Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, **args):
     PolicyInterface.__init__(self, **args)
     self.workQueueElements = []
     self.wmspec = None
     self.team = None
     self.initialTask = None
     self.splitParams = None
     self.dbs_pool = {}
     self.data = {}
     self.lumi = None
     self.couchdb = None
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, **args):
     PolicyInterface.__init__(self, **args)
     self.workQueueElements = []
     self.wmspec = None
     self.team = None
     self.initialTask = None
     self.splitParams = None
     self.dbs_pool = {}
     self.data = {}
     self.lumi = None
     self.couchdb = None
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, **args):
     PolicyInterface.__init__(self, **args)
     self.workQueueElements = []
     self.wmspec = None
     self.team = None
     self.initialTask = None
     self.splitParams = None
     self.dbs_pool = {}
     self.data = {}
     self.lumi = None
     self.couchdb = None
     self.rejectedWork = [] # List of inputs that were rejected
     self.pileupData = {}
Exemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, **args):
     PolicyInterface.__init__(self, **args)
     self.workQueueElements = []
     self.wmspec = None
     self.team = None
     self.initialTask = None
     self.splitParams = None
     self.dbs_pool = {}
     self.data = {}
     self.lumi = None
     self.couchdb = None
     self.rejectedWork = []  # List of inputs that were rejected
     self.pileupData = {}
Exemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self, **args):
     PolicyInterface.__init__(self, **args)
     self.workQueueElements = []
     self.wmspec = None
     self.team = None
     self.initialTask = None
     self.splitParams = None
     self.dbs_pool = {}
     self.data = {}
     self.lumi = None
     self.couchdb = None
     self.rejectedWork = []  # List of inputs that were rejected
     self.badWork = [
     ]  # list of bad work unit (e.g. without any valid files)
     self.pileupData = {}
     self.cric = CRIC()
     if usingRucio():
         self.rucio = Rucio(self.args['rucioAcct'],
                            configDict={'logger': self.logger})
         self.phedex = PhEDEx()  # this will go away eventually
Exemplo n.º 6
 def __init__(self, **args):
     # We need to pop this object instance from args because otherwise
     # the super class blows up when doing a deepcopy(args)
     self.rucio = args.pop("rucioObject", None)
     PolicyInterface.__init__(self, **args)
     self.workQueueElements = []
     self.wmspec = None
     self.team = None
     self.initialTask = None
     self.splitParams = None
     self.dbs_pool = {}
     self.data = {}
     self.lumi = None
     self.couchdb = None
     self.rejectedWork = []  # List of inputs that were rejected
     self.badWork = [
     ]  # list of bad work unit (e.g. without any valid files)
     self.pileupData = {}
     self.cric = CRIC()
     # FIXME: for the moment, it will always use the default value
     self.rucioAcct = self.args.get("rucioAcct", "wmcore_transferor")
     if not self.rucio:
         self.rucio = Rucio(self.rucioAcct,
                            configDict={'logger': self.logger})
 def __init__(self, **args):
     PolicyInterface.__init__(self, **args)
     self.results = []
Exemplo n.º 8
 def __init__(self, **args):
     PolicyInterface.__init__(self, **args)
     self.results = []