Exemplo n.º 1
    def _get_loop_items(self):
        Loads a lookup plugin to handle the with_* portion of a task (if specified),
        and returns the items result.

        # save the play context variables to a temporary dictionary,
        # so that we can modify the job vars without doing a full copy
        # and later restore them to avoid modifying things too early
        play_context_vars = dict()

        old_vars = dict()
        for k in play_context_vars:
            if k in self._job_vars:
                old_vars[k] = self._job_vars[k]
            self._job_vars[k] = play_context_vars[k]

        templar = Templar(loader=self._loader, shared_loader_obj=self._shared_loader_obj, variables=self._job_vars)
        items = None
        if self._task.loop:
            if self._task.loop in self._shared_loader_obj.lookup_loader:
                #TODO: remove convert_bare true and deprecate this in with_
                if self._task.loop == 'first_found':
                    # first_found loops are special.  If the item is undefined
                    # then we want to fall through to the next value rather
                    # than failing.
                    loop_terms = listify_lookup_plugin_terms(terms=self._task.loop_args, templar=templar, loader=self._loader, fail_on_undefined=False, convert_bare=True)
                    loop_terms = [t for t in loop_terms if not templar._contains_vars(t)]
                        loop_terms = listify_lookup_plugin_terms(terms=self._task.loop_args, templar=templar, loader=self._loader, fail_on_undefined=True, convert_bare=True)
                    except AnsibleUndefinedVariable as e:
                        display.deprecated("Skipping task due to undefined Error, in the future this will be a fatal error.: %s" % to_bytes(e))
                        return None

                # get lookup
                mylookup = self._shared_loader_obj.lookup_loader.get(self._task.loop, loader=self._loader, templar=templar)

                # give lookup task 'context' for subdir (mostly needed for first_found)
                for subdir in ['template', 'var', 'file']: #TODO: move this to constants?
                    if subdir in self._task.action:
                setattr(mylookup,'_subdir', subdir + 's')

                # run lookup
                items = mylookup.run(terms=loop_terms, variables=self._job_vars, wantlist=True)
                raise AnsibleError("Unexpected failure in finding the lookup named '%s' in the available lookup plugins" % self._task.loop)

        # now we restore any old job variables that may have been modified,
        # and delete them if they were in the play context vars but not in
        # the old variables dictionary
        for k in play_context_vars:
            if k in old_vars:
                self._job_vars[k] = old_vars[k]
                del self._job_vars[k]

        if items:
            from ansible.vars.unsafe_proxy import UnsafeProxy
            for idx, item in enumerate(items):
                if item is not None and not isinstance(item, UnsafeProxy):
                    items[idx] = UnsafeProxy(item)
        return items
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _get_loop_items(self):
        Loads a lookup plugin to handle the with_* portion of a task (if specified),
        and returns the items result.

        # save the play context variables to a temporary dictionary,
        # so that we can modify the job vars without doing a full copy
        # and later restore them to avoid modifying things too early
        play_context_vars = dict()

        old_vars = dict()
        for k in play_context_vars:
            if k in self._job_vars:
                old_vars[k] = self._job_vars[k]
            self._job_vars[k] = play_context_vars[k]

        # get search path for this task to pass to lookup plugins
        self._job_vars['ansible_search_path'] = self._task.get_search_path()

        templar = Templar(loader=self._loader,
        items = None
        if self._task.loop:
            if self._task.loop in self._shared_loader_obj.lookup_loader:
                fail = True
                if self._task.loop == 'first_found':
                    # first_found loops are special. If the item is undefined then we want to fall through to the next value rather than failing.
                    fail = False

                loop_terms = listify_lookup_plugin_terms(
                if not fail:
                    loop_terms = [
                        t for t in loop_terms if not templar._contains_vars(t)

                # get lookup
                mylookup = self._shared_loader_obj.lookup_loader.get(
                    self._task.loop, loader=self._loader, templar=templar)

                # give lookup task 'context' for subdir (mostly needed for first_found)
                for subdir in ['template', 'var',
                               'file']:  # TODO: move this to constants?
                    if subdir in self._task.action:
                setattr(mylookup, '_subdir', subdir + 's')

                # run lookup
                items = mylookup.run(terms=loop_terms,
                raise AnsibleError(
                    "Unexpected failure in finding the lookup named '%s' in the available lookup plugins"
                    % self._task.loop)

        # now we restore any old job variables that may have been modified,
        # and delete them if they were in the play context vars but not in
        # the old variables dictionary
        for k in play_context_vars:
            if k in old_vars:
                self._job_vars[k] = old_vars[k]
                del self._job_vars[k]

        if items:
            from ansible.vars.unsafe_proxy import UnsafeProxy
            for idx, item in enumerate(items):
                if item is not None and not isinstance(item, UnsafeProxy):
                    items[idx] = UnsafeProxy(item)

        # ensure basedir is always in (dwim already searches here but we need to display it)
        if self._loader.get_basedir(
        ) not in self._job_vars['ansible_search_path']:

        return items
Exemplo n.º 3
    def get_vars(self,
        Returns the variables, with optional "context" given via the parameters
        for the play, host, and task (which could possibly result in different
        sets of variables being returned due to the additional context).

        The order of precedence is:
        - play->roles->get_default_vars (if there is a play context)
        - group_vars_files[host] (if there is a host context)
        - host_vars_files[host] (if there is a host context)
        - host->get_vars (if there is a host context)
        - fact_cache[host] (if there is a host context)
        - play vars (if there is a play context)
        - play vars_files (if there's no host context, ignore
          file names that cannot be templated)
        - task->get_vars (if there is a task context)
        - vars_cache[host] (if there is a host context)
        - extra vars

        debug("in VariableManager get_vars()")
        cache_entry = self._get_cache_entry(play=play, host=host, task=task)
        if cache_entry in VARIABLE_CACHE and use_cache:
            debug("vars are cached, returning them now")
            return VARIABLE_CACHE[cache_entry]

        all_vars = defaultdict(dict)
        magic_variables = self._get_magic_variables(

        if play:
            # first we compile any vars specified in defaults/main.yml
            # for all roles within the specified play
            for role in play.get_roles():
                all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, role.get_default_vars())

            # if we have a task in this context, and that task has a role, make
            # sure it sees its defaults above any other roles, as we previously
            # (v1) made sure each task had a copy of its roles default vars
            if task and task._role is not None:
                all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars,

        if host:
            # next, if a host is specified, we load any vars from group_vars
            # files and then any vars from host_vars files which may apply to
            # this host or the groups it belongs to

            # we merge in vars from groups specified in the inventory (INI or script)
            all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, host.get_group_vars())

            # then we merge in the special 'all' group_vars first, if they exist
            if 'all' in self._group_vars_files:
                data = preprocess_vars(self._group_vars_files['all'])
                for item in data:
                    all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, item)

            for group in host.get_groups():
                if group.name in self._group_vars_files and group.name != 'all':
                    for data in self._group_vars_files[group.name]:
                        data = preprocess_vars(data)
                        for item in data:
                            all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, item)

            # then we merge in vars from the host specified in the inventory (INI or script)
            all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, host.get_vars())

            # then we merge in the host_vars/<hostname> file, if it exists
            host_name = host.get_name()
            if host_name in self._host_vars_files:
                for data in self._host_vars_files[host_name]:
                    data = preprocess_vars(data)
                    for item in data:
                        all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, item)

            # finally, the facts caches for this host, if it exists
                host_facts = self._fact_cache.get(host.name, dict())
                for k in host_facts.keys():
                    if host_facts[k] is not None and not isinstance(
                            host_facts[k], UnsafeProxy):
                        host_facts[k] = UnsafeProxy(host_facts[k])
                all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, host_facts)
            except KeyError:

        if play:
            all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, play.get_vars())

            for vars_file_item in play.get_vars_files():
                # create a set of temporary vars here, which incorporate the extra
                # and magic vars so we can properly template the vars_files entries
                temp_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, self._extra_vars)
                temp_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, magic_variables)
                templar = Templar(loader=loader, variables=temp_vars)

                # we assume each item in the list is itself a list, as we
                # support "conditional includes" for vars_files, which mimics
                # the with_first_found mechanism.
                #vars_file_list = templar.template(vars_file_item)
                vars_file_list = vars_file_item
                if not isinstance(vars_file_list, list):
                    vars_file_list = [vars_file_list]

                # now we iterate through the (potential) files, and break out
                # as soon as we read one from the list. If none are found, we
                # raise an error, which is silently ignored at this point.
                    for vars_file in vars_file_list:
                        vars_file = templar.template(vars_file)
                            data = preprocess_vars(
                            if data is not None:
                                for item in data:
                                    all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, item)
                        except AnsibleFileNotFound as e:
                            # we continue on loader failures
                        except AnsibleParserError as e:
                        raise AnsibleFileNotFound(
                            "vars file %s was not found" % vars_file_item)
                except (UndefinedError, AnsibleUndefinedVariable):
                    if host is not None and self._fact_cache.get(
                            dict()).get('module_setup') and task is not None:
                        raise AnsibleUndefinedVariable(
                            "an undefined variable was found when attempting to template the vars_files item '%s'"
                            % vars_file_item,
                        # we do not have a full context here, and the missing variable could be
                        # because of that, so just show a warning and continue
                            "skipping vars_file '%s' due to an undefined variable"
                            % vars_file_item)

            if not C.DEFAULT_PRIVATE_ROLE_VARS:
                for role in play.get_roles():
                    all_vars = combine_vars(
                        all_vars, role.get_vars(include_params=False))

        if task:
            if task._role:
                all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, task._role.get_vars())
            all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, task.get_vars())

        if host:
            all_vars = combine_vars(
                all_vars, self._vars_cache.get(host.get_name(), dict()))
            all_vars = combine_vars(
                self._nonpersistent_fact_cache.get(host.name, dict()))

        all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, self._extra_vars)
        all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, magic_variables)

        # if we have a task and we're delegating to another host, figure out the
        # variables for that host now so we don't have to rely on hostvars later
        if task and task.delegate_to is not None and include_delegate_to:
            all_vars['ansible_delegated_vars'] = self._get_delegated_vars(
                loader, play, task, all_vars)

        #VARIABLE_CACHE[cache_entry] = all_vars

        debug("done with get_vars()")
        return all_vars
Exemplo n.º 4
                 d[k] = self.template(variable[k], preserve_trailing_newlines=preserve_trailing_newlines, fail_on_undefined=fail_on_undefined, overrides=overrides)
                     d[k] = self.template(variable[k], preserve_trailing_newlines=preserve_trailing_newlines, fail_on_undefined=fail_on_undefined, overrides=overrides)
             return d
             return variable
         raise AnsibleError("lookup plugin (%s) not found" % name)
             ran = instance.run(loop_terms, variables=self._available_variables, **kwargs)
         except (AnsibleUndefinedVariable, UndefinedError) as e:
             raise AnsibleUndefinedVariable(e)
         except Exception as e:
             if self._fail_on_lookup_errors:
             ran = None
         if ran:
             from ansible.vars.unsafe_proxy import UnsafeProxy
             ran = UnsafeProxy(",".join(ran))
         return ran
                 return data
 def _do_template(self, data, preserve_trailing_newlines=True, escape_backslashes=True, fail_on_undefined=None, overrides=None):
     # For preserving the number of input newlines in the output (used
     # later in this method)
     data_newlines = _count_newlines_from_end(data)
     if fail_on_undefined is None:
         fail_on_undefined = self._fail_on_undefined_errors
         fail_on_undefined = self._fail_on_undefined_errors
         # allows template header overrides to change jinja2 options.
         if overrides is None:
             myenv = self.environment.overlay()
         # Get jinja env overrides from template