Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: scr.py Projeto: gmatteo/abipy
    def plot_gg(self, cplx_mode="abs", wpos=None, **kwargs):
        Use matplotlib imshow to plot :math:`W_{GG'}` matrix

            cplx_mode: string defining the data to print.
                Possible choices are (case-insensitive): ``re`` for the real part
                ``im`` for the imaginary part, ``abs`` for the absolute value.
                ``angle`` will display the phase of the complex number in radians.
            wpos: List of frequency indices to plot. If None, the first frequency is used (usually w=0).
                If wpos == "all" all frequencies are shown (use it carefully)
                Other possible values: "real" if only real frequencies are wanted.
                "imag" for imaginary frequencies only.

        Returns: |matplotlib-Figure|
        # Get wpos indices.
        choice_wpos = {None: [0], "all": range(self.nw),
                       "real": range(self.nrew), "imag": range(self.nrew, self.nw)}

        if any(wpos == k for k in choice_wpos):
            wpos = choice_wpos[wpos]
            if duck.is_intlike(wpos): wpos = [int(wpos)]
            wpos = np.array(wpos)

        # Build plotter.
        plotter = ArrayPlotter()
        for iw in wpos:
            label = r"%s $\omega=%s$" % (self.latex_label(cplx_mode), self.wpoints[iw])
            data = data_from_cplx_mode(cplx_mode, self.wggmat[iw])
            plotter.add_array(label, data)

        return plotter.plot(show=False, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: scr.py Projeto: gmatteo/abipy
    def plot_emacro(self, cplx_mode="re-im", ax=None, xlims=None, fontsize=12, **kwargs):
        Plot the macroscopic dielectric function with local-field effects.

            cplx_mode: string defining the data to print.
                Possible choices are (case-insensitive):
                "re" for the real part. "im" for the imaginary part.
                "abs" for the absolute value.
                "angle" will display the phase of the complex number in radians.
                Options can be concatenated with ``-`` e.g. ``re-im``.
            xlims: Set the data limits for the x-axis in eV. Accept tuple e.g. (left, right)
                or scalar e.g. left. If left (right) is None, default values are used.
            ax: |matplotlib-Axes| or None if a new figure should be created.
            fontsize: Legend and title fontsize.

        emlf = self.reader.read_emacro_lf()
        xx, yy = emlf.mesh * pmgu.Ha_to_eV, emlf.values

        ax, fig, plt = get_ax_fig_plt(ax=ax)
        for c in cplx_mode.lower().split("-"):
            ax.plot(xx, data_from_cplx_mode(c, yy),
                    color=_COLOR_CMODE[c], linewidth=kwargs.get("linewidth", 2),
                    linestyle=kwargs.get("linestyle", "solid"),
                    label=_latex_symbol_cplxmode(r"\varepsilon_{M}", c))

        set_axlims(ax, xlims, "x")
        ax.set_xlabel(r"$\omega$ (eV)")
        ax.legend(loc="best", shadow=True, fontsize=fontsize)

        return fig
Exemplo n.º 3
    def plot_gg(self, cplx_mode="abs", wpos=None, **kwargs):
        Use matplotlib imshow to plot :math:`W_{GG'}` matrix

            cplx_mode: string defining the data to print.
                Possible choices are (case-insensitive): ``re`` for the real part
                ``im`` for the imaginary part, ``abs`` for the absolute value.
                ``angle`` will display the phase of the complex number in radians.
            wpos: List of frequency indices to plot. If None, the first frequency is used (usually w=0).
                If wpos == "all" all frequencies are shown (use it carefully)
                Other possible values: "real" if only real frequencies are wanted.
                "imag" for imaginary frequencies only.

        Returns: |matplotlib-Figure|
        # Get wpos indices.
        choice_wpos = {None: [0], "all": range(self.nw),
                       "real": range(self.nrew), "imag": range(self.nrew, self.nw)}

        if any(wpos == k for k in choice_wpos):
            wpos = choice_wpos[wpos]
            if duck.is_intlike(wpos): wpos = [int(wpos)]
            wpos = np.array(wpos)

        # Build plotter.
        plotter = ArrayPlotter()
        for iw in wpos:
            label = r"%s $\omega=%s$" % (self.latex_label(cplx_mode), self.wpoints[iw])
            data = data_from_cplx_mode(cplx_mode, self.wggmat[iw])
            plotter.add_array(label, data)

        return plotter.plot(show=False, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def plot_emacro(self, cplx_mode="re-im", ax=None, xlims=None, fontsize=12, **kwargs):
        Plot the macroscopic dielectric function with local-field effects.

            cplx_mode: string defining the data to print.
                Possible choices are (case-insensitive):
                "re" for the real part. "im" for the imaginary part.
                "abs" for the absolute value.
                "angle" will display the phase of the complex number in radians.
                Options can be concatenated with ``-`` e.g. ``re-im``.
            xlims: Set the data limits for the x-axis in eV. Accept tuple e.g. (left, right)
                or scalar e.g. left. If left (right) is None, default values are used.
            ax: |matplotlib-Axes| or None if a new figure should be created.
            fontsize: Legend and title fontsize.

        emlf = self.reader.read_emacro_lf()
        xx, yy = emlf.mesh * pmgu.Ha_to_eV, emlf.values

        ax, fig, plt = get_ax_fig_plt(ax=ax)
        for c in cplx_mode.lower().split("-"):
            ax.plot(xx, data_from_cplx_mode(c, yy),
                    color=_COLOR_CMODE[c], linewidth=kwargs.get("linewidth", 2),
                    linestyle=kwargs.get("linestyle", "solid"),
                    label=_latex_symbol_cplxmode(r"\varepsilon_{M}", c))

        set_axlims(ax, xlims, "x")
        ax.set_xlabel(r"$\omega$ (eV)")
        ax.legend(loc="best", shadow=True, fontsize=fontsize)

        return fig
Exemplo n.º 5
    def plot_chi2(self,
        Low-level function to plot chi2 tensor.

            components: List of cartesian tensor components to plot e.g. ["xxx", "xyz"].
                "all" if all components available on file should be plotted on the same ax.
            what: quantity to plot. "re" for real part, "im" for imaginary, Accepts also "abs", "angle".
            itemp: Temperature index.
            decompose: True to plot individual contributions.
            ax: |matplotlib-Axes| or None if a new figure should be created.
            xlims: Set the data limits for the x-axis. Accept tuple e.g. ``(left, right)``
                   or scalar e.g. ``left``. If left (right) is None, default values are used.
            with_xlabel: True to add x-label.
            label: True to add legend label to each curve.
            fontsize: Legend and label fontsize.

        Returns: |matplotlib-Figure|
        if not self.reader.computed_components[key]: return None
        comp2terms = self.reader.read_tensor3_terms(key,

        ax, fig, plt = get_ax_fig_plt(ax=ax)
        for comp, terms in comp2terms.items():
            for name, values in terms.items():
                if not decompose and not name.endswith("tot"): continue
                values = data_from_cplx_mode(what, values)
                    label=self.get_chi2_latex_label(key, what, comp)
                    if label is None else label,

        if with_xlabel: ax.set_xlabel('Photon Energy [eV]')
        set_axlims(ax, xlims, "x")
        ax.legend(loc="best", fontsize=fontsize, shadow=True)

        return fig
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: scr.py Projeto: gmatteo/abipy
    def plot_freq(self, gvec1, gvec2=None, waxis="real", cplx_mode="re-im", ax=None, fontsize=12, **kwargs):
        Plot the frequency dependence of :math:`W_{G1, G2}(\omega)`

            gvec1, gvec2:
            waxis: ``real`` to plot along the real axis, ``imag`` for the imaginary axis.
            cplx_mode: string defining the data to print.
                Possible choices are (case-insensitive): ``re`` for the real part
                ``im`` for the imaginary part, ``abs`` for the absolute value.
                ``angle`` will display the phase of the complex number in radians.
                Options can be concatenated with ``-`` e.g. ``re-im``.
            ax: |matplotlib-Axes| or None if a new figure should be created.
            fontsize: legend and label fontsize.

        Returns: |matplotlib-Figure|
        # Select data to plot
        ig1 = self.gindex(gvec1)
        ig2 = ig1 if gvec2 is None else self.gindex(gvec2)

        ax, fig, plt = get_ax_fig_plt(ax=ax)
        if waxis == "real":
            if self.nrew == 0: return fig
            xx = self.real_wpoints.real * pmgu.Ha_to_eV
            yy = self.wggmat_realw[:, ig1, ig2]

        elif waxis == "imag":
            if self.nimw == 0: return fig
            xx = self.imag_wpoints.imag * pmgu.Ha_to_eV
            yy = self.wggmat_imagw[:, ig1, ig2]

            raise ValueError("Wrong value for waxis: %s" % str(waxis))

        linewidth = kwargs.pop("linewidth", 2)
        linestyle = kwargs.pop("linestyle", "solid")

        lines = []
        for c in cplx_mode.lower().split("-"):
            l, = ax.plot(xx, data_from_cplx_mode(c, yy),
                         color=_COLOR_CMODE[c], linewidth=linewidth, linestyle=linestyle,

        ax.set_xlabel(r"$\omega$ (eV)")
        ax.set_title("%s, kpoint: %s" % (self.netcdf_name, self.kpoint), fontsize=fontsize)
        ax.legend(loc="best", fontsize=fontsize, shadow=True)

        return fig
Exemplo n.º 7
    def plot_freq(self, gvec1, gvec2=None, waxis="real", cplx_mode="re-im", ax=None, fontsize=12, **kwargs):
        Plot the frequency dependence of :math:`W_{G1, G2}(\omega)`

            gvec1, gvec2:
            waxis: ``real`` to plot along the real axis, ``imag`` for the imaginary axis.
            cplx_mode: string defining the data to print.
                Possible choices are (case-insensitive): ``re`` for the real part
                ``im`` for the imaginary part, ``abs`` for the absolute value.
                ``angle`` will display the phase of the complex number in radians.
                Options can be concatenated with ``-`` e.g. ``re-im``.
            ax: |matplotlib-Axes| or None if a new figure should be created.
            fontsize: legend and label fontsize.

        Returns: |matplotlib-Figure|
        # Select data to plot
        ig1 = self.gindex(gvec1)
        ig2 = ig1 if gvec2 is None else self.gindex(gvec2)

        ax, fig, plt = get_ax_fig_plt(ax=ax)
        if waxis == "real":
            if self.nrew == 0: return fig
            xx = self.real_wpoints.real * pmgu.Ha_to_eV
            yy = self.wggmat_realw[:, ig1, ig2]

        elif waxis == "imag":
            if self.nimw == 0: return fig
            xx = self.imag_wpoints.imag * pmgu.Ha_to_eV
            yy = self.wggmat_imagw[:, ig1, ig2]

            raise ValueError("Wrong value for waxis: %s" % str(waxis))

        linewidth = kwargs.pop("linewidth", 2)
        linestyle = kwargs.pop("linestyle", "solid")

        lines = []
        for c in cplx_mode.lower().split("-"):
            l, = ax.plot(xx, data_from_cplx_mode(c, yy),
                         color=_COLOR_CMODE[c], linewidth=linewidth, linestyle=linestyle,

        ax.set_xlabel(r"$\omega$ (eV)")
        ax.set_title("%s, kpoint: %s" % (self.netcdf_name, self.kpoint), fontsize=fontsize)
        ax.legend(loc="best", fontsize=fontsize, shadow=True)

        return fig
Exemplo n.º 8
    def plot_ax(self,
        Helper function to plot self on axis ax.

            ax: |matplotlib-Axes|.
            exchange_xy: True to exchange the axis in the plot.
            args: Positional arguments passed to ax.plot
            xfactor, yfactor: xvalues and yvalues are multiplied by this factor before plotting.
            kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to ``matplotlib``. Accepts

        ==============  ===============================================================
        kwargs          Meaning
        ==============  ===============================================================
        cplx_mode       string defining the data to print.
                        Possible choices are (case-insensitive): `re` for the real part
                        "im" for the imaginary part, "abs" for the absolute value.
                        "angle" to display the phase of the complex number in radians.
                        Options can be concatenated with "-"
        ==============  ===============================================================

            List of lines added.
        if self.iscomplexobj:
            cplx_mode = kwargs.pop("cplx_mode", "re-im")
            cplx_mode = kwargs.pop("cplx_mode", "re")

        lines = []
        for c in cplx_mode.lower().split("-"):
            xx, yy = self.mesh, data_from_cplx_mode(c, self.values)
            if xfactor != 1: xx = xx * xfactor
            if yfactor != 1: yy = yy * yfactor

            if exchange_xy:
                xx, yy = yy, xx

            lines.extend(ax.plot(xx, yy, *args, **kwargs))

        return lines
Exemplo n.º 9
    def plot_ax(self, ax, exchange_xy=False, xfactor=1, yfactor=1, *args, **kwargs):
        Helper function to plot self on axis ax.

            ax: |matplotlib-Axes|.
            exchange_xy: True to exchange the axis in the plot.
            args: Positional arguments passed to ax.plot
            xfactor, yfactor: xvalues and yvalues are multiplied by this factor before plotting.
            kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to ``matplotlib``. Accepts

        ==============  ===============================================================
        kwargs          Meaning
        ==============  ===============================================================
        cplx_mode       string defining the data to print.
                        Possible choices are (case-insensitive): `re` for the real part
                        "im" for the imaginary part, "abs" for the absolute value.
                        "angle" to display the phase of the complex number in radians.
                        Options can be concatenated with "-"
        ==============  ===============================================================

            List of lines added.
        if self.iscomplexobj:
            cplx_mode = kwargs.pop("cplx_mode", "re-im")
            cplx_mode = kwargs.pop("cplx_mode", "re")

        lines = []
        for c in cplx_mode.lower().split("-"):
            xx, yy = self.mesh, data_from_cplx_mode(c, self.values)
            if xfactor != 1: xx = xx * xfactor
            if yfactor != 1: yy = yy * yfactor

            if exchange_xy:
                xx, yy = yy, xx

            lines.extend(ax.plot(xx, yy, *args, **kwargs))

        return lines
Exemplo n.º 10
    def plot_chi2(self, key, components="all", what="abs", itemp=0, decompose=False,
                  ax=None, xlims=None, with_xlabel=True, label=None, fontsize=12, **kwargs):
        Low-level function to plot chi2 tensor.

            components: List of cartesian tensor components to plot e.g. ["xxx", "xyz"].
                "all" if all components available on file should be plotted on the same ax.
            what: quantity to plot. "re" for real part, "im" for imaginary, Accepts also "abs", "angle".
            itemp: Temperature index.
            decompose: True to plot individual contributions.
            ax: |matplotlib-Axes| or None if a new figure should be created.
            xlims: Set the data limits for the x-axis. Accept tuple e.g. ``(left, right)``
                   or scalar e.g. ``left``. If left (right) is None, default values are used.
            with_xlabel: True to add x-label.
            label: True to add legend label to each curve.
            fontsize: Legend and label fontsize.

        Returns: |matplotlib-Figure|
        if not self.reader.computed_components[key]: return None
        comp2terms = self.reader.read_tensor3_terms(key, components, itemp=itemp)

        ax, fig, plt = get_ax_fig_plt(ax=ax)
        for comp, terms in comp2terms.items():
            for name, values in terms.items():
                if not decompose and not name.endswith("tot"): continue
                values = data_from_cplx_mode(what, values)
                ax.plot(self.wmesh[1:], values[1:],
                        label=self.get_chi2_latex_label(key, what, comp) if label is None else label,

        if with_xlabel: ax.set_xlabel('Photon Energy (eV)')
        set_axlims(ax, xlims, "x")
        ax.legend(loc="best", fontsize=fontsize, shadow=True)

        return fig
Exemplo n.º 11
    def plot_ggmat(self, cplx_mode="abs", wpos=None, **kwargs):
        Use imshow for plotting W_GG'.

            wpos: List of frequency indices to plot. If None, the first
                frequency is used (usually w=0). if wpos == "all"
                all frequencies are shown (use it carefully)
                Other possible values: "real" if only real frequencies are wanted.
                "imag" for imaginary frequencies only.

            `matplotlib` figure.
        # Get wpos indices.
        choice_wpos = {
            None: [0],
            "all": range(self.nw),
            "real": range(self.nrew),
            "imag": range(self.nrew, self.nw)

        if any(wpos == k for k in choice_wpos):
            wpos = choice_wpos[wpos]
            if isinstance(wpos, int): wpos = [wpos]
            wpos = np.array(wpos)

        # Build plotter.
        plotter = ArrayPlotter()
        for iw in wpos:
            label = cplx_mode + r" $\omega = %s" % self.wpts[iw]
            data = data_from_cplx_mode(cplx_mode, self.wggmat[iw, :, :])
            plotter.add_array(label, data)

        return plotter.plot(**kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def plot_w(self,
        Plot the frequency dependence of W_{g1, g2}

            gvec1, gvec2:
            waxis: "real" to plot along the real axis, "imag" for the imaginary axis.
            cplx_mode: string defining the data to print.
                       Possible choices are (case-insensitive): `re` for the real part
                       "im" for the imaginary part, "abs" for the absolute value.
                       "angle" will display the phase of the complex number in radians.
                       Options can be concatenated with "-" e.g. "re-im"

            ax: matplotlib :class:`Axes` or None if a new figure should be created.

            matplotlib figure.
        # Select data to plot
        ig1 = self.gindex(gvec1)
        ig2 = ig1 if gvec2 is None else self.gindex(gvec2)

        ax, fig, plt = get_ax_fig_plt(ax)
        if waxis == "real":
            if self.nrew == 0: return fig
            xx = (self.real_wpts * Ha_to_eV).real
            yy = self.wggmat_realw[:, ig1, ig2]

        elif waxis == "imag":
            if self.nimw == 0: return fig
            xx = (self.imag_wpts * Ha_to_eV).imag
            yy = self.wggmat_imagw[:, ig1, ig2]

            raise ValueError("Wrong value for waxis: %s" % waxis)

        color_cmode = dict(re="red", im="blue", abs="black", angle="green")
        linewidth = kwargs.pop("linewidth", 2)
        linestyle = kwargs.pop("linestyle", "solid")

        lines = []
        for c in cplx_mode.lower().split("-"):
            l, = ax.plot(xx,
                         data_from_cplx_mode(c, yy),

        ax.set_xlabel(r"$\omega$ [eV]")
        ax.set_title("%s, qpoint: %s" % (self.etsf_name, self.qpoint))
        ax.legend(loc="upper right")

        return fig