Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init_package_id(self):
        Get the Package Name of the project containing 'self.directory'.
        # From the project top, probe the Makefile for the projectpackage
        # which is printed in cdk/include/project.mk in the projectpackage rule
        # if ShellProjectVars is defined
        project_package = None
        # If the project-package-id file exists, set package-id to its contents
        if os.path.isfile(self.directory + "/project-package-id"):
            with open(self.directory + "/project-package-id",
                      "r") as package_id_file:
                self.__is_exported = True
                project_package = package_id_file.read().strip()
                logging.debug("Read Project-ID '" + project_package +
                              "' from file: " + self.directory +

        # Otherwise, ask Makefile at the project top for the ProjectPackage
        if project_package is None or project_package == "":
            project_vars = ocpiutil.set_vars_from_make(
                mk_file=self.directory + "/Makefile",
                mk_arg="projectpackage ShellProjectVars=1",
            if (not project_vars is None and 'ProjectPackage' in project_vars
                    and len(project_vars['ProjectPackage']) > 0):
                # There is only one value associated with ProjectPackage, so get element 0
                project_package = project_vars['ProjectPackage'][0]
                raise ocpiutil.OCPIException(
                    "Could not determine Package-ID of project \"" +
                    self.directory + "\".")
        self.package_id = project_package
Exemplo n.º 2
    def get_valid_tests_workers(self):
        Probe make in order to determine the list of active tests in the library
        # If this function has alredy been called dont call make again because its very expencive
        if self.tests_names is not None and self.wkr_names is not None:
            return (self.tests_names, self.wkr_names)
        ret_tests = []
        ret_wkrs = []
        ocpiutil.logging.debug("Getting valid tests from: " + self.directory +
        make_dict = ocpiutil.set_vars_from_make(
            mk_file=self.directory + "/Makefile",
            mk_arg="ShellLibraryVars=1 showlib",
        make_tests = make_dict["Tests"]
        make_wkrs = make_dict["Workers"]

        for name in make_tests:
            if name != "":
                ret_tests.append(self.directory + "/" + name)
        for name in make_wkrs:
            if name.endswith((".rcc", ".rcc/", ".hdl", ".hdl/")):
                ret_wkrs.append(self.directory + "/" + name)
        self.tests_names = ret_tests
        self.wkr_names = ret_wkrs
        return (ret_tests, ret_wkrs)
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_make_vars_rcc_targets():
    Get make variables from rcc-targets.mk
    Dictionary key examples are:
        RccAllPlatforms, RccPlatforms, RccAllTargets, RccTargets
    return set_vars_from_make(
        os.environ["OCPI_CDK_DIR"] + "/include/rcc/rcc-targets.mk",
        "ShellRccTargetsVars=1", "verbose")
Exemplo n.º 4
    def get_valid_assemblies(self):
        Probes make in order to determine the list of active assemblies in the
        assemblies collection
        assembs_list = []
        ocpiutil.logging.debug("Getting valid assemblies from: " + self.directory + "/Makefile")
        make_assembs = ocpiutil.set_vars_from_make(mk_file=self.directory + "/Makefile",
                                                   mk_arg="ShellAssembliesVars=1 showassemblies",

        # Collect list of assembly directories
        for name in make_assembs:
            assembs_list.append(self.directory + "/" + name)
        return assembs_list
Exemplo n.º 5
 def __init_package_id(self):
     Determine the Package id based on the libary or project that the Worker resides in.  only
     a component will reside at the top level of a project.
     parent_dir = self.directory + "/../"
     if ocpiutil.get_dirtype(parent_dir) == "library":
         ret_val = ocpiutil.set_vars_from_make(
             mk_file=parent_dir + "/Makefile",
             mk_arg="showpackage ShellLibraryVars=1",
     elif ocpiutil.get_dirtype(parent_dir) == "project":
         ret_val = ocpiutil.set_vars_from_make(
             mk_file=parent_dir + "/Makefile",
             mk_arg="projectpackage ShellProjectVars=1",
     elif ocpiutil.get_dirtype(parent_dir) == "hdl-platforms":
         ret_val = "N/A"
         raise ocpiutil.OCPIException(
             "Could not determine Package-ID of component dirtype of " +
             "parent directory: " + parent_dir + " dirtype: " +
     return ret_val
Exemplo n.º 6
    def get_valid_platforms(self):
        Probes make in order to determine the list of active platforms in the
        platforms collection
        platform_list = []
        logging.debug("Getting valid platforms from: " + self.directory +
        make_platforms = ocpiutil.set_vars_from_make(
            mk_file=self.directory + "/Makefile",
            mk_arg="ShellPlatformsVars=1 showplatforms",

        # Collect list of assembly directories
        for name in make_platforms:
            platform_list.append(self.directory + "/" + name)
        return platform_list
Exemplo n.º 7
    def show_libraries(self, details, verbose, **kwargs):
        Print out all the libraries that are in this project in the format specified by details
        (simple, table, or json)
        json_dict = {}
        project_dict = {}
        libraries_dict = {}
        for lib_directory in self.get_valid_libraries():
            lib_dict = {}
            lib_package = Library.get_package_id(lib_directory)
            lib_dict["package"] = lib_package
            lib_dict["directory"] = lib_directory
            # in case two or more  libraries have the same package id we update the key to end
            # with a number
            i = 1
            while lib_package in libraries_dict:
                lib_package += ":" + str(i)
                i += 1
            libraries_dict[lib_package] = lib_dict
        project_vars = ocpiutil.set_vars_from_make(
            mk_file=self.directory + "/Makefile",
            mk_arg="projectdeps ShellProjectVars=1",
        project_dict["dependencies"] = project_vars['ProjectDependencies']
        project_dict["directory"] = self.directory
        project_dict["libraries"] = libraries_dict
        project_dict["package"] = self.package_id
        json_dict["project"] = project_dict

        if details == "simple":
            lib_dict = json_dict["project"]["libraries"]
            for lib in lib_dict:
                print("Library: " + lib_dict[lib]["directory"])
        elif details == "table":
            rows = [["Library Directories"]]
            lib_dict = json_dict["project"]["libraries"]
            for lib in lib_dict:
            ocpiutil.print_table(rows, underline="-")
            json.dump(json_dict, sys.stdout)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def _collect_very_verbose_dict(self):
        Generate a dictonary with all the information about a project with verbocity level 2
        have_any_tests = False
        have_any_wkrs = False
        have_any_comps = False
        proj_dict = {}
        top_dict = {}
        top_comp_dict = {}
        libraries_dict, have_any_tests, have_any_wkrs, have_any_comps = (
        for comp in self.comp_list:
            top_comp_dict[comp.name] = comp.directory
        top_dict["components"] = top_comp_dict
        if os.path.isdir(self.directory + "/applications"):
            apps_dict = {}
            for app_col in self.apps_col_list:
                for app in app_col.apps_list:
                    apps_dict[app.name] = app.directory
            top_dict["applications"] = apps_dict

        project_vars = ocpiutil.set_vars_from_make(
            mk_file=self.directory + "/Makefile",
            mk_arg="projectdeps ShellProjectVars=1",
        prims_dict = self._get_very_verbose_prims_dict()
        if prims_dict:
            top_dict["primitives"] = prims_dict
        assys_dict = self._get_very_verbose_assemblies_dict()
        if assys_dict:
            top_dict["assemblies"] = assys_dict
        proj_depends = project_vars['ProjectDependencies']
        if not proj_depends:
        top_dict["dependencies"] = proj_depends
        top_dict["directory"] = self.directory
        top_dict["libraries"] = libraries_dict
        top_dict["platforms"] = self._collect_plats_dict()
        top_dict["package"] = self.package_id
        proj_dict["project"] = top_dict
        return proj_dict, have_any_tests, have_any_wkrs, have_any_comps
Exemplo n.º 9
 def get_package_id_wkrs_tests(self, directory='.'):
     Return the package id of the Library from the make variable that is returned
     lib_vars = ocpiutil.set_vars_from_make(
         mk_file=directory + "/Makefile",
         mk_arg="ShellLibraryVars=1 showlib",
     ret_package = "".join(lib_vars['Package'])
     make_wkrs = lib_vars['Workers'] if lib_vars['Workers'] != [''] else []
     make_tests = lib_vars['Tests'] if lib_vars['Tests'] != [''] else []
     ret_tests = []
     ret_wkrs = []
     for name in make_tests:
         if name != "":
             ret_tests.append(self.directory + "/" + name)
     for name in make_wkrs:
         if name.endswith((".rcc", ".rcc/", ".hdl", ".hdl/")):
             ret_wkrs.append(self.directory + "/" + name)
     return ret_package, ret_tests, ret_wkrs
Exemplo n.º 10
 def __init__(self,
     HdlPlatform constructor
     super().__init__(directory, name)
     self.target = target
     self.exactpart = exactpart
     self.built = built
     self.dir = ocpiutil.rchop(directory, "/lib")
     if self.dir and not package_id:
         self.package_id = ocpiutil.set_vars_from_make(
             self.dir + "/Makefile", "ShellHdlPlatformVars=1 showpackage",
         self.package_id = ""
Exemplo n.º 11
    def _show_non_verbose(self, details, **kwargs):
        show all the information about a project with level 1 of verbocity in the format specified
        by details (simple, table, or json)
        project_vars = ocpiutil.set_vars_from_make(
            mk_file=self.directory + "/Makefile",
            mk_arg="projectdeps ShellProjectVars=1",
        #TODO output the project's registry here too
        proj_depends = project_vars['ProjectDependencies']
        if not proj_depends:
        proj_dict = {
            'project': {
                'directory': self.directory,
                'package': self.package_id,
                'dependencies': proj_depends

        if details == "simple":
            print("Project Directory: " + proj_dict["project"]["directory"])
            print("Package-ID: " + proj_dict["project"]["package"])
            print("Project Dependencies: " +
                  ", ".join(proj_dict["project"]["dependencies"]))
        elif details == "table":
            rows = [[
                "Project Directory", "Package-ID", "Project Dependencies"
                ", ".join(proj_dict["project"]["dependencies"])
            ocpiutil.print_table(rows, underline="-")
            json.dump(proj_dict, sys.stdout)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def _collect_verbose_dict(self):
     Generate a dictonary that contains all the information about a project with verbocity
     level 1
     proj_dict = {}
     top_dict = {}
     libraries_dict = {}
     top_comp_dict = {}
     for comp in self.comp_list:
         top_comp_dict[comp.name] = comp.directory
     top_dict["components"] = top_comp_dict
     for lib in self.get_valid_libraries():
         lib_package = Library.get_package_id(lib)
         i = 1
         while lib_package in libraries_dict:
             lib_package += ":" + str(i)
             i += 1
         libraries_dict[lib_package] = lib
     if os.path.isdir(self.directory + "/applications"):
         apps_dict = {}
         for app_col in self.apps_col_list:
             for app in app_col.apps_list:
                 apps_dict[app.name] = app.directory
         top_dict["applications"] = apps_dict
     project_vars = ocpiutil.set_vars_from_make(
         mk_file=self.directory + "/Makefile",
         mk_arg="projectdeps ShellProjectVars=1",
     proj_depends = project_vars['ProjectDependencies']
     if not proj_depends:
     top_dict["dependencies"] = proj_depends
     top_dict["directory"] = self.directory
     top_dict["libraries"] = libraries_dict
     top_dict["platforms"] = self._collect_plats_dict()
     top_dict["package"] = self.package_id
     proj_dict["project"] = top_dict
     return proj_dict
Exemplo n.º 13
    def get_make_vars(self):
        Collect the list of build configurations and package id for this Platform Worker.
        # Get the list of Configurations from make
        logging.debug("Get the list of platform Configurations from make")
            plat_vars = ocpiutil.set_vars_from_make(
                mk_file=self.directory + "/Makefile",
                mk_arg="ShellHdlPlatformVars=1 showinfo",
        except ocpiutil.OCPIException:
            # if make shoots out an error asume configs are blank
            plat_vars = {"Configurations": "", "Package": "N/A"}
        if "Configurations" not in plat_vars:
            raise ocpiutil.OCPIException(
                "Could not get list of HDL Platform Configurations " +
                "from \"" + self.directory + "/Makefile\"")
        self.package_id = plat_vars["Package"]
        # This should be a list of Configuration NAMES
        config_list = plat_vars["Configurations"]

        return config_list
Exemplo n.º 14
 def get_show_test_dict(self):
     Generate the dictionary that is used to show all the tests in this project
     json_dict = {}
     project_dict = {}
     libraries_dict = {}
     for lib in self.lib_list:
         # pylint:disable=unused-variable
         valid_tests, valid_workers = lib.get_valid_tests_workers()
         # pylint:disable=unused-variable
         if valid_tests:
             lib_dict = {}
             lib_package = lib.package_id
             lib_dict["package"] = lib_package
             lib_dict["directory"] = lib.directory
             lib_dict["tests"] = {
                 os.path.basename(test.rstrip('/')): test
                 for test in valid_tests
             # in case two or more  libraries have the same package id we update the key to end
             # with a number
             i = 1
             while lib_package in libraries_dict:
                 lib_package += ":" + str(i)
                 i += 1
             libraries_dict[lib_package] = lib_dict
     project_vars = ocpiutil.set_vars_from_make(
         mk_file=self.directory + "/Makefile",
         mk_arg="projectdeps ShellProjectVars=1",
     project_dict["dependencies"] = project_vars['ProjectDependencies']
     project_dict["directory"] = self.directory
     project_dict["libraries"] = libraries_dict
     project_dict["package"] = self.package_id
     json_dict["project"] = project_dict
     return json_dict
Exemplo n.º 15
def get_project_package(origin_path="."):
    Get the Package Name of the project containing 'origin_path'.
    path_to_project = get_path_to_project_top(origin_path)
    if path_to_project is None:
        logging.debug("Path \"" + str(origin_path) +
                      "\" is not inside a project")
        return None

    # From the project top, probe the Makefile for the projectpackage
    # which is printed in cdk/include/project.mk in the projectpackage rule
    # if ShellProjectVars is defined
    with cd(path_to_project):
        project_package = None
        # If the project-package-id file exists, set package-id to its contents
        if os.path.isfile(path_to_project + "/project-package-id"):
            with open(path_to_project + "/project-package-id",
                      "r") as package_id_file:
                project_package = package_id_file.read().strip()
                logging.debug("Read Project-ID '" + project_package +
                              "' from file: " + path_to_project +

        # Otherwise, ask Makefile at the project top for the ProjectPackage
        if project_package is None or project_package == "":
            project_vars = set_vars_from_make(
                "Makefile", "projectpackage ShellProjectVars=1", "verbose")
            if (not project_vars is None and 'ProjectPackage' in project_vars
                    and len(project_vars['ProjectPackage']) > 0):
                # There is only one value associated with ProjectPackage, so get element 0
                project_package = project_vars['ProjectPackage'][0]
                logging.error("Could not determine Package-ID of project.")
                return None
    return project_package
Exemplo n.º 16
    def collect_container_info(self, platforms):
        Determine which containers exist that support the provided platforms.
        Each container will have a simple XML name and a full/implementation name.
        Each implementation is bound to a platform and platform configuration.

        Return the information in a dictionary with format:
            container_impl_dict =
                    xml/simple-name : {
                                       impl-name : HdlPlatform
        container_impl_dict = {}
        # Loop through the provided platforms, and determine what containers,
        # container implementations, and their corresponding platforms are
        # available to this assembly.
        for plat in platforms:
            plat_string = "HdlPlatform=" + plat.name
            # NOTE: We need to call make with a single HdlPlatform set because otherwise
            #       hdl-pre calls multiple sub-make commands and causes complications
            assemb_vars = ocpiutil.set_vars_from_make(mk_file=self.directory + "/Makefile",
                                                      mk_arg=plat_string +
                                                             " shellhdlassemblyvars " +
            if "Containers" not in assemb_vars:
                raise ocpiutil.OCPIException("Could not get list of HDL containers from " +
                                             "directory\"" + self.directory + "\"")
            # We get a top-level list of containers (e.g. container XMLs)
            for cname in assemb_vars['Containers']:
                # Get the list of container IMPLEMENTATIONS for this container XML name
                container_impls_str = "HdlContainerImpls_" + cname

                # Each container will have a dictionary for its implementations
                # Each dict will map implementation-name to supported platform
                if cname not in container_impl_dict:
                    # initialize implementation dict to {} for this container
                    container_impl_dict[cname] = {}

                # Ensure that the list of container implementations is found
                if container_impls_str in assemb_vars:
                    # For each container implementation, determine the corresponding HDL platform
                    for impl in assemb_vars[container_impls_str]:
                        container_plat = "HdlPlatform_" + impl
                        # Construct this implementation's platform and add the mapping to the
                        # implementation dictionary
                        plat_obj = hdltargets.HdlToolFactory.factory("hdlplatform",
                        container_impl_dict[cname][impl] = plat_obj

            container_impls_str = "HdlBaseContainerImpls"
            # Need to do one more pass to collect information about the base container (if used)
            # and collect its implementations as well
            if container_impls_str in assemb_vars and assemb_vars['HdlBaseContainerImpls']:
                if "base" not in container_impl_dict:
                    # initialize the implementation dict to {} for the base container
                    container_impl_dict["base"] = {}
                # For each implementation of the base container, determine the corresponding
                # HDL platform
                for cname in assemb_vars[container_impls_str]:
                    # Construct this implementation's platform and add the mapping to the
                    # implementation dictionary
                    container_plat = "HdlPlatform_" + cname
                    plat_obj = hdltargets.HdlToolFactory.factory("hdlplatform",
                    container_impl_dict["base"][cname] = plat_obj

        return container_impl_dict
Exemplo n.º 17
    def __parse_hdltargets_from_make(cls):
        Ask make for the HDL target/platform/toolset information, and parse it into the
        __tool_dict, __tgt_dict and __plat_dict dictionaries. Other functions in this
        class will use those dictionaries to construct HdlTarget/Platform/ToolSet intances
        if cls.__mk_dict == {}:
            # Ask make for tool/tgt/plat info which will be reorganized/parsed below
            cls.__mk_dict = ocpiutil.set_vars_from_make(
                os.environ["OCPI_CDK_DIR"] + "/include/hdl/hdl-targets.mk",
                "ShellHdlTargetsVars=1 " + "ShellGlobalProjectsVars=1",
        # Top targets are general groups that likely contain multiple child targets/families
        if 'HdlTopTargets' in cls.__mk_dict:
            # we call TopTargets "vendors" because that is a more readable term
            for vendor in cls.__mk_dict['HdlTopTargets']:
                # Each vendor may have a list of associated targets. We assign those
                # to the "families" list
                if 'HdlTargets_' + vendor in cls.__mk_dict:
                    families = cls.__mk_dict['HdlTargets_' + vendor]
                    # if there is no list of targets for the vendor, then the vendor name is
                    # itself the target to use
                    families = [vendor]
                # for each family, create an entry in the class' tgt_dict. set the vendor, list
                # of associated parts, the toolset, and some other metadata
                for family in families:
                    cls.__tgt_dict[family] = {}
                    cls.__tgt_dict[family]["vendor"] = vendor
                    # A family will have a list of associated parts, so get them and
                    # add them to the tgt_dict under the "parts" entry for this family
                    if 'HdlTargets_' + family in cls.__mk_dict:
                        cls.__tgt_dict[family]["parts"] = cls.__mk_dict[
                            'HdlTargets_' + family]
                        # if there is no parts list, then the family itself is the part
                        cls.__tgt_dict[family]["parts"] = [family]

                    # There must be a toolset associated with each family, so get it and add
                    # it to the tgt_dict under the family's "toolset" entry
                    toolname = cls.__mk_dict['HdlToolSet_' + family][0]
                    cls.__tgt_dict[family]["toolset"] = toolname

                    # Add this tool to the separate tool_dict along with its associated title,
                    # and whether or not it is a simulator tool
                    if toolname not in cls.__tool_dict:
                        cls.__tool_dict[toolname] = {}
                        # Get the title for this tool via HdlToolName
                        if 'HdlToolName_' + toolname in cls.__mk_dict:
                            cls.__tool_dict[toolname]["title"] = \
                                    cls.__mk_dict['HdlToolName_' + toolname][0]

                        # Determine if this tool is one of the HdlSimTools. Set the is_simtool
                        # entry in __tool_dict accordingly
                        is_simtool = ('HdlSimTools' in cls.__mk_dict and family
                                      in cls.__mk_dict['HdlSimTools'])
                        cls.__tool_dict[toolname]["is_simtool"] = is_simtool

        # For each HdlPlatform, add an entry to __plat_dict including the platform's exact part,
        # its HDL target name, and whether it is built
        if 'HdlAllPlatforms' in cls.__mk_dict:
            for platname in cls.__mk_dict['HdlAllPlatforms']:
                cls.__plat_dict[platname] = {}
                exactpart = cls.__mk_dict['HdlPart_' + platname][0]
                cls.__plat_dict[platname]['exactpart'] = exactpart
                cls.__plat_dict[platname]['targetname'] = cls.__mk_dict[
                    'HdlFamily_' + exactpart][0]
                cls.__plat_dict[platname]['built'] = platname in cls.__mk_dict[
Exemplo n.º 18
    def get_ocpigen_metadata(self, xml_file):
        Ask ocpigen (the code generator)  to parse the worker(OWD) or component(OCS) xml file and
        spit out an artifact xml that this fuction parses into class variables.
          property_list - list of every property, each property in this list will be a dictionary of
                          all the xml attributes asscoiated with it from the artifact xml
          port_list     - list of every port each port in this list will be a dictionary of
                          all the xml attributes asscoiated with it from the artifact xml some of
                          which are unused
          slave_list    - list of every slave worker's name expected to be blank for an OCS

        Function attribtes:
          xml_file - the file to have ocpigen parse
        #get list of locations to look for include xmls from make
        if ocpiutil.get_dirtype(self.directory + "/../") == "library":
            xml_dirs = ocpiutil.set_vars_from_make(
                mk_file=self.directory + "/../" + "/Makefile",
                mk_arg="showincludes ShellLibraryVars=1",
        elif ocpiutil.get_dirtype(self.directory + "/../") == "project":
            xml_dirs = ocpiutil.set_vars_from_make(
                mk_file=self.directory + "/../" + "/Makefile",
                mk_arg="projectincludes ShellProjectVars=1",
        #call ocpigen -G
        ocpigen_cmd = [
            "ocpigen", "-G", "-O", "none", "-V", "none", "-H", "none"
        for inc_dir in xml_dirs:

        ocpiutil.logging.debug("running ocpigen cmd: " + str(ocpigen_cmd))
        old_log_level = os.environ.get("OCPI_LOG_LEVEL", "0")
        os.environ["OCPI_LOG_LEVEL"] = "0"
        comp_xml = subprocess.Popen(ocpigen_cmd,
        os.environ["OCPI_LOG_LEVEL"] = old_log_level

        #put xml ouput file into an ElementTree object
        ocpiutil.logging.debug("Component Artifact XML from ocpigen: \n" +
            parsed_xml = ET.fromstring(comp_xml)
        except ET.ParseError:
            raise ocpiutil.OCPIException(
                "Error with xml file from ocpigen.\n\nocpigen command: " +
                str(ocpigen_cmd) + "\n\nxml output: \n" + str(comp_xml))

        self.property_list = []
        self.port_list = []
        self.slave_list = []
        #set up self.property_list from the xml
        for props in parsed_xml.findall("property"):
            temp_dict = props.attrib
            enum = temp_dict.get("enums")
            if enum:
                temp_dict["enums"] = enum.split(",")
            if props.attrib.get("type") == "Struct":
                temp_dict["Struct"] = self.get_struct_dict_from_xml(
        #set up self.port_list from this dict
        for port in parsed_xml.findall("port"):
            port_details = port.attrib
            for child in port:
                if child.tag == "protocol":
                    port_details["protocol"] = child.attrib.get(
                        "padding", "N/A")
        #set up self.slave_list from the xml
        for slave in parsed_xml.findall("slave"):
Exemplo n.º 19
 def get_package_id(directory='.'):
     lib_vars = ocpiutil.set_vars_from_make(
         mk_file=directory + "/Makefile",
         mk_arg="ShellLibraryVars=1 showlib",
     return "".join(lib_vars['Package'])