Exemplo n.º 1
    def doActions( self, actions, inEvent ):
        #self._log.debug( "doActions %s : %s" % ( actions, inEvent ) )
        od = inEvent.getPayload()
        # first do all updates
        newEvents = list()
        updated = dict() # keys are updated values, content is whether value changed.
        for action in actions:
            variableName = self.stringSub(inEvent.getPayload(),action["name"])
            if action.has_key("value"):
                # has value
                updated[variableName] = self.doUpdate( variableName, action["value"], action.has_key("transient") )
            elif od.has_key( action["key"] ):
                # has key
                updated[variableName] = self.doUpdate( variableName, od[ action["key"] ], action.has_key("transient") )
        #self._log.debug( "doActions %s" % ( self._values ) )

        # then check the compounds.
        # TODO may be need to reevaluate the compounds based on the newState updates.
        for cmp in self._compounds:
            # test to see whether we always retest compound even if no change in value
            for key in updated:
                if cmp.uses(key) and (updated[key] or cmp._alwaysReDo):
                    #self._log.debug( "cmp uses %s : %s (%s)" % ( name, cmp, str(self._values) ) )
                    if cmp.match(self._values):
                        self._log.debug( "compound matches %s" % ( cmp ) )
                        if cmp.state():
                            for ns in cmp.state():
                                if ns.has_key("value"):
                                    self._values[ns["name"]] = ns["value"]
                                elif ns.has_key("key"):
                                    # update from event or localstate
                                    if self._values.has_key(ns["key"]):
                                        self._values[ns["name"]] = self._values[ns["key"]]
                                    elif od and od.has_key(ns["key"]):
                                        self._values[ns["name"]] = od[ns["key"]]
                                    # error
                                    self._log.error( "newState missing value or key2 %s" % ( ns ) )
                        if cmp.events():
                            for ne in cmp.events():
                                #pass in incoming event so we can support string substitution in our variable names
                                newEvents.append( makeNewEvent( ne, inEvent, self._values ) )
                    # and then break from for loop.
        # finally remove transients
        for action in actions:
            # may of allready been deleted?
            if action.has_key("transient") and self._values.has_key(action["name"]):
                del self._values[action["name"]]

        for evnt in newEvents:
            self.sendEvent( evnt )
Exemplo n.º 2
    def doActions(self, delays, inEvent):
        if delays:
            for delay in delays:
                _log.debug("createDelay %s" % (delay))
                # a delay entry has delayMinutes or delaySeconds attribute
                # a newEvent list/entry.
                secs = 0
                if delay.has_key("delayMinutes"):
                    secs = int(delay["delayMinutes"]) * 60
                if delay.has_key("delaySeconds"):
                    secs = secs + int(delay["delaySeconds"])
                if delay.has_key("delayHours"):
                    secs = secs + int(delay["delayHours"]) * 3600

                newEvents = list()
                if isinstance(delay["newEvent"], list):
                    for newEvent in delay["newEvent"]:
                        newEvents.append(makeNewEvent(newEvent, inEvent, None))
                    newEvents.append(makeNewEvent(delay["newEvent"], inEvent, None))

                # insert into list at correct point
                ntry = DelayedEventEntry(secs, newEvents)
                idx = 0
                # _log.debug( 'insert into %s self %s ' % (self._waiting, ntry) )
                while idx < len(self._waiting):
                    # _log.debug( 'insert %i Test self %i against %i ' % (idx, ntry.delta(), self._waiting[idx].delta()) )
                    if self._waiting[idx].delta() > ntry.delta():
                        # insert here
                        self._waiting.insert(idx, ntry)
                        idx = idx + 1
                if idx >= len(self._waiting):
                    # onto end of list
                _log.info("createdDelay %s" % (ntry))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def doActions( self, actions, inEvent ):
        _log.debug( 'doActions %s %s' % ( actions, inEvent ) )
        if actions and inEvent.getPayload():
            for action in actions:
                _log.debug( 'Generate event %s' % ( action ) )
                evOd = inEvent.getPayload()
                # ensure backward compatibility and default to scaling
                conversion = "scale"
                if action.has_key( "conversion" ):
                    conversion = action["conversion"]
                    self._log.debug("Conversion is %s" %conversion)                    
                # scaling conversion required
                if conversion == "scale":
                    preoffset = 0.0
                    postoffset = 0.0
                    multiplier = 1.0
                    divisor = 1.0
                    val = 1.0
                    od = dict()
                    # get the conversion parameters from the eventdespatch,
                    # if these are specified
                    if action.has_key( "preoffset" ):
                        preoffset = float(action["preoffset"])
                    elif action.has_key( "offset" ):
                        preoffset = float(action["offset"])

                    if action.has_key( "postoffset" ):
                        postoffset = float(action["postoffset"])

                    if action.has_key( "multiplier" ):
                        multiplier = float(action["multiplier"])

                    if action.has_key( "divisor" ):
                        divisor = float(action["divisor"])
                    # get the conversion parameters from payload of incoming 
                    # event, if these are specified
                    if evOd.has_key( "preoffset" ):
                        preoffset = float(evOd["preoffset"])
                        _log.info( 'Using preoffset from payload: %s' % ( preoffset ) )
                    if evOd.has_key( "postoffset" ):
                        postoffset = float(evOd["postoffset"])
                        _log.info( 'Using postoffset from payload: %s' % ( postoffset ) )
                    if evOd.has_key( "multiplier" ):
                        multiplier = float(evOd["multiplier"])
                        _log.info( 'Using multiplier from payload: %s' % ( multiplier ) )

                    if evOd.has_key( "divisor" ):
                        divisor = float(evOd["divisor"])
                        _log.info( 'Using divisor from payload: %s' % ( divisor ) )

                    # get the value to be scaled from the payload of incoming
                    # event (has to be specified) 
                    if evOd.has_key( "val" ):
                        val = float(evOd["val"])
                        _log.debug( 'No Payload "val" in: %s' % ( action ) )
                    if action.has_key( "copy_other_data" ):
                        od['newVal'] = ( (val - preoffset)*multiplier/divisor) + postoffset
                        self.sendEvent( makeNewEvent( action, inEvent, od ) )
                # hex to decimal conversion required
                if conversion == "hex_to_dec":
                    # setting default input and output types
                    informat = "string"
                    outformat = "int"
                    value = "00"
                    od = dict()
                    if action.has_key( "informat" ):
                        informat = action["informat"]
                    if action.has_key( "outformat" ):
                        outformat = action["outformat"]
                    if evOd.has_key( "val" ):
                        value = evOd["val"]
                    if action.has_key( "attr" ):
                        if informat == "string":
                            if outformat == "int":
                                od[action["attr"]] = int( value, 16 )
                            elif outformat == "string":
                                od[action["attr"]] = string(int( value, 16 ))    
                        self.sendEvent( makeNewEvent( action, inEvent, None, od ) )
                 # integer to decimal conversion required
                if conversion == "dec_to_hex":
                    # setting default input and output types
                    informat = "int"
                    outformat = "string"
                    value = 0
                    od = dict()
                    if action.has_key( "informat" ):
                        informat = action["informat"]
                    if action.has_key( "outformat" ):
                        outformat = action["outformat"]
                    if evOd.has_key( "val" ):
                        value = int(evOd["val"])
                    if action.has_key( "attr" ):
                        if informat == "int":
                            if outformat == "string":
                                od[action["attr"]] = hex(value)
                            elif outformat == "bytes_dec":
                                od[action["attr"]+"1"] = ord(hex(value)[2:3])
                                if hex(value)[3:4]:
                                    od[action["attr"]+"2"] = ord(hex(value)[3:4])
                                    od[action["attr"]+"2"] = ord('0')
                        self.sendEvent( makeNewEvent( action, inEvent, None, od ) )
                if action.has_key( "attr" )!= True:
                    action["attr"] = "val"
                if conversion == "NAD_to_dec":
                #this converts the list of bytes recieved from a NAD products RS232 port into the bytes that represent the actual payload, this should work for the NAD Viso Five and Four
                #see nad_rs232_1.03.doc for protocol definition
                    if action.has_key( "incommingattr" ):
                        attrkey = action["incommingattr"]
                        attrkey = "val"
                    value = 0                    
                    od = dict()
                    if evOd.has_key( attrkey ):
                        value = str(evOd[attrkey])
                    x = 0
                    # we should be recieving a string with bytes as their decimal value seperated by a ; and terminated by a :
                    splt = value.rstrip(':')
                    splt = splt.split(';')
                    od[action["attr"]] = ''    
                    # go through our list of bytes in decimal format
                    while x < len(splt):               
                        if x == len(splt)-1:
                            #we should not have got here as that means we never encountered the checksum byte
                            #so we assume the data must be mangled somehow
                            _log.error("NAD_to_int : Did not find checksum, data is invalid" %(checksum,value[x+1]))
                            od = ''
                        elif int(float(splt[x])) == 94:
                            #94 is the flag byte which means the next byte is reserved keyword bitwise ORed with 64
                            # to get the value back we bitwise AND it with 191
                            # unless the next value is 94 in which we just take 94 as the value
                            if splt[x+1] == '94':
                                od[action["attr"]] += '94;'
                                x +=2
                                od[action["attr"]] += str(int(float(splt[x+1])) & 191) + ';'
                                x+= 2
                        elif int(float(splt[x])) == 1:
                            #1 is the control byte to indicate the start of an update so we ignore it and jump to the next one
                        elif int(float(splt[x])) == 2:
                            # 2 means the next byte will be the checksum for the data so we verify it then finish
                            checksum = 0
                            for y in od[action["attr"]].split(';'):
                                if y != '':
                                    checksum+= int(y)
                            checksum = checksum % 256
                            checksum = checksum ^ 255
                            if checksum == int(float(splt[x+1])):
                                od[action["attr"]] = od[action["attr"]].rstrip(';')
                                od[action["attr"]] += ':'
                                #we break here as we have reached the end of what we should be parsing
                                _log.error("NAD_to_int : Checksum failure , is %i expected %s" %(checksum,splt[x+1]))
                                od = ''
                                #we break here as we have reached the end of what we should be parsing
                        elif int(float(splt[x])) == 0 | ((int(float(splt[x])) >= 3) & (int(float(splt[x])) <= 19)):
                            #Currently none of the reserved control bytes are actually used so if we get any we ignore them
                            _log.error("NAD_to_int : Unlisted control character '%s' , ignoring" %splt[x])
                            #not a control byte so it must be part of the data we are trying to read
                            od[action["attr"]] += splt[x] + ';'

                    #dont send the event if we have nothing to send
                    if od != '':
                        self.sendEvent( makeNewEvent( action, inEvent, None, od ) )
                if conversion == "dec_to_NAD":
                    #this converts a command into a format for transmission to a NAD product via RS232
                    #see nad_rs232_1.03.doc for protocol definition
                    value = 0
                    od = dict()
                    if evOd.has_key( "val" ):
                        value = evOd["val"]
                    x = 0
                    if value != '':
                        splt = value.rstrip(':')
                        splt = splt.split(';')
                        #nad packets always start with 1
                        od[action["attr"]] = '1;'    
                        while x < len(splt):
                            if int(float(splt[x])) == 94:
                                #we want to represent 94  which is a special control byte so in our outgoing packet so we insert two of them
                                od[action["attr"]] += '94;94'
                            elif (int(float(splt[x])) >= 0) & (int(float(splt[x])) <= 19):
                                #all control characters must have a 94 preceeding them and they must be bitwise ORed with 64
                                od[action["attr"]] += '94;' + str(int(float(splt[x]))|64) + ';'
                                x+= 1
                                od[action["attr"]] +=  ('%i'%int(float(splt[x]))) + ';'
                                x+= 1                      
                        #we need to add the 8 bit checksum , we do not include the first byte in the checksum and we use the original unencoded values for the data
                        checksum = 0
                        for y in splt:
                            checksum+= int(float(y))
                        checksum = checksum % 256
                        checksum = checksum ^ 255
                        od[action["attr"]] += '2;%i:' %checksum    
                        self.sendEvent( makeNewEvent( action, inEvent, None, od ) )   
                        self._log.error("int_to_NAD payload was empty! We cant encode a blank payload!")