Exemplo n.º 1
def get_checkbox_by_locator(locator, anchor):
    """Get checkbox element.

    locator : str
        Either text that points to the checkbox or direct xpath to the
        checkbox. If using direct XPath then add prefix xpath=.
    anchor : str
        Using if locator is not an XPath.

    if locator.startswith("xpath=") or locator.startswith("//"):
        checkbox_element = element.get_unique_element_by_xpath(locator)
        # TODO: Check that the element is actually a checkbox
    else:  # No prefix given
        text_element = text.get_text_using_anchor(locator, anchor)
        xpath = '//input[@type="checkbox"]|//*[@role="checkbox"]'
        checkbox_elements = element.get_webelements_in_active_area(
            xpath, stay_in_current_frame=True)
        checkbox_element = element.get_closest_element(text_element,
    return checkbox_element, None
Exemplo n.º 2
 def click_header(self, text):
     """Click header text."""
     xpath = ('//ul/li/a[.="{}"]'.format(text))
     webelements = element.get_webelements_in_active_area(xpath)
     if not webelements:
         raise AssertionError(
             'Could not find header with text {}'.format(text))
     elif len(webelements) == 1:
         raise AssertionError(
             'Found {} occurences of headers with text {}'.format(
                 len(webelements), text))
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_dropdown_element_by_locator(locator, anchor):
    """Find dropdown element.

    locator : str
        Text that locates the input field. The input field that is closest
        to the text is selected. Also one can use xpath by adding xpath= prefix
        and then the xpath. Error is raised if the xpath matches to multiple
    anchor : str
        Text near the input field's locator element. If the page contains
        many places where the locator is then anchor is used to get the
        one that is closest to it.
    if locator.startswith("xpath=") or locator.startswith("//"):
        dropdown_element = element.get_unique_element_by_xpath(locator)
    else:  # Search using text
        # First we look through all select elements' options, matching locator
        matches = []
        elements = _get_all_dropdown_elements()
        for dd_element in elements:
            options = [x.text for x in Select(dd_element).options]
            if locator in options:
                logger.debug("Found dropdown with options %s" % options)
        if matches:
            correct_element = text.get_element_using_anchor(matches, anchor)
            return correct_element

        # Then we try to find the element using attributes and text
        dropdown_xpath = (
            #  pylint: disable=line-too-long
            '//select[normalize-space(@placeholder)="{0}" or normalize-space(@value)="{0}" or  normalize-space(text())="{0}"]'
        dropdown_elements = element.get_webelements_in_active_area(
        if len(dropdown_elements) == 1:
            dropdown_element = dropdown_elements[0]
        elif not dropdown_elements:  # Find dropdown element using locator
            locator_element = text.get_text_using_anchor(locator, anchor)
            dropdown_elements = _get_all_dropdown_elements(
            dropdown_element = element.get_closest_element(
                locator_element, dropdown_elements)
        else:  # Found many
            logger.debug("found many, using anchor")
            dropdown_element = text.get_element_using_anchor(
                dropdown_elements, anchor)
    return dropdown_element
Exemplo n.º 4
 def get_table_element(self, locator, anchor):
     if util.xpath_validator(locator):
         table_element = element.get_unique_element_by_xpath(locator)
     else:  # Search using text
         table_xpath = "//*[text()= '{0}']/ancestor::table".format(locator)
         table_elements = element.get_webelements_in_active_area(
         if table_elements and len(table_elements) == 1:
             table_element = table_elements[0]
         elif not table_elements:  # Find table element using locator
             locator_element = text.get_text_using_anchor(locator, anchor)
             table_elements = self._get_all_table_elements()
             table_element = element.get_closest_element(
                 locator_element, table_elements)
         else:  # Found many
             table_element = text.get_element_using_anchor(
                 table_elements, anchor)
     if table_element:
         return table_element
     raise QWebElementNotFoundError(
         'Table element not found by locator {}'.format(locator))
Exemplo n.º 5
    def get_elements_by_locator_xpath_and_tag_name(locator, index=1, **kwargs):
        index = int(index) - 1
        if 'tag' in kwargs:
            tag_name = kwargs.get('tag')
        elif 'parent' in kwargs and kwargs['parent']:
            tag_name = kwargs['parent']
        elif 'child' in kwargs and kwargs['child']:
            tag_name = kwargs['child']
            tag_name = 'ul'
        if 'parent' in kwargs and kwargs['parent']:
            web_element = element.get_unique_element_by_xpath(locator)
            css = kwargs.get('parent')
            web_element = element.get_parent_list_element(web_element, css)
            if tag_name not in ["ul", "ol", "dl", "UL", "OL", "DL"]:
                web_element = javascript.execute_javascript(
                    'return arguments[0].querySelectorAll("{}")'.format(
                        tag_name), web_element)
                web_element = javascript.execute_javascript(
                    'return arguments[0].closest("{}").querySelectorAll("li, dt, dd")'
                    .format(tag_name), web_element)
        elif 'child' in kwargs and kwargs['child']:
            web_element = element.get_unique_element_by_xpath(locator)
            css = kwargs.get('child')
            web_element = element.get_element_from_childnodes(
                web_element, css, dom_traversing=False)[index]
            if tag_name not in ["ul", "ol", "dl", "UL", "OL", "DL"]:
                web_element = javascript.execute_javascript(
                    'return arguments[0].querySelectorAll("{}")'.format(
                        tag_name), web_element)
                web_element = javascript.execute_javascript(
                    'return arguments[0].closest("{}").querySelectorAll("li, dt, dd")'
                    .format(tag_name), web_element)
            web_element = element.get_webelements_in_active_area(locator)

        return web_element
Exemplo n.º 6
def get_input_element_by_locator(locator, anchor, **kwargs):
    """Find input element.

    locator : str
        Text that locates the input field. The input field that is closest
        to the text is selected. Also one can use xpath by adding xpath= prefix
        and then the xpath. Error is raised if the xpath matches to multiple
    anchor : str
        Text near the input field's locator element. If the page contains
        many places where the locator is then anchor is used to get the
        one that is closest to it.
    if locator.startswith("xpath=") or locator.startswith(
            "//") or locator.startswith("(//"):
        if locator.startswith("xpath="):
            xpath = locator.split("=", 1)[1]
            xpath = locator
        input_element = element.get_unique_element_by_xpath(xpath, **kwargs)
    else:  # Search using text
        input_xpath = CONFIG["MatchingInputElement"].format(locator)
        input_elements = element.get_webelements_in_active_area(
            input_xpath, **kwargs)
        if not input_elements:  # Find input element using locator
            locator_element = text.get_text_using_anchor(
                locator, anchor, **kwargs)
            input_elements = _get_all_input_elements()
            input_element = element.get_closest_element(
                locator_element, input_elements)
        elif len(input_elements) == 1:
            input_element = input_elements[0]  # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object
        else:  # Found many
            input_element = text.get_element_using_anchor(
                input_elements, anchor, **kwargs)
    return input_element
Exemplo n.º 7
def _get_contains_text_element(text, **kwargs):
    xpath = (CONFIG["ContainingTextMatch"].format(text))
    return element.get_webelements_in_active_area(xpath, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 8
def _get_all_input_elements():
    input_elements = element.get_webelements_in_active_area(
        CONFIG["AllInputElements"], stay_in_current_frame=True)
    return input_elements
Exemplo n.º 9
 def _get_all_table_elements():
     return element.get_webelements_in_active_area('//table')