Exemplo n.º 1
def list_peering_partners(request):
    q = """
        MATCH (peer:Peering_Partner)
        OPTIONAL MATCH (peer)-[:Uses]->(peering_group)
        WITH distinct peer, peering_group
        RETURN peer, collect(peering_group) as peering_groups
        ORDER BY peer.name

    partner_list = nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager, q)
    partner_list = _filter_expired(partner_list,
                                   select=lambda n: n.get('peer'))
    urls = get_node_urls(partner_list)

    table = Table('Peering Partner', 'AS Number', 'Peering Groups')
    table.rows = [
        _peering_partner_table(item['peer'], item['peering_groups'])
        for item in partner_list
    _set_filters_expired(table, request)

    return render(request, 'noclook/list/list_generic.html', {
        'table': table,
        'name': 'Peering Partners',
        'urls': urls
Exemplo n.º 2
def list_optical_multiplex_section(request):
    q = """
        MATCH (oms:Optical_Multiplex_Section)
        OPTIONAL MATCH (oms)-[r:Depends_on]->(dep)
        RETURN oms, collect(dep) as dependencies

    oms_list = nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager, q)
    oms_list = _filter_operational_state(oms_list,
                                         select=lambda n: n.get('oms'))

    urls = get_node_urls(oms_list)

    table = Table("Optical Multiplex Section", "Description", "Depends on")
    table.rows = [
        _oms_table(item['oms'], item['dependencies']) for item in oms_list
    _set_filters_operational_state(table, request)

    return render(request, 'noclook/list/list_generic.html', {
        'table': table,
        'name': 'Optical Multiplex Sections',
        'urls': urls
Exemplo n.º 3
def list_hosts(request):
    q = """
        MATCH (host:Host)
        OPTIONAL MATCH (host)<-[:Owns|Uses]-(user)
        RETURN host, collect(user) as users
        ORDER BY host.name

    host_list = nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager, q)
    host_list = _filter_expired(host_list,
                                select=lambda n: n.get('host'))
    host_list = _filter_operational_state(host_list,
                                          select=lambda n: n.get('host'))
    urls = get_node_urls(host_list)

    table = Table('Host', 'Address', 'OS', 'OS version', 'User')
    table.rows = [
        _host_table(item['host'], item['users']) for item in host_list
    _set_filters_expired(table, request)
    _set_filters_operational_state(table, request)

    return render(request, 'noclook/list/list_generic.html', {
        'table': table,
        'name': 'Hosts',
        'urls': urls
Exemplo n.º 4
def list_switches(request):
    q = """
        MATCH (switch:Switch)
        OPTIONAL MATCH (switch)<-[:Owns|Uses]-(user)
        RETURN switch, collect(user) as users
        ORDER BY switch.name

    switch_list = nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager, q)
    switch_list = _filter_expired(switch_list,
                                  select=lambda n: n.get('switch'))
    urls = get_node_urls(switch_list)

    table = Table('Switch', 'Model', 'Address', 'User')
    table.rows = [
        _switch_table(item['switch'], item['users']) for item in switch_list
    _set_filters_expired(table, request)

    return render(request, 'noclook/list/list_generic.html', {
        'name': 'Switches',
        'table': table,
        'urls': urls
Exemplo n.º 5
def list_by_type(request, slug):
    node_type = get_object_or_404(NodeType, slug=slug)
    q = """
        MATCH (node:%(nodetype)s)
        RETURN node
        ORDER BY node.name
        """ % {
        'nodetype': node_type.get_label()
    node_list = nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager, q)
    node_list = _filter_expired(node_list,
                                select=lambda n: n.get('node'))
    # Since all is the same type... we could use a defaultdict with type/id return
    urls = get_node_urls(node_list)

    table = Table('Name', 'Description')
    table.rows = [_type_table(node) for node in node_list]
    _set_filters_expired(table, request)

    return render(request, 'noclook/list/list_generic.html', {
        'table': table,
        'name': '{}s'.format(node_type),
        'urls': urls
Exemplo n.º 6
def role_detail(request, handle_id):
    role = get_object_or_404(Role, pk=handle_id)

    con_list = nc.models.RoleRelationship.get_contacts_with_role_name(
    urls = []
    rows = []

    for x, y in con_list:
        con_node = NodeHandle.objects.get(handle_id=x.data['handle_id'])
        org_node = NodeHandle.objects.get(handle_id=y.data['handle_id'])
        urls.append((con_node.get_absolute_url(), org_node.get_absolute_url()))
        rows.append(_contact_with_role_table(con_node, org_node))

    table = Table('Name', 'Organization')
    table.rows = rows
    table.no_badges = True

    return render(
        request, 'noclook/detail/role_detail.html', {
            'table': table,
            'name': role.name,
            'slug': 'role',
            'urls': urls,
            'node_handle': role
Exemplo n.º 7
def list_cables(request):
    # MK: not 100% sure this gives the correct end+port pairs
    # Due to the <-[:Has*1..10]
    q = """
        MATCH (cable:Cable)
        OPTIONAL MATCH (cable)-[r:Connected_to]->(port:Port)
        OPTIONAL MATCH (port)<-[:Has*1..10]-(end)
        WHERE NOT((end)<-[:Has]-())
        RETURN cable, collect({equipment: {name: end.name, handle_id: end.handle_id}, port: {name: port.name, handle_id: port.handle_id}}) as end order by cable.name
    cable_list = nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager, q)
    cable_list = _filter_expired(cable_list,
                                 select=lambda n: n.get('cable'))
    urls = get_node_urls(cable_list)

    table = Table('Name', 'Cable type', 'End equipment', 'Port')
    table.rows = [_cable_table(item) for item in cable_list]
    _set_filters_expired(table, request)

    return render(request, 'noclook/list/list_generic.html', {
        'table': table,
        'name': 'Cables',
        'urls': urls
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: list.py Projeto: emjemj/ni
def list_rooms(request):
    q = """
        MATCH (room:Room)
        RETURN room
        ORDER BY room.name

    room_list = nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager, q)
    urls = get_node_urls(room_list)

    table = Table('Name', 'Location')
    for item in room_list:
        room = item.get('room')
        nh = get_object_or_404(NodeHandle, pk=room.get('handle_id'))
        node = nh.get_node()
        location_path = node.get_location_path()
            TableRow(item['room'], location_path.get('location_path')))

    table.no_badges = True

    return render(request, 'noclook/list/list_generic.html', {
        'table': table,
        'name': 'Rooms',
        'urls': urls
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: list.py Projeto: emjemj/ni
def list_pdu(request):
    q = """
        MATCH (pdu:PDU)
        RETURN pdu
        ORDER BY pdu.name

    pdu_list = nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager, q)
    pdu_list = _filter_expired(pdu_list,
                               select=lambda n: n.get('pdu'))
    pdu_list = _filter_operational_state(pdu_list,
                                         select=lambda n: n.get('pdu'))
    urls = get_node_urls(pdu_list)

    table = Table('Name', 'Type', 'Description')
    table.rows = [_pdu_table(item['pdu']) for item in pdu_list]
    _set_filters_expired(table, request)
    _set_filters_operational_state(table, request)

    return render(request, 'noclook/list/list_generic.html', {
        'table': table,
        'name': 'PDUs',
        'urls': urls
Exemplo n.º 10
Arquivo: list.py Projeto: emjemj/ni
def list_racks(request):
    q = """
        MATCH (rack:Rack)
        OPTIONAL MATCH (rack)<-[:Has]-(loc)
        OPTIONAL MATCH p=(loc)<-[:Has*0..20]-()
        WITH COLLECT(nodes(p)) as paths, MAX(length(nodes(p))) AS maxLength, rack AS rack
        WITH FILTER(path IN paths WHERE length(path)=maxLength) AS longestPaths, rack AS rack
        UNWIND CASE WHEN longestPaths = [] THEN [null] ELSE longestPaths END as location_path
        RETURN rack, reverse(location_path) as location_path
        ORDER BY rack.name

    rack_list = nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager, q)
    urls = get_node_urls(rack_list)

    table = Table('Name', 'Location')
    table.no_badges = True

    for item in rack_list:
        rack = item.get('rack')
        location_path = item.get('location_path')
        table.rows.append(TableRow(rack, location_path))

    return render(request, 'noclook/list/list_generic.html', {
        'table': table,
        'name': 'Racks',
        'urls': urls
Exemplo n.º 11
Arquivo: list.py Projeto: emjemj/ni
def list_patch_panels(request):
    q = """
        MATCH (patch_panel:Patch_Panel)
        OPTIONAL MATCH (patch_panel)-[:Located_in]->(r)
        OPTIONAL MATCH p=()-[:Has*0..20]->(r)
        WITH COLLECT(nodes(p)) as paths, MAX(length(nodes(p))) AS maxLength, patch_panel
        WITH FILTER(path IN paths WHERE length(path)=maxLength) AS longestPaths, patch_panel AS patch_panel
        UNWIND CASE WHEN longestPaths = [] THEN [null] ELSE longestPaths END as location_path
        RETURN patch_panel, location_path
        ORDER BY patch_panel.name
    patch_panel_list = nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager, q)
    patch_panel_list = _filter_operational_state(
        patch_panel_list, request, select=lambda n: n.get('patch_panel'))
    urls = get_node_urls(patch_panel_list)

    table = Table("Name", "Location")
    table.rows = [_patch_panel_table(item) for item in patch_panel_list]
    # Filter out
    _set_filters_operational_state(table, request)

    return render(request, 'noclook/list/list_generic.html', {
        'table': table,
        'name': 'Patch Panels',
        'urls': urls
Exemplo n.º 12
def list_optical_links(request):
    # TODO: returns [None,None] and [node, None]
    #   tried to use [:Has *0-1] path matching but that gave "duplicate paths"
    q = """
        MATCH (link:Optical_Link)
        OPTIONAL MATCH (link)-[:Depends_on]->(node)
        OPTIONAL MATCH p=(node)<-[:Has]-(parent)
        RETURN link as link, collect([node, parent]) as dependencies
    optical_link_list = nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager, q)
    optical_link_list = _filter_operational_state(
        optical_link_list, request, select=lambda n: n.get('link'))
    table = Table('Optical Link', 'Type', 'Description', 'Depends on')
    table.rows = [
        _optical_link_table(item['link'], item['dependencies'])
        for item in optical_link_list
    _set_filters_operational_state(table, request)

    urls = get_node_urls(optical_link_list)
    return render(request, 'noclook/list/list_generic.html', {
        'table': table,
        'name': 'Optical Links',
        'urls': urls
Exemplo n.º 13
def list_firewalls(request):
    q = """
        MATCH (firewall:Firewall)
        OPTIONAL MATCH (firewall)<-[:Owns|Uses]-(user)
        RETURN firewall, collect(user) as users
        ORDER BY firewall.name

    firewall_list = nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager, q)
    firewall_list = _filter_expired(firewall_list,
                                    select=lambda n: n.get('firewall'))
    urls = get_node_urls(firewall_list)

    table = Table('Firewall', 'Model', 'Address', 'User')
    table.rows = [
        _switch_table(item['firewall'], item['users'])
        for item in firewall_list
    _set_filters_expired(table, request)

    return render(request, 'noclook/list/list_generic.html', {
        'name': 'Firewalls',
        'table': table,
        'urls': urls
Exemplo n.º 14
Arquivo: list.py Projeto: SUNET/ni
def list_roles(request):
    role_list = Role.objects.all()

    table = Table('Name', 'Description')
    table.rows = [_role_table(role) for role in role_list]
    table.no_badges = True

    return render(request, 'noclook/list/list_generic.html', {
        'table': table,
        'name': 'Roles',
        'urls': role_list
Exemplo n.º 15
def list_customers(request):
    q = """
        MATCH (customer:Customer)
        RETURN customer
        ORDER BY customer.name
    customer_list = nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager, q)
    urls = get_node_urls(customer_list)

    table = Table('Name', 'Description')
    table.rows = [_customer_table(customer) for customer in customer_list]
    table.no_badges = True

    return render(request, 'noclook/list/list_generic.html', {
        'table': table,
        'name': 'Customers',
        'urls': urls
Exemplo n.º 16
def room_detail(request, handle_id):
    nh = get_object_or_404(NodeHandle, pk=handle_id)
    # Get node from neo4j-database
    room = nh.get_node()
    last_seen, expired = helpers.neo4j_data_age(room.data)
    relations = room.get_relations()

    # Direct equipment (aka not racked)
    equipment_relationships = _nodes_without(
        room.get_located_in().get('Located_in', []), 'operational_state',

    # Racked equipment
    q = """
    MATCH (room:Room {handle_id: {handle_id}})-[:Has]->(rack:Node)
    OPTIONAL MATCH (rack)<-[:Located_in]-(item:Node)
    WHERE NOT item.operational_state IN ['Decommissioned'] OR NOT exists(item.operational_state)
    RETURN rack, item order by toLower(rack.name), toLower(item.name)
    rack_list = nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager, q, handle_id=nh.handle_id)

    # Create racked equipment table
    racks_table = Table('Rack', 'Equipment')
    racks_table.rows = [
        TableRow(r.get('rack'), r.get('item')) for r in rack_list

    location_path = room.get_location_path()

    urls = helpers.get_node_urls(room, equipment_relationships, relations,
    return render(
        request, 'noclook/detail/room_detail.html', {
            'node_handle': nh,
            'node': room,
            'last_seen': last_seen,
            'expired': expired,
            'equipment_relationships': equipment_relationships,
            'relations': relations,
            'racks_table': racks_table,
            'history': True,
            'urls': urls,
            'location_path': location_path,
Exemplo n.º 17
def list_sites(request):
    q = """
        MATCH (site:Site)
        RETURN site
        ORDER BY site.country_code, site.name

    site_list = nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager, q)
    urls = get_node_urls(site_list)

    table = Table('Country', 'Site name', 'Area')
    table.rows = [_site_table(item['site']) for item in site_list]
    table.no_badges = True

    return render(request, 'noclook/list/list_generic.html', {
        'table': table,
        'name': 'Sites',
        'urls': urls
Exemplo n.º 18
Arquivo: list.py Projeto: SUNET/ni
def list_contacts(request):
    q = """
        MATCH (con:Contact)
        OPTIONAL MATCH (con)-[:Works_for]->(org:Organization)
        RETURN con.handle_id AS con_handle_id, con, count(DISTINCT org), org

    con_list = nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager, q)
    contact_list = {}

    for row in con_list:
        con_handle_id = row['con_handle_id']
        org_list = []

        if con_handle_id in contact_list.keys():
            org_list = contact_list[con_handle_id]['org_list']

        new_org_name = ''
        if 'org' in row and row['org']:
            new_org_name = row['org'].get('name', '')


        contact_list[con_handle_id] = {
            'con': row['con'],
            'org_list': org_list,
            'org': ', '.join(org_list)

    con_list = contact_list.values()
    urls = get_node_urls(con_list)

    table = Table('Name', 'Organization')
    table.rows = [
        _contact_table(item['con'], item['org']) for item in con_list
    table.no_badges = True

    return render(request, 'noclook/list/list_generic.html', {
        'table': table,
        'name': 'Contacts',
        'urls': urls
Exemplo n.º 19
def list_racks(request):
    q = """
        MATCH (rack:Rack)
        OPTIONAL MATCH (rack)<-[:Has]-(site)
        RETURN rack, site
        ORDER BY site.name, rack.name

    rack_list = nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager, q)
    urls = get_node_urls(rack_list)

    table = Table('Site', 'Name')
    table.rows = [TableRow(item['site'], item['rack']) for item in rack_list]
    table.no_badges = True

    return render(request, 'noclook/list/list_generic.html', {
        'table': table,
        'name': 'Racks',
        'urls': urls
Exemplo n.º 20
def list_ports(request):
    q = """
        MATCH (port:Port)
        OPTIONAL MATCH (port)<-[:Has]-(parent:Node)
        RETURN port, collect(parent) as parent order by toLower(port.name)
    port_list = nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager, q)
    port_list = _filter_expired(port_list,
                                select=lambda n: n.get('port'))
    urls = get_node_urls(port_list)

    table = Table('Name', 'Description', 'Equipment')
    table.rows = [_port_row(item) for item in port_list]
    _set_filters_expired(table, request)

    return render(request, 'noclook/list/list_generic.html', {
        'table': table,
        'name': 'Ports',
        'urls': urls
Exemplo n.º 21
Arquivo: list.py Projeto: emjemj/ni
def list_external_equipment(request):
    q = """
        MATCH (equipment:External_Equipment)
        OPTIONAL MATCH (equipment)<-[:Owns]-(owner:Node)
        RETURN equipment, owner
        ORDER BY equipment.name
    equipment_list = nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager, q)

    urls = get_node_urls(equipment_list)

    table = Table('Name', 'Description', 'Owner')
    table.rows = [
        _external_equipment_table(item['equipment'], item['owner'])
        for item in equipment_list

    return render(request, 'noclook/list/list_generic.html', {
        'table': table,
        'name': 'External Equipment',
        'urls': urls
Exemplo n.º 22
def list_routers(request):
    q = """
        MATCH (router:Router)
        RETURN router
        ORDER BY router.name

    router_list = nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager, q)
    router_list = _filter_expired(router_list,
                                  select=lambda n: n.get('router'))
    urls = get_node_urls(router_list)

    table = Table('Router', 'Model', 'JUNOS version', 'Operational state')
    table.rows = [_router_table(item['router']) for item in router_list]
    _set_filters_expired(table, request)

    return render(request, 'noclook/list/list_generic.html', {
        'table': table,
        'name': 'Routers',
        'urls': urls
Exemplo n.º 23
def list_optical_nodes(request):
    q = """
        MATCH (node:Optical_Node)
        RETURN node
        ORDER BY node.name

    optical_node_list = nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager, q)
    optical_node_list = _filter_operational_state(
        optical_node_list, request, select=lambda n: n.get('node'))
    urls = get_node_urls(optical_node_list)

    table = Table('Name', 'Type', 'Link', 'OTS')
    table.rows = [
        _optical_nodes_table(item['node']) for item in optical_node_list
    _set_filters_operational_state(table, request)
    return render(request, 'noclook/list/list_generic.html', {
        'table': table,
        'name': 'Optical Nodes',
        'urls': urls
Exemplo n.º 24
Arquivo: list.py Projeto: SUNET/ni
def list_organizations(request):
    q = """
        MATCH (org:Organization)
        OPTIONAL MATCH (parent_org)-[:Parent_of]->(org:Organization)
        RETURN org, parent_org
        ORDER BY org.name

    org_list = nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager, q)
    urls = get_node_urls(org_list)

    table = Table('Name', 'Parent Org.')
    table.rows = []
    orgs_dict = {}

    for item in org_list:
        org = item['org']
        parent_org = item['parent_org']
        org_handle_id = org.get('handle_id')

        if org_handle_id not in orgs_dict:
            orgs_dict[org_handle_id] = {'org': org, 'parent_orgs': []}

        if item['parent_org']:

    for org_dict in orgs_dict.values():
            _organization_table(org_dict['org'], org_dict['parent_orgs']))

    table.no_badges = True

    return render(request, 'noclook/list/list_generic.html', {
        'table': table,
        'name': 'Organizations',
        'urls': urls
Exemplo n.º 25
def list_services(request, service_class=None):
    where_statement = ''
    name = 'Services'
    if service_class:
        where_statement = 'WHERE service.service_class = "%s"' % service_class
        name = '{} Services'.format(service_class)
    q = """
        MATCH (service:Service)
        OPTIONAL MATCH (service)<-[:Uses]-(customer:Customer)
        WITH service, COLLECT(customer) as customers
        OPTIONAL MATCH (service)<-[:Uses]-(end_user:End_User)
        RETURN service, customers, COLLECT(end_user) as end_users
        ORDER BY service.name
        """ % where_statement

    service_list = nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager, q)
    service_list = _filter_operational_state(service_list,
                                             select=lambda n: n.get('service'))
    urls = get_node_urls(service_list)

    table = Table('Service', 'Service Class', 'Service Type', 'Description',
                  'Customers', 'End Users')
    table.rows = [
        _service_table(item['service'], item['customers'], item['end_users'])
        for item in service_list

    _set_filters_operational_state(table, request)

    return render(request, 'noclook/list/list_generic.html', {
        'table': table,
        'name': name,
        'urls': urls
Exemplo n.º 26
def list_optical_paths(request):
    q = """
        MATCH (path:Optical_Path)
        RETURN path
        ORDER BY path.name

    optical_path_list = nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager, q)
    optical_path_list = _filter_operational_state(
        optical_path_list, request, select=lambda n: n.get('path'))
    urls = get_node_urls(optical_path_list)

    table = Table('Optical Path', 'Framing', 'Capacity', 'Wavelength',
                  'Description', 'ENRs')
    table.rows = [
        _optical_path_table(item['path']) for item in optical_path_list
    _set_filters_operational_state(table, request)

    return render(request, 'noclook/list/list_generic.html', {
        'table': table,
        'name': 'Optical Paths',
        'urls': urls
Exemplo n.º 27
def list_odfs(request):
    q = """
        MATCH (odf:ODF)
        OPTIONAL MATCH (odf)-[:Located_in]->(location)
        OPTIONAL MATCH (location)<-[:Has]-(site)
        RETURN odf, location, site
        ORDER BY site.name, location.name, odf.name
    odf_list = nc.query_to_list(nc.graphdb.manager, q)
    odf_list = _filter_operational_state(odf_list,
                                         select=lambda n: n.get('odf'))
    urls = get_node_urls(odf_list)

    table = Table("Location", "Name")
    table.rows = [_odf_table(item) for item in odf_list]
    # Filter out
    _set_filters_operational_state(table, request)

    return render(request, 'noclook/list/list_generic.html', {
        'table': table,
        'name': 'ODFs',
        'urls': urls