Exemplo n.º 1
    def _find_size(self, base: Geometry, size: SizeLocator):
        """Find region of fixed size around base, or origin if no base defined."""
        if isinstance(base, Undefined):
            return Region.from_size(0, 0, size.width, size.height)

        if isinstance(base, Region):
            center = base.center
            center = base

        left = center.x - size.width // 2
        top = center.y - size.height // 2

        result = Region.from_size(left, top, size.width, size.height)
        return [result]
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _iter_matches(self, image, template) -> Region:
        """Brute-force search for template image in larger image.

        Use optimized string search for finding the first row and then
        check if whole template matches.

        TODO: Generalize string-search algorithm to work in two dimensions
        image = ImageOps.grayscale(image)
        template = ImageOps.grayscale(template)

        template_width, template_height = template.size
        template_rows = chunks(tuple(template.getdata()), template_width)

        image_width, _ = image.size
        image_rows = chunks(tuple(image.getdata()), image_width)

        for image_y, image_row in enumerate(image_rows[: -len(template_rows)]):
            for image_x in self._search_string(image_row, template_rows[0]):
                match = True
                for match_y, template_row in enumerate(template_rows[1:], image_y):
                    match_row = image_rows[match_y][image_x : image_x + template_width]
                    if template_row != match_row:
                        match = False

                if match:
                    yield Region.from_size(
                        image_x, image_y, template_width, template_height
Exemplo n.º 3
 def get_display_dimensions(self) -> Region:
     """Returns the dimensions of the current virtual display,
     which is the combined size of all physical monitors.
     with mss.mss() as sct:
         disp = sct.monitors[0]
         return Region.from_size(disp["left"], disp["top"], disp["width"],
Exemplo n.º 4
def _match_template(image: Image.Image, template: Image.Image,
                    tolerance: float) -> Iterator[Region]:
    """Use opencv's matchTemplate() to slide the `template` over
    `image` to calculate correlation coefficients, and then
    filter with a tolerance to find all relevant global maximums.
    template_width, template_height = template.size

    if image.mode == "RGBA":
        image = image.convert("RGB")
    if template.mode == "RGBA":
        template = template.convert("RGB")

    image = numpy.array(image)
    template = numpy.array(template)

    image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
    template = cv2.cvtColor(template, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)

    # Template matching result is a single channel array of shape:
    # Width:  Image width  - template width  + 1
    # Height: Image height - template height + 1
    coefficients = cv2.matchTemplate(image, template, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED)
    coeff_height, coeff_width = coefficients.shape

    while True:
        # The point (match_x, match_y) is the top-left of the best match
        _, match_coeff, _, (match_x, match_y) = cv2.minMaxLoc(coefficients)
        if match_coeff < tolerance:

        # Zero out values for a template-sized region around the best match
        # to prevent duplicate matches for the same element.
        left = clamp(0, match_x - template_width // 2, coeff_width)
        top = clamp(0, match_y - template_height // 2, coeff_height)
        right = clamp(0, match_x + template_width // 2, coeff_width)
        bottom = clamp(0, match_y + template_height // 2, coeff_height)

        coefficients[top:bottom, left:right] = 0

        yield Region.from_size(match_x, match_y, template_width,
Exemplo n.º 5
def find(image: Union[Image.Image, Path],
         text: str,
         confidence: float = DEFAULT_CONFIDENCE):
    """Scan image for text and return a list of regions
    that contain it (or something close to it).

    :param image: Path to image or Image object
    :param text: Text to find in image
    :param confidence: Minimum confidence for text similaritys
    image = to_image(image)
    confidence = clamp(1, float(confidence), 100)

    text = str(text).strip()
    if not text:
        raise ValueError("Empty search string")

        data = pytesseract.image_to_data(image,
    except TesseractNotFoundError as err:
        raise EnvironmentError(INSTALL_PROMPT) from err

    lines = defaultdict(list)
    for word in _iter_rows(data):
        if word["level"] != 5:

        if not word["text"].strip():

        key = "{:d}-{:d}-{:d}".format(word["block_num"], word["par_num"],
        region = Region.from_size(word["left"], word["top"], word["width"],

        # NOTE: Currently ignoring confidence in tesseract results
        lines[key].append({"text": word["text"], "region": region})
        assert len(lines[key]) == word["word_num"]

    matches = _match_lines(lines.values(), text, confidence)
    return matches
Exemplo n.º 6
def _dict_lines(data: Dict) -> List:
    lines = defaultdict(list)
    for word in _iter_rows(data):
        if word["level"] != 5:

        if not word["text"].strip():

        key = "{:d}-{:d}-{:d}".format(
            word["block_num"], word["par_num"], word["line_num"]
        region = Region.from_size(
            word["left"], word["top"], word["width"], word["height"]

        # NOTE: Currently ignoring confidence in tesseract results
        lines[key].append({"text": word["text"], "region": region})
        assert len(lines[key]) == word["word_num"]

    return list(lines.values())
Exemplo n.º 7
    def _find_from_displays(
            self, finder: Callable[[Image.Image],
                                   List[Region]]) -> List[Region]:
        """Call finder function for each display and return
        a list of found regions.

        :param finder: Callable that searches an image
        matches = []
        screenshots = []

        # Search all displays, and map results to combined virtual display

        start_time = time.time()
        for display in screen.displays():
            image = screen.grab(display)
            regions = finder(image)

            for region in regions:
                region = region.resize(5)
                screenshot = image.crop(region.as_tuple())

            local = Region.from_size(0, 0, image.size[0], image.size[1])
            regions = transform(regions, local, display)

        # Log matches and preview images

        duration = time.time() - start_time
        plural = "es" if len(matches) != 1 else ""

        self.logger.info("Searched in %.2f seconds", duration)
        self.logger.info("Found %d match%s", len(matches), plural)

        for match, screenshot in zip(matches, screenshots):
            screen.log_image(screenshot, size=400)

        return matches
Exemplo n.º 8
    def _iter_match_pillow(self, image, template, tolerance):
        """Brute-force search for template image in larger image.

        Use optimized string search for finding the first row and then
        check if whole template matches.

        TODO: Generalize string-search algorithm to work in two dimensions
        if tolerance is not None and not self._tolerance_warned:
            self._tolerance_warned = True
                "Template matching tolerance not supported for current search method"

        image = ImageOps.grayscale(image)
        template = ImageOps.grayscale(template)

        template_width, template_height = template.size
        template_rows = chunks(tuple(template.getdata()), template_width)

        image_width, _ = image.size
        image_rows = chunks(tuple(image.getdata()), image_width)

        for image_y, image_row in enumerate(image_rows[:-len(template_rows)]):
            for image_x in self._search_string(image_row, template_rows[0]):
                match = True
                for match_y, template_row in enumerate(template_rows[1:],
                    match_row = image_rows[match_y][image_x:image_x +
                    if template_row != match_row:
                        match = False

                if match:
                    yield Region.from_size(image_x, image_y, template_width,
Exemplo n.º 9
def _monitor_to_region(monitor: Dict) -> Region:
    """Convert mss monitor to Region instance."""
    return Region.from_size(monitor["left"], monitor["top"], monitor["width"],