Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_num_to_counter_negative(self):
        """Test Otp.num_to_counter().

        Check that an exception is raised if a negative
        value is passed to num_to_counter().

        cut = HOTP()
        num = -1
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_num_to_counter_too_large(self):
        """Test Otp.num_to_counter().

        Check that an exception is raised if a very
        value is passed to num_to_counter().

        cut = HOTP()
        num = 2**64
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_num_to_counter_too_large(self):
        """Test Otp.num_to_counter().

        Check that an exception is raised if a very
        value is passed to num_to_counter().

        cut = HOTP()
        num = 2**64
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_num_to_counter_not_number(self):
        """Test Otp.num_to_counter().

        Check that an exception is raised if a non-numeric
        value is passed to num_to_counter().

        cut = HOTP()
        num = "abcd"
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_num_to_counter_negative(self):
        """Test Otp.num_to_counter().

        Check that an exception is raised if a negative
        value is passed to num_to_counter().

        cut = HOTP()
        num = -1
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_num_to_counter_not_number(self):
        """Test Otp.num_to_counter().

        Check that an exception is raised if a non-numeric
        value is passed to num_to_counter().

        cut = HOTP()
        num = "abcd"
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_num_to_counter_float(self):
        """Test Otp.num_to_counter().

        Check that floating point values work.

        cut = HOTP()
        counter = cut.num_to_counter(12345678.9)
        self.assertEqual(bytes.fromhex("0000000000bc614e"), counter)
        for i in range(0, 10):
            counter = cut.num_to_counter(i + 0.6)
            self.assertEqual(self.expected[i][0], counter)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_num_to_counter_float(self):
        """Test Otp.num_to_counter().

        Check that floating point values work.

        cut = HOTP()
        counter = cut.num_to_counter(12345678.9)
        self.assertEqual(bytes.fromhex("0000000000bc614e"), counter)
        for i in range(0, 10):
            counter = cut.num_to_counter(i + 0.6)
            self.assertEqual(self.expected[i][0], counter)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_num_to_counter(self):
        """Test Otp.num_to_counter().

        Check that various integer values work. Includes large
        and small values.

        cut = HOTP()
        counter = cut.num_to_counter(2**63 + 7)
        self.assertEqual(bytes.fromhex("8000000000000007"), counter)
        for i in range(0, 10):
            counter = cut.num_to_counter(i)
            self.assertEqual(self.expected[i][0], counter)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_num_to_counter(self):
        """Test Otp.num_to_counter().

        Check that various integer values work. Includes large
        and small values.

        cut = HOTP()
        counter = cut.num_to_counter(2 ** 63 + 7)
        self.assertEqual(bytes.fromhex("8000000000000007"), counter)
        for i in range(0, 10):
            counter = cut.num_to_counter(i)
            self.assertEqual(self.expected[i][0], counter)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def reference_generate_code_from_time(self, secret_key):
        """Reference implementation of generate_code_from_time method.

        A reference/alternate implementation of Otp.generate_code_from_time()
        which is to be used to generate expected values for unit tests.

            A tuple containing:
                * The time-based OTP, as a string of digits.
                * The integer number of seconds remaining in the current

        import time
        import datetime
        from hashlib import sha1
        import hmac

        cut = HOTP()
        # message := current Unix time ÷ 30
        local_now = datetime.datetime.now()
        seconds_now = time.mktime(local_now.timetuple())
        intervals = seconds_now // 30
        remaining_seconds = seconds_now - (intervals * 30)
        message = cut.num_to_counter(intervals)
        # hash := HMAC-SHA1(key, message)
        hmac = hmac.new(secret_key, message, sha1)
        hash = hmac.hexdigest()
        # offset := last nibble of hash
        offset = int("0" + hash[-1], 16)
        offset *= 2
        # truncated_hash := hash[offset..offset+3]
        # (that is 4 bytes starting at the offset)
        truncated_hash = hash[offset:offset + (4 * 2)]
        # Set the first bit of truncated_hash to zero
        # (remove the most significant bit)
        new_high_order_byte = hex(
            int(truncated_hash[0:2], 16) & int('7F', 16))[2:]
        new_high_order_byte = \
            "0" * (2 - len(new_high_order_byte)) + new_high_order_byte
        truncated_hash = new_high_order_byte + truncated_hash[2:]
        # code := truncated_hash mod 1000000
        int_hash = int(truncated_hash, 16)
        code = int_hash % 1000000
        # pad code with 0 until length of code is 6
        code_string = str(code)
        code_string = "0" * (6 - len(code_string)) + code_string
        # return code
        return code_string, int(30 - remaining_seconds)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def reference_generate_code_from_time(self, secret_key):
        """Reference implementation of generate_code_from_time method.

        A reference/alternate implementation of Otp.generate_code_from_time()
        which is to be used to generate expected values for unit tests.

            A tuple containing:
                * The time-based OTP, as a string of digits.
                * The integer number of seconds remaining in the current

        import time
        import datetime
        from hashlib import sha1
        import hmac

        cut = HOTP()
        # message := current Unix time ÷ 30
        local_now = datetime.datetime.now()
        seconds_now = time.mktime(local_now.timetuple())
        intervals = seconds_now // 30
        remaining_seconds = seconds_now - (intervals * 30)
        message = cut.num_to_counter(intervals)
        # hash := HMAC-SHA1(key, message)
        hmac = hmac.new(secret_key, message, sha1)
        hash = hmac.hexdigest()
        # offset := last nibble of hash
        offset = int("0" + hash[-1], 16)
        offset *= 2
        # truncated_hash := hash[offset..offset+3]
        # (that is 4 bytes starting at the offset)
        truncated_hash = hash[offset: offset + (4 * 2)]
        # Set the first bit of truncated_hash to zero
        # (remove the most significant bit)
        new_high_order_byte = hex(
            int(truncated_hash[0:2], 16) & int('7F', 16))[2:]
        new_high_order_byte = \
            "0" * (2 - len(new_high_order_byte)) + new_high_order_byte
        truncated_hash = new_high_order_byte + truncated_hash[2:]
        # code := truncated_hash mod 1000000
        int_hash = int(truncated_hash, 16)
        code = int_hash % 1000000
        # pad code with 0 until length of code is 6
        code_string = str(code)
        code_string = "0" * (6 - len(code_string)) + code_string
        # return code
        return code_string, int(30 - remaining_seconds)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def test_hmac_from_counter(self):
        """Test Otp.generate_hmac().

        Check that expected HMAC-SHA-1 digest values are produced.

        cut = HOTP()
        for i in range(0, 10):
            counter = cut.num_to_counter(i)
            actual_hmac = cut.generate_hmac(self.secret, counter)
            self.assertEqual(self.expected[i][1], actual_hmac)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def test_hmac_from_counter(self):
        """Test Otp.generate_hmac().

        Check that expected HMAC-SHA-1 digest values are produced.

        cut = HOTP()
        for i in range(0, 10):
            counter = cut.num_to_counter(i)
            actual_hmac = cut.generate_hmac(self.secret, counter)
            self.assertEqual(self.expected[i][1], actual_hmac)