Exemplo n.º 1
def get_cell_size_bottom_corner(DTM):

    # Determine cell size
    describe_elevation = arcpy.Describe(DTM)
    cell_size = describe_elevation.meanCellHeight
    arcpy.AddMessage("The model is working on a cell size of " +
                     str(cell_size) + " metres")

    # The below text takes the input raster and calculates the bottom left corner
    extent_xmin_result = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(DTM, "LEFT")
    extent_xmin = float(extent_xmin_result.getOutput(0))
    extent_ymin_result = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(DTM, "BOTTOM")
    extent_ymin = float(extent_ymin_result.getOutput(0))

    # Turns the corner into a point
    bottom_left_corner = arcpy.Point(extent_xmin, extent_ymin)
    arcpy.AddMessage("Calculated the bottom left corner of the input raster")

    return cell_size, bottom_left_corner
Exemplo n.º 2
def InvertRaster(habLayer, costSurf):
    # Convert Habitat model to cost surface
        arcpy.AddMessage("Inverting values in " + habLayer + "...")

    Habmax = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(habLayer,
    Habmin = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(habLayer,
    ##    invHab =  "in_memory\\inv_hab"
    ##    plusHab = "in_memory\\plus_hab"
    invHab = arcpy.sa.Times(habLayer, -1)
    plusHab = arcpy.sa.Plus(invHab, float(Habmax) + float(Habmin))

    #ArcGIS may introduce negative values through rounding errors so this is
    #a crude way to correct the problem.

    Costmin = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(plusHab,
    if float(Costmin) < 0:
        if float(Costmin) < 0 and float(Costmin) > -.1:
                "The cost surface contains negative values. Rounding error assumed. Minimum Value will be truncated to zero..."
            plusHab = arcpy.sa.Con(plusHab, "0", plusHab, "Value < 0")
            string = 'Input contains negative values that cannot be attributed to rounding errors. Check inputs'
            roundError = 'Error'
            raise RoundError(string)

##    else:
##            if costSurf <> "":
##                    costSurf = plusHab.save(costSurf)
##            else:
##                    costSurf = plusHab

    return plusHab
 def get_total_disc_area(self):
     """Uses Q_disconnect map to create a list of cumulative stranded area as flows are reduced"""
     q_disc_ras = Raster(os.path.join(self.out_dir, "Q_disconnect.tif"))
     cell_size = float(
     disc_areas_dict = {}
     for Q in sorted(self.discharges, reverse=True):
         # cumulative disconnected area
         cum_disc_area = Con(q_disc_ras >= Q, 1)
         mat = arcpy.RasterToNumPyArray(cum_disc_area, nodata_to_value=0)
         disc_areas_dict[Q] = np.sum(mat) * (cell_size**2)
     return disc_areas_dict
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _get_cell_arc(_r):
        # Check if r is a Raster Layer
        isRaster = checkIfRstIsLayer(_r)

        lyr = rst_lyr(_r) if not isRaster else _r

        cellsizeX = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(
            lyr, "CELLSIZEX", "" if not bnd else bnd)

        cellsizeY = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(
            lyr, "CELLSIZEY", "" if not bnd else bnd)

        if xy:
            if str(cellsizeY) != str(cellsizeX):
                raise ValueError(
                    ('Cellsize is not the same in both dimensions (x, y)'))

                return int(str(cellsizeX))

            return int(str(cellsizeX)), int(str(cellsizeY))
Exemplo n.º 5
def normalize_raster(in_raster, normalization_method=NM_MAX, invert=False):
    """Normalize values in in_raster.

    Normalize values in in_raster using score range or max score method,
    with optional inversion.
    result = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(in_raster, "MINIMUM")
    min_val = float(result.getOutput(0))
    result = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(in_raster, "MAXIMUM")
    max_val = float(result.getOutput(0))
    if max_val > 0:
        if normalization_method == NM_SCORE:
            if invert:
                return (max_val - in_raster) / (max_val - min_val)
            return (in_raster - min_val) / (max_val - min_val)
        else:  # Max score normalization
            if invert:
                return (max_val + min_val - in_raster) / max_val
            return in_raster / max_val
        return in_raster * 0
Exemplo n.º 6
def getstat(myraster, what="MINIMUM"):
    myraster_ = arcpy.Describe(myraster)
    myraster = myraster_.catalogPath

        raster_st = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(myraster, what)
        temp1 = raster_st.getOutput(0)
        temp2 = temp1.replace(",", ".")
        raster_st = float(temp2)
        return raster_st

    except arcpy.ExecuteError:
        msgs = arcpy.GetMessages(2)
        error_code = str(msgs).replace(":", "").split(" ")[1]
        if error_code == "001100":
            arcpy.CalculateStatistics_management(myraster, "1", "1", "",
                                                 "OVERWRITE", "")
            raster_st = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(myraster, what)
            temp1 = raster_st.getOutput(0)
            temp2 = temp1.replace(",", ".")
            raster_st = float(temp2)
            return raster_st
def create_const_raster(base_raster_path, constant):
    Given a raster dataset and any integer number this function will create a constant raster at the same extent as
    the input raster.
    :param base_raster_path: The path to the raster we'll use as a template.
    :param constant: The integer value to use in the constant.

    base_raster = Raster(base_raster_path)

    data_type = "INTEGER"
    cell_size = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(base_raster, "CELLSIZEX")
    x_min = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(base_raster, "LEFT")
    x_max = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(base_raster, "RIGHT")
    y_min = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(base_raster, "BOTTOM")
    y_max = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(base_raster, "TOP")
    extent = Extent(x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max)
    constant_raster = CreateConstantRaster(constant, data_type, cell_size,

    return constant_raster
Exemplo n.º 8
def Filter_FinalSite(Final_Site, Input_File):
    This function is for recommending the optimal candidate locations based on some more certeria.
    :param Final_Site: The name of output polygon feature class showing the optimal candidate locations.
    :param Input_File: The dictionary with key as data type(input file), and the value as the associated file name.
    # Find the maximum pixel value within the research area, and make a conditional evaluation on each of the input cells.
    # Then save the result of conditional evaluation in geodatabase.(almost 3 lines)

    # Get the highest value we could found
    Value_Max = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management("weighted_out", "MAXIMUM")
    outCon = Con("weighted_out", "weighted_out", where_clause="VALUE = " + str(Value_Max))

    print "Condictional Filter Completed"
    # Make a majority filter for the result of conditional evaluation.
    # Then save the result of majority filter in geodatabase.(almost 2 lines)

    # Using low-pass filter (Majority) to get more general boundary instead of "salt and pepper" cell
    outMajFilt = MajorityFilter(outCon, "EIGHT", "MAJORITY")

    print "Majority Filter Completed"

    # Convert the result of majority filter(raster) to polygon feature class. (almost 1 line)
    # Convert it to polygon
    arcpy.RasterToPolygon_conversion(outMajFilt, "polygon_class", "SIMPLIFY", "VALUE")

    # Create a feature layer from the polygon feature class. Select Layer By Location and Attribute under some certeria.
    # (almost 3 lines)

    # Using layer to select the best location
    arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management("polygon_class", "polygon")

    arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management("polygon", "INTERSECT", Input_File["roads"], selection_type="NEW_SELECTION")
    arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management("polygon", "SUBSET_SELECTION", "\"Shape_Area\">=40469")

    print "Final Feature Selection: Completed"
    # Copy the selected layed to a new polygon feature class. (almost 1 line)

    # Output the final product class

    print "Selected Final School Site! "
Exemplo n.º 9
def rst_ext(rst, gisApi='gdal'):
    Return a array with the extent of one raster dataset
    array order = Xmin (left), XMax (right), YMin (bottom), YMax (top)
    API'S Available:
    * gdal;
    * arcpy;
    * arcpy2;

    if gisApi == 'gdal':
        from osgeo import gdal

        img = gdal.Open(rst)

        lnhs = int(img.RasterYSize)
        cols = int(img.RasterXSize)

        left, cellx, z, top, c, celly = img.GetGeoTransform()

        right = left + (cols * cellx)
        bottom = top - (lnhs * abs(celly))

        extent = [left, right, bottom, top]

    elif gisApi == 'arcpy':
        import arcpy

        extent = ["LEFT", "RIGHT", "BOTTOM", "TOP"]

        for i in range(len(extent)):
            v = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(rst, extent[i])

            extent[i] = float(str(v).replace(',', '.'))

    elif gisApi == 'arcpy2':
        import arcpy

        describe = arcpy.Describe(rst)

        extent = [
            describe.extent.XMin, describe.extent.XMax, describe.extent.YMin,

        raise ValueError('The api {} is not available'.format(gisApi))

    return extent
Exemplo n.º 10
    def statistics_drought_zones(self):

        pop_out = arcpy.Raster(self.lscan_cut_adm2)
        scrivi_qui = arcpy.Describe(pop_out).path
        scrivi_questo = str(pop_out).split("/")[5].split("_")[0]
        # one or both raster could be empty (no flood in polygon) I chech that
        sum_val_pop = int(
        for dr_temp in self.adm2_drought_months:
            valore_taglio = str(dr_temp.split("/")[-1]).count("_")
            contatore = str(
            dr_out = arcpy.Raster(dr_temp)
            sum_val_fld = int(
            nome_tabella = str(scrivi_questo).split("_")[0]
            pop_stat_dbf = scrivi_qui + "/" + nome_tabella + "_" + str(
                contatore) + "_pop_stat.dbf"
            if sum_val_fld > 0 and sum_val_pop > 0:
                    arcpy.gp.ZonalStatisticsAsTable_sa(dr_out, "VALUE",
                                                       pop_out, pop_stat_dbf,
                                                       "DATA", "SUM")
                except Exception as e:
                    print e.message
                template_dbf = "C:/sparc/input_data/drought/template_pop_stat.dbf"
                tabula = str(scrivi_questo).split("_")[0] + "_" + str(
                    contatore) + "_pop_stat.dbf"
                print "nome tabula %s " % tabula
                    arcpy.CreateTable_management(scrivi_qui, tabula,
                except Exception as e:
                    print e.message
        return "People in drought areas....\n"
Exemplo n.º 11
def Correction(env, band, radiance, saveDir):
    specificBand = str(band.split("_")[-1][1])
    readGainsOffset(env, specificBand)
    band_RefMul = GainsOffset['REFLECTANCE_MULT_BAND_' + specificBand]
    band_RefAdd = GainsOffset['REFLECTANCE_ADD_BAND_' + specificBand]
    print("{0} has a Gain, Offset and Radiance Values of {1}, {2} and {3} Respectively".
          format(band, band_RefMul, band_RefAdd, radiance))
    print("Setting NoData Value and Executing Radiometric Calibration...")
    ret_name = band.split("_")
    bandName = "Scene_" + ret_name[2] + "_" + ret_name[3] + "_" + ret_name[7].strip(".TIF") + "_SurRef.tif"
    arcpy.SetRasterProperties_management(band, nodata="1 0")
    bandNom_P1 = arcpy.sa.Times(band, band_RefMul)
    bandNom_P2 = arcpy.sa.Plus(bandNom_P1, band_RefAdd)
    bandCor = arcpy.sa.Divide(bandNom_P2, radiance)
    bandMinVal = float((arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(in_raster=bandCor, property_type="MINIMUM")).getOutput(0))
    bandStdVal = float((arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(in_raster=bandCor, property_type="STD")).getOutput(0))
    bandThreshold = float(bandMinVal + bandStdVal)
    print("{0} has a Minimum, StdDev and Threshold values of {1}, {2} & {3} Respectively".
          format(band, bandMinVal, bandStdVal, bandThreshold))
    band_refCor = arcpy.sa.Minus(bandCor, bandThreshold)
    print("Saving Surface Reflectance Output...\n")
    OutRefName = (os.path.join(saveDir, bandName))
    def photograph(self):
        if not path.exists(self.out_dir):
        hmin = float(
        hmax = float(
                self.hydrodem, 'MAXIMUM').getOutput(0)) - 500000

        vals = {
            self.catseed: [0, 1, -32768, 50, 50],
            self.fdr: [0, 128, 255, 25, 25],
            self.hydrodem: [hmin, hmax, -2147483648, 50, 50]
        for tif, values in vals.items():
            jpg = path.join(
                self.out_dir, '{}_{}.jpg'.format(
                    path.splitext(path.basename(tif))[0], self.huc4))
            gdal_cmd = 'gdal_translate -a_nodata {} -of JPEG -co worldfile=yes -b 1 -b 1 -b 1 -scale {} {} 0 255 -outsize {}% {}% {} {}'.\
                format(values[2], values[0], values[1], values[3], values[4], tif, jpg)
            print gdal_cmd
            sp.call(gdal_cmd, stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.STDOUT)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def testFgdbRaster(self):

        desc = arcpy.Describe(consts.test_fgdb_raster)
        self.assertEqual(desc.dataType, 'RasterDataset')
        self.assertEqual(desc.format, 'FGDBR')
        self.assertEqual(desc.pixelType, 'S16')  # 16-bit integer values
        self.assertEqual(desc.width, 431)
        self.assertEqual(desc.height, 415)
        # test for an expected mean value
        ar = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(consts.test_fgdb_raster,
        mean_value = float(ar.getOutput(0))
        self.assertAlmostEqual(mean_value, -1582.89427780728)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def run(self):
        print "Starting CTI processing..."
        arcpy.gp.Plus_sa(self.i.fac_mf, "1", self.i.fac_mf1)
        X_Length = float(
            arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(self.i.fac_mf, "CELLSIZEX",
        Y_Length = float(
            arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(self.i.fac_mf, "CELLSIZEY",
        # arcpy.gp.Times_sa(str(X_Length), str(Y_Length), self.i.fac_area)
        arcpy.gp.Times_sa(self.i.fac_mf1, str(X_Length * Y_Length),
                          self.i.As)  # this is all for calculating As

        arcpy.gp.Times_sa(self.i.sdg_f, "1.570796", self.i.b_times)
        arcpy.gp.Divide_sa(self.i.b_times, "90", self.i.b_rad)
        arcpy.gp.Tan_sa(self.i.b_rad, self.i.b_tan)
        arcpy.gp.Con_sa(self.i.sdg_f, self.i.b_tan, self.i.b_tan_c, "0.001",
                        "\"Value\" > 0")  # this is all for calculating tanB

        arcpy.gp.Divide_sa(self.i.As, self.i.b_tan_c, self.i.As_b_tan)
        arcpy.gp.Ln_sa(self.i.As_b_tan, self.i.cti)
        print "Ending CTI processing..."
Exemplo n.º 15
def main():

    # get list of all '*.img' rasters in dem_path folder
    dems = glob.glob('*.img')
    dem_list = ";".join(dems)

    # environment settings
    arcpy.env.workspace = dem_path
    arcpy.env.resamplingMethod = 'CUBIC'
    outCS = arcpy.SpatialReference(coord_sys)

    # mosaic individual tiles to single raster
    tmp_dem = arcpy.MosaicToNewRaster_management(dem_list, out_path,
                                                 'tmp_' + out_name + '.tif',
                                                 outCS, "32_BIT_FLOAT", "",

    # clip raster to aoi shapefile
    out_dem = arcpy.Clip_management(tmp_dem, '',
                                    os.path.join(out_path, out_name + '.tif'),
                                    aoi_path, '', 'ClippingGeometry',

    # create and save hillshade
    out_hs = arcpy.sa.Hillshade(out_dem, '', '', "NO_SHADOWS")
    out_hs.save(os.path.join(out_path, out_name + '_HS.tif'))

    # check raster cell size
    xResult = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(tmp_dem, 'CELLSIZEX')
    print 'Mosaic Raster Cell Size: ' + str(xResult.getOutput(0))
    xResult = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(out_dem, 'CELLSIZEX')
    print 'Clipped Raster Cell Size: ' + str(xResult.getOutput(0))

    # clear environment settings
Exemplo n.º 16
def calculateTWI (dem):
    This function calculates the TWI based on DEM dataset
    # Calculate the Flow Direction and Accumulation
    print ("Calculating Flow Direction and Accumulation...")
    flow_dir = FlowDirection(dem)
    flow_acc = FlowAccumulation(flow_dir)

    # Calculate the Slope and convert from Degree to Radians
    print ("Calculating Slope in radians...")
    slope_deg = os.path.join (arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace, 'slope_deg') # could'nt write to in_memory (too big?!)
    arcpy.Slope_3d (dem, slope_deg, "DEGREE")

    slope_rad = Raster(slope_deg) * (math.pi/180)

    # Get the DEM pixel area
    PxsizeX = float(arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(dem, "CELLSIZEX").getOutput(0))
    PxsizeY = float(arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(dem, "CELLSIZEY").getOutput(0))
    pxArea = PxsizeX*PxsizeY

    # Apply the TWI equation
    print ("Calculating TWI...")
    c = 0.0001
    exp_1 = Ln(((flow_acc + 1) * pxArea) / Tan(slope_rad))
    exp_2 = Ln(((flow_acc + 1) * pxArea) / c + Tan(slope_rad))

    TWI = Con(slope_rad > 0, exp_1, exp_2)

    # Apply a low-pass filter to reduce noise. Only if the DEM Cell size is small (very high resolution)
    if (PxsizeX <= 2 or PxsizeY <= 2 ):
        print ("The DEM cell size is {}. A low-pass filter is applied." .format(int(PxsizeX)))
        TWI_filtered = FocalStatistics(TWI, NbrRectangle(3, 3, "CELL"), "MEAN")
        TWI_filtered.save(os.path.join (Workspace, 'p_TWI_filtered'))

        TWI.save(os.path.join (Workspace, 'p_TWI'))
Exemplo n.º 17
def rst_ext(rst):
    Return a array with the extent of one raster dataset
    array order = Xmin (left), XMax (right), YMin (bottom), YMax (top)

    extent = ["LEFT", "RIGHT", "BOTTOM", "TOP"]

    for i in range(len(extent)):
        v = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(rst, extent[i])

        extent[i] = float(str(v).replace(',', '.'))

    return extent
def rasterStatistics(feature, featureID, inRaster, calculateStat):
        #create results obj
        results = {}

        #get values
        outExtractByMask = ExtractByMask(inRaster, feature)
        value = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(
            outExtractByMask, calculateStat).getOutput(0)

        value = round(float(value), 5)
        results[calculateStat] = value
        data = ResultObj(featureID, results)
        return data

            #check raster cell size against input
            cellsize = float(
            print 'in Except block, area check:', feature.area, cellsize**2

            #get centroid value if first method failed
            value = arcpy.GetCellValue_management(
                str(feature.centroid.X) + ' ' +
            value = round(float(value), 5)
            results[calculateStat] = value
            data = ResultObj(featureID, results)
            return data

            tb = format_exc()
            raise Exception(tb)
Exemplo n.º 19
def mosiacRasters():
    arcpy.env.workspace = 'C:\\Users\\Bougie\\Desktop\\Gibbs\\data\\usxp\\ancillary\\raster\\cdl.gdb\\'

    cdl_raster = Raster("cdl30_2015")

    elevSTDResult = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(cdl_raster, "TOP")
    YMax = elevSTDResult.getOutput(0)
    elevSTDResult = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(cdl_raster, "BOTTOM")
    YMin = elevSTDResult.getOutput(0)
    elevSTDResult = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(cdl_raster, "LEFT")
    XMin = elevSTDResult.getOutput(0)
    elevSTDResult = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(cdl_raster, "RIGHT")
    XMax = elevSTDResult.getOutput(0)

    arcpy.env.extent = arcpy.Extent(XMin, YMin, XMax, YMax)

    #### need to wrap these paths with Raster() fct or complains about the paths being a string

    rasterlist = [

    ######mosiac tiles together into a new raster
    arcpy.MosaicToNewRaster_management(rasterlist, data['refine']['gdb'],
                                       "16_BIT_UNSIGNED", 30, "1", "LAST",

    #Overwrite the existing attribute table file
        data['refine']['mask_2007']['path'], "Overwrite")

    # Overwrite pyramids
Exemplo n.º 20
def get_Image_Metadata(imagepath, extension, FID):
    originalFID = 'NA'
    bits = 'NA'
    width = 'NA'
    length = 'NA'
    ext = 'NA'
    geoRef = 'Y'
    fileSize = 'NA'
    spatial_res = 'NA'

    originalFID = str(FID)
    bits = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(imagepath, 'VALUETYPE')
    width = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(imagepath, 'COLUMNCOUNT')
    length = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(imagepath, 'ROWCOUNT')
    ext = extension.split('.')[1]
    fileSize = get_filesize(imagepath)
    spatial_res = get_spatial_res(imagepath)
    desc = arcpy.Describe(imagepath)
    year = get_year(desc.baseName, desc.path)

    return [
        originalFID, bits, width, length, ext, geoRef, fileSize, imagepath,
        spatial_res, year
Exemplo n.º 21
def check_dem_files(dem_folder, huc_name, huc_id, cs_string):
    if os.path.exists(dem_folder):
        dem = os.path.join(dem_folder, 'NED_DEM_10m_' + huc_id + '.tif')
        hs = os.path.join(dem_folder, 'NED_HS_10m.tif')
        # check DEM
        if os.path.exists(dem):
            check_projection(dem, cs_string)
            min_elev = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(dem, "MINIMUM")
            max_elev = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(dem, "MAXIMUM")
            if min_elev == max_elev:
                print '     Check DEM values: min = max  '
            print '     DEM missing.'
        # check hillshade
        if os.path.exists(hs):
            check_projection(hs, cs_string)
            min_elev = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(hs, "MINIMUM")
            max_elev = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(hs, "MAXIMUM")
            if min_elev == max_elev:
                print '     Check hillshade values: min = max'
        #    print '     ' + hs + ' MISSING.'
        print '     DEM FOLDER MISSING'
Exemplo n.º 22
def reclass_veg(veg, dem, output_folder, remap, mask):
    Reclassify the original vegetation into the categories classified as Table
    2.3 in AS 3959 (2009).

    :param veg: `file` the input vegetation
    :param dem: `file` the input dem used as reference projection
    :param output_folder: `str` the output folder
    :param remap: `srt` the vegetation reclassification
    :param mask: `file` the mask for the effective AOI

    :return: `file` the reclassified vegetation

    arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True

    input_folder = os.path.dirname(veg)
    arcpy.env.workspace = input_folder

    veg_r_init = 'veg_r_init'
    veg_r_proj = pjoin(input_folder, 'veg_r_pj')
    veg_class_r = pjoin(output_folder, 'veg_r')

    arcpy.AddMessage('Remap the vegetation into classes of 1 ~ 7 ...')

    # Derive reclassifed veg...
    reclassify(veg, remap, veg_r_init)

    # project as dem and change cell size same as that of dem
    dem_c = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(dem, "CELLSIZEX").getOutput(0)

    arcpy.ProjectRaster_management(veg_r_init, veg_r_proj, dem, "#", dem_c)

    if arcpy.Exists(veg_r_init):

    # get the AOI
    extract_by_mask(veg_r_proj, mask, veg_class_r)

    g_list = arcpy.ListRasters('g_g*')
    if len(g_list) != 0:
        for g_file in g_list:

    if arcpy.Exists(veg_r_proj):

    return veg_class_r
Exemplo n.º 23
def buildPointGrids(inFeature, tempRaster, cell_size, outShapefile):
    # Convert from polygon to raster and raster to point to create point grid
    arcpy.PolygonToRaster_conversion(inFeature, "OBJECTID", tempRaster, "CELL_CENTER", "NONE", cell_size)
    # Determine if raster contains only NoData values
    noData = int(arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(tempRaster, 'ALLNODATA')[0])
    if noData == 0:
        # Convert raster to point grid
        arcpy.RasterToPoint_conversion(tempRaster, outShapefile, "VALUE")
        # Add XY Coordinates to feature class in the NAD_1983_Alaska_Albers projection
        # Delete intermediate files
    elif noData == 1:
        arcpy.AddMessage("All values for this watershed are nodata...")
        # Delete intermediate files
Exemplo n.º 24
def create_chm(rootdir):
    Resamples the DTM to the resolution of the DSM and then subtracts the
    resampled DTM from the DSM to create a Canopy Height Model (CHM)

    Assumes directory structure of rootdir\refID\sensor\output...
    ## Needed ffor the Minus_3d tool
    refIDs = os.listdir(rootdir)
    for refID in refIDs:
        if "Products" in refIDs:
        if "ENV" in refIDs:
        #sensors =  ["Mavic", "Sequoia"]
        sensors = ["Sequoia"]
        for sensor in sensors:
            if sensor == "Mavic":
                bands = ["Output"]
            if sensor == "Sequoia":
                bands = ['gre', 'red', 'reg', 'nir']
            for band in bands:
                for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(rootdir, refID, sensor, band)):
                    for dir in dirs:
                        ##excludes directories containing only tiles
                        if "tiles" in dirs:
                    for f in files:
                        if f.endswith("dsm.tif"):
                            DSM = os.path.join(root,f)
                        if f.endswith("dtm.tif"):
                            DTM = os.path.join(root,f)
                            CellSize = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(DSM, property_type = "CELLSIZEX")
                            ## Defining cell size to resample the DTM to that of the DSM- known
                            ##bug for doing so in the Resample_management tool.
                            ##BUG!!! https://community.esri.com/thread/162982
                            DTMrsmpl = os.path.join(rootdir, refID,  sensor, band, "DTMrsmpl.tif")
                            arcpy.Resample_management(DTM, DTMrsmpl, CellSize )
                            ## Subtract DTM (resampled) from DSM to create CHM
                            if sensor == "Mavic":
                                arcpy.Minus_3d(DSM, DTMrsmpl, os.path.join(rootdir, refID, sensor, band, "{}_{}_CHM.tif".format(refID, sensor)))
                                print (refID,  sensor, " CHM Created")
                            if sensor == "Sequoia":
                                ## have to use the old formatting style (Python 2.7)
                                arcpy.Minus_3d(DSM, DTMrsmpl, os.path.join(rootdir, refID, sensor, band, "%s_%s_CHM.tif"%(refID, band))) #"{}_{}_CHM.tif".format(refID, sensor)))
                                print (refID,  band, " CHM Created")
Exemplo n.º 25
def task1():
    该函数用来统计纽约州每一个公园的mean、值,然后将这些mean值存入到New York NDVI parks.csv文件去
    input_path = os.path.normcase("D:/NDVI/New York/parks/ndvi new york parks")
    output_path = os.path.normcase(
        "D:/NDVI/New York/parks/New York ndvi result")
    if os.path.exists(output_path) is False:
    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(
            output_path, "New York NDVI parks.csv")):  #若存在统计结果csv文件,则该函数不执行
    data_dict = dict()
    day_list = [81, 97, 113, 129, 145, 161, 177, 193, 209, 225, 241]
    time_labels = [
        str(year) + '_' + str(day) for year in range(2000, 2015)
        for day in day_list
    input_file_dir_list = [
        os.path.join(input_path, directory)
        for directory in os.listdir(input_path)
        if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(input_path, directory))
    for input_directory in input_file_dir_list:
        input_directory_name = os.path.split(input_directory)[-1]  # park name
        temp_mean_list = list()
        for input_file_name in time_labels:
            input_file = os.path.join(input_directory, input_file_name)
            #            elevSTDResult = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(input_file, "MEAN")
            #            elevSTD = elevSTDResult.getOutput(0)
                elevSTDResult = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(
                    input_file, "MEAN")
                elevSTD = elevSTDResult.getOutput(0)
                print input_file
        data_dict[input_directory_name] = temp_mean_list
    output_name = os.path.join(output_path, "New York NDVI parks.csv")
    with file(output_name, "wb") as output_fd:
        output_writer = csv.writer(output_fd)
        output_writer.writerow([' '] + time_labels)
        for key in sorted(data_dict.keys()):
Exemplo n.º 26
    def make_covhsi(self, fish_applied, depth_raster_path):
        # habitat suitability curves from Fish.xlsx
        # fish_applied is a dictionary with fish species listed in Fish.xlsx
        arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
        arcpy.env.workspace = self.cache
        arcpy.env.extent = "MAXOF"
        self.logger.info("* * * CREATING " + str(self.cover_type).upper() + " COVER RASTER * * *")
        for species in fish_applied.keys():
            self.logger.info(" >> SPECIES  : " + str(species))
            for ls in fish_applied[species]:
                self.logger.info("         LIFESTAGE: " + str(ls))
                self.logger.info("   -> Retrieving " + self.cover_type + " curve from Fish.xlsx ...")
                curve_data = self.fish.get_hsi_curve(species, ls, self.cover_type)
                if depth_raster_path.__len__() > 0:
                    self.logger.info("   -> Cropping to relevant depth regions ...")
                    self.crop_input_raster(species, ls, depth_raster_path)
                        self.cell_size = float(arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(self.input_raster, property_type="CELLSIZEX")[0])
                        self.cell_size = 1.0
                self.logger.info("   -> Calculating cover HSI raster ...")
                    ras_out = self.call_analysis(curve_data)
                    self.logger.info("ERROR: Cover raster calculation (check input data).")
                    self.error = True

                self.logger.info("      - OK")
                ras_name = self.cover_type + "_hsi.tif"
                    "   -> Saving: " + self.path_hsi + ras_name + " ...")
                    ras_out.save(self.path_hsi + ras_name)
                    self.logger.info("      - OK")
                    self.logger.info("ERROR: Could not save " + self.cover_type + " HSI raster (corrupted data?).")
                    self.error = True

            if not self.error:
                self.logger.info(" >> " + self.cover_type + " cover HSI raster creation " + str(species).upper() + " complete.")
                self.logger.info(" >> Could not create cover HSI raster. Check errors messages.")

Exemplo n.º 27
def volume(dem):
    print "starting volume calculation..."
    # get maximum value of raster file
    elevMAXResult = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(dem, "MAXIMUM")
    elevMax = float(elevMAXResult.getOutput(0))
    print "DEM max value: ", elevMax

    # Get input Raster properties
    inRas = arcpy.Raster(dem)
    lowerLeft = arcpy.Point(inRas.extent.XMin, inRas.extent.YMin)
    cellSize = inRas.meanCellWidth
    print "lower left coordinate: ", lowerLeft
    print "DEM cell size: ", cellSize

    # Convert Raster to numpy array
    #arr = arcpy.RasterToNumPyArray(inRas,nodata_to_value=0); #print arr
    arr = arcpy.RasterToNumPyArray(inRas, nodata_to_value=elevMax)
    print "Line35, arr: ", repr(arr)
    print "array size: ", arr.shape  # Tamano del Raster clipeado (X,Y)
    x_ext = arr.shape[0]
    y_ext = arr.shape[1]

    # ---- Volume calculation
    # set up a list of lists having the maximum value of DEM
    list1 = []
    list2 = []
    for i in range(y_ext):
        ###print list1
    for i in range(x_ext):
        ### print list2
    cell_area = cellSize * cellSize
    cell_volume = cell_area * (list2 - arr)  # get volume for cells
    #cell_volume = cell_area * (arr - arr+1) #
    ######print res

    # Sum of rows from "cell_volume"
    ###row_sum = [ sum(x) for x in cell_volume ] #Another way to get sum: arrSum_r = res.sum(1)
    ###print "Sum by rows: ",row_sum
    # Sum total. First rows, after columns
    sum_total = sum([sum(x) for x in cell_volume])  # it provides volume total
    print("volume total: " + str(round(sum_total, 2)) + " m2")
    print "end"
    return sum_total
Exemplo n.º 28
def make_contour(file_raster, name, out_file_path, contour_interval):

    file_contour = '%s' % out_file_path + '/' + '%s' % name + '_con.shp'

    min_elevation = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(
        file_raster, "MINIMUM")
    Contour(file_raster, file_contour, contour_interval, 0, 1)

    file_contour_point = '%s' % out_file_path + '/' + '%s' % name + '_point.shp'
    arcpy.FeatureVerticesToPoints_management(file_contour, file_contour_point,

    inFeatures = file_contour_point
    fieldName1 = "x_degree"
    fieldName2 = "y_degree"
    fieldPrecision = 18
    fieldScale = 11
    arcpy.AddField_management(inFeatures, fieldName1, "DOUBLE", fieldPrecision,
    arcpy.AddField_management(inFeatures, fieldName2, "DOUBLE", fieldPrecision,

    arcpy.CalculateField_management(inFeatures, fieldName1,
                                    "!shape.firstpoint.X!", "PYTHON_9.3")
    arcpy.CalculateField_management(inFeatures, fieldName2,
                                    "!shape.firstpoint.Y!", "PYTHON_9.3")

    all_cp = arcpy.da.TableToNumPyArray(
        inFeatures, ('ID', 'CONTOUR', 'x_degree', 'y_degree'))

    os.remove('%s' % out_file_path + '/' + '%s' % name + '_con.shp')
    os.remove('%s' % out_file_path + '/' + '%s' % name + '_point.shp')
    os.remove('%s' % out_file_path + '/' + '%s' % name + '_con.dbf')
    os.remove('%s' % out_file_path + '/' + '%s' % name + '_point.dbf')

    number_point = len(all_cp)

    file_all_cp = open('%s' % out_file_path + '/' + '%s' % name + '_point.txt',
    for p in range(0, number_point):
        file_all_cp.write('%d' % (all_cp[p][0] - 1))
        file_all_cp.write('% f' % all_cp[p][1])
        file_all_cp.write('% f' % all_cp[p][2])
        file_all_cp.write('% f\n' % all_cp[p][3])
Exemplo n.º 29
def ExtractRasterByMultiPolygon(shpFile, filedName, originRasterFile,
                                bufferSize, suffix, outPath):
    ## Set environment settings
    if not os.path.isdir(outPath):  ## if outPath is not exist, then build it.
        if outPath != "":
    env.workspace = outPath
    ## Split polygon by fieldName
    polyNames, flag = ListFieldValues(shpFile, filedName)
    if (flag):
        arcpy.gp.overwriteOutput = 1
        ## Get the cellsize of originRasterFile
        cellSizeResult = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(
            originRasterFile, "CELLSIZEX")
        cellSize = cellSizeResult.getOutput(0)
        bufferDistance = float(cellSize) * bufferSize
        arcpy.Split_analysis(shpFile, shpFile, filedName, outPath)
        polyFiles = []
        polyBufferFiles = []
        polyFinalFiles = []
        rasterFiles = []
        for name in polyNames:
            polyFile = outPath + os.sep + name + '.shp'
            polyBufferFile = outPath + os.sep + name + '_buf.shp'
            polyFinalFile = outPath + os.sep + name + '_final.shp'
            if suffix is None:
                rasterFile = outPath + os.sep + name + '.tif'
                rasterFile = outPath + os.sep + name + suffix + '.tif'
            arcpy.Buffer_analysis(polyFile, polyBufferFile, bufferDistance,
            arcpy.Merge_management([polyFile, polyBufferFile], polyFinalFile)

        if arcpy.CheckOutExtension("Spatial") == "CheckedOut":
            for i in range(0, len(polyBufferFiles)):
                tempRaster = arcpy.sa.ExtractByMask(originRasterFile,
        print "The %s is not exist in %s" % (filedName, shpFile)
        return None
Exemplo n.º 30
def getRasterProperties(rasterObjectPath, newRow):
    cellSize = 0
    for PropertyType in CMDRConfig.Raster_PropertyTypes:
            propValue = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(
                rasterObjectPath, PropertyType)
            if propValue is not None:
                propValue = propValue[0]
            if PropertyType == "CELLSIZEX":
                cellSize = newRow[len(newRow) - 1]
            # Print error message if an error occurs

    return cellSize