Exemplo n.º 1
def middle_square_weyl(n,k,m):
    Middle Square Method Augmented with a Weyl Sequence
        n -- seed value
        k -- initial value for Weyl Sequence
        m -- modulus of Weyl Sequence
    # Only n has to be checked since the weyl() function will check k and m
    W = weyl(k,m)
    N = int_to_digits(n)
    width = len(N)+(len(N)%2)
    for w in W:
        a = n*n+w
        A = int_to_digits(a)
        if len(A) % 2 == 1:
            A = [0] + A
        n = digits_to_int(A[width//2:-width//2])
        yield n
Exemplo n.º 2
def root_digits(n, a, B=10):
    Digits of the nth root of a in base B\n

    require_integers(["a", "n", "B"], [a, n, B])
    require_geq(["a"], [a], 0)
    require_geq(["n", "B"], [n, B], 2)

    Bpow = B**n
    chunks = int_to_digits(a, Bpow)

    r, y = 0, 0

    for d in chain(chunks, constant(0)):
        c = Bpow * r + d
        x = 0

        for i in range(B):
            x += 1

            if (B * y + x)**n - (Bpow * y**n) > c:
                x -= 1

        y1 = B * y + x
        r1 = c - ((B * y + x)**n - (Bpow * y**n))

        r, y = r1, y1

        yield x
Exemplo n.º 3
def sqrt_digits(n, B=10):
    Digits of the square root of n in base B\n
    OEIS A002193, A002194, A002163, A010465, A010466, A010467, A010464, 
         A010472, A010468, A010490, A010469, A010470, A010471, A010477,
         A010473, A010524, A010474

    require_integers(["n", "B"], [n, B])
    require_geq(["n"], [n], 0)
    require_geq(["B"], [B], 2)

    Bsq = B * B
    p, r = 0, 0

    chunks = int_to_digits(n, Bsq)

    for d in chain(chunks, constant(0)):
        c = Bsq * r + d
        x = -1

        for i in range(B):
            x += 1

            if x * (x + (2 * B * p)) > c:
                x -= 1

        r = c - x * (x + 2 * B * p)
        p = B * p + x

        yield x
Exemplo n.º 4
def stanley():
    Stanley Numbers: Naturals that contain no 2s in their ternary expansion\n
    OEIS A005836

    for n in naturals():
        D = int_to_digits(n, 3)
        if 2 not in D:
            yield n
Exemplo n.º 5
def cantor():
    Cantor Numbers: Naturals that contain no 1s in their ternary expansion\n
    OEIS A005823

    for n in naturals():
        D = int_to_digits(n, 3)
        if 1 not in D:
            yield n
Exemplo n.º 6
def champernowne_digits(B=10):
    Digits of the base B version of Champernowne's constant\n
    OEIS A003137, A030302, A030548, A033307, A030373, A031219, A030998, 
         A031035, A031076

    require_integers(["B"], [B])
    require_geq(["B"], [B], 2)

    for n in naturals(1):
        yield from iter(int_to_digits(n, B))
Exemplo n.º 7
def digit_including_words(d, B=10):
    Naturals that do contain the digit d in base B, returns tuples\n

    if d >= B:
        raise Exception("d must be less than B")

    for n in naturals():
        D = int_to_digits(n, B)
        if d in D:
            yield D
Exemplo n.º 8
def digit_avoiding_words(d, B=10):
    Naturals that do not contain the digit d in base B, returns tuples\n
    OEIS A005823, A005836

    if d >= B:
        raise Exception("d must be less than B")

    for n in naturals():
        D = int_to_digits(n, B)
        if d not in D:
            yield D
Exemplo n.º 9
def radix_digits(B=10):
    The digits of each natural number in base B\n

    require_integers(["B"], [B])
    require_geq(["B"], [B], 2)

    yield (0, )

    for n in naturals(1):
        yield int_to_digits(n, B)
Exemplo n.º 10
def middle_square(n):
    Middle Square Method
        n -- seed value
    N = int_to_digits(n)
    width = len(N)+(len(N)%2)
    while True:
        a = n*n
        A = int_to_digits(a)
        if len(A) % 2 == 1:
            A = [0] + A
        n = digits_to_int(A[width//2:-width//2])
        yield n
Exemplo n.º 11
def metallic_ratio_digits(n, B=10):
    Digits of the Nth Metallic Ratio in base B\n
    OEIS A001622, A014176, A098316, A098317, A098318, A176398, A176439, 
         A176458, A176522

    # Prepend zeroes to make addition line up
    dign = digits(n, B)
    digs = digits(isqrt(n * n + 4), B)

    if dign > digs:
        N = [0] * (dign - digs) + int_to_digits(n, B)
    elif dign < digs:
        N = [0] * (digs - dign) + int_to_digits(n, B)
        N = int_to_digits(n, B)

    # (n + √(n+4))/2
    sq = sqrt_digits(n * n + 4, B)
    sm = real_sum(N, sq, B)
    M = real_div_nat(sm, 2, B)

    yield from dropwhile(lambda x: x == 0, M)
Exemplo n.º 12
def sequence_including_words(S, B=10):
    Naturals that do include the sequence S as a subsequence of digits in base B, returns tuples

    for s in S:
        if s >= B:
            raise Exception("all values in S must be less than D")

    l = len(S)

    for n in naturals():
        D = int_to_digits(n, B)
        d = len(D)
        if d < l:

        elif _subseq(S, D):
            yield D
Exemplo n.º 13
def sequence_avoiding(S, B=10):
    Naturals that do not include the sequence S as a subsequence of digits in base B

    for s in S:
        if s >= B:
            raise Exception("all values in S must be less than D")

    l = len(S)

    for n in naturals():
        D = int_to_digits(n, B)
        d = len(D)
        if d < l:
            yield n

        elif not _subseq(S, D):
            yield n
Exemplo n.º 14
def quadratic_irrational(a, b, c, d, B=10):
    Digits of (a+b√c)/d

    require_integers(["a", "b", "c", "d", "B"], [a, b, c, d, B])
    require_geq(["b", "c", "d"], [b, c, d], 1)
    require_geq(["B"], [B], 2)

    for i in naturals(2):
        if c % (i * i) == 0:
            raise Exception("c must be squarefree")
        if i * i > c:

    diga = int_to_digits(a, B)

    sq = sqrt_digits(c, B)
    pr = real_prod_nat(sq, b, B)
    sm = real_sum(pr, diga, B)
    M = real_div_nat(sm, d, B)

    yield from dropwhile(lambda x: x == 0, M)