Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, config):

        BasePlugin.__init__(self, config)
        self.config = config

        self.pool = []
        self.createdReport = []
        self.myinput = None
        if getattr(config.BossAir, 'MockPlugin', None) == None:
            msg = "Missing required config.BossAir.MockPlugin section"
            raise BossAirPluginException(msg)

        self.nProcess = getattr(config.BossAir.MockPlugin,
                                'mockPluginProcesses', 4)
        self.jobRunTime = getattr(config.BossAir.MockPlugin, 'jobRunTime',
                                  120)  #default job running time is two hours
        logging.info('Job Running time set to minutes %s' % self.jobRunTime)

        self.fakeReport = getattr(config.BossAir.MockPlugin, 'fakeReport',
        if self.fakeReport == None:
            msg = 'config.BossAir.MockPlugin.fakeReport is a required parameter'
            raise BossAirPluginException(msg)
        elif not os.path.isfile(self.fakeReport):
            msg = 'Cannot find %s file' % self.fakeReport
            raise BossAirPluginException(msg)

        self.jobsScheduledEnd = {}

        self.states = [
            'New', 'Timeout', 'Submitted', 'Waiting', 'Ready', 'Scheduled',
            'Running', 'Done(failed)', 'Done', 'Aborted', 'Cleared',
            'Cancelled by user', 'Cancelled'
Exemplo n.º 2
    def updateJobInformation(self, workflow, task, **kwargs):

        Update job information for all jobs in the workflow and task,
        the change will take effect if the job is Idle or becomes idle.

        The currently supported changes are only priority for which both the task (taskPriority)
        and workflow priority (requestPriority) must be provided.
        if 'taskPriority' in kwargs and 'requestPriority' in kwargs:
            # Do a priority update
            priority = (int(kwargs['requestPriority']) + int(kwargs['taskPriority'] * self.maxTaskPriority))
            command = 'condor_qedit -constraint \'WMAgent_SubTaskName == "%s" && WMAgent_RequestName == "%s" ' %(task, workflow)
            command += '&& (JobPrio != %d)\' JobPrio %d' % (priority, priority)
            command = shlex.split(command)
            proc = subprocess.Popen(command, stderr = subprocess.PIPE,
                                    stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
            _, stderr = proc.communicate()
            if proc.returncode != 0:
                # Check if there are actually jobs to update
                command = 'condor_q -constraint \'WMAgent_SubTaskName == "%s" && WMAgent_RequestName == "%s"' %(task, workflow)
                command += ' && (JobPrio != %d)\'' % priority
                command += ' -format \'WMAgentID:\%d:::\' WMAgent_JobID'               
                command = shlex.split(command)
                proc = subprocess.Popen(command, stderr = subprocess.PIPE,
                                        stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
                stdout, _ = proc.communicate()
                if stdout != '':
                    msg = 'HTCondor edit failed with exit code %d\n'% proc.returncode
                    msg += 'Error was: %s' % stderr
                    raise BossAirPluginException(msg)

Exemplo n.º 3
def processWorker(myinput, tmp):
        while True:
            jj, report, lcreport = myinput.get()

            if jj == 'STOP':

            targetDir = jj['cache_dir']
            outfile = os.path.join(targetDir, "Report.0.pkl")

            if os.path.isfile(outfile):

            taskName = targetDir.split('/')[5]
            if jj['cache_dir'].count("Production/LogCollect") > 0:
                if lcreport is not None:
                    lcreport.task = "/" + taskName + "/Production/LogCollect"
                    f = open(outfile, 'w')
                        'Process worker is dumping the LogCollect report to ' +
                    pickle.dump(lcreport, f)
                    msg = "Parameter lcFakeReport is mandatory if you are using logCollect jobs"
                    raise BossAirPluginException(msg)

            #ensure each lfn of each output file in the job is unique by adding the jobid
            jobid = str(jj['id'])

            if hasattr(report, 'cmsRun1') and hasattr(report.cmsRun1.output,
                tmpname = report.cmsRun1.output.output.files.file0.lfn.split(
                tmpname = tmpname + jobid
                report.cmsRun1.output.output.files.file0.lfn = tmpname + '.root'

            if hasattr(report, 'logArch1') and hasattr(report.logArch1,
                tmpname = report.logArch1.output.logArchive.files.file0.lfn.split(
                tmpname = tmpname + jobid
                report.logArch1.output.logArchive.files.file0.lfn = tmpname + '.root'

            #get target diretory and set task name
            report.task = "/" + taskName + "/Production"

            #pickle the report again
            f = open(outfile, 'w')
            logging.debug('Process worker is dumping the report to ' + f.name)
            pickle.dump(report, f)
    except Exception as ex:
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, config):

        self.config = config

        BasePlugin.__init__(self, config)

        self.locationDict = {}

        myThread = threading.currentThread()
        daoFactory = DAOFactory(package="WMCore.WMBS", logger = myThread.logger,
                                dbinterface = myThread.dbi)
        self.locationAction = daoFactory(classname = "Locations.GetSiteInfo")

        self.packageDir = None

        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(getWMBASE(),
            self.unpacker = os.path.join(getWMBASE(),
            self.unpacker = os.path.join(getWMBASE(),

        self.agent         = getattr(config.Agent, 'agentName', 'WMAgent')
        self.sandbox       = None
        self.scriptFile    = None
        self.submitDir     = None
        self.removeTime    = getattr(config.BossAir, 'removeTime', 60)
        self.useGSite      = getattr(config.BossAir, 'useGLIDEINSites', False)
        self.submitWMSMode = getattr(config.BossAir, 'submitWMSMode', False)
        self.errorThreshold= getattr(config.BossAir, 'submitErrorThreshold', 10)
        self.errorCount    = 0
        self.defaultTaskPriority = getattr(config.BossAir, 'defaultTaskPriority', 0)
        self.maxTaskPriority     = getattr(config.BossAir, 'maxTaskPriority', 1e7)

        # Required for global pool accounting
        self.acctGroup = getattr(config.BossAir, 'acctGroup', "production")
        self.acctGroupUser = getattr(config.BossAir, 'acctGroupUser', "cmsdataops")

        # Build ourselves a pool
        self.pool     = []
        self.input    = None
        self.result   = None
        self.nProcess = getattr(self.config.BossAir, 'nCondorProcesses', 4)

        # Set up my proxy and glexec stuff
        self.setupScript = getattr(config.BossAir, 'UISetupScript', None)
        self.proxy       = None
        self.serverCert  = getattr(config.BossAir, 'delegatedServerCert', None)
        self.serverKey   = getattr(config.BossAir, 'delegatedServerKey', None)
        self.myproxySrv  = getattr(config.BossAir, 'myproxyServer', None)
        self.proxyDir    = getattr(config.BossAir, 'proxyDir', '/tmp/')
        self.serverHash  = getattr(config.BossAir, 'delegatedServerHash', None)
        self.glexecPath  = getattr(config.BossAir, 'glexecPath', None)
        self.glexecWrapScript = getattr(config.BossAir, 'glexecWrapScript', None)
        self.glexecUnwrapScript = getattr(config.BossAir, 'glexecUnwrapScript', None)
        self.jdlProxyFile    = None # Proxy name to put in JDL (owned by submit user)
        self.glexecProxyFile = None # Copy of same file owned by submit user

        if self.glexecPath:
            if not (self.myproxySrv and self.proxyDir):
                raise WMException('glexec requires myproxyServer and proxyDir to be set.')
        if self.myproxySrv:
            if not (self.serverCert and self.serverKey):
                raise WMException('MyProxy server requires serverCert and serverKey to be set.')

        # Make the directory for the proxies
        if self.proxyDir and not os.path.exists(self.proxyDir):
            logging.debug("proxyDir not found: creating it.")
                os.makedirs(self.proxyDir, 0o1777)
            except Exception as ex:
                msg = "Error: problem when creating proxyDir directory - '%s'" % str(ex)
                raise BossAirPluginException(msg)
        elif not os.path.isdir(self.proxyDir):
            msg = "Error: proxyDir '%s' is not a directory" % self.proxyDir
            raise BossAirPluginException(msg)

        if self.serverCert and self.serverKey and self.myproxySrv:
            self.proxy = self.setupMyProxy()

        # Build a request string
        self.reqStr = "(Memory >= 1 && OpSys == \"LINUX\" ) && (Arch == \"INTEL\" || Arch == \"X86_64\") && stringListMember(GLIDEIN_CMSSite, DESIRED_Sites) && ((REQUIRED_OS==\"any\") || (GLIDEIN_REQUIRED_OS==REQUIRED_OS))"
        if hasattr(config.BossAir, 'condorRequirementsString'):
            self.reqStr = config.BossAir.condorRequirementsString

Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, config):

        self.config = config

        BasePlugin.__init__(self, config)

        self.locationDict = {}

        myThread = threading.currentThread()
        daoFactory = DAOFactory(package="WMCore.WMBS", logger = myThread.logger,
                                dbinterface = myThread.dbi)
        self.locationAction = daoFactory(classname = "Locations.GetSiteInfo")

        self.packageDir = None

        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(getWMBASE(),
            self.unpacker = os.path.join(getWMBASE(),
            self.unpacker = os.path.join(getWMBASE(),

        self.agent         = getattr(config.Agent, 'agentName', 'WMAgent')
        self.sandbox       = None
        self.scriptFile    = None
        self.submitDir     = None
        self.removeTime    = getattr(config.BossAir, 'removeTime', 60)
        self.multiTasks    = getattr(config.BossAir, 'multicoreTaskTypes', [])
        self.useGSite      = getattr(config.BossAir, 'useGLIDEINSites', False)
        self.submitWMSMode = getattr(config.BossAir, 'submitWMSMode', False)
        self.errorThreshold= getattr(config.BossAir, 'submitErrorThreshold', 10)
        self.errorCount    = 0
        self.defaultTaskPriority = getattr(config.BossAir, 'defaultTaskPriority', 0)
        self.maxTaskPriority     = getattr(config.BossAir, 'maxTaskPriority', 1e7)

        # Build ourselves a pool
        self.pool     = []
        self.input    = None
        self.result   = None
        self.nProcess = getattr(self.config.BossAir, 'nCondorProcesses', 4)

        # Set up my proxy and glexec stuff
        self.setupScript = getattr(config.BossAir, 'UISetupScript', None)
        self.proxy       = None
        self.serverCert  = getattr(config.BossAir, 'delegatedServerCert', None)
        self.serverKey   = getattr(config.BossAir, 'delegatedServerKey', None)
        self.myproxySrv  = getattr(config.BossAir, 'myproxyServer', None)
        self.proxyDir    = getattr(config.BossAir, 'proxyDir', '/tmp/')
        self.serverHash  = getattr(config.BossAir, 'delegatedServerHash', None)
        self.glexecPath  = getattr(config.BossAir, 'glexecPath', None)
        self.glexecWrapScript = getattr(config.BossAir, 'glexecWrapScript', None)
        self.glexecUnwrapScript = getattr(config.BossAir, 'glexecUnwrapScript', None)
        self.jdlProxyFile    = None # Proxy name to put in JDL (owned by submit user)
        self.glexecProxyFile = None # Copy of same file owned by submit user

        if self.glexecPath:
            if not (self.myproxySrv and self.proxyDir):
                raise WMException('glexec requires myproxyServer and proxyDir to be set.')
        if self.myproxySrv:
            if not (self.serverCert and self.serverKey):
                raise WMException('MyProxy server requires serverCert and serverKey to be set.')

        # Make the directory for the proxies
        if self.proxyDir and not os.path.exists(self.proxyDir):
            logging.debug("proxyDir not found: creating it.")
                os.makedirs(self.proxyDir, 01777)
            except Exception, ex:
                msg = "Error: problem when creating proxyDir directory - '%s'" % str(ex)
                raise BossAirPluginException(msg)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def track(self, jobs, info = None):
        changeList   = []
        completeList = []
        runningList  = []

        jobsFile, arcId2job = self.createJobsFile(jobs)

        s, output = executeCommand("ngstat -t 180 -i %s" % jobsFile.name)
        if s != 0:
            raise BossAirPluginException("ngstat failed:" + output)

        for js in splitNgstatOutput(output):
            arcStat = None
            if js.find("Job information not found") >= 0:
                if js.find("job was only very recently submitted"):
                    arcStat = "NOT_FOUND_NEW"
                    arcStat = "LOST"

                arcIdMatch = re.search("(\w+://([a-zA-Z0-9.-]+)\S*/\d*)", js)
                if not arcIdMatch:
                    raise BossAirPluginException("No grid job ID!")
                arcId = arcIdMatch.group(1)

            elif js.find("Malformed URL:") >= 0:
                # This shouldn't be possible, since we are pass arcID:s to
                # ngstat.
                arcIdMatch = re.search("URL: (\w+://([a-zA-Z0-9.-]+)\S*/\d*)", js)
                raise BossAirPluginException("Malformed URL for job " + arcIdMatch.group(1))
                # With special cases taken care of above, we are left with
                # "normal" jobs. They are assumed to have the format
                # Job <arcId>
                #   Status: <status>
                #   Whatever: blah

                for line in js.split('\n'):

                    arcIdMatch = re.match("Job +(\w+://([a-zA-Z0-9.-]+)\S*/\d*)", line)
                    if arcIdMatch:
                        arcId = arcIdMatch.group(1)

                    statusMatch = re.match(" +Status: *(.+)", line)
                    if statusMatch:
                        arcStat = statusMatch.group(1)

            j = arcId2job[arcId]

            if arcStat == "NOT_FOUND_NEW":
                if j['status'] in [ "New", "ACCEPTING" ] and (not j['status_time']) \
                                                         or int(time.time()) - j['status_time'] < 60:
                    arcStat = "ACCEPTING" # Probably approximately true
                    arcStat = "LOST"

            j['globalState'] = ARCPlugin.stateMap()[arcStat]

            if arcStat != j['status']:
                j['status'] = arcStat
                j['status_time'] = int(time.time())

            logging.debug("Job %s has status %s" % (j['gridid'], j['status']))

            if ARCPlugin.stateMap()[arcStat] not in ["Complete", "Error"]:

        return runningList, changeList, completeList
Exemplo n.º 7
    def submit(self, jobs, info=None):

        Submit jobs for one subscription

        # If we're here, then we have submitter components
        self.scriptFile = self.config.JobSubmitter.submitScript
        self.submitDir = self.config.JobSubmitter.submitDir
        timeout = getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'getTimeout', 400)

        successfulJobs = []
        failedJobs = []
        jdlFiles = []

        if len(jobs) == 0:
            # Then was have nothing to do
            return successfulJobs, failedJobs

        if len(self.pool) == 0:
            # Starting things up
            # This is obviously a submit API
            logging.info("Starting up PyCondorPlugin worker pool")
            self.inputQueue = multiprocessing.Queue()
            self.result = multiprocessing.Queue()
            for x in range(self.nProcess):
                p = multiprocessing.Process(target=submitWorker,
                                            args=(self.inputQueue, self.result,

        if not os.path.exists(self.submitDir):

        # Submit the jobs
        nSubmits = 0
        queueError = False
        for jobsReady in grouper(jobs, self.jobsPerWorker):

            if queueError:
                # If the queue has failed, then we must not process any more jobs this cycle.

            idList = [x['id'] for x in jobsReady]
            jdlList = self.makeSubmit(jobList=jobsReady)
            if not jdlList:
                # Then we got nothing
                logging.error("No JDL file made!")
                return {'NoResult': [0]}
            jdlFile = "%s/submit_%i_%i.jdl" % (self.submitDir, os.getpid(),

            with open(jdlFile, 'w') as handle:

            # Now submit them
            logging.info("About to submit %i jobs", len(jobsReady))
            if self.glexecPath:
                command = 'CS=`which condor_submit`; '
                if self.glexecWrapScript:
                    command += 'export GLEXEC_ENV=`%s 2>/dev/null`; ' % self.glexecWrapScript
                command += 'export GLEXEC_CLIENT_CERT=%s; ' % self.glexecProxyFile
                command += 'export GLEXEC_SOURCE_PROXY=%s; ' % self.glexecProxyFile
                command += 'export X509_USER_PROXY=%s; ' % self.glexecProxyFile
                command += 'export GLEXEC_TARGET_PROXY=%s; ' % self.jdlProxyFile
                if self.glexecUnwrapScript:
                    command += '%s %s -- $CS %s' % (
                        self.glexecPath, self.glexecUnwrapScript, jdlFile)
                    command += '%s $CS %s' % (self.glexecPath, jdlFile)
                command = "condor_submit %s" % jdlFile

                self.inputQueue.put({'command': command, 'idList': idList})
            except AssertionError as ex:
                msg = "Critical error: input pipeline probably closed.\n"
                msg += str(ex)
                msg += "Error Procedure: Something critical has happened in the worker process\n"
                msg += "We will now proceed to pull all useful data from the queue (if it exists)\n"
                msg += "Then refresh the worker pool\n"
                queueError = True
            nSubmits += 1

        # Now we should have sent all jobs to be submitted
        # Going to do the rest of it now
        for dummy in range(nSubmits):
                res = self.result.get(block=True, timeout=timeout)
            except Queue.Empty:
                # If the queue was empty go to the next submit
                # Those jobs have vanished
                logging.error("Queue.Empty error received!")
                logging.error("This could indicate a critical condor error!")
                    "However, no information of any use was obtained due to process failure."
                    "Either process failed, or process timed out after %s seconds.",
            except AssertionError as ex:
                msg = "Found Assertion error while retrieving output from worker process.\n"
                msg += str(ex)
                msg += "This indicates something critical happened to a worker process"
                msg += "We will recover what jobs we know were submitted, and resubmit the rest"
                msg += "Refreshing worker pool at end of loop"

                dummyOut = res['stdout']
                error = res['stderr']
                idList = res['idList']
                exitCode = res['exitCode']
            except KeyError as ex:
                msg = "Error in finding key from result pipe\n"
                msg += "Something has gone critically wrong in the worker\n"
                    msg += "Result: %s\n" % str(res)
                msg += str(ex)

            if not exitCode == 0:
                    "Condor returned non-zero.  Printing out command stderr")
                errorCheck, errorMsg = parseError(error=error)
                    "Processing failed jobs and proceeding to the next jobs.")
                logging.error("Do not restart component.")
                errorCheck = None

            if errorCheck:
                self.errorCount += 1
                condorErrorReport = Report()
                condorErrorReport.addError("JobSubmit", 61202, "CondorError",
                for jobID in idList:
                    for job in jobs:
                        if job.get('id', None) == jobID:
                            job['fwjr'] = condorErrorReport
                if self.errorCount > 0:
                    self.errorCount -= 1
                for jobID in idList:
                    for job in jobs:
                        if job.get('id', None) == jobID:

            # If we get a lot of errors in a row it's probably time to
            # stop the component
            if self.errorCount > self.errorThreshold:
                msg = "Exceeded errorThreshold while submitting to condor. Check condor status."
                raise BossAirPluginException(msg)

        # Remove JDL files unless commanded otherwise
        if self.deleteJDLFiles:
            for f in jdlFiles:

        # When we're finished, clean up the queue workers in order
        # to free up memory (in the midst of the process, the forked
        # memory space shouldn't be touched, so it should still be
        # shared, but after this point any action by the Submitter will
        # result in memory duplication).
        logging.info("Purging worker pool to clean up memory")

        # We must return a list of jobs successfully submitted,
        # and a list of jobs failed
        logging.info("Done submitting jobs for this cycle in PyCondorPlugin")
        return successfulJobs, failedJobs
Exemplo n.º 8
class CondorPlugin(BasePlugin):

    Condor plugin for glide-in submissions
    def stateMap():
        For a given name, return a global state


        stateDict = {
            'New': 'Pending',
            'Idle': 'Pending',
            'Running': 'Running',
            'Held': 'Error',
            'Complete': 'Complete',
            'Error': 'Error',
            'Timeout': 'Error',
            'Removed': 'Running',
            'Unknown': 'Error'

        # This call is optional but needs to for testing

        return stateDict

    def __init__(self, config):

        self.config = config

        BasePlugin.__init__(self, config)

        self.locationDict = {}

        myThread = threading.currentThread()
        daoFactory = DAOFactory(package="WMCore.WMBS",
        self.locationAction = daoFactory(classname="Locations.GetSiteInfo")

        self.packageDir = None

        if os.path.exists(
            self.unpacker = os.path.join(
                getWMBASE(), 'src/python/WMCore/WMRuntime/Unpacker.py')
            self.unpacker = os.path.join(getWMBASE(),

        self.agent = getattr(config.Agent, 'agentName', 'WMAgent')
        self.sandbox = None
        self.scriptFile = None
        self.submitDir = None
        self.removeTime = getattr(config.BossAir, 'removeTime', 60)
        self.multiTasks = getattr(config.BossAir, 'multicoreTaskTypes', [])
        self.useGSite = getattr(config.BossAir, 'useGLIDEINSites', False)
        self.submitWMSMode = getattr(config.BossAir, 'submitWMSMode', False)
        self.errorThreshold = getattr(config.BossAir, 'submitErrorThreshold',
        self.errorCount = 0

        # Build ourselves a pool
        self.pool = []
        self.input = None
        self.result = None
        self.nProcess = getattr(self.config.BossAir, 'nCondorProcesses', 4)

        # Set up my proxy and glexec stuff
        self.setupScript = getattr(config.BossAir, 'UISetupScript', None)
        self.proxy = None
        self.serverCert = getattr(config.BossAir, 'delegatedServerCert', None)
        self.serverKey = getattr(config.BossAir, 'delegatedServerKey', None)
        self.myproxySrv = getattr(config.BossAir, 'myproxyServer', None)
        self.proxyDir = getattr(config.BossAir, 'proxyDir', '/tmp/')
        self.serverHash = getattr(config.BossAir, 'delegatedServerHash', None)
        self.glexecPath = getattr(config.BossAir, 'glexecPath', None)
        self.glexecWrapScript = getattr(config.BossAir, 'glexecWrapScript',
        self.glexecUnwrapScript = getattr(config.BossAir, 'glexecUnwrapScript',
        self.jdlProxyFile = None  # Proxy name to put in JDL (owned by submit user)
        self.glexecProxyFile = None  # Copy of same file owned by submit user

        if self.glexecPath:
            if not (self.myproxySrv and self.proxyDir):
                raise WMException(
                    'glexec requires myproxyServer and proxyDir to be set.')
        if self.myproxySrv:
            if not (self.serverCert and self.serverKey):
                raise WMException(
                    'MyProxy server requires serverCert and serverKey to be set.'

        # Make the directory for the proxies
        if self.proxyDir and not os.path.exists(self.proxyDir):
            logging.debug("proxyDir not found: creating it.")
                os.makedirs(self.proxyDir, 01777)
            except Exception, ex:
                msg = "Error: problem when creating proxyDir directory - '%s'" % str(
                raise BossAirPluginException(msg)
        elif not os.path.isdir(self.proxyDir):
            msg = "Error: proxyDir '%s' is not a directory" % self.proxyDir
            raise BossAirPluginException(msg)