def on_train_end(self, logs={}): if self.reporting_freq: printflush('\nFFNN Training Finished! (%s Batches in total)\n' % '{:,}'.format(self.latest_batch)) if self.latest_val_acc is None: printflush('Training Accuracy (approx) = %s%%\n' % '{:.1f}'.format(100. * self.approx_train_acc_in_latest_epoch)) else: printflush('Best trained FFNN (with lowest Validation Loss) is from epoch #%s' % '{:,}'.format(self.best_model_epoch)) printflush('Training Accuracy (approx) = %s%%, Validation Accuracy = %s%%\n' % ('{:.1f}'.format(100. * self.best_model_train_acc), '{:.1f}'.format(100. * self.latest_val_acc)))
def report(self, batch_in_epoch=None): if batch_in_epoch: batch_text = ' Batch ' + '{0:03}'.format(batch_in_epoch) else: batch_text = '' if self.latest_val_acc is None: val_acc_text = '' else: val_acc_text = 'ValidAcc (prev epoch)=' + '{:.1f}'.format(100. * self.latest_val_acc) + '%' printflush('Epoch %s%s: TrainAcc (approx)=%s%%, %s' % ('{:,}'.format(self.latest_epoch), batch_text, '{:.1f}'.format(100. * self.approx_train_acc_in_latest_epoch), val_acc_text), end='\r')['x'] = self.batches['y'] = self.train_losses['x'] = self.batches['y'] = self.val_losses self.bokeh_session.store_objects(self.train_losses_curve_data_source, self.valid_losses_curve_data_source)
def on_train_begin(self, logs={}): printflush('\nFFNN Training Progress') printflush('______________________')
def __init__(self, reporting_freq=False, plot_title='Neural Network Learning Curves', bokeh_output='server'): super(Callback, self).__init__() self.latest_epoch = -1 self.latest_batch = -1 self.batches = [] self.train_losses = [] self.approx_train_acc_in_latest_epoch = 0. self.val_losses = [] self.latest_val_acc = None self.min_val_loss = inf self.best_model = None self.best_model_epoch = None self.best_model_train_acc = None self.best_model_val_acc = None self.reporting_freq = reporting_freq printflush('\nConnecting to Bokeh Server for live Learning Curves plotting...\n') try: output_server('') self.bokeh_session = cursession() self.fig = figure(title=plot_title, x_axis_label='# of Training Data Batches', y_axis_label='Loss', plot_height=680, plot_width=880) self.fig.line((), (), name='TrainLoss', legend='Training Loss'), (), name='ValidLoss', legend='Validation Loss', color='red') show(self.fig) self.train_losses_curve_data_source ='TrainLoss'))[0].data_source self.valid_losses_curve_data_source ='ValidLoss'))[0].data_source printflush('\nConnecting to Bokeh Server for live Learning Curves plotting... done!\n') except: printflush('\nBokeh Server Connection *FAILED!*') printflush('Please make sure Bokeh package is already installed in Python, and') printflush('please open a new Command-Line Terminal window\n (separate from this Terminal window)') printflush(' and run the following command firs to launch Bokeh Server:') printflush(' bokeh-server --backend=memory\n') _exit(0)