Exemplo n.º 1
    def render(self, template_name, data={}):
        """Renders the template in the site wide manner.

        Retrieves the template data needed for the base template (login URL and
        text, user information, etc.) and merges it with the data passed to the
        method. Templates are retrieved from the template directory specified
        in the settings and appended with the suffix ".html"

        template_name: the name of the template. this is the file name of the
                       template without the .html extension.

        data: a dictionary containing data to be passed to the template.
        (login_text, login_url) = auth.login_logout(self.request)

        if auth.logged_in():
            data['user'] = auth.User(auth.current_user())

        data['admin'] = auth.user_is_admin()
        data['login_url'] = login_url
        data['login_text'] = login_text
        data['messages'] = Messages.get()

        path = os.path.join(settings.BASE_DIR, settings.TEMPLATE_DIR,
                        "%s.html" % template_name)

        return self.response.out.write(template.render(path, data))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def render(self, template_name, data={}):
        """Renders the template in the site wide manner.
        Retrieves the template data needed for the base template (login URL and
        text, user information, etc.) and merges it with the data passed to the
        method. Templates are retrieved from the template directory specified in
        the settings and appended with the suffix ".html"
        template_name: the name of the template. this is the file name of the
                       template without the .html extension.

        data: a dictionary containing data to be passed to the template.
        (login_text, login_url) = auth.login_logout(self.request)
        data['uri_for'] = webapp2.uri_for

        data['user'] = auth.current_user()
        data['admin'] = auth.user_is_admin()
        data['login_url'] = login_url
        data['login_text'] = login_text
        template = jinja.get_template(template_name + '.html')
        return self.response.out.write(template.render(data))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def render(self, template_name, data={}):
        """Renders the template in the site wide manner.
        Retrieves the template data needed for the base template (login URL and
        text, user information, etc.) and merges it with the data passed to the
        method. Templates are retrieved from the template directory specified in
        the settings and appended with the suffix ".html"
        template_name: the name of the template. this is the file name of the
                       template without the .html extension.

        data: a dictionary containing data to be passed to the template.
        (login_text, login_url) = auth.login_logout(self.request)

        data['uri_for'] = webapp2.uri_for

        data['user'] = auth.current_user()
        data['admin'] = auth.user_is_admin()
        data['login_url'] = login_url
        data['login_text'] = login_text

        template = jinja.get_template(template_name + '.html')
        return self.response.out.write(template.render(data))
Exemplo n.º 4
def ideas(request):
    if request.method == "GET":
        (login_text, login_url) = auth.login_logout(request)

        idea_list = Idea.objects.all().order_by("-post_time")
        return basic_response(
            {"admin": auth.user_is_admin(), "ideas": idea_list, "login_url": login_url, "login_text": login_text},
    elif request.method == "POST":
        idea = Idea()
        idea.name = request.POST["name"]
        idea.description = request.POST["description"]
        idea.author = auth.current_user()
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("apps.views.ideas"))
        raise Http404