Exemplo n.º 1
    def _getPileupConfigFromJson(self):
        There has been stored pileup configuration stored in a JSON file
        as a result of DBS querrying when running PileupFetcher,
        this method loads this configuration from sandbox and returns it
        as dictionary.

        The PileupFetcher was called by WorkQueue which creates job's sandbox
        and sandbox gets migrated to the worker node.

        workingDir = self.stepSpace.location
        jsonPileupConfig = os.path.join(workingDir, "pileupconf.json")
        print "Pileup JSON configuration file: '%s'" % jsonPileupConfig
        # load the JSON config file into a Python dictionary
        decoder = JSONDecoder()
            f = open(jsonPileupConfig, 'r')
            json = f.read()
            pileupDict =  decoder.decode(json)
        except IOError:
            m = "Could not read pileup JSON configuration file: '%s'" % jsonPileupConfig
            raise RuntimeError(m)
        return pileupDict
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _getPileupConfigFromJson(self):
        There has been stored pileup configuration stored in a JSON file
        as a result of DBS querrying when running PileupFetcher,
        this method loads this configuration from sandbox and returns it
        as dictionary.

        The PileupFetcher was called by WorkQueue which creates job's sandbox
        and sandbox gets migrated to the worker node.

        workingDir = self.stepSpace.location
        jsonPileupConfig = os.path.join(workingDir, "pileupconf.json")
        print "Pileup JSON configuration file: '%s'" % jsonPileupConfig
        # load the JSON config file into a Python dictionary
        decoder = JSONDecoder()
            f = open(jsonPileupConfig, 'r')
            json = f.read()
            pileupDict = decoder.decode(json)
        except IOError:
            m = "Could not read pileup JSON configuration file: '%s'" % jsonPileupConfig
            raise RuntimeError(m)
        return pileupDict
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _queryPileUpConfigFile(self, defaultArguments, task, taskPath):
        Query and compare contents of the the pileup JSON
        configuration files. Iterate over tasks's steps as
        it happens in the PileupFetcher.

        for step in task.steps().nodeIterator():
            helper = WMStep.WMStepHelper(step)
            # returns e.g. instance of CMSSWHelper
            if hasattr(helper.data, "pileup"):
                decoder = JSONDecoder()

                stepPath = "%s/%s" % (taskPath, helper.name())
                pileupConfig = "%s/%s" % (stepPath, "pileupconf.json")
                    f = open(pileupConfig, 'r')
                    json = f.read()
                    # loads directly the Python dictionary
                    pileupDict = decoder.decode(json)
                except IOError:
                    m = "Could not read pileup JSON configuration file: '%s'" % pileupConfig
                    raise RuntimeError(m)
                self._queryAndCompareWithDBS(pileupDict, defaultArguments,
Exemplo n.º 4
 def _queryPileUpConfigFile(self, defaultArguments, task, taskPath):
     Query and compare contents of the the pileup JSON
     configuration files. Iterate over tasks's steps as
     it happens in the PileupFetcher.
     for step in task.steps().nodeIterator():
         helper = WMStep.WMStepHelper(step)
         # returns e.g. instance of CMSSWHelper
         if hasattr(helper.data, "pileup"):
             decoder = JSONDecoder()
             stepPath = "%s/%s" % (taskPath, helper.name())
             pileupConfig = "%s/%s" % (stepPath, "pileupconf.json")
                 f = open(pileupConfig, 'r')
                 json = f.read()
                 # loads directly the Python dictionary
                 pileupDict =  decoder.decode(json)
             except IOError:
                 m = "Could not read pileup JSON configuration file: '%s'" % pileupConfig 
                 raise RuntimeError(m)
             self._queryAndCompareWithDBS(pileupDict, defaultArguments, helper.data.dbsUrl)                
Exemplo n.º 5
 def decode(self, data):
     decode the data to python from json
     if data:
         decoder = JSONDecoder()
         thunker = JSONThunker()
         data = decoder.decode(data)
         unthunked = thunker.unthunk(data)
         return unthunked
         return {}
Exemplo n.º 6
 def decode(self, data):
     decode the data to python from json
     if data:
         decoder = JSONDecoder()
         thunker = JSONThunker()
         data =  decoder.decode(data)
         unthunked = thunker.unthunk(data)
         return unthunked
         return {}
Exemplo n.º 7
class JSONParser:
    Parser for dealing with broken json from SiteDB
    decoder = JSONDecoder()

    def parse(self, token, src):
        Dictionary string parser from
        Fredrik Lundh (fredrik at pythonware.com)
        on python-list
        if token[1] == "{":
            out = {}
            token = src.next()
            while token[1] != "}":
                key, src = self.parse(token, src)
                token = src.next()
                if token[1] != ":":
                    raise SyntaxError("Malformed dictionary")
                value, src = self.parse(src.next(), src)
                out[key] = value
                token = src.next()
                if token[1] == ",":
                    token = src.next()
            return out, src
        elif token[1] == "[":
            out = []
            token = src.next()
            while token[1] != "]":
                item, junk_src = self.parse(token, src)
                token = src.next()
                if token[1] == ",":
                    token = src.next()
            return out, src
        elif token[0] == tokenize.STRING:
            start = token[2]
            start_char = start[1]
            end = token[3]
            end_char = end[1] - 1
            if token[4][end[1]:end[1] +
                        1] not in [',', ':', '}', '{', '[', ']']:
                # We have a single quote in the string
                append_this = src.next()
                end = append_this[3]
                if token[4][append_this[2][1]] == "'":
                    # We have a single quote at the end of the string
                    end_char = append_this[2][1]
                    end_char = end[1]
                # The tokeniser is broken, e.g. because the string contains the
                # separator it uses. So make a new tokeniser.
                new_src_string = token[4][0:start_char +
                                          1] + "REPLACED" + token[4][end_char:]
                new_src = cStringIO.StringIO(new_src_string).readline
                src = tokenize.generate_tokens(new_src)
                catchup_token = src.next()
                while catchup_token[1] != "'REPLACED'":
                    catchup_token = src.next()
                # src should now be where we started, but is a new generator function
            ret_val = token[4][start_char + 1:end_char]
            return ret_val.decode("string-escape"), src
        elif token[0] == tokenize.NUMBER:
                return int(token[1], 0), src
            except ValueError:
                return float(token[1]), src
            print token
            raise SyntaxError("Malformed expression")

    def dictParser(self, source):
        Dictionary string parser from
        Fredrik Lundh (fredrik at pythonware.com)
        on python-list
            # Future proofing here - SiteDB 2 will return valid
            # json, at which time this class should be deprecated
            # This allows intermediate testing
            return self.decoder.decode(source)
            src = cStringIO.StringIO(source).readline
            src = tokenize.generate_tokens(src)
            parsed_dict, final_src = self.parse(src.next(), src)
            return parsed_dict