exemplo n.º 10
var_mu1Eta_str = "[x.etaL1[0]] if abs(x.idL1[0]) == 13 else []"
var_mu2Eta_str = "[x.etaL2[0]] if abs(x.idL2[0]) == 13 else []"
var_mu3Eta_str = "[x.etaL3[0]] if abs(x.idL3[0]) == 13 else []"
var_mu4Eta_str = "[x.etaL4[0]] if abs(x.idL4[0]) == 13 else []"
var_el1Eta_str = "[x.etaL1[0]] if abs(x.idL1[0]) == 11 else []"
var_el2Eta_str = "[x.etaL2[0]] if abs(x.idL2[0]) == 11 else []"
var_el3Eta_str = "[x.etaL3[0]] if abs(x.idL3[0]) == 11 else []"
var_el4Eta_str = "[x.etaL4[0]] if abs(x.idL4[0]) == 11 else []"

# ________________________________________________________________________ ||
general_4e_plots = [
    Plot("mZ1_4e", [
    ] + mZ1PlotRange,
         LambdaFunc('x: ' + var_mZ1_str),
         selFunc=LambdaFunc('x: ' + sel_4e_str)),
    Plot("mZ2_4e", [
    ] + mZ2PlotRange,
         LambdaFunc('x: ' + var_mZ2_str),
         selFunc=LambdaFunc('x: ' + sel_4e_str)),
    Plot("m4l_4e", [
    ] + h4lPlotRange,
#                                            HToZdZd_MZD30,
#                                            HToZdZd_MZD50,
#                                            HToZdZd_MZD60,
#                                        ]
justEndSequence = False
eventSelection = LambdaFunc(
    "x: (x.massZ1[0]-x.massZ2[0])/(x.massZ1[0]+x.massZ2[0]) > 0.05")

muon_plots = []

general_plots = [
        ] + mZ1PlotRange,
        LambdaFunc('x: x.massZ1[0]'),
        ] + mZ2PlotRange,
        LambdaFunc('x: x.massZ2[0]'),
    Plot("Z1_4e_mass", [
Exemplo n.º 12
#sel_str_2e2mu = "x: abs(x.lep_id[x.lep_Hindex[0]]) == 11 and abs(x.lep_id[x.lep_Hindex[1]]) == 11 and abs(x.lep_id[x.lep_Hindex[2]]) == 13 and abs(x.lep_id[x.lep_Hindex[3]]) == 13"
#sel_str_2mu2e = "x: abs(x.lep_id[x.lep_Hindex[0]]) == 13 and abs(x.lep_id[x.lep_Hindex[1]]) == 13 and abs(x.lep_id[x.lep_Hindex[2]]) == 11 and abs(x.lep_id[x.lep_Hindex[3]]) == 11"

sel_str_4e = "x: x.finalState[0] == 2"
sel_str_4mu = "x: x.finalState[0] == 1"
sel_str_2e2mu = "x: x.finalState[0] == 3"
sel_str_2mu2e = "x: x.finalState[0] == 4"

eachCR = "3p1f"
general_plots = []
        "Z1_mass_" + eachCR,
            "Z1_mass_" + eachCR,
        ] + mZ1PlotRange,
        LambdaFunc('x: x.massZ1[0]'),
        "Z2_mass_" + eachCR,
            "Z2_mass_" + eachCR,
        ] + mZ2PlotRange,
        LambdaFunc('x: x.massZ2[0]'),
    Plot("Z1_4e_mass_" + eachCR, [
Exemplo n.º 13
from Plotter.Plot import Plot
from Core.Utils.LambdaFunc import LambdaFunc

eventBasedPlots = [
        Plot("nJet40",      ["TH1D","nJet40","",20,-0.5,19.5],      LambdaFunc('x: len([j for j in x.LooseJets if j.pt > 40])')),
        Plot("nBJet25",     ["TH1D","nBJet25","",10,-0.5,9.5],      LambdaFunc('x: len([j for j in x.LooseJets if j.btagCSVV2 > 0.8989])')),
        Plot("ht40",        ["TH1D","ht40","",60,0.,6000.],         LambdaFunc('x: sum([j.pt for j in x.LooseJets if j.pt > 40])')),
        Plot("met",         ["TH1D","met","",60,0.,6000.],          LambdaFunc('x: x.MET_pt[0]')),
        Plot("nMediumMuon", ["TH1D","nMedMuon","",10,-0.5,9.5],     LambdaFunc('x: len(x.MediumMuons)')),
        Plot("nMediumElectron", ["TH1D","nMedElectron","",10,-0.5,9.5],     LambdaFunc('x: len(x.MediumElectrons)')),

muonPlots = [
        Plot("MedMuonPt",   ["TH1D","MedMuonPt","",20,0.,1000.],    LambdaFunc('x: [mu.pt for mu in x.MediumMuons]'), isCollection=True),
        Plot("MedMuonEta",  ["TH1D","MedMuonEta","",20,-3.,3.],     LambdaFunc('x: [mu.eta for mu in x.MediumMuons]'), isCollection=True),
        Plot("MedMuonDxy",  ["TH1D","MedMuonDxy","",20,0.,0.01],     LambdaFunc('x: [mu.dxy for mu in x.MediumMuons]'), isCollection=True),
        Plot("MedMuonDz",   ["TH1D","MedMuonDz","",20,0.,0.1],      LambdaFunc('x: [mu.dz for mu in x.MediumMuons]'), isCollection=True),
        Plot("MedMuonSip",  ["TH1D","MedMuonSip","",20,0.,8],     LambdaFunc('x: [mu.sip3d for mu in x.MediumMuons]'), isCollection=True),

electronPlots = [
        Plot("MedElectronPt",   ["TH1D","MedElectronPt","",20,0.,1000.],    LambdaFunc('x: [ele.pt for ele in x.MediumElectrons]'), isCollection=True),
        Plot("MedElectronEta",  ["TH1D","MedElectronEta","",20,-3.,3.],     LambdaFunc('x: [ele.eta for ele in x.MediumElectrons]'), isCollection=True),
        Plot("MedElectronDxy",  ["TH1D","MedElectronDxy","",20,0.,0.01],     LambdaFunc('x: [mu.dxy for mu in x.MediumElectrons]'), isCollection=True),
        Plot("MedElectronDz",   ["TH1D","MedElectronDz","",20,0.,0.1],      LambdaFunc('x: [ele.dz for ele in x.MediumElectrons]'), isCollection=True),
        Plot("MedElectronSip",  ["TH1D","MedElectronSip","",20,0.,8],     LambdaFunc('x: [ele.sip3d for ele in x.MediumElectrons]'), isCollection=True),

allPlots = eventBasedPlots + muonPlots + electronPlots
Exemplo n.º 14
sel_mu_str = "abs(x.idL3[0]) == 11 and abs(x.idL4[0]) == 11"

var_mZ1_str = "x.massZ1[0]"
var_mZ2_str = "x.massZ2[0]"
var_m4l_str = "x.mass4l[0]"

low_m4l_str = "x.mass4l[0] > 100 and x.mass4l[0] < 118"
mid_m4l_str = "x.mass4l[0] > 118 and x.mass4l[0] < 130"
high_m4l_str = "x.mass4l[0] > 130 and x.mass4l[0] < 170"

# ________________________________________________________________________ ||
general_4e_plots = [
    Plot("mZ1_4e", [
    ] + mZ1PlotRange_el,
         LambdaFunc('x: ' + var_mZ1_str),
         selFunc=LambdaFunc('x: ' + sel_4e_str)),
    Plot("mZ2_4e", [
    ] + mZ2PlotRange_el,
         LambdaFunc('x: ' + var_mZ2_str),
         selFunc=LambdaFunc('x: ' + sel_4e_str)),
    Plot("m4l_4e", [
    ] + h4lPlotRange_el,
Exemplo n.º 15
nCores = 8
outputDir = "./testPlot_v2/"
nEvents = -1
disableProgressBar = False
justEndSequence = False
ratio_switch = False
componentList = allDataSamples + allMCSamples
for dataset in componentList:
    if dataset.isMC:
        dataset.lumi = 5.93
    for component in dataset.componentList:
        component.maxEvents = nEvents

data_plots = [
    Plot("nJet40", ["TH1D", "nJet40", "", 10, -0.5, 9.5],
         LambdaFunc('x: x.nJet40')),
        "nBJet25", ["TH1D", "nBJet25", "", 10, -0.5, 9.5],
            'x: len([j for j in x.LooseJets if j.btagCSVV2 > 0.8484])')),
    Plot("nLep40", ["TH1D", "nLep40", "", 10, -0.5, 9.5],
         LambdaFunc('x: x.nLep40')),
    Plot("met", ["TH1D", "met", "", 10, 0., 500.],
         LambdaFunc('x: x.MET_pt[0]')),
    Plot("ht40", ["TH1D", "ht40", "", 10, 0., 1000.], LambdaFunc('x: x.ht40')),
    Plot("mll", ["TH1D", "mll", "", 16, 0., 800.],
         LambdaFunc('x: x.mll if x.mll else -1.')),
    Plot("jetPt1", ["TH1D", "jetPt1", "", 10, 0., 500.],
         LambdaFunc('x: x.jets[0].pt if len(x.jets) > 0 else -1')),
    Plot("jetEta1", ["TH1D", "jetEta1", "", 10, -3., 3.],
         LambdaFunc('x: x.jets[0].eta if len(x.jets) > 0 else -1')),
nCores = 5
nEvents = -1
disableProgressBar = False
justEndSequence = False
verbose = False
componentList = skimComponentDict.values()
for dataset in componentList:
    if dataset.isMC:
        dataset.lumi = 35.9
    for component in dataset.componentList:
        component.maxEvents = nEvents

plots = [
         ["TH1D", "rpv_HH_TightLoose", "", 16, 52.5, 68.5],
         LambdaFunc('x: x.SRCategory'),
             'x: x.leptonCategory == \"HH\" and x.met_pt[0] < 50.')),
         ["TH1D", "baseline_HH_TightLoose", "", 52, 0.5, 52.5],
         LambdaFunc('x: x.SRCategory'),
             'x: x.leptonCategory == \"HH\" and x.met_pt[0] > 50.')),
plotter = Plotter("Plotter", plots)
srProducer = SRProducer("SRProducer")

sequence = tl_rpv_sequence
Exemplo n.º 17
from DarkZ.Skimmer.Preskimmer import GENPreskimmer
from DarkZ.Skimmer.FiducialSkimmer import FiducialSkimmer

from NanoAOD.Producer.GenWeightCounter import *
from NanoAOD.Weighter.XSWeighter import *
from NanoAOD.EndModule.CutflowEndModule import CutflowEndModule

from Plotter.Plotter import Plotter
from Plotter.PlotEndModule import PlotEndModule
from Plotter.Plot import Plot

validation_plots = [
        ["TH1D", "nGenLep", "", 10, -0.5, 9.5],
        LambdaFunc('x: len(x.genleps)'),
        ["TH1D", "nZCandidates", "", 10, -0.5, 9.5],
        LambdaFunc('x: len(x.ZCandidates)'),
    Plot("GenLep1_Pt", ["TH1D", "GenLep1_pt", "", 20, 0., 200.],
         LambdaFunc('x: x.genleps[0].pt if len(x.genleps) >= 1 else None')),
        ["TH1D", "Z1_mass", "", 20, 20., 140.],
        LambdaFunc('x: x.Z1.vec.M()'),
disableProgressBar = False
componentList = bkgSamples + dataSamples
justEndSequence = False
eventSelection = LambdaFunc("x: x.minDR_leadAK8otherAK8[0] > 3.")

for dataset in componentList:
    if dataset.isMC:
        dataset.lumi = lumi
    for component in dataset.componentList:
        component.maxEvents = nEvents

plots = [
        "AK4HT_0b0H", ["TH1D", "AK4HT_0b0H", "", 25, 500.0, 3000.0],
        LambdaFunc('x: x.AK4HT[0]'),
        plotSetting=PlotSetting(x_axis_title="AK4 H_{T}"),
            "x: x.NJetsH1btagged[0] == 0 and x.NJetsH2btagged[0] == 0 and x.NJetsCSV_JetSubCalc[0] == 0"
        "AK4HT_1b0H", ["TH1D", "AK4HT_1b0H", "", 25, 500.0, 3000.0],
        LambdaFunc('x: x.AK4HT[0]'),
        plotSetting=PlotSetting(x_axis_title="AK4 H_{T}"),
            "x: x.NJetsH1btagged[0] == 0 and x.NJetsH2btagged[0] == 0 and x.NJetsCSV_JetSubCalc[0] > 0"
        "AK4HT_1b1H", ["TH1D", "AK4HT_1b1H", "", 25, 500.0, 3000.0],
        LambdaFunc('x: x.AK4HT[0]'),
        plotSetting=PlotSetting(x_axis_title="AK4 H_{T}"),
Exemplo n.º 19
#from DarkZ.Skimmer.FiducialSkimmer import FiducialSkimmer
from DarkZ.Skimmer.RecoSkimmer import RecoSkimmer

from NanoAOD.Weighter.XSWeighter import XSWeighter  # Stealing module from NanoAOD framework

from Plotter.Plotter import Plotter
from Plotter.PlotEndModule import PlotEndModule
from Plotter.Plot import Plot

# Dir within /home/rosedj1/public_html/DarkZ/
out_path = "BkgAndSigWithMuonPlots/"

muon_plots = [
        ["TH1D", "Muon1_pt", "", 20, 0., 130.],
        LambdaFunc('x: x.Z1.lep1.vec.Pt()'),
        ["TH1D", "Muon2_pt", "", 20, 0., 70.],
        LambdaFunc('x: x.Z1.lep2.vec.Pt()'),
        ["TH1D", "Muon3_pt", "", 20, 0., 60.],
        LambdaFunc('x: x.Z2.lep1.vec.Pt()'),
        ["TH1D", "Muon4_pt", "", 20, 0., 30.],
Z1vsZ2_radius = "x: (x.massZ1[0]-30)**2 + (x.massZ2[0]-30)**2"
radiuscut = 5

mZ1PlotRange = [40, 0., 80.]
mZ2PlotRange = [40, 0., 80.]
h4lPlotRange = [70, 60., 200.]
#h4lPlotRange = [140,60.,200.]

# Plots
signif_plots = [
    #Plot("Z1mass_vs_Z2massTEST",["TH2D","Z1mass_vs_Z2mass","",]+mZ1PlotRange+mZ2PlotRange, LambdaFunc('x: [x.massZ1[0],x.massZ2[0]]'), dim=2, selFunc=LambdaFunc(region_sel_str_whole)),
    Plot("Z1mass_vs_Z2mass_rcut1", [
    ] + mZ1PlotRange + mZ2PlotRange,
         LambdaFunc('x: [x.massZ1[0],x.massZ2[0]]'),
         selFunc=LambdaFunc(Z1vsZ2_radius + '<' + str(radiuscut**2))),

muon_plots = []

general_plots = [
    #Plot("Z1_mass",     ["TH1D","Z1_mass","",]+mZ1PlotRange,  LambdaFunc('x: x.massZ1[0]'),       ),
    #Plot("Z2_mass",     ["TH1D","Z2_mass","",]+mZ2PlotRange,   LambdaFunc('x: x.massZ2[0]'),       ),
    #Plot("Z1_4e_mass",     ["TH1D","Z1_4e_mass","",]+mZ1PlotRange,  LambdaFunc('x: x.massZ1[0]'), selFunc=LambdaFunc('x: x.mass4e[0] > 0')      ),
    #Plot("Z2_4e_mass",     ["TH1D","Z2_4e_mass","",]+mZ2PlotRange,   LambdaFunc('x: x.massZ2[0]'), selFunc=LambdaFunc('x: x.mass4e[0] > 0')     ),
    #Plot("Z1_4mu_mass",     ["TH1D","Z1_4mu_mass","",]+mZ1PlotRange,  LambdaFunc('x: x.massZ1[0]'), selFunc=LambdaFunc('x: x.mass4mu[0] > 0')      ),
    #Plot("Z2_4mu_mass",     ["TH1D","Z2_4mu_mass","",]+mZ2PlotRange,   LambdaFunc('x: x.massZ2[0]'), selFunc=LambdaFunc('x: x.mass4mu[0] > 0')     ),
    #Plot("Z1_2e2mu_mass",     ["TH1D","Z1_2e2mu_mass","",]+mZ1PlotRange,   LambdaFunc('x: x.massZ1[0]'), selFunc=LambdaFunc('x: x.mass2e2mu[0] > 0 and abs(x.idL3[0]) == 13 and abs(x.idL4[0]) == 13')     ),
# ________________________________________________________________________ ||
var_muPt_str = "[l.pt for l in x.leptons_matched]"
var_muEta_str = "[l.eta for l in x.leptons_matched]"
var_muMass_str = "(x.leptons_matched[0].p4()+x.leptons_matched[1].p4()).M()"

muPtPlotRange = [50, 0., 50.]
muEtaPlotRange = [60, -3., 3.]
muMassPlotRange = [90, 0., 90.]

# ________________________________________________________________________ ||
plots = [
    Plot("mu_pt", [
    ] + muPtPlotRange,
         LambdaFunc("x: " + var_muPt_str),
    Plot("mu_eta", [
    ] + muEtaPlotRange,
         LambdaFunc("x: " + var_muEta_str),
    Plot("mu_mass", [
    ] + muMassPlotRange,
Exemplo n.º 22
    from DataMC.NanoAOD.Run2016 import *

nCores = 8
outputDir = "./testPlot_v1/"
nEvents = -1
disableProgressBar = False
justEndSequence = False
ratio_switch = False
componentList = allMCSamples
for dataset in componentList:
    dataset.lumi = 35.9
    for component in dataset.componentList:
        component.maxEvents = nEvents

mc_plots = [
    Plot("nJet40", ["TH1D", "nJet40", "", 10, -0.5, 9.5],
         LambdaFunc('x: x.nJet40')),
        "nBJet25", ["TH1D", "nBJet25", "", 10, -0.5, 9.5],
            'x: len([j for j in x.LooseJets if j.btagCSVV2 > 0.8484])')),
    Plot("nLep40", ["TH1D", "nLep40", "", 10, -0.5, 9.5],
         LambdaFunc('x: x.nLep40')),
    Plot("met", ["TH1D", "met", "", 10, 0., 500.],
         LambdaFunc('x: x.MET_pt[0]')),
    Plot("ht40", ["TH1D", "ht40", "", 10, 0., 1000.], LambdaFunc('x: x.ht40')),
    Plot("mll", ["TH1D", "mll", "", 16, 0., 800.],
         LambdaFunc('x: x.mll if x.mll else -1.')),
    Plot("jetPt1", ["TH1D", "jetPt1", "", 10, 0., 500.],
         LambdaFunc('x: x.jets[0].pt if len(x.jets) > 0 else -1')),
    Plot("jetPt2", ["TH1D", "jetPt2", "", 10, 0., 500.],
         LambdaFunc('x: x.jets[1].pt if len(x.jets) > 1 else -1')),
Exemplo n.º 23
        plot_range=[2, 0.5, 2.5],
        plot_range=[200, -100., 100.],
        plot_range=[200, -200., 200.],

plots = [
    Plot("Muon_" + p.name, [
        "Muon_" + p.name,
    ] + p.plot_range,
         LambdaFunc("x: [m." + p.name + " for m in x.standAloneMuons]"),
         isCollection=True) for p in single_plot_cfgs
] + [
    Plot("Muon_" + p.name, [
        "Muon_" + p.name,
    ] + p.plot_range,
         LambdaFunc("x: [n for m in x.standAloneMuons for n in m." + p.name +
         isCollection=True) for p in vector_plot_cfgs
lumi = 41.4
nCores = 3
outputDir = system.getStoragePath() + "/" + User + "/Higgs/DarkZ/" + out_path
nEvents = -1
disableProgressBar = False
componentList = [
justEndSequence = False

general_plots = [
        ] + mZ1PlotRange,
        LambdaFunc('x: x.massZ1[0]'),
        ] + mZ2PlotRange,
        LambdaFunc('x: x.massZ2[0]'),
    Plot("Z1_4e_mass", [
Exemplo n.º 25
nCores = 1
#outputDir = "/raid/raid7/lucien/SUSY/RA5/"+out_path
outputDir = out_path
nEvents = 100
disableProgressBar = False
justEndSequence = False
componentList = componentList[4:5]
for dataset in componentList:
    if dataset.isMC:
        dataset.lumi = 35.9
    for component in dataset.componentList:
        component.maxEvents = nEvents

plots = [
    Plot("nLepGood", ["TH1D", "nLepGood", "", 10, -0.5, 9.5],
         LambdaFunc('x: x.nLepGood[0]')),
    #Plot("nLepLoose_Mini",      ["TH1D","nLepLoose_Mini","",10,-0.5,9.5],       LambdaFunc('x: x.nLepLoose_Mini[0]')),
    #Plot("nLepFO_Mini",      ["TH1D","nLepFO_Mini","",10,-0.5,9.5],       LambdaFunc('x: x.nLepFO_Mini[0]')),
    #Plot("nLepFOVeto_Mini",      ["TH1D","nLepFOVeto_Mini","",10,-0.5,9.5],       LambdaFunc('x: x.nLepFOVeto_Mini[0]')),
    #Plot("nTauSel_Mini",      ["TH1D","nTauSel_Mini","",10,-0.5,9.5],       LambdaFunc('x: x.nTauSel_Mini[0]')),
    #Plot("nJet40_Mini",      ["TH1D","nJet40_Mini","",10,-0.5,9.5],       LambdaFunc('x: x.nJet40_Mini[0]')),
    #Plot("nBJetMedium25_Mini",      ["TH1D","nBJetMedium25_Mini","",10,-0.5,9.5],       LambdaFunc('x: x.nBJetMedium25_Mini[0]')),

    #Plot("minMllSFOS_Mini",      ["TH1D","minMllSFOS_Mini","",20,0.0,500.],       LambdaFunc('x: x.minMllSFOS_Mini[0]')),
    #Plot("htJet40j_Mini",      ["TH1D","htJet40j_Mini","",20,0.0,500.],       LambdaFunc('x: x.htJet40j_Mini[0]')),
    #Plot("mhtJet40_Mini",      ["TH1D","mhtJet40_Mini","",20,0.0,500.],       LambdaFunc('x: x.mhtJet40_Mini[0]')),
    #Plot("JetSel_Mini_pt",      ["TH1D","JetSel_Mini_pt","",10,0., 500.],       LambdaFunc('x: x.JetSel_Mini_pt'), isCollection=True),
    #Plot("JetSel_Mini_eta", ["TH1D","JetSel_Mini_eta","",20,-3.,3.], LambdaFunc('x: x.JetSel_Mini_eta'), isCollection=True),
    #Plot("JetSel_Mini_phi", ["TH1D","JetSel_Mini_phi","",20,-3.,3.], LambdaFunc('x: x.JetSel_Mini_phi'), isCollection=True),
    #Plot("JetSel_Mini_btagCSV", ["TH1D","JetSel_Mini_btagCSV","",20,0.,1.], LambdaFunc('x: x.JetSel_Mini_btagCSV'), isCollection=True),
    #Plot("JetSel_Mini_mass",      ["TH1D","JetSel_Mini_mass","",10,0., 200.],       LambdaFunc('x: x.JetSel_Mini_mass'), isCollection=True),
Exemplo n.º 26
out_path                = "DarkPhotonSR/DataMCDistributions/2020-04-06_RunII/"
User                    = os.environ['USER']
nCores                  = 5
outputDir               = system.getStoragePath()+User+"/Higgs/HToZdZd/"+out_path
nEvents                 = -1
disableProgressBar      = False
componentList           = bkgSamples + dataSamples + sigSamples + rareBkgSamples
justEndSequence         = True
skipHadd                = False  
mZ12PlotRange           = [14,4.,60.]
var_mZ12_str            = 'x: (x.massZ1[0]+x.massZ2[0])/2.'
var_mZ1_str             = 'x.massZ1[0]'
var_mZ2_str             = 'x.massZ2[0]'

plots = [ 
        Plot("mZ12_4e",["TH1D","mZ12_4e","",]+mZ12PlotRange,LambdaFunc(var_mZ12_str),selFunc=LambdaFunc('x: '+sel_4e_str)), 
        Plot("mZ12_4mu",["TH1D","mZ12_4mu","",]+mZ12PlotRange,LambdaFunc(var_mZ12_str),selFunc=LambdaFunc('x: '+sel_4mu_str)),
        Plot("mZ12_2e2mu",["TH1D","mZ12_2e2mu","",]+mZ12PlotRange,LambdaFunc(var_mZ12_str),selFunc=LambdaFunc('x: '+sel_2mu2e_str+" or "+sel_2e2mu_str)),
        Plot("mZ1mZ2_4e",["TH2D","mZ1mZ2_4e","",]+mZ12PlotRange+mZ12PlotRange, LambdaFunc('x: ['+var_mZ1_str+','+var_mZ2_str+']'), selFunc=LambdaFunc('x: '+sel_4e_str),dim=2),
        Plot("mZ1mZ2_4mu",["TH2D","mZ1mZ2_4mu","",]+mZ12PlotRange+mZ12PlotRange, LambdaFunc('x: ['+var_mZ1_str+','+var_mZ2_str+']'), selFunc=LambdaFunc('x: '+sel_4mu_str),dim=2),
        Plot("mZ1mZ2_2e2mu",["TH2D","mZ1mZ2_2e2mu","",]+mZ12PlotRange+mZ12PlotRange, LambdaFunc('x: ['+var_mZ1_str+','+var_mZ2_str+']'), selFunc=LambdaFunc('x: '+sel_2mu2e_str+" or "+sel_2e2mu_str),dim=2),

for sig in sigSamples:
    for p in plots:
        p.plotSetting.line_style_dict[sig.name] = 10
        p.plotSetting.line_width_dict[sig.name] = 4

for dataset in componentList:
    for component in dataset.componentList:
        component.maxEvents = nEvents
from Plotter.Plotter import Plotter
from Plotter.PlotEndModule import PlotEndModule
from Plotter.Plot import Plot

out_path = "WrongFC/DataMCDistributions/SkimTree_WrongFC_Run2016Data_v1/2018-12-10_SR/"

mZ1PlotRange = [40, 40., 120.]
mZ2PlotRange = [60, 0., 120.]
h4lPlotRange = [110, 60., 500.]
general_plots = []
        ] + mZ1PlotRange,
        LambdaFunc('x: x.massZ1[0]'),
    ),  #selFunc=LambdaFunc(region_sel_str_whole)      ),
        ] + mZ2PlotRange,
        LambdaFunc('x: x.massZ2[0]'),
    ),  #selFunc=LambdaFunc(region_sel_str_whole)      ), 
Exemplo n.º 28
radcut                  = RADIUSCUT
binwidth                = BINWIDTH
zoom                    = ZOOM
L                       = radcut + zoom
binwstr                 = str(binwidth)
radstr                  = str(radcut)

mZ1PlotRange = [125, 0, 62.5] # ensures that all plots have same binwidth
mZ2PlotRange = mZ1PlotRange
h4lPlotRange = [70,60.,200.]
#h4lPlotRange = [140,60.,200.]

# Plots
signif_plots = [
        Plot("Z1mass_vs_Z2mass_mZdZDMASS_fs4e",["TH2D","Z1mass_vs_Z2mass_mZdZDMASS_fs4e","",]+mZ1PlotRange+mZ2PlotRange, LambdaFunc('x: [x.massZ1[0],x.massZ2[0]]'), dim=2, selFunc=LambdaFunc(region_sel_str_whole + "and x.mass4e[0] > 0 and x.mass4mu[0] < 0 and x.mass2e2mu[0] < 0 and abs(x.idL3[0]) == 11 and abs(x.idL4[0]) == 11")),
        Plot("Z1mass_vs_Z2mass_mZdZDMASS_fs4mu",["TH2D","Z1mass_vs_Z2mass_mZdZDMASS_fs4mu","",]+mZ1PlotRange+mZ2PlotRange, LambdaFunc('x: [x.massZ1[0],x.massZ2[0]]'), dim=2, selFunc=LambdaFunc(region_sel_str_whole + "and x.mass4e[0] < 0 and x.mass4mu[0] > 0 and x.mass2e2mu[0] < 0")),
        Plot("Z1mass_vs_Z2mass_mZdZDMASS_fs2e2mu",["TH2D","Z1mass_vs_Z2mass_mZdZDMASS_fs2e2mu","",]+mZ1PlotRange+mZ2PlotRange, LambdaFunc('x: [x.massZ1[0],x.massZ2[0]]'), dim=2, selFunc=LambdaFunc(region_sel_str_whole + "and x.mass4e[0] < 0 and x.mass4mu[0] < 0 and x.mass2e2mu[0] > 0 and abs(x.idL3[0]) == 13 and abs(x.idL4[0]) == 13")),
        Plot("Z1mass_vs_Z2mass_mZdZDMASS_fs2mu2e",["TH2D","Z1mass_vs_Z2mass_mZdZDMASS_fs2mu2e","",]+mZ1PlotRange+mZ2PlotRange, LambdaFunc('x: [x.massZ1[0],x.massZ2[0]]'), dim=2, selFunc=LambdaFunc(region_sel_str_whole + "and x.mass4e[0] < 0 and x.mass4mu[0] < 0 and x.mass2e2mu[0] > 0 and abs(x.idL3[0]) == 11 and abs(x.idL4[0]) == 11")),
        #Plot("Z1mass_vs_Z2mass_mZdZDMASS_fs4e_rcutRADIUSCUTGeV_binwid"+binwstr,["TH2D","Z1mass_vs_Z2mass_mZdZDMASS_fs4e_rcutRADIUSCUTGeV_binwid"+binwstr,"",]+mZ1PlotRange+mZ2PlotRange, LambdaFunc('x: [x.massZ1[0],x.massZ2[0]]'), dim=2, selFunc=LambdaFunc(Z1vsZ2_radius+'<'+str(RADIUSCUT**2) +'and x.mass4e[0] > 0 and x.mass4mu[0] < 0 and x.mass2e2mu[0] < 0')),
        #Plot("Z1mass_vs_Z2mass_mZdZDMASS_fs4mu_rcutRADIUSCUTGeV_binwid"+binwstr,["TH2D","Z1mass_vs_Z2mass_mZdZDMASS_fs4mu_rcutRADIUSCUTGeV_binwid"+binwstr,"",]+mZ1PlotRange+mZ2PlotRange, LambdaFunc('x: [x.massZ1[0],x.massZ2[0]]'), dim=2, selFunc=LambdaFunc(Z1vsZ2_radius+'<'+str(RADIUSCUT**2) +'and x.mass4e[0] < 0 and x.mass4mu[0] > 0 and x.mass2e2mu[0] < 0')),
        #Plot("Z1mass_vs_Z2mass_mZdZDMASS_fs2e2mu_rcutRADIUSCUTGeV_binwid"+binwstr,["TH2D","Z1mass_vs_Z2mass_mZdZDMASS_fs2e2mu_rcutRADIUSCUTGeV_binwid"+binwstr,"",]+mZ1PlotRange+mZ2PlotRange, LambdaFunc('x: [x.massZ1[0],x.massZ2[0]]'), dim=2, selFunc=LambdaFunc(Z1vsZ2_radius+'<'+str(RADIUSCUT**2) +'and x.mass4e[0] < 0 and x.mass4mu[0] < 0 and x.mass2e2mu[0] > 0 and abs(x.idL3[0]) == 13 and abs(x.idL4[0]) == 13')),
        #Plot("Z1mass_vs_Z2mass_mZdZDMASS_fs2mu2e_rcutRADIUSCUTGeV_binwid"+binwstr,["TH2D","Z1mass_vs_Z2mass_mZdZDMASS_fs2mu2e_rcutRADIUSCUTGeV_binwid"+binwstr,"",]+mZ1PlotRange+mZ2PlotRange, LambdaFunc('x: [x.massZ1[0],x.massZ2[0]]'), dim=2, selFunc=LambdaFunc(Z1vsZ2_radius+'<'+str(RADIUSCUT**2) +'and x.mass4e[0] < 0 and x.mass4mu[0] < 0 and x.mass2e2mu[0] > 0 and abs(x.idL3[0]) == 11 and abs(x.idL4[0]) == 11')),

#signif_plots = []

#for cut in range(1,6):
#    cut = str(cut)
#    signif_plots.append(
#        Plot("Z1mass_vs_Z2mass_r=%sGeV"%cut,["TH2D","Z1mass_vs_Z2mass_r=%s"%cut,"",]+mZ1PlotRange+mZ2PlotRange, LambdaFunc('x: [x.massZ1[0],x.massZ2[0]]'), dim=2, selFunc=LambdaFunc(Z1vsZ2_radius+'<'+str(float(cut)**2)))
binwstr                 = str(binwidth).replace('.','p')
radcutstr               = str(radcut).replace('.','p') 
zdmass_str              = str(ZDMASS)
#zdmass_str              = str(ZDMASS) if ZDMASS>9 else '0'+str(ZDMASS)

mZ1PlotRange = [int(2*Lmax/binwidth), zdmass-Lmax, zdmass+Lmax] # ensures that all plots have same binwidth
mZ2PlotRange = mZ1PlotRange
h4lPlotRange = [70,60.,200.]
#h4lPlotRange = [140,60.,200.]

# Plots
signif_plots = [
        #Plot("Z1mass_vs_Z2massTEST",["TH2D","Z1mass_vs_Z2mass","",]+mZ1PlotRange+mZ2PlotRange, LambdaFunc('x: [x.massZ1[0],x.massZ2[0]]'), dim=2, selFunc=LambdaFunc(region_sel_str_whole)),
        #Plot("Z1mass_vs_Z2mass_mZdZDMASS_finalstate=4e_radiuscut=RADIUSCUTGeV",["TH2D","Z1mass_vs_Z2mass_mZdZDMASS_finalstate=4e_radiuscut=RADIUSCUTGeV","",]+mZ1PlotRange+mZ2PlotRange, LambdaFunc('x: [x.massZ1[0],x.massZ2[0]]'), dim=2, selFunc=LambdaFunc(Z1vsZ2_radius+'<'+str(radiuscut**2) and x.mass4e[0] > 0 and x.mass4mu[0] < 0 and x.mass2e2mu[0] < 0 and abs(x.idL3[0]) == 11 and abs(x.idL4[0]) == 11)),
        Plot("Z1mass_vs_Z2mass_mZd"+zdmass_str+"_fs4e_rcut"+radcutstr+"GeV_binwid"+binwstr+"GeV",["TH2D","Z1mass_vs_Z2mass_mZd"+zdmass_str+"_fs4e_rcut"+radcutstr+"GeV_binwid"+binwstr+"GeV","",]+mZ1PlotRange+mZ2PlotRange, LambdaFunc('x: [x.massZ1[0],x.massZ2[0]]'), dim=2, selFunc=LambdaFunc(Z1vsZ2_radius+'<'+str(RADIUSCUT**2) +' and x.mass4e[0] > 0 and x.mass4mu[0] < 0 and x.mass2e2mu[0] < 0')),
        Plot("Z1mass_vs_Z2mass_mZd"+zdmass_str+"_fs4mu_rcut"+radcutstr+"GeV_binwid"+binwstr+"GeV",["TH2D","Z1mass_vs_Z2mass_mZd"+zdmass_str+"_fs4mu_rcut"+radcutstr+"GeV_binwid"+binwstr+"GeV","",]+mZ1PlotRange+mZ2PlotRange, LambdaFunc('x: [x.massZ1[0],x.massZ2[0]]'), dim=2, selFunc=LambdaFunc(Z1vsZ2_radius+'<'+str(RADIUSCUT**2) +' and x.mass4e[0] < 0 and x.mass4mu[0] > 0 and x.mass2e2mu[0] < 0')),
        Plot("Z1mass_vs_Z2mass_mZd"+zdmass_str+"_fs2e2mu_rcut"+radcutstr+"GeV_binwid"+binwstr+"GeV",["TH2D","Z1mass_vs_Z2mass_mZd"+zdmass_str+"_fs2e2mu_rcut"+radcutstr+"GeV_binwid"+binwstr+"GeV","",]+mZ1PlotRange+mZ2PlotRange, LambdaFunc('x: [x.massZ1[0],x.massZ2[0]]'), dim=2, selFunc=LambdaFunc(Z1vsZ2_radius+'<'+str(RADIUSCUT**2) +' and x.mass4e[0] < 0 and x.mass4mu[0] < 0 and x.mass2e2mu[0] > 0 and abs(x.idL3[0]) == 13 and abs(x.idL4[0]) == 13')),
        Plot("Z1mass_vs_Z2mass_mZd"+zdmass_str+"_fs2mu2e_rcut"+radcutstr+"GeV_binwid"+binwstr+"GeV",["TH2D","Z1mass_vs_Z2mass_mZd"+zdmass_str+"_fs2mu2e_rcut"+radcutstr+"GeV_binwid"+binwstr+"GeV","",]+mZ1PlotRange+mZ2PlotRange, LambdaFunc('x: [x.massZ1[0],x.massZ2[0]]'), dim=2, selFunc=LambdaFunc(Z1vsZ2_radius+'<'+str(RADIUSCUT**2) +' and x.mass4e[0] < 0 and x.mass4mu[0] < 0 and x.mass2e2mu[0] > 0 and abs(x.idL3[0]) == 11 and abs(x.idL4[0]) == 11')),

#signif_plots = []

#for cut in range(1,6):
#    cut = str(cut)
#    signif_plots.append(
#        Plot("Z1mass_vs_Z2mass_r=%sGeV"%cut,["TH2D","Z1mass_vs_Z2mass_r=%s"%cut,"",]+mZ1PlotRange+mZ2PlotRange, LambdaFunc('x: [x.massZ1[0],x.massZ2[0]]'), dim=2, selFunc=LambdaFunc(Z1vsZ2_radius+'<'+str(float(cut)**2)))
#            )

muon_plots = [
Exemplo n.º 30
from Plotter.PlotEndModule import PlotEndModule
from Plotter.Plot import Plot

#out_path = "DataMCDistributions/SkimTree_ZXCR_HIG-16-041Selection_Run2016DataMC_v2/2018-08-23/"
out_path = "ZPlusX/DataMCDistributions/SkimTree_PedjaInput_HIG-16-041/2018-09-24/"

mZ1PlotRange = [40,40.,120.]
mZ2PlotRange = [30,0.,60.]
#h4lPlotRange = [110,60.,500.]
h4lPlotRange = [55,60.,500.]
#h4lPlotRange = [20,100.,140.]
general_plots = []
eachCR = "3p1f"

    Plot("Z1_mass_"+eachCR,         ["TH1D","Z1_mass_"+eachCR,"",]+mZ1PlotRange,        LambdaFunc('x: x.massZ1[0]'), ),
    Plot("Z2_mass_"+eachCR,         ["TH1D","Z2_mass_"+eachCR,"",]+mZ2PlotRange,        LambdaFunc('x: x.massZ2[0]'), ), 
    Plot("h4L_mass_"+eachCR,        ["TH1D","h4L_mass_"+eachCR,"",]+h4lPlotRange,       LambdaFunc('x: x.mass4l[0]'),                             ), 
    Plot("met_"+eachCR,             ["TH1D","met_"+eachCR,"",40,0.,200.],               LambdaFunc('x: x.met[0]'),    ),
    Plot("nVtx_"+eachCR,            ["TH1D","nVtx_"+eachCR,"",30,0.0,60.0],             LambdaFunc('x: x.nVtx[0]'),   ),

plots =  general_plots
#for plot in plots:
#    plot.plotSetting.divideByBinWidth = True

nCores                  = 5
outputDir               = "/raid/raid7/lucien/Higgs/DarkZ/"+out_path
nEvents                 = -1
disableProgressBar      = False
#componentList           = [DYJetsToLL_M50,DYJetsToLL_M10To50,WZTo3LNu,TTJets,Data_Run2016,predCR]