Exemplo n.º 1
    def xtest4(self):
            test if get_gravity_at_point is consistent with the default,
            (which uses get_potential_at_point).
            It seems that this doesn't really make sense
        static_potential = static_potentials.Galactic_Center_Potential_Kruijssen(
        r = numpy.logspace(1, 3, 10) | units.parsec
        z = numpy.zeros(r.shape) | units.parsec
        gravity = static_potential.get_gravity_at_point(z, r, z, z)
        orig_gravity = static_potentials.Abstract_Potential.get_gravity_at_point(
            static_potential, z, r, z, z)

        # quick plot for testing
        from matplotlib import pyplot
        from amuse import plot as aplot
        aplot.plot(r, gravity[0], marker="*", color='black')
        aplot.plot(r, orig_gravity[0], ls=":", marker="^", color='black')
        aplot.plot(r, gravity[1], marker="*", color='red')
        aplot.plot(r, orig_gravity[1], ls=":", marker="^", color='red')
        aplot.plot(r, gravity[2], marker="*", color='green')
        aplot.plot(r, orig_gravity[2], ls=":", marker="^", color='green')
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test1(self):
        """ test enclosed mass profile of Kruijssen potential """

        static_potential = static_potentials.Galactic_Center_Potential_Kruijssen(

        m_zero = static_potential.enclosed_mass(0 | units.parsec)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(m_zero, 0 | units.MSun)

        factor = 8.3 / 8.5
        m_on_bin = static_potential.enclosed_mass(7.489
                                                  | units.parsec * factor)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(m_on_bin, factor**2 * 17170000. | units.MSun)

        m_in_bin = static_potential.enclosed_mass(200 | units.parsec)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(m_in_bin, 1.644965507 | 1E9 * units.MSun)

        # test array
        r = numpy.logspace(1, 3, 500) | units.parsec
        m = static_potential.enclosed_mass(r)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(m[10], 2.0680055041 | 1E7 * units.MSun)

        # test 2D array
        x = numpy.logspace(1, 3, 500) | units.parsec
        matrix, m = quantities.meshgrid(x, x)
        mm = static_potential.enclosed_mass(matrix)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(mm[20, 20], 2.223803269 | 1E7 * units.MSun)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test3(self):
        """ Test get_gravity_at_point """
        static_potential = static_potentials.Galactic_Center_Potential_Kruijssen()

        points = [[1,0,0],
                  ] | units.parsec
        grav = static_potential.get_gravity_at_point(0, *points.transpose()).transpose()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(grav[0], [-5.6003771, 0, 0]|1e-7*units.m/units.s**2, 6)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(grav[1], [0, -2.6887222, 0]|1e-8*units.m/units.s**2, 6)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(grav[2], [-4.7661597, 0, -1.200846]|1e-10*units.m/units.s**2, 6)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test2(self):
        """ Test get_potential_at_point """
        static_potential = static_potentials.Galactic_Center_Potential_Kruijssen()

        points = [[1,0,0],
                  ] | units.parsec
        potentials = static_potential.get_potential_at_point(0, *points.transpose())
        # print potentials.in_(units.kms**2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(potentials[0], -17280.958078|units.kms**2, 6)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(potentials[1], -8296.5300805|units.kms**2, 6)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(potentials[2], -14965.2205261|units.kms**2, 6)
Exemplo n.º 5
def setup_system():
        Galacitic center potential and Arches cluster
        position from Kruijssen 2014
    potential = static_potentials.Galactic_Center_Potential_Kruijssen()
    cluster = Particle()

    # At time 2.05 in KDL15
    cluster.position = [-17.55767, -53.26560, -9.39921] | units.parsec
    cluster.velocity = [-187.68008, 80.45276, 33.96556] | units.kms

    cluster.position += coordinate_correction
    return potential, cluster