Exemplo n.º 1
def article_edit():
    if request.method == 'GET':
        getdata = request.args
        data = Crud.get_data_by_id(Article, getdata["id"])
        article_data = object_to_dict(data)
        tags = Crud.search_data(TagRelation,and_(TagRelation.relation_id==getdata["id"] , TagRelation.tag_type == 2),'create_time')
        if tags:
            article_data['tags'] = [v.tag_id for v in tags]
        return {"code": 1, "data": article_data}
    elif request.method == "PUT":
        data = request.form
        form = ArticleForm(data)
        if form.validate():
            tags = Crud.search_data(TagRelation,and_(TagRelation.relation_id==data["id"] , TagRelation.tag_type == 2),'create_time')
            if tags:
                del_tags = Crud.clean_all(tags)
            result = Crud.update(Article,data)
            # 如果有标签信息,根据产品的id和标签ID保存关联的标签数据
            if data['tags']:
                tags = data['tags'].split(',') 
                tag_data = [TagRelation(
                    tag_type = 2,
                    relation_id = data["id"],
                    tag_id =v
                ) for v in tags]
            if result:
                op_log("修改文章 #%s" %  data["id"])
                return {"code": 1, "msg": '修改成功'}
            return {"code": 0, "msg": '修改失败,系统错误'} 
        return {"code": 0, "msg": form.get_errors()}
Exemplo n.º 2
def article(nav_id=None, id=None):
    rule = str(request.path)
    if id == None or nav_id == None:
        return redirect(url_for('home.index'))
    if ('search' in request.args) and (request.args['search']):
        search = request.args['search']
        return redirect(url_for('home.articles', nav_id=nav_id, search=search))
    article_detail = Crud.get_data_by_id(Article, id)
    if not article_detail.click:
        article_detail.click = 0
    if rule in CLICKS_COUNT:
        article_detail.click = int(article_detail.click) + int(
        article_detail.click = int(article_detail.click) + 1
    # 如果进行了非法操作
    if article_detail.column_id != nav_id:
        return redirect(url_for('home.index'))
    keywords = ','.join([v.name for v in article_detail.tags])

    seo_data.keywords = keywords
    seo_data.description = article_detail.description
    seo_data.title = article_detail.title
    return render_template(
Exemplo n.º 3
def reptile_get():
    getdata = request.args
    reptile_request = Crud.get_data_by_id(ReptileRequest, getdata['id'])
    urls = []  #处理为数组,接受多页查询
    if reptile_request.begin_page and reptile_request.end_page:  #有起止页面
        urls = [
            reptile_request.url.replace("{}", str(v))
            for v in range(int(reptile_request.begin_page),
                           int(reptile_request.end_page) + 1)
    content_obj = {
        'content_name': reptile_request.content_name,
        'content_info': reptile_request.content_info,
        'content_main': reptile_request.content_main,
        'content_img': reptile_request.content_img,
    page_list, number = [], 0
    for url in urls:
        page_list.extend(getReptileList(url, reptile_request.dom))
    for content_url in page_list:
        number += 1
        print('-' * 40 + '开始爬第%d/%d个数据(%s)' %
              (number, len(page_list), content_url) + '-' * 40)
        count = ReptileList.query.filter(
            ReptileList.is_del == 0,
            getattr(ReptileList, 'url') == content_url).count()
        if count > 0:
            print('-' * 40 + '该数据已经被拿下' + '-' * 40)
        content = getReptileContent(content_url, content_obj)
        if 'content_name' not in content.keys(
        ) or 'content_main' not in content.keys():
        if 'content_img' in content.keys():
            if content['content_img']:
                content['content_img'] = downImage(
                    full_url(url, content['content_img']))
        content['request_id'] = getdata['id']
        content['url'] = content_url
        # reptile_obj = ReptileList(
        #     request_id=getdata['id'],
        #     url=content_url,
        #     content_name=content['content_name'],
        #     content_info=content.setdefault('content_info', ''),
        #     content_main=content['content_main'],
        #     content_img=content.setdefault('content_img', ''),
        # )
        Crud.add(ReptileList, content, 'url')
        print('-' * 40 + '第%d个数据已爬取成功' % (number) + '-' * 40)
    if number > 0:
        return {"code": 1, "msg": "已成功爬取" + str(number) + "个数据!"}
    return {"code": 0, "msg": "数据不存在或已经被爬过啦!"}
Exemplo n.º 4
def admin_reset():
    getdata = request.args
    data = Crud.get_data_by_id(Admin, getdata['id'])
    data.password = "******"
    result = Crud.easy_update(data)
    if result:
        return {"code": 1, "msg": "重置密码成功!"}
    return {"code": 0, "msg": '重置失败,系统错误'}
Exemplo n.º 5
def menu_edit():
    if request.method == 'GET':
        getdata = request.args
        data = Crud.get_data_by_id(Menu, getdata['id'])
        return jsonify({"code": 1, "data": object_to_dict(data)})
    elif request.method == "PUT":
        data = request.form
        form = MenuForm(data)
        if form.validate():
            result = Crud.update(Menu, data, 'name')
            if result:
                op_log("修改菜单#%s" % data["id"])
                return {"code": 1, "msg": "修改成功!"}
            return {"code": 0, "msg": "修改失败,系统错误或菜单已存在"}
        return {"code": 0, "msg": form.get_errors()}
Exemplo n.º 6
def auth_edit():
    if request.method == 'GET':
        getdata = request.args
        data = Crud.get_data_by_id(Auth, getdata["id"])
        return {"code": 1, "data": object_to_dict(data)}
    elif request.method == "PUT":
        data = request.form
        form = AuthForm(data)
        if form.validate():
            result = Crud.update(Auth, data, 'name')
            if result:
                op_log("修改权限 #%s" % data["id"])
                return {"code": 1, "msg": '修改成功'}
            return {"code": 0, "msg": '修改失败,系统错误或名称重复'}
        return {"code": 0, "msg": form.get_errors()}
Exemplo n.º 7
def adspace_edit():
    if request.method == 'GET':
        getdata = request.args
        data = Crud.get_data_by_id(Adspace, getdata['id'])
        return  {"code": 1, "data": object_to_dict(data)}
    elif request.method == "PUT":
        data = request.form
        form = AdspaceForm(data)
        if form.validate():
            result = Crud.update(Adspace,data,"name")
            if result:
                op_log("修改广告位#%s" %  data["id"])
                return {"code": 1, "msg": '修改成功'}
            return {"code": 0, "msg": '修改失败,系统错误或名称已存在'}    
        return {"code": 0, "msg": form.get_errors()}
Exemplo n.º 8
def reptile_edit():
    if request.method == 'GET':
        getdata = request.args
        data = Crud.get_data_by_id(ReptileRequest, getdata['id'])
        return jsonify({"code": 1, "data": object_to_dict(data)})
    elif request.method == "PUT":
        data = request.form
        form = ReptileForm(data)
        if form.validate():
            result = Crud.update(ReptileRequest, data, "name")
            if result:
                op_log("修改爬虫任务#%s" % data["id"])
                return {"code": 1, "msg": '修改成功'}
            return {"code": 0, "msg": '修改失败,系统错误或名称已存在'}
        return {"code": 0, "msg": form.get_errors()}
Exemplo n.º 9
def conf_edit():
    if request.method == 'GET':
        getdata = request.args
        data = Crud.get_data_by_id(Conf, getdata['id'])
        conf_data = object_to_dict(data)
        return jsonify({"code": 1, "data":conf_data})
    elif request.method == "PUT":
        data = request.form
        form = ConfForm(data)
        if form.validate():
            result = Crud.update(Conf,data,"ename")
            if result:
                op_log("修改配置项#%s" %  data["id"])
                return {"code":1, "msg": '修改成功'}
            return {"code":0, "msg": '修改失败,系统错误或调用名已存在'}
        return {"code": 0, "msg": form.get_errors()}
Exemplo n.º 10
def admin_edit():
    if request.method == 'GET':
        getdata = request.args
        data = Crud.get_data_by_id(Admin, getdata['id'])
        return {
            "code": 1,
            "id": data.id,
            "role_id": data.role_id,
            "username": data.username
    elif request.method == "PUT":
        data = request.form
        result = Crud.update(Admin, data)
        if result:
            op_log("修改管理员角色#%s" % data["id"])
            return {"code": 1, "msg": '修改成功'}
        return {"code": 0, "msg": '修改失败,系统错误或管理员已存在'}
Exemplo n.º 11
def product(nav_id=None, id=None):
    rule = str(request.path)
    if id == None or nav_id == None:
        return redirect(url_for('home.index'))
    if ('search' in request.args) and (request.args['search']):
        search = request.args['search']
        return redirect(url_for('home.products', nav_id=nav_id, search=search))
    product_detail = Crud.get_data_by_id(Product, id)
    if not product_detail.click:
        product_detail.click = 0
    if rule in CLICKS_COUNT:
        product_detail.click = int(product_detail.click) + int(
        product_detail.click = int(product_detail.click) + 1
    # 如果进行了非法操作
    if product_detail.column_id != nav_id:
        return redirect(url_for('home.index'))
    similar_products = Crud.search_data(
        and_(Product.column_id == product_detail.column_id,
             Product.relation_id == product_detail.relation_id),
        Product.sort.desc(), 9)
    keywords = ','.join([v.name for v in product_detail.tags])
    pictures = product_detail.pictures.split(',')
    product_data = object_to_dict(product_detail)
    product_data['pictures'] = pictures
    seo_data.keywords = keywords
    seo_data.description = product_detail.description
    seo_data.title = product_detail.title
    return render_template("home/product.html",
Exemplo n.º 12
def role_edit():
    if request.method == 'GET':
        getdata = request.args
        if int(getdata["id"]) == 1:
            return {"code": 0, "msg": "超级管理员不能修改!"}
        data = Crud.get_data_by_id(Role, getdata["id"])
        # auth_list = list(map(lambda v:int(v),(data.auths).split(",")))
        auth_list = (data.auths).split(",")
        role_data = {"name": data.name,"id":data.id, "auths": auth_list}
        return {"code": 1, "data": role_data}
    elif request.method == "PUT":
        data = request.form
        form = RoleForm(data)
        if form.validate():
            result = Crud.update(Role,data,'name')
            if result:
                op_log("修改角色 #%s" %  data["id"])
                return {"code": 1, "msg": '修改成功'}
            return {"code": 0, "msg": '修改失败,系统错误或名称已存在'}
        return {"code": 0, "msg": form.get_errors()}
Exemplo n.º 13
def reptile_preview():
    getdata = request.args
    data = Crud.get_data_by_id(ReptileList, getdata['id'])
    return {"code": 1, "data": object_to_dict(data)}