Exemplo n.º 1
 def select(self, selected, min_length, max_length):
     if not selected:
         # nothing selected, so choosing start node
         node = self.__graph.find_node_by_key(Symbols.START)
         # words have been selected, finding node for last selected word
         node = self.__graph.find_node_by_key(selected[len(selected)-1])
     iterator = node.randomized_iterator()
     next_node = iterator.next()
     next_word = next_node.key
     # calculates size of current mixture
     length = calculate_length(selected)
     if length >= max_length:
         if next_word is Symbols.END:
             # returning None if I have found an end node
             result = None
             # fails since I have not found a valid end node
             raise TextException("could not achieve valid ending: %s" % self.__join(selected))
     elif length >= min_length and next_node.has(Symbols.END):
         # I am past the min length and I can end.  so let's end.
         result = (next_word,)
     return result
Exemplo n.º 2
    def select(self, selected, min_length, max_length):
        if not selected:
            # nothing selected, so choosing start node
            node = self.__graph.find_node_by_key(Symbols.START)
            # words have been selected, finding node for last selected word
            node = self.__graph.find_node_by_key(selected[len(selected) - 1])

        iterator = node.randomized_iterator()
        next_node = iterator.next()
        next_word = next_node.key

        # calculates size of current mixture
        length = calculate_length(selected)

        if length >= max_length:
            if next_word is Symbols.END:
                # returning None if I have found an end node
                result = None
                # fails since I have not found a valid end node
                raise TextException("could not achieve valid ending: %s" %
        elif length >= min_length and next_node.has(Symbols.END):
            # I am past the min length and I can end.  so let's end.
            result = (next_word, )
        return result
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _speak(self, min_length, max_length):
        start_node = self.__graph.find_node_by_key(Symbols.START)
        if not start_node:
            raise IllegalStateException("Node '%s' not found" % Symbols.START)
        iterator = start_node.randomized_iterator()
        # initial cut will not allow duplicate words
        words = []
        for n, can_end in iterator:
            logging.debug("word: %s" % n)
            length = calculate_length(words)
            # if word has been used as an end and I am past min lenth, break
            # if (n.key is Symbols.END) and (length >= min_length):
            #     logging.debug("found end after min_length; breaking")
            #     break

            if can_end and (length >= min_length):
                logging.debug("found end after min_length; breaking")
            # breaks if we have reached max length
            if length >= max_length:
                raise TextException("could not achieve valid ending: %s" % self.__join(words))

            # TODO: backtrack and try to find ending

        return self.__join(words)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _speak(self, min_length, max_length):
        start_node = self.__graph.find_node_by_key(Symbols.START)
        if not start_node:
            raise IllegalStateException("Node '%s' not found" % Symbols.START)

        iterator = start_node.randomized_iterator()

        # initial cut will not allow duplicate words
        words = []
        for n, can_end in iterator:
            logging.debug("word: %s" % n)

            length = calculate_length(words)

            # if word has been used as an end and I am past min lenth, break
            # if (n.key is Symbols.END) and (length >= min_length):
            #     logging.debug("found end after min_length; breaking")
            #     break

            if can_end and (length >= min_length):
                logging.debug("found end after min_length; breaking")

            # breaks if we have reached max length
            if length >= max_length:
                raise TextException("could not achieve valid ending: %s" %

            # TODO: backtrack and try to find ending


        return self.__join(words)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def speak(self, min_length, max_length):
        iterator = SimpleTreeIterator(self.__tree)
        words = []
        current_node = None
        while iterator.has_next() and calculate_length(words) < max_length:
            current_node = iterator.next()

        # has last word been used to end a phrase?  if not, backtrack
        if not current_node.has("end"):

        return " ".join(words)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def speak(self, min_length, max_length):
     iterator = SimpleTreeIterator(self.__tree)
     words = []
     current_node = None
     while iterator.has_next() and calculate_length(words) < max_length:
         current_node = iterator.next()
     # has last word been used to end a phrase?  if not, backtrack
     if not current_node.has("end"):
     return " ".join(words)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def select_next(current_pair):
     pair_stats = self.__words_compiled.get(current_pair, None)
     next_word = None
     if pair_stats:
         # ends if we're past the min length and have END as a potential next word
         if (calculate_length(selected) > min_length) and \
             Symbols.END in pair_stats:
             next_word = None
             # don't end if we're not longer than min_length
             logging.debug("select_next %s %s" % (current_pair, str(pair_stats)))
             # stats were found for this pair
             # next_word = rrandom.select_weighted_with_replacement(pair_stats[1])
             next_word = random.choice(pair_stats[1])[0]
     if next_word is Symbols.END: next_word = None
     return (next_word,) if next_word else None
Exemplo n.º 8
        def select_next(current_pair):
            pair_stats = self.__words_compiled.get(current_pair, None)
            next_word = None
            if pair_stats:
                # ends if we're past the min length and have END as a potential next word
                if (calculate_length(selected) > min_length) and \
                    Symbols.END in pair_stats:
                    next_word = None
                    # don't end if we're not longer than min_length
                    logging.debug("select_next %s %s" %
                                  (current_pair, str(pair_stats)))

                    # stats were found for this pair
                    # next_word = rrandom.select_weighted_with_replacement(pair_stats[1])
                    next_word = random.choice(pair_stats[1])[0]

            if next_word is Symbols.END: next_word = None
            return (next_word, ) if next_word else None
Exemplo n.º 9
 def char_count(self):
     return calculate_length([w for w in self.__word_iterator()])
Exemplo n.º 10
 def char_count(self):
     return calculate_length([w for w in self.__word_iterator()])