def get_sms_verify_code(key): query = { 'mobile': g_patient_info['phone'], 'smsKey': 'ORDER_CODE', 'uniqProductKey': key, } return api.api_call(api_config.API_114_VERIFY_CODE, query)
def order_check(): post_content_map = { 'idCardNo': g_patient_info['idCardNo'], 'idCardType': g_patient_info['idCardType'], } post_content = bytes(json.dumps(post_content_map), encoding='utf-8') return api.api_call(api_config.API_114_ORDER, post_data=post_content)
def save_order(code, department, date, key, sms_code='', duty_time='0'): card = g_patient_info['cardList'][0] post_content_map = { 'hosCode': code, 'firstDeptCode': department['firstDeptCode'], 'secondDeptCode': department['secondDeptCode'], 'treatmentDay': date, 'uniqProductKey': key, 'cardType': card['cardType'], 'cardNo': card['cardNo'], 'smsCode': sms_code, 'jytCardId': '', 'hospitalCardId': '', 'phone': g_patient_info['phone'], 'dutyTime': duty_time, } if g_topic_key is not None and len(str(g_topic_key).split('-')) > 1: post_content_map['orderFrom'] = str(g_topic_key).split('-')[1] post_content = bytes(json.dumps(post_content_map), encoding='utf-8') resp = api.api_call(api_config.API_114_ORDER_SAVE, post_data=post_content) if api.is_success_response(resp): data = resp['data'] if isinstance(data, dict) and 'orderNo' in data: order_no = data['orderNo'] print(f'预约成功,订单号 {order_no}') order_detail(code, order_no) else: msg = resp['msg'] notification_util.show_notification('预约失败', msg) print(f'提交预约单失败 : {msg}')
def remove_all_ips(self): if not self.require("real_id"): return errors.throw(errors.BACKEND_INVALID_INPUT) # vps IP addresses ac = api.api_call("vm_ips", { 'vps_id': self.vps_id }) ret = ac.execute() if ret != errors.ERR_SUCCESS: return ret # remove IPs from iptables try: ips = ac.output()[0]['ip'] # loop through IPs and remove for ip in ips: iptables.delete_rule( "PANENTHE_BW", "-d %s" % ip, self.do_execute ) iptables.delete_rule( "PANENTHE_BW", "-s %s" % ip, self.do_execute ) except (IndexError, KeyError): pass # save rules srv = self.get_server() error =, srv.get_remote_distro()) if error != errors.ERR_SUCCESS: return error
def order_detail(code, order_no): query = { 'orderNo': order_no, 'hosCode': code, } resp = api.api_call(api_config.API_114_ORDER_DETAIL, query) if api.is_success_response(resp): print(resp)
def get_hospital_list(keywords): query = { 'keywords': keywords, 'sortType': 'COMPREHENSIVE', 'areaId': 0, 'pageNo': 1, 'pageSize': 15, } return api.api_call(api_config.API_114_HOSPITAL_LIST, query)
def get_department_duty_list(topic_key, hospital_code, department): post_content_map = { 'hosCode': hospital_code, 'firstDeptCode': department['firstDeptCode'], 'secondDeptCode': department['secondDeptCode'], } if topic_key is not None: post_content_map['topic_key'] = topic_key post_content = bytes(json.dumps(post_content_map), encoding='utf-8') return api.api_call(api_config.API_114_DEP_LIST, post_data=post_content)
def check_save_order(code, department, date, key, sms_code='', duty_time='0'): if len(g_patient_info) == 0 or g_patient_info['cardList'] is None or len( g_patient_info['cardList']) == 0: print('无就诊卡相关信息') return False card = g_patient_info['cardList'][0] post_content_map = { 'hosCode': code, 'firstDeptCode': department['firstDeptCode'], 'secondDeptCode': department['secondDeptCode'], 'treatmentDay': date, 'uniqProductKey': key, 'cardType': card['cardType'], 'cardNo': card['cardNo'], 'smsCode': sms_code, 'jytCardId': '', 'hospitalCardId': '', 'phone': g_patient_info['phone'], 'dutyTime': duty_time } post_content = bytes(json.dumps(post_content_map), encoding='utf-8') resp = api.api_call(api_config.API_114_ORDER_SAVE_CHECK, post_data=post_content) if api.is_success_response(resp): data = resp['data'] if isinstance(data, dict): if 'state' in data: state = data['state'] if state == 'OK' or state == 'NEED_CONFIRM': save_order(code, department, date, key, sms_code, duty_time) return True elif state == 'TOAST': msg = data['msg'] if '请重新选择就诊时段' == msg: print('需要重新选择就诊时段') resp = get_department_day_duty_detail( date, g_topic_key, code, department) duty_detail = parse_department_day_duty_info( code_name_map[code], resp) if 'period' in duty_detail: period = duty_detail['period'] if isinstance(period, dict): period_duty_time = period['dutyTime'] print(f'新的就诊时段 {period_duty_time}') check_save_order(code, department, date, key, period_duty_time) elif isinstance(period, list): for period_item in period: period_duty_time = period_item['dutyTime'] print(f'新的就诊时段 {period_duty_time}') check_save_order(code, department, date, key, period_duty_time) break
def get_department_day_duty_detail(date, topic_key, hospital_code, department): post_content_map = { 'hosCode': hospital_code, 'firstDeptCode': department['firstDeptCode'], 'secondDeptCode': department['secondDeptCode'], 'target': date, # 'topicKey': topic_key, } if topic_key is not None: post_content_map['topicKey'] = topic_key post_content = bytes(json.dumps(post_content_map), encoding='utf-8') return api.api_call(api_config.API_114_DETAIL, post_data=post_content)
def get_hospital_department_list(hos_code): global department_name_code_map target_department = api.config_dict[DEPARTMENT] query = { 'hosCode': hos_code, } rsp = api.api_call(api_config.API_114_HOSPITAL_DEPARTMENT_LIST, query) if api.is_success_response(rsp): rsp_data = rsp['data'] if isinstance(rsp_data, dict) and 'list' in rsp_data: depart_list = rsp_data['list'] if isinstance(depart_list, list): for department_info in depart_list: if isinstance(department_info, dict): department_code = department_info['code'] department_name_code_map[ department_code] = department_info if len(department_name_code_map) > 0: for key in department_name_code_map: info = department_name_code_map[key] dep_name = info['name'] dep_1_code = info['code'] dep_2_code = '' sub_list = info['subList'] if isinstance(sub_list, list): if len(sub_list) == 1: dep_2_code = sub_list[0]['code'] for sub in sub_list: sub_name = sub['name'] sub_dep_1_code = sub['dept1Code'] sub_dep_2_code = sub['code'] print(f'{sub_name} {sub_dep_1_code} {sub_dep_2_code}') if len(str(target_department)) > 0 and str( sub_name).__contains__(target_department): if loop == 0: found = check_duty_and_register( hos_code, sub_dep_1_code, sub_dep_2_code) if not found: notification_util.show_notification( '是否可预约', '暂无可预约的号') else: repeat_timer = timer.RepeatingTimer( loop_query_delay, check_duty_and_register, args=[ hos_code, sub_dep_1_code, sub_dep_2_code ]) repeat_timer.start() return True print(f'{dep_name} {dep_1_code} {dep_2_code}') return False
def get_hospitals_by_area_and_topic(topic_key, area_id, keyword=''): global g_topic_key g_topic_key = topic_key query = { 'keywords': keyword, 'sortType': 'COMPREHENSIVE', 'areaId': area_id, 'pageNo': 1, 'pageSize': 15, } if topic_key is not None: query['topicKey'] = topic_key return api.api_call(api_config.API_114_HOSPITAL_TOPIC_LIST, query, post_data=None)
def fanyiApi(text): for vender in ['google', 'tencent', 'youdao', 'baidu']: try: print(colorful.bold | '{}:'.format(vender)) result = api_call('fanyi', { 'vender': vender, 'q': text, 'from': 'ja', 'to': 'zh' }) for s in result: for s in filter(lambda x: x != '', s.split('。')): print(' ' + s + '。') print() except Exception as e: printException(e)
def register_confirm(key, date, topic_key, hospital_code, department, duty_time='0'): post_content_map = { 'hosCode': hospital_code, 'firstDeptCode': department['firstDeptCode'], 'secondDeptCode': department['secondDeptCode'], 'target': date, # 'topicKey': topic_key, 'uniqProductKey': key, 'dutyTime': duty_time } if topic_key is not None: post_content_map['topicKey'] = topic_key post_content = bytes(json.dumps(post_content_map), encoding='utf-8') return api.api_call(api_config.API_114_CONFIRM, post_data=post_content)
def cron_daily(self): self.require_remote() # get VMs ac = api.api_call("server_vms", { 'server_id': self.get_server_id() }) ret = ac.execute() if ret != errors.ERR_SUCCESS: return ret result = ac.output() # get backend from backend import backend # update stats on each VPS for vps in result: vps['server'] = self.remote_server backend.execute("vpsctl", "usage_bandwidth", str(vps)) # we return here because this is never called by the cron directly... # the cron is actually called by cron_daily() of masterctl return errors.throw(errors.ERR_SUCCESS)
def get_patient_list(): global g_patient_info resp = api.api_call(api_config.API_114_PATIENT_LIST) if api.is_success_response(resp): data = resp['data'] if isinstance(data, dict): count = data['count'] if count == 0: print('需要添加就诊卡信息') return None patient_list = data['list'] if isinstance(patient_list, list): for patient in patient_list: if isinstance(patient, dict): if patient['patientName'] == api.config_dict['name']: card_list = patient['cardList'] if isinstance(card_list, list): for card in card_list: card_type = card['cardTypeView'] card_no = card['cardNo'] print(f'{card_type} {card_no}') g_patient_info = patient return patient
def cron_daily(self): # get servers ac = api.api_call("server_list", {}) ret = ac.execute() if ret != errors.ERR_SUCCESS: return ret servers = ac.output() # loop servers for remote_server_dict in servers: # nothing update on master if remote_server_dict["parent_server_id"] == 0: continue # master server_dict = self.get_dict() # slave server_dict["remote_server"] = remote_server_dict # call its cron_daily command server_obj = server(server_dict) ret = server_obj.cron_daily() if ret != errors.ERR_SUCCESS: return ret
def initialize_bw(self): self.require_remote() # sanity (of which I have none) self.cleanup_bw() # create chains (exit_code,_,_) = iptables.add_chain("PANENTHE_BW", self.do_execute) if exit_code != 0: return errors.throw(errors.SERVER_IPTABLES) # create rule for INPUT table (exit_code,_,_) = iptables.insert_rule( "INPUT", "-j PANENTHE_BW", self.do_execute ) if exit_code != 0: return errors.throw(errors.SERVER_IPTABLES) # create rule for FORWARD table (exit_code,_,_) = iptables.insert_rule( "FORWARD", "-j PANENTHE_BW", self.do_execute ) if exit_code != 0: return errors.throw(errors.SERVER_IPTABLES) # create rule for OUTPUT table (exit_code,_,_) = iptables.insert_rule( "OUTPUT", "-j PANENTHE_BW", self.do_execute ) if exit_code != 0: return errors.throw(errors.SERVER_IPTABLES) # server IP addresses ac = api.api_call("server_ips", { 'server_id': self.get_server_id() }) ret = ac.execute() if ret != errors.ERR_SUCCESS: return ret result = ac.output() # use IPs try: result[0] result[0]['ip'] ips = result[0]['ip'] # loop through IPs for ip in ips: iptables.add_rule("PANENTHE_BW", "-d %s" % ip, self.do_execute) iptables.add_rule("PANENTHE_BW", "-s %s" % ip, self.do_execute) # there might not be any IPs yet except (IndexError, KeyError): pass # save iptables rules error =, self.get_remote_distro()) return error
def get_hospital_detail(hos_code): query = { 'hosCode': hos_code, } return api.api_call(api_config.API_114_HOSPITAL_DETAIL, query)
import copy import sys import urllib ## import glob import errors from backend import backend from execute import * import api import vps # get server list ac = api.api_call("server_list", {}) ret = ac.execute() if ret != errors.ERR_SUCCESS: sys.exit(1) servers = ac.output() # for each server, call bandwidth initialize for server in servers: # get the dictionary server_text = urllib.unquote(str(server)).replace("+", " ") server_dict = eval(server_text) server_dict['remote_server'] = copy.copy(server_dict) server_text = str(server_dict) # create bandwidth cron on master, and that's all if server['parent_server_id'] == 0:
def usage_bandwidth(self): if not self.require("real_id"): return errors.throw(errors.BACKEND_INVALID_INPUT) # vps IP addresses ac = api.api_call("vm_get_info", { 'vps_id': self.vps_id }) ret = ac.execute() if ret != errors.ERR_SUCCESS: return ret result = ac.output() # check output try: self.ips = result[0]['ip'] # error with output except IndexError: return errors.throw(errors.BACKEND_ERR_UNKNOWN) # no IPs associated with it, so nothing to update except KeyError: return errors.throw(errors.ERR_SUCCESS) # get IP stats total_destination = 0 total_source = 0 for ip in self.ips: (exit_code,stdout,_) = self.do_execute( "%s -nvxL PANENTHE_BW | /usr/bin/env grep \"%s\" | " % ( glob.config.get("paths", "iptables"), ip ) + "/usr/bin/env sed -r \"s/[ ]+/ /g\"" ) for line in stdout: data = line.split(" ") # 2 is bytes, 7 is source IP, 8 is destination IP if data[7] == "" and data[8] != "": total_destination += int(data[2]) elif data[8] == "" and data[7] != "": total_source += int(data[2]) # update PHP (php_exit_code,_,_) = php.db_update( "vps_stats", "update_bandwidth", str(self.server['server_id']), str(self.vps_id), str(total_destination), str(total_source) ) # php exit code if php_exit_code != 0: return php_exit_codes.translate(php_exit_code) # set up iptables for the rules since PHP was updated successfully for ip in self.ips: # add #1 (exit_code,_,_) = iptables.add_rule( "PANENTHE_BW", "-d %s" % ip, self.do_execute ) if exit_code != 0: return errors.throw(errors.SERVER_IPTABLES) # add #2 (exit_code,_,_) = iptables.add_rule( "PANENTHE_BW", "-s %s" % ip, self.do_execute ) if exit_code != 0: return errors.throw(errors.SERVER_IPTABLES) return errors.throw(errors.ERR_SUCCESS)