Exemplo n.º 1
def create_program_action(parent, text, name, icon=None, nt_name=None):
    """Create action to run a program"""
    if is_text_string(icon):
        icon = get_icon(icon)
    if os.name == 'nt' and nt_name is not None:
        name = nt_name
    path = programs.find_program(name)
    if path is not None:
        return create_action(parent, text, icon=icon,
                             triggered=lambda: programs.run_program(name))
Exemplo n.º 2
def create_program_action(parent, text, name, icon=None, nt_name=None):
    """Create action to run a program"""
    if is_text_string(icon):
        icon = get_icon(icon)
    if os.name == 'nt' and nt_name is not None:
        name = nt_name
    path = programs.find_program(name)
    if path is not None:
        return create_action(parent,
                             triggered=lambda: programs.run_program(name))
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: vcs.py Projeto: koll00/Gui_SM
def run_vcs_tool(path, tool):
    """If path is a valid VCS repository, run the corresponding VCS tool
    Supported VCS tools: 'commit', 'browse'
    Return False if the VCS tool is not installed"""
    infos = get_vcs_infos(get_vcs_root(path))
    for name, args in infos[tool]:
        if programs.find_program(name):
            programs.run_program(name, args, cwd=path)
        raise RuntimeError(
            _("For %s support, please install one of the<br/> "
              "following tools:<br/><br/>  %s") %
            (infos['name'], ', '.join([name
                                       for name, cmd in infos['commit']])))
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: vcs.py Projeto: koll00/Gui_SM
def run_vcs_tool(path, tool):
    """If path is a valid VCS repository, run the corresponding VCS tool
    Supported VCS tools: 'commit', 'browse'
    Return False if the VCS tool is not installed"""
    infos = get_vcs_infos(get_vcs_root(path))
    for name, args in infos[tool]:
        if programs.find_program(name):
            programs.run_program(name, args, cwd=path)
        raise RuntimeError(_("For %s support, please install one of the<br/> "
                             "following tools:<br/><br/>  %s")
                           % (infos['name'],
                              ', '.join([name for name,cmd in infos['commit']])
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: vcs.py Projeto: koll00/Gui_SM
def get_hg_revision(repopath):
    """Return Mercurial revision for the repository located at repopath
       Result is a tuple (global, local, branch), with None values on error
       For example:
           >>> get_hg_revision(".")
           ('eba7273c69df+', '2015+', 'default')
        hg = programs.find_program('hg')
        assert hg is not None and osp.isdir(osp.join(repopath, '.hg'))
        output = subprocess.Popen([hg, 'id', '-nib', repopath],
        # output is now: ('eba7273c69df+ 2015+ default\n', None)
        return tuple(output.strip().split())
    except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, AssertionError, AttributeError):
        # print("Error: Failed to get revision number from Mercurial - %s" % exc)
        return (None, None, None)
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: vcs.py Projeto: koll00/Gui_SM
def get_hg_revision(repopath):
    """Return Mercurial revision for the repository located at repopath
       Result is a tuple (global, local, branch), with None values on error
       For example:
           >>> get_hg_revision(".")
           ('eba7273c69df+', '2015+', 'default')
        hg = programs.find_program('hg')
        assert hg is not None and osp.isdir(osp.join(repopath, '.hg'))
        output = subprocess.Popen([hg, 'id', '-nib', repopath],
        # output is now: ('eba7273c69df+ 2015+ default\n', None)
        return tuple(output.strip().split())
    except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, AssertionError, AttributeError):
        # print("Error: Failed to get revision number from Mercurial - %s" % exc)
        return (None, None, None)
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: vcs.py Projeto: koll00/Gui_SM
def is_hg_installed():
    """Return True if Mercurial is installed"""
    return programs.find_program('hg') is not None
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: vcs.py Projeto: koll00/Gui_SM
def is_hg_installed():
    """Return True if Mercurial is installed"""
    return programs.find_program('hg') is not None