def SchemeUpwind(u, A, omega, D, rhs, bc):
    Discretization of -Tr(A(x) hess u(x)) + \| grad u(x) - omega(x) \|_D(x)^2 - rhs,
    with Dirichlet boundary conditions, using upwind finite differences for the first order part.
    The scheme is degenerate elliptic if A and D are positive definite. 
    # Compute the decompositions (here offset_e = offset_f)
    nothing = (np.full((0, ), 0.), np.full((2, 0),
                                           0))  # empty coefs and offsets
    mu, offset_e = nothing if A is None else Selling.Decomposition(A)
    nu, offset_f = nothing if D is None else Selling.Decomposition(D)
    omega_f = lp.dot_VA(omega, offset_f.astype(float))

    # First and second order finite differences
    maxi = np.maximum
    mu, nu, omega_f = (bc.as_field(e) for e in (mu, nu, omega_f))

    dup = bc.DiffUpwind(u, offset_f)
    dum = bc.DiffUpwind(u, -offset_f)
        bc.not_interior] = 0.  # Placeholder values to silence NaN warnings
    dum[..., bc.not_interior] = 0.

    d2u = bc.Diff2(u, offset_e)

    # Scheme in the interior
    du = maxi(0., maxi(omega_f - dup, -omega_f - dum))
    residue = -lp.dot_VV(mu, d2u) + lp.dot_VV(nu, du**2) - rhs

    # Placeholders outside domain
    return np.where(bc.interior, residue, u - bc.grid_values)
Exemplo n.º 2
def SchemeCentered(u, cst, mult, omega, diff, bc, ret_hmax=False):
    """Discretization of a linear non-divergence form second order PDE
        cst + mult u + <omega,grad u>- tr(diff hess(u)) = 0
        Second order accurate, centered yet monotone finite differences are used for <omega,grad u>
        - bc : boundary conditions. 
        - ret_hmax : return the largest grid scale for which monotony holds
    # Decompose the tensor field
    coefs2, offsets = Selling.Decomposition(diff)

    # Decompose the vector field
    scals = lp.dot_VA(lp.solve_AV(diff, omega), offsets.astype(float))
    coefs1 = coefs2 * scals
    if ret_hmax: return 2. / norm(scals, ord=np.inf)

    # Compute the first and second order finite differences
    du = bc.DiffCentered(u, offsets)
    d2u = bc.Diff2(u, offsets)

    # In interior : cst + mult u + <omega,grad u>- tr(diff hess(u)) = 0
    coefs1, coefs2 = (bc.as_field(e) for e in (coefs1, coefs2))
    residue = cst + mult * u + lp.dot_VV(coefs1, du) - lp.dot_VV(coefs2, d2u)

    # On boundary : u-bc = 0
    return np.where(bc.interior, residue, u - bc.grid_values)
Exemplo n.º 3
def SchemeNonlinear(u, x, f, bc):
    coef, offsets = Selling.Decomposition(D(x))
    du = bc.DiffCentered(u, offsets)
    d2u = bc.Diff2(u, offsets)
    p = lp.dot_AV(lp.inverse(D(x)), np.sum(coef * du * offsets, axis=1))
    return np.where(
        -1 / 2 * lp.dot_VV(omega(x), p)**2 - lp.dot_VV(coef, d2u) - f,
        u - bc.grid_values,
Exemplo n.º 4
def sigma_reflector(x, r, e):
    tmp = (2 * (r**3 + r**5 + r**5 + lp.dot_VV(x, x)) * e -
           4 * r**5 * lp.dot_VV(e, x) * x)
    y = (4 * r**5 * lp.dot_VV(lp.perp(e), x) * lp.perp(tmp) + np.sqrt(
        lp.dot_VV(tmp, tmp) - 16 * r**10 * lp.dot_VV(lp.perp(e), x)**2) *
         tmp) / np.stack([lp.dot_VV(tmp, tmp),
                          lp.dot_VV(tmp, tmp)])
    return 2 * r**3 * lp.dot_VV(e,
                                y - x) / (1 + r**2 * lp.dot_VV(x - y, x - y))
Exemplo n.º 5
def SchemeUniform(u, SB, f, bc):
    # Compute the finite differences along the superbase directions
    d2u = bc.Diff2(u, SB)
    d2u[..., bc.not_interior] = 0.  # Placeholder value to silent NaN warnings

    # Generate the parameters for the low dimensional optimization problem
    Q = 0.5 * np.array([[0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0]])
    l = -d2u
    m = lp.dot_VV(SB, SB)

    # Evaluate the numerical scheme
    m = bc.as_field(m)
    from agd.FiniteDifferences import as_field
    Q = as_field(Q, m.shape[1:])

    dim = 2
    alpha = dim * f**(1 / dim)
    mask = (alpha == 0)

    Q = Q * np.where(mask, 1., alpha**2)
    residue = ConstrainedMaximize(Q, l, m).max(axis=0)
    residue[mask] = np.max(l / m, axis=0).max(axis=0)[mask]

    # Boundary conditions
    return ad.where(bc.interior, residue, u - bc.grid_values)
Exemplo n.º 6
def SchemeUniform_OptInner(u, SB, f, bc, oracle=None):
    # Use the oracle, if available, to select the active superbases only
    if not (oracle is None):
        SB = np.take_along_axis(SB,
                                    SB.shape[:2] + (1, ) + oracle.shape),

    d2u = bc.Diff2(u, SB)
    d2u[..., bc.not_interior] = 0.  # Placeholder value to silent NaN warnings

    # Generate the parameters for the low dimensional optimization problem
    Q = 0.5 * np.array([[0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0]])
    dim = 2
    l = -d2u
    m = lp.dot_VV(SB, SB)

    m = bc.as_field(m)
    from agd.FiniteDifferences import as_field
    Q = as_field(Q, m.shape[1:])

    dim = 2
    alpha = dim * f**(1 / dim)
    mask = (alpha == 0)

    Q = Q * np.where(mask, 1., alpha**2)
    # Evaluate the non-linear functional using dense-sparse composition
    residue = ad.apply(ConstrainedMaximize, Q, l, m,
    residue[:, mask] = np.max(l / m, axis=0)[:, mask]

    return ad.max_argmax(residue, axis=0)
Exemplo n.º 7
def SolveNonlinear(x, f, bc):
    dde = True

    def Solver(residue):
        nonlocal dde

        triplets, rhs = residue.solve(raw=True)
        mat = tocsr(triplets)

        # if (diags(mat.diagonal()) - mat).min() <= -1e-8:
        #     dde = False

        dde = (diags(mat.diagonal()) - mat).min() > -1e-8

        precond = diags(1 / mat.diagonal())
        matprecond = precond @ mat
        rhsprecond = precond @ rhs

        return spsolve(matprecond, rhsprecond).reshape(x.shape[1:])

    result = newton_root(SchemeNonlinear,
                         0.0001 * lp.dot_VV(x, x),
                         params=(x, f, bc),

    return result, dde
def MinimizeTrace_Opt(u, alpha, bc, oracle=None):
    if oracle is None: return MinimizeTrace(u, alpha, bc)

    # The oracle contains the optimal angles
    diffs = Diff(alpha, oracle.squeeze(axis=0))
    coefs, sb = Selling.Decomposition(diffs)
    value = lp.dot_VV(coefs, bc.Diff2(u, sb))
    return value, oracle
Exemplo n.º 9
def SchemeUpwind(u, cst, mult, omega, diff, bc):
    """Discretization of a linear non-divergence form second order PDE
        cst + mult u + <omega,grad u>- tr(diff hess(u)) = 0
        First order accurate, upwind finite differences are used for <omega,grad u>
        - bc : boundary conditions. 
    # Decompose the tensor field
    coefs2, offsets2 = Selling.Decomposition(diff)
    omega, coefs2 = (bc.as_field(e) for e in (omega, coefs2))

    # Decompose the vector field
    coefs1 = -np.abs(omega)
    basis = bc.as_field(np.eye(len(omega)))
    offsets1 = -np.sign(omega) * basis

    # Compute the first and second order finite differences
    du = bc.DiffUpwind(u, offsets1.astype(int))
    d2u = bc.Diff2(u, offsets2)

    # In interior : cst + mult u + <omega,grad u>- tr(diff hess(u)) = 0
    residue = cst + mult * u + lp.dot_VV(coefs1, du) - lp.dot_VV(coefs2, d2u)

    # On boundary : u-bc = 0
    return np.where(bc.interior, residue, u - bc.grid_values)
def MinimizeTrace(u, alpha, bc, sqrt_relax=1e-16):
    # Compute the tensor decompositions
    D = MakeD(alpha)
    theta, sb = AnglesAndSuperbases(D)
    theta = np.array([theta[:-1], theta[1:]])

    # Compute the second order differences in the direction orthogonal to the superbase
    sb_rotated = np.array([-sb[1], sb[0]])
    d2u = bc.Diff2(u, sb_rotated)
    d2u[..., bc.not_interior] = 0.  # Placeholder values to silent NaNs

    # Compute the coefficients of the tensor decompositions
    sb1, sb2 = np.roll(sb, 1, axis=1), np.roll(sb, 2, axis=1)
    sb1, sb2 = (e.reshape((2, 3, 1) + sb.shape[2:]) for e in (sb1, sb2))
    D = D.reshape((2, 2, 1, 3, 1) + D.shape[3:])
    # Axes of D are space,space,index of superbase element, index of D, index of superbase, and possibly shape of u
    scals = lp.dot_VAV(sb1, D, sb2)

    # Compute the coefficients of the trigonometric polynomial
    scals, theta = (bc.as_field(e) for e in (scals, theta))
    coefs = -lp.dot_VV(scals, np.expand_dims(d2u, axis=1))

    # Optimality condition for the trigonometric polynomial in the interior
    value = coefs[0] - np.sqrt(
        np.maximum(coefs[1]**2 + coefs[2]**2, sqrt_relax))
    coefs_ = np.array(coefs)  # removed AD information
    angle = np.arctan2(-coefs_[2], -coefs_[1]) / 2.
    angle[angle < 0] += np.pi

    # Boundary conditions for the trigonometric polynomial minimization
    mask = np.logical_not(np.logical_and(theta[0] <= angle, angle <= theta[1]))
    t, c = theta[:, mask], coefs[:, mask]
    value[mask], amin_t = ad.min_argmin(c[0] + c[1] * np.cos(2 * t) +
                                        c[2] * np.sin(2 * t),

    # Minimize over superbases
    value, amin_sb = ad.min_argmin(value, axis=0)

    # Record the optimal angles for future use
    angle[mask] = np.take_along_axis(t, np.expand_dims(amin_t, axis=0),
                                     axis=0).squeeze(axis=0)  # Min over bc
    angle = np.take_along_axis(angle, np.expand_dims(amin_sb, axis=0),
                               axis=0)  # Min over superbases

    return value, angle
Exemplo n.º 11
def SchemeLinear(u, x, f, bc):
    coef, offsets = Selling.Decomposition(D(x))

    # coef_min = np.min(coef)
    # offsets_norm2 = lp.dot_VV(offsets, offsets)
    # offsets_max2 = np.max(np.where(coef < 1e-13, 0, offsets_norm2))
    # print(f"h: {bc.gridscale}, c: {coef_min}, e2: {offsets_max2}")

    du = bc.DiffCentered(u, offsets)
    d2u = bc.Diff2(u, offsets)
    return np.where(
        -lp.dot_VAV(omega(x), lp.inverse(D(x)),
                    np.sum(coef * du * offsets, axis=1)) -
        lp.dot_VV(coef, d2u) - f,
        u - bc.grid_values,
def SchemeSampling_OptInner(u, diffs, bc, oracle=None):
    # Select the active tensors, if they are known
    if not (oracle is None):
        diffs = np.take_along_axis(diffs,
                                       diffs.shape[:2] + (1, ) + oracle.shape),

    print("Has AD information :", ad.is_ad(u),
          ". Number active tensors per point :", diffs.shape[2])

    # Tensor decomposition
    coefs, offsets = Selling.Decomposition(diffs)

    # Return the minimal value, and the minimizing index
    return ad.min_argmin(lp.dot_VV(coefs, bc.Diff2(u, offsets)), axis=0)
Exemplo n.º 13
def SchemeLaxFriedrichs(u, A, F, bc):
    Discretization of - Tr(A(x) hess u(x)) + F(grad u(x)) - 1 = 0,
    with Dirichlet boundary conditions. The scheme is second order,
    and degenerate elliptic under suitable assumptions.
    # Compute the tensor decomposition
    coefs, offsets = Selling.Decomposition(A)
    A, coefs, offsets = (bc.as_field(e) for e in (A, coefs, offsets))

    # Obtain the first and second order finite differences
    grad = Gradient(u, A, bc, decomp=(coefs, offsets))
    d2u = bc.Diff2(u, offsets)

    # Numerical scheme in interior
    residue = -lp.dot_VV(coefs, d2u) + F(grad) - 1.

    # Placeholders outside domain
    return ad.where(bc.interior, residue, u - bc.grid_values)
Exemplo n.º 14
def EqLinear(u_func, x):
    x_ad = Dense2.identity(constant=x, shape_free=x.shape[:1])
    u_ad = u_func(x_ad)
    du = np.moveaxis(u_ad.coef1, -1, 0)
    d2u = np.moveaxis(u_ad.coef2, [-2, -1], [0, 1])
    return -lp.dot_VV(omega(x), du) - lp.trace(lp.dot_AA(D(x), d2u))
Exemplo n.º 15
def u3(x):
    d = x.shape[0]
    return np.where(lp.dot_VV(x, x) < d, np.sqrt(d - lp.dot_VV(x, x)), 0)
Exemplo n.º 16
def StencilForConditioning(cond):
    V3 = Selling.SuperbasesForConditioning(cond)
    offsets = V3.reshape((2, -1))

    # Make offsets positive for the lexicographic order, inversing their sign if needed.
    offsets[:, offsets[0] < 0] *= -1
    offsets[:, np.logical_and(offsets[0] == 0, offsets[1] < 0)] *= -1

    V1, indices = np.unique(offsets, axis=1, return_inverse=True)
    V3_indices = indices.reshape(V3.shape[1:])
    V2_indices = np.unique(
                (V3_indices[[0, 1]], V3_indices[[0, 2]], V3_indices[[1, 2]]),
    V2 = V1[:, V2_indices]

    Q = np.zeros((3, 3, V3.shape[2]))
    w = np.zeros((3, V3.shape[2]))

    for i in range(3):
        Q[i, i] = (lp.dot_VV(V3[:, (i + 1) % 3], V3[:, (i + 1) % 3]) *
                   lp.dot_VV(V3[:, (i + 2) % 3], V3[:, (i + 2) % 3]) / 4)
        Q[i, (i + 1) % 3] = (lp.dot_VV(V3[:, i], V3[:, (i + 1) % 3]) *
                                          (i + 2) % 3], V3[:,
                                                           (i + 2) % 3]) / 4)
        Q[i, (i + 2) % 3] = (lp.dot_VV(V3[:, i], V3[:, (i + 2) % 3]) *
                                          (i + 1) % 3], V3[:,
                                                           (i + 1) % 3]) / 4)
        w[i] = -lp.dot_VV(V3[:, (i + 1) % 3], V3[:, (i + 2) % 3]) / 2

    omega0 = 1 / (lp.dot_VV(V2[:, 0], V2[:, 0]) *
                  lp.dot_VV(V2[:, 1], V2[:, 1]))
    omega1 = 1 / (2 * np.stack(
        [lp.dot_VV(V2[:, 0], V2[:, 0]), -lp.dot_VV(V2[:, 1], V2[:, 1])]))
    omega2 = 1 / (2 * np.stack(
        [lp.dot_VV(V2[:, 0], V2[:, 0]),
         lp.dot_VV(V2[:, 1], V2[:, 1])]))

    return Stencil(V1, V2, V2_indices, V3, V3_indices, Q, w, omega0, omega1,
Exemplo n.º 17
interior = domain_ball.level(x) < 0
y = Y_reflector(x[:, interior], u[interior], du[:, interior])
z = Z_reflector(x[:, interior], u[interior], du[:, interior])

plt.tripcolor(*y, z)

# %%
simulate_reflector(y, z)

# %%
u = newton_root(
        domain_ball.level(x) > np.min(domain_ball.level(x)),
        0.1 + 0.001 * lp.dot_VV(x, x),
    (x, domain_ball, A_reflector, B_reflector, 0.1, F_reflector, stencil),
u = np.where(domain_ball.level(x) > np.min(domain_ball.level(x)), u, 0.1)

plt.contourf(*x, np.where(domain_ball.level(x) < 0, u, np.nan))

# %%
gridscale = x[0, 1, 0] - x[0, 0, 0]
du = fd.DiffCentered(u, [[1, 0], [0, 1]], gridscale)

interior = domain_ball.level(x) < 0
y = Y_reflector(x[:, interior], u[interior], du[:, interior])
Exemplo n.º 18
def sigma_reflector2(x, r, e):
    return alpha * np.sqrt(lp.dot_VV(e, e))
Exemplo n.º 19
def H3(Q, w, b, delta):
    Q_delta = lp.dot_AV(Q, delta)
    r = np.sqrt(b + lp.dot_VV(delta, Q_delta))
    return np.where(np.all(Q_delta <= r * w, axis=0), r - lp.dot_VV(w, delta),
Exemplo n.º 20
def f2(x):
    return (4 * alpha**2 * (1 + alpha**2 * lp.dot_VV(x, x)) /
            (1 - alpha**2 * lp.dot_VV(x, x))**3) * f(
                2 * alpha * x / (1 - alpha**2 * lp.dot_VV(x, x)))
Exemplo n.º 21
def ExactQuartic(x):
    return lp.dot_VV(x, x)**2
Exemplo n.º 22
def B_reflector(x, r, p):
    tmp = 1 + np.sqrt(1 - lp.dot_VV(p, p) / r**4)
    return r**6 * (tmp**3 - tmp**2) * f(x)
Exemplo n.º 23
def H2(omega0, omega1, omega2, b, delta):
    return np.sqrt(omega0 * b + lp.dot_VV(omega1, delta)**2) - lp.dot_VV(
        omega2, delta)
Exemplo n.º 24
def A_reflector(x, r, p):
    tmp = 1 + np.sqrt(1 - lp.dot_VV(p, p) / r**4)
    return (2 + tmp) / r * lp.outer(p, p) - r**3 * tmp * lp.identity(
Exemplo n.º 25
def Z_reflector(x, r, p):
    tmp = 1 + np.sqrt(1 - lp.dot_VV(p, p) / r**4)
    return (1 - 1 / tmp) / r
Exemplo n.º 26
def H1(v, delta):
    return -delta / lp.dot_VV(v, v)
Exemplo n.º 27
def u2(x):
    return np.maximum(0, np.sqrt(lp.dot_VV(x, x)) - 0.4)**2.5
Exemplo n.º 28
def Z_reflector2(x, r, p):
    return lp.dot_VV(x, p) - r
Exemplo n.º 29
def Y_reflector(x, r, p):
    tmp = 1 + np.sqrt(1 - lp.dot_VV(p, p) / r**4)
    return x + 1 / (r**3 * tmp) * p
Exemplo n.º 30
def B_quartic(x, r, p):
    return 48 * lp.dot_VV(x, x)**2