Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self,
        host_list=C.DEFAULT_HOST_LIST,      # ex: /etc/ansible/hosts, legacy usage
        module_path=C.DEFAULT_MODULE_PATH,  # ex: /usr/share/ansible
        module_name=C.DEFAULT_MODULE_NAME,  # ex: copy
        module_args=C.DEFAULT_MODULE_ARGS,  # ex: "src=/tmp/a dest=/tmp/b"
        forks=C.DEFAULT_FORKS,              # parallelism level
        timeout=C.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT,          # SSH timeout
        pattern=C.DEFAULT_PATTERN,          # which hosts?  ex: 'all', 'acme.example.org'
        remote_user=C.DEFAULT_REMOTE_USER,  # ex: 'username'
        remote_pass=C.DEFAULT_REMOTE_PASS,  # ex: 'password123' or None if using key
        remote_port=None,                   # if SSH on different ports
        private_key_file=C.DEFAULT_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE, # if not using keys/passwords
        sudo_pass=C.DEFAULT_SUDO_PASS,      # ex: 'password123' or None
        background=0,                       # async poll every X seconds, else 0 for non-async
        basedir=None,                       # directory of playbook, if applicable
        setup_cache=None,                   # used to share fact data w/ other tasks
        transport=C.DEFAULT_TRANSPORT,      # 'ssh', 'paramiko', 'local'
        conditional='True',                 # run only if this fact expression evals to true
        callbacks=None,                     # used for output
        sudo=False,                         # whether to run sudo or not
        sudo_user=C.DEFAULT_SUDO_USER,      # ex: 'root'
        module_vars=None,                   # a playbooks internals thing
        is_playbook=False,                  # running from playbook or not?
        inventory=None,                     # reference to Inventory object
        subset=None                         # subset pattern

        # storage & defaults
        self.setup_cache      = utils.default(setup_cache, lambda: collections.defaultdict(dict))
        self.basedir          = utils.default(basedir, lambda: os.getcwd())
        self.callbacks        = utils.default(callbacks, lambda: DefaultRunnerCallbacks())
        self.generated_jid    = str(random.randint(0, 999999999999))
        self.transport        = transport
        self.inventory        = utils.default(inventory, lambda: ansible.inventory.Inventory(host_list))

        self.module_vars      = utils.default(module_vars, lambda: {})
        self.sudo_user        = sudo_user
        self.connector        = connection.Connection(self)
        self.conditional      = conditional
        self.module_path      = module_path
        self.module_name      = module_name
        self.forks            = int(forks)
        self.pattern          = pattern
        self.module_args      = module_args
        self.timeout          = timeout
        self.remote_user      = remote_user
        self.remote_pass      = remote_pass
        self.remote_port      = remote_port
        self.private_key_file = private_key_file
        self.background       = background
        self.sudo             = sudo
        self.sudo_pass        = sudo_pass
        self.is_playbook      = is_playbook

        # misc housekeeping
        if subset and self.inventory._subset is None:
            # don't override subset when passed from playbook

        if self.transport == 'ssh' and remote_pass:
            raise errors.AnsibleError("SSH transport does not support passwords, only keys or agents")
        if self.transport == 'local':
            self.remote_user = pwd.getpwuid(os.geteuid())[0]

        # ensure we are using unique tmp paths

        # instantiate plugin classes
        self.action_plugins = {}
        self.lookup_plugins = {}
        for (k,v) in action_plugin_list.iteritems():
            self.action_plugins[k] = v.ActionModule(self)
        for (k,v) in lookup_plugin_list.iteritems():
            self.lookup_plugins[k] = v.LookupModule(self)
    def __init__(
        host_list=C.DEFAULT_HOST_LIST,  # ex: /etc/ansible/hosts, legacy usage
        module_path=None,  # ex: /usr/share/ansible
        module_name=C.DEFAULT_MODULE_NAME,  # ex: copy
        module_args=C.DEFAULT_MODULE_ARGS,  # ex: "src=/tmp/a dest=/tmp/b"
        forks=C.DEFAULT_FORKS,  # parallelism level
        timeout=C.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT,  # SSH timeout
        DEFAULT_PATTERN,  # which hosts?  ex: 'all', 'acme.example.org'
        remote_user=C.DEFAULT_REMOTE_USER,  # ex: 'username'
        DEFAULT_REMOTE_PASS,  # ex: 'password123' or None if using key
        remote_port=None,  # if SSH on different ports
        DEFAULT_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE,  # if not using keys/passwords
        sudo_pass=C.DEFAULT_SUDO_PASS,  # ex: 'password123' or None
        background=0,  # async poll every X seconds, else 0 for non-async
        basedir=None,  # directory of playbook, if applicable
        setup_cache=None,  # used to share fact data w/ other tasks
        transport=C.DEFAULT_TRANSPORT,  # 'ssh', 'paramiko', 'local'
        conditional='True',  # run only if this fact expression evals to true
        callbacks=None,  # used for output
        sudo=False,  # whether to run sudo or not
        sudo_user=C.DEFAULT_SUDO_USER,  # ex: 'root'
        module_vars=None,  # a playbooks internals thing
        is_playbook=False,  # running from playbook or not?
        inventory=None,  # reference to Inventory object
        subset=None,  # subset pattern
        check=False,  # don't make any changes, just try to probe for potential changes
        diff=False,  # whether to show diffs for template files that change
        environment=None,  # environment variables (as dict) to use inside the command
        complex_args=None  # structured data in addition to module_args, must be a dict

        if not complex_args:
            complex_args = {}

        # storage & defaults
        self.check = check
        self.diff = diff
        self.setup_cache = utils.default(setup_cache,
                                         lambda: collections.defaultdict(dict))
        self.basedir = utils.default(basedir, lambda: os.getcwd())
        self.callbacks = utils.default(callbacks,
                                       lambda: DefaultRunnerCallbacks())
        self.generated_jid = str(random.randint(0, 999999999999))
        self.transport = transport
        self.inventory = utils.default(
            inventory, lambda: ansible.inventory.Inventory(host_list))

        self.module_vars = utils.default(module_vars, lambda: {})
        self.sudo_user = sudo_user
        self.connector = connection.Connection(self)
        self.conditional = conditional
        self.module_name = module_name
        self.forks = int(forks)
        self.pattern = pattern
        self.module_args = module_args
        self.timeout = timeout
        self.remote_user = remote_user
        self.remote_pass = remote_pass
        self.remote_port = remote_port
        self.private_key_file = private_key_file
        self.background = background
        self.sudo = sudo
        self.sudo_pass = sudo_pass
        self.is_playbook = is_playbook
        self.environment = environment
        self.complex_args = complex_args

        # misc housekeeping
        if subset and self.inventory._subset is None:
            # don't override subset when passed from playbook

        if self.transport == 'local':
            self.remote_user = pwd.getpwuid(os.geteuid())[0]

        if module_path is not None:
            for i in module_path.split(os.pathsep):


        # ensure we are using unique tmp paths
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self,
        host_list=C.DEFAULT_HOST_LIST,      # ex: /etc/ansible/hosts, legacy usage
        module_path=None,                   # ex: /usr/share/ansible
        module_name=C.DEFAULT_MODULE_NAME,  # ex: copy
        module_args=C.DEFAULT_MODULE_ARGS,  # ex: "src=/tmp/a dest=/tmp/b"
        forks=C.DEFAULT_FORKS,              # parallelism level
        timeout=C.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT,          # SSH timeout
        pattern=C.DEFAULT_PATTERN,          # which hosts?  ex: 'all', 'acme.example.org'
        remote_user=C.DEFAULT_REMOTE_USER,  # ex: 'username'
        remote_pass=C.DEFAULT_REMOTE_PASS,  # ex: 'password123' or None if using key
        remote_port=None,                   # if SSH on different ports
        private_key_file=C.DEFAULT_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE, # if not using keys/passwords
        sudo_pass=C.DEFAULT_SUDO_PASS,      # ex: 'password123' or None
        background=0,                       # async poll every X seconds, else 0 for non-async
        basedir=None,                       # directory of playbook, if applicable
        setup_cache=None,                   # used to share fact data w/ other tasks
        transport=C.DEFAULT_TRANSPORT,      # 'ssh', 'paramiko', 'local'
        conditional='True',                 # run only if this fact expression evals to true
        callbacks=None,                     # used for output
        sudo=False,                         # whether to run sudo or not
        sudo_user=C.DEFAULT_SUDO_USER,      # ex: 'root'
        module_vars=None,                   # a playbooks internals thing
        default_vars=None,                  # ditto
        is_playbook=False,                  # running from playbook or not?
        inventory=None,                     # reference to Inventory object
        subset=None,                        # subset pattern
        check=False,                        # don't make any changes, just try to probe for potential changes
        diff=False,                         # whether to show diffs for template files that change
        environment=None,                   # environment variables (as dict) to use inside the command
        complex_args=None,                  # structured data in addition to module_args, must be a dict
        error_on_undefined_vars=C.DEFAULT_UNDEFINED_VAR_BEHAVIOR, # ex. False
        accelerate=False,                   # use accelerated connection
        accelerate_port=None,               # port to use with accelerated connection

        # used to lock multiprocess inputs and outputs at various levels
        self.output_lockfile  = OUTPUT_LOCKFILE
        self.process_lockfile = PROCESS_LOCKFILE

        if not complex_args:
            complex_args = {}

        # storage & defaults
        self.check            = check
        self.diff             = diff
        self.setup_cache      = utils.default(setup_cache, lambda: collections.defaultdict(dict))
        self.basedir          = utils.default(basedir, lambda: os.getcwd())
        self.callbacks        = utils.default(callbacks, lambda: DefaultRunnerCallbacks())
        self.generated_jid    = str(random.randint(0, 999999999999))
        self.transport        = transport
        self.inventory        = utils.default(inventory, lambda: ansible.inventory.Inventory(host_list))

        self.module_vars      = utils.default(module_vars, lambda: {})
        self.default_vars     = utils.default(default_vars, lambda: {})
        self.always_run       = None
        self.connector        = connection.Connection(self)
        self.conditional      = conditional
        self.module_name      = module_name
        self.forks            = int(forks)
        self.pattern          = pattern
        self.module_args      = module_args
        self.timeout          = timeout
        self.remote_user      = remote_user
        self.remote_pass      = remote_pass
        self.remote_port      = remote_port
        self.private_key_file = private_key_file
        self.background       = background
        self.sudo             = sudo
        self.sudo_user        = sudo_user
        self.sudo_pass        = sudo_pass
        self.is_playbook      = is_playbook
        self.environment      = environment
        self.complex_args     = complex_args
        self.error_on_undefined_vars = error_on_undefined_vars
        self.accelerate       = accelerate
        self.accelerate_port  = accelerate_port
        self.callbacks.runner = self

        if self.accelerate:
            # if we're using accelerated mode, force the local
            # transport to accelerate
            self.transport = "accelerate"
            if not self.accelerate_port:
                self.accelerate_port = C.ACCELERATE_PORT
        elif self.transport == 'smart':
            # if the transport is 'smart' see if SSH can support ControlPersist if not use paramiko
            # 'smart' is the default since 1.2.1/1.3
            cmd = subprocess.Popen(['ssh','-o','ControlPersist'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
            (out, err) = cmd.communicate() 
            if "Bad configuration option" in err:
                self.transport = "paramiko"
                self.transport = "ssh" 

        # misc housekeeping
        if subset and self.inventory._subset is None:
            # don't override subset when passed from playbook

        if self.transport == 'local':
            self.remote_user = pwd.getpwuid(os.geteuid())[0]

        if module_path is not None:
            for i in module_path.split(os.pathsep):


        # ensure we are using unique tmp paths