Exemplo n.º 1
def test_pmsqe_pit(n_src, sample_rate):
    # Define supported STFT
    if sample_rate == 16000:
        stft = Encoder(STFTFB(kernel_size=512, n_filters=512, stride=256))
        stft = Encoder(STFTFB(kernel_size=256, n_filters=256, stride=128))
    # Usage by itself
    ref, est = torch.randn(2, n_src, 16000), torch.randn(2, n_src, 16000)
    ref_spec = transforms.mag(stft(ref))
    est_spec = transforms.mag(stft(est))
    loss_func = PITLossWrapper(SingleSrcPMSQE(sample_rate=sample_rate), pit_from="pw_pt")
    # Assert forward ok.
    loss_func(est_spec, ref_spec)
Exemplo n.º 2
def make_model_and_optimizer(conf):
    """ Function to define the model and optimizer for a config dictionary.
        conf: Dictionary containing the output of hierachical argparse.
        model, optimizer.
    The main goal of this function is to make reloading for resuming
    and evaluation very simple.
    # Define building blocks for local model
    stft = Encoder(STFTFB(**conf['filterbank']))
    # Because we concatenate (re, im, mag) as input and compute a complex mask.
    if conf['main_args']['is_complex']:
        inp_size = int(stft.n_feats_out * 3 / 2)
        output_size = stft.n_feats_out
        inp_size = output_size = int(stft.n_feats_out / 2)
    # Add these fields to the mask model dict
    conf['masknet'].update(dict(input_size=inp_size, output_size=output_size))
    masker = SimpleModel(**conf['masknet'])
    # Make the complete model
    model = Model(stft, masker, is_complex=conf['main_args']['is_complex'])
    # Define optimizer of this model
    optimizer = make_optimizer(model.parameters(), **conf['optim'])
    return model, optimizer
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_pinv_of(fb_class):
    fb = fb_class(n_filters=500, kernel_size=16, stride=8)
    encoder = Encoder(fb)
    # Pseudo inverse can be taken from an Encoder/Decoder class or Filterbank.
    decoder_e = Decoder.pinv_of(encoder)
    decoder_f = Decoder.pinv_of(fb)
    assert_allclose(decoder_e.filters, decoder_f.filters)

    # Check filter computing
    inp = torch.randn(1, 1, 32000)
    _ = decoder_e(encoder(inp))

    decoder = Decoder(fb)
    # Pseudo inverse can be taken from an Encoder/Decoder class or Filterbank.
    encoder_e = Encoder.pinv_of(decoder)
    encoder_f = Encoder.pinv_of(fb)
    assert_allclose(encoder_e.filters, encoder_f.filters)
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_stft_def(fb_config):
    """ Check consistency between two calls."""
    fb = STFTFB(**fb_config)
    enc = Encoder(fb)
    dec = Decoder(fb)
    enc2, dec2 = make_enc_dec('stft', **fb_config)
    testing.assert_allclose(enc.filterbank.filters, enc2.filterbank.filters)
    testing.assert_allclose(dec.filterbank.filters, dec2.filterbank.filters)
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_pmsqe(sample_rate):
    # Define supported STFT
    if sample_rate == 16000:
        stft = Encoder(STFTFB(kernel_size=512, n_filters=512, stride=256))
        stft = Encoder(STFTFB(kernel_size=256, n_filters=256, stride=128))
    # Usage by itself
    ref, est = torch.randn(2, 1, 16000), torch.randn(2, 1, 16000)
    ref_spec = transforms.mag(stft(ref))
    est_spec = transforms.mag(stft(est))
    loss_func = SingleSrcPMSQE(sample_rate=sample_rate)
    loss_value = loss_func(est_spec, ref_spec)
    # Assert output has shape (batch,)
    assert loss_value.shape[0] == ref.shape[0]
    # Assert support for transposed inputs.
    tr_loss_value = loss_func(est_spec.transpose(1, 2), ref_spec.transpose(1, 2))
    assert_allclose(loss_value, tr_loss_value)
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_fb_def_and_forward(fb_class, fb_config):
    """ Test filterbank defintion and encoder/decoder forward."""
    # Definition
    enc = Encoder(fb_class(**fb_config))
    dec = Decoder(fb_class(**fb_config))
    # Forward
    inp = torch.randn(1, 1, 32000)
    tf_out = enc(inp)
    out = dec(tf_out)
    # 4d forward + unit test
    tf_out_4d = tf_out.repeat(1, 2, 1, 1)
    out_4d = dec(tf_out_4d)
    assert_allclose(out, out_4d[:, 0])
    # Get config tests
    dec_config = dec.get_config()
    enc_config = enc.get_config()
    # N feats out test
    assert tf_out.shape[1] == enc.filterbank.n_feats_out
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_griffinlim(fb_config, feed_istft, feed_angle):
    stft = Encoder(STFTFB(**fb_config))
    istft = None if not feed_istft else Decoder(STFTFB(**fb_config))
    wav = torch.randn(2, 1, 8000)
    spec = stft(wav)
    tf_mask = torch.sigmoid(torch.randn_like(spec))
    masked_spec = spec * tf_mask
    mag = transforms.take_mag(masked_spec, -2)
    angles = None if not feed_angle else transforms.angle(masked_spec, -2)
    griffin_lim(mag, stft, angles=angles, istft_dec=istft, n_iter=3)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self, fb_conf, mask_conf):
        self.n_src = mask_conf['n_src']
        self.n_filters = fb_conf['n_filters']
        # Create TasNet encoders and decoders (could use nn.Conv1D as well)
        self.encoder_sig = Encoder(FreeFB(**fb_conf))
        self.encoder_relu = Encoder(FreeFB(**fb_conf))
        self.decoder = Decoder(FreeFB(**fb_conf))
        self.bn_layer = GlobLN(fb_conf['n_filters'])

        # Create TasNet masker
        self.masker = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(2 * mask_conf['n_units'], self.n_src * self.n_filters),
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_fb_def_and_forward_all_dims(fb_class, fb_config):
    """ Test encoder/decoder on other shapes than 3D"""
    # Definition
    enc = Encoder(fb_class(**fb_config))
    dec = Decoder(fb_class(**fb_config))

    # 3D Forward with one channel
    inp = torch.randn(3, 1, 32000)
    tf_out = enc(inp)
    assert tf_out.shape[:2] == (3, enc.filterbank.n_feats_out)
    out = dec(tf_out)
    assert out.shape[:-1] == inp.shape[:-1]  # Time axis can differ
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_melgram_encoder(n_filters, n_mels, ndim):
    n_mels = n_mels if n_mels is not None else n_filters // 2 + 1
    melgram_fb = MelGramFB(n_filters=n_filters,
    enc = Encoder(melgram_fb)
    tensor_shape = tuple([random.randint(2, 3)
                          for _ in range(ndim - 1)]) + (4000, )
    wav = torch.randn(tensor_shape)
    mel_spec = enc(wav)
    assert wav.shape[:-1] == mel_spec.shape[:-2]
    assert mel_spec.shape[-2] == n_mels
    conf = melgram_fb.get_config()
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_fb_forward_multichannel(fb_class, fb_config, ndim):
    """ Test encoder/decoder in multichannel setting"""
    # Definition
    enc = Encoder(fb_class(**fb_config))
    dec = Decoder(fb_class(**fb_config))
    # 3D Forward with several channels
    tensor_shape = tuple([random.randint(2, 4)
                          for _ in range(ndim)]) + (4000, )
    inp = torch.randn(tensor_shape)
    tf_out = enc(inp)
    assert tf_out.shape[:ndim + 1] == (tensor_shape[:-1] +
                                       (enc.filterbank.n_feats_out, ))
    out = dec(tf_out)
    assert out.shape[:-1] == inp.shape[:-1]  # Time axis can differ
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_perfect_resyn_window(fb_config, analysis_window_name):
    """ Unit test perfect reconstruction """
    kernel_size = fb_config["kernel_size"]
    window = get_window(analysis_window_name, kernel_size)

    enc = Encoder(STFTFB(**fb_config, window=window))
    # Compute window for perfect resynthesis
    synthesis_window = perfect_synthesis_window(enc.filterbank.window,
    dec = Decoder(STFTFB(**fb_config, window=synthesis_window))
    inp_wav = torch.ones(1, 1, 32000)
    out_wav = dec(enc(inp_wav))[:, :, kernel_size:-kernel_size]
    inp_test = inp_wav[:, :, kernel_size:-kernel_size]
    testing.assert_allclose(inp_test, out_wav)
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_misi(fb_config, feed_istft, feed_angle):
    stft = Encoder(STFTFB(**fb_config))
    istft = None if not feed_istft else Decoder(STFTFB(**fb_config))
    n_src = 3
    # Create mixture
    wav = torch.randn(2, 1, 8000)
    spec = stft(wav).unsqueeze(1)
    # Create n_src masks on mixture spec and apply them
    shape = list(spec.shape)
    shape[1] *= n_src
    tf_mask = torch.sigmoid(torch.randn(*shape))
    masked_specs = spec * tf_mask
    # Separate mag and angle.
    mag = transforms.take_mag(masked_specs, -2)
    angles = None if not feed_angle else transforms.angle(masked_specs, -2)
    est_wavs = misi(wav, mag, stft, angles=angles, istft_dec=istft, n_iter=2)
    # We actually don't know the last dim because ISTFT(STFT()) cuts the end
    assert est_wavs.shape[:-1] == (2, n_src)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def __init__(self,

        if windows_size is None:
            windows_size = [2048, 1024, 512, 256, 128, 64, 32]
        if n_filters is None:
            n_filters = [2048, 1024, 512, 256, 128, 64, 32]
        if hops_size is None:
            hops_size = [1024, 512, 256, 128, 64, 32, 16]

        self.windows_size = windows_size
        self.n_filters = n_filters
        self.hops_size = hops_size
        self.alpha = alpha

        self.encoders = nn.ModuleList(
            Encoder(STFTFB(n_filters[i], windows_size[i], hops_size[i]))
            for i in range(len(self.n_filters)))
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_fb_def_and_forward_lowdim(fb_class, fb_config):
    """ Test filterbank definition and encoder/decoder forward."""
    # Definition
    enc = Encoder(fb_class(**fb_config))
    dec = Decoder(fb_class(**fb_config))
    # Forward
    inp = torch.randn(1, 1, 16000)
    tf_out = enc(inp)
    # Assert for 2D inputs
    with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
        # STFT(2D) gives 3D and iSTFT(3D) gives 3D. UserWarning about that.
        assert_allclose(enc(inp), enc(inp[0]))
    # Assert for 1D inputs
    assert_allclose(enc(inp)[0], enc(inp[0, 0]))

    out = dec(tf_out)
    # Assert for 4D inputs
    tf_out_4d = tf_out.repeat(1, 2, 1, 1)
    out_4d = dec(tf_out_4d)
    assert_allclose(out, out_4d[:, 0])
    # Asser for 2D inputs
    assert_allclose(out[0, 0], dec(tf_out[0]))
    assert tf_out.shape[1] == enc.filterbank.n_feats_out