Exemplo n.º 1
def weights_battery(nexus):

    # Evaluate weights for all of the configurations
    config = nexus.analyses.base

    vec = nexus.vehicle_configurations.base
    payload = vec.propulsors.solar_low_fidelity.payload.mass_properties.mass
    msolar = vec.propulsors.solar_low_fidelity.solar_panel.mass_properties.mass
    MTOW = vec.mass_properties.max_takeoff
    empty = vec.weight_breakdown.empty
    mmotor = vec.propulsors.solar_low_fidelity.motor.mass_properties.mass

    # Calculate battery mass
    batmass = MTOW - empty - payload - msolar - mmotor
    bat = vec.propulsors.solar_low_fidelity.battery
    initialize_from_mass(bat, batmass)
    vec.propulsors.solar_low_fidelity.battery.mass_properties.mass = batmass

    # Set Battery Charge
    maxcharge = nexus.vehicle_configurations.base.propulsors.solar_low_fidelity.battery.max_energy
    charge = maxcharge

    nexus.missions.mission.segments.cruise.battery_energy = charge

    return nexus
Exemplo n.º 2
def weights_battery(nexus):

    # Evaluate weights for all of the configurations
    config = nexus.analyses.base
    vec     = nexus.vehicle_configurations.base
    payload = vec.propulsors.network.payload.mass_properties.mass  
    msolar  = vec.propulsors.network.solar_panel.mass_properties.mass
    MTOW    = vec.mass_properties.max_takeoff
    empty   = vec.weight_breakdown.empty
    mmotor  = vec.propulsors.network.motor.mass_properties.mass
    # Calculate battery mass
    batmass = MTOW - empty - payload - msolar -mmotor
    bat     = vec.propulsors.network.battery
    vec.propulsors.network.battery.mass_properties.mass = batmass
    # Set Battery Charge
    maxcharge = nexus.vehicle_configurations.base.propulsors.network.battery.max_energy
    charge    = maxcharge
    nexus.missions.mission.segments.cruise.battery_energy = charge 

    return nexus
Exemplo n.º 3
def battery():
    bat = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Storages.Batteries.Constant_Mass.Lithium_Ion(
    bat.mass_properties.mass = 2181.1 * Units.lb
    bat.specific_energy = 250. * Units.Wh / Units.kg  #Write expression to compute necessary power density
    bat.resistance = 0.003
    bat.iters = 0
    initialize_from_mass(bat, bat.mass_properties.mass)
    return bat
Exemplo n.º 4
def GA_full_setup(battery_chemistry):

    # vehicle data
    vehicle = GA_vehicle_setup()

    # Modify  Battery
    net = vehicle.networks.battery_propeller
    bat = net.battery
    if battery_chemistry == 'NMC':
        bat = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Storages.Batteries.Constant_Mass.Lithium_Ion_LiNiMnCoO2_18650(
    elif battery_chemistry == 'LFP':
        bat = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Storages.Batteries.Constant_Mass.Lithium_Ion_LiFePO4_18650(

    bat.mass_properties.mass = 500. * Units.kg
    bat.max_voltage = 500.

    # Assume a battery pack module shape. This step is optional but
    # required for thermal analysis of the pack
    number_of_modules = 10
    bat.module_config.total = int(
        np.ceil(bat.pack_config.total / number_of_modules))
    bat.module_config.normal_count = int(
        np.ceil(bat.module_config.total / bat.pack_config.series))
    bat.module_config.parallel_count = int(
        np.ceil(bat.module_config.total / bat.pack_config.parallel))
    net.battery = bat

    net.battery = bat
    net.voltage = bat.max_voltage

    # Set up configs
    configs = GA_configs_setup(vehicle)

    # vehicle analyses
    configs_analyses = analyses_setup(configs)

    # mission analyses
    mission = GA_mission_setup(configs_analyses, vehicle)
    missions_analyses = missions_setup(mission)

    analyses = SUAVE.Analyses.Analysis.Container()
    analyses.configs = configs_analyses
    analyses.missions = missions_analyses

    return configs, analyses
Exemplo n.º 5
def EVTOL_full_setup(battery_chemistry):

    # vehicle data
    vehicle = EVTOL_vehicle_setup()

    # Modify  Battery
    net = vehicle.networks.lift_cruise
    bat = net.battery
    if battery_chemistry == 'NMC':
        bat = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Storages.Batteries.Constant_Mass.Lithium_Ion_LiNiMnCoO2_18650(
    elif battery_chemistry == 'LFP':
        bat = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Storages.Batteries.Constant_Mass.Lithium_Ion_LiFePO4_18650(

    bat.mass_properties.mass = 500. * Units.kg
    bat.max_voltage = 500.

    # Assume a battery pack module shape. This step is optional but required for thermal analysis of the pack. We will assume that all cells electrically connected
    # in series wihtin the module are arranged in one row normal direction to the airflow. Likewise ,
    # all cells electrically in paralllel are arranged in the direction to the cooling fluid
    number_of_modules = 10
    bat.module_config.total = int(
        np.ceil(bat.pack_config.total / number_of_modules))
    bat.module_config.normal_count = int(
        np.ceil(bat.module_config.total / bat.pack_config.series))
    bat.module_config.parallel_count = int(
        np.ceil(bat.module_config.total / bat.pack_config.parallel))

    net.battery = bat
    net.voltage = bat.max_voltage

    configs = EVTOL_configs_setup(vehicle)

    # vehicle analyses
    configs_analyses = analyses_setup(configs)

    # mission analyses
    mission = EVTOL_mission_setup(configs_analyses, vehicle)
    missions_analyses = missions_setup(mission)

    analyses = SUAVE.Analyses.Analysis.Container()
    analyses.configs = configs_analyses
    analyses.missions = missions_analyses

    return configs, analyses
Exemplo n.º 6
def weights_battery(nexus):

    vehicle = nexus.vehicle_configurations.base

    # # Evaluate weights for all of the configurations
    weights = nexus.analyses.base.weights.evaluate()
    weights = nexus.analyses.cruise.weights.evaluate()
    vehicle.mass_properties.breakdown = weights
    weights = nexus.analyses.landing.weights.evaluate()
    weights = nexus.analyses.takeoff.weights.evaluate()

    empty_weight = vehicle.mass_properties.operating_empty
    passenger_weight = vehicle.passenger_weights.mass_properties.mass

    configs = nexus.vehicle_configurations

    for config in configs:

        payload = config.propulsors.propulsor.payload.mass_properties.mass
        #msolar  = vec.propulsors.propulsor.solar_panel.mass_properties.mass
        MTOW = config.mass_properties.max_takeoff
        empty = config.weight_breakdown.empty
        mmotor = config.propulsors.propulsor.motor_forward.mass_properties.mass + config.propulsors.propulsor.motor_lift.mass_properties.mass

        #Calculate battery mass


        # diff the new data

    # Set Battery Charge
    maxcharge = nexus.vehicle_configurations.base.propulsors.propulsor.battery.max_energy
    charge = maxcharge

    nexus.missions.mission.segments['climb_1'].battery_energy = charge

    return nexus
def vehicle_setup():
    vehicle = SUAVE.Vehicle()
    vehicle.tag = 'eVTOL Weight Test'

    # Vehicle-Level Properties

    vehicle.mass_properties.takeoff = 840. * Units.kg
    vehicle.mass_properties.operating_empty = 640. * Units.kg
    vehicle.mass_properties.max_takeoff = 1000. * Units.kg

    vehicle.reference_area = 12. * Units['meter**2']

    # Fuselage Properties Properties

    fuselage = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Fuselage()
    fuselage.tag = 'fuselage'

    fuselage.lengths.total = 5.5 * Units.meter
    fuselage.width = 2 * Units.meter
    fuselage.heights.maximum = 1.5 * Units.meter


    # Energy Network Properties

    net = Battery_Propeller()
    net.voltage = 375

    esc = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Electronic_Speed_Controller()
    esc.efficiency = 0.95
    net.esc = esc

    payload = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Payload()
    payload.power_draw = 0.
    payload.mass_properties.mass = 200 * Units.kg
    net.payload = payload

    avionics = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()
    avionics.power_draw = 20.
    net.avionics = avionics

    bat = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Storages.Batteries.Constant_Mass.Lithium_Ion(
    bat.mass_properties.mass = 300. * Units.kg
    bat.specific_energy = 300. * Units.Wh / Units.kg
    bat.resistance = 0.006
    bat.max_voltage = 400
    initialize_from_mass(bat, bat.mass_properties.mass)
    net.battery = bat


    # Main Wing

    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Main_Wing()
    wing.tag = 'main wing'

    wing.aspect_ratio = 4.
    wing.thickness_to_chord = 0.15
    wing.taper = 1.

    wing.spans.projected = 6. * Units.meter

    wing.areas.reference = 12. * Units['meter**2']

    wing.chords.root = 2. * Units.meter
    wing.chords.tip = 2. * Units.meter
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = 2. * Units.meter

    wing.sweeps.leading_edge = 0. * Units.degrees
    wing.sweeps.half_chord = 0. * Units.degrees

    wing.motor_spanwise_locations = [0.5, 0.5]
    wing.winglet_fraction = 0.

    wing.high_lift = True


    # Secondary Wing

    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Wing()
    wing.tag = 'secondary wing'

    wing.aspect_ratio = 4.
    wing.thickness_to_chord = 0.15
    wing.taper = 1.

    wing.spans.projected = 6. * Units.meter

    wing.areas.reference = 12. * Units['meter**2']

    wing.chords.root = 2. * Units.meter
    wing.chords.tip = 2. * Units.meter
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = 2. * Units.meter

    wing.sweeps.leading_edge = 0. * Units.degrees
    wing.sweeps.half_chord = 0. * Units.degrees

    wing.high_lift = True

    wing.motor_spanwise_locations = [0.5, 0.5]
    wing.winglet_fraction = 0.


    return vehicle
Exemplo n.º 8
def vehicle_setup():

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Initialize the Vehicle
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    vehicle = SUAVE.Vehicle()
    vehicle.tag = 'multicopter'
    vehicle.configuration = 'eVTOL'
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vehicle-level Properties
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # mass properties
    vehicle.mass_properties.takeoff = 2080. * Units.lb
    vehicle.mass_properties.operating_empty = 1666. * Units.lb
    vehicle.mass_properties.max_takeoff = 2080. * Units.lb
    vehicle.mass_properties.center_of_gravity = [2.6, 0., 0.]

    # This needs updating
    vehicle.passengers = 5
    vehicle.reference_area = 73 * Units.feet**2
    vehicle.envelope.ultimate_load = 5.7
    vehicle.envelope.limit_load = 3.

    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Main_Wing()
    wing.tag = 'main_wing'
    wing.aspect_ratio = 1
    wing.spans.projected = 0.01

    # ------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------
    fuselage = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Fuselage()
    fuselage.tag = 'fuselage'
    fuselage.configuration = 'Tube_Wing'
    fuselage.seats_abreast = 2.
    fuselage.seat_pitch = 3.
    fuselage.fineness.nose = 0.88
    fuselage.fineness.tail = 1.13
    fuselage.lengths.nose = 3.2 * Units.feet
    fuselage.lengths.tail = 6.4 * Units.feet
    fuselage.lengths.cabin = 6.4 * Units.feet
    fuselage.lengths.total = 16.0 * Units.feet
    fuselage.width = 5.85 * Units.feet
    fuselage.heights.maximum = 4.65 * Units.feet
    fuselage.heights.at_quarter_length = 3.75 * Units.feet
    fuselage.heights.at_wing_root_quarter_chord = 4.65 * Units.feet
    fuselage.heights.at_three_quarters_length = 4.26 * Units.feet
    fuselage.areas.wetted = 236. * Units.feet**2
    fuselage.areas.front_projected = 0.14 * Units.feet**2
    fuselage.effective_diameter = 5.85 * Units.feet
    fuselage.differential_pressure = 0.

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_1'
    segment.origin = [0., 0., 0.]
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.0
    segment.height = 0.1 * Units.feet
    segment.width = 0.1 * Units.feet
    segment.length = 0.
    segment.effective_diameter = 0.1 * Units.feet

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_2'
    segment.origin = [4. * 0.3048, 0., 0.1 * 0.3048]
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.25
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.05
    segment.height = 3.75 * Units.feet
    segment.width = 5.65 * Units.feet
    segment.length = 3.2 * Units.feet
    segment.effective_diameter = 5.65 * Units.feet

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_3'
    segment.origin = [8. * 0.3048, 0., 0.34 * 0.3048]
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.5
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.071
    segment.height = 4.65 * Units.feet
    segment.width = 5.55 * Units.feet
    segment.length = 3.2 * Units.feet
    segment.effective_diameter = 5.55 * Units.feet

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_4'
    segment.origin = [12. * 0.3048, 0., 0.77 * 0.3048]
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.75
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.089
    segment.height = 4.73 * Units.feet
    segment.width = 4.26 * Units.feet
    segment.length = 3.2 * Units.feet
    segment.effective_diameter = 4.26 * Units.feet

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_5'
    segment.origin = [16. * 0.3048, 0., 2.02 * 0.3048]
    segment.percent_x_location = 1.0
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.158
    segment.height = 0.67 * Units.feet
    segment.width = 0.33 * Units.feet
    segment.length = 3.2 * Units.feet
    segment.effective_diameter = 0.33 * Units.feet

    # add to vehicle

    net = Vectored_Thrust()
    net.number_of_engines = 6
    net.thrust_angle = 90. * Units.degrees
    net.nacelle_diameter = 0.6 * Units.feet  # need to check
    net.engine_length = 0.5 * Units.feet
    net.areas = Data()
    net.areas.wetted = np.pi * net.nacelle_diameter * net.engine_length + 0.5 * np.pi * net.nacelle_diameter**2
    net.voltage = 500.

    # Design Electronic Speed Controller
    esc = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Electronic_Speed_Controller()
    esc.efficiency = 0.95
    net.esc = esc

    # Design Payload
    payload = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()
    payload.power_draw = 0.
    payload.mass_properties.mass = 200. * Units.kg
    net.payload = payload

    # Design Avionics
    avionics = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()
    avionics.power_draw = 200. * Units.watts
    net.avionics = avionics

    # Design Battery
    bat = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Storages.Batteries.Constant_Mass.Lithium_Ion(
    bat.specific_energy = 350. * Units.Wh / Units.kg
    bat.resistance = 0.005
    bat.max_voltage = net.voltage
    bat.mass_properties.mass = 300. * Units.kg
    initialize_from_mass(bat, bat.mass_properties.mass)
    net.battery = bat

    # Design Rotors
    # atmosphere and flight conditions for propeller/rotor design
    g = 9.81  # gravitational acceleration
    speed_of_sound = 340  # speed of sound
    rho = 1.22  # reference density
    Hover_Load = vehicle.mass_properties.takeoff * g  # hover load
    design_tip_mach = 0.7  # design tip mach number

    rotor = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Rotor()
    rotor.tip_radius = 3.95 * Units.feet
    rotor.hub_radius = 0.6 * Units.feet
    rotor.disc_area = np.pi * (rotor.tip_radius**2)
    rotor.number_blades = 3
    rotor.freestream_velocity = 500. * Units['ft/min']
    rotor.angular_velocity = (design_tip_mach *
                              speed_of_sound) / rotor.tip_radius
    rotor.design_Cl = 0.8
    rotor.design_altitude = 1000 * Units.feet
    rotor.design_thrust = (Hover_Load / net.number_of_engines) * 2.
    rotor = propeller_design(rotor)
    rotor.induced_hover_velocity = np.sqrt(
        Hover_Load / (2 * rho * rotor.disc_area * net.number_of_engines))

    # propulating propellers on the other side of the vehicle
    rotor.origin = []
    for fuselage in vehicle.fuselages:
        if fuselage.tag == 'fuselage':

    # append propellers to vehicle
    net.rotor = rotor

    # Design Motors
    # Motor
    motor = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Motor()
    motor.efficiency = 0.95
    motor.nominal_voltage = bat.max_voltage
    motor.mass_properties.mass = 3. * Units.kg
    motor.origin = rotor.origin
    motor.propeller_radius = rotor.tip_radius
    motor.gear_ratio = 1.0
    motor.gearbox_efficiency = 1.0
    motor.no_load_current = 4.0
    motor = size_optimal_motor(motor, rotor)
    net.motor = motor

    # Define motor sizing parameters
    max_power = rotor.design_power * 1.2
    max_torque = rotor.design_torque * 1.2

    # test high temperature superconducting motor weight function
    mass = hts_motor(max_power)

    # test NDARC motor weight function
    mass = nasa_motor(max_torque)

    # test air cooled motor weight function
    mass = air_cooled_motor(max_power)
    motor.mass_properties.mass = mass
    net.motor = motor


    vehicle.weight_breakdown = empty(vehicle, None)
    return vehicle
Exemplo n.º 9
def vehicle_setup():

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Initialize the Vehicle
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    vehicle = SUAVE.Vehicle()
    vehicle.tag = 'Tecnam_P2006TElectric'

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vehicle-level Properties
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    # mass properties
    vehicle.mass_properties.max_takeoff = 1230 * Units.kilogram
    vehicle.mass_properties.takeoff = 1230 * Units.kilogram
    vehicle.mass_properties.operating_empty = 819 * Units.kilogram
    vehicle.mass_properties.takeoff = 1230 * Units.kilogram
    vehicle.mass_properties.max_zero_fuel = 1145 * Units.kilogram
    vehicle.mass_properties.cargo = 80 * Units.kilogram

    # envelope properties
    vehicle.envelope.ultimate_load = 5.7
    vehicle.envelope.limit_load = 3.8

    # basic parameters
    vehicle.reference_area = 73 * Units['meters**2']
    vehicle.passengers = 4
    vehicle.systems.control = "fully powered"
    vehicle.systems.accessories = "medium range"

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Landing Gear
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # used for noise calculations
    landing_gear = SUAVE.Components.Landing_Gear.Landing_Gear()
    landing_gear.tag = "main_landing_gear"

    landing_gear.main_tire_diameter = 0.423 * Units.m
    landing_gear.nose_tire_diameter = 0.3625 * Units.m
    landing_gear.main_strut_length = 0.4833 * Units.m
    landing_gear.nose_strut_length = 0.3625 * Units.m
    landing_gear.main_units = 2  #number of main landing gear units
    landing_gear.nose_units = 1  #number of nose landing gear
    landing_gear.main_wheels = 1  #number of wheels on the main landing gear
    landing_gear.nose_wheels = 1  #number of wheels on the nose landing gear
    vehicle.landing_gear = landing_gear

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Main Wing
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Main_Wing()
    wing.tag = 'main_wing'

    wing.aspect_ratio = 8.80
    #wing.sweeps.quarter_chord    = 0 * Units.deg
    wing.thickness_to_chord = 0.15
    wing.taper = 0.621
    wing.span_efficiency = 0.965
    wing.spans.projected = 11.4 * Units.meter
    wing.chords.root = 1.45 * Units.meter
    wing.chords.tip = 0.90 * Units.meter
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = 1.34 * Units.meter
    wing.areas.reference = 14.80 * Units['meters**2']
    wing.twists.root = 0 * Units.degrees
    wing.twists.tip = 0 * Units.degrees
    wing.dihedral = 1 * Units.degrees
    wing.origin = [2.986, 0, 1.077]  # meters
    wing.vertical = False
    wing.symmetric = True
    wing.high_lift = True
    wing.dynamic_pressure_ratio = 1.0

    segment = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Segment()

    segment.tag = 'root'
    segment.percent_span_location = 0.0
    segment.twist = 0. * Units.deg
    segment.root_chord_percent = 1.
    segment.dihedral_outboard = 1. * Units.degrees
    segment.sweeps.quarter_chord = 0. * Units.degrees
    segment.thickness_to_chord = 0.15

    #segment airfoil

    airfoil = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Airfoils.Airfoil()
    airfoil.coordinate_file = '/Users/Bruno/Documents/Delft/Courses/2016-2017/Thesis/Code/Airfoils/naca642415.dat'



    segment = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Segment()

    segment.tag = 'mid'
    segment.percent_span_location = 0.53
    segment.twist = 0. * Units.deg
    segment.root_chord_percent = 1.
    segment.dihedral_outboard = 1. * Units.degrees
    segment.sweeps.quarter_chord = 0. * Units.degrees
    segment.thickness_to_chord = 0.15

    #segment airfoil

    airfoil = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Airfoils.Airfoil()
    airfoil.coordinate_file = '/Users/Bruno/Documents/Delft/Courses/2016-2017/Thesis/Code/Airfoils/naca642415.dat'



    segment = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Segment()

    segment.tag = 'tip'
    segment.percent_span_location = 1.0
    segment.twist = 0. * Units.deg
    segment.root_chord_percent = 0.621
    segment.dihedral_outboard = 1. * Units.degrees
    segment.sweeps.quarter_chord = 0. * Units.degrees
    segment.thickness_to_chord = 0.15

    #segment airfoil

    airfoil = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Airfoils.Airfoil()
    airfoil.coordinate_file = '/Users/Bruno/Documents/Delft/Courses/2016-2017/Thesis/Code/Airfoils/naca642415.dat'



    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Flaps
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    wing.flaps.chord = 0.20
    wing.flaps.span_start = 0.1053
    wing.flaps.span_end = 0.6842
    wing.flaps.type = 'single_slotted'

    # add to vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Horizontal Stabilizer
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Wing()
    wing.tag = 'horizontal_stabilizer'

    wing.aspect_ratio = 4.193
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord = 0.0 * Units.deg
    wing.thickness_to_chord = 0.12
    wing.taper = 1.0
    wing.span_efficiency = 0.733
    wing.spans.projected = 3.3 * Units.meter
    wing.chords.root = 0.787 * Units.meter
    wing.chords.tip = 0.787 * Units.meter
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = (wing.chords.root * (2.0 / 3.0) *
                                    ((1.0 + wing.taper + wing.taper**2.0) /
                                     (1.0 + wing.taper))) * Units.meter
    wing.areas.reference = 2.5971 * Units['meters**2']
    wing.areas.exposed = 4.0 * Units['meters**2']
    wing.areas.wetted = 4.0 * Units['meters**2']
    wing.twists.root = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.twists.tip = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.origin = [7.789, 0.0, 0.3314]  # meters
    wing.vertical = False
    wing.symmetric = True
    wing.dynamic_pressure_ratio = 0.9

    # add to vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vertical Stabilizer
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Wing()
    wing.tag = 'vertical_stabilizer'

    wing.aspect_ratio = 1.407
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord = 38.75 * Units.deg
    wing.thickness_to_chord = 0.12
    wing.taper = 0.414
    wing.span_efficiency = -0.107
    wing.spans.projected = 1.574 * Units.meter
    wing.chords.root = 1.2 * Units.meter
    wing.chords.tip = 0.497 * Units.meter
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = (wing.chords.root * (2.0 / 3.0) *
                                    ((1.0 + wing.taper + wing.taper**2.0) /
                                     (1.0 + wing.taper))) * Units.meter
    wing.areas.reference = 1.761 * Units['meters**2']
    wing.twists.root = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.twists.tip = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.origin = [7.25, 0, 0.497]  # meters
    wing.vertical = True
    wing.symmetric = False
    wing.t_tail = False
    wing.dynamic_pressure_ratio = 1.0

    # add to vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Fuselage
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    fuselage = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Fuselage()

    fuselage.tag = 'fuselage'

    #fuselage.aerodynamic_center= [2.986,0,1.077]

    fuselage.number_coach_seats = vehicle.passengers
    fuselage.seats_abreast = 2
    fuselage.seat_pitch = 0.995 * Units.meter
    fuselage.fineness.nose = 1.27
    fuselage.fineness.tail = 1  #3.31
    fuselage.lengths.nose = 1.16 * Units.meter
    fuselage.lengths.tail = 4.637 * Units.meter
    fuselage.lengths.cabin = 2.653 * Units.meter
    fuselage.lengths.total = 8.45 * Units.meter
    fuselage.lengths.fore_space = 0.0 * Units.meter
    fuselage.lengths.aft_space = 0.0 * Units.meter
    fuselage.width = 1.22 * Units.meter
    fuselage.heights.maximum = 1.41 * Units.meter
    fuselage.effective_diameter = 2 * Units.meter
    fuselage.areas.side_projected = 7.46 * Units['meters**2']
    fuselage.areas.wetted = 25.0 * Units['meters**2']
    fuselage.areas.front_projected = 1.54 * Units['meters**2']
    fuselage.differential_pressure = 0.0 * Units.pascal  # Maximum differential pressure

    fuselage.heights.at_quarter_length = 1.077 * Units.meter
    fuselage.heights.at_three_quarters_length = 0.5 * Units.meter  #0.621 * Units.meter
    fuselage.heights.at_wing_root_quarter_chord = 1.41 * Units.meter

    ## OpenVSP Design

    fuselage.OpenVSP_values = Data()  # VSP uses degrees directly

    #Nose Section

    #fuselage.OpenVSP_values.nose = Data()
    #fuselage.OpenVSP_values.nose.top = Data()
    #fuselage.OpenVSP_values.nose.side = Data()
    #fuselage.OpenVSP_values.nose.top.angle = 75.0
    #fuselage.OpenVSP_values.nose.top.strength = 0.40
    #fuselage.OpenVSP_values.nose.side.angle = 45.0
    #fuselage.OpenVSP_values.nose.side.strength = 0.75
    #fuselage.OpenVSP_values.nose.TB_Sym = True
    #fuselage.OpenVSP_values.nose.z_pos = -.015

    #MidFuselage1 Section

    fuselage.OpenVSP_values.midfus1 = Data()
    fuselage.OpenVSP_values.midfus1.z_pos = 0.03

    #MidFuselage2 Section

    fuselage.OpenVSP_values.midfus2 = Data()
    fuselage.OpenVSP_values.midfus2.z_pos = 0.06

    #MidFuselage3 Section

    fuselage.OpenVSP_values.midfus3 = Data()
    fuselage.OpenVSP_values.midfus3.z_pos = 0.04

    #Tail Section

    fuselage.OpenVSP_values.tail = Data()
    #fuselage.OpenVSP_values.tail.bottom = Data()
    fuselage.OpenVSP_values.tail.z_pos = 0.039
    #fuselage.OpenVSP_values.tail.bottom.angle = -20.0
    #fuselage.OpenVSP_values.tail.bottom.strength = 1

    ## Sections for fuselage

    # Section 1



    # Section 2




    # add to vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Propellers Powered By Batteries
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    # build network
    net = Battery_Propeller()
    net.number_of_engines = 6
    net.nacelle_diameter = 0.58 * Units.meters
    net.engine_length = 1.74 * Units.meters
    net.thrust_angle = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    net.voltage = 40.0
    net.areas = Data()
    net.areas.wetted = 1.1 * np.pi * net.nacelle_diameter * net.engine_length

    # Component 3 the ESC
    esc = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Electronic_Speed_Controller()
    esc.efficiency = 0.95  # Gundlach for brushless motors
    net.esc = esc

    # Component 4 - Propeller

    # Design the Propeller
    prop_attributes = Data()
    #prop_attributes.tag = 'propeller_variable_pitch'
    prop_attributes.number_blades = 2.0
    prop_attributes.freestream_velocity = 1. * Units['m/s']  # freestream m/s
    prop_attributes.angular_velocity = 2750 * Units['rpm']  # For 20x10 prop
    prop_attributes.tip_radius = 0.89 * Units.meter
    prop_attributes.hub_radius = 0.124 * Units.meter
    prop_attributes.design_Cl = 0.8
    prop_attributes.design_altitude = 0.0 * Units.meter
    prop_attributes.design_thrust = 0.0
    prop_attributes.design_power = 74000. * Units.watts

    w = 3
    h = net.number_of_engines / 2
    Matrix = [[0 for x in range(w)] for y in range(h)]

    Matrix[0][0] = 2.486
    Matrix[0][1] = 1.5
    Matrix[0][2] = 0.911
    Matrix[1][0] = 2.486
    Matrix[1][1] = 3.5
    Matrix[1][2] = 0.911
    Matrix[2][0] = 2.486
    Matrix[2][1] = 5.5
    Matrix[2][2] = 0.911

    prop_attributes.position = Matrix

    prop_attributes = propeller_design(prop_attributes)

    prop = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Propeller_variable_pitch()
    prop.prop_attributes = prop_attributes
    net.propeller = prop

    # Component 5 the Motor

    motor = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Motor()
    motor.resistance = 0.008
    motor.no_load_current = 4.5 * Units.ampere
    motor.speed_constant = 5800. * Units[
        'rpm']  # RPM/volt converted to (rad/s)/volt
    motor.propeller_radius = prop.prop_attributes.tip_radius
    motor.propeller_Cp = prop.prop_attributes.Cp
    motor.gear_ratio = 12.  # Gear ratio
    motor.gearbox_efficiency = .98  # Gear box efficiency
    motor.expected_current = 160.  # Expected current
    motor.mass_properties.mass = 2.0 * Units.kg
    net.motor = motor

    # Component 6 the Payload
    payload = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Payload()
    payload.power_draw = 50. * Units.watts
    payload.mass_properties.mass = 5.0 * Units.kg
    net.payload = payload

    # Component 7 the Avionics
    avionics = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()
    avionics.power_draw = 50. * Units.watts
    net.avionics = avionics

    # Component 8 the Battery
    bat = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Storages.Batteries.Constant_Mass.Lithium_Ion(
    bat.mass_properties.mass = 55.0 * Units.kg
    bat.specific_energy = 450. * Units.Wh / Units.kg
    bat.resistance = 0.05
    initialize_from_mass(bat, bat.mass_properties.mass)
    net.battery = bat

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vehicle Definition Complete
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    # add the energy network to the vehicle

    #print vehicle

    return vehicle
Exemplo n.º 10
def main():

    # Network

    # build network
    net = Solar_Low_Fidelity()
    net.number_of_engines = 1.
    net.nacelle_diameter = 0.05
    net.areas = Data()
    net.areas.wetted = 0.01 * (2 * np.pi * 0.01 / 2)
    net.engine_length = 0.01

    # Component 1 the Sun
    sun = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Processes.Solar_Radiation()
    net.solar_flux = sun

    # Component 2 the solar panels
    panel = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Solar_Panel()
    panel.ratio = 0.9
    panel.area = 1.0 * panel.ratio
    panel.efficiency = 0.25
    panel.mass_properties.mass = panel.area * (0.60 * Units.kg)
    net.solar_panel = panel

    # Component 3 the ESC
    esc = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Electronic_Speed_Controller()
    esc.efficiency = 0.95  # Gundlach for brushless motors
    net.esc = esc

    # Component 5 the Propeller
    prop = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Propeller_Lo_Fid()
    prop.propulsive_efficiency = 0.825
    net.propeller = prop

    # Component 4 the Motor
    motor = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Motor_Lo_Fid()
    motor.speed_constant = 800. * Units['rpm/volt']  # RPM/volt is standard
    motor = size_from_kv(motor)
    motor.gear_ratio = 1.  # Gear ratio, no gearbox
    motor.gearbox_efficiency = 1.  # Gear box efficiency, no gearbox
    motor.motor_efficiency = 0.825
    net.motor = motor

    # Component 6 the Payload
    payload = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Payload()
    payload.power_draw = 0.  #Watts
    payload.mass_properties.mass = 0.0 * Units.kg
    net.payload = payload

    # Component 7 the Avionics
    avionics = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()
    avionics.power_draw = 10.  #Watts
    net.avionics = avionics

    # Component 8 the Battery
    bat = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Storages.Batteries.Constant_Mass.Lithium_Ion(
    bat.mass_properties.mass = 5.0 * Units.kg
    bat.specific_energy = 250. * Units.Wh / Units.kg
    bat.resistance = 0.003
    bat.iters = 0
    net.battery = bat

    #Component 9 the system logic controller and MPPT
    logic = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Solar_Logic()
    logic.system_voltage = 18.5
    logic.MPPT_efficiency = 0.95
    net.solar_logic = logic

    # Setup the conditions to run the network
    state = Data()
    state.conditions = SUAVE.Analyses.Mission.Segments.Conditions.Aerodynamics(
    state.numerics = SUAVE.Analyses.Mission.Segments.Conditions.Numerics()

    conditions = state.conditions
    numerics = state.numerics

    # Calculate atmospheric properties
    atmosphere = SUAVE.Analyses.Atmospheric.US_Standard_1976()
    atmosphere_conditions = atmosphere.compute_values(1000. * Units.ft)

    rho = atmosphere_conditions.density[0, :]
    a = atmosphere_conditions.speed_of_sound[0, :]
    mu = atmosphere_conditions.dynamic_viscosity[0, :]
    T = atmosphere_conditions.temperature[0, :]

    conditions.propulsion.throttle = np.array([[1.0], [1.0]])
    conditions.freestream.velocity = np.array([[1.0], [1.0]])
    conditions.freestream.density = np.array([rho, rho])
    conditions.freestream.dynamic_viscosity = np.array([mu, mu])
    conditions.freestream.speed_of_sound = np.array([a, a])
    conditions.freestream.altitude = np.array([[1000.0], [1000.0]])
    conditions.propulsion.battery_energy = bat.max_energy * np.ones_like(
    conditions.frames.body.inertial_rotations = np.zeros([2, 3])
    conditions.frames.inertial.time = np.array([[0.0], [1.0]])
    numerics.time.integrate = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1]])
    numerics.time.differentiate = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1]])
    numerics.time.control_points = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1]])
    conditions.frames.planet.start_time = time.strptime(
        "Sat, Jun 21 06:00:00  2014",
        "%a, %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y",
    conditions.frames.planet.latitude = np.array([[0.0], [0.0]])
    conditions.frames.planet.longitude = np.array([[0.0], [0.0]])
    conditions.freestream.temperature = np.array([T, T])
    conditions.frames.body.transform_to_inertial = np.array([[[1., 0., 0.],
                                                              [0., 1., 0.],
                                                              [0., 0., 1.]],
                                                             [[1., 0., 0.],
                                                              [0., 1., 0.],
                                                              [0., 0., 1.]]])
    # Run the network and print the results
    results = net(state)
    F = results.thrust_force_vector

    # Truth results
    truth_F = [[68.78277813], [68.78277813]]
    truth_i = [[5.75011436], [5.75011436]]
    truth_rpm = [[14390.30435183], [14390.30435183]]
    truth_bat = [[3169014.08450704], [3168897.35916947]]

    error = Data()
    error.Thrust = np.max(np.abs(F[:, 0] - truth_F))
    error.RPM = np.max(np.abs(conditions.propulsion.propeller_rpm - truth_rpm))
    error.Current = np.max(
        np.abs(conditions.propulsion.battery_current - truth_i))
    error.Battery = np.max(np.abs(bat.current_energy - truth_bat))


    for k, v in list(error.items()):
        assert (np.abs(v) < 1e-6)

Exemplo n.º 11
def main():

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Propulsor
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # build network
    net = Solar()
    net.number_of_engines = 1.
    net.nacelle_dia       = 0.2
    # Component 1 the Sun?
    sun = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Processes.Solar_Radiation()
    net.solar_flux = sun
    # Component 2 the solar panels
    panel = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Solar_Panel()
    panel.area                 = 100 * Units.m
    panel.efficiency           = 0.18
    panel.mass_properties.mass = panel.area*.600
    net.solar_panel            = panel
    # Component 3 the ESC
    esc = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Electronic_Speed_Controller()
    esc.efficiency = 0.95 # Gundlach for brushless motors
    net.esc       = esc
    # Component 5 the Propeller
    # Propeller design specs
    design_altitude = 0.0 * Units.km
    Velocity        = 10.0  # freestream m/s
    RPM             = 5887
    Blades          = 2.0
    Radius          = .4064
    Hub_Radius      = 0.05
    Design_Cl       = 0.7
    Thrust          = 0.0 #Specify either thrust or power to design for
    Power           = 7500.  #Specify either thrust or power to design for
    # Design the Propeller
    prop_attributes = Data()
    prop_attributes.number_blades       = Blades 
    prop_attributes.freestream_velocity = Velocity
    prop_attributes.angular_velocity    = RPM*(2.*np.pi/60.0)
    prop_attributes.tip_radius          = Radius
    prop_attributes.hub_radius          = Hub_Radius
    prop_attributes.design_Cl           = Design_Cl 
    prop_attributes.design_altitude     = design_altitude
    prop_attributes.design_thrust       = Thrust
    prop_attributes.design_power        = Power
    prop_attributes                     = propeller_design(prop_attributes)
    # Create and attach this propeller
    prop                 = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Propeller()
    prop.prop_attributes = prop_attributes
    net.propeller        = prop
    # Component 4 the Motor
    motor = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Motor()
    motor.resistance           = 0.01
    motor.no_load_current      = 8.0
    motor.speed_constant       = 140.*(2.*np.pi/60.) # RPM/volt converted to rad/s     
    motor.propeller_radius     = prop.prop_attributes.tip_radius
    #motor.propeller_Cp         = prop.prop_attributes.Cp
    motor.gear_ratio           = 1.
    motor.gearbox_efficiency   = 1.
    motor.expected_current     = 260.
    motor.mass_properties.mass = 2.0
    net.motor                  = motor   
    # Component 6 the Payload
    payload = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Payload()
    payload.power_draw           = 0. #Watts 
    payload.mass_properties.mass = 0. * Units.kg
    net.payload                  = payload
    # Component 7 the Avionics
    avionics = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()
    avionics.power_draw = 0. #Watts  
    net.avionics        = avionics      
    # Component 8 the Battery
    bat = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Storages.Batteries.Constant_Mass.Lithium_Ion()
    batterymass = 50.  #kg
    bat.type = 'Li-Ion'
    bat.resistance = 0.0
    bat.energy_density = 250.
    bat.current_energy = bat.max_energy
    net.battery = bat
    #Component 9 the system logic controller and MPPT
    logic = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Solar_Logic()
    logic.system_voltage  = 50.0
    logic.MPPT_efficiency = 0.95
    net.solar_logic       = logic
    # Setup the conditions to run the network
    state            = Data()
    state.conditions = SUAVE.Analyses.Mission.Segments.Conditions.Aerodynamics()
    state.numerics   = SUAVE.Analyses.Mission.Segments.Conditions.Numerics()
    conditions = state.conditions
    numerics   = state.numerics
    # Calculate atmospheric properties
    atmosphere = SUAVE.Analyses.Atmospheric.US_Standard_1976()
    atmosphere_conditions =  atmosphere.compute_values(prop_attributes.design_altitude)
    rho = atmosphere_conditions.density[0,:]
    a   = atmosphere_conditions.speed_of_sound[0,:]
    mu  = atmosphere_conditions.dynamic_viscosity[0,:]
    T   = atmosphere_conditions.temperature[0,:]

    conditions.propulsion.throttle            = np.array([[1.0],[1.0]])
    conditions.freestream.velocity            = np.array([[1.0],[1.0]])
    conditions.freestream.density             = np.array([rho,rho])
    conditions.freestream.dynamic_viscosity   = np.array([mu, mu])
    conditions.freestream.speed_of_sound      = np.array([a, a])
    conditions.freestream.altitude            = np.array([[design_altitude], [design_altitude]])
    conditions.propulsion.battery_energy      = bat.max_energy*np.ones_like(conditions.freestream.altitude)
    conditions.frames.body.inertial_rotations = np.zeros([2,3])
    conditions.frames.inertial.time           = np.array([[0.0],[1.0]])
    numerics.time.integrate                   = np.array([[0, 0],[0, 1]])
    numerics.time.differentiate               = np.array([[0, 0],[0, 1]])
    conditions.frames.planet.start_time       = time.strptime("Sat, Jun 21 06:00:00  2014", "%a, %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y",) 
    conditions.frames.planet.latitude         = np.array([[0.0],[0.0]])
    conditions.frames.planet.longitude        = np.array([[0.0],[0.0]])
    conditions.freestream.temperature         = np.array([T, T])
    conditions.frames.body.transform_to_inertial = np.array([[[ 1.,  0.,  0.],
                                                              [ 0.,  1.,  0.],
                                                              [ 0.,  0.,  1.]],
                                                             [[ 1.,  0.,  0.],
                                                              [ 0.,  1.,  0.],
                                                              [ 0.,  0.,  1.]]])
    conditions.propulsion.propeller_power_coefficient = np.array([[1.], [1.]]) * prop.prop_attributes.Cp
    # Run the network and print the results
    results = net(state)
    F       = results.thrust_force_vector
    # Truth results
    truth_F   = [[ 545.35952329,  545.35952329]]
    truth_i   = [[ 249.31622624], [ 249.31622624]]
    truth_rpm = [[ 6668.4094191], [ 6668.4094191]]
    truth_bat = [[ 36000000.   ], [ 35987534.18868808]]
    error = Data()
    error.Thrust = np.max(np.abs(F[:,0]-truth_F))
    error.RPM = np.max(np.abs(conditions.propulsion.rpm-truth_rpm))
    error.Current  = np.max(np.abs(conditions.propulsion.current-truth_i))
    error.Battery = np.max(np.abs(bat.current_energy-truth_bat))
    for k,v in list(error.items()):
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_initialize_from_mass(battery, mass):
    initialize_from_mass(battery, mass)
    print battery
Exemplo n.º 13
def vehicle_setup():

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Initialize the Vehicle
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    vehicle = SUAVE.Vehicle()
    vehicle.tag = 'Lift_Cruise_CRM'
    vehicle.configuration = 'eVTOL'

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vehicle-level Properties
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # mass properties
    vehicle.mass_properties.takeoff = 2450. * Units.lb
    vehicle.mass_properties.operating_empty = 2250. * Units.lb  # Approximate
    vehicle.mass_properties.max_takeoff = 2450. * Units.lb  # Approximate
    vehicle.mass_properties.max_payload = 200. * Units.lb
    vehicle.mass_properties.center_of_gravity = [[2.0144, 0.,
                                                  0.]]  # Approximate

    # basic parameters
    vehicle.reference_area = 10.76
    vehicle.envelope.ultimate_load = 5.7
    vehicle.envelope.limit_load = 3.

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # WINGS
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Main_Wing()
    wing.tag = 'main_wing'
    wing.aspect_ratio = 10.76
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.thickness_to_chord = 0.18
    wing.taper = 1.
    wing.spans.projected = 35.0 * Units.feet
    wing.chords.root = 3.25 * Units.feet
    wing.total_length = 3.25 * Units.feet
    wing.chords.tip = 3.25 * Units.feet
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = 3.25 * Units.feet
    wing.dihedral = 1.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.areas.reference = 113.75 * Units.feet**2
    wing.areas.wetted = 227.5 * Units.feet**2
    wing.areas.exposed = 227.5 * Units.feet**2
    wing.twists.root = 4.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.twists.tip = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.origin = [[1.5, 0., 0.]]
    wing.aerodynamic_center = [1.975, 0., 0.]
    wing.winglet_fraction = 0.0
    wing.symmetric = True
    wing.vertical = False

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'Section_1'
    segment.percent_span_location = 0.
    segment.twist = 0.
    segment.root_chord_percent = 1.5
    segment.dihedral_outboard = 1.0 * Units.degrees
    segment.sweeps.quarter_chord = 8.5 * Units.degrees
    segment.thickness_to_chord = 0.18

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'Section_2'
    segment.percent_span_location = 0.227
    segment.twist = 0.
    segment.root_chord_percent = 1.
    segment.dihedral_outboard = 1.0 * Units.degrees
    segment.sweeps.quarter_chord = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    segment.thickness_to_chord = 0.12

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'Section_3'
    segment.percent_span_location = 1.0
    segment.twist = 0.
    segment.root_chord_percent = 1.0
    segment.dihedral_outboard = 1.0 * Units.degrees
    segment.sweeps.quarter_chord = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    segment.thickness_to_chord = 0.12

    # Fill out more segment properties automatically
    wing = wing_segmented_planform(wing)

    # add to vehicle

    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Wing()
    wing.tag = 'horizontal_tail'
    wing.aspect_ratio = 4.0
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord = 0.0
    wing.thickness_to_chord = 0.12
    wing.taper = 1.0
    wing.spans.projected = 8.0 * Units.feet
    wing.chords.root = 2.0 * Units.feet
    wing.total_length = 2.0 * Units.feet
    wing.chords.tip = 2.0 * Units.feet
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = 2.0 * Units.feet
    wing.dihedral = 0. * Units.degrees
    wing.areas.reference = 16.0 * Units.feet**2
    wing.areas.wetted = 32.0 * Units.feet**2
    wing.areas.exposed = 32.0 * Units.feet**2
    wing.twists.root = 0. * Units.degrees
    wing.twists.tip = 0. * Units.degrees
    wing.origin = [[4.0, 0.0, 0.205]]
    wing.aerodynamic_center = [4.2, 0., 0.]
    wing.symmetric = True

    # add to vehicle

    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Wing()
    wing.tag = 'vertical_tail_1'
    wing.aspect_ratio = 2.
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord = 20.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.thickness_to_chord = 0.12
    wing.taper = 0.5
    wing.spans.projected = 3.0 * Units.feet
    wing.chords.root = 2.0 * Units.feet
    wing.total_length = 2.0 * Units.feet
    wing.chords.tip = 1.0 * Units.feet
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = 1.5 * Units.feet
    wing.areas.reference = 4.5 * Units.feet**2
    wing.areas.wetted = 9.0 * Units.feet**2
    wing.areas.exposed = 9.0 * Units.feet**2
    wing.twists.root = 0. * Units.degrees
    wing.twists.tip = 0. * Units.degrees
    wing.origin = [[4.0, 4.0 * 0.3048, 0.205]]
    wing.aerodynamic_center = [4.2, 0, 0]
    wing.winglet_fraction = 0.0
    wing.vertical = True
    wing.symmetric = False

    # add to vehicle

    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Wing()
    wing.tag = 'vertical_tail_2'
    wing.aspect_ratio = 2.
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord = 20.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.thickness_to_chord = 0.12
    wing.taper = 0.5
    wing.spans.projected = 3.0 * Units.feet
    wing.chords.root = 2.0 * Units.feet
    wing.total_length = 2.0 * Units.feet
    wing.chords.tip = 1.0 * Units.feet
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = 1.5 * Units.feet
    wing.areas.reference = 4.5 * Units.feet**2
    wing.areas.wetted = 9.0 * Units.feet**2
    wing.areas.exposed = 9.0 * Units.feet**2
    wing.twists.root = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.twists.tip = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.origin = [[4.0, -4.0 * 0.3048, 0.205]]
    wing.aerodynamic_center = [4.2, 0, 0]
    wing.winglet_fraction = 0.0
    wing.vertical = True
    wing.symmetric = False

    # add to vehicle

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------
    fuselage = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Fuselage()
    fuselage.tag = 'fuselage'
    fuselage.configuration = 'Tube_Wing'
    fuselage.seats_abreast = 2.
    fuselage.seat_pitch = 3.
    fuselage.fineness.nose = 0.88
    fuselage.fineness.tail = 1.13
    fuselage.lengths.nose = 3.2 * Units.feet
    fuselage.lengths.tail = 6.4 * Units.feet
    fuselage.lengths.cabin = 6.4 * Units.feet
    fuselage.lengths.total = 5.1
    fuselage.width = 5.85 * Units.feet
    fuselage.heights.maximum = 4.65 * Units.feet
    fuselage.heights.at_quarter_length = 3.75 * Units.feet
    fuselage.heights.at_wing_root_quarter_chord = 4.65 * Units.feet
    fuselage.heights.at_three_quarters_length = 4.26 * Units.feet
    fuselage.areas.wetted = 236. * Units.feet**2
    fuselage.areas.front_projected = 0.14 * Units.feet**2
    fuselage.effective_diameter = 5.85 * Units.feet
    fuselage.differential_pressure = 0.

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_0'
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.
    segment.percent_z_location = -0.267 / 4.10534
    segment.height = 0.1
    segment.width = 0.1

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_1'
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.2579 / 4.10534
    segment.percent_z_location = -0.05881 / 1.372
    segment.height = 0.5201
    segment.width = 0.75

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_2'
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.9939 / 4.10534
    segment.percent_z_location = -0.0446 / 4.10534
    segment.height = 1.18940
    segment.width = 1.42045

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_3'
    segment.percent_x_location = 1.95060 / 4.10534
    segment.percent_z_location = 0
    segment.height = 1.37248
    segment.width = 1.35312

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_4'
    segment.percent_x_location = 3.02797 / 4.10534
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.25 / 4.10534
    segment.height = 0.6
    segment.width = 0.4

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_5'
    segment.percent_x_location = 1.
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.42522 / 4.10534
    segment.height = 0.05
    segment.width = 0.05

    # add to vehicle

    long_boom = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Fuselage()
    long_boom.tag = 'boom_1r'
    long_boom.configuration = 'boom'
    long_boom.origin = [[0.543, 1.630, -0.326]]
    long_boom.seats_abreast = 0.
    long_boom.seat_pitch = 0.0
    long_boom.fineness.nose = 0.950
    long_boom.fineness.tail = 1.029
    long_boom.lengths.nose = 0.2
    long_boom.lengths.tail = 0.2
    long_boom.lengths.cabin = 2.5
    long_boom.lengths.total = 3.5
    long_boom.width = 0.15
    long_boom.heights.maximum = 0.15
    long_boom.heights.at_quarter_length = 0.15
    long_boom.heights.at_three_quarters_length = 0.15
    long_boom.heights.at_wing_root_quarter_chord = 0.15
    long_boom.areas.wetted = 0.018
    long_boom.areas.front_projected = 0.018
    long_boom.effective_diameter = 0.15
    long_boom.differential_pressure = 0.
    long_boom.symmetric = True
    long_boom.index = 1

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_1'
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.0
    segment.height = 0.05
    segment.width = 0.05

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_2'
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.2 / 5.6
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.
    segment.height = 0.15
    segment.width = 0.15

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_3'
    segment.percent_x_location = 5.4 / 5.6
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.
    segment.height = 0.15
    segment.width = 0.15

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_4'
    segment.percent_x_location = 1.
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.
    segment.height = 0.05
    segment.width = 0.05

    # add to vehicle

    # add left long boom
    long_boom = deepcopy(vehicle.fuselages.boom_1r)
    long_boom.origin[0][1] = -long_boom.origin[0][1]
    long_boom.tag = 'Boom_1L'
    long_boom.index = 1

    short_boom = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Fuselage()
    short_boom.tag = 'boom_2r'
    short_boom.configuration = 'boom'
    short_boom.origin = [[0.543, 2.826, -0.326]]
    short_boom.seats_abreast = 0.
    short_boom.seat_pitch = 0.0
    short_boom.fineness.nose = 0.950
    short_boom.fineness.tail = 1.029
    short_boom.lengths.nose = 0.2
    short_boom.lengths.tail = 0.2
    short_boom.lengths.cabin = 2.0
    short_boom.lengths.total = 3.3
    short_boom.width = 0.15
    short_boom.heights.maximum = 0.15
    short_boom.heights.at_quarter_length = 0.15
    short_boom.heights.at_three_quarters_length = 0.15
    short_boom.heights.at_wing_root_quarter_chord = 0.15
    short_boom.areas.wetted = 0.018
    short_boom.areas.front_projected = 0.018
    short_boom.effective_diameter = 0.15
    short_boom.differential_pressure = 0.
    short_boom.y_pitch_count = 2
    short_boom.y_pitch = 1.196
    short_boom.symmetric = True
    short_boom.index = 1

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_1'
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.0
    segment.height = 0.05
    segment.width = 0.05

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_2'
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.2 / 3.3
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.
    segment.height = 0.15
    segment.width = 0.15

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_3'
    segment.percent_x_location = 3.1 / 3.3
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.
    segment.height = 0.15
    segment.width = 0.15

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_4'
    segment.percent_x_location = 1.
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.
    segment.height = 0.05
    segment.width = 0.05

    # add to vehicle

    # add outer right boom
    short_boom = deepcopy(vehicle.fuselages.boom_2r)
    short_boom.origin[0][1] = short_boom.y_pitch + short_boom.origin[0][1]
    short_boom.tag = 'boom_3r'
    short_boom.index = 1

    # add inner left boom
    short_boom = deepcopy(vehicle.fuselages.boom_2r)
    short_boom.origin[0][1] = -(short_boom.origin[0][1])
    short_boom.tag = 'boom_2l'
    short_boom.index = 1

    short_boom = deepcopy(vehicle.fuselages.boom_2r)
    short_boom.origin[0][1] = -(short_boom.origin[0][1] + short_boom.y_pitch)
    short_boom.tag = 'boom_3l'
    short_boom.index = 1

    # Nacelles
    rotor_nacelle = SUAVE.Components.Nacelles.Nacelle()
    rotor_nacelle.tag = 'rotor_nacelle'
    rotor_nacelle_origins = [[0.543, 1.63, -0.126], [0.543, -1.63, -0.126],
                             [3.843, 1.63, -0.126], [3.843, -1.63, -0.126],
                             [0.543, 2.826, -0.126], [0.543, -2.826, -0.126],
                             [3.843, 2.826, -0.126], [3.843, -2.826, -0.126],
                             [0.543, 4.022, -0.126], [0.543, -4.022, -0.126],
                             [3.843, 4.022, -0.126], [3.843, -4.022, -0.126]]
    rotor_nacelle.length = 0.25
    rotor_nacelle.diameter = 0.25
    rotor_nacelle.orientation_euler_angles = [0, -90 * Units.degrees, 0.]
    rotor_nacelle.flow_through = False

    nac_segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    nac_segment.tag = 'segment_1'
    nac_segment.percent_x_location = 0.0
    nac_segment.height = 0.2
    nac_segment.width = 0.2

    nac_segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    nac_segment.tag = 'segment_2'
    nac_segment.percent_x_location = 0.25
    nac_segment.height = 0.25
    nac_segment.width = 0.25

    nac_segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    nac_segment.tag = 'segment_3'
    nac_segment.percent_x_location = 0.5
    nac_segment.height = 0.3
    nac_segment.width = 0.3

    nac_segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    nac_segment.tag = 'segment_4'
    nac_segment.percent_x_location = 0.75
    nac_segment.height = 0.25
    nac_segment.width = 0.25

    nac_segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    nac_segment.tag = 'segment_5'
    nac_segment.percent_x_location = 1.0
    nac_segment.height = 0.2
    nac_segment.width = 0.2

    rotor_nacelle.areas.wetted = np.pi * rotor_nacelle.diameter * rotor_nacelle.length + 0.5 * np.pi * rotor_nacelle.diameter**2

    for idx in range(12):
        nacelle = deepcopy(rotor_nacelle)
        nacelle.tag = 'nacelle_' + str(idx)
        nacelle.origin = [rotor_nacelle_origins[idx]]

    # network
    net = Lift_Cruise()
    net.number_of_lift_rotor_engines = 12
    net.number_of_propeller_engines = 1
    net.nacelle_diameter = 0.6 * Units.feet
    net.engine_length = 0.5 * Units.feet
    net.areas = Data()
    net.areas.wetted = np.pi * net.nacelle_diameter * net.engine_length + 0.5 * np.pi * net.nacelle_diameter**2
    net.voltage = 500.

    # Design Electronic Speed Controller
    lift_rotor_esc = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Electronic_Speed_Controller(
    lift_rotor_esc.efficiency = 0.95
    net.lift_rotor_esc = lift_rotor_esc

    propeller_esc = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Electronic_Speed_Controller(
    propeller_esc.efficiency = 0.95
    net.propeller_esc = propeller_esc

    # Design Payload
    payload = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()
    payload.power_draw = 0.
    payload.mass_properties.mass = 200. * Units.kg
    net.payload = payload

    # Design Avionics
    avionics = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()
    avionics.power_draw = 200. * Units.watts
    net.avionics = avionics

    # Design Battery
    bat = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Storages.Batteries.Constant_Mass.Lithium_Ion_LiNiMnCoO2_18650(
    bat.mass_properties.mass = 500. * Units.kg
    bat.max_voltage = net.voltage

    # Here we, are going to assume a battery pack module shape. This step is optional but
    # required for thermal analysis of tge pack
    number_of_modules = 10
    bat.module_config.total = int(
        np.ceil(bat.pack_config.total / number_of_modules))
    bat.module_config.normal_count = int(
        np.ceil(bat.module_config.total / bat.pack_config.series))
    bat.module_config.parallel_count = int(
        np.ceil(bat.module_config.total / bat.pack_config.parallel))
    net.battery = bat

    # Design Rotors and Propellers
    # atmosphere and flight conditions for propeller/rotor design
    g = 9.81  # gravitational acceleration
    S = vehicle.reference_area  # reference area
    speed_of_sound = 340  # speed of sound
    rho = 1.22  # reference density
    fligth_CL = 0.75  # cruise target lift coefficient
    AR = vehicle.wings.main_wing.aspect_ratio  # aspect ratio
    Cd0 = 0.06  # profile drag
    Cdi = fligth_CL**2 / (np.pi * AR * 0.98)  # induced drag
    Cd = Cd0 + Cdi  # total drag
    V_inf = 110. * Units['mph']  # freestream velocity
    Drag = S * (0.5 * rho * V_inf**2) * Cd  # cruise drag
    Hover_Load = vehicle.mass_properties.takeoff * g  # hover load
    net.identical_propellers = True
    net.identical_lift_rotors = True

    # Thrust Propeller
    propeller = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Propeller()
    propeller.number_of_blades = 3
    propeller.freestream_velocity = V_inf
    propeller.tip_radius = 1.0668
    propeller.hub_radius = 0.21336
    propeller.design_tip_mach = 0.5
    propeller.angular_velocity = propeller.design_tip_mach * speed_of_sound / propeller.tip_radius
    propeller.design_Cl = 0.7
    propeller.design_altitude = 1000 * Units.feet
    propeller.design_thrust = (Drag * 2.5) / net.number_of_propeller_engines
    propeller.variable_pitch = True

    propeller.airfoil_geometry = ['../Vehicles/Airfoils/NACA_4412.txt']
    propeller.airfoil_polars = [[

    propeller.airfoil_polar_stations = [
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
    propeller = propeller_design(propeller,
    propeller.origin = [[16. * 0.3048, 0., 2.02 * 0.3048]]

    # Lift Rotors
    lift_rotor = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Lift_Rotor()
    lift_rotor.tip_radius = 2.8 * Units.feet
    lift_rotor.hub_radius = 0.35 * Units.feet
    lift_rotor.number_of_blades = 2
    lift_rotor.design_tip_mach = 0.65
    lift_rotor.disc_area = np.pi * (lift_rotor.tip_radius**2)
    lift_rotor.freestream_velocity = 500. * Units['ft/min']
    lift_rotor.angular_velocity = lift_rotor.design_tip_mach * speed_of_sound / lift_rotor.tip_radius
    lift_rotor.design_Cl = 0.7
    lift_rotor.design_altitude = 20 * Units.feet
    lift_rotor.design_thrust = Hover_Load / (
        net.number_of_lift_rotor_engines - 1
    )  # contingency for one-engine-inoperative condition
    lift_rotor.variable_pitch = True

    lift_rotor.airfoil_geometry = ['../Vehicles/Airfoils/NACA_4412.txt']
    lift_rotor.airfoil_polars = [[

    lift_rotor.airfoil_polar_stations = [
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
    lift_rotor = propeller_design(lift_rotor)

    # Appending rotors with different origins
    rotations = [1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1]
    origins = [[0.543, 1.63, -0.126], [0.543, -1.63, -0.126],
               [3.843, 1.63, -0.126], [3.843, -1.63, -0.126],
               [0.543, 2.826, -0.126], [0.543, -2.826, -0.126],
               [3.843, 2.826, -0.126], [3.843, -2.826, -0.126],
               [0.543, 4.022, -0.126], [0.543, -4.022, -0.126],
               [3.843, 4.022, -0.126], [3.843, -4.022, -0.126]]

    for ii in range(12):
        lift_rotor = deepcopy(lift_rotor)
        lift_rotor.tag = 'lift_rotor'
        lift_rotor.rotation = rotations[ii]
        lift_rotor.origin = [origins[ii]]

    net.number_of_lift_rotor_engines = 12

    # append propellers to vehicle
    net.lift_rotor = lift_rotor

    # Design Motors
    # Propeller (Thrust) motor
    propeller_motor = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Motor()
    propeller_motor.efficiency = 0.95
    propeller_motor.nominal_voltage = bat.max_voltage
    propeller_motor.mass_properties.mass = 2.0 * Units.kg
    propeller_motor.origin = propeller.origin
    propeller_motor.propeller_radius = propeller.tip_radius
    propeller_motor.no_load_current = 2.0
    propeller_motor = size_optimal_motor(propeller_motor, propeller)

    # Rotor (Lift) Motor
    lift_rotor_motor = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Motor()
    lift_rotor_motor.efficiency = 0.85
    lift_rotor_motor.nominal_voltage = bat.max_voltage * 3 / 4
    lift_rotor_motor.mass_properties.mass = 3. * Units.kg
    lift_rotor_motor.origin = lift_rotor.origin
    lift_rotor_motor.propeller_radius = lift_rotor.tip_radius
    lift_rotor_motor.gearbox_efficiency = 1.0
    lift_rotor_motor.no_load_current = 4.0
    lift_rotor_motor = size_optimal_motor(lift_rotor_motor, lift_rotor)

    # Appending motors with different origins
    for _ in range(12):
        lift_rotor_motor = deepcopy(lift_rotor_motor)
        lift_rotor_motor.tag = 'motor'

    # append motor origin spanwise locations onto wing data structure

    # Add extra drag sources from motors, props, and landing gear. All of these hand measured
    motor_height = .25 * Units.feet
    motor_width = 1.6 * Units.feet
    propeller_width = 1. * Units.inches
    propeller_height = propeller_width * .12
    main_gear_width = 1.5 * Units.inches
    main_gear_length = 2.5 * Units.feet
    nose_gear_width = 2. * Units.inches
    nose_gear_length = 2. * Units.feet
    nose_tire_height = (0.7 + 0.4) * Units.feet
    nose_tire_width = 0.4 * Units.feet
    main_tire_height = (0.75 + 0.5) * Units.feet
    main_tire_width = 4. * Units.inches
    total_excrescence_area_spin      = 12.*motor_height*motor_width + 2.*main_gear_length*main_gear_width \
        + nose_gear_width*nose_gear_length + 2*main_tire_height*main_tire_width\
        + nose_tire_height*nose_tire_width
    total_excrescence_area_no_spin = total_excrescence_area_spin + 12 * propeller_height * propeller_width
    vehicle.excrescence_area_no_spin = total_excrescence_area_no_spin
    vehicle.excrescence_area_spin = total_excrescence_area_spin

    vehicle.wings['main_wing'].motor_spanwise_locations = np.multiply(
        2. / 36.25, [
            -5.435, -5.435, -9.891, -9.891, -14.157, -14.157, 5.435, 5.435,
            9.891, 9.891, 14.157, 14.157

    vehicle.wings['main_wing'].winglet_fraction = 0.0
    vehicle.wings['main_wing'].thickness_to_chord = 0.18
    vehicle.wings['main_wing'].chords.mean_aerodynamic = 0.9644599977664836

    vehicle.weight_breakdown = empty(vehicle)

    return vehicle
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_initialize_from_mass(battery,mass):
    print battery
Exemplo n.º 15
def vehicle_setup():

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Initialize the Vehicle
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    vehicle = SUAVE.Vehicle()
    vehicle.tag = 'Tecnam_P2006TElectric'

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vehicle-level Properties
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    # mass properties
    vehicle.mass_properties.max_takeoff = 1400 * Units.kilogram
    vehicle.mass_properties.takeoff = 1400 * Units.kilogram
    vehicle.mass_properties.operating_empty = 1000 * Units.kilogram
    vehicle.mass_properties.max_zero_fuel = 1400 * Units.kilogram
    vehicle.mass_properties.cargo = 80 * Units.kilogram

    # envelope properties
    vehicle.envelope.ultimate_load = 5.7
    vehicle.envelope.limit_load = 3.8

    # basic parameters
    vehicle.reference_area = 64.4 * Units['meters**2']
    vehicle.passengers = 4
    vehicle.systems.control = "fully powered"
    vehicle.systems.accessories = "medium range"

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Landing Gear
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # used for noise calculations
    landing_gear = SUAVE.Components.Landing_Gear.Landing_Gear()
    landing_gear.tag = "main_landing_gear"

    landing_gear.main_tire_diameter = 0.423 * Units.m
    landing_gear.nose_tire_diameter = 0.3625 * Units.m
    landing_gear.main_strut_length = 0.4833 * Units.m
    landing_gear.nose_strut_length = 0.3625 * Units.m
    landing_gear.main_units = 2  #number of main landing gear units
    landing_gear.nose_units = 1  #number of nose landing gear
    landing_gear.main_wheels = 1  #number of wheels on the main landing gear
    landing_gear.nose_wheels = 1  #number of wheels on the nose landing gear
    vehicle.landing_gear = landing_gear

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Fuselage
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    fuselage = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Fuselage()
    fuselage.tag = 'fuselage'

    fuselage.number_coach_seats = vehicle.passengers
    fuselage.seats_abreast = 2
    fuselage.seat_pitch = 0.995 * Units.meter
    fuselage.fineness.nose = 1.27
    fuselage.fineness.tail = 1  #3.31
    fuselage.lengths.nose = 1.16 * Units.meter
    fuselage.lengths.tail = 4.637 * Units.meter
    fuselage.lengths.cabin = 2.653 * Units.meter
    fuselage.lengths.total = 8.45 * Units.meter
    fuselage.lengths.fore_space = 0.0 * Units.meter
    fuselage.lengths.aft_space = 0.0 * Units.meter
    fuselage.width = 1.22 * Units.meter
    fuselage.heights.maximum = 1.41 * Units.meter
    fuselage.effective_diameter = 2 * Units.meter
    fuselage.areas.side_projected = 7.46 * Units['meters**2']
    fuselage.areas.wetted = 25.0 * Units['meters**2']
    fuselage.areas.front_projected = 1.54 * Units['meters**2']
    fuselage.differential_pressure = 0.0 * Units.pascal  # Maximum differential pressure

    fuselage.heights.at_quarter_length = 1.077 * Units.meter
    fuselage.heights.at_three_quarters_length = 0.5 * Units.meter  #0.621 * Units.meter
    fuselage.heights.at_wing_root_quarter_chord = 1.41 * Units.meter

    # add to vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Main Wing
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Main_Wing()
    wing.tag = 'main_wing'

    wing.thickness_to_chord = 0.15
    wing.taper = 0.7016
    wing.spans.projected = 9.631680 * Units.meter
    wing.chords.root = 0.7559040 * Units.meter
    wing.chords.tip = wing.chords.root * wing.taper
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = 0.6 * Units.meter
    wing.areas.reference = (wing.chords.root +
                            wing.chords.tip) * wing.spans.projected / 2
    wing.twists.root = 0. * Units.degrees
    wing.twists.tip = 0. * Units.degrees
    wing.dihedral = 1. * Units.degrees
    wing.origin = [2.986, 0, 1.077]  # meters
    wing.sweeps.leading_edge = 1.9 * Units.deg
    wing.aspect_ratio = (wing.spans.projected *
                         wing.spans.projected) / wing.areas.reference
    wing.span_efficiency = 0.99 * (
        1 - 0.0407 * (fuselage.width / wing.spans.projected) - 1.792 *
        ((fuselage.width / wing.spans.projected)**2))
    wing.vertical = False
    wing.symmetric = True
    wing.high_lift = True
    wing.dynamic_pressure_ratio = 1.0

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Flaps
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    wing.flaps.chord = 0.20
    wing.flaps.span_start = 0.1053
    wing.flaps.span_end = 0.6842
    wing.flaps.type = 'single_slotted'

    # add to vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Horizontal Stabilizer
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Wing()
    wing.tag = 'horizontal_stabilizer'

    wing.aspect_ratio = 4.193
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord = 0.0 * Units.deg
    wing.thickness_to_chord = 0.12
    wing.taper = 1.0
    wing.span_efficiency = 0.733
    wing.spans.projected = 3.3 * Units.meter
    wing.chords.root = 0.787 * Units.meter
    wing.chords.tip = 0.787 * Units.meter
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = (wing.chords.root * (2.0 / 3.0) *
                                    ((1.0 + wing.taper + wing.taper**2.0) /
                                     (1.0 + wing.taper))) * Units.meter
    wing.areas.reference = 2.5971 * Units['meters**2']
    wing.areas.exposed = 4.0 * Units['meters**2']
    wing.areas.wetted = 4.0 * Units['meters**2']
    wing.twists.root = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.twists.tip = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.origin = [7.789, 0.0, 0.3314]  # meters
    wing.vertical = False
    wing.symmetric = True
    wing.dynamic_pressure_ratio = 0.9

    # add to vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vertical Stabilizer
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Wing()
    wing.tag = 'vertical_stabilizer'

    wing.aspect_ratio = 1.407
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord = 38.75 * Units.deg
    wing.thickness_to_chord = 0.12
    wing.taper = 1.0
    wing.span_efficiency = -0.107
    wing.spans.projected = 1.574 * Units.meter
    wing.chords.root = 1.2 * Units.meter
    wing.chords.tip = 0.497 * Units.meter
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = (wing.chords.root * (2.0 / 3.0) *
                                    ((1.0 + wing.taper + wing.taper**2.0) /
                                     (1.0 + wing.taper))) * Units.meter
    wing.areas.reference = 1.761 * Units['meters**2']
    wing.twists.root = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.twists.tip = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.origin = [7.25, 0, 0.497]  # meters
    wing.vertical = True
    wing.symmetric = False
    wing.t_tail = False
    wing.dynamic_pressure_ratio = 1.0

    # add to vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Propellers Powered By Batteries
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    # build network
    net = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Networks.Lift_Forward_Propulsor_Network_Lo_Fi(

    net.nacelle_diameter_lift = 0.08 * Units.meters
    net.nacelle_diameter_forward = 0.1732 * Units.meters
    net.engine_length_lift = 0.47244 * Units.meters
    net.engine_length_forward = 1.2 * Units.meters
    net.number_of_engines_lift = 12
    net.number_of_engines_forward = 2
    net.thrust_angle_lift = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    net.thrust_angle_forward = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    net.voltage = 461.
    net.areas_forward = Data()
    net.areas_forward.wetted = 1.1 * np.pi * net.nacelle_diameter_forward * net.engine_length_forward
    net.areas_lift = Data()
    net.areas_lift.wetted = 1.1 * np.pi * net.nacelle_diameter_forward * net.engine_length_lift

    # Component 1 - Tip ESC
    esc = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Electronic_Speed_Controller()
    esc.efficiency = 0.95  # Gundlach for brushless motors
    net.esc_forward = esc

    # Component 1 - High Lift ESC
    esc = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Electronic_Speed_Controller()
    esc.efficiency = 0.95  # Gundlach for brushless motors
    net.esc_lift = esc

    # Component 2 Tip Propeller
    prop = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Propeller_Lo_Fid()
    prop.propulsive_efficiency = 0.95
    prop.tip_radius = 0.762 * Units.meter
    net.propeller_forward = prop

    # Component 2 High Lift Propeller
    prop = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Propeller_Lo_Fid()
    prop.propulsive_efficiency = 0.95
    prop.tip_radius = 0.2880360 * Units.meter
    net.propeller_lift = prop

    # Component 3 Tip Motor
    motor = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Motor_Lo_Fid()
    kv = 300. * Units['rpm/volt']  # RPM/volt is standard
    motor.expected_current = 1000.0
    motor = size_from_kv(motor, kv)
    motor.gear_ratio = 1.  # Gear ratio, no gearbox
    motor.gearbox_efficiency = 1.  # Gear box efficiency, no gearbox
    motor.motor_efficiency = 0.95
    net.motor_forward = motor

    # Component 3 High Lift Motor
    motor = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Motor_Lo_Fid()
    kv = 3691. * Units['rpm/volt']  # RPM/volt is standard
    motor.expected_current = 1000.0
    motor = size_from_kv(motor, kv)
    motor.gear_ratio = 1.  # Gear ratio, no gearbox
    motor.gearbox_efficiency = 1.  # Gear box efficiency, no gearbox
    motor.motor_efficiency = 0.95
    net.motor_lift = motor

    # Component 4 - the Payload
    payload = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Payload()
    payload.power_draw = 50. * Units.watts
    payload.mass_properties.mass = 5.0 * Units.kg
    net.payload = payload

    # Component 5 - the Avionics
    avionics = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()
    avionics.power_draw = 50. * Units.watts
    net.avionics = avionics

    # Component 6 - the Battery
    bat = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Storages.Batteries.Constant_Mass.Lithium_Ion(
    bat.mass_properties.mass = 358.33 * Units.kg
    bat.specific_energy = 192.84 * Units.Wh / Units.kg
    bat.specific_power = 0.837 * Units.kW / Units.kg
    bat.resistance = 0.0153
    bat.max_voltage = 11.078
    initialize_from_mass(bat, bat.mass_properties.mass)
    net.battery = bat

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vehicle Definition Complete
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    # add the energy network to the vehicle

    #print vehicle

    return vehicle
Exemplo n.º 16
def base_setup():
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Initialize the Vehicle
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------    

    vehicle = SUAVE.Vehicle()
    vehicle.tag = 'Solar'

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vehicle-level Properties
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------    
    # mass properties
    vehicle.mass_properties.takeoff         = 6.75 * Units.kg
    vehicle.mass_properties.operating_empty = 6.75 * Units.kg
    vehicle.mass_properties.max_takeoff     = 6.75 * Units.kg 

    # basic parameters
    vehicle.reference_area                    = 1.0       
    vehicle.envelope.ultimate_load            = 2.0
    vehicle.envelope.limit_load               = 1.5
    vehicle.envelope.maximum_dynamic_pressure = 115.*1.25 * Units.pascals #Max q

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------        
    #   Main Wing
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------   

    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Wing()
    wing.tag = 'main_wing'

    wing.areas.reference         = vehicle.reference_area
    wing.spans.projected         = 40.0 * Units.meters
    wing.aspect_ratio            = (wing.spans.projected**2)/wing.areas.reference 
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord    = 0.0 * Units.deg
    wing.symmetric               = True
    wing.thickness_to_chord      = 0.12
    wing.taper                   = 1.0
    wing.vertical                = False
    wing.high_lift               = True 
    wing.dynamic_pressure_ratio  = 1.0
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = wing.areas.reference/wing.spans.projected
    wing.span_efficiency         = 0.98 
    wing.twists.root             = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.twists.tip              = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.highlift                = False  
    wing.vertical                = False 
    wing.number_ribs             = 26.
    wing.number_end_ribs         = 2.
    wing.transition_x_upper      = 0.6
    wing.transition_x_lower      = 1.0
    wing.origin                  = [3.0,0.0,0.0]

    # add to vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------        
    #  Horizontal Stabilizer
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------        

    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Wing()
    wing.tag = 'horizontal_stabilizer'

    wing.aspect_ratio         = 10. 
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord = 0 * Units.deg
    wing.thickness_to_chord   = 0.12
    wing.taper                = 1.0
    wing.span_efficiency      = 0.95 
    wing.areas.reference      = vehicle.reference_area * .15
    wing.areas.wetted         = 2.0 * wing.areas.reference
    wing.areas.exposed        = 0.8 * wing.areas.wetted
    wing.areas.affected       = 0.6 * wing.areas.wetted       
    wing.spans.projected      = np.sqrt(wing.aspect_ratio*wing.areas.reference)
    wing.twists.root          = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.twists.tip           = 0.0 * Units.degrees      

    wing.vertical                = False 
    wing.symmetric               = True
    wing.dynamic_pressure_ratio  = 0.9      
    wing.number_ribs             = 5.0
    wing.chords.root             = wing.areas.reference/wing.spans.projected
    wing.chords.tip              = wing.areas.reference/wing.spans.projected
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = wing.areas.reference/wing.spans.projected  
    wing.origin                  = [10.,0.0,0.0]

    # add to vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vertical Stabilizer
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Wing()
    wing.tag = 'vertical_stabilizer'    

    wing.aspect_ratio         = 10.       
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord = 0 * Units.deg
    wing.thickness_to_chord   = 0.12
    wing.taper                = 1.0
    wing.span_efficiency      = 0.97
    wing.areas.reference      = vehicle.reference_area * 0.1
    wing.spans.projected      = np.sqrt(wing.aspect_ratio*wing.areas.reference)

    wing.chords.root             = wing.areas.reference/wing.spans.projected
    wing.chords.tip              = wing.areas.reference/wing.spans.projected
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = wing.areas.reference/wing.spans.projected
    wing.areas.wetted            = 2.0 * wing.areas.reference
    wing.areas.exposed           = 0.8 * wing.areas.wetted
    wing.areas.affected          = 0.6 * wing.areas.wetted    
    wing.twists.root             = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.twists.tip              = 0.0 * Units.degrees  
    wing.origin                  = [10.,0.0,0.0]      
    wing.symmetric               = True          
    wing.vertical                = True 
    wing.t_tail                  = False
    wing.dynamic_pressure_ratio  = 1.0
    wing.number_ribs             = 5.

    # add to vehicle

    # Propulsor

    # build network
    net = Solar_Low_Fidelity()
    net.number_of_engines = 1.
    net.nacelle_diameter  = 0.05
    net.areas             = Data()
    net.areas.wetted      = 0.01*(2*np.pi*0.01/2)
    net.engine_length     = 0.01

    # Component 1 the Sun
    sun = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Processes.Solar_Radiation()
    net.solar_flux = sun

    # Component 2 the solar panels
    panel = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Solar_Panel()
    panel.ratio                = 0.9
    panel.area                 = vehicle.reference_area * panel.ratio 
    panel.efficiency           = 0.25
    panel.mass_properties.mass = panel.area*(0.60 * Units.kg)
    net.solar_panel            = panel

    # Component 3 the ESC
    esc = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Electronic_Speed_Controller()
    esc.efficiency = 0.95 # Gundlach for brushless motors
    net.esc        = esc

    # Component 5 the Propeller
    prop = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Propeller_Lo_Fid()
    prop.propulsive_efficiency = 0.825
    net.propeller        = prop
    # Component 4 the Motor
    motor = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Motor_Lo_Fid()
    kv                         = 800. * Units['rpm/volt'] # RPM/volt is standard
    motor                      = size_from_kv(motor, kv)    
    motor.gear_ratio           = 1. # Gear ratio, no gearbox
    motor.gearbox_efficiency   = 1. # Gear box efficiency, no gearbox
    motor.motor_efficiency     = 0.825;
    net.motor                  = motor    

    # Component 6 the Payload
    payload = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Payload()
    payload.power_draw           = 0. #Watts 
    payload.mass_properties.mass = 0.0 * Units.kg
    net.payload                  = payload

    # Component 7 the Avionics
    avionics = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()
    avionics.power_draw = 10. #Watts  
    net.avionics        = avionics      

    # Component 8 the Battery
    bat = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Storages.Batteries.Constant_Mass.Lithium_Ion()
    bat.mass_properties.mass = 5.0  * Units.kg
    bat.specific_energy      = 250. *Units.Wh/Units.kg
    bat.resistance           = 0.003
    bat.iters                = 0
    net.battery              = bat

    #Component 9 the system logic controller and MPPT
    logic = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Solar_Logic()
    logic.system_voltage  = 18.5
    logic.MPPT_efficiency = 0.95
    net.solar_logic       = logic

    # add the solar network to the vehicle

    return vehicle
Exemplo n.º 17
def vehicle_setup():
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Initialize the Vehicle
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------    
    vehicle = SUAVE.Vehicle()
    vehicle.tag = 'Solar'
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vehicle-level Properties
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------    
    # mass properties
    vehicle.mass_properties.takeoff         = 200. * Units.kg
    vehicle.mass_properties.operating_empty = 200. * Units.kg
    vehicle.mass_properties.max_takeoff     = 200. * Units.kg 
    # basic parameters
    vehicle.reference_area                    = 80.       
    vehicle.envelope.ultimate_load            = 2.0
    vehicle.envelope.limit_load               = 1.5
    vehicle.envelope.maximum_dynamic_pressure = 0.5*1.225*(40.**2.) #Max q

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------        
    #   Main Wing
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------   

    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Wing()
    wing.tag = 'main_wing'
    wing.areas.reference         = vehicle.reference_area
    wing.spans.projected         = 40.0 * Units.meter
    wing.aspect_ratio            = (wing.spans.projected**2)/wing.areas.reference 
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord    = 0.0 * Units.deg
    wing.symmetric               = True
    wing.thickness_to_chord      = 0.12
    wing.taper                   = 1.0
    wing.vertical                = False
    wing.high_lift               = True 
    wing.dynamic_pressure_ratio  = 1.0
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = wing.areas.reference/wing.spans.projected
    wing.chords.root             = wing.areas.reference/wing.spans.projected
    wing.chords.tip              = wing.areas.reference/wing.spans.projected
    wing.span_efficiency         = 0.98 
    wing.twists.root             = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.twists.tip              = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.highlift                = False  
    wing.vertical                = False 
    wing.number_ribs             = 26.
    wing.number_end_ribs         = 2.
    wing.transition_x_upper      = 0.6
    wing.transition_x_lower      = 1.0
    wing.origin                  = [3.0,0.0,0.0] # meters
    wing.aerodynamic_center      = [3.0,0.0,0.0] # meters
    # add to vehicle
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------        
    #  Horizontal Stabilizer
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------        
    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Wing()
    wing.tag = 'horizontal_stabilizer'
    wing.aspect_ratio         = 20. 
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord = 0 * Units.deg
    wing.thickness_to_chord   = 0.12
    wing.taper                = 1.0
    wing.span_efficiency      = 0.95 
    wing.areas.reference      = vehicle.reference_area * .15
    wing.areas.wetted         = 2.0 * wing.areas.reference
    wing.areas.exposed        = 0.8 * wing.areas.wetted
    wing.areas.affected       = 0.6 * wing.areas.wetted       
    wing.spans.projected      = np.sqrt(wing.aspect_ratio*wing.areas.reference)
    wing.twists.root          = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.twists.tip           = 0.0 * Units.degrees      
    wing.vertical                = False 
    wing.symmetric               = True
    wing.dynamic_pressure_ratio  = 0.9      
    wing.number_ribs             = 5.0
    wing.chords.root             = wing.areas.reference/wing.spans.projected
    wing.chords.tip              = wing.areas.reference/wing.spans.projected
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = wing.areas.reference/wing.spans.projected  
    wing.origin                  = [10.,0.0,0.0] # meters
    wing.aerodynamic_center      = [0.5,0.0,0.0] # meters
    # add to vehicle
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vertical Stabilizer
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Wing()
    wing.tag = 'vertical_stabilizer'    
    wing.aspect_ratio         = 20.       
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord = 0 * Units.deg
    wing.thickness_to_chord   = 0.12
    wing.taper                = 1.0
    wing.span_efficiency      = 0.97
    wing.areas.reference      = vehicle.reference_area * 0.1
    wing.spans.projected      = np.sqrt(wing.aspect_ratio*wing.areas.reference)

    wing.chords.root             = wing.areas.reference/wing.spans.projected
    wing.chords.tip              = wing.areas.reference/wing.spans.projected
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = wing.areas.reference/wing.spans.projected 
    wing.areas.wetted            = 2.0 * wing.areas.reference
    wing.areas.exposed           = 0.8 * wing.areas.wetted
    wing.areas.affected          = 0.6 * wing.areas.wetted    
    wing.twists.root             = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.twists.tip              = 0.0 * Units.degrees  
    wing.origin                  = [10.,0.0,0.0] # meters
    wing.aerodynamic_center      = [0.5,0.0,0.0] # meters
    wing.symmetric               = True          
    wing.vertical                = True 
    wing.t_tail                  = False
    wing.dynamic_pressure_ratio  = 1.0
    wing.number_ribs             = 5.
    # add to vehicle
    # Propulsor
    # build network
    net = Solar()
    net.number_of_engines = 1.
    net.nacelle_diameter  = 0.2 * Units.meters
    net.engine_length     = 0.01 * Units.meters
    net.areas             = Data()
    net.areas.wetted      = 0.01*(2*np.pi*0.01/2.)
    # Component 1 the Sun?
    sun = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Processes.Solar_Radiation()
    net.solar_flux = sun
    # Component 2 the solar panels
    panel = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Solar_Panel()
    panel.area                 = vehicle.reference_area * 0.9
    panel.efficiency           = 0.25
    panel.mass_properties.mass = panel.area*(0.60 * Units.kg)
    net.solar_panel            = panel
    # Component 3 the ESC
    esc = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Electronic_Speed_Controller()
    esc.efficiency = 0.95 # Gundlach for brushless motors
    net.esc        = esc
    # Component 5 the Propeller
    # Design the Propeller
    prop_attributes = Data()
    prop_attributes.number_blades       = 2.0
    prop_attributes.freestream_velocity = 40.0 * Units['m/s']# freestream
    prop_attributes.angular_velocity    = 150. * Units['rpm']
    prop_attributes.tip_radius          = 4.25 * Units.meters
    prop_attributes.hub_radius          = 0.05 * Units.meters
    prop_attributes.design_Cl           = 0.7
    prop_attributes.design_altitude     = 14.0 * Units.km
    prop_attributes.design_thrust       = 0.0 
    prop_attributes.design_power        = 3500.0 * Units.watts
    prop_attributes                     = propeller_design(prop_attributes)
    prop = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Propeller()
    prop.prop_attributes = prop_attributes
    net.propeller        = prop

    # Component 4 the Motor
    motor = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Motor()
    motor.resistance           = 0.008
    motor.no_load_current      = 4.5  * Units.ampere
    motor.speed_constant       = 120. * Units['rpm'] # RPM/volt converted to (rad/s)/volt    
    motor.propeller_radius     = prop.prop_attributes.tip_radius
    motor.propeller_Cp         = prop.prop_attributes.Cp
    motor.gear_ratio           = 12. # Gear ratio
    motor.gearbox_efficiency   = .98 # Gear box efficiency
    motor.expected_current     = 160. # Expected current
    motor.mass_properties.mass = 2.0  * Units.kg
    net.motor                  = motor    
    # Component 6 the Payload
    payload = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Payload()
    payload.power_draw           = 50. * Units.watts 
    payload.mass_properties.mass = 5.0 * Units.kg
    net.payload                  = payload
    # Component 7 the Avionics
    avionics = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()
    avionics.power_draw = 50. * Units.watts
    net.avionics        = avionics      

    # Component 8 the Battery
    bat = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Storages.Batteries.Constant_Mass.Lithium_Ion()
    bat.mass_properties.mass = 55.0 * Units.kg
    bat.specific_energy      = 450. * Units.Wh/Units.kg
    bat.resistance           = 0.05
    net.battery              = bat
    #Component 9 the system logic controller and MPPT
    logic = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Solar_Logic()
    logic.system_voltage  = 40.0
    logic.MPPT_efficiency = 0.95
    net.solar_logic       = logic
    # add the solar network to the vehicle

    return vehicle
Exemplo n.º 18
def vehicle_setup():
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Initialize the Vehicle
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------    
    vehicle = SUAVE.Vehicle()
    vehicle.tag = 'tail_sitter'
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vehicle-level Properties
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------    
    # mass properties
    vehicle.mass_properties.takeoff         = 0.82 * Units.kg
    vehicle.mass_properties.operating_empty = 0.82 * Units.kg
    vehicle.mass_properties.max_takeoff     = 0.82 * Units.kg
    # basic parameters
    vehicle.reference_area                  = 0.1668 
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------        
    #   Main Wing
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------   

    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Main_Wing()
    wing.tag = 'main_wing'
    wing.areas.reference         = vehicle.reference_area
    wing.spans.projected         = 1.03 * Units.m
    wing.aspect_ratio            = (wing.spans.projected**2)/wing.areas.reference 
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord    = 5.0 * Units.deg
    wing.thickness_to_chord      = 0.12
    wing.taper                   = 1.0
    wing.dynamic_pressure_ratio  = 1.0
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = 0.162 * Units.m
    wing.twists.root             = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.twists.tip              = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.high_lift               = False
    wing.vertical                = False
    wing.symmetric               = True

    # add to vehicle

    # Propulsor
    # build network
    net = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Networks.Battery_Propeller()
    net.number_of_propeller_engines = 4.
    net.voltage                     = 12.3
    net.identical_propellers        = True
    # Component 1 the ESC
    esc = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Electronic_Speed_Controller()
    esc.efficiency = 0.95 # Gundlach for brushless motors
    net.esc        = esc
    # Component 2 the Propeller
    # Design the Propeller
    prop = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Propeller()
    prop.number_of_blades    = 2.0
    prop.freestream_velocity = 15.0 # freestream m/s
    prop.angular_velocity    = 7500. * Units['rpm']
    prop.tip_radius          = 4.    * Units.inch
    prop.hub_radius          = 0.125 * Units.inch
    prop.design_Cl           = 0.7
    prop.design_altitude     = 0.1 * Units.km
    prop.design_power        = 200. * Units.watts
    prop                     = propeller_design(prop)
    origins = [[0., 0.15, -0.05], [0., -0.15, -0.05], [0., .35, 0.05], [0., 0.35, 0.05]]
    for ii in range(4):
        rotor          = deepcopy(prop)
        rotor.tag      = 'propeller'
        rotor.origin   = [origins[ii]]

    # Component 3 the Motor
    motor = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Motor()
    motor.speed_constant       = 1500. * Units['rpm'] # RPM/volt converted to (rad/s)/volt 
    motor = size_from_kv(motor)
    motor.gear_ratio           = 1.  # Gear ratio
    motor.gearbox_efficiency   = 1.  # Gear box efficiency
    motor.expected_current     = 10. # Expected current
    motor.propeller_radius     = prop.tip_radius

    for ii in range(4):
        rotor_motor = deepcopy(motor)
        rotor_motor.tag    = 'motor'
        rotor_motor.origin = [origins[ii]]

    # Component 4 the Payload
    payload = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Payload()
    payload.power_draw           = 0. #Watts 
    payload.mass_properties.mass = 0.0 * Units.kg
    net.payload                  = payload
    # Component 5 the Avionics
    avionics = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()
    avionics.power_draw = 2. #Watts  
    net.avionics        = avionics      

    # Component 6 the Battery
    bat = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Storages.Batteries.Constant_Mass.Lithium_Ion()
    bat.mass_properties.mass = 0.17 * Units.kg
    bat.specific_energy      = 175.*Units.Wh/Units.kg
    bat.resistance           = 0.003
    bat.max_voltage          = 11.1
    net.battery              = bat
    # add the solar network to the vehicle

    return vehicle
Exemplo n.º 19
def main():
    # Propulsor

    # build network
    net = Solar_Low_Fidelity()
    net.number_of_engines = 1.
    net.nacelle_diameter  = 0.05
    net.areas             = Data()
    net.areas.wetted      = 0.01*(2*np.pi*0.01/2)
    net.engine_length     = 0.01

    # Component 1 the Sun
    sun = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Processes.Solar_Radiation()
    net.solar_flux = sun

    # Component 2 the solar panels
    panel = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Solar_Panel()
    panel.ratio                = 0.9
    panel.area                 = 1.0 * panel.ratio 
    panel.efficiency           = 0.25
    panel.mass_properties.mass = panel.area*(0.60 * Units.kg)
    net.solar_panel            = panel

    # Component 3 the ESC
    esc = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Electronic_Speed_Controller()
    esc.efficiency = 0.95 # Gundlach for brushless motors
    net.esc        = esc

    # Component 5 the Propeller
    prop = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Propeller_Lo_Fid()
    prop.propulsive_efficiency = 0.825
    net.propeller        = prop
    # Component 4 the Motor
    motor = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Motor_Lo_Fid()
    kv                         = 800. * Units['rpm/volt'] # RPM/volt is standard
    motor                      = size_from_kv(motor, kv)    
    motor.gear_ratio           = 1. # Gear ratio, no gearbox
    motor.gearbox_efficiency   = 1. # Gear box efficiency, no gearbox
    motor.motor_efficiency     = 0.825;
    net.motor                  = motor    

    # Component 6 the Payload
    payload = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Payload()
    payload.power_draw           = 0. #Watts 
    payload.mass_properties.mass = 0.0 * Units.kg
    net.payload                  = payload

    # Component 7 the Avionics
    avionics = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()
    avionics.power_draw = 10. #Watts  
    net.avionics        = avionics      

    # Component 8 the Battery
    bat = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Storages.Batteries.Constant_Mass.Lithium_Ion()
    bat.mass_properties.mass = 5.0  * Units.kg
    bat.specific_energy      = 250. *Units.Wh/Units.kg
    bat.resistance           = 0.003
    bat.iters                = 0
    net.battery              = bat

    #Component 9 the system logic controller and MPPT
    logic = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Solar_Logic()
    logic.system_voltage  = 18.5
    logic.MPPT_efficiency = 0.95
    net.solar_logic       = logic
    # Setup the conditions to run the network
    state            = Data()
    state.conditions = SUAVE.Analyses.Mission.Segments.Conditions.Aerodynamics()
    state.numerics   = SUAVE.Analyses.Mission.Segments.Conditions.Numerics()
    conditions = state.conditions
    numerics   = state.numerics
    # Calculate atmospheric properties
    atmosphere = SUAVE.Analyses.Atmospheric.US_Standard_1976()
    atmosphere_conditions =  atmosphere.compute_values(1000.*Units.ft)
    rho = atmosphere_conditions.density[0,:]
    a   = atmosphere_conditions.speed_of_sound[0,:]
    mu  = atmosphere_conditions.dynamic_viscosity[0,:]
    T   = atmosphere_conditions.temperature[0,:]

    conditions.propulsion.throttle            = np.array([[1.0],[1.0]])
    conditions.freestream.velocity            = np.array([[1.0],[1.0]])
    conditions.freestream.density             = np.array([rho,rho])
    conditions.freestream.dynamic_viscosity   = np.array([mu, mu])
    conditions.freestream.speed_of_sound      = np.array([a, a])
    conditions.freestream.altitude            = np.array([[1000.0],[1000.0]])
    conditions.propulsion.battery_energy      = bat.max_energy*np.ones_like(conditions.freestream.altitude)
    conditions.frames.body.inertial_rotations = np.zeros([2,3])
    conditions.frames.inertial.time           = np.array([[0.0],[1.0]])
    numerics.time.integrate                   = np.array([[0, 0],[0, 1]])
    numerics.time.differentiate               = np.array([[0, 0],[0, 1]])
    conditions.frames.planet.start_time       = time.strptime("Sat, Jun 21 06:00:00  2014", "%a, %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y",) 
    conditions.frames.planet.latitude         = np.array([[0.0],[0.0]])
    conditions.frames.planet.longitude        = np.array([[0.0],[0.0]])
    conditions.freestream.temperature         = np.array([T, T])
    conditions.frames.body.transform_to_inertial = np.array([[[ 1.,  0.,  0.],
                                                              [ 0.,  1.,  0.],
                                                              [ 0.,  0.,  1.]],
                                                             [[ 1.,  0.,  0.],
                                                              [ 0.,  1.,  0.],
                                                              [ 0.,  0.,  1.]]])   
    # Run the network and print the results
    results = net(state)
    F       = results.thrust_force_vector
    # Truth results
    truth_F   = [[ 68.78277813   ], [ 68.78277813     ]]
    truth_i   = [[ 5.75011436    ], [ 5.75011436      ]]
    truth_rpm = [[ 14390.30435183], [ 14390.30435183  ]]
    truth_bat = [[ 4500000.      ], [ 4499883.5041616 ]]
    error = Data()
    error.Thrust = np.max(np.abs(F[:,0]-truth_F))
    error.RPM = np.max(np.abs(conditions.propulsion.rpm-truth_rpm))
    error.Current  = np.max(np.abs(conditions.propulsion.current-truth_i))
    error.Battery = np.max(np.abs(bat.current_energy-truth_bat))
    for k,v in list(error.items()):
Exemplo n.º 20
def vehicle_setup():
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Initialize the Vehicle
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    vehicle = SUAVE.Vehicle()
    vehicle.tag = 'Pteryxyz_Electric'

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vehicle-level Properties
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    # mass properties
    vehicle.mass_properties.takeoff = 450. * Units.kg
    vehicle.mass_properties.operating_empty = 450. * Units.kg
    vehicle.mass_properties.max_takeoff = 450. * Units.kg

    # basic parameters
    vehicle.reference_area = 6.2
    vehicle.envelope.ultimate_load = 2.0
    vehicle.envelope.limit_load = 1.5
    max_q = 56.  #m/s
    vehicle.envelope.maximum_dynamic_pressure = 0.5 * 1.225 * (max_q**2.
                                                               )  #Max q

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Landing Gear
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # used for noise calculations
    landing_gear = SUAVE.Components.Landing_Gear.Landing_Gear()
    landing_gear.tag = "main_landing_gear"

    landing_gear.main_tire_diameter = 0.423 * Units.m
    landing_gear.nose_tire_diameter = 0.3625 * Units.m
    landing_gear.main_strut_length = 0.4833 * Units.m
    landing_gear.nose_strut_length = 0.3625 * Units.m
    landing_gear.main_units = 2  # number of main landing gear units
    landing_gear.nose_units = 1  # number of nose landing gear
    landing_gear.main_wheels = 1  # number of wheels on the main landing gear
    landing_gear.nose_wheels = 1  # number of wheels on the nose landing gear
    vehicle.landing_gear = landing_gear

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Main Wing
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Main Wing
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Wing()
    wing.tag = 'main_wing'

    wing.areas.reference = vehicle.reference_area
    wing.spans.projected = 7.04 * Units.meter
    wing.aspect_ratio = (wing.spans.projected**2) / wing.areas.reference
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord = 0.0 * Units.deg
    wing.symmetric = True
    wing.thickness_to_chord = 0.12
    wing.taper = 1.0
    wing.vertical = False
    wing.high_lift = True
    wing.dynamic_pressure_ratio = 1.0
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = wing.areas.reference / wing.spans.projected
    wing.chords.root = wing.areas.reference / wing.spans.projected
    wing.chords.tip = wing.areas.reference / wing.spans.projected
    wing.span_efficiency = 0.98
    wing.twists.root = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.twists.tip = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.highlift = False
    wing.vertical = False
    wing.number_ribs = 26.
    wing.number_end_ribs = 2.
    wing.transition_x_upper = 0.6
    wing.transition_x_lower = 1.0
    wing.origin = [1.6, 0.0, 0.0]  # meters
    wing.aerodynamic_center = [1.9, 0.0, 0.0]  # meters

    # add to vehicle
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Horizontal Stabilizer
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Wing()
    wing.tag = 'horizontal_stabilizer'

    wing.spans.projected = 2.45 * Units.meter
    wing.areas.reference = 1.20
    wing.aspect_ratio = (wing.spans.projected**2) / wing.areas.reference
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord = 0 * Units.deg
    wing.thickness_to_chord = 0.12
    wing.taper = 1.0
    wing.span_efficiency = 0.95

    wing.areas.wetted = 2.0 * wing.areas.reference
    wing.areas.exposed = 0.8 * wing.areas.wetted
    wing.areas.affected = 0.6 * wing.areas.wetted
    wing.twists.root = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.twists.tip = 0.0 * Units.degrees

    wing.vertical = False
    wing.symmetric = True
    wing.dynamic_pressure_ratio = 0.9
    wing.number_ribs = 5.0
    wing.chords.root = wing.areas.reference / wing.spans.projected
    wing.chords.tip = wing.areas.reference / wing.spans.projected
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = wing.areas.reference / wing.spans.projected
    wing.origin = [4.2, 0.0, 0.0]  # meters
    wing.aerodynamic_center = [0.5, 0.0, 0.0]  # meters

    # add to vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vertical Stabilizer
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Wing()
    wing.tag = 'vertical_stabilizer'

    wing.spans.projected = 4.60 * Units.meter
    wing.areas.reference = 0.5
    wing.aspect_ratio = (wing.spans.projected**2) / wing.areas.reference
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord = 0 * Units.deg
    wing.thickness_to_chord = 0.12
    wing.taper = 1.0
    wing.span_efficiency = 0.97
    wing.areas.reference = vehicle.reference_area * 0.1
    wing.spans.projected = np.sqrt(wing.aspect_ratio * wing.areas.reference)

    wing.chords.root = wing.areas.reference / wing.spans.projected
    wing.chords.tip = wing.areas.reference / wing.spans.projected
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = wing.areas.reference / wing.spans.projected
    wing.areas.wetted = 2.0 * wing.areas.reference
    wing.areas.exposed = 0.8 * wing.areas.wetted
    wing.areas.affected = 0.6 * wing.areas.wetted
    wing.twists.root = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.twists.tip = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.origin = [3.7, 0.0, 0.0]  # meters
    wing.aerodynamic_center = [0.5, 0.0, 0.0]  # meters
    wing.symmetric = True
    wing.vertical = True
    wing.t_tail = False
    wing.dynamic_pressure_ratio = 1.0
    wing.number_ribs = 5.

    # add to vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Fuselage
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    fuselage = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Fuselage()

    fuselage.tag = 'fuselage'

    # fuselage.aerodynamic_center= [2.986,0,1.077]

    fuselage.number_coach_seats = vehicle.passengers
    fuselage.seats_abreast = 2
    fuselage.seat_pitch = 0.995 * Units.meter
    fuselage.fineness.nose = 1.27
    fuselage.fineness.tail = 1  # 3.31
    fuselage.lengths.nose = 1.16 * Units.meter
    fuselage.lengths.tail = 4.637 * Units.meter
    fuselage.lengths.cabin = 2.653 * Units.meter
    fuselage.lengths.total = 8.45 * Units.meter
    fuselage.lengths.fore_space = 0.0 * Units.meter
    fuselage.lengths.aft_space = 0.0 * Units.meter
    fuselage.width = 1.22 * Units.meter
    fuselage.heights.maximum = 1.41 * Units.meter
    fuselage.effective_diameter = 2 * Units.meter
    fuselage.areas.side_projected = 7.46 * Units['meters**2']
    fuselage.areas.wetted = 25.0 * Units['meters**2']
    fuselage.areas.front_projected = 1.54 * Units['meters**2']
    fuselage.differential_pressure = 0.0 * Units.pascal  # Maximum differential pressure

    fuselage.heights.at_quarter_length = 1.077 * Units.meter
    fuselage.heights.at_three_quarters_length = 0.5 * Units.meter  # 0.621 * Units.meter
    fuselage.heights.at_wing_root_quarter_chord = 1.41 * Units.meter

    # add to vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Propellers Powered By Batteries
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    # build network
    net = Battery_Propeller()
    net.number_of_engines = 1
    net.nacelle_diameter = 0.58 * Units.meters
    net.engine_length = 1.74 * Units.meters
    net.thrust_angle = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    net.voltage = 709.0 * Units.V
    net.areas = Data()
    net.areas.wetted = 1.1 * np.pi * net.nacelle_diameter * net.engine_length
    max_power = 175 * Units.kW

    # Component 3 the ESC
    esc = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Electronic_Speed_Controller()
    esc.efficiency = 0.95  # Gundlach for brushless motors
    net.esc = esc

    # Component 4 - Propeller

    # Design the Propeller
    # Component 5 the Propeller front
    # Design the Propeller
    prop = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Propeller()
    prop.number_blades = 2.0
    prop.freestream_velocity = 56.0 * Units['m/s']  # freestream
    prop.angular_velocity = 10000. * Units['rpm']
    prop.tip_radius = 1.40 * Units.meters
    prop.hub_radius = 0.05 * Units.meters
    prop.design_Cl = 0.7
    prop.design_altitude = 5.0 * Units.km
    prop.design_thrust = None
    prop.design_power = 150000.0 * Units.watts
    prop = propeller_design(prop)

    net.propeller = prop

    # Component 4 the Motor front
    motor = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Motor()
    motor.resistance = 0.01
    motor.no_load_current = 125. * Units.ampere
    motor.speed_constant = 4.5 * Units[
        'rpm/volt']  # RPM/volt converted to (rad/s)/volt
    motor.propeller_radius = prop.tip_radius
    motor.propeller_Cp = prop.power_coefficient
    motor.gear_ratio = 1.  # Gear ratio
    motor.gearbox_efficiency = .98  # Gear box efficiency
    motor.expected_current = 212.  # Expected current
    motor.mass_properties.mass = 50.0 * Units.kg
    net.motor = motor

    # Component 6 the Payload
    payload = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Payload()
    payload.power_draw = 50. * Units.watts
    payload.mass_properties.mass = 5.0 * Units.kg
    net.payload = payload

    # Component 7 the Avionics
    avionics = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()
    avionics.power_draw = 50. * Units.watts
    net.avionics = avionics

    # Component 8 the Battery
    bat = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Storages.Batteries.Constant_Mass.Lithium_Ion(

    bat.cell_energy = 9.36  #[Wh]
    bat.cell_capacity = 2600  #[mAh]
    bat.max_const_discharge = 35  #[A]
    bat.v_max = 4.2  #[V]
    bat.v_nom = 3.7  #[V]
    bat.v_min = 2.5  #[V]
    bat.cell_mass = 44.3  #[g]
    bat.cell_current = 2.5  #[A]
    bat.voltage = 709  #[V]
    bat.power = 150  #[kW]
    bat.boost_power = 175  #[kW]
    bat.no_of_packs = 2
    bat.current = bat.voltage * bat.power
    bat.boost_current = bat.voltage * bat.boost_power
    bat.current_per_pack = bat.current / bat.no_of_packs
    bat.parallel_cells_per_pack = 4
    bat.additional_cell = 1
    bat.series_cells = bat.voltage / bat.v_max
    bat.parallel_cells = bat.parallel_cells_per_pack * bat.additional_cell
    bat.cells_per_pack = bat.series_cells * bat.parallel_cells
    bat.cell_mass_ratio = 1.2

    bat.mass_properties.mass = bat.cell_mass_ratio * bat.cells_per_pack * bat.cell_mass / 1000 * Units.kg
    bat.pack_energy = bat.cells_per_pack * bat.cell_energy / 1000
    bat.total_energy = bat.pack_energy * bat.no_of_packs

    bat.specific_energy = 450. * Units.Wh / Units.kg
    bat.resistance = 0.05
    initialize_from_mass(bat, bat.mass_properties.mass)
    net.battery = bat

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vehicle Definition Complete
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    # add the energy network to the vehicle

    # print vehicle

    return vehicle
Exemplo n.º 21
def vehicle_setup():

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Initialize the Vehicle
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------    

    vehicle = SUAVE.Vehicle()
    vehicle.tag = 'X57_Maxwell'    

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vehicle-level Properties
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------    

    # mass properties
    vehicle.mass_properties.max_takeoff   = 2550. * Units.pounds
    vehicle.mass_properties.takeoff       = 2550. * Units.pounds
    vehicle.mass_properties.max_zero_fuel = 2550. * Units.pounds
    vehicle.mass_properties.cargo         = 0. 

    # envelope properties
    vehicle.envelope.ultimate_load = 5.7
    vehicle.envelope.limit_load    = 3.8

    # basic parameters
    vehicle.reference_area         = 15.45  
    vehicle.passengers             = 4

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------        
    #   Main Wing
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------        

    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Main_Wing()
    wing.tag = 'main_wing'

    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord    = 0.0 * Units.deg
    wing.thickness_to_chord      = 0.12
    wing.span_efficiency         = 0.9
    wing.areas.reference         = 15.45 * Units['meters**2']  
    wing.spans.projected         = 11. * Units.meter  

    wing.chords.root             = 1.67 * Units.meter  
    wing.chords.tip              = 1.14 * Units.meter  
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = 1.47 * Units.meter   
    wing.taper                   = wing.chords.root/wing.chords.tip

    wing.aspect_ratio            = wing.spans.projected**2. / wing.areas.reference

    wing.twists.root             = 3.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.twists.tip              = 1.5 * Units.degrees

    wing.origin                  = [2.032, 0., 0.] 
    wing.aerodynamic_center      = [0.558, 0., 0.]

    wing.vertical                = False
    wing.symmetric               = True
    wing.high_lift               = True

    wing.dynamic_pressure_ratio  = 1.0

    # add to vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------        
    #  Horizontal Stabilizer
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------        

    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Wing()
    wing.tag = 'horizontal_stabilizer'

    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord    = 0.0 * Units.deg
    wing.thickness_to_chord      = 0.12
    wing.span_efficiency         = 0.95
    wing.areas.reference         = 3.74 * Units['meters**2']  
    wing.spans.projected         = 3.454  * Units.meter 
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord    = 12.5 * Units.deg

    wing.chords.root             = 1.397 * Units.meter 
    wing.chords.tip              = 0.762 * Units.meter 
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = 1.09 * Units.meter 
    wing.taper                   = wing.chords.root/wing.chords.tip

    wing.aspect_ratio            = wing.spans.projected**2. / wing.areas.reference

    wing.twists.root             = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.twists.tip              = 0.0 * Units.degrees

    wing.origin                  = [6.248, 0., 0.784] 
    wing.aerodynamic_center      = [0.508, 0., 0.]
    wing.vertical                = False
    wing.symmetric               = True
    wing.high_lift               = False

    wing.dynamic_pressure_ratio  = 0.9

    # add to vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vertical Stabilizer
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Wing()
    wing.tag = 'vertical_stabilizer'    

    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord    = 25. * Units.deg
    wing.thickness_to_chord      = 0.12
    wing.span_efficiency         = 0.9
    wing.areas.reference         = 2.258 * Units['meters**2']  
    wing.spans.projected         = 1.854   * Units.meter 

    wing.chords.root             = 1.6764 * Units.meter 
    wing.chords.tip              = 0.6858 * Units.meter 
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = 1.21 * Units.meter 
    wing.taper                   = wing.chords.root/wing.chords.tip

    wing.aspect_ratio            = wing.spans.projected**2. / wing.areas.reference

    wing.twists.root             = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.twists.tip              = 0.0 * Units.degrees

    wing.origin                  = [6.01 ,0,  0.623] 
    wing.aerodynamic_center      = [0.508 ,0,0] 

    wing.vertical                = True 
    wing.symmetric               = False
    wing.t_tail                  = False

    wing.dynamic_pressure_ratio  = 1.0

    # add to vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Fuselage
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    fuselage = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Fuselage()
    fuselage.tag = 'fuselage'

    fuselage.seats_abreast         = 2.

    fuselage.fineness.nose         = 1.6
    fuselage.fineness.tail         = 2.

    fuselage.lengths.nose          = 60.  * Units.inches
    fuselage.lengths.tail          = 161. * Units.inches
    fuselage.lengths.cabin         = 105. * Units.inches
    fuselage.lengths.total         = 326. * Units.inches
    fuselage.lengths.fore_space    = 0.
    fuselage.lengths.aft_space     = 0.    

    fuselage.width                 = 42. * Units.inches

    fuselage.heights.maximum       = 62. * Units.inches
    fuselage.heights.at_quarter_length          = 62. * Units.inches
    fuselage.heights.at_three_quarters_length   = 62. * Units.inches
    fuselage.heights.at_wing_root_quarter_chord = 23. * Units.inches

    fuselage.areas.side_projected  = 8000.  * Units.inches**2.
    fuselage.areas.wetted          = 30000. * Units.inches**2.
    fuselage.areas.front_projected = 42.* 62. * Units.inches**2.

    fuselage.effective_diameter    = 50. * Units.inches

    # add to vehicle

    # build network    
    net = Battery_Propeller() 
    net.number_of_engines       = 2.
    net.nacelle_diameter        = 42 * Units.inches
    net.engine_length           = 0.01 * Units.inches
    net.areas                   = Data()
    net.areas.wetted            = 0.01*(2*np.pi*0.01/2)    

    # Component 1 the ESC
    esc = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Electronic_Speed_Controller()
    esc.efficiency = 0.95 # Gundlach for brushless motors
    net.esc        = esc

    # Component 2 the Propeller
    # Design the Propeller
    prop = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Propeller() 

    prop.number_blades       = 2.0
    prop.freestream_velocity = 135.*Units['mph']    
    prop.angular_velocity    = 1300.  * Units.rpm # 2400
    prop.tip_radius          = 76./2. * Units.inches
    prop.hub_radius          = 8.     * Units.inches
    prop.design_Cl           = 0.8
    prop.design_altitude     = 12000. * Units.feet
    prop.design_altitude     = 12000. * Units.feet
    prop.design_thrust       = 800.  
    prop.origin              = [[2.,2.5,0.784]]  #  prop influence               
    prop.symmetry            = True
    prop                     = propeller_design(prop)    
    net.propeller            = prop    
    # Component 8 the Battery
    bat = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Storages.Batteries.Constant_Mass.Lithium_Ion()
    bat.mass_properties.mass = 500. * Units.kg  
    bat.specific_energy      = 350. * Units.Wh/Units.kg
    bat.resistance           = 0.006
    bat.max_voltage          = 500.
    net.battery              = bat 
    net.voltage              = bat.max_voltage
    # Component 9 Miscellaneous Systems 
    sys = SUAVE.Components.Systems.System()
    sys.mass_properties.mass = 5 # kg
    # Design Motors
    # Propeller  motor
    # Component 4 the Motor
    motor                              = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Motor()
    etam                               = 0.95
    v                                  = bat.max_voltage *3/4
    omeg                               = prop.angular_velocity  
    io                                 = 4.0 
    start_kv                           = 1
    end_kv                             = 25
    # do optimization to find kv or just do a linspace then remove all negative values, take smallest one use 0.05 change
    # essentially you are sizing the motor for a particular rpm which is sized for a design tip mach 
    # this reduces the bookkeeping errors     
    possible_kv_vals                   = np.linspace(start_kv,end_kv,(end_kv-start_kv)*20 +1 , endpoint = True) * Units.rpm
    res_kv_vals                        = ((v-omeg/possible_kv_vals)*(1.-etam*v*possible_kv_vals/omeg))/io  
    positive_res_vals                  = np.extract(res_kv_vals > 0 ,res_kv_vals) 
    kv_idx                             = np.where(res_kv_vals == min(positive_res_vals))[0][0]   
    kv                                 = possible_kv_vals[kv_idx]  
    res                                = min(positive_res_vals) 

    motor.mass_properties.mass         = 10. * Units.kg
    motor.origin                       = prop.origin  
    motor.propeller_radius             = prop.tip_radius   
    motor.speed_constant               = 0.35 
    motor.resistance                   = res
    motor.no_load_current              = io 
    motor.gear_ratio                   = 1. 
    motor.gearbox_efficiency           = 1. # Gear box efficiency     
    net.motor                          = motor 

    # Component 6 the Payload
    payload = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Payload()
    payload.power_draw           = 10. #Watts 
    payload.mass_properties.mass = 1.0 * Units.kg
    net.payload                  = payload

    # Component 7 the Avionics
    avionics = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()
    avionics.power_draw = 20. #Watts  
    net.avionics        = avionics      

    # add the solar network to the vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vehicle Definition Complete
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    return vehicle
Exemplo n.º 22
def setup_vehicle():

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Initialize the Vehicle
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    # Create a vehicle and set level properties
    vehicle = SUAVE.Vehicle()
    vehicle.tag = 'eVTOL'

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vehicle-level Properties
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # mass properties
    vehicle.mass_properties.takeoff = 2500. * Units.lb
    vehicle.mass_properties.operating_empty = 2150. * Units.lb
    vehicle.mass_properties.max_takeoff = 2500. * Units.lb
    vehicle.mass_properties.max_payload = 100. * Units.lb
    vehicle.mass_properties.center_of_gravity = [[2.0, 0.,
                                                  0.]]  # I made this up

    # basic parameters
    vehicle.envelope.ultimate_load = 5.7
    vehicle.envelope.limit_load = 3.

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # WINGS
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Main_Wing()
    wing.tag = 'main_wing'
    wing.origin = [[1.5, 0., -0.5]]
    wing.spans.projected = 35.0 * Units.feet
    wing.chords.root = 3.25 * Units.feet

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'Root'
    segment.percent_span_location = 0.
    segment.twist = 0.
    segment.root_chord_percent = 1.5
    segment.dihedral_outboard = 1.0 * Units.degrees
    segment.sweeps.quarter_chord = 8.5 * Units.degrees
    segment.thickness_to_chord = 0.18

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'Section_2'
    segment.percent_span_location = 0.227
    segment.twist = 0.
    segment.root_chord_percent = 1.
    segment.dihedral_outboard = 1.0 * Units.degrees
    segment.sweeps.quarter_chord = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    segment.thickness_to_chord = 0.12

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'Tip'
    segment.percent_span_location = 1.0
    segment.twist = 0.
    segment.root_chord_percent = 1.0
    segment.dihedral_outboard = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    segment.sweeps.quarter_chord = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    segment.thickness_to_chord = 0.12

    # Fill out more segment properties automatically
    wing = segment_properties(wing)
    wing = wing_segmented_planform(wing)

    vehicle.reference_area = wing.areas.reference

    # add to vehicle

    # Add a horizontal tail
    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Horizontal_Tail()
    wing.tag = 'horizontal_tail'
    wing.areas.reference = 2.0
    wing.taper = 0.5
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord = 20. * Units.degrees
    wing.aspect_ratio = 5.0
    wing.thickness_to_chord = 0.12
    wing.dihedral = 5. * Units.degrees
    wing.origin = [[5.5, 0.0, 0.65]]

    # Fill out more segment properties automatically
    wing = wing_planform(wing)

    # add to vehicle

    # Add a vertical tail
    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Vertical_Tail()
    wing.tag = 'vertical_tail'
    wing.areas.reference = 1.0
    wing.taper = 0.5
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord = 30 * Units.degrees
    wing.aspect_ratio = 2.5
    wing.thickness_to_chord = 0.12
    wing.origin = [[5.5, 0.0, 0.65]]

    # Fill out more segment properties automatically
    wing = wing_planform(wing)

    # add to vehicle

    # Add a fuseelage

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------
    fuselage = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Fuselage()
    fuselage.tag = 'fuselage'
    fuselage.seats_abreast = 2.
    fuselage.fineness.nose = 0.88
    fuselage.fineness.tail = 1.13
    fuselage.lengths.nose = 3.2 * Units.feet
    fuselage.lengths.tail = 6.4 * Units.feet
    fuselage.lengths.cabin = 6.4 * Units.feet
    fuselage.lengths.total = 6.0
    fuselage.width = 5.85 * Units.feet
    fuselage.heights.maximum = 4.65 * Units.feet
    fuselage.heights.at_quarter_length = 3.75 * Units.feet
    fuselage.heights.at_wing_root_quarter_chord = 4.65 * Units.feet
    fuselage.heights.at_three_quarters_length = 4.26 * Units.feet
    fuselage.areas.wetted = 236. * Units.feet**2
    fuselage.areas.front_projected = 0.14 * Units.feet**2
    fuselage.effective_diameter = 5.85 * Units.feet
    fuselage.differential_pressure = 0.

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_0'
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.
    segment.percent_z_location = -0.05
    segment.height = 0.1
    segment.width = 0.1

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_1'
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.06
    segment.percent_z_location = -0.05
    segment.height = 0.52
    segment.width = 0.75

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_2'
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.25
    segment.percent_z_location = -.01
    segment.height = 1.2
    segment.width = 1.43

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_3'
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.475
    segment.percent_z_location = 0
    segment.height = 1.4
    segment.width = 1.4

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_4'
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.75
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.06
    segment.height = 0.6
    segment.width = 0.4

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_5'
    segment.percent_x_location = 1.
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.1
    segment.height = 0.05
    segment.width = 0.05

    # add to vehicle

    # Booms
    # Add booms for the motors
    boom = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Fuselage()
    boom.tag = 'boom_R'
    boom.origin = [[0.525, 3.0, -0.35]]
    boom.lengths.nose = 0.2
    boom.lengths.tail = 0.2
    boom.lengths.total = 4
    boom.width = 0.15
    boom.heights.maximum = 0.15
    boom.heights.at_quarter_length = 0.15
    boom.heights.at_three_quarters_length = 0.15
    boom.heights.at_wing_root_quarter_chord = 0.15
    boom.effective_diameter = 0.15
    boom.areas.wetted = 2 * np.pi * (0.075) * 3.5
    boom.areas.front_projected = np.pi * 0.15
    boom.fineness.nose = 0.15 / 0.2
    boom.fineness.tail = 0.15 / 0.2


    # Now attach the mirrored boom
    other_boom = deepcopy(boom)
    other_boom.origin[0][1] = -boom.origin[0][1]
    other_boom.tag = 'boom_L'

    # Network
    net = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Networks.Lift_Cruise()
    net.number_of_lift_rotor_engines = 4
    net.number_of_propeller_engines = 1
    net.identical_propellers = True
    net.identical_lift_rotors = True
    net.voltage = 400.

    # Electronic Speed Controller
    lift_rotor_esc = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Electronic_Speed_Controller(
    lift_rotor_esc.efficiency = 0.95
    net.lift_rotor_esc = lift_rotor_esc

    propeller_esc = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Electronic_Speed_Controller(
    propeller_esc.efficiency = 0.95
    net.propeller_esc = propeller_esc

    # Payload
    payload = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()
    payload.power_draw = 0.
    net.payload = payload

    # Avionics
    avionics = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()
    avionics.power_draw = 300. * Units.watts
    net.avionics = avionics

    # Design Battery
    bat = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Storages.Batteries.Constant_Mass.Lithium_Ion_LiNiMnCoO2_18650(
    bat.mass_properties.mass = 1000. * Units.lb
    bat.max_voltage = net.voltage
    net.battery = bat

    # Design Rotors and Propellers

    # The tractor propeller
    propeller = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Propeller()
    propeller.origin = [[0, 0, -0.325]]
    propeller.number_of_blades = 3
    propeller.tip_radius = 0.9
    propeller.hub_radius = 0.1
    propeller.angular_velocity = 2200 * Units.rpm
    propeller.freestream_velocity = 100. * Units.knots
    propeller.design_Cl = 0.7
    propeller.design_altitude = 5000. * Units.feet
    propeller.design_thrust = 500. * Units.lbf
    propeller.airfoil_geometry = ['./Airfoils/NACA_4412.txt']
    propeller.airfoil_polars = [[
    propeller.airfoil_polar_stations = np.zeros((20), dtype=np.int8).tolist()
    propeller = propeller_design(propeller)

    # The lift rotors
    lift_rotor = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Lift_Rotor()
    lift_rotor.tip_radius = 1.5
    lift_rotor.hub_radius = 0.15
    lift_rotor.number_of_blades = 4
    lift_rotor.design_tip_mach = 0.65
    lift_rotor.freestream_velocity = 500. * Units['ft/min']
    lift_rotor.angular_velocity = lift_rotor.design_tip_mach * Air(
    ).compute_speed_of_sound() / lift_rotor.tip_radius
    lift_rotor.design_Cl = 0.7
    lift_rotor.design_altitude = 3000. * Units.feet
    lift_rotor.design_thrust = 2500 * Units.lbf / 4
    lift_rotor.variable_pitch = False
    lift_rotor.airfoil_geometry = ['./Airfoils/NACA_4412.txt']
    lift_rotor.airfoil_polars = [[

    lift_rotor.airfoil_polar_stations = np.zeros((20), dtype=np.int8).tolist()
    lift_rotor = propeller_design(lift_rotor)

    # Appending rotors with different origins
    rotations = [1, -1, -1, 1]
    origins = [[0.6, 3., -0.125], [4.5, 3., -0.125], [0.6, -3., -0.125],
               [4.5, -3., -0.125]]

    for ii in range(4):
        lift_rotor = deepcopy(lift_rotor)
        lift_rotor.tag = 'lift_rotor'
        lift_rotor.rotation = rotations[ii]
        lift_rotor.origin = [origins[ii]]

    # Design Motors
    # Propeller (Thrust) motor
    propeller_motor = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Motor()
    propeller_motor.efficiency = 0.95
    propeller_motor.nominal_voltage = bat.max_voltage
    propeller_motor.mass_properties.mass = 2.0 * Units.kg
    propeller_motor.origin = propeller.origin
    propeller_motor.propeller_radius = propeller.tip_radius
    propeller_motor.no_load_current = 2.0
    propeller_motor = size_optimal_motor(propeller_motor, propeller)

    # Rotor (Lift) Motor
    lift_rotor_motor = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Motor()
    lift_rotor_motor.efficiency = 0.85
    lift_rotor_motor.nominal_voltage = bat.max_voltage * 3 / 4
    lift_rotor_motor.mass_properties.mass = 3. * Units.kg
    lift_rotor_motor.origin = lift_rotor.origin
    lift_rotor_motor.propeller_radius = lift_rotor.tip_radius
    lift_rotor_motor.gearbox_efficiency = 1.0
    lift_rotor_motor.no_load_current = 4.0
    lift_rotor_motor = size_optimal_motor(lift_rotor_motor, lift_rotor)

    for _ in range(4):
        lift_rotor_motor = deepcopy(lift_rotor_motor)
        lift_rotor_motor.tag = 'motor'


    # Now account for things that have been overlooked for now:
    vehicle.excrescence_area = 0.1

    return vehicle
def vehicle_setup():
    vehicle = SUAVE.Vehicle()
    vehicle.tag = 'eVTOL Weight Test'
    # Vehicle-Level Properties
    vehicle.mass_properties.takeoff         = 840.  * Units.kg
    vehicle.mass_properties.operating_empty = 640.  * Units.kg
    vehicle.mass_properties.max_takeoff     = 1000. * Units.kg
    vehicle.reference_area                  = 12.   * Units['meter**2']
    # Fuselage Properties Properties
    fuselage = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Fuselage()
    fuselage.tag = 'fuselage'
    fuselage.lengths.total      = 5.5 * Units.meter
    fuselage.width              = 2   * Units.meter
    fuselage.heights.maximum    = 1.5 * Units.meter
    # Energy Network Properties
    net = Battery_Propeller()
    net.voltage = 375
    esc = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Electronic_Speed_Controller()
    esc.efficiency  = 0.95
    net.esc         = esc
    payload = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Payload()
    payload.power_draw              = 0.
    payload.mass_properties.mass    = 200 * Units.kg
    net.payload                     = payload

    avionics = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()
    avionics.power_draw = 20.
    net.avionics        = avionics
    bat = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Storages.Batteries.Constant_Mass.Lithium_Ion()
    bat.mass_properties.mass    = 300. * Units.kg
    bat.specific_energy         = 300. * Units.Wh/Units.kg
    bat.resistance              = 0.006
    bat.max_voltage             = 400
    net.battery                 = bat
    # Main Wing
    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Main_Wing()
    wing.tag = 'main wing'
    wing.aspect_ratio               = 4.
    wing.thickness_to_chord         = 0.15
    wing.taper                      = 1.
    wing.spans.projected            = 6. * Units.meter
    wing.areas.reference            = 12.* Units['meter**2']
    wing.chords.root                = 2. * Units.meter
    wing.chords.tip                 = 2. * Units.meter
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic    = 2. * Units.meter
    wing.sweeps.leading_edge        = 0. * Units.degrees
    wing.sweeps.half_chord          = 0. * Units.degrees
    wing.motor_spanwise_locations   = [0.5, 0.5]
    wing.winglet_fraction           = 0.
    wing.high_lift                  = True
    # Secondary Wing
    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Wing()
    wing.tag = 'secondary wing'
    wing.aspect_ratio               = 4.
    wing.thickness_to_chord         = 0.15
    wing.taper                      = 1.
    wing.spans.projected            = 6. * Units.meter
    wing.areas.reference            = 12.* Units['meter**2']
    wing.chords.root                = 2. * Units.meter
    wing.chords.tip                 = 2. * Units.meter
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic    = 2. * Units.meter
    wing.sweeps.leading_edge        = 0. * Units.degrees
    wing.sweeps.half_chord          = 0. * Units.degrees
    wing.high_lift                  = True
    wing.motor_spanwise_locations   = [0.5, 0.5]
    wing.winglet_fraction           = 0.
    return vehicle
Exemplo n.º 24
def vehicle_setup():

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Initialize the Vehicle
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------    
    vehicle               = SUAVE.Vehicle()
    vehicle.tag           = 'Lift_Cruise_CRM'
    vehicle.configuration = 'eVTOL'

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vehicle-level Properties
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------    
    # mass properties
    vehicle.mass_properties.takeoff           = 2450. * Units.lb 
    vehicle.mass_properties.operating_empty   = 2250. * Units.lb               # Approximate
    vehicle.mass_properties.max_takeoff       = 2450. * Units.lb               # Approximate
    vehicle.mass_properties.center_of_gravity = [2.0144,   0.  ,  0. ] # Approximate

    # basic parameters                          
    vehicle.reference_area         = 10.76  
    vehicle.envelope.ultimate_load = 5.7   
    vehicle.envelope.limit_load    = 3.  

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------    
    # WINGS                                    
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------    
    # WING PROPERTIES           
    wing                          = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Main_Wing()
    wing.tag                      = 'main_wing'  
    wing.aspect_ratio             = 10.76 
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord     = 0.0  * Units.degrees
    wing.thickness_to_chord       = 0.18  
    wing.taper                    = 1.  
    wing.span_efficiency          = 0.9  
    wing.spans.projected          = 35.0   * Units.feet
    wing.chords.root              = 3.25   * Units.feet
    wing.total_length             = 3.25   * Units.feet 
    wing.chords.tip               = 3.25   * Units.feet 
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic  = 3.25   * Units.feet  
    wing.dihedral                 = 1.0    * Units.degrees  
    wing.areas.reference          = 113.75 * Units.feet**2 
    wing.areas.wetted             = 227.5  * Units.feet**2  
    wing.areas.exposed            = 227.5  * Units.feet**2  
    wing.twists.root              = 4.0    * Units.degrees  
    wing.twists.tip               = 0.0    * Units.degrees   
    wing.origin                   = [1.5, 0., 0. ] 
    wing.aerodynamic_center       = [1.975 , 0., 0.]    
    wing.winglet_fraction         = 0.0  
    wing.symmetric                = True
    wing.vertical                 = False

    # Segment                                  
    segment                       = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Segment()
    segment.tag                   = 'Section_1'   
    segment.percent_span_location = 0.  
    segment.twist                 = 0.  
    segment.root_chord_percent    = 1.5 
    segment.dihedral_outboard     = 1.0 * Units.degrees
    segment.sweeps.quarter_chord  = 8.5 * Units.degrees
    segment.thickness_to_chord    = 0.18  

    # Segment                                   
    segment                       = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Segment()
    segment.tag                   = 'Section_2'    
    segment.percent_span_location = 0.227 
    segment.twist                 = 0.  
    segment.root_chord_percent    = 1.  
    segment.dihedral_outboard     = 1.0  * Units.degrees
    segment.sweeps.quarter_chord  = 0.0  * Units.degrees 
    segment.thickness_to_chord    = 0.12 

    # Segment                                   
    segment                       = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Segment()
    segment.tag                   = 'Section_3'   
    segment.percent_span_location = 1.0 
    segment.twist                 = 0.  
    segment.root_chord_percent    = 1.0 
    segment.dihedral_outboard     = 1.0  * Units.degrees
    segment.sweeps.quarter_chord  = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    segment.thickness_to_chord    = 0.12 

    # add to vehicle

    wing                          = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Wing()
    wing.tag                      = 'horizontal_tail'  
    wing.aspect_ratio             = 4.0 
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord     = 0.0  
    wing.thickness_to_chord       = 0.12  
    wing.taper                    = 1.0  
    wing.span_efficiency          = 0.9  
    wing.spans.projected          = 8.0 * Units.feet
    wing.chords.root              = 2.0 * Units.feet 
    wing.total_length             = 2.0 * Units.feet 
    wing.chords.tip               = 2.0 * Units.feet 
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic  = 2.0 * Units.feet   
    wing.dihedral                 = 0.  * Units.degrees  
    wing.areas.reference          = 16.0  * Units.feet**2 
    wing.areas.wetted             = 32.0  * Units.feet**2    
    wing.areas.exposed            = 32.0  * Units.feet**2  
    wing.twists.root              = 0. * Units.degrees  
    wing.twists.tip               = 0. * Units.degrees  
    wing.origin                   = [14.0*0.3048 , 0.0 , 0.205 ]   
    wing.aerodynamic_center       = [15.0*0.3048 ,  0.,  0.] 
    wing.symmetric                = True    

    # add to vehicle

    wing                          = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Wing()
    wing.tag                      = 'vertical_tail_1'
    wing.aspect_ratio             = 2. 
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord     = 20.0 * Units.degrees 
    wing.thickness_to_chord       = 0.12
    wing.taper                    = 0.5
    wing.span_efficiency          = 0.9 
    wing.spans.projected          = 3.0 * Units.feet 
    wing.chords.root              = 2.0 * Units.feet  
    wing.total_length             = 2.0 * Units.feet 
    wing.chords.tip               = 1.0 * Units.feet  
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic  = 1.5 * Units.feet
    wing.areas.reference          = 4.5 * Units.feet**2
    wing.areas.wetted             = 9.0 * Units.feet**2 
    wing.areas.exposed            = 9.0 * Units.feet**2 
    wing.twists.root              = 0. * Units.degrees 
    wing.twists.tip               = 0. * Units.degrees  
    wing.origin                   = [14.0*0.3048 , 4.0*0.3048  , 0.205  ]   
    wing.aerodynamic_center       = 0.0   
    wing.winglet_fraction         = 0.0  
    wing.vertical                 = True 
    wing.symmetric                = False

    # add to vehicle

    wing                         = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Wing()
    wing.tag                     = 'vertical_tail_2'
    wing.aspect_ratio            = 2. 
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord    = 20.0 * Units.degrees 
    wing.thickness_to_chord      = 0.12
    wing.taper                   = 0.5
    wing.span_efficiency         = 0.9 
    wing.spans.projected         = 3.0 * Units.feet 
    wing.chords.root             = 2.0 * Units.feet  
    wing.total_length            = 2.0 * Units.feet 
    wing.chords.tip              = 1.0 * Units.feet  
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = 1.5 * Units.feet
    wing.areas.reference         = 4.5 * Units.feet**2
    wing.areas.wetted            = 9.0 * Units.feet**2 
    wing.areas.exposed           = 9.0 * Units.feet**2 
    wing.twists.root             = 0.0 * Units.degrees  
    wing.twists.tip              = 0.0 * Units.degrees   
    wing.origin                  = [14.0*0.3048 , -4.0*0.3048  , 0.205   ]  
    wing.aerodynamic_center      = 0.0   
    wing.winglet_fraction        = 0.0  
    wing.vertical                = True   
    wing.symmetric               = False

    # add to vehicle

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------   
    # FUSELAGE                
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------   
    fuselage                                    = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Fuselage()
    fuselage.tag                                = 'fuselage'
    fuselage.configuration                      = 'Tube_Wing'  
    fuselage.origin                             = [[0. , 0.,  0.]] 
    fuselage.seats_abreast                      = 2.  
    fuselage.seat_pitch                         = 3.  
    fuselage.fineness.nose                      = 0.88   
    fuselage.fineness.tail                      = 1.13   
    fuselage.lengths.nose                       = 3.2 * Units.feet 
    fuselage.lengths.tail                       = 6.4 * Units.feet
    fuselage.lengths.cabin                      = 6.4 * Units.feet 
    fuselage.lengths.total                      = 16.0 * Units.feet 
    fuselage.width                              = 5.85 * Units.feet 
    fuselage.heights.maximum                    = 4.65 * Units.feet  
    fuselage.heights.at_quarter_length          = 3.75 * Units.feet  
    fuselage.heights.at_wing_root_quarter_chord = 4.65 * Units.feet 
    fuselage.heights.at_three_quarters_length   = 4.26 * Units.feet 
    fuselage.areas.wetted                       = 236. * Units.feet**2 
    fuselage.areas.front_projected              = 0.14 * Units.feet**2    
    fuselage.effective_diameter                 = 5.85 * Units.feet  
    fuselage.differential_pressure              = 0. 

    # Segment  
    segment                           = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Segment() 
    segment.tag                       = 'segment_1'  
    segment.origin                    = [0., 0. ,0.]  
    segment.percent_x_location        = 0.  
    segment.percent_z_location        = 0.0 
    segment.height                    = 0.1 * Units.feet   
    segment.width                     = 0.1 * Units.feet     
    segment.length                    = 0.  
    segment.effective_diameter        = 0.1 * Units.feet   

    # Segment                                   
    segment                           = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Segment()
    segment.tag                       = 'segment_2'  
    segment.origin                    = [4.*0.3048 , 0. ,0.1*0.3048 ]  
    segment.percent_x_location        = 0.25  
    segment.percent_z_location        = 0.05 
    segment.height                    = 3.75 * Units.feet 
    segment.width                     = 5.65 * Units.feet  
    segment.length                    = 3.2  * Units.feet  
    segment.effective_diameter        = 5.65 * Units.feet 

    # Segment                                   
    segment                           = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Segment()
    segment.tag                       = 'segment_3'  
    segment.origin                    = [8.*0.3048 , 0. ,0.34*0.3048 ]  
    segment.percent_x_location        = 0.5  
    segment.percent_z_location        = 0.071 
    segment.height                    = 4.65  * Units.feet 
    segment.width                     = 5.55  * Units.feet  
    segment.length                    = 3.2   * Units.feet
    segment.effective_diameter        = 5.55  * Units.feet 

    # Segment                                  
    segment                           = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Segment()
    segment.tag                       = 'segment_4'  
    segment.origin                    = [12.*0.3048 , 0. ,0.77*0.3048 ] 
    segment.percent_x_location        = 0.75 
    segment.percent_z_location        = 0.089  
    segment.height                    = 4.73 * Units.feet  
    segment.width                     = 4.26 * Units.feet   
    segment.length                    = 3.2  * Units.feet  
    segment.effective_diameter        = 4.26 * Units.feet 

    # Segment                                   
    segment                           = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Segment()
    segment.tag                       = 'segment_5'  
    segment.origin                    = [16.*0.3048 , 0. ,2.02*0.3048 ] 
    segment.percent_x_location        = 1.0
    segment.percent_z_location        = 0.158 
    segment.height                    = 0.67 * Units.feet
    segment.width                     = 0.33 * Units.feet
    segment.length                    = 3.2 * Units.feet 
    segment.effective_diameter        = 0.33  * Units.feet

    # add to vehicle

    # BOOMS   
    boom                                    = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Fuselage()
    boom.tag                                = 'Boom_1R'
    boom.configuration                      = 'Boom'  
    boom.origin                             = [[0.718,7.5*0.3048 , -0.15 ]]
    boom.seats_abreast                      = 0.  
    boom.seat_pitch                         = 0.0 
    boom.fineness.nose                      = 0.950   
    boom.fineness.tail                      = 1.029   
    boom.lengths.nose                       = 0.5 * Units.feet   
    boom.lengths.tail                       = 0.5 * Units.feet    
    boom.lengths.cabin                      = 9.0 * Units.feet
    boom.lengths.total                      = 10  * Units.feet   
    boom.width                              = 0.5 * Units.feet   
    boom.heights.maximum                    = 0.5 * Units.feet   
    boom.heights.at_quarter_length          = 0.5 * Units.feet   
    boom.heights.at_three_quarters_length   = 0.5 * Units.feet
    boom.heights.at_wing_root_quarter_chord = 0.5 * Units.feet
    boom.areas.wetted                       = 18  * Units.feet**2
    boom.areas.front_projected              = 0.26 * Units.feet**2
    boom.effective_diameter                 = 0.5 * Units.feet    
    boom.differential_pressure              = 0. 
    boom.y_pitch_count                      = 2
    boom.y_pitch                            = (72/12)*0.3048
    boom.symmetric                          = True
    boom.boom_pitch                         = 6 * Units.feet
    boom.index                              = 1

    # add to vehicle

    # create pattern of booms on one side
    original_boom_origin =  boom.origin 
    if boom.y_pitch_count >  1 : 
        for n in range(boom.y_pitch_count):
            if n == 0:
                index             = n+1
                boom              = deepcopy(vehicle.fuselages.boom_1r)
                boom.origin[0][1] = n*boom.boom_pitch + original_boom_origin[0][1]
                boom.tag          = 'Boom_' + str(index) + 'R'
                boom.index        = n 

    if boom.symmetric : 
        for n in range(boom.y_pitch_count):
            index             = n+1
            boom              = deepcopy(vehicle.fuselages.boom_1r)
            boom.origin[0][1] = -n*boom.boom_pitch - original_boom_origin[0][1]
            boom.tag          = 'Boom_' + str(index) + 'L'
            boom.index        = n 

    net                           = Lift_Cruise()
    net.number_of_engines_lift    = 12
    net.number_of_engines_forward = 1
    net.thrust_angle_lift         = 90. * Units.degrees
    net.thrust_angle_forward      = 0. 
    net.nacelle_diameter          = 0.6 * Units.feet  
    net.engine_length             = 0.5 * Units.feet
    net.areas                     = Data()
    net.areas.wetted              = np.pi*net.nacelle_diameter*net.engine_length + 0.5*np.pi*net.nacelle_diameter**2    
    net.voltage                   = 500.

    # Design Electronic Speed Controller 
    esc_lift              = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Electronic_Speed_Controller()
    esc_lift.efficiency   = 0.95
    net.esc_lift          = esc_lift 

    esc_thrust            = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Electronic_Speed_Controller()
    esc_thrust.efficiency = 0.95
    net.esc_forward       = esc_thrust

    # Design Payload
    payload                      = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()
    payload.power_draw           = 0.
    payload.mass_properties.mass = 200. * Units.kg
    net.payload                  = payload

    # Design Avionics
    avionics            = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()
    avionics.power_draw = 200. * Units.watts
    net.avionics        = avionics

    # Design Battery
    bat                                                 = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Storages.Batteries.Constant_Mass.Lithium_Ion()
    bat.specific_energy                                 = 300. * Units.Wh/Units.kg
    bat.resistance                                      = 0.005
    bat.max_voltage                                     = net.voltage 
    bat.mass_properties.mass                            = 300. * Units.kg
    initialize_from_mass(bat, bat.mass_properties.mass)
    net.battery                                         = bat

    # Design Rotors and Propellers
    # atmosphere and flight conditions for propeller/rotor design
    g              = 9.81                                   # gravitational acceleration 
    S              = vehicle.reference_area                 # reference area 
    speed_of_sound = 340                                    # speed of sound 
    rho            = 1.22                                   # reference density
    fligth_CL      = 0.75                                   # cruise target lift coefficient 
    AR             = vehicle.wings.main_wing.aspect_ratio   # aspect ratio 
    Cd0            = 0.06                                   # profile drag
    Cdi            = fligth_CL**2/(np.pi*AR*0.98)           # induced drag
    Cd             = Cd0 + Cdi                              # total drag
    V_inf          = 110.* Units['mph']                     # freestream velocity 
    Drag           = S * (0.5*rho*V_inf**2 )*Cd             # cruise drag
    Hover_Load     = vehicle.mass_properties.takeoff*g      # hover load  

    # Thrust Propeller                          
    propeller                     = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Propeller() 
    propeller.number_blades       = 3
    propeller.number_of_engines   = net.number_of_engines_forward
    propeller.freestream_velocity = V_inf
    propeller.tip_radius          = 1.0668
    propeller.hub_radius          = 0.21336 
    propeller.design_tip_mach     = 0.65
    propeller.angular_velocity    = propeller.design_tip_mach *speed_of_sound  /propeller.tip_radius   
    propeller.design_Cl           = 0.7
    propeller.design_altitude     = 1. * Units.km  
    propeller.design_thrust       = (Drag*2.5)/net.number_of_engines_forward
    propeller                     = propeller_design(propeller)   
    propeller.origin              = [[16.*0.3048 , 0. ,2.02*0.3048 ]]  
    net.propeller                 = propeller

    # Lift Rotors                               
    rotor                         = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Rotor() 
    rotor.tip_radius              = 2.8 * Units.feet
    rotor.hub_radius              = 0.35 * Units.feet      
    rotor.number_blades           = 2   
    rotor.design_tip_mach         = 0.65
    rotor.number_of_engines       = net.number_of_engines_lift
    rotor.disc_area               = np.pi*(rotor.tip_radius**2)        
    rotor.induced_hover_velocity  = np.sqrt(Hover_Load/(2*rho*rotor.disc_area*net.number_of_engines_lift)) 
    rotor.freestream_velocity     = 500. * Units['ft/min']  
    rotor.angular_velocity        = rotor.design_tip_mach* speed_of_sound /rotor.tip_radius   
    rotor.design_Cl               = 0.7
    rotor.design_altitude         = 20 * Units.feet                            
    rotor.design_thrust           = (Hover_Load * 2.5 )/net.number_of_engines_lift 
    rotor.x_pitch_count           = 2 
    rotor.y_pitch_count           = vehicle.fuselages['boom_1r'].y_pitch_count
    rotor.y_pitch                 = vehicle.fuselages['boom_1r'].y_pitch 
    rotor                         = propeller_design(rotor)          
    rotor.origin                  = vehicle.fuselages['boom_1r'].origin
    rotor.symmetric               = True

    # populating propellers on one side of wing
    if rotor.y_pitch_count > 1 :
        for n in range(rotor.y_pitch_count):
            if n == 0:
            propeller_origin = [rotor.origin[0][0] , rotor.origin[0][1] +  n*rotor.y_pitch ,rotor.origin[0][2]]

    # populating propellers on one side of the vehicle 
    if rotor.x_pitch_count > 1 :
        relative_prop_origins = np.linspace(0,vehicle.fuselages['boom_1r'].lengths.total,rotor.x_pitch_count)
        for n in range(len(rotor.origin)):
            for m in range(len(relative_prop_origins)-1):
                propeller_origin = [rotor.origin[n][0] + relative_prop_origins[m+1] , rotor.origin[n][1] ,rotor.origin[n][2] ]

    # propulating propellers on the other side of thevehicle   
    if rotor.symmetric : 
        for n in range(len(rotor.origin)):
            propeller_origin = [rotor.origin[n][0] , -rotor.origin[n][1] ,rotor.origin[n][2] ]

    # re-compute number of lift rotors if changed 
    net.number_of_engines_lift = len(rotor.origin)        

    # append propellers to vehicle     
    net.rotor = rotor

    # Design Motors
    # Propeller (Thrust) motor
    motor_forward                      = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Motor()
    motor_forward.efficiency           = 0.95
    motor_forward.nominal_voltage      = bat.max_voltage *3/4 
    motor_forward.mass_properties.mass = 2.0  * Units.kg
    motor_forward.origin               = propeller.origin  
    motor_forward.propeller_radius     = propeller.tip_radius    
    motor_forward.gear_ratio           = 1. 
    motor_forward.gearbox_efficiency   = 1. # Gear box efficiency    
    motor_forward.no_load_current      = 2.0 
    motor_forward                      = compute_optimal_motor_parameters(motor_forward,propeller)
    net.motor_forward                  = motor_forward

    # Rotor (Lift) Motor                        
    motor_lift                      = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Motor()
    motor_lift.efficiency           = 0.95  
    motor_lift.nominal_voltage      = bat.max_voltage 
    motor_lift.mass_properties.mass = 3. * Units.kg 
    motor_lift.origin               = rotor.origin  
    motor_lift.propeller_radius     = rotor.tip_radius  
    motor_lift.gear_ratio           = 1.0
    motor_lift.gearbox_efficiency   = 1.0 
    motor_lift.no_load_current      = 4.0     
    motor_lift                      = compute_optimal_motor_parameters(motor_lift,rotor)
    net.motor_lift                  = motor_lift  

    # append motor origin spanwise locations onto wing data structure 

    # Add extra drag sources from motors, props, and landing gear. All of these hand measured 
    motor_height                     = .25 * Units.feet
    motor_width                      = 1.6 * Units.feet    
    propeller_width                  = 1. * Units.inches
    propeller_height                 = propeller_width *.12    
    main_gear_width                  = 1.5 * Units.inches
    main_gear_length                 = 2.5 * Units.feet    
    nose_gear_width                  = 2. * Units.inches
    nose_gear_length                 = 2. * Units.feet    
    nose_tire_height                 = (0.7 + 0.4) * Units.feet
    nose_tire_width                  = 0.4 * Units.feet    
    main_tire_height                 = (0.75 + 0.5) * Units.feet
    main_tire_width                  = 4. * Units.inches    
    total_excrescence_area_spin      = 12.*motor_height*motor_width + 2.*main_gear_length*main_gear_width \
        + nose_gear_width*nose_gear_length + 2*main_tire_height*main_tire_width\
        + nose_tire_height*nose_tire_width 
    total_excrescence_area_no_spin   = total_excrescence_area_spin + 12*propeller_height*propeller_width  
    vehicle.excrescence_area_no_spin = total_excrescence_area_no_spin 
    vehicle.excrescence_area_spin    = total_excrescence_area_spin 

    vehicle.wings['main_wing'].motor_spanwise_locations = np.multiply(
        [-5.435, -5.435, -9.891, -9.891, -14.157, -14.157,
         5.435, 5.435, 9.891, 9.891, 14.157, 14.157])

    vehicle.wings['main_wing'].winglet_fraction        = 0.0
    vehicle.wings['main_wing'].thickness_to_chord      = 0.18
    vehicle.wings['main_wing'].chords.mean_aerodynamic = 0.9644599977664836    

    return vehicle
Exemplo n.º 25
def vehicle_setup():

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Initialize the Vehicle
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    vehicle = SUAVE.Vehicle()
    vehicle.tag = 'X57_Maxwell_Mod2'

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vehicle-level Properties
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    # mass properties
    vehicle.mass_properties.max_takeoff = 2550. * Units.pounds
    vehicle.mass_properties.takeoff = 2550. * Units.pounds
    vehicle.mass_properties.max_zero_fuel = 2550. * Units.pounds
    vehicle.envelope.ultimate_load = 5.7
    vehicle.envelope.limit_load = 3.8
    vehicle.reference_area = 14.76
    vehicle.passengers = 4
    vehicle.systems.control = "fully powered"
    vehicle.systems.accessories = "commuter"

    cruise_speed = 135. * Units['mph']
    altitude = 2500. * Units.ft
    atmo = SUAVE.Analyses.Atmospheric.US_Standard_1976()
    freestream = atmo.compute_values(0.)
    freestream0 = atmo.compute_values(altitude)
    mach_number = (cruise_speed / freestream.speed_of_sound)[0][0]
    vehicle.design_dynamic_pressure = (.5 * freestream0.density *
                                       (cruise_speed * cruise_speed))[0][0]
    vehicle.design_mach_number = mach_number

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Main Wing
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Main_Wing()
    wing.tag = 'main_wing'
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord = 0.0 * Units.deg
    wing.thickness_to_chord = 0.12
    wing.areas.reference = 14.76
    wing.spans.projected = 11.4
    wing.chords.root = 1.46
    wing.chords.tip = 0.92
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = 1.19
    wing.taper = wing.chords.root / wing.chords.tip
    wing.aspect_ratio = wing.spans.projected**2. / wing.areas.reference
    wing.twists.root = 3.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.twists.tip = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.origin = [[2.93, 0., 1.01]]
    wing.aerodynamic_center = [3., 0., 1.01]
    wing.vertical = False
    wing.symmetric = True
    wing.high_lift = True
    wing.winglet_fraction = 0.0
    wing.dynamic_pressure_ratio = 1.0
    airfoil = SUAVE.Components.Airfoils.Airfoil()
    airfoil.coordinate_file = '../Vehicles/Airfoils/NACA_63_412.txt'

    cg_x = wing.origin[0][0] + 0.25 * wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic
    cg_z = wing.origin[0][2] - 0.2 * wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic
    vehicle.mass_properties.center_of_gravity = [
        [cg_x, 0., cg_z]
    ]  # SOURCE: Design and aerodynamic analysis of a twin-engine commuter aircraft

    # Wing Segments
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'inboard'
    segment.percent_span_location = 0.0
    segment.twist = 3. * Units.degrees
    segment.root_chord_percent = 1.
    segment.dihedral_outboard = 0.
    segment.sweeps.quarter_chord = 0.
    segment.thickness_to_chord = 0.12

    segment = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'outboard'
    segment.percent_span_location = 0.5438
    segment.twist = 2. * Units.degrees
    segment.root_chord_percent = 1.
    segment.dihedral_outboard = 0.
    segment.sweeps.quarter_chord = 0.
    segment.thickness_to_chord = 0.12

    # Wing Segments
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'winglet'
    segment.percent_span_location = 0.98
    segment.twist = 1. * Units.degrees
    segment.root_chord_percent = 0.630
    segment.dihedral_outboard = 75. * Units.degrees
    segment.sweeps.quarter_chord = 82. * Units.degrees
    segment.thickness_to_chord = 0.12

    segment = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'tip'
    segment.percent_span_location = 1.
    segment.twist = 0. * Units.degrees
    segment.root_chord_percent = 0.12
    segment.dihedral_outboard = 0.
    segment.sweeps.quarter_chord = 0.
    segment.thickness_to_chord = 0.12

    # Fill out more segment properties automatically
    wing = segment_properties(wing)

    # add to vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Horizontal Stabilizer
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Wing()
    wing.tag = 'horizontal_stabilizer'
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord = 0.0 * Units.deg
    wing.thickness_to_chord = 0.12
    wing.areas.reference = 2.540
    wing.spans.projected = 3.3 * Units.meter
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord = 0 * Units.deg
    wing.chords.root = 0.769 * Units.meter
    wing.chords.tip = 0.769 * Units.meter
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = 0.769 * Units.meter
    wing.taper = 1.
    wing.aspect_ratio = wing.spans.projected**2. / wing.areas.reference
    wing.twists.root = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.twists.tip = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.origin = [[7.7, 0., 0.25]]
    wing.aerodynamic_center = [7.8, 0., 0.25]
    wing.vertical = False
    wing.winglet_fraction = 0.0
    wing.symmetric = True
    wing.high_lift = False
    wing.dynamic_pressure_ratio = 0.9

    # add to vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vertical Stabilizer
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Wing()
    wing.tag = 'vertical_stabilizer'
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord = 25. * Units.deg
    wing.thickness_to_chord = 0.12
    wing.areas.reference = 2.258 * Units['meters**2']
    wing.spans.projected = 1.854 * Units.meter
    wing.chords.root = 1.6764 * Units.meter
    wing.chords.tip = 0.6858 * Units.meter
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = 1.21 * Units.meter
    wing.taper = wing.chords.tip / wing.chords.root
    wing.aspect_ratio = wing.spans.projected**2. / wing.areas.reference
    wing.twists.root = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.twists.tip = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.origin = [[6.75, 0, 0.623]]
    wing.aerodynamic_center = [0.508, 0, 0]
    wing.vertical = True
    wing.symmetric = False
    wing.t_tail = False
    wing.winglet_fraction = 0.0
    wing.dynamic_pressure_ratio = 1.0

    # add to vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Fuselage
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    fuselage = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Fuselage()
    fuselage.tag = 'fuselage'
    fuselage.seats_abreast = 2.
    fuselage.fineness.nose = 1.6
    fuselage.fineness.tail = 2.
    fuselage.lengths.nose = 60. * Units.inches
    fuselage.lengths.tail = 161. * Units.inches
    fuselage.lengths.cabin = 105. * Units.inches
    fuselage.lengths.total = 332.2 * Units.inches
    fuselage.lengths.fore_space = 0.
    fuselage.lengths.aft_space = 0.
    fuselage.width = 42. * Units.inches
    fuselage.heights.maximum = 62. * Units.inches
    fuselage.heights.at_quarter_length = 62. * Units.inches
    fuselage.heights.at_three_quarters_length = 62. * Units.inches
    fuselage.heights.at_wing_root_quarter_chord = 23. * Units.inches
    fuselage.areas.side_projected = 8000. * Units.inches**2.
    fuselage.areas.wetted = 30000. * Units.inches**2.
    fuselage.areas.front_projected = 42. * 62. * Units.inches**2.
    fuselage.effective_diameter = 50. * Units.inches

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_0'
    segment.percent_x_location = 0
    segment.percent_z_location = 0
    segment.height = 0.01
    segment.width = 0.01

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_1'
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.007279116466
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.002502014453
    segment.height = 0.1669064748
    segment.width = 0.2780205877

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_2'
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.01941097724
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.001216095397
    segment.height = 0.3129496403
    segment.width = 0.4365777215

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_3'
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.06308567604
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.007395489231
    segment.height = 0.5841726619
    segment.width = 0.6735119903

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_4'
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.1653761217
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.02891281352
    segment.height = 1.064028777
    segment.width = 1.067200529

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_5'
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.2426372155
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.04214148761
    segment.height = 1.293766653
    segment.width = 1.183058255

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_6'
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.2960174029
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.04705241831
    segment.height = 1.377026712
    segment.width = 1.181540054

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_7'
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.3809404284
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.05313580461
    segment.height = 1.439568345
    segment.width = 1.178218989

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_8'
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.5046854083
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.04655492473
    segment.height = 1.29352518
    segment.width = 1.054390707

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_9'
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.6454149933
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.03741966266
    segment.height = 0.8971223022
    segment.width = 0.8501926505

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_10'
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.985107095
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.04540283436
    segment.height = 0.2920863309
    segment.width = 0.2012565415

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_11'
    segment.percent_x_location = 1
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.04787575562
    segment.height = 0.1251798561
    segment.width = 0.1206021048

    # add to vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Nacelles
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    nacelle = SUAVE.Components.Nacelles.Nacelle()
    nacelle.tag = 'nacelle_1'
    nacelle.length = 2
    nacelle.diameter = 42 * Units.inches
    nacelle.areas.wetted = 0.01 * (2 * np.pi * 0.01 / 2)
    nacelle.origin = [[2.5, 2.5, 1.0]]
    nacelle.flow_through = False

    nac_segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    nac_segment.tag = 'segment_1'
    nac_segment.percent_x_location = 0.0
    nac_segment.height = 0.0
    nac_segment.width = 0.0

    nac_segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    nac_segment.tag = 'segment_2'
    nac_segment.percent_x_location = 0.1
    nac_segment.height = 0.5
    nac_segment.width = 0.65

    nac_segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    nac_segment.tag = 'segment_3'
    nac_segment.percent_x_location = 0.3
    nac_segment.height = 0.52
    nac_segment.width = 0.7

    nac_segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    nac_segment.tag = 'segment_4'
    nac_segment.percent_x_location = 0.5
    nac_segment.height = 0.5
    nac_segment.width = 0.65

    nac_segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    nac_segment.tag = 'segment_5'
    nac_segment.percent_x_location = 0.7
    nac_segment.height = 0.4
    nac_segment.width = 0.6

    nac_segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    nac_segment.tag = 'segment_6'
    nac_segment.percent_x_location = 0.9
    nac_segment.height = 0.3
    nac_segment.width = 0.5

    nac_segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    nac_segment.tag = 'segment_7'
    nac_segment.percent_x_location = 1.0
    nac_segment.height = 0.0
    nac_segment.width = 0.0


    nacelle_2 = deepcopy(nacelle)
    nacelle_2.tag = 'nacelle_2'
    nacelle_2.origin = [[2.5, -2.5, 1.0]]

    # build network
    net = Battery_Propeller()
    net.number_of_propeller_engines = 2.
    net.identical_propellers = True

    # Component 1 the ESC
    esc = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Electronic_Speed_Controller()
    esc.efficiency = 0.95  # Gundlach for brushless motors
    net.esc = esc

    # Component 2 the Propeller
    prop = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Propeller()
    prop.tag = 'propeller_1'
    prop.number_of_blades = 2.0
    prop.freestream_velocity = 135. * Units['mph']
    prop.angular_velocity = 1300. * Units.rpm
    prop.tip_radius = 76. / 2. * Units.inches
    prop.hub_radius = 8. * Units.inches
    prop.design_Cl = 0.8
    prop.design_altitude = 12000. * Units.feet
    prop.design_altitude = 12000. * Units.feet
    prop.design_thrust = 1200.
    prop.origin = [[2., 2.5, 0.784]]
    prop.rotation = -1
    prop.symmetry = True
    prop.variable_pitch = True
    prop.airfoil_geometry = ['../Vehicles/Airfoils/NACA_4412.txt']
    prop.airfoil_polars = [[

    prop.airfoil_polar_stations = [
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
    prop = propeller_design(prop)

    prop_left = deepcopy(prop)
    prop_left.tag = 'propeller_2'
    prop_left.origin = [[2., -2.5, 0.784]]
    prop_left.rotation = 1


    # Component 3 the Battery
    bat = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Storages.Batteries.Constant_Mass.Lithium_Ion_LiNiMnCoO2_18650(
    bat.mass_properties.mass = 500. * Units.kg
    bat.max_voltage = 500.
    net.battery = bat
    net.voltage = bat.max_voltage

    # Component 4 Miscellaneous Systems
    sys = SUAVE.Components.Systems.System()
    sys.mass_properties.mass = 5  # kg

    # Component 5 the Motor
    motor = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Motor()
    motor.efficiency = 0.95
    motor.gearbox_efficiency = 1.
    motor.origin = [[2., 2.5, 0.784]]
    motor.nominal_voltage = bat.max_voltage * 3 / 4
    motor.propeller_radius = prop.tip_radius
    motor.no_load_current = 4.0
    motor = size_optimal_motor(motor, prop)
    motor.mass_properties.mass = 10. * Units.kg

    # append right motor

    # append left motor
    motor_left = deepcopy(motor)
    motor_left.origin = [[2., -2.5, 0.784]]

    # Component 6 the Payload
    payload = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Payload()
    payload.power_draw = 10.  # Watts
    payload.mass_properties.mass = 1.0 * Units.kg
    net.payload = payload

    # Component 7 the Avionics
    avionics = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()
    avionics.power_draw = 20.  # Watts
    net.avionics = avionics

    # add the solar network to the vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vehicle Definition Complete
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    return vehicle
Exemplo n.º 26
def vehicle_setup():

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Initialize the Vehicle
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    vehicle = SUAVE.Vehicle()
    vehicle.tag = 'Solar'

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vehicle-level Properties
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # mass properties
    vehicle.mass_properties.takeoff = 200. * Units.kg
    vehicle.mass_properties.operating_empty = 200. * Units.kg
    vehicle.mass_properties.max_takeoff = 200. * Units.kg

    # basic parameters
    vehicle.reference_area = 80.
    vehicle.envelope.ultimate_load = 2.0
    vehicle.envelope.limit_load = 1.5
    vehicle.envelope.maximum_dynamic_pressure = 0.5 * 1.225 * (40.**2.)  #Max q

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Main Wing
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Wing()
    wing.tag = 'main_wing'

    wing.areas.reference = vehicle.reference_area
    wing.spans.projected = 40.0 * Units.meter
    wing.aspect_ratio = (wing.spans.projected**2) / wing.areas.reference
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord = 0.0 * Units.deg
    wing.symmetric = True
    wing.thickness_to_chord = 0.12
    wing.taper = 1.0
    wing.vertical = False
    wing.high_lift = True
    wing.dynamic_pressure_ratio = 1.0
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = wing.areas.reference / wing.spans.projected
    wing.chords.root = wing.areas.reference / wing.spans.projected
    wing.chords.tip = wing.areas.reference / wing.spans.projected
    wing.span_efficiency = 0.98
    wing.twists.root = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.twists.tip = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.highlift = False
    wing.vertical = False
    wing.number_ribs = 26.
    wing.number_end_ribs = 2.
    wing.transition_x_upper = 0.6
    wing.transition_x_lower = 1.0
    wing.origin = [3.0, 0.0, 0.0]  # meters
    wing.aerodynamic_center = [3.0, 0.0, 0.0]  # meters

    # add to vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Horizontal Stabilizer
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Wing()
    wing.tag = 'horizontal_stabilizer'

    wing.aspect_ratio = 20.
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord = 0 * Units.deg
    wing.thickness_to_chord = 0.12
    wing.taper = 1.0
    wing.span_efficiency = 0.95
    wing.areas.reference = vehicle.reference_area * .15
    wing.areas.wetted = 2.0 * wing.areas.reference
    wing.areas.exposed = 0.8 * wing.areas.wetted
    wing.areas.affected = 0.6 * wing.areas.wetted
    wing.spans.projected = np.sqrt(wing.aspect_ratio * wing.areas.reference)
    wing.twists.root = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.twists.tip = 0.0 * Units.degrees

    wing.vertical = False
    wing.symmetric = True
    wing.dynamic_pressure_ratio = 0.9
    wing.number_ribs = 5.0
    wing.chords.root = wing.areas.reference / wing.spans.projected
    wing.chords.tip = wing.areas.reference / wing.spans.projected
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = wing.areas.reference / wing.spans.projected
    wing.origin = [10., 0.0, 0.0]  # meters
    wing.aerodynamic_center = [0.5, 0.0, 0.0]  # meters

    # add to vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vertical Stabilizer
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Wing()
    wing.tag = 'vertical_stabilizer'

    wing.aspect_ratio = 20.
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord = 0 * Units.deg
    wing.thickness_to_chord = 0.12
    wing.taper = 1.0
    wing.span_efficiency = 0.97
    wing.areas.reference = vehicle.reference_area * 0.1
    wing.spans.projected = np.sqrt(wing.aspect_ratio * wing.areas.reference)

    wing.chords.root = wing.areas.reference / wing.spans.projected
    wing.chords.tip = wing.areas.reference / wing.spans.projected
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = wing.areas.reference / wing.spans.projected
    wing.areas.wetted = 2.0 * wing.areas.reference
    wing.areas.exposed = 0.8 * wing.areas.wetted
    wing.areas.affected = 0.6 * wing.areas.wetted
    wing.twists.root = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.twists.tip = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.origin = [10., 0.0, 0.0]  # meters
    wing.aerodynamic_center = [0.5, 0.0, 0.0]  # meters
    wing.symmetric = True
    wing.vertical = True
    wing.t_tail = False
    wing.dynamic_pressure_ratio = 1.0
    wing.number_ribs = 5.

    # add to vehicle

    # Propulsor

    # build network
    net = Solar()
    net.number_of_engines = 1.
    net.nacelle_diameter = 0.2 * Units.meters
    net.engine_length = 0.01 * Units.meters
    net.areas = Data()
    net.areas.wetted = 0.01 * (2 * np.pi * 0.01 / 2.)

    # Component 1 the Sun?
    sun = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Processes.Solar_Radiation()
    net.solar_flux = sun

    # Component 2 the solar panels
    panel = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Solar_Panel()
    panel.area = vehicle.reference_area * 0.9
    panel.efficiency = 0.25
    panel.mass_properties.mass = panel.area * (0.60 * Units.kg)
    net.solar_panel = panel

    # Component 3 the ESC
    esc = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Electronic_Speed_Controller()
    esc.efficiency = 0.95  # Gundlach for brushless motors
    net.esc = esc

    # Component 5 the Propeller
    # Design the Propeller
    prop_attributes = Data()
    prop_attributes.number_blades = 2.0
    prop_attributes.freestream_velocity = 40.0 * Units['m/s']  # freestream
    prop_attributes.angular_velocity = 150. * Units['rpm']
    prop_attributes.tip_radius = 4.25 * Units.meters
    prop_attributes.hub_radius = 0.05 * Units.meters
    prop_attributes.design_Cl = 0.7
    prop_attributes.design_altitude = 14.0 * Units.km
    prop_attributes.design_thrust = 0.0
    prop_attributes.design_power = 3500.0 * Units.watts
    prop_attributes = propeller_design(prop_attributes)

    prop = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Propeller()
    prop.prop_attributes = prop_attributes
    net.propeller = prop

    # Component 4 the Motor
    motor = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Motor()
    motor.resistance = 0.008
    motor.no_load_current = 4.5 * Units.ampere
    motor.speed_constant = 120. * Units[
        'rpm']  # RPM/volt converted to (rad/s)/volt
    motor.propeller_radius = prop.prop_attributes.tip_radius
    motor.propeller_Cp = prop.prop_attributes.Cp
    motor.gear_ratio = 12.  # Gear ratio
    motor.gearbox_efficiency = .98  # Gear box efficiency
    motor.expected_current = 160.  # Expected current
    motor.mass_properties.mass = 2.0 * Units.kg
    net.motor = motor

    # Component 6 the Payload
    payload = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Payload()
    payload.power_draw = 50. * Units.watts
    payload.mass_properties.mass = 5.0 * Units.kg
    net.payload = payload

    # Component 7 the Avionics
    avionics = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()
    avionics.power_draw = 50. * Units.watts
    net.avionics = avionics

    # Component 8 the Battery
    bat = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Storages.Batteries.Constant_Mass.Lithium_Ion(
    bat.mass_properties.mass = 55.0 * Units.kg
    bat.specific_energy = 450. * Units.Wh / Units.kg
    bat.resistance = 0.05
    initialize_from_mass(bat, bat.mass_properties.mass)
    net.battery = bat

    #Component 9 the system logic controller and MPPT
    logic = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Solar_Logic()
    logic.system_voltage = 40.0
    logic.MPPT_efficiency = 0.95
    net.solar_logic = logic

    # add the solar network to the vehicle

    return vehicle
Exemplo n.º 27
def vehicle_setup():
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Initialize the Vehicle
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    vehicle                                     = SUAVE.Vehicle()
    vehicle.tag                                 = 'Tiltwing'
    vehicle.configuration                       = 'eVTOL'
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vehicle-level Properties
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # mass properties
    vehicle.mass_properties.takeoff             = 2250. * Units.lb
    vehicle.mass_properties.operating_empty     = 2250. * Units.lb
    vehicle.mass_properties.max_takeoff         = 2250. * Units.lb
    vehicle.mass_properties.center_of_gravity   = [[ 2.0144,   0.  ,  0.]]
    vehicle.passengers                          = 1
    vehicle.reference_area                      = 10.58275476
    vehicle.envelope.ultimate_load              = 5.7
    vehicle.envelope.limit_load                 = 3.

    # ------------------------------------------------------
    # WINGS
    # ------------------------------------------------------
    wing                          = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Main_Wing()
    wing.tag                      = 'canard_wing'
    wing.aspect_ratio             = 11.37706641
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord     = 0.0
    wing.thickness_to_chord       = 0.18
    wing.taper                    = 1.
    wing.spans.projected          = 6.65
    wing.chords.root              = 0.95
    wing.total_length             = 0.95
    wing.chords.tip               = 0.95
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic  = 0.95
    wing.dihedral                 = 0.0
    wing.areas.reference          = 6.31
    wing.areas.wetted             = 12.635
    wing.areas.exposed            = 12.635
    wing.twists.root              = 0.
    wing.twists.tip               = 0.
    wing.origin                   = [[0.1,  0.0 , 0.0]]
    wing.aerodynamic_center       = [0.3,  0.0 , 0.0]
    wing.winglet_fraction         = 0.0
    wing.symmetric                = True

    # add to vehicle

    wing                          = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Main_Wing()
    wing.tag                      = 'main_wing'
    wing.aspect_ratio             = 11.37706641
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord     = 0.0
    wing.thickness_to_chord       = 0.18
    wing.taper                    = 1.
    wing.spans.projected          = 6.65
    wing.chords.root              = 0.95
    wing.total_length             = 0.95
    wing.chords.tip               = 0.95
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic  = 0.95
    wing.dihedral                 = 0.0
    wing.areas.reference          = 6.31
    wing.areas.wetted             = 12.635
    wing.areas.exposed            = 12.635
    wing.twists.root              = 0.
    wing.twists.tip               = 0.
    wing.origin                   = [[ 5.138, 0.0  ,  1.323 ]]  # for images 1.54
    wing.aerodynamic_center       = [ 5.3, 0.0  ,  1.323 ]
    wing.winglet_fraction         = 0.0
    wing.symmetric                = True

    # add to vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------
    fuselage                                    = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Fuselage()
    fuselage.tag                                = 'fuselage'
    fuselage.seats_abreast                      = 0.
    fuselage.seat_pitch                         = 1.
    fuselage.fineness.nose                      = 1.5
    fuselage.fineness.tail                      = 4.0
    fuselage.lengths.nose                       = 1.7
    fuselage.lengths.tail                       = 2.7
    fuselage.lengths.cabin                      = 1.7
    fuselage.lengths.total                      = 6.1
    fuselage.width                              = 1.15
    fuselage.heights.maximum                    =  1.7
    fuselage.heights.at_quarter_length          = 1.2
    fuselage.heights.at_wing_root_quarter_chord = 1.7
    fuselage.heights.at_three_quarters_length   = 0.75
    fuselage.areas.wetted                       = 12.97989862
    fuselage.areas.front_projected              = 1.365211404
    fuselage.effective_diameter                 = 1.318423736
    fuselage.differential_pressure              = 0.

    # Segment
    segment                                     = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    segment.tag                                 = 'segment_0'
    segment.percent_x_location                  = 0.
    segment.percent_z_location                  = 0.
    segment.height                              = 0.09
    segment.width                               = 0.23473
    segment.length                              = 0.
    segment.effective_diameter                  = 0.

    # Segment
    segment                                     = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    segment.tag                                 = 'segment_1'
    segment.percent_x_location                  = 0.97675/6.1
    segment.percent_z_location                  = 0.21977/6.1
    segment.height                              = 0.9027
    segment.width                               = 1.01709

    # Segment
    segment                                     = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    segment.tag                                 = 'segment_2'
    segment.percent_x_location                  = 1.93556/6.1
    segment.percent_z_location                  = 0.39371/6.1
    segment.height                              = 1.30558
    segment.width                               = 1.38871

    # Segment
    segment                                     = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    segment.tag                                 = 'segment_3'
    segment.percent_x_location                  = 3.44137/6.1
    segment.percent_z_location                  = 0.57143/6.1
    segment.height                              = 1.52588
    segment.width                               = 1.47074

    # Segment
    segment                                     = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    segment.tag                                 = 'segment_4'
    segment.percent_x_location                  = 4.61031/6.1
    segment.percent_z_location                  = 0.81577/6.1
    segment.height                              = 1.14788
    segment.width                               = 1.11463

    # Segment
    segment                                     = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    segment.tag                                 = 'segment_5'
    segment.percent_x_location                  = 1.
    segment.percent_z_location                  = 1.19622/6.1
    segment.height                              = 0.31818
    segment.width                               = 0.23443

    # add to vehicle

    # network
    net                                = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Networks.Battery_Propeller()
    net.number_of_propeller_engines    = 8
    net.thrust_angle                   = 0.0   * Units.degrees #  conversion to radians,
    net.nacelle_diameter               = 0.2921 # https://www.magicall.biz/products/integrated-motor-controller-magidrive/
    net.engine_length                  = 0.95
    net.areas                          = Data()
    net.areas.wetted                   = np.pi*net.nacelle_diameter*net.engine_length + 0.5*np.pi*net.nacelle_diameter**2
    net.voltage                        = 400.
    net.identical_propellers           = True

    # Design Electronic Speed Controller
    esc                          = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Electronic_Speed_Controller()
    esc.efficiency               = 0.95
    net.esc                      = esc

    # Component 6 the Payload
    payload = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Payload()
    payload.power_draw           = 10. #Watts
    payload.mass_properties.mass = 0.0 * Units.kg
    net.payload                  = payload

    # Component 7 the Avionics
    avionics = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()
    avionics.power_draw = 20. #Watts
    net.avionics        = avionics

    # Design Battery
    bat = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Storages.Batteries.Constant_Mass.Lithium_Ion_LiNiMnCoO2_18650()   
    bat.mass_properties.mass = 200. * Units.kg  
    bat.max_voltage          = net.voltage    
    # Here we, are going to assume a battery pack module shape. This step is optional but
    # required for thermal analysis of tge pack
    number_of_modules                = 10
    bat.module_config.total          = int(np.ceil(bat.pack_config.total/number_of_modules))
    bat.module_config.normal_count   = int(np.ceil(bat.module_config.total/bat.pack_config.series))
    bat.module_config.parallel_count = int(np.ceil(bat.module_config.total/bat.pack_config.parallel))
    net.battery              = bat 

    # Component 9 Miscellaneous Systems
    sys = SUAVE.Components.Systems.System()
    sys.mass_properties.mass = 5 # kg

    # Nacelles
    nacelle                 = SUAVE.Components.Nacelles.Nacelle()
    nacelle.diameter        = 0.2921
    nacelle.length          = 0.95 
    nacelle_origins         = [[-0.2, 1.347, 0.0], [-0.2, 3.2969999999999997, 0.0],
                               [-0.2, -1.347, 0.0], [-0.2, -3.2969999999999997, 0.0], 
                               [4.938, 1.347, 1.54], [4.938, 3.2969999999999997, 1.54],
                               [4.938, -1.347, 1.54], [4.938, -3.2969999999999997, 1.54]]
    nacelle.areas.wetted    =  np.pi*nacelle.diameter*nacelle.length + 0.5*np.pi*nacelle.diameter**2   

    for idx in range(8):
        nacelle          = deepcopy(nacelle)
        nacelle.tag      = 'nacelle_' +  str(idx)
        nacelle.origin   = [nacelle_origins[idx]] 

    # Design Rotors
    # atmosphere conditions
    speed_of_sound               = 340

    # Create propeller geometry
    prop                          = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Propeller() # This is truly a prop because the default of the mission is pointing forward
    prop.tip_radius               = 0.8875
    prop.hub_radius               = 0.15
    prop.disc_area                = np.pi*(prop.tip_radius**2)
    prop.design_tip_mach          = 0.5
    prop.number_of_blades         = 3
    prop.freestream_velocity      = 10
    prop.angular_velocity         = prop.design_tip_mach*speed_of_sound/prop.tip_radius
    prop.design_Cl                = 0.7
    prop.design_altitude          = 500 * Units.feet
    Hover_Load                   = vehicle.mass_properties.takeoff*9.81
    prop.design_thrust            = Hover_Load/(net.number_of_propeller_engines-1) # contingency for one-engine-inoperative condition

    prop.airfoil_geometry         =  ['../Vehicles/Airfoils/NACA_4412.txt']
    prop.airfoil_polars           = [['../Vehicles/Airfoils/Polars/NACA_4412_polar_Re_50000.txt' ,
                                     '../Vehicles/Airfoils/Polars/NACA_4412_polar_Re_100000.txt' ,
                                     '../Vehicles/Airfoils/Polars/NACA_4412_polar_Re_200000.txt' ,
                                     '../Vehicles/Airfoils/Polars/NACA_4412_polar_Re_500000.txt' ,
                                     '../Vehicles/Airfoils/Polars/NACA_4412_polar_Re_1000000.txt' ]]
    prop.airfoil_polar_stations   = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
    prop                          = propeller_design(prop)
    prop.rotation                 = 1

    # Front Rotors Locations

    origins = [[-0.2, 1.347, 0.0], [-0.2, 3.2969999999999997, 0.0], [-0.2, -1.347, 0.0], [-0.2, -3.2969999999999997, 0.0],\
               [4.938, 1.347, 1.54], [4.938, 3.2969999999999997, 1.54], [4.938, -1.347, 1.54], [4.938, -3.2969999999999997, 1.54]]

    for ii in range(8):
        rotor          = deepcopy(prop)
        rotor.tag      = 'propeller'
        rotor.origin   = [origins[ii]]

    # Motor
    # Design Motors
    # Propeller (Thrust) motor
    motor                      = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Motor()
    motor.efficiency           = 0.9
    motor.nominal_voltage      = bat.max_voltage *3/4
    motor.propeller_radius     = prop.tip_radius
    motor.no_load_current      = 2.0
    motor                      = size_optimal_motor(motor,prop)
    motor.mass_properties.mass = nasa_motor(motor.design_torque)
    net.motor                  = motor

    for ii in range(8):
        rotor_motor = deepcopy(motor)
        rotor_motor.tag    = 'motor'
        rotor_motor.origin = [origins[ii]]

    # Add extra drag sources from motors, props, and landing gear. All of these hand measured
    motor_height                     = .25 * Units.feet
    motor_width                      =  1.6 * Units.feet
    propeller_width                  = 1. * Units.inches
    propeller_height                 = propeller_width *.12
    main_gear_width                  = 1.5 * Units.inches
    main_gear_length                 = 2.5 * Units.feet
    nose_gear_width                  = 2. * Units.inches
    nose_gear_length                 = 2. * Units.feet
    nose_tire_height                 = (0.7 + 0.4) * Units.feet
    nose_tire_width                  = 0.4 * Units.feet
    main_tire_height                 = (0.75 + 0.5) * Units.feet
    main_tire_width                  = 4. * Units.inches
    total_excrescence_area_spin      = 12.*motor_height*motor_width + 2.* main_gear_length*main_gear_width \
                                         + nose_gear_width*nose_gear_length + 2 * main_tire_height*main_tire_width\
                                         + nose_tire_height*nose_tire_width
    total_excrescence_area_no_spin   = total_excrescence_area_spin + 12*propeller_height*propeller_width
    vehicle.excrescence_area_no_spin = total_excrescence_area_no_spin
    vehicle.excrescence_area_spin    = total_excrescence_area_spin

    # append motor origin spanwise locations onto wing data structure
    motor_origins_front                                   = np.array(origins[:4])
    motor_origins_rear                                    = np.array(origins[5:])
    vehicle.wings['canard_wing'].motor_spanwise_locations = motor_origins_front[:,1]/ vehicle.wings['canard_wing'].spans.projected
    vehicle.wings['canard_wing'].motor_spanwise_locations = motor_origins_front[:,1]/ vehicle.wings['canard_wing'].spans.projected
    vehicle.wings['main_wing'].motor_spanwise_locations   = motor_origins_rear[:,1]/ vehicle.wings['main_wing'].spans.projected


    vehicle.weight_breakdown  = empty(vehicle)

    return vehicle
Exemplo n.º 28
def vehicle_setup():

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Initialize the Vehicle
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    vehicle = SUAVE.Vehicle()
    vehicle.tag = 'Vahana'
    vehicle.configuration = 'eVTOL'
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vehicle-level Properties
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # mass properties
    vehicle.mass_properties.takeoff = 2250. * Units.lb
    vehicle.mass_properties.operating_empty = 2250. * Units.lb
    vehicle.mass_properties.max_takeoff = 2250. * Units.lb
    vehicle.mass_properties.center_of_gravity = [2.0144, 0., 0.]

    vehicle.reference_area = 10.58275476
    vehicle.envelope.ultimate_load = 5.7
    vehicle.envelope.limit_load = 3.

    # ------------------------------------------------------
    # WINGS
    # ------------------------------------------------------
    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Main_Wing()
    wing.tag = 'canard_wing'
    wing.aspect_ratio = 11.37706641
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord = 0.0
    wing.thickness_to_chord = 0.18
    wing.taper = 1.
    wing.span_efficiency = 0.9
    wing.spans.projected = 6.65
    wing.chords.root = 0.95
    wing.total_length = 0.95
    wing.chords.tip = 0.95
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = 0.95
    wing.dihedral = 0.0
    wing.areas.reference = 6.31
    wing.areas.wetted = 12.635
    wing.areas.exposed = 12.635
    wing.twists.root = 0.
    wing.twists.tip = 0.
    wing.origin = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    wing.aerodynamic_center = [0., 0., 0.]
    wing.winglet_fraction = 0.0
    wing.symmetric = True

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'Section_1'
    segment.origin = [0., 0., 0.]
    segment.percent_span_location = 0.
    segment.twist = 0.
    segment.root_chord_percent = 1.
    segment.dihedral_outboard = 0.
    segment.sweeps.quarter_chord = 0.
    segment.thickness_to_chord = 0.18

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'Section_2'
    segment.origin = [0., 0., 0.]
    segment.percent_span_location = 1.
    segment.twist = 0.
    segment.root_chord_percent = 1.
    segment.dihedral_outboard = 0.
    segment.sweeps.quarter_chord = 0.
    segment.thickness_to_chord = 0.18

    # add to vehicle

    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Main_Wing()
    wing.tag = 'main_wing'
    wing.aspect_ratio = 11.37706641
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord = 0.0
    wing.thickness_to_chord = 0.18
    wing.taper = 1.
    wing.span_efficiency = 0.9
    wing.spans.projected = 6.65
    wing.chords.root = 0.95
    wing.total_length = 0.95
    wing.chords.tip = 0.95
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = 0.95
    wing.dihedral = 0.0
    wing.areas.reference = 6.31
    wing.areas.wetted = 12.635
    wing.areas.exposed = 12.635
    wing.twists.root = 0.
    wing.twists.tip = 0.
    wing.origin = [5.138, 0.0, 1.24]
    wing.aerodynamic_center = [0., 0., 0.]
    wing.winglet_fraction = 0.0
    wing.symmetric = True

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'Section_1'
    segment.origin = [0., 0., 0.]
    segment.percent_span_location = 0.
    segment.twist = 0.
    segment.root_chord_percent = 1.
    segment.dihedral_outboard = 0.
    segment.sweeps.quarter_chord = 0.
    segment.thickness_to_chord = 0.18

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'Section_2'
    segment.origin = [0., 0., 0.]
    segment.percent_span_location = 1.
    segment.twist = 0.
    segment.root_chord_percent = 1.
    segment.dihedral_outboard = 0.
    segment.sweeps.quarter_chord = 0.
    segment.thickness_to_chord = 0.18

    # add to vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------
    fuselage = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Fuselage()
    fuselage.tag = 'fuselage'
    fuselage.origin = [0., 0., 0.]
    fuselage.seats_abreast = 0.
    fuselage.seat_pitch = 1.
    fuselage.fineness.nose = 1.5
    fuselage.fineness.tail = 4.0
    fuselage.lengths.nose = 1.7
    fuselage.lengths.tail = 2.7
    fuselage.lengths.cabin = 1.7
    fuselage.lengths.total = 6.1
    fuselage.width = 1.15
    fuselage.heights.maximum = 1.7
    fuselage.heights.at_quarter_length = 1.2
    fuselage.heights.at_wing_root_quarter_chord = 1.7
    fuselage.heights.at_three_quarters_length = 0.75
    fuselage.areas.wetted = 12.97989862
    fuselage.areas.front_projected = 1.365211404
    fuselage.effective_diameter = 1.318423736
    fuselage.differential_pressure = 0.

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_1'
    segment.origin = [0., 0., 0.]
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.
    segment.height = 0.
    segment.width = 0.
    segment.length = 0.
    segment.effective_diameter = 0.

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_2'
    segment.origin = [0., 0., 0.]
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.275
    segment.percent_z_location = -0.009
    segment.height = 0.309 * 2
    segment.width = 0.28 * 2

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_3'
    segment.origin = [0., 0., 0.]
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.768
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.046
    segment.height = 0.525 * 2
    segment.width = 0.445 * 2

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_4'
    segment.origin = [0., 0., 0.]
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.25 * 6.2
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.209
    segment.height = 0.7 * 2
    segment.width = 0.55 * 2

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_5'
    segment.origin = [0., 0., 0.]
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.5 * 6.2
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.407
    segment.height = 0.850 * 2
    segment.width = 0.61 * 2
    segment.effective_diameter = 0.

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_6'
    segment.origin = [0., 0., 0.]
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.75
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.771
    segment.height = 0.63 * 2
    segment.width = 0.442 * 2

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_7'
    segment.origin = [0., 0., 0.]
    segment.percent_x_location = 1. * 6.2
    segment.percent_z_location = 1.192
    segment.height = 0.165 * 2
    segment.width = 0.125 * 2

    # add to vehicle

    net = Vectored_Thrust()
    net.number_of_engines = 8
    net.thrust_angle = 90.0 * Units.degrees  #  conversion to radians,
    net.nacelle_diameter = 0.2921  # https://www.magicall.biz/products/integrated-motor-controller-magidrive/
    net.engine_length = 0.106
    net.areas = Data()
    net.areas.wetted = np.pi * net.nacelle_diameter * net.engine_length + 0.5 * np.pi * net.nacelle_diameter**2
    net.voltage = 500.

    # Design Electronic Speed Controller
    esc = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Electronic_Speed_Controller()
    esc.efficiency = 0.95
    net.esc = esc

    # Design Payload
    payload = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()
    payload.power_draw = 0.
    payload.mass_properties.mass = 200. * Units.kg
    net.payload = payload

    # Design Avionics
    avionics = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()
    avionics.power_draw = 200. * Units.watts
    net.avionics = avionics

    # Design Battery
    bat = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Storages.Batteries.Constant_Mass.Lithium_Ion(
    bat.specific_energy = 300. * Units.Wh / Units.kg
    bat.resistance = 0.005
    bat.max_voltage = net.voltage
    bat.mass_properties.mass = 350. * Units.kg
    initialize_from_mass(bat, bat.mass_properties.mass)
    net.battery = bat

    # Design Rotors
    # atmosphere conditions
    speed_of_sound = 340
    rho = 1.22
    fligth_CL = 0.75
    AR = vehicle.wings.main_wing.aspect_ratio
    Cd0 = 0.06
    Cdi = fligth_CL**2 / (np.pi * AR * 0.98)
    Cd = Cd0 + Cdi

    # Create propeller geometry
    rot = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Rotor()
    rot.y_pitch = 1.850
    rot.tip_radius = 0.8875
    rot.hub_radius = 0.1
    rot.disc_area = np.pi * (rot.tip_radius**2)
    rot.design_tip_mach = 0.5
    rot.number_blades = 3
    rot.freestream_velocity = 85. * Units['ft/min']  # 110 mph
    rot.angular_velocity = rot.design_tip_mach * speed_of_sound / rot.tip_radius
    rot.design_Cl = 0.7
    rot.design_altitude = 500 * Units.feet
    Lift = vehicle.mass_properties.takeoff * 9.81
    rot.design_thrust = (Lift * 1.5) / net.number_of_engines
    rot.induced_hover_velocity = np.sqrt(
        Lift / (2 * rho * rot.disc_area * net.number_of_engines))
    rot = propeller_design(rot)

    # Front Rotors Locations
    rot_front = Data()
    rot_front.origin = [[0.0, 1.347, 0.0]]
    rot_front.symmetric = True
    rot_front.x_pitch_count = 1
    rot_front.y_pitch_count = 2
    rot_front.y_pitch = 1.85

    # populating rotors on one side of wing
    if rot_front.y_pitch_count > 1:
        for n in range(rot_front.y_pitch_count):
            if n == 0:
            for i in range(len(rot_front.origin)):
                propeller_origin = [
                    rot_front.origin[i][1] + n * rot_front.y_pitch,

    # populating rotors on the other side of the vehicle
    if rot_front.symmetric:
        for n in range(len(rot_front.origin)):
            propeller_origin = [
                rot_front.origin[n][0], -rot_front.origin[n][1],

    # Rear Rotors Locations
    rot_rear = Data()
    rot_rear.origin = [[0.0, 1.347, 1.24]]
    rot_rear.symmetric = True
    rot_rear.x_pitch_count = 1
    rot_rear.y_pitch_count = 2
    rot_rear.y_pitch = 1.85
    # populating rotors on one side of wing
    if rot_rear.y_pitch_count > 1:
        for n in range(rot_rear.y_pitch_count):
            if n == 0:
            for i in range(len(rot_rear.origin)):
                propeller_origin = [
                    rot_rear.origin[i][1] + n * rot_rear.y_pitch,

    # populating rotors on the other side of the vehicle
    if rot_rear.symmetric:
        for n in range(len(rot_rear.origin)):
            propeller_origin = [
                rot_rear.origin[n][0], -rot_rear.origin[n][1],

    # Assign all rotors (front and rear) to network
    rot.origin = rot_front.origin + rot_rear.origin

    # append rotors to vehicle
    net.rotor = rot

    # Motor
    # Design Motors
    # Propeller (Thrust) motor
    motor = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Motor()
    motor.mass_properties.mass = 9. * Units.kg
    motor.origin = rot_front.origin + rot_rear.origin
    motor.efficiency = 0.935
    motor.gear_ratio = 1.
    motor.gearbox_efficiency = 1.  # Gear box efficiency
    motor.nominal_voltage = bat.max_voltage * 3 / 4
    motor.propeller_radius = rot.tip_radius
    motor.no_load_current = 2.0
    motor = compute_optimal_motor_parameters(motor, rot)
    net.motor = motor


    # Add extra drag sources from motors, props, and landing gear. All of these hand measured
    motor_height = .25 * Units.feet
    motor_width = 1.6 * Units.feet
    propeller_width = 1. * Units.inches
    propeller_height = propeller_width * .12
    main_gear_width = 1.5 * Units.inches
    main_gear_length = 2.5 * Units.feet
    nose_gear_width = 2. * Units.inches
    nose_gear_length = 2. * Units.feet
    nose_tire_height = (0.7 + 0.4) * Units.feet
    nose_tire_width = 0.4 * Units.feet
    main_tire_height = (0.75 + 0.5) * Units.feet
    main_tire_width = 4. * Units.inches
    total_excrescence_area_spin      = 12.*motor_height*motor_width + 2.* main_gear_length*main_gear_width \
                                       + nose_gear_width*nose_gear_length + 2 * main_tire_height*main_tire_width\
                                       + nose_tire_height*nose_tire_width
    total_excrescence_area_no_spin = total_excrescence_area_spin + 12 * propeller_height * propeller_width
    vehicle.excrescence_area_no_spin = total_excrescence_area_no_spin
    vehicle.excrescence_area_spin = total_excrescence_area_spin
    # append motor origin spanwise locations onto wing data structure
    motor_origins_front = np.array(rot_front.origin)

    vehicle.wings['canard_wing'].motor_spanwise_locations = np.multiply(
        0.19, motor_origins_front[:, 1])
    motor_origins_rear = np.array(rot_rear.origin)
    vehicle.wings['main_wing'].motor_spanwise_locations = np.multiply(
        0.19, motor_origins_rear[:, 1])

    return vehicle
Exemplo n.º 29
def vehicle_setup():

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Initialize the Vehicle
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    vehicle = SUAVE.Vehicle()
    vehicle.tag = 'X57_Maxwell'

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vehicle-level Properties
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    # mass properties
    vehicle.mass_properties.max_takeoff = 2550. * Units.pounds
    vehicle.mass_properties.takeoff = 2550. * Units.pounds
    vehicle.mass_properties.max_zero_fuel = 2550. * Units.pounds
    vehicle.mass_properties.cargo = 0.

    # envelope properties
    vehicle.envelope.ultimate_load = 5.7
    vehicle.envelope.limit_load = 3.8

    # basic parameters
    vehicle.reference_area = 15.45
    vehicle.passengers = 4

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Main Wing
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Main_Wing()
    wing.tag = 'main_wing'

    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord = 0.0 * Units.deg
    wing.sweeps.leading_edge = 0.0 * Units.deg
    wing.thickness_to_chord = 0.12
    wing.areas.reference = 15.45 * Units['meters**2']
    wing.spans.projected = 11. * Units.meter

    wing.chords.root = 1.67 * Units.meter
    wing.chords.tip = 1.14 * Units.meter
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = 1.47 * Units.meter
    wing.taper = wing.chords.root / wing.chords.tip

    wing.aspect_ratio = wing.spans.projected**2. / wing.areas.reference

    wing.twists.root = 3.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.twists.tip = 1.5 * Units.degrees

    wing.origin = [[2.032, 0., 0.784]]
    wing.aerodynamic_center = [0.558, 0., 0.784]

    wing.vertical = False
    wing.symmetric = True
    wing.high_lift = True

    wing.dynamic_pressure_ratio = 1.0

    # add to vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Horizontal Stabilizer
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Wing()
    wing.tag = 'horizontal_stabilizer'

    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord = 0.0 * Units.deg
    wing.thickness_to_chord = 0.12
    wing.areas.reference = 3.74 * Units['meters**2']
    wing.spans.projected = 3.454 * Units.meter
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord = 12.5 * Units.deg

    wing.chords.root = 1.397 * Units.meter
    wing.chords.tip = 0.762 * Units.meter
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = 1.09 * Units.meter
    wing.taper = wing.chords.root / wing.chords.tip

    wing.aspect_ratio = wing.spans.projected**2. / wing.areas.reference

    wing.twists.root = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.twists.tip = 0.0 * Units.degrees

    wing.origin = [[6.248, 0., 0]]
    wing.aerodynamic_center = [0.508, 0., 0.]

    wing.vertical = False
    wing.symmetric = True
    wing.high_lift = False

    wing.dynamic_pressure_ratio = 0.9

    # add to vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vertical Stabilizer
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Wing()
    wing.tag = 'vertical_stabilizer'

    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord = 25. * Units.deg
    wing.thickness_to_chord = 0.12
    wing.areas.reference = 2.258 * Units['meters**2']
    wing.spans.projected = 1.854 * Units.meter

    wing.chords.root = 1.6764 * Units.meter
    wing.chords.tip = 0.6858 * Units.meter
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = 1.21 * Units.meter
    wing.taper = wing.chords.root / wing.chords.tip

    wing.aspect_ratio = wing.spans.projected**2. / wing.areas.reference

    wing.twists.root = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.twists.tip = 0.0 * Units.degrees

    wing.origin = [[6.01, 0, 0.623]]
    wing.aerodynamic_center = [0.508, 0, 0]

    wing.vertical = True
    wing.symmetric = False
    wing.t_tail = False

    wing.dynamic_pressure_ratio = 1.0

    # add to vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Fuselage
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    fuselage = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Fuselage()
    fuselage.tag = 'fuselage'
    fuselage.seats_abreast = 2.
    fuselage.fineness.nose = 1.6
    fuselage.fineness.tail = 2.
    fuselage.lengths.nose = 60. * Units.inches
    fuselage.lengths.tail = 161. * Units.inches
    fuselage.lengths.cabin = 105. * Units.inches
    fuselage.lengths.total = 332.2 * Units.inches
    fuselage.lengths.fore_space = 0.
    fuselage.lengths.aft_space = 0.
    fuselage.width = 42. * Units.inches
    fuselage.heights.maximum = 62. * Units.inches
    fuselage.heights.at_quarter_length = 62. * Units.inches
    fuselage.heights.at_three_quarters_length = 62. * Units.inches
    fuselage.heights.at_wing_root_quarter_chord = 23. * Units.inches
    fuselage.areas.side_projected = 8000. * Units.inches**2.
    fuselage.areas.wetted = 30000. * Units.inches**2.
    fuselage.areas.front_projected = 42. * 62. * Units.inches**2.
    fuselage.effective_diameter = 50. * Units.inches

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_0'
    segment.percent_x_location = 0
    segment.percent_z_location = 0
    segment.height = 0.01
    segment.width = 0.01

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_1'
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.007279116466
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.002502014453
    segment.height = 0.1669064748
    segment.width = 0.2780205877

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_2'
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.01941097724
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.001216095397
    segment.height = 0.3129496403
    segment.width = 0.4365777215

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_3'
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.06308567604
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.007395489231
    segment.height = 0.5841726619
    segment.width = 0.6735119903

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_4'
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.1653761217
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.02891281352
    segment.height = 1.064028777
    segment.width = 1.067200529

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_5'
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.2426372155
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.04214148761
    segment.height = 1.293766653
    segment.width = 1.183058255

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_6'
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.2960174029
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.04705241831
    segment.height = 1.377026712
    segment.width = 1.181540054

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_7'
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.3809404284
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.05313580461
    segment.height = 1.439568345
    segment.width = 1.178218989

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_8'
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.5046854083
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.04655492473
    segment.height = 1.29352518
    segment.width = 1.054390707

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_9'
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.6454149933
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.03741966266
    segment.height = 0.8971223022
    segment.width = 0.8501926505

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_10'
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.985107095
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.04540283436
    segment.height = 0.2920863309
    segment.width = 0.2012565415

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_11'
    segment.percent_x_location = 1
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.04787575562
    segment.height = 0.1251798561
    segment.width = 0.1206021048

    # add to vehicle

    # build network
    net = Battery_Propeller()
    net.number_of_engines = 2.
    net.nacelle_diameter = 42 * Units.inches
    net.engine_length = 0.01 * Units.inches
    net.areas = Data()
    net.areas.wetted = 0.01 * (2 * np.pi * 0.01 / 2)

    # Component 1 the ESC
    esc = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Electronic_Speed_Controller()
    esc.efficiency = 0.95  # Gundlach for brushless motors
    net.esc = esc

    # Component 2 the Propeller
    # Design the Propeller
    prop = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Propeller()

    prop.number_of_blades = 2.0
    prop.freestream_velocity = 135. * Units['mph']
    prop.angular_velocity = 1300. * Units.rpm
    prop.tip_radius = 76. / 2. * Units.inches
    prop.hub_radius = 8. * Units.inches
    prop.design_Cl = 0.8
    prop.design_altitude = 12000. * Units.feet
    prop.design_altitude = 12000. * Units.feet
    prop.design_thrust = 1200.
    prop.origin = [[2., 2.5, 0.784], [2., -2.5, 0.784]]
    prop.rotation = [-1, 1]
    prop.symmetry = True

    prop.airfoil_geometry = ['../Vehicles/Airfoils/NACA_4412.txt']
    prop.airfoil_polars = [[

    prop.airfoil_polar_stations = [
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
    prop = propeller_design(prop)
    net.propeller = prop

    # Component 8 the Battery
    bat = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Storages.Batteries.Constant_Mass.Lithium_Ion(
    bat.mass_properties.mass = 500. * Units.kg
    bat.specific_energy = 350. * Units.Wh / Units.kg
    bat.resistance = 0.006
    bat.max_voltage = 500.

    initialize_from_mass(bat, bat.mass_properties.mass)
    net.battery = bat
    net.voltage = bat.max_voltage

    # Component 9 Miscellaneous Systems
    sys = SUAVE.Components.Systems.System()
    sys.mass_properties.mass = 5  # kg

    # Design Motors
    # Propeller  motor
    # Component 4 the Motor
    motor = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Motor()
    etam = 0.95
    v = bat.max_voltage * 3 / 4
    omeg = prop.angular_velocity
    io = 4.0
    start_kv = 1
    end_kv = 25
    # do optimization to find kv or just do a linspace then remove all negative values, take smallest one use 0.05 change
    # essentially you are sizing the motor for a particular rpm which is sized for a design tip mach
    # this reduces the bookkeeping errors
    possible_kv_vals = np.linspace(
        start_kv, end_kv,
        (end_kv - start_kv) * 20 + 1, endpoint=True) * Units.rpm
    res_kv_vals = ((v - omeg / possible_kv_vals) *
                   (1. - etam * v * possible_kv_vals / omeg)) / io
    positive_res_vals = np.extract(res_kv_vals > 0, res_kv_vals)
    kv_idx = np.where(res_kv_vals == min(positive_res_vals))[0][0]
    kv = possible_kv_vals[kv_idx]
    res = min(positive_res_vals)

    motor.mass_properties.mass = 10. * Units.kg
    motor.origin = prop.origin
    motor.propeller_radius = prop.tip_radius
    motor.speed_constant = 0.35
    motor.resistance = res
    motor.no_load_current = io
    motor.gear_ratio = 1.
    motor.gearbox_efficiency = 1.  # Gear box efficiency
    net.motor = motor

    # Component 6 the Payload
    payload = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Payload()
    payload.power_draw = 10.  #Watts
    payload.mass_properties.mass = 1.0 * Units.kg
    net.payload = payload

    # Component 7 the Avionics
    avionics = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()
    avionics.power_draw = 20.  #Watts
    net.avionics = avionics

    # add the solar network to the vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vehicle Definition Complete
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    return vehicle
Exemplo n.º 30
def main():

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Propulsor
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    # build network
    net = Solar()
    net.number_of_engines = 1.
    net.nacelle_dia = 0.2

    # Component 1 the Sun?
    sun = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Processes.Solar_Radiation()
    net.solar_flux = sun

    # Component 2 the solar panels
    panel = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Solar_Panel()
    panel.area = 100 * Units.m
    panel.efficiency = 0.18
    panel.mass_properties.mass = panel.area * .600
    net.solar_panel = panel

    # Component 3 the ESC
    esc = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Electronic_Speed_Controller()
    esc.efficiency = 0.95  # Gundlach for brushless motors
    net.esc = esc

    # Component 5 the Propeller

    # Propeller design specs
    design_altitude = 0.0 * Units.km
    Velocity = 10.0  # freestream m/s
    RPM = 5887
    Blades = 2.0
    Radius = .4064
    Hub_Radius = 0.05
    Design_Cl = 0.7
    Thrust = 0.0  #Specify either thrust or power to design for
    Power = 7500.  #Specify either thrust or power to design for

    # Design the Propeller
    prop_attributes = Data()
    prop_attributes.number_blades = Blades
    prop_attributes.freestream_velocity = Velocity
    prop_attributes.angular_velocity = RPM * (2. * np.pi / 60.0)
    prop_attributes.tip_radius = Radius
    prop_attributes.hub_radius = Hub_Radius
    prop_attributes.design_Cl = Design_Cl
    prop_attributes.design_altitude = design_altitude
    prop_attributes.design_thrust = Thrust
    prop_attributes.design_power = Power
    prop_attributes = propeller_design(prop_attributes)

    # Create and attach this propeller
    prop = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Propeller()
    prop.prop_attributes = prop_attributes
    net.propeller = prop

    # Component 4 the Motor
    motor = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Motor()
    motor.resistance = 0.01
    motor.no_load_current = 8.0
    motor.speed_constant = 140. * (2. * np.pi / 60.
                                   )  # RPM/volt converted to rad/s
    motor.propeller_radius = prop.prop_attributes.tip_radius
    motor.propeller_Cp = prop.prop_attributes.Cp
    motor.gear_ratio = 1.
    motor.gearbox_efficiency = 1.
    motor.expected_current = 260.
    motor.mass_properties.mass = 2.0
    net.motor = motor

    # Component 6 the Payload
    payload = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Payload()
    payload.power_draw = 0.  #Watts
    payload.mass_properties.mass = 0. * Units.kg
    net.payload = payload

    # Component 7 the Avionics
    avionics = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()
    avionics.power_draw = 0.  #Watts
    net.avionics = avionics

    # Component 8 the Battery
    bat = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Storages.Batteries.Constant_Mass.Lithium_Ion(
    batterymass = 50.  #kg
    bat.type = 'Li-Ion'
    bat.resistance = 0.0
    bat.energy_density = 250.
    initialize_from_mass(bat, batterymass)
    bat.current_energy = bat.max_energy
    net.battery = bat

    #Component 9 the system logic controller and MPPT
    logic = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Solar_Logic()
    logic.system_voltage = 50.0
    logic.MPPT_efficiency = 0.95
    net.solar_logic = logic

    # Setup the conditions to run the network
    state = Data()
    state.conditions = SUAVE.Analyses.Mission.Segments.Conditions.Aerodynamics(
    state.numerics = SUAVE.Analyses.Mission.Segments.Conditions.Numerics()

    conditions = state.conditions
    numerics = state.numerics

    # Calculate atmospheric properties
    atmosphere = SUAVE.Analyses.Atmospheric.US_Standard_1976()
    atmosphere_conditions = atmosphere.compute_values(

    rho = atmosphere_conditions.density[0, :]
    a = atmosphere_conditions.speed_of_sound[0, :]
    mu = atmosphere_conditions.dynamic_viscosity[0, :]
    T = atmosphere_conditions.temperature[0, :]

    conditions.propulsion.throttle = np.array([[1.0], [1.0]])
    conditions.freestream.velocity = np.array([[1.0], [1.0]])
    conditions.freestream.density = np.array([rho, rho])
    conditions.freestream.dynamic_viscosity = np.array([mu, mu])
    conditions.freestream.speed_of_sound = np.array([a, a])
    conditions.freestream.altitude = np.array([[design_altitude],
    conditions.propulsion.battery_energy = bat.max_energy * np.ones_like(
    conditions.frames.body.inertial_rotations = np.zeros([2, 3])
    conditions.frames.inertial.time = np.array([[0.0], [1.0]])
    numerics.time.integrate = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1]])
    numerics.time.differentiate = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1]])
    conditions.frames.planet.start_time = time.strptime(
        "Sat, Jun 21 06:00:00  2014",
        "%a, %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y",
    conditions.frames.planet.latitude = np.array([[0.0], [0.0]])
    conditions.frames.planet.longitude = np.array([[0.0], [0.0]])
    conditions.freestream.temperature = np.array([T, T])

    # Run the network and print the results
    results = net(state)
    F = results.thrust_force_vector

    # Truth results
    truth_F = [[522.40448791], [522.40448791]]
    truth_i = [[314.90485916], [314.90485916]]
    truth_rpm = [[6581.17653732], [6581.17653732]]
    truth_bat = [[36000000.], [35984254.75704217]]

    error = Data()
    error.Thrust = np.max(np.abs(F[:, 0] - truth_F))
    error.RPM = np.max(np.abs(conditions.propulsion.rpm - truth_rpm))
    error.Current = np.max(np.abs(conditions.propulsion.current - truth_i))
    error.Battery = np.max(np.abs(bat.current_energy - truth_bat))

    print error

    for k, v in error.items():
        assert (np.abs(v) < 0.001)

Exemplo n.º 31
def vehicle_setup():

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Initialize the Vehicle
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    vehicle = SUAVE.Vehicle()
    vehicle.tag = 'multicopter'
    vehicle.configuration = 'eVTOL'
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vehicle-level Properties
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # mass properties
    vehicle.mass_properties.takeoff = 2080. * Units.lb
    vehicle.mass_properties.operating_empty = 1666. * Units.lb
    vehicle.mass_properties.max_takeoff = 2080. * Units.lb
    vehicle.mass_properties.center_of_gravity = [[2.6, 0., 0.]]

    # This needs updating
    vehicle.passengers = 5
    vehicle.reference_area = 73 * Units.feet**2
    vehicle.envelope.ultimate_load = 5.7
    vehicle.envelope.limit_load = 3.

    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Main_Wing()
    wing.tag = 'main_wing'
    wing.aspect_ratio = 1.
    wing.spans.projected = 0.1
    wing.chords.root = 0.1
    wing.chords.tip = 0.1
    wing.origin = [[2.6, 0., 0.]]
    wing.symbolic = True

    # ------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------
    fuselage = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Fuselage()
    fuselage.tag = 'fuselage'
    fuselage.configuration = 'Tube_Wing'
    fuselage.seats_abreast = 2.
    fuselage.seat_pitch = 3.
    fuselage.fineness.nose = 0.88
    fuselage.fineness.tail = 1.13
    fuselage.lengths.nose = 3.2 * Units.feet
    fuselage.lengths.tail = 6.4 * Units.feet
    fuselage.lengths.cabin = 6.4 * Units.feet
    fuselage.lengths.total = 16.0 * Units.feet
    fuselage.width = 5.85 * Units.feet
    fuselage.heights.maximum = 4.65 * Units.feet
    fuselage.heights.at_quarter_length = 3.75 * Units.feet
    fuselage.heights.at_wing_root_quarter_chord = 4.65 * Units.feet
    fuselage.heights.at_three_quarters_length = 4.26 * Units.feet
    fuselage.areas.wetted = 236. * Units.feet**2
    fuselage.areas.front_projected = 0.14 * Units.feet**2
    fuselage.effective_diameter = 5.85 * Units.feet
    fuselage.differential_pressure = 0.

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_1'
    segment.origin = [0., 0., 0.]
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.0
    segment.height = 0.1 * Units.feet
    segment.width = 0.1 * Units.feet
    segment.length = 0.
    segment.effective_diameter = 0.1 * Units.feet

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_2'
    segment.origin = [4. * 0.3048, 0., 0.1 * 0.3048]
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.25
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.05
    segment.height = 3.75 * Units.feet
    segment.width = 5.65 * Units.feet
    segment.length = 3.2 * Units.feet
    segment.effective_diameter = 5.65 * Units.feet

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_3'
    segment.origin = [8. * 0.3048, 0., 0.34 * 0.3048]
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.5
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.071
    segment.height = 4.65 * Units.feet
    segment.width = 5.55 * Units.feet
    segment.length = 3.2 * Units.feet
    segment.effective_diameter = 5.55 * Units.feet

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_4'
    segment.origin = [12. * 0.3048, 0., 0.77 * 0.3048]
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.75
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.089
    segment.height = 4.73 * Units.feet
    segment.width = 4.26 * Units.feet
    segment.length = 3.2 * Units.feet
    segment.effective_diameter = 4.26 * Units.feet

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Lofted_Body_Segment.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_5'
    segment.origin = [16. * 0.3048, 0., 2.02 * 0.3048]
    segment.percent_x_location = 1.0
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.158
    segment.height = 0.67 * Units.feet
    segment.width = 0.33 * Units.feet
    segment.length = 3.2 * Units.feet
    segment.effective_diameter = 0.33 * Units.feet

    # add to vehicle

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------
    # Design the Nacelle
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------
    nacelle = SUAVE.Components.Nacelles.Nacelle()
    nacelle.diameter = 0.6 * Units.feet  # need to check
    nacelle.length = 0.5 * Units.feet
    nacelle.tag = 'nacelle_1'
    nacelle.areas.wetted = np.pi * nacelle.diameter * nacelle.length + 0.5 * np.pi * nacelle.diameter**2
    nacelle.origin = [[0., 2., 1.4]]

    nacelle_2 = deepcopy(nacelle)
    nacelle_2.tag = 'nacelle_2'
    nacelle_2.origin = [[0.0, -2., 1.4]]

    nacelle_3 = deepcopy(nacelle)
    nacelle_3.tag = 'nacelle_3'
    nacelle_3.origin = [[2.5, 4., 1.4]]

    nacelle_4 = deepcopy(nacelle)
    nacelle_4.tag = 'nacelle_4'
    nacelle_4.origin = [[2.5, -4., 1.4]]

    nacelle_5 = deepcopy(nacelle)
    nacelle_5.tag = 'nacelle_5'
    nacelle_5.origin = [[5.0, 2., 1.4]]

    nacelle_6 = deepcopy(nacelle)
    nacelle_6.tag = 'nacelle_6'
    nacelle_6.origin = [[5.0, -2., 1.4]]

    # Network
    net = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Networks.Battery_Propeller()
    net.number_of_lift_rotor_engines = 6
    net.nacelle_diameter = 0.6 * Units.feet  # need to check
    net.engine_length = 0.5 * Units.feet
    net.areas = Data()
    net.areas.wetted = np.pi * net.nacelle_diameter * net.engine_length + 0.5 * np.pi * net.nacelle_diameter**2
    net.voltage = 500.
    net.identical_lift_rotors = True

    # Design Electronic Speed Controller
    esc = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Electronic_Speed_Controller()
    esc.efficiency = 0.95
    net.esc = esc

    # Design Payload
    payload = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()
    payload.power_draw = 0.
    payload.mass_properties.mass = 200. * Units.kg
    net.payload = payload

    # Design Avionics
    avionics = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()
    avionics.power_draw = 200. * Units.watts
    net.avionics = avionics

    # Design Battery
    bat = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Storages.Batteries.Constant_Mass.Lithium_Ion_LiNiMnCoO2_18650(
    bat.mass_properties.mass = 300. * Units.kg
    bat.max_voltage = net.voltage
    net.battery = bat

    # Design Rotors
    # atmosphere and flight conditions for propeller/lift_rotor design
    g = 9.81  # gravitational acceleration
    speed_of_sound = 340  # speed of sound
    Hover_Load = vehicle.mass_properties.takeoff * g  # hover load
    design_tip_mach = 0.7  # design tip mach number

    lift_rotor = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Lift_Rotor()
    lift_rotor.tip_radius = 3.95 * Units.feet
    lift_rotor.hub_radius = 0.6 * Units.feet
    lift_rotor.disc_area = np.pi * (lift_rotor.tip_radius**2)
    lift_rotor.number_of_blades = 3
    lift_rotor.freestream_velocity = 10.0
    lift_rotor.angular_velocity = (design_tip_mach *
                                   speed_of_sound) / lift_rotor.tip_radius
    lift_rotor.design_Cl = 0.7
    lift_rotor.design_altitude = 1000 * Units.feet
    lift_rotor.design_thrust = Hover_Load / (
        net.number_of_lift_rotor_engines - 1
    )  # contingency for one-engine-inoperative condition

    lift_rotor.airfoil_geometry = ['../Vehicles/Airfoils/NACA_4412.txt']
    lift_rotor.airfoil_polars = [[

    lift_rotor.airfoil_polar_stations = [
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
    lift_rotor = propeller_design(lift_rotor)

    # Appending rotors with different origins
    origins = [[0., 2., 1.4], [0.0, -2., 1.4], [2.5, 4., 1.4], [2.5, -4., 1.4],
               [5.0, 2., 1.4], [5.0, -2., 1.4]]

    for ii in range(6):
        lift_rotor = deepcopy(lift_rotor)
        lift_rotor.tag = 'lift_rotor'
        lift_rotor.origin = [origins[ii]]

    # Design Motors
    # Motor
    lift_motor = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Motor()
    lift_motor.efficiency = 0.95
    lift_motor.nominal_voltage = bat.max_voltage * 0.5
    lift_motor.mass_properties.mass = 3. * Units.kg
    lift_motor.origin = lift_rotor.origin
    lift_motor.propeller_radius = lift_rotor.tip_radius
    lift_motor.no_load_current = 2.0
    lift_motor = size_optimal_motor(lift_motor, lift_rotor)
    net.lift_motor = lift_motor

    # Define motor sizing parameters
    max_power = lift_rotor.design_power * 1.2
    max_torque = lift_rotor.design_torque * 1.2

    # test high temperature superconducting motor weight function
    mass = hts_motor(max_power)

    # test NDARC motor weight function
    mass = nasa_motor(max_torque)

    # test air cooled motor weight function
    mass = air_cooled_motor(max_power)
    lift_motor.mass_properties.mass = mass

    # Appending motors with different origins
    for ii in range(6):
        lift_rotor_motor = deepcopy(lift_motor)
        lift_rotor_motor.tag = 'motor'


    vehicle.weight_breakdown = empty(vehicle)

    return vehicle
Exemplo n.º 32
def base_setup(nexus):

    aerofoil = nexus.surrogate_data.vec.aerofoil
    results = generate_vehicle(nexus)

    s, rootChord, rcp, psl, sqc, do, tw, ttc, aero_geom, A_ref, span_vals, totmass = results
    c_bar, ca, cg = aero_geom
    A_ref_wet, A_ref_pln = A_ref
    wing_taper, wing_sweep = span_vals

    #    print '===== RESULTS'
    #    print results
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Initialize the Vehicle
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    vehicle = SUAVE.Vehicle()
    vehicle.tag = 'ModBWB'

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vehicle-level Properties
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # mass properties
    vehicle.mass_properties.takeoff = totmass * Units.kg
    #    vehicle.mass_properties.operating_empty = totmass * Units.kg
    #    vehicle.mass_properties.max_takeoff     = totmass * Units.kg

    # basic parameters
    vehicle.reference_area = A_ref_pln * Units.m**2
    vehicle.envelope.ultimate_load = 2.0
    vehicle.envelope.limit_load = 1.5
    vehicle.envelope.maximum_dynamic_pressure = 0.5 * 1.225 * (40.**2.)  #Max q

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Main Wing
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    for i in range(0, len(psl) + 1):
        airfoil = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Airfoils.Airfoil()
        airfoil.coordinate_file = './marske1.dat'
        if i == 0:
            wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Wing()
            wing.tag = 'main_wing'

            wing.aspect_ratio = s**2 / vehicle.reference_area
            wing.thickness_to_chord = ttc[0]
            wing.taper = wing_taper
            wing.span_efficiency = 0.95

            wing.spans.projected = s * Units.m

            #            print 'ROOT CHORD : ' + str(rootChord)
            wing.chords.root = rootChord * Units.m
            wing.chords.tip = wing.taper * wing.chords.root
            wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = c_bar * Units.m

            wing.areas.reference = A_ref_pln * Units.m**2
            wing.areas.wetted = A_ref_wet * Units.m**2
            wing.sweeps.quarter_chord = wing_sweep * Units.deg

            wing.twists.root = tw[0] * Units.deg
            wing.twists.tip = tw[-1] * Units.deg
            #            wing.dihedral                = do[0] * Units.deg

            wing.origin = [0., 0., 0]
            wing.aerodynamic_center = [ca, 0, 0]  #[ca,0,0]
            wing.center_of_gravity = [cg, 0., 0.]  #[cg,0.,0.]

            wing.vertical = False
            wing.symmetric = True
            wing.high_lift = True

            wing.dynamic_pressure_ratio = 1.0

            if len(psl) == 1:
                wing.dihedral = do[i] * Units.deg
                wing.sweeps.quarter_chord = sqc[i] * Units.deg

            # wing segments
        elif i > 0 and len(psl) > 1:
            segment = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Segment()
            segment.tag = 'section_' + str(i - 1)
            segment.percent_span_location = psl[i - 1]
            segment.root_chord_percent = rcp[i - 1]
            segment.dihedral_outboard = do[i - 1] * Units.deg
            segment.sweeps.quarter_chord = sqc[i - 1] * Units.deg
            segment.thickness_to_chord = ttc[i - 1]

    # add to vehicle

    # Propulsor

    # build network
    net = Solar_Low_Fidelity()
    net.number_of_engines = 0.  #1.
    net.nacelle_diameter = 0.05
    net.areas = Data()
    net.areas.wetted = 0.01 * (2 * np.pi * 0.01 / 2)
    net.engine_length = 0.01

    # Component 1 the Sun
    sun = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Processes.Solar_Radiation()
    net.solar_flux = sun

    # Component 2 the solar panels
    panel = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Solar_Panel()
    panel.ratio = 0.9
    panel.area = vehicle.reference_area * panel.ratio
    panel.efficiency = 0.25
    panel.mass_properties.mass = panel.area * (0.60 * Units.kg)
    net.solar_panel = panel

    # Component 3 the ESC
    esc = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Electronic_Speed_Controller()
    esc.efficiency = 0.95  # Gundlach for brushless motors
    net.esc = esc

    # Component 5 the Propeller
    prop = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Propeller_Lo_Fid()
    prop.propulsive_efficiency = 0.825
    net.propeller = prop

    # Component 4 the Motor
    motor = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Motor_Lo_Fid()
    kv = 800. * Units['rpm/volt']  # RPM/volt is standard
    motor = size_from_kv(motor, kv)
    motor.gear_ratio = 1.  # Gear ratio, no gearbox
    motor.gearbox_efficiency = 1.  # Gear box efficiency, no gearbox
    motor.motor_efficiency = 0.825
    net.motor = motor

    # Component 6 the Payload
    payload = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Payload()
    payload.power_draw = 0.  #Watts
    payload.mass_properties.mass = 0.0 * Units.kg
    net.payload = payload

    # Component 7 the Avionics
    avionics = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()
    avionics.power_draw = 10.  #Watts
    net.avionics = avionics

    # Component 8 the Battery
    bat = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Storages.Batteries.Constant_Mass.Lithium_Ion(
    bat.mass_properties.mass = 5.0 * Units.kg
    bat.specific_energy = 250. * Units.Wh / Units.kg
    bat.resistance = 0.003
    bat.iters = 0
    initialize_from_mass(bat, bat.mass_properties.mass)
    net.battery = bat

    #Component 9 the system logic controller and MPPT
    logic = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Solar_Logic()
    logic.system_voltage = 18.5
    logic.MPPT_efficiency = 0.95
    net.solar_logic = logic

    # add the solar network to the vehicle

    return vehicle
Exemplo n.º 33
def base_setup():

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Initialize the Vehicle
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    vehicle = SUAVE.Vehicle()
    vehicle.tag = 'Solar'

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vehicle-level Properties
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # mass properties
    vehicle.mass_properties.takeoff = 4.00 * Units.kg
    vehicle.mass_properties.operating_empty = 4.00 * Units.kg
    vehicle.mass_properties.max_takeoff = 4.00 * Units.kg

    # basic parameters
    vehicle.reference_area = 1.0
    vehicle.envelope.ultimate_load = 2.0
    vehicle.envelope.limit_load = 1.5
    vehicle.envelope.maximum_dynamic_pressure = 115. * 1.25 * Units.pascals  #Max q

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Main Wing
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Main_Wing()
    wing.tag = 'main_wing'

    wing.areas.reference = vehicle.reference_area
    wing.spans.projected = 40.0 * Units.meters
    wing.aspect_ratio = (wing.spans.projected**2) / wing.areas.reference
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord = 0.0 * Units.deg
    wing.symmetric = True
    wing.thickness_to_chord = 0.12
    wing.taper = 1.0
    wing.vertical = False
    wing.high_lift = True
    wing.dynamic_pressure_ratio = 1.0
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = wing.areas.reference / wing.spans.projected
    wing.twists.root = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.twists.tip = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.highlift = False
    wing.vertical = False
    wing.number_ribs = 26.
    wing.number_end_ribs = 2.
    wing.transition_x_upper = 0.6
    wing.transition_x_lower = 1.0
    wing.origin = [[3.0, 0.0, 0.0]]

    # add to vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Horizontal Stabilizer
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Horizontal_Tail()
    wing.tag = 'horizontal_stabilizer'

    wing.aspect_ratio = 10.
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord = 0 * Units.deg
    wing.thickness_to_chord = 0.12
    wing.taper = 1.0
    wing.areas.reference = vehicle.reference_area * .15
    wing.areas.wetted = 2.0 * wing.areas.reference
    wing.areas.exposed = 0.8 * wing.areas.wetted
    wing.areas.affected = 0.6 * wing.areas.wetted
    wing.spans.projected = np.sqrt(wing.aspect_ratio * wing.areas.reference)
    wing.twists.root = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.twists.tip = 0.0 * Units.degrees

    wing.vertical = False
    wing.symmetric = True
    wing.dynamic_pressure_ratio = 0.9
    wing.number_ribs = 5.0
    wing.chords.root = wing.areas.reference / wing.spans.projected
    wing.chords.tip = wing.areas.reference / wing.spans.projected
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = wing.areas.reference / wing.spans.projected
    wing.origin = [[10., 0.0, 0.0]]

    # add to vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vertical Stabilizer
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Vertical_Tail()
    wing.tag = 'vertical_stabilizer'

    wing.aspect_ratio = 10.
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord = 0 * Units.deg
    wing.thickness_to_chord = 0.12
    wing.taper = 1.0
    wing.areas.reference = vehicle.reference_area * 0.1
    wing.spans.projected = np.sqrt(wing.aspect_ratio * wing.areas.reference)

    wing.chords.root = wing.areas.reference / wing.spans.projected
    wing.chords.tip = wing.areas.reference / wing.spans.projected
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = wing.areas.reference / wing.spans.projected
    wing.areas.wetted = 2.0 * wing.areas.reference
    wing.areas.exposed = 0.8 * wing.areas.wetted
    wing.areas.affected = 0.6 * wing.areas.wetted
    wing.twists.root = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.twists.tip = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.origin = [[10., 0.0, 0.0]]
    wing.symmetric = True
    wing.vertical = True
    wing.t_tail = False
    wing.dynamic_pressure_ratio = 1.0
    wing.number_ribs = 5.

    # add to vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Nacelle
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    nacelle = SUAVE.Components.Nacelles.Nacelle()
    nacelle.diameter = 0.05 * Units.meters
    nacelle.length = 0.01 * Units.meters
    nacelle.tag = 'nacelle'
    nacelle.areas.wetted = nacelle.length * (2 * np.pi * nacelle.diameter / 2.)

    # Propulsor

    # build network
    net = Solar_Low_Fidelity()
    net.number_of_engines = 1.

    # Component 1 the Sun
    sun = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Processes.Solar_Radiation()
    net.solar_flux = sun

    # Component 2 the solar panels
    panel = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Solar_Panel()
    panel.ratio = 0.9
    panel.area = vehicle.reference_area * panel.ratio
    panel.efficiency = 0.25
    panel.mass_properties.mass = panel.area * (0.60 * Units.kg)
    net.solar_panel = panel

    # Component 3 the ESC
    esc = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Electronic_Speed_Controller()
    esc.efficiency = 0.95  # Gundlach for brushless motors
    net.esc = esc

    # Component 4 the Propeller
    prop = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Propeller_Lo_Fid()
    prop.propulsive_efficiency = 0.825
    net.propeller = prop

    # Component 5 the Motor
    motor = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Motor_Lo_Fid()
    motor.speed_constant = 900. * Units['rpm/volt']  # RPM/volt is standard
    motor = size_from_kv(motor)
    motor.gear_ratio = 1.  # Gear ratio, no gearbox
    motor.gearbox_efficiency = 1.  # Gear box efficiency, no gearbox
    motor.motor_efficiency = 0.8
    net.motor = motor

    # Component 6 the Payload
    payload = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Payload()
    payload.power_draw = 0.  #Watts
    payload.mass_properties.mass = 1.0 * Units.kg
    net.payload = payload

    # Component 7 the Avionics
    avionics = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()
    avionics.power_draw = 10.  #Watts
    net.avionics = avionics

    # Component 8 the Battery
    bat = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Storages.Batteries.Constant_Mass.Lithium_Ion(
    bat.mass_properties.mass = 3.0 * Units.kg
    bat.specific_energy = 400. * Units.Wh / Units.kg
    bat.resistance = 0.003
    initialize_from_mass(bat, bat.mass_properties.mass)
    net.battery = bat

    #Component 9 the system logic controller and MPPT
    logic = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Solar_Logic()
    logic.system_voltage = 18.5
    logic.MPPT_efficiency = 0.95
    net.solar_logic = logic

    # add the solar network to the vehicle

    return vehicle
Exemplo n.º 34
def vehicle_setup():

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Initialize the Vehicle
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    vehicle = SUAVE.Vehicle()
    vehicle.tag = 'Tecnam_P2006TElectric'

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vehicle-level Properties
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    # mass properties
    vehicle.mass_properties.max_takeoff = 1400 * Units.kilogram
    vehicle.mass_properties.takeoff = 1400 * Units.kilogram
    vehicle.mass_properties.operating_empty = 1000 * Units.kilogram
    vehicle.mass_properties.max_zero_fuel = 1400 * Units.kilogram
    vehicle.mass_properties.cargo = 80 * Units.kilogram

    # envelope properties
    vehicle.envelope.ultimate_load = 5.7
    vehicle.envelope.limit_load = 3.8

    # basic parameters
    vehicle.reference_area = 64.4 * Units['meters**2']
    vehicle.passengers = 4
    vehicle.systems.control = "fully powered"
    vehicle.systems.accessories = "medium range"

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Landing Gear
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # used for noise calculations
    landing_gear = SUAVE.Components.Landing_Gear.Landing_Gear()
    landing_gear.tag = "main_landing_gear"

    landing_gear.main_tire_diameter = 0.423 * Units.m
    landing_gear.nose_tire_diameter = 0.3625 * Units.m
    landing_gear.main_strut_length = 0.4833 * Units.m
    landing_gear.nose_strut_length = 0.3625 * Units.m
    landing_gear.main_units = 2  #number of main landing gear units
    landing_gear.nose_units = 1  #number of nose landing gear
    landing_gear.main_wheels = 1  #number of wheels on the main landing gear
    landing_gear.nose_wheels = 1  #number of wheels on the nose landing gear
    vehicle.landing_gear = landing_gear

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Fuselage
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    fuselage = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Fuselage()
    fuselage.tag = 'fuselage'

    fuselage.number_coach_seats = vehicle.passengers
    fuselage.seats_abreast = 2
    fuselage.seat_pitch = 0.995 * Units.meter
    fuselage.fineness.nose = 1.27
    fuselage.fineness.tail = 1  #3.31
    fuselage.lengths.nose = 1.16 * Units.meter
    fuselage.lengths.tail = 4.637 * Units.meter
    fuselage.lengths.cabin = 2.653 * Units.meter
    fuselage.lengths.total = 8.45 * Units.meter
    fuselage.lengths.fore_space = 0.0 * Units.meter
    fuselage.lengths.aft_space = 0.0 * Units.meter
    fuselage.width = 1.22 * Units.meter
    fuselage.heights.maximum = 1.41 * Units.meter
    fuselage.effective_diameter = 2 * Units.meter
    fuselage.areas.side_projected = 7.46 * Units['meters**2']
    fuselage.areas.wetted = 25.0 * Units['meters**2']
    fuselage.areas.front_projected = 1.54 * Units['meters**2']
    fuselage.differential_pressure = 0.0 * Units.pascal  # Maximum differential pressure

    fuselage.heights.at_quarter_length = 1.077 * Units.meter
    fuselage.heights.at_three_quarters_length = 0.5 * Units.meter  #0.621 * Units.meter
    fuselage.heights.at_wing_root_quarter_chord = 1.41 * Units.meter

    # add to vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Main Wing
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Main_Wing()
    wing.tag = 'main_wing'

    wing.thickness_to_chord = 0.2
    wing.taper = 0.9
    wing.spans.projected = 13.8 * Units.meter
    wing.chords.root = 5.2 * Units.meter
    wing.chords.tip = wing.chords.root * wing.taper
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = 0.6 * Units.meter
    wing.areas.reference = (wing.chords.root +
                            wing.chords.tip) * wing.spans.projected / 2
    wing.twists.root = 0. * Units.degrees
    wing.twists.tip = 0. * Units.degrees
    wing.dihedral = 1. * Units.degrees
    wing.origin = [2.986, 0, 1.077]  # meters
    wing.sweeps.leading_edge = 1.9 * Units.deg
    wing.aspect_ratio = (wing.spans.projected *
                         wing.spans.projected) / wing.areas.reference
    wing.span_efficiency = 0.99 * (
        1 - 0.0407 * (fuselage.width / wing.spans.projected) - 1.792 *
        ((fuselage.width / wing.spans.projected)**2))
    wing.vertical = False
    wing.symmetric = True
    wing.high_lift = True
    wing.dynamic_pressure_ratio = 1.0

    ## Wing Segments

    # Root Segment

    #segment = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Segment()

    #segment.tag                   = 'root'
    #segment.percent_span_location = 0.0
    #segment.twist                 = 0. * Units.deg
    #segment.root_chord_percent    = 1.
    #segment.dihedral_outboard     = 1. * Units.degrees
    #segment.sweeps.quarter_chord  = 0. * Units.degrees
    #segment.thickness_to_chord    = 0.15

    #airfoil = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Airfoils.Airfoil()
    #airfoil.coordinate_file       = '/Users/Bruno/Documents/Delft/Courses/2016-2017/Thesis/Code/Airfoils/naca642415.dat'


    # Tip Segment

    #segment = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Segment()

    #segment.tag                   = 'tip'
    #segment.percent_span_location = 1.0
    #segment.twist                 = 0. * Units.deg
    #segment.root_chord_percent    = 1.
    #segment.dihedral_outboard     = 1. * Units.degrees
    #segment.sweeps.quarter_chord  = 0. * Units.degrees
    #segment.thickness_to_chord    = 0.15

    #airfoil = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Airfoils.Airfoil()
    #airfoil.coordinate_file       = '/Users/Bruno/Documents/Delft/Courses/2016-2017/Thesis/Code/Airfoils/naca642415.dat'


    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Flaps
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    wing.flaps.chord = 0.20
    wing.flaps.span_start = 0.1053
    wing.flaps.span_end = 0.6842
    wing.flaps.type = 'single_slotted'

    # add to vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Horizontal Stabilizer
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Wing()
    wing.tag = 'horizontal_stabilizer'

    wing.aspect_ratio = 4.193
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord = 0.0 * Units.deg
    wing.thickness_to_chord = 0.12
    wing.taper = 1.0
    wing.span_efficiency = 0.733
    wing.spans.projected = 3.3 * Units.meter
    wing.chords.root = 0.787 * Units.meter
    wing.chords.tip = 0.787 * Units.meter
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = (wing.chords.root * (2.0 / 3.0) *
                                    ((1.0 + wing.taper + wing.taper**2.0) /
                                     (1.0 + wing.taper))) * Units.meter
    wing.areas.reference = 2.5971 * Units['meters**2']
    wing.areas.exposed = 4.0 * Units['meters**2']
    wing.areas.wetted = 4.0 * Units['meters**2']
    wing.twists.root = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.twists.tip = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.origin = [7.789, 0.0, 0.3314]  # meters
    wing.vertical = False
    wing.symmetric = True
    wing.dynamic_pressure_ratio = 0.9

    # add to vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vertical Stabilizer
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Wing()
    wing.tag = 'vertical_stabilizer'

    wing.aspect_ratio = 1.407
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord = 38.75 * Units.deg
    wing.thickness_to_chord = 0.12
    wing.taper = 1.0
    wing.span_efficiency = -0.107
    wing.spans.projected = 1.574 * Units.meter
    wing.chords.root = 1.2 * Units.meter
    wing.chords.tip = 0.497 * Units.meter
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = (wing.chords.root * (2.0 / 3.0) *
                                    ((1.0 + wing.taper + wing.taper**2.0) /
                                     (1.0 + wing.taper))) * Units.meter
    wing.areas.reference = 1.761 * Units['meters**2']
    wing.twists.root = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.twists.tip = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.origin = [7.25, 0, 0.497]  # meters
    wing.vertical = True
    wing.symmetric = False
    wing.t_tail = False
    wing.dynamic_pressure_ratio = 1.0

    # add to vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Propellers Powered By Batteries
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    # build network
    net = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Networks.Lift_Forward_Propulsor_Network()

    net.nacelle_diameter_lift = 0.08 * Units.meters
    net.nacelle_diameter_forward = 0.1732 * Units.meters
    net.engine_length_lift = 0.47244 * Units.meters
    net.engine_length_forward = 1.2 * Units.meters
    net.number_of_engines_lift = 12
    net.number_of_engines_forward = 2
    net.thrust_angle_lift = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    net.thrust_angle_forward = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    net.voltage = 461.
    net.areas_forward = Data()
    net.areas_forward.wetted = 1.1 * np.pi * net.nacelle_diameter_forward * net.engine_length_forward
    net.areas_lift = Data()
    net.areas_lift.wetted = 1.1 * np.pi * net.nacelle_diameter_forward * net.engine_length_lift

    # Component 1 - Tip ESC
    esc = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Electronic_Speed_Controller()
    esc.efficiency = 0.95  # Gundlach for brushless motors
    net.esc_forward = esc

    # Component 1 - High Lift ESC
    esc = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Electronic_Speed_Controller()
    esc.efficiency = 0.95  # Gundlach for brushless motors
    net.esc_lift = esc

    # Component 2 - Tip Propeller

    # Design the Propeller
    prop_attributes = Data()
    prop_attributes.number_blades = 3.0
    prop_attributes.freestream_velocity = 50.0 * Units['m/s']  # freestream m/s
    prop_attributes.angular_velocity = 27500. * Units['rpm']  # For 20x10 prop
    prop_attributes.tip_radius = 0.762 * Units.meter
    prop_attributes.hub_radius = 0.085 * Units.meter
    prop_attributes.design_Cl = 0.8
    prop_attributes.design_altitude = 14.0 * Units.km
    prop_attributes.design_thrust = 0.0 * Units.newton
    prop_attributes.design_power = 250000. * Units.watts

    prop_attributes = propeller_design(prop_attributes)

    prop_forward = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Propeller()
    prop_forward.prop_attributes = prop_attributes
    net.propeller_forward = prop_forward

    # Component 2 - High Lift Propeller

    # Design the Propeller
    prop_attributes = Data()
    prop_attributes.number_blades = 5.0
    prop_attributes.freestream_velocity = 1. * Units['m/s']  # freestream m/s
    prop_attributes.angular_velocity = 2750 * Units['rpm']  # For 20x10 prop
    prop_attributes.tip_radius = 0.2880360 * Units.meter
    prop_attributes.hub_radius = 0.07772400 * Units.meter
    prop_attributes.design_Cl = 0.8
    prop_attributes.design_altitude = 0.0 * Units.meter
    prop_attributes.design_thrust = 0.0 * Units.newton
    prop_attributes.design_power = 10000. * Units.watts

    prop_attributes = propeller_design(prop_attributes)

    prop_lift = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Propeller()
    prop_lift.prop_attributes = prop_attributes
    net.propeller_lift = prop_lift

    # Component 3 - Tip Motor

    motor = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Motor()
    motor.resistance = 1.
    motor.no_load_current = 7. * Units.ampere
    motor.speed_constant = 11.9999 * Units[
        'rpm/volt']  # RPM/volt converted to (rad/s)/volt
    motor.propeller_radius = prop_forward.prop_attributes.tip_radius
    motor.propeller_Cp = prop_forward.prop_attributes.Cp[0]
    motor.gear_ratio = 12.  # Gear ratio
    motor.gearbox_efficiency = .98  # Gear box efficiency
    motor.expected_current = 160.  # Expected current
    motor.mass_properties.mass = 9.0 * Units.kg
    net.motor_forward = motor

    # Component 3 - High Lift Motor

    motor = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Motor()
    motor.resistance = 0.008
    motor.no_load_current = 4.5 * Units.ampere
    motor.speed_constant = 5800. * Units[
        'rpm/volt']  # RPM/volt converted to (rad/s)/volt
    motor.propeller_radius = prop_lift.prop_attributes.tip_radius
    motor.propeller_Cp = prop_lift.prop_attributes.Cp[0]
    motor.gear_ratio = 12.  # Gear ratio
    motor.gearbox_efficiency = .98  # Gear box efficiency
    motor.expected_current = 25.  # Expected current
    motor.mass_properties.mass = 6.0 * Units.kg
    net.motor_lift = motor

    # Component 4 - the Payload
    payload = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Payload()
    payload.power_draw = 50. * Units.watts
    payload.mass_properties.mass = 5.0 * Units.kg
    net.payload = payload

    # Component 5 - the Avionics
    avionics = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()
    avionics.power_draw = 50. * Units.watts
    net.avionics = avionics

    # Component 6 - the Battery
    bat = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Storages.Batteries.Constant_Mass.Lithium_Ion(
    bat.mass_properties.mass = 358.33 * Units.kg
    bat.specific_energy = 192.84 * Units.Wh / Units.kg
    bat.specific_power = 0.837 * Units.kW / Units.kg
    bat.resistance = 0.0153
    bat.max_voltage = 10000.
    initialize_from_mass(bat, bat.mass_properties.mass)
    net.battery = bat

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vehicle Definition Complete
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    # add the energy network to the vehicle

    #print vehicle

    return vehicle
Exemplo n.º 35
def energy_network():
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Battery Ducted Fan Network
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------    
    #instantiate the ducted fan network
    ducted_fan = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Networks.Ducted_Fan()
    ducted_fan.tag = 'ducted fan'
    # setup
    ducted_fan.number_of_engines = 2
    ducted_fan.engine_length     = 1.038 * Units.meter
    ducted_fan.nacelle_diameter  = 1.064 * Units.meter
    ducted_fan.origin            = [[8.95, 1.48, 0.50],[8.95, -1.48, 0.50]] # meters

    #compute engine areas
    ducted_fan.areas.wetted      = 1.1*np.pi*ducted_fan.nacelle_diameter*ducted_fan.engine_length
    # working fluid
    ducted_fan.working_fluid = SUAVE.Attributes.Gases.Air()

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Component 1 - Ram
    # to convert freestream static to stagnation quantities
    # instantiate
    ram         = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Ram()
    ram.tag     = 'ram'
    # add to the network

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Component 2 - Inlet Nozzle
    # instantiate
    inlet_nozzle        = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Compression_Nozzle()
    inlet_nozzle.tag    = 'inlet_nozzle'
    # setup
    inlet_nozzle.polytropic_efficiency = 0.98
    inlet_nozzle.pressure_ratio        = 0.98
    # add to network

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Component 3 - Fan
    # instantiate
    fan = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Fan()   
    fan.tag                   = 'fan'

    # setup
    fan.polytropic_efficiency = 0.93
    fan.pressure_ratio        = 1.7    
    # add to network

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Component 4 - Fan Nozzle
    # instantiate
    nozzle = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Expansion_Nozzle()   
    nozzle.tag = 'fan_nozzle'

    # setup
    nozzle.polytropic_efficiency    = 0.95
    nozzle.pressure_ratio           = 0.99  

    # add to network

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #Component 5 : thrust (to compute the thrust)
    thrust = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Processes.Thrust()       
    thrust.tag                 ='thrust'
    #total design thrust (includes all the engines)
    thrust.total_design        = 2*700. * Units.lbf 
    # add to network
    ducted_fan.thrust          = thrust   
    #design sizing conditions
    altitude      = 0.0 * Units.km
    mach_number   = 0.01
    isa_deviation = 0.
    #size the ducted fan

    # Created Serial Hybrid Ducted Fan network and set defaults
    hybrid_ducted_fan                      = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Networks.Serial_Hybrid_Ducted_Fan()
    hybrid_ducted_fan.tag                  = 'serial_hybrid_ducted_fan'
    hybrid_ducted_fan.nacelle_diameter     = ducted_fan.nacelle_diameter
    hybrid_ducted_fan.areas                = Data()
    hybrid_ducted_fan.areas.wetted         = ducted_fan.areas.wetted
    hybrid_ducted_fan.engine_length        = ducted_fan.engine_length
    hybrid_ducted_fan.origin               = ducted_fan.origin
    hybrid_ducted_fan.voltage              = 400.

    # add  gas turbine network turbofan to the network 
    hybrid_ducted_fan.propulsor            = ducted_fan

    # Create ESC and add to the network
    esc = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Electronic_Speed_Controller()
    esc.efficiency                  = 0.97
    hybrid_ducted_fan.esc          = esc

    # Create payload and add to the network
    payload = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()
    payload.power_draw              = 0.
    payload.mass_properties.mass    = 0. * Units.kg 
    hybrid_ducted_fan.payload      = payload

    # Create avionics and add to the network
    avionics = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()
    avionics.power_draw             = 200. * Units.watts 
    hybrid_ducted_fan.avionics     = avionics

    # Create the battery and add to the network
    bat = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Storages.Batteries.Constant_Mass.Lithium_Ion()
    bat.specific_energy             = 300. * Units.Wh/Units.kg
    bat.resistance                  = 0.006
    bat.max_voltage                 = 400.
    bat.mass_properties.mass        = 1000. * Units.kg 
    initialize_from_mass(bat, bat.mass_properties.mass)
    hybrid_ducted_fan.battery      = bat
    # Create the generator and add to the network
    generator = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Generator_Zero_Fid()
    generator.max_power = 500000 * Units.watt
    generator.sfc = 300 * Units['g/kW/h']
    hybrid_ducted_fan.generator = generator
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Evaluation Conditions
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------    
    # Conditions        
    ones_1col                        = np.array([[1.0],[1.0]])       
    alt                              = 5.0 * Units.km
    # Setup the conditions to run the network
    state               = Data()
    state.numerics      = SUAVE.Analyses.Mission.Segments.Conditions.Numerics()
    state.conditions    = SUAVE.Analyses.Mission.Segments.Conditions.Aerodynamics()
    conditions          = state.conditions
    numerics            = state.numerics
    planet              = SUAVE.Attributes.Planets.Earth()   
    working_fluid       = SUAVE.Attributes.Gases.Air()    
     # Calculate atmospheric properties
    atmosphere = SUAVE.Analyses.Atmospheric.US_Standard_1976()
    atmosphere_conditions =  atmosphere.compute_values(alt)
    rho = atmosphere_conditions.density[0,:]
    a   = atmosphere_conditions.speed_of_sound[0,:]
    mu  = atmosphere_conditions.dynamic_viscosity[0,:]
    T   = atmosphere_conditions.temperature[0,:]
    mach = 0.7

    # aerodynamic conditions
    conditions.freestream.mach_number                  = mach * ones_1col
    conditions.freestream.pressure                     = atmosphere_conditions.pressure * ones_1col
    conditions.freestream.temperature                  = T * ones_1col
    conditions.freestream.density                      = rho * ones_1col
    conditions.freestream.dynamic_viscosity            = mu * ones_1col
    conditions.freestream.speed_of_sound               = a * ones_1col
    conditions.freestream.velocity                     = conditions.freestream.mach_number * conditions.freestream.speed_of_sound
    conditions.freestream.altitude                     = alt * ones_1col
    conditions.freestream.gravity                      = planet.compute_gravity(alt) * ones_1col
    conditions.propulsion.battery_energy               = bat.max_energy * ones_1col
    conditions.frames.inertial.time                    = np.array([[0.0],[1.0]])
    conditions.freestream.isentropic_expansion_factor  = ones_1col*working_fluid.compute_gamma(atmosphere_conditions.temperature,atmosphere_conditions.pressure)                                                                                             
    conditions.freestream.Cp                           = ones_1col*working_fluid.compute_cp(atmosphere_conditions.temperature,atmosphere_conditions.pressure)
    conditions.freestream.R                            = ones_1col*working_fluid.gas_specific_constant    
    conditions.q                                       = 0.5 * conditions.freestream.density * conditions.freestream.velocity**2
    # numerics conditions
    numerics.time.integrate                            = np.array([[0, 0],[0, 1]])
    numerics.time.differentiate                        = np.array([[0, 0],[0, 1]])
    # propulsion conditions
    conditions.propulsion.throttle                     = np.array([[1.0],[1.0]])
    conditions.propulsion.battery_energy               = bat.max_energy*np.ones_like(ones_1col)
    print("Design thrust ", hybrid_ducted_fan.propulsor.design_thrust 
          * hybrid_ducted_fan.number_of_engines)
    print("Sealevel static thrust ", hybrid_ducted_fan.propulsor.sealevel_static_thrust
          * hybrid_ducted_fan.number_of_engines)
    results_off_design  = hybrid_ducted_fan(state)
    F                   = results_off_design.thrust_force_vector
    mdot                = results_off_design.vehicle_mass_rate
    power               = results_off_design.power

    #Specify the expected values
    expected        = Data()
    expected.thrust = 3053.50858719
    expected.power  = 849362.83002354
    expected.mdot   = 0.041666667
    #error data function
    error              =  Data()
    error.thrust_error = (F[0][0] -  expected.thrust)/expected.thrust
    error.power_error  = (power[0] - expected.power)/expected.power
    error.mdot_error   = (mdot[0][0] - expected.mdot)/expected.mdot 
    for k,v in list(error.items()):
Exemplo n.º 36
def vehicle_setup():

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Initialize the Vehicle
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    vehicle = SUAVE.Vehicle()
    vehicle.tag = 'Tecnam_P2006TElectric'

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vehicle-level Properties
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    # mass properties
    vehicle.mass_properties.max_takeoff = 1400 * Units.kilogram
    vehicle.mass_properties.takeoff = 1400 * Units.kilogram
    vehicle.mass_properties.operating_empty = 1000 * Units.kilogram
    vehicle.mass_properties.max_zero_fuel = 1400 * Units.kilogram
    vehicle.mass_properties.cargo = 80 * Units.kilogram

    # envelope properties
    vehicle.envelope.ultimate_load = 5.7
    vehicle.envelope.limit_load = 3.8

    # basic parameters
    vehicle.reference_area = 64.4 * Units['meters**2']
    vehicle.passengers = 4
    vehicle.systems.control = "fully powered"
    vehicle.systems.accessories = "medium range"

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Landing Gear
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # used for noise calculations
    #landing_gear = SUAVE.Components.Landing_Gear.Landing_Gear()
    #landing_gear.tag = "main_landing_gear"

    #landing_gear.main_tire_diameter = 0.423 * Units.m
    #landing_gear.nose_tire_diameter = 0.3625 * Units.m
    #landing_gear.main_strut_length  = 0.4833 * Units.m
    #landing_gear.nose_strut_length  = 0.3625 * Units.m
    #landing_gear.main_units  = 2    #number of main landing gear units
    #landing_gear.nose_units  = 1    #number of nose landing gear
    #landing_gear.main_wheels = 1    #number of wheels on the main landing gear
    #landing_gear.nose_wheels = 1    #number of wheels on the nose landing gear
    #vehicle.landing_gear = landing_gear

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Fuselage
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    fuselage = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Fuselage()
    fuselage.tag = 'fuselage'
    aux = time.time()
    fuselage.time = aux

    fuselage.number_coach_seats = vehicle.passengers
    fuselage.seats_abreast = 2
    fuselage.seat_pitch = 0.995 * Units.meter
    fuselage.fineness.nose = 1.27
    fuselage.fineness.tail = 1  #3.31
    fuselage.lengths.nose = 1.16 * Units.meter
    fuselage.lengths.tail = 4.637 * Units.meter
    fuselage.lengths.cabin = 2.653 * Units.meter
    fuselage.lengths.total = 8.45 * Units.meter
    fuselage.lengths.fore_space = 0.0 * Units.meter
    fuselage.lengths.aft_space = 0.0 * Units.meter
    fuselage.width = 1.1 * Units.meter  #1.22
    fuselage.heights.maximum = 1.41 * Units.meter
    fuselage.effective_diameter = 2 * Units.meter
    fuselage.areas.side_projected = 7.46 * Units['meters**2']
    fuselage.areas.wetted = 25.0 * Units['meters**2']
    fuselage.areas.front_projected = 1.54 * Units['meters**2']
    fuselage.differential_pressure = 10**5 * Units.pascal  # Maximum differential pressure

    fuselage.heights.at_quarter_length = 1.077 * Units.meter
    fuselage.heights.at_three_quarters_length = 0.5 * Units.meter  #0.621 * Units.meter
    fuselage.heights.at_wing_root_quarter_chord = 1.41 * Units.meter

    ## OpenVSP Design

    fuselage.OpenVSP_values = Data()  # VSP uses degrees directly

    #MidFuselage1 Section

    fuselage.OpenVSP_values.midfus1 = Data()
    fuselage.OpenVSP_values.midfus1.z_pos = 0.03

    #MidFuselage2 Section

    fuselage.OpenVSP_values.midfus2 = Data()
    fuselage.OpenVSP_values.midfus2.z_pos = 0.06

    #MidFuselage3 Section

    fuselage.OpenVSP_values.midfus3 = Data()
    fuselage.OpenVSP_values.midfus3.z_pos = 0.04

    #Tail Section

    fuselage.OpenVSP_values.tail = Data()
    fuselage.OpenVSP_values.tail.bottom = Data()
    fuselage.OpenVSP_values.tail.z_pos = 0.039
    fuselage.OpenVSP_values.tail.bottom.angle = -20.0
    fuselage.OpenVSP_values.tail.bottom.strength = 1

    # add to vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Main Wing
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Main_Wing()
    wing.tag = 'main_wing'

    wing.thickness_to_chord = 0.15249979370200092
    wing.taper = 0.9014171440917205
    wing.spans.projected = 9.342124951930751 * Units.meter
    wing.chords.root = 2.0273876759854024 * Units.meter
    wing.chords.tip = wing.chords.root * wing.taper
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = (wing.chords.root * (2.0 / 3.0) *
                                    ((1.0 + wing.taper + wing.taper**2.0) /
                                     (1.0 + wing.taper)))
    wing.areas.reference = (wing.chords.root +
                            wing.chords.tip) * wing.spans.projected / 2
    print wing.areas.reference
    basearea = wing.areas.reference
    wing.areas.wetted = 2.0 * wing.areas.reference
    wing.areas.exposed = wing.areas.wetted
    wing.areas.affected = wing.areas.wetted
    wing.twists.root = 0. * Units.degrees
    wing.twists.tip = 0. * Units.degrees
    wing.dihedral = 1. * Units.degrees
    wing.origin = [2.986, 0, 1.077]  # meters
    wing.sweeps.leading_edge = 1.9 * Units.deg
    wing.aspect_ratio = (wing.spans.projected *
                         wing.spans.projected) / wing.areas.reference
    wing.span_efficiency = 0.95
    wing.vertical = False
    wing.symmetric = True
    wing.high_lift = True
    wing.dynamic_pressure_ratio = 1.0

    ## Wing Segments

    # Root Segment

    #segment = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Segment()

    #segment.tag                   = 'root'
    #segment.percent_span_location = 0.0
    #segment.twist                 = 0. * Units.deg
    #segment.root_chord_percent    = 1.
    #segment.dihedral_outboard     = 1. * Units.degrees
    #segment.sweeps.quarter_chord  = 0. * Units.degrees
    #segment.thickness_to_chord    = 0.15

    #airfoil = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Airfoils.Airfoil()
    #airfoil.coordinate_file       = '/Users/Bruno/Documents/Delft/Courses/2016-2017/Thesis/Code/Airfoils/naca642415.dat'


    # Tip Segment

    #segment = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Segment()

    #segment.tag                   = 'tip'
    #segment.percent_span_location = 1.0
    #segment.twist                 = 0. * Units.deg
    #segment.root_chord_percent    = 1.
    #segment.dihedral_outboard     = 1. * Units.degrees
    #segment.sweeps.quarter_chord  = 0. * Units.degrees
    #segment.thickness_to_chord    = 0.15

    #airfoil = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Airfoils.Airfoil()
    #airfoil.coordinate_file       = '/Users/Bruno/Documents/Delft/Courses/2016-2017/Thesis/Code/Airfoils/naca642415.dat'


    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Flaps
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    wing.flaps.chord = wing.chords.root * 0.15
    wing.flaps.span_start = 0.3 * wing.spans.projected
    wing.flaps.span_end = 0.8 * wing.spans.projected
    wing.flaps.area = wing.flaps.chord * (wing.flaps.span_end -
    wing.flaps.type = 'single_slotted'

    # add to vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Horizontal Stabilizer
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Wing()
    wing.tag = 'horizontal_stabilizer'

    wing.aspect_ratio = 4.193
    wing.areas.reference = 0.145 * basearea
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord = 0.0 * Units.deg
    wing.thickness_to_chord = 0.12
    wing.taper = 1.0
    wing.span_efficiency = 0.97
    wing.spans.projected = np.sqrt(wing.aspect_ratio * wing.areas.reference)
    wing.chords.root = wing.areas.reference / wing.spans.projected
    wing.chords.tip = wing.chords.root
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = (wing.chords.root * (2.0 / 3.0) *
                                    ((1.0 + wing.taper + wing.taper**2.0) /
                                     (1.0 + wing.taper)))
    wing.areas.wetted = 2.0 * wing.areas.reference
    wing.areas.exposed = wing.areas.wetted
    wing.areas.affected = wing.areas.wetted
    wing.twists.root = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.twists.tip = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.origin = [7.789, 0.0, 0.3314]  # meters
    wing.vertical = False
    wing.symmetric = True
    wing.dynamic_pressure_ratio = 0.9

    # add to vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vertical Stabilizer
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Wing()
    wing.tag = 'vertical_stabilizer'

    wing.areas.reference = 0.099 * basearea
    wing.areas.wetted = 2.0 * wing.areas.reference
    wing.areas.exposed = wing.areas.wetted
    wing.areas.affected = wing.areas.wetted
    wing.aspect_ratio = 1.407
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord = 38.75 * Units.deg
    wing.thickness_to_chord = 0.12
    wing.taper = 0.4142
    wing.span_efficiency = 0.97
    wing.spans.projected = np.sqrt(wing.aspect_ratio * wing.areas.reference)
    wing.chords.root = (2.0 * wing.areas.reference) / (wing.spans.projected *
                                                       (1 + wing.taper))
    wing.chords.tip = wing.chords.root * wing.taper
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = (wing.chords.root * (2.0 / 3.0) *
                                    ((1.0 + wing.taper + wing.taper**2.0) /
                                     (1.0 + wing.taper)))
    wing.twists.root = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.twists.tip = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    wing.origin = [7.25, 0, 0.497]  # meters
    wing.vertical = True
    wing.symmetric = False
    wing.t_tail = False
    wing.dynamic_pressure_ratio = 1.0

    # add to vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Propellers Powered By Batteries
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    # build network
    net = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Networks.Lift_Forward_Propulsor()

    net.nacelle_diameter_lift = 0.08 * Units.meters
    net.nacelle_diameter_forward = 0.1732 * Units.meters
    net.engine_length_lift = 0.47244 * Units.meters
    net.engine_length_forward = 1.2 * Units.meters
    net.number_of_engines_lift = 10
    print 'Prop Optimization'
    print 'Engines Lift Number'
    print net.number_of_engines_lift
    net.number_of_engines_forward = 2
    net.thrust_angle_lift = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    net.thrust_angle_forward = 0.0 * Units.degrees
    net.voltage = 461. * Units['volt']  #461.
    net.areas_forward = Data()
    net.areas_forward.wetted = 1.1 * np.pi * net.nacelle_diameter_forward * net.engine_length_forward
    net.areas_lift = Data()
    net.areas_lift.wetted = 1.1 * np.pi * net.nacelle_diameter_forward * net.engine_length_lift
    net.number_of_engines = 1
    net.nacelle_diameter = net.nacelle_diameter_forward
    net.areas = Data()
    net.areas.wetted = net.areas_lift.wetted
    net.engine_length = 1.

    # Component 1 - Tip ESC
    esc = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Electronic_Speed_Controller()
    esc.efficiency = 0.95  # Gundlach for brushless motors
    net.esc_forward = esc

    # Component 1 - High Lift ESC
    esc = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Electronic_Speed_Controller()
    esc.efficiency = 0.95  # Gundlach for brushless motors
    net.esc_lift = esc

    # Component 2 - Tip Propeller

    # Design the Propeller
    #prop_attributes = Data()

    #prop_attributes                     = propeller_design(prop_attributes)

    prop_forward = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Propeller()
    prop_forward.number_blades = 3.0
    prop_forward.propulsive_efficiency = 0.85
    prop_forward.freestream_velocity = 50.0 * Units['m/s']  # freestream m/s
    prop_forward.angular_velocity = 27500. * Units['rpm']  # For 20x10 prop
    prop_forward.tip_radius = 0.5 * Units.meter
    prop_forward.hub_radius = 0.085 * Units.meter
    prop_forward.design_Cl = 0.8
    prop_forward.design_altitude = 14.0 * Units.km
    prop_forward.design_thrust = 0.0 * Units.newton
    prop_forward.design_power = 60000. * Units.watts

    prop_forward = propeller_design(prop_forward)
    net.propeller_forward = prop_forward

    # Component 2 - High Lift Propeller

    # Design the Propeller
    #prop_attributes = Data()

    prop_lift = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Propeller()
    prop_lift.number_blades = 5.0
    prop_lift.propulsive_efficiency = 0.85
    prop_lift.freestream_velocity = 1. * Units['m/s']  # freestream m/s
    prop_lift.angular_velocity = 2750 * Units['rpm']  # For 20x10 prop
    prop_lift.tip_radius = 0.26 * Units.meter  #0.2880360
    prop_lift.hub_radius = 0.07772400 * Units.meter
    prop_lift.design_Cl = 0.8
    prop_lift.design_altitude = 0.0 * Units.meter
    prop_lift.design_thrust = 0.0 * Units.newton
    prop_lift.design_power = 10500. * Units.watts
    prop_lift = propeller_design(prop_lift)

    net.propeller_lift = prop_lift

    # Component 3 - Tip Motor

    motor = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Motor_Lo_Fid()
    #motor.resistance           = 1.
    #motor.no_load_current      = 7.  * Units.ampere
    #motor.speed_constant       = 11.9999 * Units['rpm/volt'] # RPM/volt converted to (rad/s)/volt
    #motor.propeller_radius     = prop_forward.tip_radius
    #motor.propeller_Cp         = prop_forward.Cp[0]
    #motor.gear_ratio           = 12. # Gear ratio
    #motor.gearbox_efficiency   = .98 # Gear box efficiency
    #motor.expected_current     = 160. # Expected current
    #motor.mass_properties.mass = 9.0  * Units.kg
    #net.motor_forward          = motor

    motor.speed_constant = 180. * Units['rpm/volt']  # RPM/volt is standard
    motor = size_from_kv(motor, motor.speed_constant)
    motor.gear_ratio = 1.  # Gear ratio, no gearbox
    motor.gearbox_efficiency = .98  # Gear box efficiency, no gearbox
    motor.motor_efficiency = 0.825
    net.motor_forward = motor

    # Component 3 - High Lift Motor

    motor = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Motor_Lo_Fid()
    #motor.resistance           = 0.008
    #motor.no_load_current      = 4.5  * Units.ampere
    #motor.speed_constant       = 5800. * Units['rpm/volt'] # RPM/volt converted to (rad/s)/volt
    #motor.propeller_radius     = prop_lift.tip_radius
    #motor.propeller_Cp         = prop_lift.Cp[0]
    #motor.gear_ratio           = 12. # Gear ratio
    #motor.gearbox_efficiency   = .98 # Gear box efficiency
    #motor.expected_current     = 25. # Expected current
    #motor.mass_properties.mass = 6.0  * Units.kg
    #net.motor_lift             = motor

    motor.speed_constant = 90. * Units['rpm/volt']  # RPM/volt is standard
    motor = size_from_kv(motor, motor.speed_constant)
    motor.gear_ratio = 1.  # Gear ratio, no gearbox
    motor.gearbox_efficiency = .98  # Gear box efficiency, no gearbox
    motor.motor_efficiency = 0.825
    net.motor_lift = motor

    # Component 4 - the Payload
    payload = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Payload()
    payload.power_draw = 50. * Units.watts
    payload.mass_properties.mass = 5.0 * Units.kg
    net.payload = payload

    # Component 5 - the Avionics
    avionics = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()
    avionics.power_draw = 50. * Units.watts
    net.avionics = avionics

    # Component 6 - the Battery
    bat = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Storages.Batteries.Constant_Mass.Lithium_Ion(
    bat.mass_properties.mass = 386.0 * Units.kg
    bat.specific_energy = 121.8 * Units.Wh / Units.kg  #192.84
    bat.specific_power = 0.312 * Units.kW / Units.kg  #0.837
    bat.resistance = 0.32
    bat.max_voltage = 538. * Units['volt']  #10000.
    initialize_from_mass(bat, bat.mass_properties.mass)
    print bat.max_energy
    net.battery = bat

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vehicle Definition Complete
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    # add the energy network to the vehicle

    #now add weights objects
    vehicle.landing_gear = SUAVE.Components.Landing_Gear.Landing_Gear()
    vehicle.control_systems = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    vehicle.electrical_systems = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    vehicle.avionics = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()
    vehicle.passenger_weights = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    #vehicle.furnishings        = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    #vehicle.apu                = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    #vehicle.hydraulics         = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    vehicle.optionals = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()

        'vertical_stabilizer'].rudder = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()

    #print vehicle

    return vehicle
Exemplo n.º 37
def vehicle_setup():
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Initialize the Vehicle
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    vehicle = SUAVE.Vehicle()
    vehicle.tag = 'Tiltwing'
    vehicle.configuration = 'eVTOL'
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   Vehicle-level Properties
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # mass properties
    vehicle.mass_properties.takeoff = 2250. * Units.lb
    vehicle.mass_properties.operating_empty = 2250. * Units.lb
    vehicle.mass_properties.max_takeoff = 2250. * Units.lb
    vehicle.mass_properties.center_of_gravity = [[2.0144, 0., 0.]]
    vehicle.passengers = 1
    vehicle.reference_area = 10.58275476
    vehicle.envelope.ultimate_load = 5.7
    vehicle.envelope.limit_load = 3.

    # ------------------------------------------------------
    # WINGS
    # ------------------------------------------------------
    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Main_Wing()
    wing.tag = 'canard_wing'
    wing.aspect_ratio = 11.37706641
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord = 0.0
    wing.thickness_to_chord = 0.18
    wing.taper = 1.
    wing.spans.projected = 6.65
    wing.chords.root = 0.95
    wing.total_length = 0.95
    wing.chords.tip = 0.95
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = 0.95
    wing.dihedral = 0.0
    wing.areas.reference = 6.31
    wing.areas.wetted = 12.635
    wing.areas.exposed = 12.635
    wing.twists.root = 0.
    wing.twists.tip = 0.
    wing.origin = [[0.1, 0.0, 0.0]]
    wing.aerodynamic_center = [0., 0., 0.]
    wing.winglet_fraction = 0.0
    wing.symmetric = True

    # add to vehicle

    wing = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Main_Wing()
    wing.tag = 'main_wing'
    wing.aspect_ratio = 11.37706641
    wing.sweeps.quarter_chord = 0.0
    wing.thickness_to_chord = 0.18
    wing.taper = 1.
    wing.spans.projected = 6.65
    wing.chords.root = 0.95
    wing.total_length = 0.95
    wing.chords.tip = 0.95
    wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic = 0.95
    wing.dihedral = 0.0
    wing.areas.reference = 6.31
    wing.areas.wetted = 12.635
    wing.areas.exposed = 12.635
    wing.twists.root = 0.
    wing.twists.tip = 0.
    wing.origin = [[5.138, 0.0, 1.323]]  # for images 1.54
    wing.aerodynamic_center = [0., 0., 0.]
    wing.winglet_fraction = 0.0
    wing.symmetric = True

    # add to vehicle

    # ------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------
    fuselage = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Fuselage()
    fuselage.tag = 'fuselage'
    fuselage.seats_abreast = 0.
    fuselage.seat_pitch = 1.
    fuselage.fineness.nose = 1.5
    fuselage.fineness.tail = 4.0
    fuselage.lengths.nose = 1.7
    fuselage.lengths.tail = 2.7
    fuselage.lengths.cabin = 1.7
    fuselage.lengths.total = 6.1
    fuselage.width = 1.15
    fuselage.heights.maximum = 1.7
    fuselage.heights.at_quarter_length = 1.2
    fuselage.heights.at_wing_root_quarter_chord = 1.7
    fuselage.heights.at_three_quarters_length = 0.75
    fuselage.areas.wetted = 12.97989862
    fuselage.areas.front_projected = 1.365211404
    fuselage.effective_diameter = 1.318423736
    fuselage.differential_pressure = 0.

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_0'
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.
    segment.height = 0.09
    segment.width = 0.23473
    segment.length = 0.
    segment.effective_diameter = 0.

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_1'
    segment.percent_x_location = 0.97675 / 6.1
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.21977 / 6.1
    segment.height = 0.9027
    segment.width = 1.01709

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_2'
    segment.percent_x_location = 1.93556 / 6.1
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.39371 / 6.1
    segment.height = 1.30558
    segment.width = 1.38871

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_3'
    segment.percent_x_location = 3.44137 / 6.1
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.57143 / 6.1
    segment.height = 1.52588
    segment.width = 1.47074

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_4'
    segment.percent_x_location = 4.61031 / 6.1
    segment.percent_z_location = 0.81577 / 6.1
    segment.height = 1.14788
    segment.width = 1.11463

    # Segment
    segment = SUAVE.Components.Fuselages.Segment()
    segment.tag = 'segment_5'
    segment.percent_x_location = 1.
    segment.percent_z_location = 1.19622 / 6.1
    segment.height = 0.31818
    segment.width = 0.23443

    # add to vehicle

    net = Vectored_Thrust()
    net.number_of_engines = 8
    net.thrust_angle = 0.0 * Units.degrees  #  conversion to radians,
    net.nacelle_diameter = 0.2921  # https://www.magicall.biz/products/integrated-motor-controller-magidrive/
    net.engine_length = 0.95
    net.areas = Data()
    net.areas.wetted = np.pi * net.nacelle_diameter * net.engine_length + 0.5 * np.pi * net.nacelle_diameter**2
    net.voltage = 400.

    # Design Electronic Speed Controller
    esc = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Distributors.Electronic_Speed_Controller()
    esc.efficiency = 0.95
    net.esc = esc

    # Component 6 the Payload
    payload = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Payload()
    payload.power_draw = 10.  #Watts
    payload.mass_properties.mass = 0.0 * Units.kg
    net.payload = payload

    # Component 7 the Avionics
    avionics = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()
    avionics.power_draw = 20.  #Watts
    net.avionics = avionics

    # Design Battery
    bat = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Storages.Batteries.Constant_Mass.Lithium_Ion(
    bat.mass_properties.mass = 200. * Units.kg
    bat.specific_energy = 200. * Units.Wh / Units.kg
    bat.resistance = 0.006
    bat.max_voltage = 400.

    initialize_from_mass(bat, bat.mass_properties.mass)
    net.battery = bat
    net.voltage = bat.max_voltage

    # Component 9 Miscellaneous Systems
    sys = SUAVE.Components.Systems.System()
    sys.mass_properties.mass = 5  # kg

    # Design Rotors
    # atmosphere conditions
    speed_of_sound = 340
    rho = 1.22
    fligth_CL = 0.75
    AR = vehicle.wings.main_wing.aspect_ratio
    Cd0 = 0.06
    Cdi = fligth_CL**2 / (np.pi * AR * 0.98)
    Cd = Cd0 + Cdi

    # Create propeller geometry
    rot = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Rotor()
    rot.y_pitch = 1.850
    rot.tip_radius = 0.8875
    rot.hub_radius = 0.15
    rot.disc_area = np.pi * (rot.tip_radius**2)
    rot.design_tip_mach = 0.5
    rot.number_of_blades = 3
    rot.freestream_velocity = 10
    rot.angular_velocity = rot.design_tip_mach * speed_of_sound / rot.tip_radius
    rot.design_Cl = 0.7
    rot.design_altitude = 500 * Units.feet
    Lift = vehicle.mass_properties.takeoff * 9.81
    rot.design_thrust = (Lift * 1.5) / net.number_of_engines
    rot.induced_hover_velocity = np.sqrt(
        Lift / (2 * rho * rot.disc_area * net.number_of_engines))

    rot.airfoil_geometry = ['../Vehicles/Airfoils/NACA_4412.txt']
    rot.airfoil_polars = [[
    rot.airfoil_polar_stations = [
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
    rot = propeller_design(rot)
    rot.rotation = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]

    # Front Rotors Locations
    rot_front = Data()
    rot_front.origin = [[-0.2, 1.347, 0.]]
    rot_front.symmetric = True
    rot_front.x_pitch_count = 1
    rot_front.y_pitch_count = 2
    rot_front.y_pitch = 1.95

    # populating rotors on one side of wing
    if rot_front.y_pitch_count > 1:
        for n in range(rot_front.y_pitch_count):
            if n == 0:
            for i in range(len(rot_front.origin)):
                propeller_origin = [
                    rot_front.origin[i][1] + n * rot_front.y_pitch,

    # populating rotors on the other side of the vehicle
    if rot_front.symmetric:
        for n in range(len(rot_front.origin)):
            propeller_origin = [
                rot_front.origin[n][0], -rot_front.origin[n][1],

    # Rear Rotors Locations
    rot_rear = Data()
    rot_rear.origin = [[5.138 - 0.2, 1.347, 1.54]]
    rot_rear.symmetric = True
    rot_rear.x_pitch_count = 1
    rot_rear.y_pitch_count = 2
    rot_rear.y_pitch = 1.95
    # populating rotors on one side of wing
    if rot_rear.y_pitch_count > 1:
        for n in range(rot_rear.y_pitch_count):
            if n == 0:
            for i in range(len(rot_rear.origin)):
                propeller_origin = [
                    rot_rear.origin[i][1] + n * rot_rear.y_pitch,

    # populating rotors on the other side of the vehicle
    if rot_rear.symmetric:
        for n in range(len(rot_rear.origin)):
            propeller_origin = [
                rot_rear.origin[n][0], -rot_rear.origin[n][1],

    # Assign all rotors (front and rear) to network
    rot.origin = rot_front.origin + rot_rear.origin

    # append rotors to vehicle
    net.rotor = rot

    # Motor
    # Design Motors
    # Propeller (Thrust) motor
    motor = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Converters.Motor()
    motor.origin = rot_front.origin + rot_rear.origin
    motor.efficiency = 0.935
    motor.gear_ratio = 1.
    motor.gearbox_efficiency = 1.  # Gear box efficiency
    motor.nominal_voltage = bat.max_voltage * 3 / 4
    motor.propeller_radius = rot.tip_radius
    motor.no_load_current = 2.0
    motor = size_optimal_motor(motor, rot)
    motor.mass_properties.mass = nasa_motor(motor.design_torque)
    net.motor = motor

    # Add extra drag sources from motors, props, and landing gear. All of these hand measured
    motor_height = .25 * Units.feet
    motor_width = 1.6 * Units.feet
    propeller_width = 1. * Units.inches
    propeller_height = propeller_width * .12
    main_gear_width = 1.5 * Units.inches
    main_gear_length = 2.5 * Units.feet
    nose_gear_width = 2. * Units.inches
    nose_gear_length = 2. * Units.feet
    nose_tire_height = (0.7 + 0.4) * Units.feet
    nose_tire_width = 0.4 * Units.feet
    main_tire_height = (0.75 + 0.5) * Units.feet
    main_tire_width = 4. * Units.inches
    total_excrescence_area_spin      = 12.*motor_height*motor_width + 2.* main_gear_length*main_gear_width \
                                         + nose_gear_width*nose_gear_length + 2 * main_tire_height*main_tire_width\
                                         + nose_tire_height*nose_tire_width
    total_excrescence_area_no_spin = total_excrescence_area_spin + 12 * propeller_height * propeller_width
    vehicle.excrescence_area_no_spin = total_excrescence_area_no_spin
    vehicle.excrescence_area_spin = total_excrescence_area_spin

    # append motor origin spanwise locations onto wing data structure
    motor_origins_front = np.array(rot_front.origin)
    motor_origins_rear = np.array(rot_rear.origin)
        'canard_wing'].motor_spanwise_locations = motor_origins_front[:, 1] / vehicle.wings[
        'canard_wing'].motor_spanwise_locations = motor_origins_front[:, 1] / vehicle.wings[
        'main_wing'].motor_spanwise_locations = motor_origins_rear[:, 1] / vehicle.wings[

    net.origin = rot.origin

    vehicle.weight_breakdown = empty(vehicle)

    return vehicle