Exemplo n.º 1
    def _indexed_operation(self, im, indices, which):
        Apply either a forward or adjoint transformations to `im`, depending on the value of the 'which' parameter.
        :param im: The incoming Image object on which to apply the forward or adjoint transformations.
        :param indices: The indices of the transformations to apply.
        :param which: The attribute indicating the function handle to obtain from underlying `Xform` objects.
            Typically either 'forward' or 'adjoint'.
        :return: An Image object as a result of applying forward or adjoint transformation to `im`.
        # Ensure that we will be able to apply all transformers to the image
        assert self.n_indices >= im.n_images, f'Can process Image object of max depth {self.n_indices}. Got {im.n_images}.'

        im_data = np.empty_like(im.asnumpy())

        # For each individual transformation
        for i, xform in enumerate(self.unique_xforms):
            # Get the indices corresponding to that transformation
            idx = np.flatnonzero(self.indices == i)
            # For the incoming Image object, find out which transformation indices are applicable
            idx = np.intersect1d(idx, indices)
            # For the transformation indices we found, find the indices in the Image object that we'll use
            im_data_indices = np.flatnonzero(np.isin(indices, idx))
            # Apply the transformation to the selected indices in the Image object
            if len(im_data_indices) > 0:
                fn_handle = getattr(xform, which)
                im_data[:, :, im_data_indices] = fn_handle(Image(im[:, :, im_data_indices])).asnumpy()

        return Image(im_data)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def background_subtract_2d(self, signal, background_p1, max_col):
        Subtract background from estimated power spectrum

        :param signal: Estimated power spectrum
        :param background_p1: 1-D background estimation
        :param max_col: Internal variable, returned as the second parameter from opt1d.
        :return: 2-tuple of NumPy arrays (Estimated PSD without noise and estimated noise).

        signal = signal.asnumpy()

        N = signal.shape[1]
        grid = grid_2d(N, normalized=False, dtype=self.dtype)

        radii = np.sqrt((grid["x"] / 2)**2 + (grid["y"] / 2)**2).T

        background = np.zeros(signal.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
        for r in range(max_col + 2, background_p1.shape[1]):
                       (r < radii) & (radii <= r + 1)] = background_p1[max_col,
        mask = radii <= max_col + 2
        background[:, mask] = signal[:, mask]

        signal = signal - background
        signal = np.maximum(0, signal)

        return Image(signal), Image(background)
Exemplo n.º 3
class ImageTestCase(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        # numpy array for top-level functions that directly expect it
        self.im_np = misc.face(
            gray=True).astype('float64')[:768, :768][:, :, np.newaxis]
        # Independent Image object for testing Image methods
        self.im = Image(misc.face(gray=True).astype('float64')[:768, :768])

    def tearDown(self):

    def testImShift(self):
        # Ensure that the two separate im_translate functions we have return the same thing

        # A single shift applied to all images
        shifts = np.array([100, 200])

        im = self.im.shift(shifts)

        im1 = _im_translate(self.im_np, shifts.reshape(1, 2))
        # Note the difference in the concept of shifts for _im_translate2 - negative sign/transpose
        im2 = _im_translate2(self.im_np, -shifts.reshape(2, 1))
        # Pure numpy 'shifting'
        # 'Shifting' an Image corresponds to a 'roll' of a numpy array - again, note the negated signs and the axes
        im3 = np.roll(self.im.asnumpy()[:, :, 0], -shifts, axis=(0, 1))

        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(im.asnumpy(), im1))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(im1, im2))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(im1[:, :, 0], im3))

    def testArrayImageSource(self):
        # An Image can be wrapped in an ArrayImageSource when we need to deal with ImageSource objects.
        src = ArrayImageSource(self.im)
        im = src.images(start=0, num=np.inf)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(im.asnumpy(), self.im_np))
Exemplo n.º 4
    def output(
        Return class averages.

        :param classes: class indices (refering to src). (n_img, n_nbor)
        :param classes_refl: Bool representing whether to reflect image in `classes`
        :param rot: Array of in-plane rotation angles (Radians) of image in `classes`
        :param shifts: Optional array of shifts for image in `classes`.
        :coefs: Optional Fourier bessel coefs (avoids recomputing).
        :return: Stack of Synthetic Class Average images as Image instance.

        logger.info(f"Select {self.n_classes} Classes from Nearest Neighbors")
        # generate indices for random sample (can do something smart with corr later).
        # For testing just take the first n_classes so it matches earlier plots for manual comparison
        # This is assumed to be reasonably random.
        selection = np.arange(self.n_classes)

        imgs = self.src.images(0, self.src.n)
        fb_avgs = np.empty((self.n_classes, self.fb_basis.count),

        for i in tqdm(range(self.n_classes)):
            j = selection[i]
            # Get the neighbors
            neighbors_ids = classes[j]

            # Get coefs in Fourier Bessel Basis if not provided as an argument.
            if coefs is None:
                neighbors_imgs = Image(imgs[neighbors_ids])
                if shifts is not None:
                neighbors_coefs = self.fb_basis.evaluate_t(neighbors_imgs)
                neighbors_coefs = coefs[neighbors_ids]
                if shifts is not None:
                    neighbors_coefs = self.fb_basis.shift(
                        neighbors_coefs, shifts[i])

            # Rotate in Fourier Bessel
            neighbors_coefs = self.fb_basis.rotate(neighbors_coefs, rot[j],

            # Averaging in FB
            fb_avgs[i] = np.mean(neighbors_coefs, axis=0)

        # Now we convert the averaged images from FB to Cartesian.
        return ArrayImageSource(self.fb_basis.evaluate(fb_avgs))
Exemplo n.º 5
 def setUp(self):
     # numpy array for top-level functions that directly expect it
     self.im_np = misc.face(gray=True).astype(
         np.float64)[np.newaxis, :768, :768]
     # Independent Image object for testing Image methods
     self.im = Image(misc.face(gray=True).astype(np.float64)[:768, :768])
     # Construct a simple stack of Images
     self.n = 3
     self.ims_np = np.empty((3, *self.im_np.shape[1:]),
     for i in range(self.n):
         self.ims_np[i] = self.im_np * (i + 1) / float(self.n)
     # Independent Image stack object for testing Image methods
     self.ims = Image(self.ims_np)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def src_backward(self, mean_vol, noise_variance, shrink_method=None):
        Apply adjoint mapping to source

        :return: The sum of the outer products of the mean-subtracted images in `src`, corrected by the expected noise
        contribution and expressed as coefficients of `basis`.
        covar_b = np.zeros((self.L, self.L, self.L, self.L, self.L, self.L),

        for i in range(0, self.n, self.batch_size):
            im = self.src.images(i, self.batch_size)
            batch_n = im.n_images
            im_centered = im - self.src.vol_forward(mean_vol, i,

            im_centered_b = np.zeros((batch_n, self.L, self.L, self.L),
            for j in range(batch_n):
                im_centered_b[j] = self.src.im_backward(
                    Image(im_centered[j]), i + j)
            im_centered_b = Volume(im_centered_b).to_vec()

            covar_b += vecmat_to_volmat(
                im_centered_b.T @ im_centered_b) / self.n

        covar_b_coeff = self.basis.mat_evaluate_t(covar_b)
        return self._shrink(covar_b_coeff, noise_variance, shrink_method)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def projections(self, start=0, num=np.inf, indices=None):
        Return projections of generated volumes, without applying filters/shifts/amplitudes/noise
        :param start: start index (0-indexed) of the start image to return
        :param num: Number of images to return. If None, *all* images are returned.
        :param indices: A numpy array of image indices. If specified, start and num are ignored.
        :return: An Image instance.
        if indices is None:
            indices = np.arange(start, min(start + num, self.n))

        im = np.zeros(
            (len(indices), self._original_L, self._original_L), dtype=self.dtype

        states = self.states[indices]
        unique_states = np.unique(states)
        for k in unique_states:
            idx_k = np.where(states == k)[0]
            rot = self.rots[indices[idx_k], :, :]

            im_k = self.vols.project(vol_idx=k - 1, rot_matrices=rot)
            im[idx_k, :, :] = im_k.asnumpy()

        return Image(im)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def _images(self, start=0, num=np.inf, indices=None, batch_size=512):
        Internal function to return a set of images after denoising

        :param start: The inclusive start index from which to return images.
        :param num: The exclusive end index up to which to return images.
        :param indices: The indices of images to return.
        :return: an `Image` object after denoisng.
        # start and end (and indices) refer to the indices in the DenoisedImageSource
        # that are being denoised and returned in batches
        if indices is None:
            indices = np.arange(start, min(start + num, self.n))
            start = indices.min()
        end = indices.max()

        nimgs = len(indices)
        im = np.empty((nimgs, self.L, self.L))

        logger.info(f"Loading {nimgs} images complete")
        for batch_start in range(start, end + 1, batch_size):
            imgs_denoised = self.denoiser.images(batch_start, batch_size)
            batch_end = min(batch_start + batch_size, end + 1)
            # we subtract start here to correct for any offset in the indices
            im[batch_start - start : batch_end - start] = imgs_denoised.asnumpy()

        return Image(im)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def testPolarBasis2DAdjoint(self):
        # The evaluate function should be the adjoint operator of evaluate_t.
        # Namely, if A = evaluate, B = evaluate_t, and B=A^t, we will have
        # (y, A*x) = (A^t*y, x) = (B*y, x)
        x = randn(self.basis.count, seed=self.seed).astype(self.dtype)

        x = m_reshape(x, (self.basis.nrad, self.basis.ntheta))

        x = (1 / 2 * x[:, :self.basis.ntheta // 2] +
             1 / 2 * x[:, :self.basis.ntheta // 2].conj())

        x = np.concatenate((x, x.conj()), axis=1)

        x = m_reshape(x, (self.basis.nrad * self.basis.ntheta, ))

        x_t = self.basis.evaluate(x).asnumpy()
        y = randn(np.prod(self.basis.sz), seed=self.seed).astype(self.dtype)
        y_t = self.basis.evaluate_t(
            Image(m_reshape(y, self.basis.sz)[np.newaxis, :]))  # RCOPT

        lhs = np.dot(y, m_reshape(x_t, (np.prod(self.basis.sz), )))
        rhs = np.real(np.dot(y_t, x))
            f"lhs: {lhs} rhs: {rhs} absdiff: {np.abs(lhs-rhs)} atol: {utest_tolerance(self.dtype)}"

        self.assertTrue(np.isclose(lhs, rhs, atol=utest_tolerance(self.dtype)))
Exemplo n.º 10
    def setUp(self):
        self.dtype = np.float32

        # Test Volume
        v = Volume(
            np.load(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "clean70SRibosome_vol.npy")).astype(

        # Create Sim object.
        # Creates 10 projects so there is something to feed FSPCABasis.
        self.src = Simulation(L=v.resolution, n=10, vols=v, dtype=v.dtype)

        # Original projection image to transform.
        self.orig_img = self.src.images(0, 1)

        # Rotate 90 degrees in cartesian coordinates using third party tool.
        self.rt90_img = Image(np.rot90(self.orig_img.asnumpy(), axes=(1, 2)))

        # Prepare a Fourier Bessel Basis
        self.basis = FFBBasis2D((self.orig_img.res, ) * 2, dtype=self.dtype)
        self.v1 = self.basis.evaluate_t(self.orig_img)
        self.v2 = self.basis.evaluate_t(self.rt90_img)
        # These should _not_ be equal or the test is pointless.
        self.assertFalse(np.allclose(self.v1, self.v2))

        # Prepare a FSPCA Basis too.
        self.fspca_basis = FSPCABasis(self.src, self.basis)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def evaluate(self, v):
        Evaluate coefficients in standard 2D coordinate basis from those in polar Fourier basis

        :param v: A coefficient vector (or an array of coefficient vectors)
            in polar Fourier basis to be evaluated. The last dimension must equal to
        :return x: Image instance in standard 2D coordinate basis with
            resolution of `self.sz`.
        if self.dtype != real_type(v.dtype):
            msg = (f"Input data type, {v.dtype}, is not consistent with"
                   f" type defined in the class {self.dtype}.")
            raise TypeError(msg)

        v = v.reshape(-1, self.ntheta, self.nrad)

        nimgs = v.shape[0]

        half_size = self.ntheta // 2

        v = v[:, :half_size, :] + v[:, half_size:, :].conj()

        v = v.reshape(nimgs, self.nrad * half_size)

        x = anufft(v, self.freqs, self.sz, real=True)

        return Image(x)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def _images(self, start=0, num=np.inf, indices=None, batch_size=512):
        Internal function to return a set of images after denoising

        :param start: The inclusive start index from which to return images.
        :param num: The exclusive end index up to which to return images.
        :param num: The indices of images to return.
        :return: an `Image` object after denoisng.
        if indices is None:
            indices = np.arange(start, min(start + num, self.n))
            start = indices.min()
        end = indices.max()

        nimgs = len(indices)
        im = np.empty((nimgs, self.L, self.L))

        logger.info(f"Loading {nimgs} images complete")
        for istart in range(start, end + 1, batch_size):
            imgs_denoised = self.denoiser.images(istart, batch_size)
            iend = min(istart + batch_size, end + 1)
            im[istart:iend] = imgs_denoised.data

        return Image(im)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def images(self, istart=0, batch_size=512):
        Obtain a batch size of 2D images after denosing by Cov2D method

        :param istart: the index of starting image
        :param batch_size: The batch size for processing images
        :return: an `Image` object with denoised images
        src = self.src

        # Denoise one batch size of 2D images using the SPCAs from the rotationally invariant covariance matrix
        img_start = istart
        img_end = min(istart + batch_size, src.n)
        imgs_noise = src.images(img_start, batch_size)
        coeffs_noise = self.basis.evaluate_t(imgs_noise.data)
            f'Estimating Cov2D coefficients for images from {img_start} to {img_end-1}'
        coeffs_estim = self.cov2d.get_cwf_coeffs(

        # Convert Fourier-Bessel coefficients back into 2D images
        logger.info(f'Converting Cov2D coefficients back to 2D images')
        imgs_estim = self.basis.evaluate(coeffs_estim)
        imgs_denoised = Image(imgs_estim)

        return imgs_denoised
Exemplo n.º 14
    def eval_filters(self, im_orig, start=0, num=np.inf, indices=None):
        if not isinstance(im_orig, Image):
                f"eval_filters passed {type(im_orig)} instead of Image instance"
            # for now just convert it
            im = Image(im_orig)

        im = im_orig.copy()

        if indices is None:
            indices = np.arange(start, min(start + num, self.n))

        for i, filt in enumerate(self.unique_filters):
            idx_k = np.where(self.filter_indices[indices] == i)[0]
            if len(idx_k) > 0:
                im[idx_k] = Image(im[idx_k]).filter(filt).asnumpy()

        return im
Exemplo n.º 15
    def _forward(self, im, indices):
        im = im.copy()

        for i, idx in enumerate(indices):
            # Note: The following random seed behavior is directly taken from MATLAB Cov3D code.
            random_seed = self.seed + 191 * (idx + 1)
            im_s = randn(2 * im.res, 2 * im.res, seed=random_seed)
            im_s = Image(im_s).filter(self.noise_filter)[:, :, 0]
            im[:, :, i] += im_s[:im.res, :im.res]

        return im
Exemplo n.º 16
    def eval_filters(self, im_orig, start=0, num=np.inf, indices=None):
        im = im_orig.copy()
        if indices is None:
            indices = np.arange(start, min(start + num, self.n))

        unique_filters = set(self.filters)
        for f in unique_filters:
            idx_k = np.where(self.filters[indices] == f)[0]
            if len(idx_k) > 0:
                im[:, :, idx_k] = Image(im[:, :, idx_k]).filter(f).asnumpy()

        return im
Exemplo n.º 17
    def setUp(self):
        with importlib_resources.path(tests.saved_test_data,
                                      "sample_data_model.star") as path:
            self.starfile = StarFile(path)

        # Independent Image object for testing Image source methods
        L = 768
        self.im = Image(misc.face(gray=True).astype("float64")[:L, :L])
        self.img_src = ArrayImageSource(self.im)

        # We also want to flex the stack logic.
        self.n = 21
        im_stack = np.broadcast_to(self.im.data, (self.n, L, L))
        # make each image methodically different
        im_stack = np.multiply(im_stack, np.arange(self.n)[:, None, None])
        self.im_stack = Image(im_stack)
        self.img_src_stack = ArrayImageSource(self.im_stack)

        # Create a tmpdir object for this test instance
        self._tmpdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
        # Get the directory from the name attribute of the instance
        self.tmpdir = self._tmpdir.name
Exemplo n.º 18
 def vol_forward(self, vol, start, num):
     Apply forward image model to volume
     :param vol: A volume of size L-by-L-by-L.
     :param start: Start index of image to consider
     :param num: Number of images to consider
     :return: The images obtained from volume by projecting, applying CTFs, translating, and multiplying by the
     all_idx = np.arange(start, min(start + num, self.n))
     im = vol_project(vol, self.rots[all_idx, :, :])
     im = self.eval_filters(im, start, num)
     im = Image(im).shift(self.offsets[all_idx, :])
     im *= np.broadcast_to(self.amplitudes[all_idx],
                           (self.L, self.L, len(all_idx)))
     return im
Exemplo n.º 19
 def testFBBasis2DEvaluate_t(self):
     v = np.load(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "fbbasis_coefficients_8_8.npy")).T  # RCOPT
     # While FB can accept arrays, prefable to pass FB2D and FFB2D Image instances.
     img = Image(v.astype(self.dtype))
     result = self.basis.evaluate_t(img)
Exemplo n.º 20
    def testRotate(self):
        # Now low res (8x8) had problems;
        #  better with odd (7x7), but still not good.
        # We'll use a higher res test image.
        # fh = np.load(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'ffbbasis2d_xcoeff_in_8_8.npy'))[:7,:7]
        # Use a real data volume to generate a clean test image.
        v = Volume(
            np.load(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "clean70SRibosome_vol.npy")).astype(
        src = Simulation(L=v.resolution, n=1, vols=v, dtype=v.dtype)
        # Extract, this is the original image to transform.
        x1 = src.images(0, 1)

        # Rotate 90 degrees in cartesian coordinates.
        x2 = Image(np.rot90(x1.asnumpy(), axes=(1, 2)))

        # Express in an FB basis
        basis = FFBBasis2D((x1.res, ) * 2, dtype=x1.dtype)
        v1 = basis.evaluate_t(x1)
        v2 = basis.evaluate_t(x2)
        v3 = basis.evaluate_t(x1)
        v4 = basis.evaluate_t(x1)

        # Reflect in the FB basis space
        v4 = basis.rotate(v1, 0, refl=[True])

        # Rotate in the FB basis space
        v3 = basis.rotate(v1, 2 * np.pi)
        v1 = basis.rotate(v1, -np.pi / 2)

        # Evaluate back into cartesian
        y1 = basis.evaluate(v1)
        y2 = basis.evaluate(v2)
        y3 = basis.evaluate(v3)
        y4 = basis.evaluate(v4)

        # Rotate 90
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(y1[0], y2[0], atol=1e-4))

        # 2*pi Identity
            np.allclose(x1[0], y3[0], atol=utest_tolerance(self.dtype)))

        # Refl (flipped using flipud)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.flipud(x1[0]), y4[0], atol=1e-4))
Exemplo n.º 21
    def _images(self, start=0, num=np.inf, indices=None):
        if indices is None:
            indices = np.arange(start, min(start + num, self.n))
            start = indices.min()
        logger.info(f"Loading {len(indices)} images from STAR file")

        def load_single_mrcs(filepath, df):
            arr = mrcfile.open(filepath).data
            # if the stack only contains one image, arr will have shape (resolution, resolution)
            # the code below reshapes it to (1, resolution, resolution)
            if len(arr.shape) == 2:
                arr = arr.reshape((1,) + arr.shape)
            data = arr[df["__mrc_index"] - 1, :, :]

            return df.index, data

        n_workers = self.n_workers
        if n_workers < 0:
            n_workers = cpu_count() - 1

        df = self._metadata.loc[indices]
        im = np.empty(
            (len(indices), self._original_resolution, self._original_resolution),

        groups = df.groupby("__mrc_filepath")
        n_workers = min(n_workers, len(groups))

        with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(n_workers) as executor:
            to_do = []
            for filepath, _df in groups:
                future = executor.submit(load_single_mrcs, filepath, _df)

            for future in futures.as_completed(to_do):
                data_indices, data = future.result()
                im[data_indices - start] = data

        logger.info(f"Loading {len(indices)} images complete")

        return Image(im)
Exemplo n.º 22
    def images(self, start, num, *args, **kwargs):
        Return images from this ImageSource as an Image object.
        :param start: The inclusive start index from which to return images.
        :param num: The exclusive end index up to which to return images.
        :param args: Any additional positional arguments to pass on to the `ImageSource`'s underlying `_images` method.
        :param kwargs: Any additional keyword arguments to pass on to the `ImageSource`'s underlying `_images` method.
        :return: an `Image` object.
        indices = np.arange(start, min(start + num, self.n))

        if self._im is not None:
            logger.info(f'Loading images from cache')
            im = Image(self._im[:, :, indices])
            im = self._images(indices=indices, *args, **kwargs)
            im = self.generation_pipeline.forward(im, indices=indices)

        logger.info(f'Loaded {len(indices)} images')
        return im
Exemplo n.º 23
    def estimate_psd(self, blocks, tapers_1d):
        Estimate the power spectrum of the micrograph using the multi-taper method

        :param blocks: 3-D NumPy array containing windows extracted from the micrograph in the preprocess function.
        :param tapers_1d: NumPy array of data tapers.
        :return: NumPy array of estimated power spectrum.

        num_1d_tapers = tapers_1d.shape[-1]
        tapers_1d = tapers_1d.astype(complex_type(self.dtype), copy=False)

        blocks_mt = np.zeros(blocks[0, :, :].shape, dtype=self.dtype)

        blocks_tapered = np.zeros(blocks[0, :, :].shape,

        taper_2d = np.zeros((blocks.shape[1], blocks.shape[2]),

        for ax1 in range(num_1d_tapers):
            for ax2 in range(num_1d_tapers):
                    tapers_1d[:, ax1, np.newaxis],
                    tapers_1d[:, ax2, np.newaxis].T,

                for m in range(blocks.shape[0]):
                    np.multiply(blocks[m, :, :], taper_2d, out=blocks_tapered)
                    blocks_mt_post_fft = fft.fftn(blocks_tapered,
                                                  axes=(-2, -1))
                    blocks_mt += abs2(blocks_mt_post_fft)

        blocks_mt /= blocks.shape[0]**2
        blocks_mt /= tapers_1d.shape[0]**2

        amplitude_spectrum = fft.fftshift(
            blocks_mt)  # max difference 10^-13, max relative difference 10^-14

        return Image(amplitude_spectrum)
Exemplo n.º 24
    def __init__(self, im, metadata=None, angles=None):
        Initialize from an `Image` object
        :param im: An `Image` or Numpy array object representing image data served up by this `ImageSource`.
        In the case of a Numpy array, attempts to create an 'Image' object.
        :param metadata: A Dataframe of metadata information corresponding to this ImageSource's images
        :param angles: Optional n-by-3 array of rotation angles corresponding to `im`.

        if not isinstance(im, Image):
                "Attempting to create an Image object from Numpy array.")
                im = Image(im)
            except Exception as e:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Creating Image object from Numpy array failed."
                    f" Original error: {str(e)}")


        self._cached_im = im

        # Create filter indices, these are required to pass unharmed through filter eval code
        #   that is potentially called by other methods later.
        self.filter_indices = np.zeros(self.n)
        self.unique_filters = [IdentityFilter()]

        # Optionally populate angles/rotations.
        if angles is not None:
            if angles.shape != (self.n, 3):
                raise ValueError(f"Angles should be shape {(self.n, 3)}")
            # This will populate `_rotations`,
            #   which is exposed by properties `angles` and `rots`.
            self.angles = angles
Exemplo n.º 25
    def projections(self, start=0, num=np.inf, indices=None):
        Return projections of generated volumes, without applying filters/shifts/amplitudes/noise
        :param start: start index (0-indexed) of the start image to return
        :param num: Number of images to return. If None, *all* images are returned.
        :param indices: A numpy array of image indices. If specified, start and num are ignored.
        :return: An ndarray of shape (L, L, num), L being the size of each image.
        if indices is None:
            indices = np.arange(start, min(start + num, self.n))

        im = np.zeros((self.L, self.L, len(indices)))

        states = self.states[indices]
        unique_states = np.unique(states)
        for k in unique_states:
            vol_k = self.vols[:, :, :, k - 1]
            idx_k = np.where(states == k)[0]
            rot = self.rots[indices[idx_k], :, :]

            im_k = vol_project(vol_k, rot)
            im[:, :, idx_k] = im_k
        return Image(im)
Exemplo n.º 26
    def _read(self):
        with mrcfile.open(self.filepath, permissive=self.permissive) as mrc:
            im = mrc.data
            if im.dtype != self.dtype:
                logger.info(f"Micrograph read casting {self.filepath}"
                            f" data to {self.dtype} from {im.dtype}.")
                im = im.astype(self.dtype)

        # NOTE: For multiple mrc files, mrcfile returns an ndarray with
        # (shape n_images, height, width)

        # Discard outer pixels
        im = im[..., self.margin_top:-self.margin_bottom if self.
                margin_bottom is not None else None,
                self.margin_left:-self.margin_right if self.
                margin_right is not None else None, ]

        if self.square:
            side_length = min(im.shape[-2], im.shape[-1])
            im = im[..., :side_length, :side_length]

        if self.shrink_factor is not None:
            size = tuple((np.array(im.shape) /
            im = np.array(
                PILImage.fromarray(im).resize(size, PILImage.BICUBIC))

        if self.gauss_filter_size is not None:
            im = signal.correlate(

        self.im = Image(im)
        self.shape = self.im.shape
    def setUp(self):
        self.dtype = np.float32
        self.resolution = 8

        self.n = 1024

        # Generate a stack of images
        self.sim = sim = Simulation(
            # We'll use random angles
            offsets=np.zeros((self.n, 2)),  # No offsets
            amplitudes=np.ones((self.n)),  # Constant amplitudes

        # Expose images as numpy array.
        self.ims_np = sim.images(0, sim.n).asnumpy()
        self.im = Image(self.ims_np)

        # Vol estimation requires a 3D basis
        self.basis = FBBasis3D((self.resolution,) * 3, dtype=self.dtype)
Exemplo n.º 28
    def _images(self, start=0, num=np.inf, indices=None):
        if indices is None:
            indices = np.arange(start, min(start + num, self.n))
            start = indices.min()
        logger.info(f'Loading {len(indices)} images from STAR file')

        def load_single_mrcs(filepath, df):
            arr = mrcfile.open(filepath).data
            data = arr[df['__mrc_index'] - 1, :, :].T

            return df.index, data

        n_workers = self.n_workers
        if n_workers < 0:
            n_workers = cpu_count() - 1

        df = self._metadata.loc[indices]
        im = np.empty((self._original_resolution, self._original_resolution, len(indices)))

        groups = df.groupby('__mrc_filepath')
        n_workers = min(n_workers, len(groups))

        with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(n_workers) as executor:
            to_do = []
            for filepath, _df in groups:
                future = executor.submit(load_single_mrcs, filepath, _df)

            for future in futures.as_completed(to_do):
                data_indices, data = future.result()
                im[:, :, data_indices-start] = data

        logger.info(f'Loading {len(indices)} images complete')

        return Image(im)
Exemplo n.º 29
 def _images(self, start=0, num=np.inf, indices=None):
     if indices is None:
         indices = np.arange(start, min(start + num, self.n))
     return Image(self.im[:, :, indices])
Exemplo n.º 30
 def setUp(self):
     # numpy array for top-level functions that directly expect it
     self.im_np = misc.face(
         gray=True).astype('float64')[:768, :768][:, :, np.newaxis]
     # Independent Image object for testing Image methods
     self.im = Image(misc.face(gray=True).astype('float64')[:768, :768])